A Hero's Reward Part II

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This is a continuation of my short story "A Hero's Reward" I plan to have only two or three chapters. As was it before, the story is copyright of me, but the characters you may use as you wish. Nikki, eleven years old, but no longer a virgin, lie in bed, thinking about her lover. Kyle, a blue-gray panther, had rescued her from a bully on her way home from school, for which she was grateful. After he sent the bully running, He and Nikki engaged in a sexual orgy, which was the fist that Nikki had ever experienced. Her virginity was no more, and her lover was at school with her every day. She was worried that sooner or later, her mother and father would find out about the sexual activity and She and Kyle shared. She lie in bed, naked, thinking about Kyle, becoming anxious for another encounter. Nikki could not sleep, and the clock read four A.M. She rolled over slowly, and pulled her blanket off of her. She pictured Kyle in her mind, and their last encounter. She massaged her flat chest with her little hands, and pinched her nipples. Becoming more excited, and more horny, one of her hands quickly drifted down to her swelling pussy. Nikki slowly began rubbing the lips of her slit with her index finger. The walls of her love became more elastic, as if parting to let her in. Now satisfied, she arrogantly shoved her finger into her pussy, fingering her self, and picturing her love. Nikki felt around in her sex for the spot she loved, and closed her eyes and braced herself. She poked the ball of her index finger onto the end of her little swelling clit, and tried to hold back her ecstatic moans and screams. She squeezed and prodded at her pleasure button, until her sweet juices were sent spilling onto her bedspread. She laid down her arched back, breathing heavily, and removed her finger from her love. She fell asleep quickly, muttering 'Kyle'. The next day came too quickly for the tired Neko, for it was half past seven on the clock, and she needed to be at school. Nikki turned her head lazily toward the alarm clock. Her eyes immediately burst full open. She remembered that she was nude, and grabbed a set of panties from her dresser. She quickly slit a blue shirt-skirt onto her shoulders then rushed downstairs. Nikki's parents were at work already, and she did not have time for breakfast. She threw on her backpack, which was still open, then ran out the door. The little Neko ran all the way to school, and barely made it in before the bell went off. 'Late again miss Wagner?' Nikki's teacher scolded, directing her to her seat. She sat down and took out her books for the lesson. She glared apathetically at the front of the classroom. 'Radius... Equal... point five times... pi...' the Neko girl heard as she toned out most of the teachers lecture. Her eyelids grew heavy, and finally closed completely. She lay asleep at her desk, drooling. Her tail and ears twitched as they did when most cats slept. 'MISS WANGER!' came the teacher's scolding yell, 'That is the final straw! To the Dean's office with you! MARCH!' Nikki yawned heavily, and stood up to stretch. She walked right into the wall on her way out the door, providing a laugh for most of her class. She stumbled to the headmaster's office, and plopped herself into the waiting room chair. 'Hi Nikki!' was the sound that woke her up from her nap on the waiting chair in the Dean's office. Kyle's handsome face filled her vision. 'What are you in for?' she murmured, half whining about the intrusion from her sleep. She rolled over, half asleep, her back facing her boyfriend. Kyle glared quizzically, trying to figure out why this rowdy Neko was so tired today. 'MISS WAGNER!' came that call for the third time today. The Dean himself was in her sleepy face this time, 'We will simply not tolerate this behavior in our... for God's sake, wake up!' he yelled, snapping his fingers in her face. 'Ah! Uh... I, er,' Nikki stammered, beginning to wake up, 'Dean Thomson, I'm so sorry!' she said, finally taking time to survey the scene. 'Young lady, 'sorry' doesn't scrub the cafeteria floor, now move it!' Dean Thomson ordered. Nikki grabbed a hall pass from the Dean's desk and headed for the cafeteria. She padded through the winding corridors, until she saw the normally inviting doors to the cafeteria. The whole place was quiet, and there was no one there, not even the janitor. Nikki proceeded to the area near the serving counter, for that was an easy start with a mop. 'Some coincedence, eh?' a familiar voice came from behind the counter. Nikki jumped, startled by the sudden voice. 'I'm on kitchen duty for punching that jerk Reese.' 'Kyle?' Nikki asked, peeking up over the counter. 'Hi Nikki, tuna fish to tide you over?' Kyle asked her, reaching into the counter. Nikki nodded, quite hungry for lack of breakfast. She stared dreamily at kyle, admiring his look in a white apron, and a classic fifty's diner hat. 'Here you go,' he said as he slid a can of tuna her way, 'opps, almost forgot,' he said as he remember that Nekos didn't have claws. She unsheathed one razor-sharp claw and used it like a can-opener on the tuna. 'Thank you,' Nikki murmured as she gobbled up the tuna, purring softly. 'Nikki, do you want to help me in the kitchen?' the panther asked his girlfreind, who was busy eating her lae breakfast. 'I have to mop the floor out here,' she replied, but then looked up and his birght toothy smile. She could not say no, besides, it would be fun, right? she asked herself in her head. She stood up and walked to te bar door into the kitchen. 'Brunch today, we gotta make some eggs,' Kyle stated happily. Nikki smiled at him. 'Like this, see?' he asked, while showing her how to flip and egg. The neko grabbed a spatula, and approached the griddle range. Kyle promptly poured an egg onto it for her to cook. The egg sizzled, and bubbled, until Nikki attempted to flip it. The egg shot up from er spatula and stuck onto the top of the sneeze guard. 'Kyle laughed and put anothe egg onto the griddle. This time, he stood behind her her grabbed her arm to guide her int he motion. 'Do what I do,' he prompted. Nikki, nearly holding hands with her lover, was in that feeling again. Her knees went weak, and she blushed. 'Nikki?' Kyle giggled. He decided to play around with her a bit. He ran his furry paw up her arm, and bagan to lightly caress her flat chest. She melted under his soft touch, and began to tremble. Kyle picked her up and carried to a dugout where the school kept there kitched leftovers. The little rom seemed cozy, as the wire fence that surrounded it was privated by green strips that slid through the square mail of the fence. The little neo girl cooed in his arms, and nestled to his chest a little. Kyle set her down on the padded floor, then removed his shirt and pants. He knelt down near the Neko, and reached up her legs to slide off her panties. He loved the look of her cute little ass, and her yellow-blonde tail. He pulled off her little tennisshoes revealing her adorable feet. Lastly, he unbuttoned her shirt-skirt, leaving Nikki completely nude. Nikki looked up at her lover, her big eye's sparkliing. She then rolled over on her belly, showing off her little ass, and teasing Kyle with her tail. Kyle lifted up her pelvic area, and aimed his swelling cock at her little pussy. They then connected in a sugar-sweet doggy style. Kyle pumped his dick farther and farther into her tight pussy. Nikki moaned and shook, tears coming from her eyes. Kyle, now sweating heavily, gripped her butt cheeks, and pulled his cock out to head-deep. He braced his self, then plunged into her sex with all his might, casusing his mate to scream and cry. Nikki lowered her chest to the ground, and stuck her ass in farther toward Kyle. She blushed as some milk came out of her nipples, and spilled on the padded floor. Kyle removed his dick from her vagina, ad began to slide it up between her ass cheeks. He moaned and spasmed, praparign for his orgasm. With one final push, a creampie of cum splooged up between her butt-cheeks, and piled up on the floor. Nikki cummed as well, mixin her juices with his on the ground. The neko quickly spun around and began slurping the cum off of her lover's penis. Kyle moaned, very satisfied at the fealing of Nikki's rough tongue. 'Ooooohhhhh! Nikki, I love you!' he moaned, as another load of cum squirted out of his dick-head. Nikki loved the taste of his sperm, and licked it all up with her warm young lips. Nikki finished off by sucking on his cum-soaked balls a little to tease. She rubbed her ass, which still had Kyle's cum dripping from it, 'I love you to Kyle' she said, standing up to meet kneeling Kyle's face for a French kiss. They caressed eachothers backs and kissed for several minutes before putting their clothes back on. They heald hands on their way back to the kitchen, 'Now, will you help me mop the floor?' Nikki asked sweetly. A LA FIN