When The Hell Freezes Over

Story by Sharpfang on SoFurry

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When The Hell Freezes Over

An erotic furry fantasy story by Sharpfang

I followed Mio behind a pile of crates in the last room in the series. He lifted a trap door that was so well hidden in shadow that it would be hard to tell it apart from the floor, and went down the stairs, some four floors down. I followed him apprehensively.

It was two months and I still haven't made my mind about him. He was one shaggy bay pony, short, with long tattered mane covering his eyes totally so that I was curious how he can see at all, wearing old baggy pants and a loose shirt, definitely far from ideal of masculine beauty. He was definitely smart and intelligent, he knew answers to about all questions and could come to good conclusions quite fast. He was nice, very nice in fact, but he was pretty hopeless when it comes to being romantic. And our situation notwithstanding, he seemed to have his mind fixed on getting into my panties, even though he was absolutely gentlemanly about it. He was quite likable most of the time, but with some of his misguided ideas about ways to seduce me, at times he creeped me out.

"We're almost there", he said as he led me into one huge chamber with countless tall pillars, completely dark save of the torch he was holding. It was freezing cold now, and windy. The steps ran down an elevated ramp. The floor (or bottom?) was convex, rising in front of us. It was a rough rubble, more like surface of a mountain than a floor.

"What is this chamber?"

"It's not a chamber. We are now outside. Right under the castle, on top of the stone pinnacle on which it was built."

"Outside?!" I almost panicked. "Why did you bring me here?"

"To show you that one thing. Demons like doing stuff the easy way. Instead of contracting building of a castle, they find a prophecy and cast a spell that causes initial prerequisites for it to be fulfilled. And so a fortress, a castle or other such place comes to life, whole, complete and with infinite supply of all goods they may desire. Then they occupy the place, freeing it only for a brief time when the prophecy actually takes place. That's how this castle was created. And the essential component for the spell is the prophecy itself, engraved upon its base."

"So you want to show me the prophecy? But what does it have in common with us?"

"Just read it."

We arrived upon one tall rock on top of the concave surface. Mio shone his torch upon the rock and I could make out the writing. I read it. I reread it. Then I cursed.

"I knew you would hate it."

"No way, you sick bastard! Sooner the hell will freeze over!"

"Oh, that part has been taken care of already. The first line speaks specifically about that."

I hated how he always had the last word, how he could always foresee what I would say. And the verses creeped me out completely.

Born over the frozen Mahorest

Of the loins of the wisest

Of the womb of the fairest

King of the Endless Forest

Uniting the richest and poorest

Shall bring warring factions to rest.

"You know, it hardly qualifies as poetry, even less so a prophecy. Personally, I believe you made it all up and created this writing yourself. Which would place your pathetic being on level with earthworms."

He lowered his head. "And thus we reach the dead end, as I expected, and my intellectual skill is my undoing, because no matter what proof of my words I come up with, you will be convinced that I made it up and that you're just unable to spot the hole because I made it seem perfect. So hereby I proclaim my defeat. Our salvation is from now on in your hands."

Head low down, the shaggy pony headed back to the stairs, looking like a beaten pup. I resisted the urge to hug him and cheer him up. The evil manipulating bastard was doing it on purpose. A sympathy fuck would do just fine for him. Personally, I still wasn't fully convinced I wasn't his prisoner here.

So one moment my brother jokingly pushes me into wardrobe, and the next moment I'm here, in this scary castle in the land where no Sun shines, surrounded by cliffs over frozen sea of blood, with skeletons of most monstrous demons tall as mountains adorning the landscape, with only him for company, and the only thing he can think of is how to get laid. Two months of his courtship, as lame as they get, and now this, the lamest attempt yet.

Sure, two or three times he got really cute and quite close to success, but a girl has to keep her standards, and a girl like me - a pure-blood descendant of the noble steeds of Abaria, purest white fur, perfect body, knights fought for my smile, rich merchants offered their whole fortunes for my hand, I could have any boy in the world (and I had a few, but I was always extremely picky about whom I chose). I really couldn't go with an outcast like him, a highlander and a bandit, or "revolutionary" as he called his kind, outright enemy of my family - out of question. Plus his delusion about being the wisest creature in the world... Sure he was smart. But I wasn't stupid either! I was well educated, I got high notes, sure there were girls smarter than me. But so far he wasn't smart enough to get into my panties.

I might even give him one last sympathy fuck as a parting gift when we get out of here, but so far he seemed to be totally focused on me and not paying any attention to options of escape from the castle, and now as the poem revealed his true mind, at least another eleven months here, and a child! Now that was unthinkable! The thought of bearing a child alone was repulsive. And his child? Here? Not a snowflake's chance in... okay, with the blizzard howling around, scratch that last sentence.

Of course, Mahorest being one of the outer rings of hell, it didn't really mean the whole hell was frozen. But the frozen plain was full of mean little imps that would strip all the meat from your bones the moment you put your foot on the frozen sea. The only way out was likely the same as the way in. But no matter how many times I was entering the wardrobe, I was still here.

At least the supply was flawless. The larder was full of various cold ready-made food and ingredients. The wardrobes were always full of clean, fashionable clothes (and I couldn't understand him wearing the same baggy pants day after day), and if you liked one particular dress, you'd hang it dirty in the wardrobe and the next day it was clean. The castle was warm and lit by neverending torches and lanterns, there were many interesting books in the library, the rooms were always clean, you never had to wash the dishes, and when it came to fresh cooked food, Mio appeared to be a very good cook.

Still, the armory with thousands of empty armors and rusty weapons was scary, the empty military barracks felt haunted, the wizard study with all the skulls, things in jars and stuff was beyond creepy, the dungeons scared the jeebies off me and anything outside the windows was simply blood-chilling.

Also, neither of us used the master bedroom, the banquet hall or the ballroom, simply because they felt too scary and too big. We took two servants' rooms near the big but still cozy kitchen which served as our living room. The small window of my room opened onto the snow-covered courtyard, with one small white tree covered thickly with snow in the middle, and the main gate leading straight out down the cliff. Mio's room overlooked the plain, and he didn't seem to be disturbed by the view. He also spent more than healthy amount of time in the wizard study, reading books from the small library in there. He claimed he sought a way to give us wings or build an airplane so we could fly away, but I believed he was seeking some nefarious way to make me submit to him.

Personally, I believed he would be more successful if he used the romance section of the library. So far his attempts to seduce me were nothing but misguided. Though I must say the carrot cake he baked for me was so delicious that I actually did kiss his cheek for that. And once he found a guitar and sung some ballads. I have a soft spot for boys who can sing, and his voice was so wonderfully sexy and hot, and if he only picked the right songs, I'd melt all over him like butter. But he choose ballads of war and freedom, and I was, well, able to resist these... even though I had wet dreams about him over the next week.

But the rose perfume he made... I hate roses. And chess. Chess is boring, and when you never stand slightest chance of winning, it's pointless too. And now this piece of poetry... I bet he realized how hopeless a poet he was, so instead of presenting me with a poem, he made up that prophecy stuff, trying to convince me that our child would be able to find a way out for us.

Suddenly, I realized I'm alone in the scary place under the castle, and that his light is slowly vanishing in distance. Fighting panic, trying to maintain dignity, I followed him simultaneously faster and slower than I wanted to.

* * *

"It's been a month since I've shown you the prophecy. Did you come up with any ideas?"

Admittedly, over the past month he didn't try to seduce me even once. In fact, I was slightly disappointed. So if the prophecy was true, it would mean he rally just wanted to have the child to free us, and didn't really care about me the least bit. Actually, I was more than slightly disappointed. One evening I even cried a little, against all reason.

On the other hand, if that was the case, I'd rather die than let him use me like this.

"No, I haven't. And me having a child with you is not an option."

"I was afraid you'd say that, but I'd never forgive myself if I didn't let you try. I have an emergency plan for that case. It's risky, and has some serious downsides, but I can't see any other way." he paused and stood up, picked up the big kettle from the hot plate and began preparing two cups of tea. "It will require at least partial cooperation from your side even though you're very unlikely to like it. Please, have some tea, it will take a while to explain it", he put one cup in front of me and sat on the other side of the table, then slowly put sugar in his tea.

"I'm listening" I said coldly.

"So, as for the emergency plan..." he paused and took a sip of his tea "its initial phase is already done. I've built a special device that will allow us to avoid great most of the... ugly part of it. Unfortunately, still the greatest burden and worst part of the job belongs to you."

He took another, slow sip of tea, pausing again. I took a sip from my cup.

"I wish there was a way I could take that burden upon myself. It pains me, that likely you will hate me for it forever, but there simply is no other way."

The whole world swam and Mio caught me before I hit the floor.

* * *

I was tied to the bed in the master bedroom. It was an enormous four-poster bed. I was tied spread-eagled to the four posts, but the scarves I was tied with had a lot of slack, and I still had my robe on. Actually I could reach with my hands about to my waist or curl up my legs, though the wristbands were locked securely. Mio was sitting in a chair by the bed, with somewhat distressed expression. There was a weird device about the size and shape of a turkey on the floor.

"You bastard!" I hissed. "So that's your great emergency plan! To rape me!"

"That will not be necessary" he said. "You have been inseminated already. Now I must just keep you from removing my sperm long enough for the conception to take place."

"You raped me while I was unconscious?" I asked with a new wave of terror. Oddly, I didn't feel anything out of order down there. Not sore, not stretched, nothing wrong. How long was I unconscious?

"Hardly so. I took all the necessary precautions to preserve your modesty. This device here", he pointed at the iron turkey, "extracted my semen without allowing me any pleasure in the process, and then inseminated you, absolutely painlessly and without possibility of breaking your virginity, and without me seeing or touching any inappropriate parts of your body. The whole process took less than five minutes out of the fifteen minutes of your unconsciousness."

My shock, my horror were without bounds. Tears began rolling down my face unchecked.

I had imagined being raped. I could withstand it. A male finding my body worthy of his attention, violating and using me, but as loathsome, they are, there are feelings involved. But being used soullessly like this, as a child-making tool, impregnated without being able to say a word in the matter, without even knowing or feeling it... I'd prefer him to rape me a thousand times. I lay numb, staring blankly at the ceiling, devastated, destroyed, dead.

"Mara?" he asked in seriously distressed voice. "Mara, my dearest!"

He knelt by the bed. "Please, don't cry! Why are you crying? I'd... I'd never dare to hurt you. I did all I could to save you, absolutely the least I could against your will. I didn't tell you because you wouldn't believe, but if the prophecy isn't fulfilled, the spell backfires terribly, and you... we would die, and the eclipse that keeps Mahorest frozen will end in a little over a year... And let me be doomed but I couldn't stand the thought of you dying. Mara, I love you, I love you with all my soul. It had to be done. Hate me, because I deserve your eternal hate, but don't cry because of me.

My tears still ran. I still felt violated. But his confession... it saved my soul. This cold act of violation, it didn't happen because he'd think me a worthless child-bearing shell. It happened because he loved me, and was afraid to hurt me, and wanted to save me. It was a most misguided, stupid and wrong act of good will, not a soulless abuse.

I closed my eyes tightly and swallowed my tears. Now I was mad. The little creep really deserved it. I glared at him.

Choking on my wrath, I muttered. "You bastard. Go away. Leave me alone."

He hurried away. I was gasping with righteous rage. I struggled in my bonds, shouted curses at him, thrashed, cried, raged, yelled and gasped with hate. Because a small piece of me deep inside cheered silly "He loves me! He loves me!"

Exhausted, I fell to sleep. And what woke me up, was the smell of carrot cake. Moments later he entered, carrying a big plate of the cake.

"Not much of an apology, but you must eat and there's no reason why it can't be something you like." he said, as he placed the plate in front of me.

I threw it at him. Or at least that was what I absolutely intended doing the moment my hands touch the plate. Fuck! Stupid hands didn't obey me. They just began putting pieces of the cake in my mouth.

Full of righteous rage and unable to resist, I was stuffing my cheeks full of the delicious carrot cake, with hate frosting and loathing on top. I was absolutely mad at myself for eating the cake, and for not stopping until the plate was empty, and then for missing him with the empty plate as I threw it at him. And especially for not being sure if I didn't miss him on purpose.

"I need to go to the bathroom."

"I'll have to tie your hands behind your back then. I'm terribly sorry but..."

"So how am I going to wipe myself?"

I gloated for a moment at the horror in his eyes.

"I... I will have to wipe you then." he muttered, on verge if tears.

"Fat chance, you pervert."

"I could... put you in a diaper maybe?"


"What can I do then? I really can't allow you to reach there."

"I can always make you change my sheets and clothes"

The sight of his panic was priceless.

"Okay, you can wipe me just this once."

...and I spent the next three hours or so howling from anger again. Because I found his touch on my private parts totally hot.

Later he brought me a bowl of tomato soup. Bastard, he knew how I love tomato soup. But this time I claimed one huge victory. I resisted eating the soup and hurled the full bowl at him. And then raged and cursed and cried from anger again, because instead of gloating over my victory, I pitied him as he was sweeping the spilled soup and pieces of the bowl, his face as if he was about to burst in tears.

And then the evil creep did the one thing that did me in. He went to his room and began playing the guitar and singing. And he was singing very sad songs of unhappy love and broken hearts.

I lay on the bed and cried. I cried my love to him. I cried that I resisted him instead of falling in his arms the first time he asked me. I cried all the suffering we had caused to each other. And I cried more tears of anger and frustration, because his voice was so incredibly hot, and he made the straps too short for me to reach to touch myself.

At least my breasts were still within my reach. I came from listening to his voice and rubbing my nipples alone, and it was one of the most amazing orgasms in my life.

And when he finished, I was pissed off, but I didn't rage, and as he brought me oat cookies for supper, I ate them, and didn't curse, and returned my plate to him without throwing it. Then I cried a little about my utter defeat.

He said that enough time passed that it would be extremely difficult for me to prevent the pregnancy now, so I can use the bathroom with my hands free. At first I wanted to burst out with righteous anger, defying him and telling him to come with me and wipe me. Then I realized that was exactly what I really, really wanted. Angry and confused, I used the bathroom quickly and then in a gesture of defiance I helped him to tie me back down to the bed.

* * *

First in a beautiful dream, then in the reality, the sounds of the guitar woke me up. He sung about love again, and about desire she defies, about her beauty and how his desire and his love are both sentenced to be unfulfilled forever. And he substituted the name of the girl from the song with my name, Mara. And there was so much love, so much need and despair in his voice as he sung my name.

It took me almost half a hour to bite through my bonds and free myself, and in the meantime he went through a dozen other songs. Currently he was back to one of his revolutionary pieces, "Your woman sold you to the foe, your weapon is your lover", and I was pissed again. How dares he to... but he stopped singing halfway through the sentence, just as if he thought the same thing. There was a moment of silence, when I thought "What the hell am I doing?" and then he resumed, with another song, about me, about how he was not worthy of any of my numerous virtues, each strophe about a different one, and about a reason why he can't have it.

I crept to his door and opened it a little. He was sitting in his chair, peering through the window at the ghastly landscape, holding his guitar and singing, his back to me. He didn't notice me coming in.

The song got slightly bolder on the subject of what mine he would never get. Currently, he sang:

I will never see Mara's breast

Made of moonlight, nipples woven of stars

For when Mara sees me look at her breasts

Mahorest freezes under her glare

He stopped as he heard my robe slipping off my shoulders and falling to the floor. He spun around. The guitar fell with a dull noise.

"It's frozen already. It won't get any worse from you seeing them now."

"Mara, I... I..."

"Shut up and take what you're given before I change my mind."

He did.

* * *

"Mmm. Apple pie." I entered the kitchen and inhaled the scent, then cut a slice of the pie and put it on my plate. "You're spoiling me. I'm gonna get fat from all these delicacies."

"With all the energy you're burning? You must be joking!"

"Speaking of which, it's quite a cool day in hell today, isn't it?"

"Totally freezing. Bedroom or dungeon?"

"Bedroom, I think. But with the scarves."

That "cool day in hell" sentence was our keyword meaning "I want sex." And it was a cool day in hell at least twice a day. Over that last month I got some liking to the dungeons. Bondage definitely turned me on, and the equipment of the dungeons was more than exquisite. Mio was usually the dominant one, but once in a while we switched roles. And half of the time we were just frolicking in the huge bed of the master bedroom, where we moved in together. Sometimes we played some light bondage there too.

Despite playing a harsh master, Mio was always extremely gentle and cautious. It was a month since I was inseminated, and he always remembered I'm bearing the baby.

I finished my pie while watching his hungry eyes with delight. There was nobody here but us, so his extreme jealousy wasn't annoying, it was just cute. I was his most prized treasure, his goddess, his feelings towards me nothing short of fanatical.

He took my hands and reverently led me to the bedroom. I stood there and with one shrug dropped my ornate white tunic off my shoulders, baring my breasts. The tunic was still kept on my waist by a green girdle. He knelt in front of me and kissed my belly, then gazed at my face and chest with dreamy expression on his face, then undid the knot and let the robe slide down.

He was very handsome. During the first session when I was dominant, I put scissors in motion and trimmed his mane nicely, revealing his beautiful sparkling brown eyes. We had a bit of talk about clothes too, so currently he was wearing a neat white plain but elegant shirt and rather tight-fitting silk trousers, with a neat bulge proclaiming that despite being short, he could match most well-bred studs. His hooves trimmed neatly, his tail combed, washed and smooth, his chest firm and wide, strong neck, neat muscles, the plush-like fur delightful in touch and this exquisite spark of extraordinary intelligence in his eyes. I was absolutely proud, and I knew I would chose no other, no matter what.

I reached to his shoulders and pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his chest covered with fluffy, cutely soft fur, against which I loved resting my cheeks so much. But currently, standing up, he rested his head on my chest, his chin snugly between my breasts. He embraced me. Our mouths met in a gentle kiss, then he lay me on the bed and one after another, tied the four straps to my wrists and ankles, not too tightly but enough that I wouldn't be able to deny him anything. He watched me with delight for a moment, then sat by my side and kissed my hand.

"You have never admitted it, but I spent some time thinking what caused your change of heart, and I think I have an idea. If I'm right, today I have a special treat for you."

He covered me gently with a silk sheet, smooth, cool and so thin that it followed the shape of my body precisely, revealing all the details. Then he sat on the bed and fished his guitar from under it. And he sang.

I could feel the fabric stretching as my nipples became erect. My hot breath sped up, my legs trembled. When he ended, I was totally wet between my legs and about to cry for him to take me.

"I was right it seems. And here's the promised treat." he said and pulled a small egg-shaped vibrator from his trousers pocket. We had used this one before, but this time it had something else than a battery pack attached to the end of its wire. It was a small box which he attached to the guitar. Then he reached under the sheets and slipped the vibrator into my opening effortlessly.

And as he began playing again, the box transmitted the music to my inside. I cried out, feeling the music flowing right into me, pulling my inner strings, and not halfway into the first song I began cumming hard, and didn't stop till he stopped singing.

Now there was a big wet stain on the cloth between my legs, two dots by my nipples, a darkened from sweat surface over my chest, and I was struggling for breath.

He placed the guitar by me, then lay down on me, as if preparing to take me, but still with his trousers and the silk separating us. I cried out in frustration, feeling his body so close, wanting him so badly. He rubbed his bulged groin against mine. I cried out as he pulled his hand over the strings of the guitar, and the sound poured into me. He struck one of the strings fast, and his touch of the string was his touch of my inside. He rubbed it, and caressed, and I came violently, spasms of my body hitting against his groin. He grinned, seeing my face, rubbing my nipple through the silk while still playing on the strings. He ground his groin against me and my orgasm grew till there was nothing but quiet ringing of the guitar and white light.

When I recovered consciousness, I saw him straddling me, naked, his full length free, glistening and throbbing, resting between my breasts, on the silk, like a precious scepter. The guitar was gone. I licked my lips and strained my neck towards the shiny drop on the tip. He pushed my breasts together with his thighs, then pushed the tip towards my mouth. I sucked on the tip hungrily. His salty precum dribbled on my tongue and I sucked hard to get more. He just gave me some incredible orgasms and I was determined to repay with at least as much. In these moments I was fully understanding how much I loved him, how happy I was to be in his possession and how madly I wanted to serve him and worship him with all my might.

Breathing heavily through my nose, I was meeting his thrusts with my mouth, bending my neck to pull more of him inside, pulling with my teeth and I didn't let go until I felt him pushing against my throat. My long mouth held almost all of his length inside. I worked with my cheeks and tongue hard, to give him the best I had.

"Mara", he whispered, "Mara, my heaven and salvation, my goddess." I could feel his thrusts getting more feverish, more frequent, his maleness getting even harder, his breath heavier, and I intensified my efforts. His flare began growing, filling my throat, and suddenly he pulled back, pulled fully out.

I cried out in protest and disappointment.

"I want to come inside. In you. To give my seed to your womb." he whispered. He crawled back and using his nails, tore a small rip in the silk over my groin. He lay down and slipped his maleness through the rip, met me ready and waiting for him. He pushed all the way in, smoothly and gently, stopping at the touch of the bottom wall, as far as he dared to go, physically able to push past my cervix but always thinking of the unborn.

"Mara, this is how heaven feels like." The bliss, the happiness on his face were priceless to me. And on my side I felt a sudden relief, fulfillment, a tight knot released, a missing piece falling into place. I became more complete, more like I should be... feeling only one final piece, one small part missing, misplaced, so close but still on the wrong side of the bridge that connected us.

And my body struggled for that last bit, fought in heavy spasms and throes, the need becoming painful, the one bit still missing.

"Give it to me. Give it because I suffer without it" I begged, and he did, thrusting in a rapid, determined pace, his happiness and strain visible as his manhood grew hard as steel, and as thick as my arm, stretching and filling my inside, his flare sealing it tightly and assuring nothing would be lost, not a drop wasted. The spasms running through my body caressed his length and coaxed the spark in his loins into a wild fire that hit me like a hammer, ravaged and burned my inside, filled me... and fulfilled me, filled me with quiet bliss and ultimate peace, made me whole. Make me loved. Made me pregnant.

* * *

Standing on the balcony of our villa, I gazed over the suburbs of Sigur, the capital city of Abaria. The endless forest, with houses sticking above the vegetation, far lakes and beautiful meadows. And a white palace on a nearby hill, overlooking the whole city, current home and workplace of my firstborn.

I thought back to the days in Mahorest. Due to some medical caveat, it was extremely difficult for Mio and me to have a child. Sure over these years we managed to give Raul a brother and a sister, but it wasn't for the lack of trying that we had only three children.

I laughed at the memory of my shock, when a month or so before I gave birth to Raul, Mio showed up with a determined face and a coat hanger in his hands. "Mara", he said, "I'm afraid you won't like it, but I need to ask you do this for the good of us all." Argh, how he pissed me off with beating around the bush like that. "I found a way out. We can go back now. But I want you to stay and give birth to our child here."

I glared at him, then pointed at the coat hanger in a quiet question.

"That's how you get out. You wear some soiled clothes, you put the coat hanger inside, as if for hanging them, and then you hang yourself by it in any of the wardrobes. The next time you open the door, you're in a wardrobe of a small laundry service workshop in downtown Trist. Then you can take the same coat hanger, wear some clean clothes and hang yourself in any wardrobe and you're back here. The owner has been paid to wash anything that shows up and hang it on the same hangers, but it seems some of them have slipped away. It was through wardrobes we both got here, do you remember?"

I laughed very nervously and hugged him tightly. "Silly, if I only could stay with you here forever, I would."

"I'm so happy you think like that. Unfortunately, we will have to move out before the rightful host of this castle comes back. He won't suffer us much longer after the prophecy is unfulfilled."

I gave birth to Raul and we left two weeks later, seeing a sliver of the weird sun, like a New Moon only a million times brighter, rising over the horizon of Mahorest and starting to thaw the sea of blood. In fact, I regretted leaving this place a lot, but I guess the child deserved a better upbringing.

Of course with a revolutionary scum for a lover and with his bastard child, I wasn't welcome back at home. I hardly tried, just talked to my father once and after settling the case, left his house, feeling quite smug about it. Mio's family and other revolutionaries in Mio's home town in the mountains gave us a warm welcome and became my new family. The children there were getting a better education than what my family had provided for me, the life was slow and nice - Mio was the leader of the group and he preferred non-violent solutions - education, propaganda, covert ops against most corrupt and problematic of the aristocracy. I gave birth to Mira, five years later Raul left to join the university, the smartest of the kids in school, and putting Mio to shame with his prowess.

Two years later my father and both of my brothers drowned, as the ship they traveled on one of their numerous business trips sunk during a storm. And as unexpected as it was, Raul appeared to be the rightful heir of the family wealth and status. He used it well, making contacts with the politicians and important businessmen, and right as he finished the university, he became the King's personal adviser. Some of the revolutionaries frowned, but Mio just nodded and smiled and whispered "You will see, really soon now."

And they did, staring with jaws low down. Because the old king, despite being weak and unable to fight the corrupt nobles and his failing health, still hoped for the better of the country and adopted Raul as his heir to the throne.

Raul became the king, then after ruling the country with iron hand for a year, and purging it of all the corrupt elite, he reformed the structure of the government thoroughly, finishing the reform with liquidation of the position of the king. The same year he got elected the President of the Republic of Abaria, thus ending the revolution with a victory without a single shot and with not a drop of innocent blood spilled.

And now he ruled the country from the Presidential Palace, halfway through the second term, loved by the people and with a very good likehood of his good friend and a wise man, to be his successor in the next term.

Mira married a son of the Prime Minister of Hasar, a neighbor country with which relationships were always tense before - and she didn't marry him for political reasons, actually they ran away together and got married against both his parents and our will - but the outcome was exceptionally good, both for them and for the countries. And Shonnie was currently about to finish the university and more than likely to stay in the university and pursue a career of a scientist.

I felt the nice fuzzy hands around my waist, and Mio's chin under my arm. I smiled and looked what it was that was poking me in my stomach. Mio held two coat hangers. "Do you want to go back, love?"

"Is it safe?"

"Raul's work. Don't ask me how. We are both promoted to the rank of Sergeant of the Intelligence, and assigned to a lookout outpost in Mahorest. We are to report any suspicious activity. I don't know how he got rid of the demons, but you know him, he's more than capable."

My eyes gleamed. "Let me just pack up! And don't forget to take the guitar!"

by Sharpfang

Tue Nov 4 17:48:39 2008