Love and Destiny Ch.2

Story by Golbeze on SoFurry

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#2 of Love and Destiny

Alright, here's chapter 2. I thought I'd never be able to put this up. This story is copyright me, Golbeze. Don't steal it. Also, it contains scenes depicting sex. If you're not of legal age, turn back. Enjoy! :)


Sheina: Main character, 10-years-old. Recently found out she had the ability to understand pokemon, which had a part in forming a romance with her starter, Luke, an Eevee.

Pokemon: Luke, male Eevee; Sparks, Male Pikachu; male Noctowl, recently evolved from a Hoothoot.


Love and Destiny Ch.2

Sheina had been traveling for a couple weeks, heading towards Violet City. She was planning on challenging the gym there, and had spent a lot of time training her pokemon, and a lot of nights with Luke, her eevee. She had caught a couple more pokemon, a Cyndaquil, and a Pikachu. She was surprised to see a Pikachu in this area, they weren't known to be around there, and wasted no time in catching it. Her hoothoot had evolved into a Noctowl, which made her happy, showing just how much their training was paying off. At this rate, she was sure to win the Zephyr Badge.

She was now entering her third week as a trainer, and she wasn't feeling very good. The past few days, she'd been getting sick each morning. She figured she had a stomach flu, and would ask about it when she got to Violet, which was nearby. If she kept traveling, she would be there by the afternoon, if she didn't spend too much time on her knees. "Dang, I hate being sick," she said silently to herself as she walked the path, while Luke nuzzled up to her, lying on her shoulder. "Don't worry Sheina, we're almost there," he said to her, trying to comfort his mate.

It was late afternoon when she got to the city, heading straight to the center. She approached the counter, handing her pokemon to the nurse and telling her about her about her own problem. Although the centers are for Pokemon, it became common practice for nurses to also know how to handle minor illnesses for trainers, as well. Sheina was lead to an examination room, where she sat down while the nurse did some tests. "I'll be back in a minute, just wait here," she told Sheina, heading out. Sheina didn't like waiting, but she didn't want to get in trouble, and there was nothing else to do, so she just sat there until the nurse returned.

After a bit, she returned, bringing Sheina's pokemon. "The other nurse was done, so I thought I'd bring them for you." Sheina took the pokeballs and thanked her while Luke jumped onto her shoulder. The nurse shut and locked the door, a serious look on her face. "Um, nurse? W-what's going on?" she asked her, now a bit worried.

"Sheina," the nurse began, "I can't tell for sure without another test, but..." Sheina looked at her, wondering what was wrong. The nurse continued, "There's a chance you could be pregnant." Sheina eyes went wide with shock. "W-wha-? B-bu-," she stuttered, confused. She looked at Luke for a second, then quickly turned away. "No, it couldn't be, he's a Pokemon. There's no way," she thought to herself, trying to make sense of it. "But, he's the only one I've-" The nurse interrupted her thoughts, continuing, "Do you know who the father may be?"

Sheina looked up at her. "There's only one who I've mated with, and- and-..." She looked down at the floor. "And it's Luke here," she admits, motioning to the little Eevee. The nurse thinks for a second. "I see," she says, pondering, then smiles a bit. "Well, you may not know this, but new discoveries have been made in recent times," she says, opening a drawer and pulling out a file. "This is one of them. Apparently, certain species of Pokemon are compatible with humans and furries, Luke there being one of them."

Sheina and Luke look up at her, surprised. "Really? But wait, does this mean that my child will be-" The nurse cuts her off, "No, no, don't worry. Your child will be a bunny. The genes that determine the species are contained in the mother alone, so cross breeds are impossible." Sheina looks at her little mate, the two smiling at each other. "That's cool. Well, I guess we're going to be parents, Luke," she says, giving Luke a loving lick on his muzzle. She was trying to be cool about it now, but she was scared. She was going to have to grow up now, a lot sooner than she ever thought.

The nurse could tell she was nervous, putting her hand on Sheina's free shoulder. "There are a few choices you have to make now. You can continue on your journey, but it'll be harder with a child to care for, and you'll have to take it easy until the child is born." Sheina stares down, a solemn look on her face. "Or," the nurse continued, "You could give it up for adoption..." Both Sheina and Luke looked up at her, a bit shocked. The Eevee growled at the nurse, not liking the idea of HIS child being given up.

Sheina shakes her head. "I may be making a mistake saying this, but no. I'll continue my journey... with the child..." Thoughts raced through the little rabbits mind, wondering how she was going to do this. She wondered how she could, uncertainty in her eyes, but she shook the thoughts out of her mind, her eyes becoming serious. The nurse looked at her, her eyes also serious, but she cracked a smile. "Alright, Sheina, if that's your decision."

Just then, someone knocks on the door to the room. "Hmm? Um, just a second," the nurse told Sheina, opening the door. "Oh, Michal! I assume you're here for your Pokemon. I'll get them, they're in here." As she walks over to the desk, a tall, muscular red fox walks in. Three Pikachu are on his shoulder, a male and two females. Sheina looks up at him, something about him seeming familiar. "Hey, your name is Michal?" He looks down at the bunny, smiling. "Yes, it is. What's your name?"

"Sheina," the bunny replied simply, giggling. She kept looking at him, awestruck at just how handsome he is. Then, something hits her. "Hey, is your last name Kitsaru?" Michal nods. "Yeah, I heard your name recently on the news..." He chuckles at this. The nurse then comes back with his pokeballs. "Here you go, Michal. Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" she asks him, going to another room. "Be right back, Sheina."

They enter her office, and Michal speaks before the nurse can. "You want me to travel with her, right Kate?" She stood there, her mouth hanging open. "You were listening in, weren't you? Well, I shouldn't be surprised, you always had a knack for listening in on the right conversation at the right time." Kate sat down at her desk, continuing. "Yes, as you undoubtedly know, she's pregnant. She wants to continue her journey, AND keep the child. She's going to need help."

The fox nods. "Yes, I was already planning on joining her as it is. There's something about her, I sense talent within her. She may even developing her psychic powers, as well, something I wish to teach her." Before Kate can say anything else, Michal exits, heading back to Sheina. He opens the door, finding her and Luke locked in a kiss, exploring each other's mouth. Sheina sees Michal, breaking the kiss, surprised. Michal just chuckles, rubbing her shoulder.

"Nurse Kate asked me to join me in your travels," he says plainly. Sheina looks up at him. "I... see..." The male Pikachu hops off Michal's shoulder onto her, smiling. "Hello," he greets her. "Heh, they seem to like you. He's just called Pikachu. These two are Reika and Cindy," he says, pointing out the two females, who also greet her. "Hello," the rabbit greets back, smiling and blushing a little. She pets Pikachu, scratching behind his ears. "Well, I guess it's alright if you come with me," she finally says, smiling at him.

The fox helps her up, getting her stuff and heading out. "Well, it's getting late now. How about we set up camp? I'm sure you're tired," he says, finding a spot in the nearby woods and getting to work. While he was doing that, Sheina went behind some trees to be alone with Luke. "Are you alright?" he asked her, seeing a bad look in her eyes, knowing that she was going through a lot right now. She sits against a nearby tree, holding the little pokemon close.

"Yeah, I'm alright," she answers back, though one could easily tell she really wasn't. Luke climbs up to her shoulder, gently whispering in her ear, "Please, don't be sad. We'll get through this, I'm sure of it. It's my child, too, and I'll do everything I can to help you raise it, I promise." She turns to him upon hearing this, then crack a smile, tears flowing down her face. She wraps her arms around him again, nuzzling into his little body. "Yeah, it'll be alright. We'll get through it," she thinks to herself, smiling as they nuzzle up to each other.

Meanwhile, Michal was just getting done. He sat against a tree, while Pikachu, Reika, and Cindy nuzzled up to him. He looked at the three pikachu, smiling. Pikachu and Cindy then walked over in front of the tent, nuzzling each other. "Our little girl's growing up, Reika," he mentioned to her as Cindy and Pikachu started embracing each other, locked in a kiss. Michal had taught them to do that, and they enjoyed it thoroughly.

Cindy broke the kiss, getting on all fours to lick at Pikachu's emerging member, causing him to moan as he rubbed her head with his little paws. She took it into her muzzle, sucking on it eagerly. "Oh, Cindy, that... feels... good..." he moans, smiling as he starts thrusting into her mouth, building towards his climax, his pre leaking out. Cindy drinks it up, enjoying its taste as she licks harder, driving him on.

Back behind the trees, Sheina and Luke were also having some fun, the little rabbit laying on her stomach while Luke has his muzzle buried in her tailhole, kicking around, enticing moans from Sheina. "Oh, Luke... that feels aahh... g-good..." she cries out, shivering and arching her back from the pleasure. "Please, Luke, enter me, please..." she begs him, wanting his cock in her tight little rear. He happily obliges, removing his muzzle, then positions his little member, pushing into her tight anal passage. "Ahh, yes, please, keep... -NNNGGggg- g-going... a-aahhh..."

Meanwhile, Pikachu had repositioned himself and Cindy, and was licking around her vaginal walls, licking up her pre, while she was licking and sucking on his cock, pushing each other to orgasm. Pikachu felt himself getiing close, moaning in pleasure, thrusting into her muzzle, while he kept pleasuring her, loving her taste. Suddenly, he pulls out of her causing her to whimper, she was getting close. "Don't worry, I'm not done yet," he reassures her, motioning for her to get on all fours.

The little pikachu does so, smiling, knowing what's coming next. She raises her rear a bit, her soaked entrance in clear view as Pikachu climbs on her, positioning his member. He pushes in, causing both of them to moan, hilting inside her. They begin thrusting together, the two building towards orgasm again as their pre flow out, mixing together. "Oh, Cindy -nng- Y-you're incredible..."

Back behind the trees, Sheina was sitting against the tree again, her rear raised, while Luke pounded her tailhole, while having his muzzle buried in her sex, licking her walls and drinking up her pre. "L-luke -AAhhh- p-please, harder!" the bunny begged, as both of them felt themselves getting close. The little guy complied, pounding and licking her as hard as he could, them both now on the edge.

Both couples moan loudly as they all release, Pikachu releasing his seed into Cindy's eager cunny, as her vaginal walls constrict over his cock, juices rushing out, while Luke pumps his load into Sheina's tailhole, his muzzle still buried in her pussy, as she releases, her juices flowing into his mouth, over his face, and onto the ground. They all collapse onto the ground, panting heavily.

Michal smiles at this, looking down at little Reika, his mate, who had fallen asleep. Soon everyone else also dozes off, tired from the nights activities. He grabs all of them, cleaning them off and placing the all into the tent, covering them with some blankets. "Well, looks like there will be two sets of parents here soon," he says to himself, chuckling. He walks back to the tree, picking up Reika, and climbs up to a thick branch, laying on it. He nuzzles up to Reika, falling asleep himself, resting up for what is to be a big day tomorrow.