The Submission Of A Lady Part 2

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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This is the next part of The Submission of a Lady (obviously :) ). You get actual conversation, a look at more of the mansion including its other occupants, more character development, and for those who want sex there's some hot raccoon loving too!

Part 1 is here ->

The Submission Of A Lady Part 1


Charles E. Terrell Jr. aka Nightmask

With the rise of the morning sun the staff with sunrise-guided activities bustled about as they dealt with morning chores, the click of their claws announcing where they were as they traveled thru the areas not off-limits to bare-footed traffic. The small compliment of maids dusted and scrubbed, arranged and rearranged, rotated things requiring repair out with newly repaired items to take their place, as they had a thousand times before, keeping the mansion as new as they could for the comfort of their lady. It was through these halls that Raquelle traveled to fulfill her morning duties.

She was a mature female of her kind, like the majority of those caught upon the island, the black mask and be-ringed tail denoting her raccoon heritage. The uniform she wore was of modest design, although it was unable to conceal the hefty endowments that strained at the lacings of her top and occasionally jiggled as she walked. Her skirt swished around her ankles and hid her legs from view, and gave her an overall appearance of innocent sensuality as she padded along thinking only of her morning duties.

Silence fell as she stopped suddenly a few doors shy of her target, tail twitching about as she cocked her head to the side and sniffed at the air outside Maryanne's door, then giggled softly to herself.

"Her ladyship's been at it again last night," she thought to herself, the aroma of sex having seeped around the cracks of the door, or so she believed from past experience. "I wonder if I'll have to arrange a lone breakfast for the lord today?" she pondered, unconsciously giving Mark the title as her upbringing only allowed for lords and commoners, and he couldn't be considered a commoner such as herself. Shrugging her shoulders she continued on her way, leaving that up to later if necessary.

As she reached the door that led to the suite of rooms that had belonged to the absent lord and had been given over to their unexpected guest she couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as she quietly entered, pride at having been selected to serve him in the role of manservant, since they lacked any males to assign to that duty.

Some naughty delight came with the position as well, from being so close to the only male around. She'd only had the pleasure of glimpsing him unclothed once though, when she'd come to help him dress the first morning after he arrived, and had informed her that such wasn't part of the culture where he came from. Since then she'd only been allowed to lay out his clothes for the day in the sitting room outside his bedchambers, which he'd slip into once she woke him for the day.

She placed the bed linens down on the corner of the table before she unfolded and arranged the freshly laundered clothes on the rest of the shiny oak surface, neatly setting them up for efficient dressing. Bustling about the room she straightened and dusted a few odds and ends so as to not have to worry about taking care of them later when she returned to clean more thoroughly, then turned her attention to the dirty linen basket, eyes going wide with surprise as she opened it up and the musky scent concentrated there spiked into her nose.

The basket was saturated with her lady's musk! Not her normal musk either, but her most intimate of musks that could have only been gotten in one way. Pulling the clothes hastily from the basket she inspected each piece; eyes, nose, and fingers studying the fabric as thoroughly as she could, and finding traces of Mark' fluids mixed with her lady's. It had always amused her when she cleaned and found the evidence of his nightly efforts at release, to know there were things males did no matter what the species or culture, much like when she caught him eyeing her figure or that of the other staff who happened to be around. But she'd never seen or heard of him actually doing anything with the others, so what happened last night between him and the lady?

Clasping the clothes to her ample bosom she closed her eyes and got caught up in the imagining of what had gone on last night between the two, and then slipped into deep fantasies she'd rejected allowing herself to have before now, of how good it would be to have someone in her bed after so long. She'd never been able to turn to any of the other females for relief like many others had once the males were gone; she'd been married to her right hand in all the years since.

It wasn't fair, she thought to herself, why couldn't he have chosen her to bed? She saw more of him than her lady, led him around and watched over him and still managed to take care of all of her duties. Hard as she tried she couldn't repress the upsurge in need that overcame her from all the feelings being stirred up, claws puncturing the clothes she held before she got herself back under control.

If her lady could win a night with him she could do it too, she just knew it. She was an attractive female too, even if she didn't have the sultry sleekness of a vixen but the sturdy curves of a raccoon instead. All she needed to do was find the right way to present her offer to him and she'd give him reason enough to forget her lady's charms.

Sighing softly to herself she reminded herself that she had more immediate concerns to take care of, before she got herself in trouble and made it more difficult to carry out her desires. Bundling the clothes up she tucked them into her basket for easy transport, then knocked on the bedroom door sharply.

"Sir, it's time to get up," she announced, then knocked again, waiting until she could hear him stirring about and his muffled, "I'm up thanks, Raquelle," through the door before slipping out with a firm closing of the door behind her.

Dashing down to the laundry room she took the time to make sure the clothes were sorted and soaking to prevent them giving away last night's escapades to anyone else, protecting both her lady's reputation and her chances with the lord. When she was done she wound her way through the mansion back to the kitchen, the time short once she woke him before breakfast had to be ready to be served. She managed to arrive just as the cook was finishing up her morning milking of the only sources of milk available to them, herself, her assistant, and the two gray squirrels that were the majority source.

The squirrels were a departure from the common pattern for their kind; years of the two simple-minded females standing in for the cows that they once had had left them not only far plumper than normal but as their lack of any kind of upper-body attire save the half-bra supporting their breasts showed it left them far more endowed even than she was. None of the other females could compete with the squirrels; even the ones who'd been mothers and undergone the enhancement that brings were as large. The young raccoon assistant came close, her milk-laden mammaries larger than Raquelle's, even though she was nearly twelve years younger than the maid, and the cook exceeded her as well, since the badger contributed her own milk to the limited supply that they had.

She slipped into the kitchen routine easily enough, her tail held close to her back to keep it out of the way as she helped Tammy and Eileen with what little they wore, getting them freshened up before gently sending the squirrels back to the sewing room where they spent most of the day taking care of patching up clothing, sewing new clothes, and taking care of other sedentary things that wouldn't interfere with their milk production.

It had taken her a while to get used to touching another female as intimately as we required to take care of the two squirrels, but she'd adapted in time, although would never enjoy it like so many of the others who'd adjusted to the loss of any males around by taking up with other females. They couldn't really have any of those females taking care of the squirrels though, too easy for them to be taken advantage of, as trusting as they were in their simple way they'd have served themselves up without protest. Thinking of her own reawakened need she found herself wondering if the squirrels ever felt those needs too, or if they'd gone all this time with those urges unexplained and untended to. Feeling an upsurge in compassion towards the two who'd served so long as simple animals without complaint she debated whether or not it was okay to introduce Mark to them, and let nature take its course as she hoped it would with her as well.

Shrugging her shoulders she turned her attention to what came first, helping lay out the table and setting out the morning meal for her lady and their guest, and seeing to her own passions before looking to do more. True, it wasn't fair to the others left trapped on the island not to introduce the only male in over ten years to them, especially since she was sure rumors had slipped out from the mansion's staff to the outside hands, but she would have to bring it up with lady Maryanne before she could do something like that. The vixen had kept him close to the mansion, spending hours talking with him and showing him about, although during the time she remained close and in the background the raccoon had never heard the lady probe too deeply, nor make any advances.

With all the arrangements set she padded quietly upstairs to knock on Mark' door, announcing that breakfast was ready and awaiting his emergence. Standing with her hands clasped before her she kept her head downcast and tail arched modestly behind her, until he came out to join her in the hallway.

They weren't so different in height, she thought to herself once again. He barely topped her by a few inches, even standing up straight, and possessed a slender figure that left her thinking of the slenderness of a ferret or otter, although without the exceptional agility they were known for. The outfit tailored for him was a simple one, and well done even though the squirrels hadn't been free to measure him themselves. It only just then hit her that with the way it was patterned it mimicked the look of a fox, perhaps that's what had lead to her lady's nighttime escapades with him.

"Good morning, Sir, I hope you slept well," she softly chirred, her memories of what she'd learned causing a tone to slip into her voice as she spoke the word 'slept', just a hint of revelation of what she'd discovered that he'd have caught if she'd let her feelings fully slip into her voice.

"The night was quite refreshing Raquelle, thank you for asking," he replied, the self-satisfied smile on his face one of those knowing expressions that people will often give out when they think the other didn't know what they'd been up to earlier. She knew though, and smiled to herself as she followed respectfully behind him as he walked ahead of her, claws clicking on the hardwood floor as his own slipper-clad feet let him move more silently.

They didn't speak during the short walk to the small dining area that the lady used in lieu of the main dining hall, a modest table the lady used to use for herself and her lord, and a few guests if they had them. Now it was just for her and Mark to enjoy the ambiance of the tasteful décor.

Lady Maryanne arrived a short time after they did, her own personal servant attending to her as the raccoon pulled out Mark' chair for him and Helena did the same for the vixen. Raquelle could easily see and feel the tension as Maryanne and Mark' eyes met, their body language reflecting their fight to hide acknowledging their late night activities. There was a hint of shyness and embarrassment being expressed as well as they greeted each other.

"Good morning to you, Sir Mark," the vixen said in her cultured murr, the luxuriant plume of her tail sliding through the place for it in the chair as they took their seats, her sitting first as their attendants pushed their chairs into place. "It is a pleasure as always to see you here to breakfast with me."

"The lady is always worth starting the day with," he replied, the variation on their usual greetings holding more risqué overtones to the raccoon as she listened unobtrusively and filled his plate with the morning's meal.

"Ever the flatterer, sir," she stated in turn, nibbling daintily on a slice of bacon that was one of the few meats that they had left to them on the island, while Mark availed himself of the eggs scrambled just for him, the cook having learned quickly how to season them just the way he enjoyed.

"Simply a statement of fact that flatters as well as expresses the truth," he readily declared, eyes darting to regard Maryanne in ways that they hadn't before, the studious raccoon noticed, and even her lady regarded him in much the same way when she felt she wasn't being watched. There had been little sexual tension before, but what had simmered beneath the surface was full blown after the night's antics, and readily seen by anyone present. Even Helena was looking uncomfortable about it, Raquelle saw, and she knew the bunny had been too young to learn about the attractions between males and females before only females had been left.

Many things went unspoken in the homes of the wealthy upper class, especially the interactions behind closed doors of the owners and the servants, but going unspoken didn't mean it wasn't known. She knew that the lady and Helena were lovers, and evidently the bunny knew full well what her lady had been up to last night. The mix of sadness and jealousy coming off the bunny was well contained, but skilled eyes like those of a curious raccoon couldn't help but see it. She was containing it well, Raquelle was quick to note, and felt a stab of shame at not thinking about how last night would affect Helena too.

Letting the banter of her lady and the male she thought of as her lord slide around her, efficiently keeping the milk, jams, eggs and other breakfast items readily available for his consumption and wishing she could do something to comfort Helena but anything she said would only make it worse she knew. It was hard enough when she caught herself making the occasional slip of the tongue and making intimations about last night she was sure was going to get her in trouble but thankfully the vixen and human were too caught up in trying not to do that themselves to catch her own slips.

She resisted a sudden impulse to lick some jam from his lips and proffered him a napkin to wipe it off, along with a bowl of warm water for at-the-table grooming. It was with added pleasure that she got to clean and tidy him just as Helena did with Maryanne, using the opportunity to present him with some extra glimpses at her ample cleavage under the guise of innocently leaning over towards him. Taking care to hide them from her lady and Helena she gave him heavily lidded glances throughout her grooming and 'innocent' displays of her wares, efforts she felt were having the desired effect as she was rewarded with admiring glances up and down her figure whenever he could get away with it.

The guilty little rush she felt from her attempts to show herself off without being blatant enough for her lady to notice brought back memories of when she was first blossoming into a woman, and her clumsy attempts to catch the eyes of the boys. The maturity of life's experiences helped to guide her in her efforts though, even if she was more than a little rusty after so many years without practice.

By the time breakfast had come to an end and the lady and their guest had parted to their daily amusements she'd worked out the daring plan to earn herself some of that loving her lady had enjoyed the night before. It wouldn't even take much of a change in her routine to pull it off either, since much of her time was spent in serving him anyway, just the addition of more flirtatious actions to her normal activities. The hardest part would simply be restraining herself from behaving like a low-class whore from that heat she was feeling.

Even though circumstances didn't require she wait for too long once she'd cleared the table along with Helena it felt like an eternity before she could slip away to their guest's preferred location in the mansion, the library. While the lady favored the garden or solarium he liked to sit and read and learn the tales and histories of their world, even if it seemed unlikely any of them would see the worlds they haled from (for she felt in her heart like some of the others that they were in truth lost to some limbo and torn forever from the plane of their birth) again.

Pausing outside the door to the library she checked herself over quickly, arranging her demure outfit as best she could to present a more alluring figure. While the layers of cloth for her skirt she couldn't do anything about at the moment she could at least unlace her top a little and put more of her cleavage on display. It wasn't easy to decide where to draw the line on how much to bare, but didn't want to go falling out of the bustier supporting her bosom either.

Mark did little more than glance up at first when she finally padded in, a heavy tome in its customary place in his lap as he sat in the old lord's chair and read, simply to ensure it was her as he had become used to, rather than another. It did bring her a burst of pleasure when she saw the double take he did to regard her more closely, much as he tried to hide it from her. She knew he'd watch her sometimes while she cleaned, which brought her a warm glow inside whenever he did, as any female should feel knowing a male finds her worth watching. Today though as she went out of her way to draw his gaze the glow was even brighter each time he responded.

It took much effort to keep the library clean and dust-free, the coon having to regularly draw the books down shelf by shelf to clean them and set aside those who's covers and bindings needed repair. That and the need to dust the lamps and ceiling decorations gave her many opportunities now that she was consciously making the effort to show off her legs, full backside, and even fuller bosom. Bending over the desk and tables to hike her derriere up and waggle it towards him with her 'innocent' cleaning and rearranging of things, stretching up to reach things just barely at the reach of her arms while on tiptoes to dust, and move other items that she'd normally have used a chair or stand for. All those things she'd remembered ladies doing to draw a male's attentions and looked down at them for doing before she found herself in the same place they had been in.

Difficult though it was she padded out as quietly as she'd come when her cleaning was done, after a parting flash of her bosom. Even if he'd wanted to take her right there she'd have had to move things somewhere more private (or hoped at least if he'd tried she'd been able to make herself do so), lest someone wander in for some reason and find them in the act.

The rest of the day she took every opportunity to bump into him, her more modest look restored in the meantime where others might see. With each brush she left room for accidental rubs up against him, spaced out enough she hope she wasn't looking like too much a tramp or some bitch animal in heat. Without any idea how Lady Maryanne had found his favor and drawn him into her bed (she couldn't imagine the lady of the manor behaving as sluttily as she found herself behaving) she had to settle on what she felt would work.

Several days passed as she worked herself up to taking the last step, and reassure herself that she wouldn't be rejected once she was in that vulnerable position. Her heart seemed to be racing the entire day as she counted down the hours and kept up the flirtations, especially when he made fewer efforts to hide his admiration of her figure while she was around him. It also skipped a beat any time she thought someone was going to catch her at it, especially the lady, or if it looked like she might make tonight the next night she wished to be with him and derail her plans for the night.

Her opportunity came with the late evening snack he often requested and she'd been expecting to give her the opening she sought. Detouring into her room after she had the tray laden with his favorite treats she set about adjusting her uniform for what she had in mind. Slipping out of her uniform quickly she stripped down to her fur, tossing the bustier and the rest of her undergarments away as she stepped out of them, and with a shiver of salacious delight redressed in only the outer garment, otherwise completely bare beneath.

Sagging slightly from their weight her breasts nonetheless looked quite round and tempting even without the lift and separation that the bustier had provided, and embarrassment flamed within her as she inspected herself in her mirror. The twirl she gave that sent her skirt swirling open added to her overall embarrassment and nervousness as she felt the air teasing up over her bare folds and striking her nose with the musky scent of her arousal.

Oh but it felt good to be doing this for a male again! She thought to herself, to feel like a desirable female even if things didn't work out as she'd planned. Isolated by her wish only for a male to mate with and left without the intimacy the others shared, with few who understood how she felt, and no way to find those to confide in without prying where one was not supposed to pry.

Giving herself a shake to remind herself that she'd not have any opportunity for mating if she didn't get her tail into motion Raquelle first peeked outside her door and listened carefully for movement as she definitely didn't wish to be seen as she was now except for the target of her affections. Once she was assured she had smooth sailing ahead of her she picked up the tray and dashed out the door with her tail pulling it closed behind her and padded swiftly through the hallway with only the swish of her skirt and the click of her toeclaws to mark her passage. With each step her nervousness increased as she closed on his door and only her years of training and the strength of her routine kept her from running away in her embarrassment and shame.

The moment of truth came to her swiftly once she found herself outside his door, and only forward for her to go. Steeling herself for whatever path the night would take she balanced the tray with her left hand and knocked softly with the right.

"Sir, I'm hear with the snacks you requested," she called to him, trying to sound as normal as possible in spite of how naked and vulnerable she felt without anything beneath her uniform and the adrenaline pumping through her arteries as she awaited his acknowledgement.

"Thanks Raquelle, bring it on in," he called to her, courteous in ways few lords or ladies were, something that had endeared him to her from the moment he'd recovered enough to speak after his arrival.

Entering with all the poise she could muster she padded inside with the swish of her tail closing the door behind her, tray held just outside the range of her chest as her dark eyes sought him out. It took only a moment to see that he was as she expected him to be, stretched out reading on the couch situated near to the writing desk, and just right for what she planned to do. Before he had time to register the change in her appearance she pretended to stumble and send several items on the trail spilling to the floor.

"Oh! Please forgive me sir!" she begged as she sat the tray on the desk and grabbed up the cleaning cloth she wore at her hip and dropped down to all fours, every inch the terrified maid fearing punishment by her lord for her mistake. As she scrubbed at the hard wood floor her breasts jiggled back and forth and threatened to fall out of her uniform, while the rubbing of the material and her excitement at being so wanton left her thick nipples clearly on display through the thin covering. When she could dart a glance to check she was rewarded by the intense regard he was giving her, his eyes almost glued to her bosom.

"I'll have it all cleaned up quickly sir!" she hurried on to say, her eyes meeting his as she looked up at him while she cleaned. Pretending not to notice what affect she was having on him she instead 'accidentally' sent the lid from the spilled sugar server rolling beneath the desk. With the excuse now set-up for it she backed up and turned around to crawl beneath the desk to recover it. In the process she surreptitiously used that to cause her skirt to bundle up above her knees and leave her exposed almost to mid thigh in the bargain.

A few minutes and sneezes later (which left her genuinely embarrassed that she hadn't been cleaning as well as she should have been), she backed her way out from under the desk, angled to show herself off from behind and then turning about to face him once again. Lid in hand she proceeded to finish cleaning up the floor as best she could before sitting back on her heels, hands resting on her knees with her arms drawn inward to push her bosom out even more.

"I'm sorry sir, please don't punish me, I'll make sure I don't fail in serving you again. Tell me how I may make up for my error sir," she chirred to him, tail laying down on the floor behind her as she did her best to look willing to do anything to please him.

"It, it's okay Raquelle, really, accidents happen," he told her, face flushed with the heat her antics had fanned, especially when she felt the cool kiss of the air across her nipples and realized that they'd finally worked into view. The heat was no less intense for her as she felt the jumble of emotions that had ridden beneath the surface when she'd decided to throw herself at him. Tears began to well up within her eyes as it struck her just how desperate and foolish she was being, everything inside she'd been depending on breaking apart and leaving her sobbing in tears.

"I'm such a fool, coming here like this! Just some desperate wanton who doesn't deserve anything but her shame!" she sobbed, her right arm coming around to cover her bosom as best she could and the left moving to cover her face and curl up inside herself. So lost in her shame and humiliation was she that she didn't even notice at first that he'd scrambled down onto the floor with her and wrapped her up in his arms and held her tight.

"What're you talking about Raquelle? Why are you calling yourself a wanton and crying? I don't see where you've anything to be ashamed of," he told her, awkwardly patting and stroking her soothingly all the while. It seemed like hours that he held her while she buried her muzzle into his shoulder and soaked it with her tears, though in truth it was but minutes, before she finally regained her voice.

"I'm a wanton, coming here flaunting myself like some common whore trying to lure in the males," she sniffled, nose clogged up from her tears, both arms now wrapped around her chest as he held her. Unable to bring herself to open her eyes she just laid her head against his shoulder and whimpered like a child.

"Hey now, none of that," he gently told her, his fingertips brushing between her ears as he stroked her head, his touch and the tone of his voice helping to calm her down as he spoke. "I don't know why you'd think you have anything on common with them, and sometimes it takes being blatant to get a clueless male's attention," he added sheepishly.

"I'm sorry my lord for making such a mess of things," she said as she finally looked up at him and regained a modicum of self-control thanks to his kindness and concern. "I, I just wanted to not be alone another night, nor did I wish my lord spending another night doing for himself what his servant should be taking care of for him," she told him candidly, the time for dancing around the edges of things at an end.

"How did you know about that?" he asked, startled, a blush creeping across his cheeks. He squirmed in embarrassment as she smiled and leaned in to nuzzle his left cheek affectionately.

"If my lord did not wish for me to know he should not have left the results of his pleasure in the clothes hamper. Even after all these years there was no mistaking the scent of male pleasure," she informed him, even when she knew she was effectively telling him she knew about his late night activities with the lady just days before as well.

"So you uhm, know about what happened the other night then don't you?" he asked, confirming her belief, to which she shyly nodded. "Is that what prompted you to come by tonight and, well, you know?"

"I would be speaking falsely if I did not admit that it contributed to things my lord," she confessed to him, then with an effort of will she lowered her arms and left her heavy bosom bared to him once again. Between the breakdown confession and cry she'd had she felt relief washing over her and cleansing her of those fears and shameful feeling she'd had before. He had seen her at her most shameful and wanton and had shown compassion for her rather than censure or abuse. "With no husband all these years to serve and no desire to make do as many of the others have it became simply too much to endure after what I learned. Please forgive me for my clumsy attempt to seduce you my lord."

"There's nothing to forgive you for," he reassured her, while drawing his hands around to cup her cheeks and dry away her tears on his sleeves. Her tail swished back and forth across the floor as he cleaned her up, such a simple thing comforting in so many ways. "There were so many times over the years I felt like doing something like you did myself. I'd be more than a fool in the extreme for not respecting your bravery in following through when I never did."

"Why would you have need of such wantonness my lord? Certainly you had no lack of females wishing your company," she declared, surprised. It had been her experience growing up few males ever lacked for female company, there being no lack of females who minded little as long as they had a male in their bed.

"Because the women where I come from aren't as enlightened about my company's pleasures as you are, or your lady," he told her sadly, then impulsively leaned in to kiss her lips softly while his fingers rested along her jaw line. "For which I'm very grateful, never doubt that. While there aren't any people like you back home I find you one of the most desirable creatures around nonetheless, and not just for your body."

"Thank you my lord, for everything," she chirred, then felt the flush of embarrassment once again as she said, "may I serve now my lord? I genuinely wish to make you happy and please you as a woman should."

"I think we ought to get off this wood floor first. I don't know about you but it's messing my knees up something awful," he said, wincing briefly.

"Forgive me my lord! Let me help you up!" she told him as she slipped to her feet as smoothly as she would have in her younger days and reached down to help him up. While her breasts were now hanging freely out of her uniform she no longer minded or felt embarrassed about it after their talk, and she was proud to share herself with him.

"Thanks Raquelle, it's a lot easier with help," he told her once he was back up again, then gently but firmly guided her into taking a seat on the couch before sitting in close to her on her right. Sliding his arm around her he drew her to his side and cupped her muzzle with his free hand to turn it to where he could gaze into her eyes. "Now, while it wouldn't be the proper thing to do to talk about my encounter with Maryanne, since it did prompt you to open up to me tonight I have to ask, does it bother you that I've been with her?"

"It does a little my lord," she replied honestly, her hands resting demurely in her lap as she gazed into his eyes and tried not to fidget. She was a grown woman after all, not a newly blossoming maiden. "But my lord's pleasure is important to me, as is my lady's, and if I were to expect you to be faithful to just one it would have to be her, and not myself."

"I don't think that's something to worry about much, if something had been said about being faithful to just her I'd remember it," he said, trying not to laugh or smile and remain serious as he said that. While he respected Maryanne greatly she was so reserved when they spoke he'd have never imagined she had such a lusty side, although likely most of the ladies here had them to some degree. There hadn't been a hint of anything to let him suspect any sexual desire upon her part for him, although with the complete lack of anything said at the time or afterwards he couldn't be sure if he wasn't just a brief dalliance to scratch a quick itch she had or if she wanted him for more.

"So, will you do me the great honor of being the second only person for me to ever be with?" she heard him ask, nose to nose with the trembling raccoon as he gazed into her eyes. As he waited for her reply his hands weren't still as he stroked gently at her neck and up to her left ear and back again with the right, while the left brushed up and down her back in soft caresses along her spine through the material of her uniform.

Her answer when it came was by way of actions rather than words, for Raquelle pressed her lips to his, kissing him awkwardly as muzzles weren't meant to fit snuggly to human mouths but both enjoying it all the same. With her right breast pressing into his chest where she leaned into him she reached for the hand on her neck to guide it to the left, encouraging him to touch her wherever he wished to go. Nervous excitement gripped her so strongly she was close to wetting herself as years of aching need easily as great as her lady's enveloped her and the flames of desire burned brighter than the noon day sun within her.

Mark cupped her breast as best he could given how amply endowed she was, kneading and stroking it and marveling in some small part of his mind at the differences between her and Maryanne. The bare skin of her aureole was easily twice that of the vixen's, if not more, and her nipples were thicker and perkier as well. They were such a nice shade of chocolate he was tempted to try and taste them to see what flavor they were, but with such an ardent kiss engaging him the temptation quickly faded away. Besides, the moans his fingering of her nipple were eliciting were evidence enough she wasn't feeling neglected in that department.

Human hands weren't the only ones busy in the room for even as his were occupied with her heavy bosom and caressing along her spine dexterous raccoon fingers were seeking every binding restraining Mark' clothes. Each binding gave way to her experienced digits swiftly until she could side her left hand down into his trousers and seek the treasures she sought within. She barely had time to register her puzzlement over the differences she found for the hot animal desire she'd given into wanted his member no matter what and dismissed the differences as trivial.

Without even a pause or break to the kiss she drew her leg up and shifted over on the couch to straddle his waist, her knees resting beside his hips as she lifted her skirt up and let herself settle down into his lap. Later certainly she would look back and feel the heat of embarrassment for such brazenness but as she rubbed her damp folds along his shaft she knew the embarrassment would pass quickly from the greater memory soon to overshadow the rest. Through the fog of her raging hormones she had a single dazzling moment of clarity that he had said she would be his second lover ever, and her heart swelled with pride that he would want someone like her, just a servant and not a sweet young cub at that.

Eyes closed and skirts blocking the view anyway she settled herself down onto her lord's throbbing shaft, her passage nearly virgin tight after so many years without. Moaning in unison as he slid into her Raquelle felt her lover's hands clutching at her breasts as they sagged into his grasp, the pair's firmness not enough to complete escape gravity's call but more than enough to please both as she road him down to the root, then simply sat in his lap as she tried to adjust to the sensory overload.

"Oh my dear lord!" Raquelle gasped out as she involuntarily broke the kiss, unable to keep from exclaiming in her excitement. "Oh lord I feel so full!" she panted, skirts dropping as she released them to clutch at his shoulders, claws digging into his skin as she held on tight and started bouncing up and down in his lap in short fast strokes.

"Oh God but you're so tight Raquelle!" he declared, head dropping back to rest on the back of the couch while he kneaded and fondled her breasts roughly, the pain from the bite of the raccoon's claws just a counterpoint to the extreme pleasure her tight rippling walls were bringing. With a grip almost tighter than his own skin the slick, silken walls glided along his hard length, caressing it from tip to base as her rhythm built up as her sex stretched to accommodate him.

Even with her skirts acting to contain much of the aroma the air was soon thick with the aroma of sex, with the lashing of her tail aiding in its spread as she road her lord's shaft, precum leaking into her while her juices trickled out to soak the thatch of hair covering his crotch and ballsac. She gasped and shivered as her first orgasm hit her, hard and sharp from the jarring of her clit as it was squished between their pubic bones when she slammed into his lap.

Each hard thrust seemed to set off another rippling wave of pleasure as she mated him, with the rake of his fingernails as he gripped at her breasts only seeming to add to her heat as grew tighter with each small orgasm. The tighter she got the closer she brought her partner to his own orgasm, until with a groan and painful clutching at her breasts she felt him jerking inside of her as he climaxed, hot seed splashing against her cervix as her tightness held every drop inside of her.

Confusion passed through the remaining conscious part of her mind when his orgasm took him, but what her mind had momentarily forgotten her body remembered as her body settled into his lap with one final slam, for the hot gush of his seed into her triggered her most powerful orgasm of all. Blood trickled around her claws where they sank into his skin as her climax overrode everything else, rippling walls milking at his shaft while she arched her spine back and let loose a cry that only the thick walls of the parlor kept her from bringing everyone in the mansion running in response. Only when they were both drained and exhausted did she collapse against him, tail dangling limply down to the floor and partly onto it, head resting upon his shoulder.

Raquelle woke to the gentle pokepokepoke of her, blinking in confusion at having fallen asleep or passing out after her last climax, her fragmented thoughts slowly pulling themselves together as she tried to sort things out. Horror swept over her as she realized the air was tainted not just with the scent of their lovemaking but the aroma of blood as well, blood she found when she finally could see the damage her claws had wrought.

"Oh my lord please forgive me! I didn't mean to hurt you!" Fighting back tears at the thought of hurting her lord she found herself caught between trying to get up to find something to dress his wounds and remaining where she was until he gave her leave to get up.

"Calm down Raquelle, I know you didn't mean to," Mark reassured her as he slipped his arms around her and cradled her to his chest, mindful not to hold her too close and make it worse by literally rubbing her nose into it. "Just stay where you are and when we're both recovered then you can worry about cleaning things up. It doesn't hurt that bad and I don't want to end our being together so soon after."

Before she could protest that it was her duty to take care of him he cut off any disagreement by drawing her into a gentle kiss, her resistance quickly melting away quickly in response to her lord's desires. As she slipped her arms around him and gingerly held him as snuggly as she could, given her ample breasts enforced some measure of space between them, she thanked God for sending such an understanding male and hoped it meant they'd be freed from their misty exile soon.