Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby 4 - We need Fang!

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#4 of CNR

The he couldn't bear it any longer. With his sword in his hands, he was unstoppable. Each strike was balanced, each slash was poised. His defence and offence where in perfect equilibrium with the perfect use of speed and power. His mind told him not to stop and his body kept using up his endless power. The air sliced from sword could cut through flesh and his strong voice made the mountains crumble and fall. The voices of his friends pushed him onwards, tempting him to fight faster, harder, stronger. He would never stop for them. He suddenly stopped and dug his sword into the ground. Fang looked up at the blackening sky. All the power in the world and he had not opportunity to use it. All faces of his friends flashed by in his head and each one become a number, a statistic. He sighed and gripped his sword tight. All he could do was train. Train and pray.

"N.....NO.....NO PLEASE......PLEASE......GOD NO.......AAAAAGGGHHH!!" Krystal quickly removed the large dildo as the other Sally shivered in pain. She was completely breathless, "Please......le....let....let me.....cum. I....I cum..." "Not unless you start talking." The other Sally desperately tried to free her arms, "I can't...never..." Krystal shoved the dildo back, in violently made thrusting actions, edging her to another orgasm, only to be denied at the last second. "I'll make a deal with you. If you start answering questions, I'll finish you off with this." Krystal passionately kissed her and pulled back, "Nice tongue huh? Imagine that on your clit." The other Sally closed her eyes and bit her lip in deep thought. "I.....I was a tube..." Intrigued, Krystal sat on her lap as she rubbed and teased her tail the other Sally's pussy, "Go on." "I....I was created like Sally....exactly like Sally......Born from her DNA......" "Wow, how interesting! I don't really care, I just wanna know about Minerva. Where is she?" "I was born with her memories, all her memories..." "Where's Minerva?" "And you....I was born with a love for you... All I dreamt about was being with you....loving you, feeling you, touching you.....I wanna be with you...." Krystal stopped. She wasn't sure what the other Sally was going on about but she wanted to know more. "G...go on..." "We would spend the rest of our lives together. We would live by the sea and wake up to the fresh breeze and the sound of the ocean stoking at the golden sands. The song of the gulls would proclaim our love. The kids would have moved out but they would visit ever Sunday and we would have a roast dinner. At night we could stroll along the shore and watch movies. We could make love all night in the cooling moonlight and hold each other until the morning set in. It would be paradise. Paradise with you." She began to tear, her imagination bringing such beauty to the situation that she had completely forgot about the sexual torture she had just endured. In a trance, Krystal felt compassion for the other Sally. She just wanted to be with her...How could she deny her that? She tenderly kissed her like Sally did when they first met. "Honey, we need that answer. I'm sorry." Krystal turned and walked away, leaving the other still in a kissing position. Renamon in her old bra and panties soon walked through the door dragging a familiar chest with Rouge behind it. Laying it to rest, she sat down on top of it with a smirk. "Well, well, well you didn't talk did you? We'll have to turn it up a notch. You've been denied your orgasm, now you'll have as many as you want....and more." Rouge gave her trademark toothy grin, "You see, me and Renamon have had a bet. Who can fuck you the most and the hardest. I have good money on this." Pulling her body suit down, Rouge exposed her pulsating member. "To bad we ran out of lube." Rouge took up position as Renamon began to search through the chest for strap-ons. Hours and hours passed with the rest of the time waiting outside. Screams, cries and moans could be heard from the room with an occasional, "TOO BIG!!!" "I hope those two can do it or me and Fox are gunna have'ta go in there and sort it out." "Wow, are you sure? She has a pussy you know! Ooohhh scary!" "Fuck off lesbo." "Actually, I'm bi. I'm not as picky as you dick weed." "Shut it Wolfy. Anyway I meant we were gunna get violent. A few pistol whips round the face should do it." "Listen bird-brain, Rouge is, at the moment, whamming her length round her face as we speak and I bet that'll do more damage than your pistols." Krystal nodded from behind Sally, "She's right you know. She once turned round quickly and whacked me right in the face. I had a black eye for a week!" The two seemed to giggle leaving Fox and Falco in complete confusion. Soon the door screeched open with Rouge and Renamon walking out, fully dressed but drenched in sweat. Renamon handed a pile of notes to Rouge, "Okay, here but that's still up for debate." "Well, what happened?" "Well, she shoved this dildo up..." "No, with the interrogation." "Oh right, we got the location." "What if she's lied?" "After a fucking like that I doubt it. Also, Renamon brought along an anal balloon so if we get there and she's lied we press this button and it'll start to expand to the maximum size of a beach ball. Let's see how much of a tight ass she is after that!" "Ooohhh painful!" Behind the pair was the Other Sally, drenched in cum with a pool of the stuff under her chair. She had her head tilted back and she was panting. "She'll be fine, let's go." The team regrouped in Krystal's living room. Rouge stood in front of Renamon who was holding a large map of the star system. "Right, after some 'oral persuasion', the other Sally told us of another facility. Well she did after she swallowed and we removed the funnel but I digress." The team looked up at them in horror. Rouge clear her throat, "Back to the point. We are here in the star system. The facility is here, planet Totus Putus. The planet doesn't look too friendly so I think it's time to get the sword." Mina nodded held arm valiantly and Krystal held up the key. Everyone waited in suspense for something to happen. "Just a thought. How will the key work if my arm is completely filled in metal? There's no key hole." After diligently searching, Krystal and Sally came up with nothing. "Forget it for now, we need to get Minerva so Fang can return to the fray." Soon the group took off on their last mission rescue mission before facing Shadow.

"Mum, we're home." Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby had just returned home. They opened the door to find the other Sally getting dressed. "Alright Mum?" She turned round in shock, "Oh...Hi love. How was the..." "School trip?" "Yeah, that." "It was good, where's Krys?" "I was just gunna pick her up from town." "Okay, see you later." "Love you three, bye." Cassy waited for her to and take off. "Okay boys, out of the boot." Loads of hot boys, from horses to lions crawled out of the girl's car boot. Cassy and Ruby just smiled as Naomi and Katie made their way upstairs.

The huge mass that took up most of windscreen was Totus Putus. And dark cloud acting as an atmosphere swirled violently around the planet. Breaking through it was quite a task and only darkness and spots of light awaited them on the other side. The air is just breathable but we may need to hurry up. The team landed in front of a huge wall covered in cracks and holes with the main gate ripped off it's hinges. Fox led the way through the dark corridor. When the got to the end Krystal eyes widened and Rouge fell to her knees in tears. They had seen a sign aimlessly swinging on post in front of them. "Welcome to Defixiones Pax." " planet...." Krystal tried to hold her but she shrugged her off. A battle helmet lay to her right with 'Captain Valentine' embroiled on the back. She put it on and accessed the video memory banks. *VIDEO* The roar of the rocket was taken over by the screams of the crowd. The creatures began to rip and shred the grex. "Corporal this needs to be contained. Platoon one flank left, platoon two approach them from behind. I want a line on the break in the wall." Gunfire was all that was heard. Shadow jumped towards him and soon the video cut to static. *VIDEO* Rouge dropped the helmet in devastation. " My....father died like this." She got to her feet and silently walked on. They came to the elder's tower with the library. The place was humming with activity and lights were on inside. "First we'll breach the front and have support from the..." Rouge kicked down the door, taking out everyone on the first floor. "Rouge, what the hell is the matter with you?" "I'm doing this and getting out of here." "But now they're gunna execute her." Rouge leaped upwards and sprinted up the staircase, dodging bullets and rushing to the top. The team cleared the way behind her as she burst through the door at the top to the old elder's room. One of the guards had his gun to Minerva's head. A shot was fired

The phone rung. Fang didn't want to answer for it meant his friends doom was complete. "Where's Minerva?" "Right here." "Minerva?" "I'm safe and so is the team." "Really?!?!?" "Fang, we need you back here."

Seeing no more guards in their way, the group decided that the best thing to do was to get back to the ship. They made their way out of the tower and back outside. The path back to the ship, however, was blocked by a large pile of the wall. "It must have fallen over in the storm." The gang took to an alleyway, trying to use it as a way to zig-zag back to the main street and around the rubble. They found a pathway down to the crypt which would lead the entire way under the streets. The group was single file through the cramped corridors. A dark, menacing glow soon filled the tight corridor and a chanting urged them to the exit. "Defaeco immunda. Defaeco immunda. Defaeco immunda. Defaeco immunda." The team had walked into a sort of large hall. A dark flame burned viciously behind them, cutting off the exit. "Welcome to the re-birth." The other Sally stood in front of them in a long, dark robe. They seemed to be on a sort of island and around them was a drop into lava. "This is the chamber of purification and second coming of our master." Fox and Falco cocked their guns only to have guards surround them and take the guns away. "How the hell did you escape?" "It doesn't matter. What matters is that we have our body." The other Sally pointed to the middle of the island, "The ceremonial blood of evil has been infused with the blood of a dragon and the blood of the pure of heart." A tub of shaking and boiling dark liquid sat ominously in front of them with figures in black robes praying. "Blood of dragon? Pure of heart?" Miss B appeared from the background, "When we killed Irana, we took some of her blood. And, when Miss S and I beat you up in the graveyard, we took some of your blood. The blood of a dragon and the blood of a pure heart." Sally had heard enough, "YOU BITCH!" The other Sally pulled out a knife, "Calm down. Now to take what we need." The figures around the tub grabbed Krystal and brought her to the front of the tub. She looked down into the liquid. "KRYSTAL NO!!!!!" "Silence, all of you. Her blood and body will be sacrificed to make Shadow whole again." A trap door in the ceiling opened. "However, first we need pure dark lightening from this cursed planet to bring energy to the master." The earth shook violently and the wind howled above them. A streak of pure lightening split the air and hit the liquid with a thunderous crash. A liquid began to rise and took form of Shadow. He outstretched his hand towards Krystal.

Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby 5 - The Grand Finale

"Krystal! NO!!!" "Shadow must have a sacrifice of blood and bone." Krystal closed her eyes, knowing death was imminent. She opened her eyes to see the figure recoiling in pain and suddenly dispersing. Fang was stood behind it wiping his sword...

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Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby 3 - The Blacksmith and the Metal

"No way!" "Way!" "In the toilet?" "Hell yeah?" "What was it like?" "Apart from amazing?" "Really?" "Fuck yeah." "But she's a girl." "Erm...yeah I know." "Hi girls, what's going on?" "Cassy, Naomi...

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Cassandra, Naomi and Ruby 2 - Fox's Peril and Fang's Departure

A few years had passed since that day in Urios and nothing more had happened. The second Sally had not appeared for some time and the girls were on their final years of high school. The three had become incredibly as well as keeping their immaturity....

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