After the Storm

Story by The Pups on SoFurry

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#1 of After the Storm

Ok, So, I haven't been writing for a while and I have removed my previous (lame) stories. I am trying something new so feedback would be really appreciated. this is only the first chapter. I have already written chapter two but will only put it up if you lovely furs enjoy this chapter. I'm not a good writer and not that great at grammar or all the other things a 'writer' need to make a good story, so I got some help from TiggyTiger. please check out his page! (its worth it!)

So here is the first chapter of After the Storm.


A young wolf is sprinting home from school.

"shit! Go, Go, Go!"

As you can see by the clouds there is a storm coming. From the forecast on his phone and the lack of reception, it's a big one.

"fuck man, c'mon!"

He lives an hour away from school and judging by the rain that is now falling onto his fur, he will not be making it home in time... unless he goes through the bush.

"it ain't wise but it'll cut my time in half"

The wolf heads for the trees. Leaping over tall grasses and fallen logs, he makes his way through the scrub. There are strong winds pushing through the trees and ice cold rain blinding his path. All of a sudden lightning strikes down only meters from him, forcing the wolf to run in the other direction.


He leaps over a log and sprints through the tall grass. Panic is filling his chest as he starts to cry.

"fuck, im gonna die out here"

The grass opens up to an open field. He looks up and notices the clouds. They are swirling! Not like a tornado or anything but just spinning slowly. He looks closely at the center of the clouds. It was dark, dark like the night sky. As he focused at the darkness through the wind and rain, a lightning bolf shot down and stuck only a few feet next to him.


He screamed and ran for the tree line. as he ran, bolts were hitting the ground behind him, each one getting closer. He dived out towards the trees. He was struck in the back, his body surged with electricity as he screamed in pain. He was launched through the air into the trees, hitting branches as he ragdolled through them. He finally slammed into the side of a tree causing the bark to spark into flame as he hit. The young wolf fell to the ground... lifeless.

There lay a wolf, only 19 years of age. A hole was burnt in his uniform where the bolt had struck and his fur was either singed, nearly to ash or missing. Smoke was slowly rising from his body as he layed there. As the storm continued, the lightning stopped and the rain settled, the clouds moved on and the sun came out. But the wolf remained.

Was this the fate of the poor wolf or was he destined for something more?

This is only the beginning.

3 weeks later:

I heard muffled voices. I couldn't make out what or who's they were but what I did hear clearly was beeping noises... a lot of beeping.... and air? Air being slowly pushed through pipes. I couldn't open my eyes. It felt like something was holding them closed, I couldn't move my body either. (God that beeping is annoying, someone turn it off. Why is it getting faster? What is going on?) I head the voices stop for a moment then get louder. I felt someone touch my arm but who was it?

I felt pressure on my eyes as something sticky was slowly peeled from them, it felt better to be honest but what was to come next wasn't very pleasant. I felt something in my throat move. Apparently that noisy pipe was in my throat. I must have been on a breathing machine. But why? In fact, I just realized I was in a hospital! Why am I in a hospital?

The voices slowly became clearer

"hmmm hum brr hmmm me"

God that sounds weird

"hmm oooo eeerrrr me"

What Is going on?

"can you hear me?"

I opened my eyes. All I saw for the moment was a bright light but I could slightly see a figure. I just stared as it became clear to me. It was a doctor, a male fox. He had the typical red fur but where the white usually was it was black and he had an ear piercing on his right ear. It was a silver bar. These thing usually don't look good but it suited him.

The fox spoke. "can you hear me?"

I waited a moment and slowly nodded in response but cringed straight away from feeling a sharp pain in my neck. The fox had a worried look on his face and pulled up a syringe.

I eyeballed this thing, it was huge and didn't look friendly, then again no needle in existence looks nice.

"it's ok, it's for the pain. Im going to put it in your drip"

I just stared and watched the needle go up to my drip and empty its contents inside

"there that should help with the pain. Now I'll be back in a moment, when the drugs kick in well test your sences"

With that he left the room. I waited a moment as I was able to move my head. I looked around the room I was in. it was white, well lighted and my bed sheets were green. There were some flowers on the side table, some were fresh and some were wilted. I guess who ever put them there knows me.

A few minutes passed and my doctor came back in, he noticed I was looking around and not in pain. He smiled at the fact. He came to the end of my bed and pulled up a clipboard.

"ok, so let's do some tests"

He pulled out his pen and held it above his head.

"ok now, can you turn your head to follow the pen?"

I slowly looked up at the pen.

"good, now to the right"

I followed it

"good, left?"

Followed that too


This test is annoying...

"ok good so you have your head movements down, and you obviously can hear me. Is that correct?"

I nodded

"ok now, we need to see if your nerves are ok."

He walked up towards the head of the bed and put his finger on my ears. They twitched and he wrote on the clipboard. Pen on my chest, so I nodded.

"looking good so far, can you speak?"

I looked at him and slowly opened my maw.


He smiled "ok now, I need to see if you can remember anything. Do you know the year?"

"ttt-two thousand and th-thirt-teen"

"good. The day?"

"T-Tuesday the F-fifth"

He looked at me with a sad expression. And my face went south as well.

"what's w-wrong?'

"it's Thursday... the 28th. You have been unconscious for 3 weeks"

"n-no that's I'm-possible"

"it's the truth I'm afraid"

A tear came from my eye as I stared down at my paws. I then realized that they were wrapped up

"what happened to me?"

"someone found you, you were dea... unconscious"

I glared at him, this time I'm asking the questions.

"what happened to me?"

"it's best if you don't ask that now.."

I yelled at him


His ears went flat. He sat down on the chair next to my bed

"you don't remember what happened?"

"N-no I don't"

"do you know your name?"

I froze when he asked that. Why did I freeze? It was a simple question. But why couldn't I answer it? Do I know who I am.... Or don't I? I started to tear up.

"do you know your name?" he asked


The doctor covered his mouth and his eyes started tearing up aswell

"w-who am I?"

He pulled up his folder

"Your name is Anthony L, you are 19 years old, and you were born on the 22 of August 1994."

I looked down at my wrapped paws again. How did I not know that?

"What happened to me?"

He took a deep breath and took off my wraps. What I saw was one of the most frightening things I've seen, Even though I was nearly fully healed. My paws and arms were burnt.

"you were struck by lightning. And out of it you must have been injured another way as well because you had fractured ribs. You are lucky to be alive."

"why did you hesitate telling me before?"

He froze again "on the report I received, they revived you in the ambulance. When they found you.... You were deceased for 3 hours"

"c'mon, that has to be a joke"

"I don't joke about these things..."

I saw the look on his face, he was serious. The doctor turned around and headed toward the door.

"we would like to keep you here for a day or two. Then your parents will be able to take you home"

My heart stopped at what he said. Who are my parents?

I tried to get up but failed. I was so tired and sore, I guess the drugs had worn off a bit. I layed back in my bed and rested my head on the pillow.

"man, these pillows suck"

I closed my eyes and fell asleep. The next thing a know, it was very dark. I felt cold, I started to walk into the darkness. As I was walking I felt the wind blow against me. It was pushing me back. I was fighting against it but it was no use, it lifted me off my feet and threw me in the air. As I fell, I could see I was heading towards something. It looked like water, but it was greenish. I tried to scream but no words came out. I fell dawn towards a grass field and smashed into the ground, dirt and dust lifted upon impact. I slowly lifted myself up.

*cough, cough* "what the?"

I looked up and the darkness was replaced with a storm and it was getting stronger, as I looked aroung I heard the crash of lightning and turned around instantly. It had struck a tree stump and set it alight. I stared at it for a time wondering if I should approach it. I figured that since it was a dream I should be fine. So I walked toward the flame. I stopped no more than a few feet away, I reached out to it.

"this is so gonna hurt"

I put my paw into the fire, and to my surprise, I didn't get burnt. Obviously you don't feel pain in dreams but you usually see the effects of what it can do straight away, but my fur didn't burn. It was like nothing at all. Suddenly the fire expanded rapidly and my body was engulfed in flames. I shouted in surprise but it still didn't burn and very slowly the flame disappeared into the wind.

This was a very bazar dream. Everything went black and I awoke in the hospital bed and I heard a female voice.

"babe, he's waking up"

I slowly opened my eyes and yawned. I turned my head to see a white female husky with black ears and paw markings. She had a really big smile on her face and was also tearing up. It was a bit creepy actually. She quickly leaned over me and hugged my tightly. I was surprised, I didn't even know the woman. Over her shoulder I saw another figure. A male wolf, tall and very dark. He looked very intimidating, like he would defiantly kill me if I did wrong to him. He smiled at me and in a deep voice he said

"welcome back son"

Son? Is he talking about me? Who are these people and why are they here? I needed some answers.


The woman let me go and sat back in her chair holding her paws over her maw. She looked very happy, and so did he.

"so umm... forgive me but I'm not really good with names"

I saw their faces go from happy to complete blankness

"who are you both?"

The male wolf shook his head and laughed

"hahaha good one mate, but seriously, you ok boy?"

"I am serious. Who are you two? I have no memory of you both!"

The white husky started to cry as she turned to the large wolf. He looked back to her with a confused look and turned back to me.

"we're your parents... do you remember us"

I shook my head

His eyes started to tear up and he took a few steps towards me. I reacted instantly. I put out my paw is a defensive manner and backed up on the bed

"stay away from me!"

His voice went soft


I started to tear up, more of the fact that I was getting scared. I did not know these people.

"j-just stay away from me! I don't know you! And I don't know her!"

I pointed to them both. The shocked. He didn't speak, all that was heard were the cries from the husky woman. I heard the door open and my doctor from yesterday walked in. He looked at me then to the strangers in the room. I jumped out of my bed and backed into a corner.

"doc, who are these people?"

"ssssshhhhhh, its ok Anthony, they are your parents, they are here to take you home early"

"I don't know them, get them out of here!"

"Anthony, you have lost some of your memory. It's going to take some time to remember. You need to calm down"

"I'll calm down once they are gone"

He sighed and pulled out a needle

"whats that for?" said the dark wolf holding his wife

"it's a sedative, we need Anthony to calm down"


The doctor slowly stepped toward me needle in hand

"give me your arm boy"

"BACK OFF!" I yelled

"That's no option Anthony, we need you to calm down now"

He lunged toward me. I guessed I saw it coming because the next thing I saw was my right paw reached out and came over his paw to grab his wrist. My left paw came up on the inside of his elbow, with that I pushed is wrist down and inward to stab the needle into his chest. I didn't even want to do that, but my body just reacted. I panicked as I let go of the doctor and he fell to the floor.

"Oh fuck" I whispered to myself.

The others just stared in silence as to what I just did. I looked back at them, and without a word I ran out the door. Sprinting through the hallways making my way through doctors and patients I heard a voice on the loud speaker. I didn't pay much attention to it because it was obviously meant for me. I heard someone yell; I turned and saw security after me. I don't know what's going on. What's with these people?

I kept of running, pushing through crowds of people until I saw the front doors. I ran and pushed through them. When I got out there, security was already waiting for me.

"stand down kid" a horse said holding a Taser.

I stood there looking around at these people, there were about 5 of them standing around me with Tasers pointed at me. I looked down at my chest and saw the red dots on me. These guys were serious.

"I'm going to count to 3. If you don't get on the ground, you WILL be Tased."

I looked at him and shook my head


"you're crazy!"


"what's with you all?"

I looked at him and he had no sign of mercy on his face. These guys meant business. I looked down at the floor and zoned out for a moment. 'this is going to hurt' I thought to myself. 'but im not backing down from this, I didn't do anything'. I looked back at him. He didn't say anything, like he was giving me a chance to surrender. I finally spoke.

"go to hell..."


He yelled out and pulled the trigger, I felt the pegs punch into my skin. It stung a bit but that's the least of my worries. i shut my eyes waiting for the electricity to drop me to the ground. I waited, and waited. But nothing happened. Maybe I was already out cold and this was like a limbo. But I was snapped back to reality when I heard the security guy yell. I opened my eyes to see that I have been Tased, but I felt nothing. He motioned the others to fire. I looked at each of them fire at me and all I felt were the pegs puncturing my skin, but no shock. This was really weird.

I should be on the ground flopping like a fish right now, but why wasn't I? man these past two day have been pretty screwed. I felt a sharp pinch in my back, my eye sight started to darken slightly but then I was overpowered by the intense voltage rushing through my body.


I screamed, the shocking stopped and I fell to the floor. Fuck that hurt, oh well, shit happens I guess.

I slowly woke up again, this time I was totally screwed. By body was aching all over. I tried to get up, but failed. My arms and legs were bound to the bed. Great, I'm a bloody mental patient now. I turned my head to see the dark wolf sitting in the corner of the room going through what looked like some paperwork. He looked at me

"hey boy"

"old man" I sighed

"hey! Im not old. I just have some grey hair issues" he said with what sounded like sarcasm

I laughed to myself

"and what do you want now?"

"I am here to help in any way I can to get you to remember"

"so that's what the paperwork is about?"

"correct boy o'. right, tell me what you know already"

"my name, age, date of birth.... And date of death apparently"

The wolf closed his eyes when I said that. It seemed to hurt him badly

"my name Is Ed, I am your father. The white husky you met earlier was your mother Susan. Last we heard from you was this phone audio phone message. Unfortunately I didn't answer in time."

He played the message on loud speaker.

"Hey dad, mums phone is playing up so I called you, obviously you didn't answer it you mug, any way I just left school. There is a storm coming and I'm on my way home. I'll call you when I get there. Love you, bye"

A tear came from my eye, that was definitely my voice and this guy is definitely my dad. But I don't remember him. This is driving me nuts.

"I'm going to unbind you, ok"

I nodded and he walked over and took me out of my restraints. Instantly I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I am so sorry dad, so very sorry. I don't remember a thing about my life and I'm scared. I don't know what's going on"

He hugged me back

"it's ok son everything will be ok. I'm here to take you home"

"where's umm... mum?"

"she's home waiting for us. Let's get going"

With that, he filled out some paperwork, got in the car and headed home. It wasn't very far, only like 30 minutes. As we were driving he slowed the car down.

"this is where we found you"

I looked out the window and saw nothing but trees and bush land.


"Mhmm. You were about a kilometer in there"

"shit really? Why?"

"beats me, you must have had your reasons. My guess is you were trying to beat the storm"

I just stared at the trees. Dad patted my leg and drove off again. We made it home, and mum was waiting for us.

When the car pulled up I got out. Before I closed th door mum come running over and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"hey mum, sorry I don't remember but hopefully I will soon"

She kissed my cheek and we all went inside. I was hoping that when I stepped in, the sights or the smell would bring back some memories but... it didn't. they gave me the tour of the place. It was upsetting a bit for not knowing my own home. They finally ended it at my room. Everything was neat and tidy.

"just the way you left it. And your stuff is on the bed" dad said

"thanks guys, umm can I have a moment please?"

"sure thing baby" said mum.

And they both left. I closed my door and turned around. Looked at my shelves and my dresser. All of the stuff on it looked like it belonged to a high school student. I sighed, I turned to my bed and saw my bag. I walked over to pick it up, it was heavy. It was black in some spots, I pulled it to my nose and gave it a sniff.

"Yep, definitely burns marks"

I opened it up and found my phone, I went to turn it on but the battery was dead. I opened my door and went to the kitchen. There was mum making some dinner. Dad was at the table reading a car magazine.

"hey mum, do you have a plug for this?"

I held up my phone so she could see

"yeah, next to the kettle"

"Where's that?"

She giggled and pointed it out


I walked to the plug and charged my phone. While I waited I went to get a drink from the fridge. I grabbed a can of Solo lemonade and sat down by my phone. I took a few sips.

"god, that's better"

"what hun?" said mum

"fed through a drip for 3 weeks, a solo makes my day"

Mum laughed. Just as I went to look at my phone, the screen came to life. Quickly I turned it on and saw that I had 7 unread messages. A few were from mum and dad asking where I was and the rest were from someone listed as 'kitten'. I grabbed my phone and went back to my room. I read one of the messages

"where are you? You said you were going to call me when you got to your parents"

The rest were the usual "where are you" but the last one read "rest in peace sweetheart"

"Rest in peace? What the fuck?" I whispered.

I went into my contacts and called the number. I heard the dialing tone, then someone picked up. It was a guy, but he were crying


Then he hung up.

"wow" I gasped

"who the fuck was that?"

I layed on my bed.


I could smell something on my bed it smelt.... Familiar. But what could it be?

"DINNER!!!" mum called


I got up and went to the dining room. There was homemade meat pie, salad and steak.

"I just died and went to heaven"

They both looked at me

".....sorry, bad joke"

They both shrugged it off and we all started eating. We talked for a while till we were finished, dad was on about this car that was in the magazine and GOD was it boring. After dinner I said goodnight and went to bed. I didn't have a dream that night so I just slept through to morning.

"wake up dude!" I heard mum say, knocking on my door.

"ok mum, give me a few"

"ok baby, we have something to talk about too"


I heard her walk to the kitchen. Man that was a great sleep. Better than that hospital bed, although I could still smell that weird scent on my sheets, and to be honest it spread throughout my room. Like someone else was in here. I got out of bed and got dressed. I went to my draws and found a pair of briefs, light blue jeans and a black tank top which was really tight. It looked good on me actually, I must have been into the way I looked before the accident. I left my room and went to the kitchen. Mum and dad were both sitting at the table holding a letter.

"hey guys....umm what's that?" I said motioning at it

"it's a letter from your college hun, they want you to come back and announce to everyone at an assembly that you are back. People there still think you are dead." She said with a shaky voice

"I'm in college?" I said bluntly

They both giggled and dad spoke up

"heh yeah, yeah you are"

I smiled "wow, im surprised. We should go then!"

"Are you sure?"

"yeah mum I am, and besides. Maybe seeing someone there might bring back some memories"

"well there's another thing you should know. No one knows you're coming back so my guess is that they are going to surprise everyone at the gathering"

"well then, let's go!"

After that I grabbed my phone and wallet and we all got in the car and headed out to my college. When we arrived I saw a 2 adults standing there a lion and a fox. I got out of the car and both greeted me.

"welcome back Anthony, do you remember us?" said the lion

"I'm sorry, no I don't" I said nervously

"well let's fix that. I'm Joshua Kenley your principle, and the fox here is your history teacher Marvin Ivory"

I shook both of their paws with a smile on my face

"it's nice to meet you two.....again"

They both laughed and the lion spoke up

"c'mon, be better get you to the gathering. Your parents won't be coming though, we need to keep this under wraps" said Joshua

I turned to my parents in the car. I leaned in and said bye to them both dad started the car and left. I turned and walked with the two down to assembly. When we arrived we went through a side door leading to a back stage. Josh told me to wait here until I was called out. He walked out onto stage . I heard clapping, there were so many people.

"good morning everyone, as you all know about what happened a few weeks ago"

As soon as he said that everything went quiet

"3 weeks ago a student of ours went missing after class. I received a phone call from his parents asking where he had gone. They had attempted to contact him but he did not answer. They came down to the college and had the police come down as well, they had organized a volunteer search party from the college gates to the boy's household. After several hours of searching, they had found his body. Anthony was found face down roughly about a kilometer in the bush land up the road."

I could hear some sobbing from the crowd. I didn't even know these people but they must have been close.

"This is what you don't know. From the efforts of the doctors they had managed to revive this boy"

Everything went silent, even the sobbing furs. It was dead silent. I swear you could hear the floor creek. Josh just stood there, he just stood there and everything was quiet. The lion stepped away from the microphone and lifted his arm up.

"everybody welcome back Anthony"

Everyone looked in the direction he motioned and Marvin walked me out. Everyone started cheering and clapping. The furs that were sobbing were now crying again, I started tearing up as well. The emotion in that room was so powerful. I heard footsteps getting closer as if someone was running by the time I had turned to see who it was; they had already tackled me to the ground and latched themselves to me. Marvin and Josh pulled us both up and tried to get this person off me. As they were pulling I got a smell of this furs scent. It was the same scent from my room, I told Marvin and Josh to stop. Still, people were cheering as this happened. After a moment the fur let the grip go, holding my arms. I looked at his face. It was a tiger... a white tiger. Instead of black stripes he had purple ones, he had violet eyes and a pink nose. He was crying also but it was more of a cry of pain. I could see that he really cared, like REALLY cared. My guess was that he was a very close friend or something. But he kind of looked..... familiar. I had a small flash back. He was in my room, sitting on the bed it. looked like we were talking, I must have said something funny cause we were both laughing hard. He spoke something to me but I couldn't hear it, then...... oh wow. He leaned in and kissed me... but I was kissing back. Why was I kissing back? Then it hit me. He was my boyfriend. I came back to reality. I was still face to face with this guy. I looked into his eyes. All of a sudden I opened my mouth and spoke.

"....Liam" I whispered

Josh grabbed us both and walked us out the back doors, the clapping and cheering fading away he took us through another building and into a hallway.

"ok so that went well, I guessed you remembered Liam?" said Josh

Liam looked at me with a confused look "remember? Hun what's he talking about?

"umm I don't have any memory apart from the date I went missing"

"but you said my name?"

I looked at Josh then back at Liam

"I just got a flash back on stage just before. It was us"

"what was it?"

"it was back at my place..." I said but stopped. More of the fact that we are both gay and we were in the presence of our principle

"I already know about you two. I had my suspicions and that stunt on stage proved that there is something going on between you both"

We both stared at him in shock

"so.. you're fine with that?" Liam said hesitantly

"yeah, it's all good. I better go. I'll let you two catch up" he then walked away.

Me and Liam turned to each other and I held his waist. It felt so right to be with him. Maybe losing my memory won't change what I had with him. He pulled away and took hold of my paw, leading me down a few doors. He put in a key and unlocked the door.

"this is our room hun."

I remained silent as I looked around. There was a double bed, a desk with a computer and a nightstand. The bed was neatly made and everything was kept tidy. On the computer there was a wallpaper of us both kissing by a river. It looked lovely. Liam spoke up


"yes?" I said turning my head'

"what happened out there... out in the bush?" he said softly taking a step towards me

"I..... I can't remember..."

"can you take off your top?"


"I want to see your back, to see if you are ok"

I turned my back to him and took off my top. I heard him gasp an put his paw on me. Moving it around my back. I then realized that some fur was missing because I could feel him on my skin. Quickly I got up an looked in the mirror. I had a massive fractal scar from my right shoulder spreading throughout my back, some of it trailed to parts of my chest. I stood there and looked it over, it was a scary sight.

"does it hurt baby?"


I put my top back on and layed on the bed, Liam came and did the same. We looked at each other for a few moments and I decided to hell with it. I put my left paw on his cheek and slowly leaned in to kiss him. When our lips touched I felt better, it felt right. I pulled away slowly and smiled, caressing his cheek. I closed my eyes and got some rest. I know it would have been about 11 am, but I was really tired. A lot has happened, being killed, revived, tased and sedated. Its takes it out of ya. And that dream I had. What was that about? Later when no one is here, I'll go out and see if I could back track my way to where I died. Maybe there might be some answers there. I finally went to sleep.

I woke up. My head was spinning and I was sweating. Still holding onto me was Liam. I find it funny that I'm ok with us being together even though I don't know anything except his name and who he is to me. I gently moved his arm off my side and got out of bed. It was hot and humid in here, so I decided to go outside for a walk. I left the dorm room and out the exit. It was getting dark roughly around 7pm. I started walking out into the courtyard, a while later I made my way out the gates. I just kept walking. I had a feeling that if I went back I would remember. After about 30 minutes it was practically night fall. I was standing under a street lamp for a few moments until I realized a was just across the street from the bush. My heart skipped a beat and my body froze. Something was in there for me to find but I didn't know what it was. I took a deep breath and crossed the road. The trees dark and the wind cold, it was scary but I had to keep going. I stepped into the tall grass and pushed on, making my way deeper into the darkness. I must have been walking for about 10 or 15 minutes and didn't find anything. I have had enough and turned to head back. I walked on a bit more and ended up in tall grass.

"I didn't come through here" I said to myself

I moved through the grass and came to an opening on the other side. As soon as I saw an open field I had another flash back. It was only for a split second but it was the same area only there was a storm. I walked out into the grass. There were marks on the ground where the lightning struck. There was a trail of them leading to the tree line. I followed them to its end. I looked down and there was another flash. It was me.... On the ground face down. My head started to hurt.

I fell to my knees and clutched my head in my paws, it was like my head was getting a hole drilled in it. I guess this is what happens when too much is taken in. slowly the pain went away and I sat up against the base of the tree where I once laid. I buried my face in my paws and cried. I wasn't crying out of sadness but it was more out of anger. I started to burn up.

"why can't I remember my life?"

I stood up and looked at the sky

"why can't I? huh?" I shouted

If someone was watching me, I would look like a madman for yelling at the sky. Honestly it would have been awkward. I got so upset as to why my life just took its biggest fall.

"who am i?" I yelled

Obviously there was no answer. I clenched my fist, turned and hit the tree.

"AH FFUUCCKK!!!" I shouted

That flipping hurt. I lifted up my leg and kicked the tree as hard as I could. When my foot made contact with it, I saw a bright flash of orange. I jumped back and saw the tree fall over. Where I had kicked it, the bark was on fire as was my foot paw. I screamed and threw dirt on my foot, putting the blaze out.

"what the hell is happening to me?"

From under the dirt smoke was rising. I kicked the dirt off and my foot was still alight. The flame grew and spread up my leg. I was rolling around and shaking my leg trying to put it out but it was no use the fire made its way up my chest and back to my arms, it stopped there and the rest went out. I stopped and eyeballed the flames, I was in no pain. How could this happen? They faded to my finger tips.

"woah.... That's cool"

I looked down to my paws.

"can I do that again?"

Who knows. I picked myself back up and found my way out of the bush. After a very long walk I made it back to my dorm room where Liam was sound asleep. I got changed into a pair of briefs and slid under the covers. I closed my eyes to get some sleep. As I was in my own void, I wondered how in the hell I managed to catch fire from nothing, let alone kick down a tree. I'll have more time in the morning to figure it out, and with that I fell asleep.

Ok so umm...... I really don't know if you guys/ladies enjoyed or finished reading this but feedback would be nice. if you liked it, hated it, loved it, any opinions on characters, writing tips, Anything. please let me know. I love hearing from people.