A Feline Love

Story by XisterMaster on SoFurry

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"Often i ask myself: Do i feel love? The answer to this question is still unknown for me. But after that night, i realized what was true love."A long time ago, when i was on college. I met this girl.Katarina was the best thing that happened in my whole life. She was kind and cute. Everything she did for me, she did with a smile.She never got tired of me. And i never got tired of her.As i was finishing my studies, my family needed to stop giving me money. They were too poor to continue.But only what i was getting from a temporary job wasn't enough. I was desperate in need of another way of getting money.Katarina helped me. She not only gave me some money, but also convinced her dad to let me work at his company. Tough it wasn't a big company, it was well paid and enough to make me live comfortable."You are an angel, you know that?" - I said to Katarina, as i held her hand."Don't say that, i just did this because i'm your friend." - She repliedWe were always at that place. The college yard was a peaceful location. We've always meet there since i met her."Katarina..." - I said, lowering my head. I was to ashamed to ask her directly. My face was getting red. I never asked a girl out until now.All my life was empty until i found her. Nobody liked me like she did. She took care of me like she was my family."Yes, Matt?" - She replied to me."You know...I'm really thankful for everything you've done to me."She smiled."No problem, that's what friends are for, right?""Yeah, but..."I held her hand tight and looked deeper into her eyes."Katarina...Do you want to...Go out...With me?"She blushed."Of course i want..."And so we did. We've marked countless number of encounters, but i never had the courage to declare my feelings for her.Time had passed and we've been "together" for so much time that i had to do something else from asking her to be my girlfriend.I got to a jewelry store and looked for the best ring possible. With money that i've been saving since i took this decision, i bought for her a brilliant marriage ring.Now what i had to do was losing my fear and...Declare my feelings for her.I was not ready, or at least i think i wasn't. But i couldn't go back now. I've marked with her our casual encounter at a different place: A restaurant.As i saw she getting by, i gulped with fear."Here we go." - I tough to myself.She walked to me and we greet each other. After that, we walked in the restaurant.The long and beautiful night was falling faster and faster, our encounter was going to be over soon. I had to do it, no matter what.Her clock sounded an alarm and she started to get up."Well, it's too late. I need to go now." "Wa-wait..."I got up and

tried to move my arms into my left pocket."What is it Matt? Is something wrong?""I need to ask you something..."I got the ring from my pocket and put myself in the famous "ask for her hand" position, putting myself on my knees. After that, i put my arms up, showing her the ring."Katarina...Do you want to marry me?"She exploded with happiness. Her face looked like it was about to explode, with tears coming out of her eyes. Everyone at the restaurant started to applause my act and she answered it with an one simple, powerful, word:"Yes! I do!"I couldn't be more happy. After she accepted, i put my ring on her finger and we've kissed for the very first time. God, i was such an idiot. But she was such a nice person that she waited for me to take courage. She waited for our moment, our finest moment.And, after the marriage, we lived together for a long time....Years passed by and we've finished our home. Now we have been living a normal couple life.Normal...Until......In a sunny day, i woke up and was ready to get prepared for my job. I put on my clothes and walked away from my room. I ran downstairs to meet with my wife."Hi honey." - I said to her."Hi." - She replied, kindly.I kissed her on her cheek and continued to prepare myself to another day of work."When are your vacations coming?" - She asked me."I don't know...They never say anything about it.""I miss being with you at home.""Yeah...Me too."She came and put her hand on my head."Are you sure our love will prevail? I mean, we almost never have a time together. What if when we do have, we are not ready for it?" - She said."Do you mean...Sex?""More than that." - She answered me.I felt a bit guilty, i wanted to do something special for her, but had no clue of what. I knew our first night needed to be something special, but din't knew what to do.First thing's first, i needed to talk with my boss for a day off. I deserved it after working so much. If my work was still on her dad's company, i wouldn't be having this problem.I arrived at my work and walked straight to the boss room. I knocked the door."Come in." - I heard my boss saying.As i came in, he greeted me and asked:"Hey Matt, how are you doing?""I'm doing great, i've been working a lot and making some considerable numbers here on my job.""So?" - He asked me, like he already knew what i was going to ask."Err...Can you give me a day off, like, tomorrow?""Why so? Are you sick or something?""No, no...It's because...I needed some time with my wife...""Is something wrong with her?""She's missing me. She is also worried, she always tough that i worked so much and had little vacations.""Yeah, but that's because you need to progress on this job. You will gain notoriety by time, and by time, you will gain some

advantages.""I know that...But...""But?""Can't you do this for me...Just this time?""Sorry, but what i can lose from profit by doing that is...""I will work more time here in the next week if you let me.""What?""I can make it up for you, i will work more if you let me take just a day off.""Well...I will see how i will use your proposal.""Does that mean?""Yeah, you can take a day off."I was so happy that i shacked his hand really hard."Thank you so much!""No problem. But i want to keep your promise!""Will do."With my day off tomorrow, i was happy at my work today. I worked like i have never had. Giving my best. When it was done, it was time to found something special for her.As i walked off my work, i was already starting to think."What would she like? A lingerie? Or..."I din't knew, but i wanted to find something good for our first night. I wanted to make it special. And my will to do it got me thinking about us again.Love...Is a powerful word. She loves me. But do i really love her? Can i give her what she wanted? I've never did something so special before.I din't knew if i was ready. I had no clue of what to do or how...At that time, destiny gave me a sign. A sign that i followed.As i was walking on one side of the street, i stumbled on a old lady."Oh, sorry!" - I said to her, while catching her purse that had fallen into the ground."No problem, i wasn't paying attention.""Nah, it was my fault.""You are kind.""No, it really was. I was thinking about something special for my wife.""A gift, you say?""Yes...Something unique.""Is it your first night?" - She said, with a smile."Wha-what? How did you know?""Just a feeling.""Humn...Yeah, it is our first night together.""Then, i may have something just for you."Since i had no option left, i decided to follow the woman. Even tough it's strange that an old lady speaks about that stuff like it was nothing, this is the world these days i guess.We both walked through a little alleyway, nobody was there and it was almost impossible to go through because it was pretty small. I decided to talk and try to lower this almost claustrophobic mood."So, you got a kind of erotic store here?""More or less." - She said, while still walking and looking forward.More or less? What does that mean?Ignoring this confusing phrase, i lifted my head to see that we were about to arrive at our destiny."Wild Instincts Sex Store..." - I said, while reading the billboard above the store - "Is this your store?""Yes, why?""Nothing. I just tough that this was a pretty...Interesting name, i guess? - I said, trying to disguise with a fake smile.She continued forward and opened the front door. I guess since i've followed her, i could give the benefit of the doubt. Couldn't

i?I entered the store and was surprised to see not a sing of any product inside."It's a bit empty, isn't it?" - I said."All my products are in my room, please, stay here while i put some new merchandise i've got recentely.""Okay."I sat down in a little stool and waited. When she was back, she explained to me why the store was so empty:"There's a reason for me keeping my products here, ya know. I have a little request before i can give some product to our client.""Yeah, and what is it?""What do you want on your first love night? Do you want to be strong like a bull? Or maybe, if she wants to start slowly, you may want something more...How can i say...""Wait, is this like a fetish store or something?""Nope, i just want to see what impression do you want to give her on bed.""It's my first time, i don't even know what to do..."I put down my head, remembering that she was the only person that i loved. And probably the one who really loved me. We've been made for each other, i know it. Thanks to her i created courage to put all through shit that happened in my life, and to say my feelings for her."I just want to prove i love her, no matter what. You know? Even if you give your worst product, i would still make love with her. I want to show her my true love." - I replied her."Like a hearth of a lion, you say?""Humn...Yeah, i guess so.""Then i have the perfect thing for you.""Okay."She got back inside her room and returned in a matter of seconds. She brought back a pair of...How can i say? "Wild" underwears. A boxer and a pantie, shaped in a savage-like style. Like Tarzan or something."Well, there you have it." - Said her, while giving me these.I looked severely at the objects, trying to find anything that made it special. To my discomfort, i found nothing."Are you sure she will like this?" - I asked, like i had no idea of what i was doing."Maybe not at the first view, but when you both put these, your sex is going to be unique...And wild. At the same time, isn't it amazing?""If you think that's the best solution..."I had no other option, i don't think i had enough time to go back home to prepare ourselves. So, i paid for the products and started to run away."He's going to like what he will feel, i know it"When i got home, i tried to not show what i've bought right away. But that also got me in trouble."You're late, where have you been?" - Katarina asked me."I've bought something special for us.""Ohh...What is it?!" - She said, jumping and smiling."It's a surprise. But here goes a hint: Tomorrow i will have a day off the work!""That's amazing my dear!"I kissed her on the cheek and started to walk upstairs."I will change myself for you my dear, why don't you put on some more...Comfortable, clothes? Today is going to be something special." - I said, while

getting on the next floor."I'm excited!" - She replied.I started to prepare myself. I went to the bathroom, got my clothes off and went to put in the boxer i've bought."Oh wait, i should take a good bath before, i just got back from work. Silly me." - I tough to myself.Before i got to the shower, i decided to let the pantie in the bed, outside."Your gift is on our bed, why don't you prepare yourself while i'm taking a bath?" - I raised my voice so it could go downstairs."I'm coming!" - Se replied.I let it there and went to clean myself. While i was taking a shower, i heard she asking me:"Are you sure you want me to put this?""Yeah...It's special!""Okay, if you are saying."I wasn't sure if decision was correct or not, but i can't go back now. As i finished, i put the boxer on and went to the bed.As i walked in, it was the first time that i was seeing her boobies."You're beautiful." - I said."So are you." - She replied.I walked into the bed and start to put myself in my wife's arms."I want this moment to be forever." - She said."Me too." - I replied.We start to kiss. As our tongues started to wrap up and we were being taken by the heat of passion, something started to feel wrong.My stomach start to hurt and i needed to stop, i got up, turned to my wife and said:"Dear, i...I can't do it...I'm feeling bad.""Matt...Don't you love me?""Of course i love you!""Then, why you keep running away from me? Always with stupid reasons like work or other things. And now you say you are feeling bad!""You don't get it, something is wrong with my...""No!" - She said, making me stop talk - "You are the one who doesn't get it! I've waited so long for this!""You...Waited? Why...Din't you told me?""Because i've waited...For you! My love...I wanted to make sure you loved me.""Me too...I just bought these because of that...This night, should have been special for us...""Yeah, i know...""I am...I am..."Before i could finish my line, my stomach started to hurt again and i felt to my knees."Aaaaaaaarrrrrrgh!' - I screamed."My dear, what's happe-"She stoped. And all i heard was her screaming."Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgh! My...Stomach...Hurting..."Suddenly, everything went black. I felt no more pain. And i only could see darkness. A void of black space was upon me."Hello?" - I tried to contact someone, without success.I was so lonely there. Where was i? Where is my wife? And why am i here?"HELLO!" - I screamed, trying to find someone who could help me."Hahahaha..."When i heard that laugh, i could recognize the voice. It was the old lady."What have you done to me?! And to my wife?!""Is that how you show love for her? That's sad...""You!""I will show you what true love is."The black space started to take form.

In front of me, a big flash appeared and a blank space suddenly appeared. This blank space start to getting a new form and it was showing an image. It was...A zoo."What the..." - I was asking myself.The image started to close in, showing a pair of animals. A lion...And a lioness. As i saw her stretching herself out, my hearth started to bump faster and faster."The hearth of the lion, such a kind hearth. The hearth of true love." - The old lady was saying.The lion stood up, walked to his female and licked her head. She woke up from her sleep and kissed him. As they were licking their muzzles with their tongues, i started to feel my penis getting harder. I din't knew why i was getting turned on by that...But it felt good, pretty good."Here comes the best part." - The old lady kept talking.As she finished talking, the lion started to get up on his lioness and prepared his big red penis to penetrate her. In a matter of seconds, they started to mate and i could only hear their roars. Roars of pleasure and male domination of his female.I started to feel hot. My penis was getting even harder and i was starting to get unable from thinking straight."Mate..." - I said, without wanting to."That's right, that's the love you want to show her. You said you'd love her no matter what...And no matter how..." - The old lady replied."Yes...""See this? This is love! This is what you need to do!""YES!"As we were discussing, the lion humped even faster his female and i felt that i was about to explode."Rrrgh...Rrgh..." - I was roaring, like the lion.When he came inside her, i let an angry loud roar out:"ROOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAR!"As i did it, blackness went away and i was once again in my room. For some reason, my boxers were nowhere to be seen and my penis was full erect. I lifted my hands and my nails were turning into claws, as i saw myself on a mirror, i could see yellow fur growing over my body and brown fur growing in my face, like a mane. I put my finger in my mouth and slided it, only to show my teeths getting sharper and longer."It can't be...I'm turning into a lion...""It's not only you, baby."When i heard my wife's voice, i turned myself to see her masturbating herself in the bad, in the same state of transformation as me. Except for the mane, she had fur growing, claws and her eyes were getting yellow and wild."Why don't come and roar over me, my king?"I could feel her scent as my sense of smell was getting better by time. I just...Wanted to mate.As i got into the bed, i started licking her vagina."Awww...So much better than masturbating!" - She moaned, in pleasure.As we were starting to have our first sex night, our transformation was also getting started once again.As i was licking her, the fur on our bodies was growing even more."Yes, yes! More!"I stop my licking and lifted my head. I

went to kiss her and could feel the taste of her feline tongue. It was an unique, exotic, taste. After that, i was backing my head a bit and asked her:"Are you sure you want this, on this form? Are you sure you want our first sex to be as animals?""Yes...This is true love...You are my king...Tame me, my king.""As you wish, my dear lioness."As we finished talking, i noticed she was growing four new tits. She had six by now, two big and four smaller. I started to lick her growing fur by the big tits.As i was licking, my tongue was getting down and down...I found myself sucking her little tits, licking them and feeling a bit of milk taste on my mouth."You already can be a mother, ya know.""Yes...Keep licking them...Suck my tits like there is no tomorrow!"I licked her and our transformation continued. As my lick was getting like a feline tongue, our faces started to change. I felt my bones cracking and my entire body structure was changing.My face pushed forward into a lion muzzle. My ears shrink and them appeared again in the top of my head. My noise color got black and started to become more like a lion one. My mane was finally finishing and brown fur was spreading out of my face, alongside with my yellow fur finally getting finished in that peculiar part of my body. Thin whiskers grown out of my new muzzle and i let a loud roar, as my face was finally like a lion one.The howl was also followed by the howl of pleasure of my horny lioness. The same changes that happened my face also happened to her."You are...Beautiful." - I said."So...Are you."I started to lick her face and she did the same. As we were pleasuring ourselves, the heat was increasing and even more fur was growing on our body.As i held her, my hands were transforming into paws. The claws were getting even longer and she could feel the pressure of it against her skin."It feels, so good. Violent...And strong..." - She said.Her hands also were transforming and she started to jerk my penis off, this made me even more turned on.It was when we both felt my penis transforming, witch raised the pleasure even more. He was getting red and my balls were getting bigger. The head of my penis was now sharper and my male scent was infesting the air. The lioness noticed it, touched my balls with her soft paw and asked me:"It's time. Time to mate.""Yes..."While i was still on top of here and she was facing me up, i penetrated her with full force and we both let roars out. Doing movements of back and forth. Feeling my penis touching deep and deeper into her. Her vagina was already transformed in a lioness shape like and i felt like a huge beast, fucking his female without need to worrying about anything. My mind started to fade away and my only desire was to run to the forest, kill and mate. As i dominated her, we both were roaring like horny beasts and our fur was about fill all our

body. As i felt my ass getting filled by the fur and my penis getting a bit of it too, i was even more excited. She probably felt that the fur was finished too and started to roar even more.Our roars were loud and the lion mating was an unique sensation. The lioness vagina felt warm and tight, and my penis barely squeeze through it. The more i penetrated here, the more her vagina was getting open.Finally, i came and let a loud, yet proud, roar to the sky. It was so loud that could have been heard by the entire neighborhood. But we din't care anymore, we were both two horny beasts, ready to fuck once again."Ready to a second round?" - She asked, with a softy, yet, cute, lioness roar.I put my lion paws. On her shoulders and pulled myself over her."Here i come" - I said.First, i lifted my crotch up and down, passing my penis through her anus and vagina."I wonder how a lioness anus feels like""Why don't you try it?" - She replied me."Alright, if you say so."I stoped my actions and put my mouth close to her ass. I sniffed it and felt the smell of her wild asshole."It smells like shit, this is hot.""Lions sure are dirty, aren't they?"I proceeded to lick her tiny asshole, feeling the taste of a lioness anus. It was almost indescribable, it must be like a human one but with a little touch. Something that made it special. And the smell made me put my penis into it a bit. I roared as i penetrated the little hole of hers. Warm and dirty. She moaned in pleasure and roared to me:"Wait, we need to do this the right way now. I'm about to cum again!"  "Of course." - I replied, with a deep, manly, lion roar.I got out of her and she turned her back to me.As she did, i started to lick her fur ass. I passed my feline tongue through her anus and vagina. When i did it, our transformation was getting to the end. I could feel my feet changing into lion's paws and my feet nails were turning into claws. I could sense hers were going through the same process of transformation. She then turned her head to me."I feel...My tail coming..." - She said."Me too." - I replied.As i felt my tail bone coming, i also saw hers coming out. The pain wasn't so bad because we were excited. We were big felines, an unique life experience.I humped over her again and we were both getting bigger by the time. I as i felt my bones expanding, i put my penis on her vagina and started to fuck her in the lion position, humping her many times in a row. We were excited and our tails were coming out. Her tail came over my penis and i pulled it while fucking, like it were a chain. She roared even more and we were both getting to the climax.We just needed to run. We just needed to kill. We just needed to mate.As our transformation was getting fully finished, i bit her on the shoulder and then came. The amount of semen that came this time through my red lion penis was

even more then before and we both let loud roars. As we finished, we were very exhausted. I got out of her and could see a bit of white liquid that was still dropping from my penis. While my lioness licked it, i started to lick the top of my lion paw.I felt back and could see my lion form in the same mirror as before, when it all started. I was a beautiful creature and so were my fellow lioness.She came on top of me and we kissed. As we got our muzzles together, i din't wanted anything more than this. I wanted to be like this forever.This...This was true love."I love you." - She said."I love you too." - I replied, while looking deeper into her wild eyes.As she lifted her paw through my body, going past my penis and all my chest fur, she touched my face.Then, we let ourselves get some sleep, so we could have another, pleasurable, savage, wild sexy night once again.When i opened my eyes, i was on the jungle together with her. I was woken up by her sucking my penis, licking it as she said "Good morning, sleepy head" to me.Our feline love has just begun, and i couldn't wait for another day to prove my love for her, on our new home. A place that we could do anything. A place...For love-The End-I hope you guys liked it! There's even more to come and other transformations to being showed! Please, don't forget to rate and comment, thanks :P                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~XisterMaster

A Werecharizard Tail

Hi, this is my first TF Story. Please, don't notice spelling errors, i'm not native to the english language. I hope you enjoy the story ;). Happy reading! Tomas was a normal man. He had a job with taking care of Pokemons. He had a family. He had an...

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