a rough encounter

Story by Kharn on SoFurry

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#1 of The life of Brian

Story by : Kharn

Proofread by : Winkmorph

( ) Is a thinking phase ! only for Brian!

A BIG!! Thank you to Winkmorph! who offered me to proofread my story, so you guys can enjoy it a bit more cuz of my crappy eng :P

Let me know if you liked it, this will become a series if I get some feedback. If you want a special race to appear in my story mail or PM me :)

Hello, I'm Brian. Your about to read the story of my life. Let me introduce myself first. Actually, I'm your usual bunny, having Silver fur and a white tummy.

Around the world for 25 years now and I enjoy Singing, Dancing, Hanging out with friends and stuff. I'm into various Sports since... well lets just say

I like to keep in shape also Sports are fun! Ill stand at 5,4 and I'm earning my money with my talent, Singing.

Ok you guys that's it for now. Good you know some stuff about me want to know some more ? Great I'll tell you a story, the story how I met him.

I was 20 back then and............

It was around 6pm, as we entered the club that booked us several times. The small building was packed with people. Loving the

crowd that came to see us, I got excited and we made a quick sound check. Only 5 minutes later, my guitar echoed in the room.

I still feel the rush of music in my blood, it starts to boil when I'm on stage. Licking my lips, I inhaled and started to sing.

The first song is always something special. You have to get the audience exited, or you will mostly end up with whistles

and shouts. It was a cover of Daughtry - Over You. Hearing the crowd singing with me, I knew this evening would be good.

We where halfway done with our performance, as I noticed a wolf in the audience, His eyes where all over me,

following every step I made on the small stage. The awkward feeling was broken, as I heard Andy hit the drums, Giving it

my all, I tried to ignore the wolf. Still feeling his eyes on my body, we hit the next song, a cover of Jimmy eat world -

Sweetness. Needless to say, I love this song.

Our last song came rather quickly, as time passed bye. It was a cover of 3 doors down - Landing in London. Looking back into

the audience, I rather quickly found the dark eyes.

"I need your love to hold me up" I sang, as he looked right into my eyes. "When it's all too much to bear" I nearly cried.

Turning my head, I focused on something else. ( Who is that guy? ) I continued with the song and made it to the end without any errors.

Bowing to the people in front of us, thanking them we got off stage. Hearing the applause still gives me the chills, even

after dozens of shows we did. If you are a musician, that's what you live for.

The four of us headed to the bar. we where greeted by the big, older tiger Oren who ran the club.

"Damn, I cant get enough of you guys" he said and served us some drinks.

"Drink up fellas, it's on the house." he smiled "you always get the club filled"

"Don't mention it Oren, you know we love to perform here" I said and picked up a drink.

"I have yet to see another bunny, that looks like you and can sing the way you do Brian" the tiger grinned at me.

"Stop flattering me "I laughed" Ok lets have a drink before we get off guys"

"You bet!" Andy yelled and we slammed our glasses together.

Half an hour went by, as we had some fun. Andy came up to me and said, Aren and Ron wanted to go some other place.

I shooked my head and told them I'm fine and would stay here. He looked concerned at me.

"You okay? you know if anything is wrong you can always tell me right?"

"Don't worry Andy" I said "I'm just exhausted, ill take a shower n head home in a bit."

"Oh all right, you know just call ok?" he said and hugged me goodbye.

I made my way to Oren, asking him for the keys to the backstage region. He quickly handed them over. It wasn't the first

time I went there after a performance. Making my way to the shower, I slowly felt the alcohol hit me. Never being a good

drinker I entered the bathroom and stripped off my clothes.

The cold water felt so good against my silver fur. I soaped and rinsed it until I was satisfied. Happily singing, I turned

off the water and got out of the shower. To my surprise a wolf was leaning against the wall.

"Hi there sexy" He smiled at me, his eyes exploring my naked body

"who... ? wait! I know you" I said wrapping a towel around my waist

"awwww" he sighed "it's a sin, to cover a body like yours with clothes"

"Yeah what ever... can you get out now?" looking at him he was around my age, 20 maybe 21

"Why?" he looked dumbfounded.

"I want to get changed? can't you just leave, you got what you wanted"

"Did I?" again that look on his face...

"C'mon, I'm really not in the mood, you had your fun"

"I'm far from having what I came for. If your not in the mood... well I guess I will have to change that" he smiled devilish.

"What are you up to?" I moved my back against the wall, trying to get away from him.

I quickly found out, that was a rather stupid move. He leaped in front of me, pushed my upper body against the wall, with his left paw.

"WHAT THE FU....MMFFF" I tried to scream but he pushed his muzzle against my lips, embracing me into a kiss. Feeling his

paw on my hip, he grabbed the towel and pushed it away, revealing my semi hardon. Gasping as he started to fondle my balls,

I felt his tongue enter my mouth. ( What the hell is this guy thinking!? )

He pulled slowly away from me "Darn your a hot little bunny!" his face had a big grin.

"Who the hell... do you think... you are" I panted a bit.

"Me?" He looked right into my eyes "I'm yours and you are mine" he said licking my face, softly playing with my ears.

"uuh-huh" was all I could say ( damn he knows what he is doing )

"Besides, it is your own fault! You stole my heart, with that voice of yours. Your silver fur. Your blue eyes. You can't

blame me for anything" he whispered aroused.

"Your nothing but a stranger, please... leave"

"Well, if you want me to leave... How come your hugging me tightly?"

"What?" I didn't realize it but he was right. I was hugging him close to me. But why?

"I saw your face on stage. Do you even know how lonely you looked ? You where about to cry back then"

"What do you know about me? Nothing !"

"It's true, right now I don't know a lot about you." he sighed "But I would like to know you better"

"Do you always stalk people like this, that you want to get to know ?"

"You would have just left me, if I had talked to you at the bar." he sounded concerned.

"Maybe... OK yea I would but this goes way to far!"

"That so ? Then tell me to leave, never come back to you and you'll have your freedom."

"...." ( why can't I say it ? )

"I knew you couldn't say it" he smiled and forced me into another kiss.

Still not knowing why I couldn't refuse him, he moved his paw back in between my legs playing with the surrounding.

I gasped as he rolled my balls in his paw, loving the sensation he gave me. ( how long has it been ).

"DDDo youuu hahhhave aa nnname?" I asked stuttering, as he playfully bit my sensitive ear.

"It's Fenrir, my cute bunny" he giggled moving his head down my body, licking my white furred abs.

"At least... you have a beautiful name, besides your bad manners"

"I have more qualities, believe me" he moved slowly further down.

"OH SHIT" I yelled as his velvet like lips embraced my 8 inch raging hardon.

His tongue went all over my meat. Caressing the head, followed by the shaft. How long has it been, since I felt this good ?

I don't know, ages but this was so worth it. He was a total stranger but I could care less right now. My hands traveled

across his beautiful white furred head. His adorable black ears that flickered in excitement, as I started playing with them.

He opened up and took me out of his maw. I was not sure how to respond. My body wanted him but my mind told me this could

go wrong. He didn't let me time to finish my thoughts, as I felt my white furred balls, disappear in his muzzle. Gasping in

pleasure I still fondled his ears, which he seemed to like a lot, moaning every now and then.

Driving me insane as he continued sucking my balls, I noticed as they grew inside of him. He must have noticed too and released

them, from the wet prison. My entire body was resting against the wall, eyes shut as he made slurping sounds. I didn't know

what he was up to and decided to let him continue what ever he had planned. ( I'm to tired to open my eyes anyway).

My last thought echoed in my head, as I felt him push two or three fingers inside of me. He had me moaning like a bitch as

I enjoyed the feeling of it. At first I couldn't figure out how many finger where inside of me but slowly I traced them down.

"THREE!!" I gasped.

"That's right, bunny" He answered as I felt him twist his fingers inside my hole, stretching it.

"Give me a second" I heard him say as he slowly pulled his fingers out of me.

He stood up and started to strip for me. Slowly pulling off his red T-shirt, revealing his muscle packed upper body.

Standing around 5,8 he was taller then me, since I was only 5,4. Falling instantly in love with his upper body, I noticed

his fur had a white star shape right on his chest. The majority of his fur was black. A small path of white fur was running

across his chest. Starting from the star it moved along his throat and ended in his white head.

Slowy he unbottoned his jeans, stepping out of his shoes as he slides them down to his ankle's, revealing his tented shorts.

My eyes widened, as I could only imagine the length of it. Closing in to me only in his shorts, I felt his white paw grabbing

mine. He moved my paw onto his chest, and placed it right into the white star.

"I came here, only for you" he said with a gentle voice, his black eyes pierced right through me.

"I know you want it bunny" he moved my paw downwards, I gasped as my paw crossed the waistband of his white boxers.

"uh huh" I managed "I... have a name... you know!"

"Yes I know but from today on, you are my... bunny" He leaned against me and pushed me into a passionate kiss.

He slowly undid his shorts, moving my paw along his wet shaft. I gasped into his maw, as I got a glimpse of his

9 or 10 inch cock. The size was good only slightly longer then mine but he was at least twice as thick as me.

Slightly surprised as he stepped in and our cocks touched, I slowly started to paw us off. It wasn't easy to fit

two cocks in my little paw but he noticed. He grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist. Hugging him I laid

my head against his strong shoulder, as he entered the shower.

"oh... what are you.. up to... Fenrir?" I gasped as he played with my tailhole.

"wait and... see" he turned on the water and I was hit by a cold shower.

"CCCCOOLLDDD" I clung onto him.

"Don't worry, it will be warm soon... not to say... hot" he grinned at me.

He moved me with my back against the wall. The shower head was right above us and drenched our fur with nuke-warm water.

Seconds later he finally had me in the position he was aiming for. My legs tightly wrapped around his waist. My arms around

his shoulders, his paws on my ass cheeks. He slowly slid them apart and I felt pressure against my purple colored ring.

"Brace yourself" he said and kissed me, as I felt him push inside of me.

"MMMMFFF...GHMPF!!!" I cried out into his maw.

I had experienced anal sex before but that was about two years ago. Also his cock was several times larger and thicker.

Never have I felt anything, like this before. He wasn't fully inside of me and my mind begged him, to pull out but something

wanted him to push in deeper. Tears rolled down my face but he licked them softly away. ( does he actually care? )

I don't know, how much of him was inside of me but it felt like a lot. He stopped to let me adjust.

"So... goood!" he said while licking my face.

"Gah... hur..ts" I stammered.

"Can't... hold.. back! BUNNY!" he said and pushed his muzzle against my lips kissing me.

He started to viciously pond into me. I screamed out in pain and pleasure into his maw. That however, turned him on even more.

He was lost somewhere in his pleasure, thrust after thrust he shoved his thick cock deeper inside of me. The water from above

felt extremely good as his chest scrubbed against mine. The pleasure was unbearable, as I felt his knot against my outer ring.

He finally made his way fully inside of me. Leaving only his knot outside.

Every time he pushed inside of me, I heard his balls and knot slap against my cheeks. *slap* .. *slap* .. *slap*

I felt so dirty but loved it. Slowly I got the hang of it and enjoyed every second of it. Gasping in pleasure, the pain

was finally gone. Moaning I started to clench my cheeks against his cock, as he pulled out of me. This felt even better

then before. He howled in pleasure and I moaned like a bitch. ( how long can he last? )

15 minutes later, we where still at it in full pace. My cock was leaking precum like mad, and I felt him every now and then

spurting some of his precum into me. His natural lube felt amazing. He pulled out completely sometimes, enjoying the little whimpers

I made, wanting his cock inside of me. Luckily he teased me not too often, also he was eventually to horny and slammed right

back inside of me.

"S..sor.rrry bun..nny!" I heard him, unsure of what he meant.

His thrusts got harder from there on. Every time he hit me, I gasped in pleasure, as suddenly a loud *plopp* was to hear.

I cried from the pain but felt his muzzle absorbing most of my scream. His knot entered my hole at full force.

"MMMMHHH!! GHHHH!!! AARFFFF!" I tried to push it out of me but it wouldn't leave.

"RAHUUUUW" He was howling loudly in pleasure.

It felt like, he pushed a clenched paw right into my hole. Still humping inside of me, I felt my legs go numb. His enormous

knot moved back and forth inside of me. Sending waves of pleasure through my body, after the pain slowly vanished.

Drool was leaking from my muzzle, dripping down on my chest, as I became addicted to his deep penetration.

My eyes where shut as I felt him using his last energy to cum inside of me. Biting my underlip my eyes opened wide as he

started to spurt deep inside of me. Groaning in lust I felt my orgasm approach, without even touching my cock.

I came all over him and me. His cum was slowly oozing out of me, as his legs gave in and he fell backwards against the wall,

holding me safe and close. He slowly guided us down and sat on the bottom of the shower, still deep inside of me.

Neither of us could form any words for the next 20 minutes. I just laid my head onto his shoulder gasping every now and then

as I felt his cock twich inside of me. Warm water still puring down on us he petted my head softly. I felt so comfortable

within his embrace but I didn't even know him.

"you have.. to explain.. a lot to.. me" I managed to whisper.

"shhhh I will... later my bunny" he whispered as I slowly drifted into sleep.

I awoke slowly some time later. My watch was somewhere, inside the pile of my clothes. I was lying on the other side of it,

placed onto the ground outside the shower. I was wide awake as I noticed Fenrir was gone. ( great he just left me here )

Trying to get up I quickly fell back to the ground. My legs where like wax. My hole was burning and the smell of sex

coated the room. ( now what ? )

Crawling slowly to my clothes, I felt my fur itched. As I reached for my clothes i was hit by the door that suddenly swung open.

"OUCH!" I yelped as the door hit the back of my head.

"I'm sorry bunny!" a familiar sounding voice said.

Turning my head slowly I reached at the back of my head caressing the spot where the door had hit me. "Fenrir?" I looked up

to him my eyes slowly filling with tears. The wolf helped me up quickly, pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"Mmmh huny bunny, want to take a shower?" he asked and played with my sticky cum covered fur.

"Please, how long was I out? you just left me alone!" I sobbed a bit.

"You missed me ?" he asked surprised.

"NO!" I yelled at him but my blushing face gave me away.

He just giggled and guided me into the shower, undressed and stepped inside with me. He started the water, which was cold at

first but gradually became warmer. Shampooing our body's, I just enjoyed his touch. Caressing my body, his paws where all over

me. He rinsed my fur, paying extra attention to my little bushy tail and hole. My arm around his shoulder, to support my weak legs.

As he was satisfied with his fur and mine, he stopped the water and towled me. Starting with my ears he gently dried every

spot on my wet body. He finished and got back into the shower. Closing the curtain, I heard him shake inside. I laughed so hard

at the sight oh his spiky fur, as he exited the shower.

"Now I get laughed at by a sexy bunny, who can't even stand after sex" he giggled.

"Shut up!" I threw my towel at him blushing madly.

"Ok Ok heh" he nuzzled into me "wanna get dressed?" he picked me up and placed me next, to my pile of clothes.

"But I... can't... walk" my face turned to the floor as I slowly grabbed my shirt.

"Don't worry, lets get you dressed first, then we'll figure something out" he said and helped me into my boxers lifting my legs.

As both of us finally got dressed, playing every now and then, he placed his right paw onto my shoulder.

"Ok Ill give you a piggy ride back home, that okay with you ?" he had a wide smile on his face.

"Do you even know, where I live ? If we walked there, it would take us at least 3 hours!"

"All right... well you will stay over at my place then!"

"I can take a cab, you know! why would I stay over at yours anyway?" I said sarcastically.

"Oh shut up please and get on my back!" he said while kneeling in front of me and turned.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, holding tight as he stood up and grabbed my legs. He giggled and pulled the

bathroom door open. The music immediately greeted us as, he walked into the club heading to the bar.

"We're leaving" Fenrir mentioned to Oren... I was surprised that they knew each other.

"Take care of Brian! Ill bite you, if he can't stage here again!" Oren smiled at me.

"Hah don't worry, how could I harm a bunny like him" Fenrir smiled, handed him the bathroom key and walked outside.

We where outside and he walked about 5 minutes, as I got curious. "How do you know each other?" I asked.

"That's a secret bunny" I heard him giggle.

"Tell me!" I playfully chocked him with my arms.

"All right all right... easy there fella. He is my stepdad"

"Oh... okay..." I felt kinda awkward asking him.

"It's ok, don't worry" his head turned to the right side, where my head rested on his shoulder, as I felt him lick my black nose.

We walked for 15 minutes and chatted about some random stuff. Feeling his warm body, I pushed myself closer to him.

His tail brushed my back and I gasped into his ear. He smiled slightly and pointed at a house down the street.

"We are nearly there, hang on"

"Great I need to take a leak badly"

"Okay keep it in, I don't want you to ruin my shirt" he giggled.

"Don't know... if I... can..." I said jokingly as I felt his grip tighten and he started running.

I started laughing so hard tears ran down my face "It's a joke! I'm housetrained" I giggled

"Gosh" he sighed in relief.

We entered the house and he showed me around. I quickly asked for the toilet and he moved right into the bathroom, placing

me on the toilet. I looked at him and saw him blush.

"I can't go, if someone watches me" I snickered

"Sorry!" he blushed further, turned around and walked outside, closing the door behind him.

"Done!" I yelled like a kid.

"oh boy, do you want me to wipe ur ass?"

"Not this time, wolfie" I said smiling as he closed in.

"Wolfie huh ?" he raised an eyebrow.

"If I'm your bunny... well you are my wolfie then, now... get me somewhere I can sleep"

"Yes your highness" laughing he picked me up and walked upstairs as we entered a room.

"So,,, you live here by yourself?" I asked curious.

"No, my dad stays downstairs... I have the upper part of the house for me"

"Cool.. so got any guest rooms, that I can stay in?" I heard him laugh at my question as we entered another room.

"You'll stay with me tonight" he giggled and I noticed all the posters in his room, showing bands I also liked.

"Stop joking around"

"Not a joke bunny" he threw me off of him and I landed inside his gigantic bed, that could fit at least 5 people in it.

He went to the wall where his light switch was. Slowly dimming the light, he crawled into bed with me. I felt his paw

under my shirt, as he slowly went on top of me. Loving the feeling of him close to me, his lips found mine and we

kissed gently. ( ok I don't know him but maybe I should give it a try )

He undid my clothes, so did I with his. Soon both of us ended up naked next to each other, in a big bed.

Wrapping an arm around me, he pulled me close to him. His head was resting on my shoulder, as he softly whispered into my ear.

"Goodnight, hunybunny" he fondled my ear a bit.

"Sweet dreams, wolfie" I sighed in relief and slowly dozed off into sleep feeling his warmth.

That's it for now. Thinking about doing a second part. Byez!