Chapter 11: Unknown Soldier.

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#11 of Caught Up in the Moment/But not in the Right Way.(INCOMPLETE)

Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Also... M/M Here, so... Not your bag? Then exit now. Otherwise Enjoy!


~{I don't know how to explain, in words, the rip I felt in my chest that day. It was a little like all heat I knew went to my foot-paws, and then eventually expelled out of them spilling through the floor.

Everything, black and white, leaving me with all I could feel... nothing; a central numbness that ached through my limbs like poison. My heart stopped beating, my blood flow ceased, and all I could think about that whole time, while the three of them just stared at me was "Is this was it feels like to be dead?"

We ended up staying in that cave for quite a while, from what I can remember, and all Angela could complain about was how cold it was. It started raining really hard, and all I could think about was how Hudson saved us on the ship. That ship that started it all. But he was gone, and all I had left was my best friend, a spoiled brat, and a last of its kind. I wanted to go home, and for the first time since I could remember... I was thinking about my parents.

A supreme thought of guilt rose within me that made me afraid to leave that place, even though it scared the shit out of me at night. If I had one wish... It would have been to go home...}~

Wyler woke with an ache he had been feeling since he'd arrived. That dull

thud that echoed through his stomach: Hunger. He ignored it as best as he

could, devoting all his mental energy to the one he lost, but the weakness in his

limbs was catching up to him.

Finally one mid-morning--

~{Actually I take that back. If I had one wish, right then and there, it would have been to save Hudson and take him home with me... Yeah. That's what I would have wished. Kay sorry... Keep going.}~

Finally one mid-morning, Wyler woke up to a rubbing on his shoulder. A single

crack formed along his eyelids as he parted them slowly, revealing something he

would never have expected to be floating in his face.

"A CHEESEBURGER?!" He shouted out loud, ripping the thing from Angela's

paws before she had the chance to snatch it.

"Well there goes my fun," She sighed, watching the mutt devour the morsel in

three seconds, licking his fingers afterward to get every single taste.

"You seemed like you were hungry," Jasey smiled, sitting next to Charles, who

both ate what they had picked up in town earlier that morning: the wolf, a slice

of pizza, the griffon, a pound of raw meat.

"Yeah," Angela chimed in. "You're stomach was keeping us up all night."

Wyler's ears folded. "I'm sorry about that..."

"Don't be sorry?" Said Charles in-between beak-fulls of juicy, gushing steak.

"Out of all of us, you've been the strongest, fair fellow."

"We know losing Hudson was hard," Jasey said. "Nothing could have been done

to save him. You shouldn't blame yourself, ya know?"

"Jasey's right," Angela cut in. "I mean, he was there after-all. If he could have

done something, he would have." She put her arm on Wyler's who didn't look up

from the gray stone of the cave-floor. "You know that."

"I know that," Wyler repeated. He took a deep breath and looked up. "I guess

we've been here long enough..."

"Agreed," Charles whistled, looking about the place. His wings ruffled a little as

it echoed through the cave, reverberating off the walls into the very stomach of

the cavern. "I guess our next stop'd be Winglink then, eh?"

"Winglink?" The three looked at him, each displaying their own version of

"Wtf?" on their faces.

"You three have never heard of Winglink?" Charles took a step back like they

were monsters. "Ya know? The big round disk in the sky?"

"The... sun?" Angela raised her eyebrow.

"No you twits?!" Charles laughed. "It's the biggest air fortress this side of the


"And how do you expect us to get in there?" Asked Jasey.

"I'm best mates with the captain," The griffin almost blushed. "A feisty one she

is! You'd get along with her real well, Angela."

"Why...?" Wyler asked.

"Because they're both--" Charles started before being cut off again.

"No," Wyler said. "Why do we need to go there?" His tone was harsh like ice

water. The type that, if drunk to fast, makes your teeth feel like their being ripped

from your skull. "Why do we need to go to this fortress..."

"Mate," The griffin chuckled. "Did ya not see the crazy, sword wieldin', torch

brandishing mob that chased us a while ago? They're still up there lookin'." He

pointed a talon to the ceiling

"I don't want to be here when they figure out a way down," Jasey said, looking

to Wyler. "I think it's a good idea. If he's as close to the captain as he says he is,

then that guarantees a couple free meals and fresh sheets to sleep in."

"That's the least of what we'd get, mate," Charles replied. He looked to Wyler.

"Whaddya say?"

A silence loomed around as the mutt thought it over. He sighed and looked up

to everyone gazing. Jasey=Sincere, Charles=Curious, and Angela=GTFO...

"Why should he get to decide?" The raccoon finally dropped it. "I mean Jasey

and I want to go. If he doesn't want to follow then fuck--" She felt a paw on her

shoulder and turned. There Wyler was, holding the map.

"You aren't ditching me," He said.

"You little cabbage-thief!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, leaving ringing

in everyone's ears from the echo. Jasey turned to Wyler, who both turned to look

at Charles.

"Cabbage Thief?"

"It's what my dad always called me when I took money from his wallet..."

Angela sighed, taking a last swipe at the map before Wyler deposited it in his

cargo pocket.

"Before we go I want to at least look for him," Wyler growled, making sure the

point that he was serious come through loud and clear. "I can't rest until I know--"

"You've been resting in this cave for the past week!" Angela shouted. "Besides

nobody could have survived that fall."

"She's right," Jasey said. "As much as it pains me to say this... He's gone Wyler."

"I..." Wyler murmured, not sure if flashbacks had begun covering his vision, or if

he was just lightheaded from dehydration. "I..."

Everyone waited for his response.

"I know!" And as soon as he said it, his face erupted into a torrent of tears that

streamed down his cheeks, matting the fur under his eyes.

"Oh..." Jasey said, moving closer, wrapping his arms around his best friend. "It's

okay Wyler... I really feel for you... Shhh..." He began rocking the mutt back and

forth as he cried on his chest, dampening his shirt with tears of sorrow.

It was like a blanket had been thrown over his head as he was lead to and fro,

back and forth. His eyes clenched hard as he took in a scent unfamiliar to him.

Usually it smelled like Hudson when he was like this; a muddle of nice feelings

and solitude, rolled with the spice of sincerity and happiness. Now it smelled

harder, bolder, and dangerous, like he was teetering on the edge of a knife. It

was odd... and yet inviting, like he had been here before.

That's when old feelings rose again, making this new sensation feel like home

as he thanked God (or whoever) that he was finally here. He had waited so

long... and yet...

"As soon as the baby gets cleaned up, can we go?" Angela cut in. She moved

over to Charles, who followed her with his head. "Seriously, I'm getting hungry

again, and I would really like to shower for once in this god damn story..."

"We can go now..." Wyler whispered.

"You sure?" Jasey asked, looking him in the eye.

"Yeah," The mutt replied. "That's almost what I needed."


"Fuck!" Came the howl. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!?!" The brandish-white tent

shuddered under the flailing, waking everybody from their slumber.

"Boss?!" The jackal, known as Slit from... past experiences, ripped his way

through the tent's opening. A move that almost landed an empty whiskey bottle

right smack dab in his muzzle. The glass on the floor threatened to cut through

his thin leather boots as he watched the Shepherd pace, feet cut to lashes.

"Slit," He growled, eyeing the new intruder, and then to the circle of blood he

had formed himself. "What did I tell you? What did I tell everyone else?"

Slit fell silent with a feeling like he was sinking. Down into the pits of hell that

were the eyes of Captain Agnus. "Ummm... sir?"

"I told you to never enter, didn't I...?"

"Yes... Sir..."


"I've come to tell you the status of recruitment, sir," Slit's eyes wandered. The

desk they had lugged for him had been broken, the box of ail, shattered. The

only things that remained untouched were his boxes of whiskey.

"It BETTER be good." He accented 'better' with another smash of a bottle.

"It is, sir," Slit ventured a smug smile. His eye patch rose slightly, almost

revealing his first battle scar. "We've twenty new men, strong and ready. They

want to fight for a cause... Any cause. Brainless fucks they are."

"What do they know?"

"Not a thing. It's like they were bred to be brainless. None can read or write, but

somehow know the use of a club or broken bottle."

"Ruffians, then..."

"That's putting it lightly."

"Get out, Slit..." Agnus growled. "Leave me to my whiskey."

"I have one more thing," The jackal smiled. "Hopefully they'll peak your

interest." He gave a whistle from his teeth, calling in two overly muscled mice. In

each of their humongous paws... lay a woman. Two in total, a thin panther and

a beautiful crane, both naked and stripped of everything.

Agnus's eyes twinkled as he felt something. The burning of the glass in his feet

and a tightness in his trousers. "Ah yes." He growled, smiling sinister. "Sins of the

flesh. LEAVE ME NOW!"

The girls had chains around their necks and feet, which was enough to force

them from running. As the jackal and the mice buttoned the flap neither seemed

shaken, nor terrified when the Captain pulled the knife from the drawer of the

broken desk.

"Either of you ever wanted a tattoo??" He asked them.

It was then, and only then, that a haunting laughter rose from the tent.

Nobody even second guessed the screaming.


Winglink was created about seventeen years ago by a rouge soldier/mercenary

who had escaped the war. He had been deported out of every place he went, so

as a result he built a massive, copper-colored, mega-ton disk that floated using

cooling jets and Ionic gel. All the while, he met up with a lass, had two kits, and

ended up dying two weeks before the initial launch.

His name was Pratchet Foster, and his face was currently being eyed at

between the picture frame that held it.

Josey Foster was a panther, black as night. She reigned as captain of this ship

and her silvery grey eyes sparkled as she lost herself in her one and only memory

of her father. Something about a baby carriage and a pound of ice cream... she

couldn't recall it well, but she remembered being very cold.

"Cap'n," Came the call through her door. It was her brother, another panther by

the name of Shiver. His real name was Snow, named after the output the ship

gave off, and was almost pure white if it weren't for the hairline black stripes that

rippled at random throughout his back.

"Bro," She said. "You don't have to be so serious, kay?"

"Sorry if I like to keep a certain episode of formality on board, sis," Shiver

chuckled. "What are you doing in here anyway? You should be in the evergreen

wing. Jody is having her litter, remember?"

"How could I forget?" Josey chuckled. "That bitch thinks she can steal my

thunder every chance she gets."

"Is that what it is?" Shiver chuckled, moving in closer to put a paw on his sister's

shoulder. "Or are you in here thinking of dad again..."

Josey sighed. The hair on her head rippled as she fought off a sudden urge to

break down on her brother's shoulder. "It's not fair, Shiv. It really isn't..." She

pounded her desk to release her rage. "He had to go and be a freaking hero.

Saving the life of--"

"You?" Shiver finished the sentence for her before taking her in his arms. "You

can't blame him for saving his child."

"I would have been fine."

"You would have been dead..."

Josey looked at him with accusing eyes before pushing him away. "Don't you

have work to be doing? I mean really, I have a whole bunch of captain stuff to

do in here."

"We have company, ya know?" Shiver said as he turned. "The winged one says

he knows you."

"What winged one?" Josey suddenly tensed as she tried remembering.

"He's bizarre," Shiver replied before heading out the door. "The other three

seem harmless, although one has very strange fur..." And with that the door

closed and buzzed behind him.

The lady pather just sat down in her desk chair, going through transcripts and

formal proposals, trying to regain every bit of elegant composure and grace

before dealing with misfits.

"There's no input on someone landing today?" She licked her paws, slicked her

hair back, felt it fall exactly into place again, and then sighed. "I wonder..." She

then shook her head. "Nahh.."


"Behold!" Charles motion with his talons. "Winglink!"

It took almost three hours to find the place, but as soon as they landed it all

became worth it. Jasey clung to Wyler as Angela slipped off Charles' back,

falling like liquid down on all fours.

Wyler's mouth hung open as he panted, his bristling brown fur waving in the

wind as he took in everything. Copper-coated domes hung on top of each other

with glass shining the rays of sun everywhere. Mist enveloped the cold copper

floor and rippled as they walked forward, leaving all left outside to listen to the

sound of the clouds and the singing of the jets as they expelled snow towards the

surface below.

"Wow..." Wyler thought as he took in the odd scent of... "Damnit.. Ionic gel..

everywhere..." And that's what reminded him of Hudson, once again.

"Wyler?" Jasey shook. "How high do you think we are...?"

"I dunno," Wyler said, pushing him off. "You'd probably die if you walked off

the edge though."

"Note to self," Angela chuckled as she fumbled with the floating mist. "Do NOT

let the mutt go anywhere near--"

"Oh shit, I knew it." It was a feminine voice, like tinkling crystal. Every head

turned as a panther walked as if on a cloud towards them. She stopped as her

blue trench coat twittered slightly and placed a paw on her hip.

"Who's that--" Jasey whispered.

"Josey!" Charles erupted. "How are you, my dear?! I haven't seen you since you

were this tall!" He gave her about a 3 foot mark with his paw and enveloped her

in a hug, which she reluctantly returned.

"I met you when I was twenty, Charles.." She couldn't help but give a smile.

"Still your bubbly self I see?"

"And your still cold and emotionally withdrawn," The griffin replied, although

happily. "I'd like to introduce you to," He turned and pointed a talon in turn.

"Jasey the wolf, Angela the raccoon, and Wyler the--" He paused.

"Mutt," Wyler barked. "I'm a mutt." His ears peeled back Angela and Jasey

looked to him.

"So nice to meet you all," Josey broke the silence a moment later. "You aren't

planning on staying here, are you?"

"Why else would I arrive, my sweet?" Charles chuckled. "These three need

some TLC. They've had sort of a rough journey. Especially depresso-ball over


"I have a couple free beds," Josey said. "But Charles, for you I must deny it."

"I bet I could change your mind," Charles growled playfully.

Josey purred before turning. "Actually you're almost just in time for tea. As for

those three, they can... Explore I guess? We have much to catch up on, my dear


The mist enveloped them as they walked, leaving the three alone and


"Shall we then?" Angela ventured. "She said we could explore, right?"

"I guess..."

"Might as well?"

"Off we go then!"


"My back aches..." He thought. The dalmatian lay in a tiny pile by something

warm on his back. He had been curled up like that for about seven hours, not

moving an inch. "What's going on...? Where am I?" All these questions piled up

in his head, nagging him to just open his eyes and look.

*I've loathed you... Ever since you got jealous when I hugged him. Ever

since... you... took him away from me...*

His eyes creeked open as everything began to focus. Shining bits of glare

tinkled in his view, waving slightly with the wind. He tried to sit up, but there was

no point. Something inside kept him from rising. All he could hear was that

haunting voice. He never saw it coming...

There was glass. No. What seemed like crystal everywhere. It was unbelievable

how everything shined. The leaves, the tree-trunks. Even the soil seemed to


"Ugh..." He groaned, finally lifting himself on his elbow. Every place, every

limb shot with a sort of pressure that made him grit his teeth as his eyes watered.

He wanted to bawl everywhere. He wanted to... Suddenly it hit him "Wyler..."

Everything flooded. The past week came back to him in a single bound. Those

glaring crystalline eyes, grinning with murder. He was on the cliff again. Over

and over he felt himself fall. Eternity passed.

The next thing Hudson realized, sun was in his face, biting his eyelids open. It

came in like a dagger, making him squint until he focused. The crystal was

brighter than ever.

"He's up," Someone whispered. It made the dalmatian jump as he tried his

hardest to roll over.

"Don't wake him," Another whisper. "He's had a rough--"

"Wake him?" The other cut in. "I believe I just SAID he's up? He's already--"


Hudson sat up. A task that made his eyeballs bulge, and once he looked

behind, he was greeted by a fire, a young lemur and a Tommy-cat, also looking


"Crap now look what ya did!" The cat shouted. "He's up! Thanks a lot!"

"If you hadn't of been talking!" The lemur replied. "Maybe--"

"Would both of you quiet down," A voice, deep as bark, rang from the bush.

The cellophane leaves twisted and stretched, convulsing as they were pushed

aside, and there in the dawning light emerged a body full of stripes and scars.

"Trusser!" The two giggled like school-pups. "Did you bring food!?" They got

up, ran, and bounced in front of him. He glanced towards Hudson and smirked. "I

brought water and meat. Dig in."

The dalmatian sat there, wide-eyed at the ghost. The man he had left behind,

once again returning with the same gaze. Strong. It pierced and ripped at his

vocal chords as a freeze kept his joints from giving weigh.

"Hungry, bud?" Trusser offered Hudson a piece of flesh. It sat in his paw, red

and raw.

"Cook?" Was all Hudson could reply with. The phantom chuckled as he threw it

up and caught it again.

"Is that big enough for ya?" The tiger replied. "I could rip off--"

"I can't believe you're here..." Hudson said. "I left you... and you--"

"Saved you?" Trusser replied. "I owed it to your mother, okay? Now, the piece?"

"But--" Hudson stammered on. He was cut off by Trusser's gaze towards the kin

bouncing around the water jug.

"They don't know, okay?" He whispered.

"Don't know what?" Shouted the lemur.

"Yeah!" The cat pulled in. "What?"

Trusser sighed, leering towards the dalmatian before smiling.

"How..." He said, taken aback. "How I got this food, ya know?"

"How, Truss?" They chimed together like pups do. "How!?"

"That's a story for another day," The tiger said with a clear throat. "Give me

your pieces."

The two handed over the chunks they ripped, laughing as Trusser tossed them

into the pan over the fire. "Yayy!" They cried over the sizzling.

Hudson just sat there watching the flames lick the metal, shuddering once he

felt the paw on his shoulder.

"Look," The tiger whispered. "I'll explain everything tonight, okay? You need a

bunch of rest."

"I never saw you as the parenting type,' Hudson let out a laugh, still eyeing the

flame. Regretting the fact that he simply felt nothing from it, and at the moment

he realized how numb he was.

"Do you know where Wyler is..." He ventured. No hope for a good answer.

"No," Trusser replied. He growled a sec before continuing. "I think you should

lie back down, boy."

Hudson shrugged. "You're probably right." He eased, listening to the fireworks

in his limbs.

The last thing that hung in the air was giggles, a faint aroma of burning, and a

new side of Trusser Hudson never thought existed.

And then... Pain.


Something shot him. His body flung up in response. It hit him in his chest.

"What the hell was that?" Angela said.

The three had found Winglink's version of a mall food court. Everything was

free, cooked and ready to go, freshly sealed within those bronze and copper

walls. They sat across from each other three ways and now Wyler's food was

everywhere, littering the table like fallen soldiers.

"I don't know," Wyler coughed. "I felt something sharp in my chest."

"Heartburn?" Jasey chuckled as he picked at his steak. His delicious steak

"I've never felt heartburn like this," Wyler said. His paw gripped his chest,

grabbed at his shirt. It wouldn't stop. "It's like someone's paw's there." He gasped.

"Grabbing at my... heart."

"Oh give me a break," Angela rolled her eyes. "Maybe you're having a heart

attack, eh?" She stuffed more salad into her face.

"Oh my god..." The mutt thought. "It's like a black hole... My chest is


And just as simply as it came, it simply went. Everything was fine. Crisis


Wyler sat there a second, bracing for the feeling to return. He stared off into

the abyss of his knees, his brown coffee fur poking out of the holes in his pants.

Nothing came, nothing went. It was oddly silent as his eyes stayed plate-open.

"See?' Jasey said. "Just heartburn." He turned to Angela. "Like I Said!"

"Or a heart attack," Angela growled. "He could be dyeing right now. And all

you can do is eat your fatty steak and talk about heartburn fantasies!"

"Guys," Wyler said, holding up his paw. They both looked as he tried to crack a

smile. Mostly from embarrassment. "I'm not hungry anymore."

"That's amazing," Angela rolled her eyes. "Please Wyler! Update us more shall


"Angela," Jasey growled. "You've been bitchy ever since you got here. What's

your problem..."

"Nothing, okay?" Angela crossed her arms. "Freaking nothing. Eat your fatty


"Nothing?" Wyler said. "Or something?"


"I smell something?"


"UGH!" Angela threw her dressing covered fork. "Get over yourselves, okay?! It's

none of your business!"

"None?" Wyler couldn't help but smile. "Or all?"

"SHUT UP!" The raccoon shouted. "I'LL FREAKING KILL YOU!"

"One more time," Wyler thought to himself as he snickered. "Kill...? Or let



The enraged Angela rose with such force, her thighs rammed the table,

sending the food, plates, and silverware up skyward. She reached for an

air-handle, steadying herself with balance alone as she began focusing all her

momentum forward, towards the two that already sky-shot themselves the

completely opposite direction.

"Come here!" Was her war cry, turning head in every direction. The young, the

old, the weak, the strong. Nobody could stop the unstoppable force.

Suddenly, just as the two barely kept their lead in a glass corridor a hundred

feet tall, the captain, Josey, and Charles walked into view. They snickered,

sipped tea, and walked along holding tiny teacups.

"Charles!" Wyler shouted, grabbing the air in front to make him go faster. His

paws met feathers as he swooped around on his back. "Go! Fly! She's fucking


The griffin looked around, bewildered as Jasey tried to get him to grip his

shoulders with his now apparently free claws.

"Go! Go! Go!"

But the tornado miraculously subsided. Its whirlwind fell to nothing more than

a timid walk through velvet red carpet as a small racoon-lass made her was with

the most innocent look Wyler ever saw.

"Angela," Charles grunted. "What the hell's going on?"

"Nothing," The raccoon replied. Her paws twitched together like magnets as

she talked. "These boys are just man-crazy, ya know?" She smiled. "So what did

you and Joley do?"

"Josey?" The captain stepped in. Her liquid-like movement moved the empty

teacup from her now quenched lips to her side. "And you will address me as

Captain, lass, while you're aboard my vessel."

Angela turned her cheek. "So did you guys DO anything?" She tweaked her

face, making everyone uncomfortable.

"Excuse... me?" Charles replied.

"Ya know," Angela prodded. "When you were--"

"This is ridiculous," Josey stopped her. "Charles, let's go."

"Okie," The griffin replied. "I'll see you three later, mhm?

"Yep!" Wyler tipped an imaginary hat.

"Bye!" Jasey said with a smile.

"Ugh... bitch..." Angela muttered under her breath.

She turned to the two who stood there, star-struck.

"Ummm... What?"


(8)It only hurts just once, They're only broken bones...

Hide the hate inside... Oh...

Show me what it's like, to dream in black and white.

So I can leave this world... tonight.(8)

"Unknown Soldier"

-Breaking Benjamin


There ya go, friends. Part 11. I admit it. I had missed posting soooo freaking much. The thrill of writing. Stupid university...

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it. I was going to post it at 11:59, but thought "Hey i'm too damn impatient.

Next will come out as soon as i can whip it up. No idea when that'll be, but i'll try to get out asap, kay?

Love from your author.
