Prologue to Unity

Story by Jette on SoFurry

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So, here we go. My new project that'll ultimately just be a collection of cool/funny/sex scenes, managing to tie together humans, furries, scalies, and pokemon all in a single farfetched story that (hopefully) won't take itself way too seriously, and is still written well. With that said, enjoy the mounds of sex and interaction between species! ^_^

Only regret, I wish I had a better name for this...oh, and more tags =P

Fox groaned to himself as a werewolf by the name of Scythe led him down the exceedingly massive hallway toward the principal's office. He hadn't said a word about anything that had been mentioned to him and he didn't look like he was going to speak the rest of the way, but who could blame him? The principal was a psychic, words weren't just a waste of breath, but much less preferred than fearful thoughts. Of course, being so big, and powerful, and commanding, and the stated principal of the college, he always said that he didn't enjoy seeing his 'students' scared and no one argued with him, but nothing he could ever say truly explained the lick of his lips he showed to those standing before him. The mere thought sent a chill through Fox's body. As the duo neared the massive double doors one tile at a time, Fox shook his head, ignoring the sharp pain in his clavicle. It wasn't the first time he had been sent to the principal's office on negative terms, but there wasn't much he could do about it, he was human after all, which seemed to be the only requirement to get into impossible amounts of trouble.

Eventually the moment came when Fox and Scythe both stood side-by-side in front of the principal's office. Fox looked up to Scythe, and vice-versa, leaving the two of them completely silent. After a moment, Scythe smirked and turned away.

"Don't worry, if you're swallowed whole I'll be sure to have your homework mailed to your room."

Fox chuckled; for a werewolf who would rather fight an army of humans than merely talk to their general, Scythe wasn't too bad of a guy. "Yeeeeeah, thaaaaaaaanks..."

With Scythe starting the opposite direction, Fox stepped forward and looked up at the top of the double doors with a brief tremble. Fire-breathing dragons, magic-wielding animal people, claw-brandishing werewolves, and creatures that Fox had never seen before attended the same school that he did and they all knelt down and took orders, something massive with the power and sensibility to quell any uprising against him and Fox was only a door away from him.

Just as Fox began to raise his hands toward the door, a gentle, loud voice boomed from behind it. It wasn't a powerful voice, nor was it angry or excited. was calm, cool, and collected.

"Come in...Fox."

D-Dammit... Oh crap...! He heard tha- Crap! Oh man...


Fox couldn't help but smile a little, shaking his head before planting his feet firmly on the stone tile floors and pushing forward with all of his might. At first, there was nothing, only the quiet sounds of his breathing, then the door's started to glow blue before opening without much of a sound, leaving Fox to stumble forward, somewhat feeling weak and somewhat feeling stronger than ever. He knew he wasn't the one to open the door, but the thought was rather refreshing.

Upon the giant doors opening up, a massive figure illuminated by perfect weather through a circular sunroof stepped forward to meet Fox toward the middle of the room that was, in fact, much larger than the hallway and decorated with book cases and a massive desk. Though the room looked as ordinary as one would expect of a principal's office, there was something strange about it. Whether it was the crystalline-looking circular floor that seemed to show the depths of the ocean under the island the college was built on or the massive shadow cast by the principal himself, it managed to keep the word on the tip of his tongue.

Lost in his train of thoughts, Fox staggered forward and fell to his knees and looked up to the principal's massive figure, wearing a rather nervous smile as they traded stares.

"Welcome back, Fox." Lugia said, looking down with his wings folded at his sides.

Oh right, legendary. That was the word.

_ _

"Thanks..." Fox responded as he picked himself back up, clearing his throat and taking a step back. Only a moment later, the double doors closed behind him and he quickly looked back only to find himself trapped inside with Lugia. After a while, Fox rubbed his sweaty hands on his pants and looked back to Lugia's expression, which had remained unchanged since Fox made his appearance.

"And here I thought you'd almost make it a full month without getting into trouble." Lugia chuckled with a slight smirk, taking a step back and lowering his head for a better view of Fox's expression.

"Yeeeeeah well..." Fox's pupils eased their way to one side, looking away from Lugia as he recalled the events that transpired only to land him back at the principal's office. "You know how much I love to bump into it. favorite..."

Lugia chuckled once more, looking into Fox's open mind to view the events as they happened. Just as before, Fox seemed to be minding his own business before bumping into a crowd of werewolves, who were naturally enemies of humans, and for good reason. With Fox alone, they had no reason to simply leave him be, and so they took the opportunity to push him around. A few pushes lead to a few scratches, then a moderate beatdown until Fox finally had enough and started to fight back. A few choice words later from both sides, the fight was easily one-sided enough to get the faculty involved, and after a minor healing session, Fox was on his way to the principal's office. Of course, Lugia's real attention was supposed to be toward the group of werewolves who had seemingly got off without a scratch, but there was no sense in simply letting Fox go, at least without reminding him why he was where he was.

"Perhaps you should watch where you're going better, hm?"

Fox held back the urge to roll his eyes and sigh. He knew Lugia could read his thoughts and likely knew what happened, so he didn't have much of a reason to be around, or so he thought. "Yeah, guess I should..."

Lugia picked himself up proudly and took a step back to look toward the sun, motioning Fox forward. After a moment, Fox stepped forward and up to Lugia's side, sighing deeply as he looked out of the same massive window.

"That night we fought, the man who ultimately built this place, I thought that he was at my mountain to attempt to capture me. Though I could speak, and think just as you humans can, trainers still made the attempt year after year, and I had began to lose hope for your race." Lugia paused for a moment. "That human, without a pokeball on his belt or a bag on his back, defeated me, but he didn't throw a pokeball, or anything of the sort, he knelt down in front of me and began to speak."

Fox had heard the story many times before, mostly by Lugia, but he didn't have much of a problem hearing it again. Not that he had a choice...

"He told me of a world he had dreamt of, a place where the races of the world could live in unity. Afterall, pokemon of different shapes and sizes could live together, animal people, dragons, and creatures called werewolves, were able to as well. He wanted my help, and after some consideration, as unlikely as his idea seemed, I couldn't deny my own interest, humans and pokemon living in unison, as friends, and I ultimately accepted him. I never saw his face that night, but he returned the next day with a werewolf, a dragon, a wolf-eared woman, and himself as a representative of humans." Lugia shook his head with a chuckle. "I wonder how a different human would have responded to the idea."

Each and every word rang through Fox's ears and he stifled a second sigh. Though Lugia was one of the few who actually told him this story time and time again, it wasn't the first time he'd heard of the negatives of his species, but there wasn't much he could say or do about it. It was mostly true, after all.

"We were all in agreement on the idea, that he would make a place, a school where all of our species could live and attend to grow together in unison. Little by little he would venture out and invite our species to this place that I would watch over as its principal. He had faith that everything would go well, and he wasn't wrong, his plan, currently in motion is slowly succeeding...but..."

Fox groaned inwardly.

"Even with his faith in your kind, nothing could ever change the wars between humans and dragons, werewolves, animal people, or the humans known as pokemon trainers from my lands. Nothing could erase the hate that had only grown for your kind over time."

Fox couldn't exactly deny Lugia's words, and deep in his heart, he knew there was some truth to them. He had actually grown up in a village that used the pelts of werewolves and bones of dragons to make weaponry and other items, but somehow he turned out a little different from the elders. Okay, a ton different, between having a dragon as a best friend and falling in love with a werewolf, he was nothing like anyone else from his village...

"However, of the few humans attending at the moment, even being called here nearly every other've managed to keep yourself out of more trouble than the others."

Fox looked up only to find Lugia looking down at him wearing a rather benevolent smile.

"Keep up the good work, Fox. I'm sure that human, wherever he is, would be proud to call you friend, just as I am to call you student."

Okay so, the story was ridiculous as hell, impossible, despite the clear truth in Lugia's words that he had seen through his own eyes, and his body still ached from the beating earlier...but he couldn't help but show a smile. Living in a place where everyone had an issue with him simply because he was a human was hard, if nothing else, and even a little recognition for what he had to put up with almost made it worth it...almost.

"Thanks" Fox chuckled, rubbing the back of his head as Lugia turned away and toward the doors. Thinking about it, it had been quite a while since he had seen any other humans, the last two he made contact with was a self-proclaimed "legendary dragon slayer" named Art and a pokemon trainer by the name of Jess, who more or less claimed that she'd be the best. As he started his own turn toward the door, he couldn't help but wonder what fate had in store for the other two humans.

Before Fox could start off toward the door, Lugia stopped and so did he. Just as he looked up curiously, Lugia looked over a shoulder at Fox, showing him a grin and licking his lips.

"And Fox...I do hope you continue to keep yourself out of trouble. I'd just hate to have to give you some incentive to stay out of it."

Fox froze up with a mild tremble and widened eyes, taking the following moment to close his eyes and shake his head. When he opened his eyes, Lugia was continuing down the hallway leaving Fox alone in the principal's office.

The hell was that about? Something told him that he didn't want to know...