The Red Ones

Story by interloper on SoFurry

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#1 of The Red Ones

Another world...

You have to understand that in our culture, there are three kinds of "women."

The first, the true females, are the ones who were that way since birth. No one's sure entirely why - a quirk of genetics, something in the environment, a major solar event and accompanying mutating burst of high-energy particles - but females don't normally show up in a new litter, just males. It's been that way for centuries, basically. A true female by birth's something of a miracle, and because of that rarity, when one is somehow born she's treated somewhere between a princess and a goddess. If you're just a regular old average citizen, there's a good chance you'll never even see one in person - as soon as they're born they're sequestered away behind gates in a series of palaces reserved for their use, with every luxury imaginable, to be courted by only those with the absolute highest political or social status. As they should be, probably - female births almost always point to superior genes, and the theory is if you pair like with like, then the kids they have'll be even better off, and maybe we get to the point where we can produce enough females again the natural way.

The other two classes, then... well, I suppose it should probably be clear by now that they arrived at that state much further down the road. After all, if you're not born into it, it's not a decision to be made lightly. Sure, it's much better than the old chop-jobs done in desperate times, but it's still quite an intensive thing to go through. For one thing, just to start the process out, they shoot your head full of drugs that knock you flat out for a solid couple of weeks. Then they put a mask on you and stick you in a chamber full of some kind of mutagenic stuff, stuff that flows in past your fur, through your pores, and starts rewriting you at the genetic level, popping chromosomes in and out, and then setting a kill switch on all the old cells, bit by bit each day, until by the end of the process your soft tissues have regenerated from the ground up, with all your male parts replaced by the female equivalent. And that's not even the craziest part - somewhere in the middle of all that, some sort of big industrial robot-arm thing comes in, breaks your hips along specific cleavage points, rearranges them so they can handle a complete womb and the child it carries, and then does some sort of coherent-light magic to fuse them all back into place. It means that afterwards, in addition to getting used to all of the other changes, you literally have to learn how to walk all over again. The whole process is disorienting and kinda crazy, takes a certain mental toll along with the physical one, and instantly changes your place in society.

Because of that, despite the need, there aren't a whole lot of men who take the plunge involuntarily. Still, the procedure is widely available, and so heavily subsidized by the government as to be virtually free to all takers, which means that there are two categories of people that it appeals to. One, of course, is that of transsexuals, for which the process is a rather considerable boon - while it doesn't offer the instant prestige of natural women, it does offer a generally seamless transition and smoothly-integrated union between physical function and gender identity. While going the other way is theoretically possible for FtM transsexuals, the government tends to frown on it - due to the demographic imbalance, and the fact that resilient vaginal tissue can shrug off without injury the penile barbs that can cause progressive rectal damage during anal sex, anything that reduces the pool of females is seen as something that can cause significant social unrest. After all, if you deny a man sex for too long, that energy is bound to come out in more destructive ways, and the government's failed attempts to widely distribute artificial-vagina sex toys and inflatable companions demonstrated the need for actual female companionship to keep the male population away from a state of perpetual hormone-crazed violence.

Hence the second category of men who make the decision to undergo the procedure. Given such a heavy demand for the services of a woman, being on the supply side has the potential to be quite lucrative for someone determined to provide those services. As a result, prostitution is not only legalized by the government, but actively protected, promoted, and encouraged. Most of them band together in ubiquitous government-provided brothels located near where most people live and work, providing an important outlet during the workday and into the evenings depending on the shift they desire. It is these entrepreneurs who provide one of the two sexual outlets that most men will experience, and while it provides something more of a physical release than a lasting emotional connection, it is generally the best that can be had for men who are ethically the highest-minded.

The more avid practitioners usually opt for an additional procedure that occurs at the same time as the actual transition: a specialized hormonal regulator biologically built alongside the ovaries and cybernetically fused to a specialized activation chip that interfaces with a paired remote. The regulator provides a means of stimulating an immediate cycle of estrus, and generally within 30 minutes of activation the woman is fully in heat and ready to go, and can then turn it off and go back to normal at the end of her workday. The procedure makes the subsequent employment far more profitable, as a woman in heat can accommodate set much more smoothly, and can service almost double the clients per hour than a woman in a normally-aroused state. The procedure is, of course, usually paired with ovulation blocks on both ovaries that are keyed to the same remote, to ensure that the state only results in fertility on the occasions that the woman might want it - although due to regulations on population expansion, every few years women who have had the procedure have the blocks deactivated and the state of estrus enforced for one solid week, in order to ensure their participation in growing the population. For the created women who don't undergo that procedure, no further intervention is required - they simply go into heat automatically as their new biology instinctively dictates, and bear the results on the occasions that a fertile mating takes hold.

In either case, those that choose the conversion for this reason are generally aware that providing sexual services becomes the extent of their careers from that point on. While it is generally a physically satisfying career, especially for those with the regulators implanted, it is not exactly intellectually stimulating for the most part, and can occasionally be overwhelming in areas with especially high demand. On the other hand, it is not without its benefits - women of this type are provided with living quarters in their brother compounds in addition to the rooms where they perform their services, and the government sets a per-act rate that is not unreasonably priced for the men involved, but provides roughly three to four times the average salary a man can make for a woman with an average client load. As a result, while not as revered or pampered as their lofty natural-born sisters, women of this type usually manage to live in reasonable comfort and security, and are unquestionably in a better boat than their other class of societal siblings.

The third kind of woman arrives at that status through the criminal-justice system. After the change began and the population began to unbalance, after the transformation techniques were both cheap and ubiquitous, the government in charge happened upon a solution that would both limit exploding criminality and provide a social palliative for legions of unattached men, and at that point the situation was so dire that very little consideration was given to the impacts on the individual rights of criminals who became caught up in the scheme.

The solution, as it were, meant that the criminal justice system was dramatically simplified. There would be no more jails, no more incarceration, no more death penalty or corporal punishment. In fact, as a result of the decision, there are now only two classes of crimes: one that covered all aspects of murder, the rape or a born female or the violent rape of a law-abiding created one, and a few other serious crimes, and one that covered everything else. For all of the lesser crimes, the punishments involved little more than progressively higher fines, forfeiture of certain assets, and combined restitution and punitive payouts to the victims.

For the more serious crimes, though, the defendants are taken to a small courtroom attached to a government-run conversion facility. In most cases, especially if there is little question of a defendant's guilt, they are wired up and masked before the proceedings even begin. As soon as the judge is presented with enough evidence, he presses a button, and the guilty party becomes quickly unconscious as the drugs flow into him; in fact, for many, the small courtroom fading to blackness is their last memory of their existence as a man.

The procedure that the condemned criminals are then forced to undergo is, at its core, quite similar to the one that certain other men undergo voluntarily. There are, however, a few key differences. An additional gene is inserted during the process, one concerning how pigmentation is generated for fur; at the end of the process, once the fur is fully regrown, it takes on a distinct, vividly reddish cast to clearly mark those sentenced to conversion, as opposed to the volunteers who retain their natural fur color. They are also subjected to the installation of the hormonal regulators and ovulation blockers, although instead of being keyed to a remote, they are instead slaved to a government-controlled radio signal. Finally, to ensure that no end-runs are to be taken around their punishment, a highly-specialized mutation is introduced: one that rearranges the clitoral tissue, relocating its most sensitive area away from the normal exterior nub and instead diffusing it underneath several layers of the vaginal wall, meaning that vigorous stimulation by a male's penile barbs during mating becomes the only sensation capable of safely providing sexual and estrual relief.

So controlled and branded, they are then released back out into the world, to face the whims of the men surrounding them. Every day, with the exception of one rotating day per week, broadcasts are sent out to activate their heat. Aside from a few hours in the early morning for sleep, and a small break for an evening meal, the criminals, nicknamed "the red ones" or simply "reds," are set into a state of uncontrollable heat. They are available for anyone walking by to use how they see fit, as long as no real damage is caused - which, considering their significant internal resilience, generally means that even extended, hard, rough matings are perfectly acceptable.

Legally, they are effectively dispossessed; all that they own is confiscated by the state. Technically, they are not allowed to wear clothing, ostensibly to prevent them covering up their "marked" fur color. This is not enforced by the police, however, because such enforcement is not officially needed; rather, any that attempt to wear clothing only do so until they are discovered by an interested male, who is allowed and encouraged to tear the clothing off as a matter of course before taking them. Instead of traditional housing, they are required to stay in open-plan buildings with others of their ilk, usually converted warehouses or auditoriums, where their meals are also provided. The only furniture provided are heated lounges arranged in such a way that a red one cannot sleep on them without her vulva exposed in a way to provide easy access; the only alternative is trying to sleep on the cold, rough stone floor. The doors to such facilities are set on a timer, and automatically close during the time allotted for sleep, reopening shortly after the signal is sent for the resumption of estrus. As a result, many red ones are vigorously mated into wakefulness each day by men looking to get some relief before work. Still, it is far better than the unfortunate ones who are caught out in the open during the time the doors are closed, facing the deprivations of men who like to lurk in the dark hours, who desire to keep their deprivations hidden from the light of day, even against those sentenced to accept them. After all, it is only the foolish rapists who get caught and sentenced; as it is not a crime to force a red one under any circumstance, and virtually impossible to replicate the struggle involved with one who is currently in heat, the clever ones wait for stragglers and laggards in alleyways, letting their desperate screams echo futilely into the night.

It is partly due to such disreputable uses that there is a significant minority of men, legal right aside, who do not condone use of this virtually enslaved prisoner class under any circumstances; for them, the use of created, lawful women employed as regulated prostitutes allows them to satisfy their urges in a way that they find morally acceptable. Others, generally high-minded, will make use of any nearby if they are horny and desperate, often compensating them something for the inconvenience - not nearly at the legal rate, usually, but enough to allow them to buy a few small comforts to slightly alleviate their servitude. Most of the population, though, is perfectly happy to see them for what they are: an acceptable, convenient outlet for their lustful impulses. In fact, for many teens, their presence in society becomes a kind of sport, with small packs of them chasing down an isolated red one, pinning her to the ground, and taking turns with her until she is so thoroughly used she can do little but whimper and shudder beneath them. Some more easily-embarrassed men drag red ones into a secluded park corner or alleyway before taking them, but many are content to do so in public whenever the mood strikes them, and it happens so frequently that seeing a red one pressed down into a mounting position and being taken noisily is such a common occurrence that most men either walk by the spectacle without giving it a glance, or spend a few moments to watch and howl their approval before continuing on. The authorities, of course, have no qualms about allowing such things to continue, as they feel that the public humiliation and lack of dignity only improve the red ones' punishment; besides, they argue that allowing them to be conveniently mated at any time cuts down greatly on recidivism, as once they are let up, most of them manage to only travel a scant few city blocks before being quickly tackled into an immediate carnal embrace by one of the perpetually horny males intent on taking advantage of them. Coupled with the temporary incapacitation provided by the rough, barb-forced orgasm provided with every mating, and said criminals are left with neither the time nor the energy to carry out any further acts of mischief. This approach has been additional enhanced in recent years, with the addition of another mutation to the conversion process that reduces muscle mass, and one that changes hip angles to make running more difficult; in addition to making them easier to catch and allowing virtually any male to overcome their resistance and take them with complete ease, it also meant that there was little chance for them to evade authorities if they tried anything illegal again. Before, they were killers, rapists, purveyors of violence and mayhem; now, however, they are capable of doing nothing more than to accept such wild male impulses within them, and through their twisted mix of pleasure and suffering, they provide the crucial safety valve that prevents too many others from sharing their fate. There are still enough who stray, though, enough who give in to that violence, that there is always a steady stream of new red ones to take their place as receptacles for lower society's collective lust.

They are also, to some concern, the largest pool from which offspring can potentially be borne. Whenever the government decides that it is necessary to increase the population, a number is calculated, and for that many red ones, the ovulation blockers are immediately removed, producing a fully fertile heat. This is coupled with a release of the most intense possible pheromones that guarantee males seeking them out wherever they are and breeding them preferentially, all but guaranteeing their conception after several days of intense breeding, during which there is rarely ever a time they are not clutched tightly within the arms of a male, squirming and yowling around the incessant raking of spines sending them oscillating wildly between shrieking pain and shuddering ecstasy. They are then, at least, afforded a brief respite during their pregnancy, as such a state precludes heat; the offspring are then raised elsewhere by the state, in order to ensure that they are kept away from their parents' criminal influences. Some, of course, argue that such policies favor criminal genetics and make the offspring more likely to commit crimes of their own. According to the government, though, such a thing is not necessarily the worst outcome; after all, the gender balance of the society is still skewed, and as a result, there are few men who would not welcome an additional influx of red ones, lurking heated and marginalized on the streets, easy, ready, and there for the taking.

The Folks in the Woods, Part 6: Best-laid Plans

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The Overture

I thought that it would have killed me, and so I was quite perplexed when I realized, afterwards, that I still drew breath. You have to understand that, in my generation of the family, seven males had been born; and of those seven, five had already...

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The Folks in the Woods, Part 5: First Steps and Missteps

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