GBL High: Chapter Six

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#16 of GBL High (Fave)

Chapter Six

Moving forward

All was silent as Timmy walked through the hallways. He didn't say anything, he didn't need to. He would only have to whisper and china would have heard him everybody was so silent.

Everybody was just looking at him, with soft sorrow eyes. Nobody was confused, nobody was uncaring, but everybody hoped he was ok.

Timmy was of course too distracted to notice, but Ryan's ears were ringing with silence. He didn't bother looking around to tell people off, He was too distracted for that. He had somebody to look after.

The two kept walking in the silence until they got to Timmy's locker.

"Do you want me to open for you hun?" Ryan asked, letting his paw just softly slide around the small feline. Timmy shook his head and rose his head and paws to begin spinning around the dial slowly.

Timmy took his time, he didn't have to hurry. His paw was shaking as the dial lined up with the numbers, it shook so much that when the time came to pull the lock open, it stuck.

Timmy just let the lock go. He didn't want to try again; he didn't need it; so he would let Ryan do it for him.

Ryan reached out and with quick paws, unlocked the locker and opened it up for his partner.

Timmy sighed and gave a quick flash smile in thanks as he reached in to grab his art folder and his pencil case before just lightly closing his locker.

Ryan locked it back up, before quickly padding over to his locker to grab the things he needed. After which he closed and locked his locker to begin walking with Timmy to the Cafe.

"Mocha today kitten?" Ryan asked with a smile over to his mate. Timmy looked up at the smiling tiger and with a small smile, nodded his head. "There's a beautiful smile."

Timmy huffed and just leaned into Ryan.

"Thank you." He said softly,

"Don't thank me for trying to keep you happy." Ryan chuckled as reached over and wrapped his paw in with his mates. Holding it gently, yet firmly.

Timmy just leaned into the feline, who smiled and continued walking, knowing he was doing something right.

The two continued to the door, Ryan pushing it open for the two as they walked in.

"Hey!" Came the happy calls of the large footballers and the smaller 'groupies'

"hey guys." Ryan said with a smile,

"Hey," Timmy said back quietly. His smile small, but it was still there.

The two then took their seats, Ryan scotching into his usual place at the end of the table, inside the booth, and Timmy sliding in with him.

The team didn't mind moving, they never complained. It was where the head of the group sat, and since they were footballers, that was always the quarterback and his mate.

Timmy leaned in, resting his head against the larger males shoulder, having to then move as Ryan lifted his arm to slid over Timmy's head and around his body to hold him closer.

"How are you honey?" Cole asked, smiling over at the tiger who smiled a little more,

"I-I'm better." He said softly, his eyes shifting up to the lion, then back down at the table. "Just want to kinda, forget it ever happened."

Cole nodded, his smile friendly as he then turned to brad and smiled,

"Hey guys," he said, "Wanna hear how ass needy this dragon is?" The feline asked,

"Oh hell no!" brad said reaching around and covering the smaller dragons maw, who responded with squeaks and groans, trying to get his maw free. The smiles from the other friends just showed however showed him they were going to hear it sooner or later. "God I hate you." Brad groaned, putting his head on the table covering his ear holes.

"He-he, Alright, so," Cole said, his paw doing the gay wrist flick as he settled in to his seat, "I just got out of the shower at his apartment. I was lookin' fine as usual." He giggled, the group giving a few chuckles and giggles, Timmy smiling a little more. "And so all I had was a towel around my waist. I'm walking down the hall to the gym to tell stud muffin here that I was going to start dinner and ask him if he wanted anything in particular. So I walk in and of course he's doing the double arm weight things."

"Bench presses." Brad sighed from underneath his arms,

"Yeah those things, and this moron doesn't put the bar back up, he rolls his head back to talk to me. He sees me and already his arms wobble a little. I'm a little anxious but I thought 'he's a big boy, he'll be alright', well he had to chose that night that I was over to exert himself. So I begin to walk over and as I do, my towel falls down and his arms weaken for a second but I didn't see that. So I bend over to get the towel and that's when I hear the loud thud and groans of pain." Cole said rubbing his mates back while laughing with the a few others in the group, "This idiot dropped four hundred kilos onto his chest then began to cry out for me. I had to pull off all these weights so the silly dragon could push them off."

The group had smiles all over their faces while most were laughing. Timmy was even laughing a little bit to which Ryan could not have felt happier about. He looked down and gave his tigers head a soft peck while looking over at Cole to give him a thanking smile.

Cole gave a nod and then continued to laugh with the group, while hugging his mate for forgiveness.

"I like butts!" The dragon whined before reaching over and pulling his lion over onto his lap, "I like your butt!"

Cole laughed happily as he nuzzled into his dragon neck and wiped his eye,

"I love you." He laughed, hugging the dragon close while he himself began to laugh.

"Love you too." Brad chuckled,

Ryan smiled and shook his head at the two before looking down at his watch. He had a good hour before school started, and he was already feeling ready for bed.

He sighed and gave Timmy's ear a quick nibble to get his attention. Timmy looked up with a confused smile and gave a little laugh,

"What cub?" He asked with a small and yet cute smile,

"Want a mocha?" Ryan asked,

"Sure." Timmy giggled, "Can I come with?"

"I would love you too." Ryan chuckled, "Excuse us guys" Ryan said with a smile.

"Oh sure." Steven said as he nudged John out of the way, He looked over and quickly got himself up from the seat. When it was clear, Timmy and Ryan padded over to the Cafe bench were an awaiting large lion smiled at the couple.

"Hey boys, what can I get ya?" He asked with a large smile,

"Could we get two Grande mocha's and um, oh hun, wanna share some chocolate mud cake?" The tiger asked with a smile.

"At Seven thirty in the morning?" The cashier asked, making Timmy giggled a little,

"Sounds good Hun." Timmy said with a smile,

"You two are crazy." He said jokingly, making the two laugh a little,

"Oh don't forget ice-cream and whipped cream." Ryan said making the cashier stop and look up.

"Boy, you are asking for a cavity." He said playfully. Ryan just shook his head, hooked a finger into his lips and lifted the top lip up to show his pristine white teeth.

"I think I'm fine." Ryan said with a toothy grin making the Cashier laugh.

"Ok tough guy, you made your point." He said smiling, "I'll bring this out to you and your gorgeous mate in a moment."

Timmy's smile dropped, and his cheeks turned a soft crimson.

"Easy." Ryan said with a chuckle, knowing the lion was mealy complementing him. It was obvious by how he threw in the word 'mate'

"Sorry, just kinda slipped out." The lion said, hiding his face playfully, "your food and drinks will be ready in a moment." He said in a very high voice before turning to the kitchen and began to get the things he needed while Timmy and Ryan returned to their seats.

"Hey, tonight did you wanna just relax or did you wanna go out somewhere?" Ryan asked as they sat down,

"Um, were could we go?" Timmy asked, sitting down next to his master before Ryan picked him up and moved him up onto his lap making Timmy giggle just a little.

"We could go to the arcade, we could go out for dinner, we could go see a movie. We can do whatever we want."

Timmy began to wonder a little while he put his head on his mate's chest. Where hadn't he gone in a while? He has been all over and he didn't feel like going out somewhere extremely public. Unless there was more of them.

"D-Does anybody want to go out to the beach this afternoon?" Timmy asked. The group went silent for a second.

Was Timmy ready for that? Did he already feel ok with going out into public?

"Um, yeah sure I'll come." John said with a smile,

"Yeah Rob and I are free." Sammy said with a smile,

"Joey and I can make it." Jack said, giving his fox a soft peck to his head.

"Sounds like fun." Steven chuckled,

"Even and I would love to tag along."

"Oh guys we should have a beach party!" Cole said smiling,

"Oh cool! I'll bring the Music!" Zach said with a smile, "need to give my boom box a play."

"Alright, four till eleven, sweet beach party!" Rob said with a happy smile to his maw.

"And some sweet beach sex." Same chuckle as he nuzzled his equine lover who laughed,

"I'm not getting arrested cause you can't keep it in your pants." Jackie giggled poking the larger muscular being

Timmy giggled a little and smiled as Ryan looked down at him.

"You sure you want to do this?"

Timmy nodded his head and swallowed a little of his saliva,

"I can't let myself have any thinking time. Cause if I get depressed it's only going to get worse. I need to be able to move on." Timmy whispered softly,

Ryan smiled and nodded a little, leaning down to softly peck his lover on his lips and hold him tightly.

"Whatever it takes." Ryan said holding the feline to his body just before a plate and two cardboard coffees were slowly passed down the table.

"Thank you!" Ryan said to the lion whom turned and have a little nod before going back behind the table.

"God I need this." Timmy sighed, reaching down to take a sip of the chocolaty, caffeinated goodness. He slowly let the flavour just wash in his maw while, taking in the rich and sweet flavour.

Timmy's purr slowly began to grow from his chest, making the whole group just smile seeing their friends taking what had happened so well.

"The fuck is everybody?" Came a voice, a voice that made the entire group just groan. All except Timmy who was still too caught up in his coffee to notice the golden retriever walking up to the group.

Ryan knew what was going to happen, he knew Kyle would say something. He knew that the dog didn't have a filter on what he said, and if he tired to leave, the dog would only follow.

"Hey kitten." Ryan said as happily as he could, talking out his iPod and unwinding the earphones. "You need to listen to this song I found."

"Um, ok." Timmy said with a little confusion but put in his head phone. Ryan gave his tiger a soft kiss to his cheek before selecting the song 'happy' by Pharrell Williams. Timmy gave a soft giggle as the distorted sound of what Timmy thought to be as an electric organ repeatedly hit the head phones.

The song went further making Timmy giggle and begin to softly jiggle with the song. Letting the two talk animals talk.

"We don't need your bullshit right now." Sammy said with an alien serious tone. His face showed the same alien emotion for the husky as he shook his head. "Timmy doesn't need it."

"Pfft," The golden retriever said waving his paw, "Why should I care what he 'needs'" Kyle growled.

Ryan soon gave the tiger a peck to his cheek and got up from his seat.

"Wh-where are you going?" Timmy asked, taking out a head phone,

"Just to talk to Sammy, Robs there." Ryan said with a smile, while Rob hopped up and moved over to Timmy. He took an ear bud and laughed as the two started dancing.

Ryan smiled a little, before turning and sighing as the golden retriever looked at the two.

"You need to leave him alone." Sammy said firmly,

"He stole you guys from me; I am not going to let it to continue" Kyle said growling

"He did nothing except take the most stuck up, snobby part of our group and replace it with love, happiness and tenderness." Ryan growled, "He." Ryan said adding emphasis, "Is the most amazing fur in this world, he cares for everybody and you know what fucking happened to him?"

"Oh who fucking cares what happened to that fucking Tiger!" Kyle yelled,

"I do!" The large feline yelled,

"People!" The large feline said from behind the counter. "Please take this outside!"

"Sorry," Ryan said putting his paw up apologetically, taking Sammy and Kyle outside.

The three's tension were high as they walked and shut the door.

"I can't believe you can be so self-centered!" Sammy growled, "Do you have any idea what happen to him?" The husky asked.

"No and why should I care?" Kyle growled,

"Because if the same things happened to you, you would fucking crumble." Ryan growled and went to walk inside.

"What, was he raped? Kyle asked. The two both went to answer, but both found themselves lost for words. They still themselves couldn't believe it, but it had happened and they couldn't do anything about it.

Kyle was about to say something, but before he could, a familiar distortion was heard loudly from inside the Cafe. Ryan looked in and began to laugh as he found his tiger playfully dancing with Rob to 'happy'.

"Yeah I can see he is just so torn up." Kyle scoffed, shaking his head.

"Shut the fuck Kyle." Sammy growled, turning his head and smiling at his friend, who was being forced to dance by the large panther. He was laughing, he was dancing awkwardly and every so often he would really get into the song.

Ryan and Sammy shook their heads and laughed at the small tiger.

"He's pulling through, and we are asking you, pleading you to just leave him alone." Ryan said looking back to the golden retriever. "he needs this, he needs to be able to pull through fully. So please just stay away from him."

Ryan sighed as he then opened the door and smiled as he began to dance his way over to his mate. Timmy turned and smiled as he held his paws out and let Ryan place his larger ones inside his as they began to slowly dance to the happy song.

The jazzy, happy feel made the tigers entire body feel like just dancing down the halls, he felt like dancing everywhere he went.

He didn't understand how the song could go so deep into his system, he couldn't understand how this music could change his mood so drastically, but as of right now he didn't want to think about it.

He just wanted to enjoy his time. Enjoy the time he didn't have to be scared and feel so useless. He just wanted to enjoy the time that he could be normal.

"He's doing it for the attention." Kyle growled while Sammy was nose to nose to him.

"He's not doing anything." Sammy growled. "He's isn't a stuck up attention whore like you are. Cause you know what. We are over you, we are sick of you, we are over you. We are sick of how you treat people and how you treat us. If you want friends, then change whatever it is that makes you such a fucking cunt!"

The golden dog stood still as he looked at the Husky. He didn't know how to reply. He wanted to go into that Cafe, to give that fucking friend stealing feline a hard punch, but he was still in shock.

The husky shook his head and padded back into Cafe. His smile obviously fake, until his large Puma had him in his arms and began playfully nibbling on his neck. Sammy couldn't help but feel better as his mate began to hold him tightly and make him feel so much better.

Timmy was giggling as his mate had his arms wrapped around his waist while they began to slowly jig. The husky soon began to dance with his own mate, and even sooner, the entire football team was up dancing with each other. They were laughing, and they were happy.

And that just made the golden retriever mad.