Chads life: Chapter 1

Story by Bigbear123 on SoFurry

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"Todays the day,"(Chad thinking to himself.)" Todays the day I do it." Chad was a bear and dog mix. His mother, who died when he was 3 months old, was a full blooded Collie. His dad was a grisley and sun bear mix. Chad was short for his age, had blue eyes, a cow lick on the left side, a short buzz cut hair, and weighed 170 pounds. "Today",(Chad thinking) "is the day i tell Mark how i feel." Mark was a half wolf and a half boxer mix. Mark's dad was a wolf and his mother was a boxer. Mark was average height, short spiked hair, green eyes, scar on his left cheek, and weighed 150 pounds. The feelings Chad had for Mark was love.

****(5yeaars ago)****

"Dad i don't wanna go to school today!,"(Chad said.) "Your goings and thats that!,) Chad's father hollered. Chad slammed the door and went on to his new school. As soon as he got there he was made fun of because of hisa shortness,(even though he was 3 inches chorter than average hieght. Chad ran behind a tree and cried. Mark came and sat beside him. "Whats wrong?" "Everyone's making fun of me." "Dont worry. Ill be your friend." And from then on they were friends.

Years passed and on inside and weird feelings started to feel inside Chad about Mark but he didnt no wat it was. He thought it was friendship but realized it was deeper than that. What feelings he was having he didnt know.


"After school I'll tell him."I wonder how he'll repply?" "How am i going to tell him"Oh well"

And all through class Chad was thinking of scenarios of how to break the news. DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The bell rang. "Meet at the tree house in the forest ok theres something i need to tell u mark." "Ok"


On Chad's 14 birthday Mark and him were playing at the water fall, talking about home and regular stuff. Then Mark asked Chad," Howd your mom die?" Chad hesistated for a second then sighed." Well I was only 3 months so i dont remember a thing, but my dad told me she died of a rare cancer in the liver. He said her dying words were, "Take care of Chad and always make him happy." And with that she died, and i think my dad has kept his promise." "Wow............." Chad," i need to go my dad will get angry as hell if i get back late" as soon as he got up he slipped. "AAAUUUUUUGHHH!!!!" He was about to fall off, but Mark grabbed his leg." I wont let u die!"cried Mark, but Chad was slipping fast. Then Mark summoned all his courage and pulled him up as fast as he could. Somehow he got Chad off the ledge. They both laid down panting hard and heavy. " Thank you" and with that Chad knew what his feelings was................. it was love. Then he thought to himself,"Thank you dad if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have met Mark and be this happy."


Chad was now climbing up the stairs to the tree house where Mark was already waiting. "What took you so long slowpoke?"Dad" For a few hours they talked about the usual stuff then Mark asked, "What did you want to tell me?" "I don't no how to tell you but, I... I..." "You what?" " I love You! I have ever since they day at the waterfall and my feelings have still been growing since that day! Dont you see I love you!" And with that he fell to the floor crying. Mark sat beside him and hugged him and said,"Why are u crying... Ill be your friend"Chad looked up and stared right at Mark. Their heads moving closer and closer untill they locked lips. Both shuting thier eyes they shared a deep embracing kiss. Mark started to run his hand under Chad's short rubbing chad's chest and took Chad's shirt off. Chad had a medium muscular build and aq golden brown chest. Chad lifted Mark's shirt showing his briallant gleaming snow white chest.

They both got up took their pants off Mark's being a 7 incher and Chad's being a 9 incher both hard. They got covers from the corner usually using 2 apeice now used only 2 together. Mark started rubbing Chad's chest, rubbing his face against it. Then ever slowly moved down and started licking Chad's cock. After a minute pre was starting to come out."Yummy" said mark. Then he put his warm mouth on Chads entire cock."Ugh!" Mark was moving up and down making sure Chad was enjoying all of it. A bit more pre came out then he shot his load."UUUUUUUUUAAAGHHH!!!" Mark kept on swolling Chad's cum. Than stopped a minute laterlater. Chad started to rub Mark's ass. Mark then put himself right on top of Chad's cock."Promise me you'll be rough" "....I promise" At first he went slow, then faster and faster. Half way through he started to paw off Mark. Both feeling an extremely pleasurable orgasmic bliss." faster, Harder, Faster,.......HARDER!!!!!!!!!!!"

Chad had shot his load but continued for 5 more minutes then mark shot his all over Chad's chest and face. Cum was also dripping out the sides of Mark's asshole. Chad licked the cum off his face and said, "Thank you." Mark replied,"No thank, you this is the happeist I have ever been. Your my only friend. I love you."

They hugged a little after that, then started talking again. Mark," When i was young i ran away and got kidnapped by a strange man. He took me to his house and offered me candy i denied. Then he said if I value my life i'd have to give him head. I did as i was told. Then he did me in the ass. To my surprise I liked it all. He gave me a rimjob and took me home. I never told my parents."

"Nothing like that happened to me, but after the day you saved me i didn't feel the same. I would sneak in my dad's bedroom and lick his penis and suck it, until he was about to wake. I'd paw off thinking You and me having sex And i would finger myself thinking of it." They shared another long intimate kiss. Mark," I have always loved. Never leave me" Chad, " I promise I never will."

they shared another deep long kiss. Chad" I love you" "I love you too....... your my only friend"


The next day when Chad woke up, Mark was gone. A note lay beside him, "Meet me at my house we need to talk. Love Mark." Chad got dressed, then pondered to himself, "What does Mark need to talk to me about?" He climbed down the tree and headed toward Mark's house. When he got there Mark was on the front porch. "Come inside." Chad did as he was told. When he got there Mark's parents and his father was in the living room. Chad thinking to himself," Oh shit! my dad's here. I no this is bad." He sat down in the chair across from his dad. A terrorfied expression was on Chad's face. They all sat there for a few minutes until Mark's dad said, " I now what happened in the treehouse last night. I knew it when Mark didn't come home." Chad put his head down to scared to look at his father.

"Your not in trouble, either of you two", Chad's father said. chad looked at his father unbelievablely with a fixed expression on his face. "What!?", Chad said in a perplexed voice. " Mark's parent's knew he was gay very young. He told them. When they found out you two were friends they told me about Mark. At first i was angry. I couldn't sit down. Then they told me Mark hadn't done or said anything to you about him. My anger ceased because I had never seen you so happy since your mom died. I didn't find out you was gay until this morning. But it doesn't matter to me as long as your happy. Gay or straight i don't care." Immediatley Chad's father embraced him in a tight hug.

Chad looked more puzzled than ever. " You don't care... You.. You knew Mark was gay before I did. You knew all along......Ugh" Chad fainted at the shock of this news. (Chad's dream)Chad was in his room crying over his mothers loss. He heard a sweet voice call out to him,"Chad don't cry, please don't cry." "Mom?" "I love you Chad, I am here please don't cry. Chad moved closer to the voice. "Chad wake up" "What?" " Chad wake up." He felt a cold liquid hit his face. "Huaghh!" Chad arose from the bed heavily breathing. "Finally your awake", Mark said in relief. "What, awake? How long have I been asleep?" At this question he also noticed water on his face and on the bed. "You been knocked out for 13 hours. It's midnight, as soon as your dad told you he didnt care you fainted and hit your head pretty good on the floor. I have been trying to wake you up for hours." "Where am I?" "In my room, I am jst glad your okay." Mark hugged Chad tightly. "I still can't believe it. My dad knew you were gay. He never told me. You never told me. Why?"

Mark froze still. He sighed a deep breath then answered. "I was afraid you wouldn't be my friend anymore. I have moved to 7 different schools because of it. I've lost too many friends over it." For the first time ever since they have been friends, Chad saw Mark cry. This was odd to him. Through school Mark was considered a tough guy and stood up to all the bullies. But Chad knew and understood what Mark was feeling. Chad reached over and made Mark look him in the eyes. "I wouldn't have cared if you were gay, even if i was, but you knew you were before me. Anyway, It woulnd't ave mattered. I am your best friend and I always will be no matter what." Chad slowly, inch by inch , moved his head over and kissed Mark. All of a sudden Chad's dad entered the room. Chad saw this and immediatley stopped kissing Mark.

" Your finally awake. Oh, like i said earlier I don't care. If u kiss him that's alright." Chad looked at his father with a blush, but an understanding that his father was telling the truth. Then that brought Chad's next question. "Why didn't you tell me Mark was gay?" Mark dad looked frighteed. He stood up opened the door about to step out, then turned around and shut it. "(Sigh) You were so happy. I thought if i told you he and you wouldn't be friends anymore. I i had to keep my promise to your mom." He stood up. " I'll leave you two alone. Do what you want as long as it makes you happy." He turned and left the room. He immediatley renetered and said,"We will be staying here tonight. It's too late to go home. I'll be sleeping on the couch." He left once again.

"Well i guess we should go to sleep.", Mark said. "I guess so.", Chad replied. "i sleep in the nude,"Chad said,"If thats ok?" "Of course it is I do too."They shed thier clothes. They laid down. Chad then asked, "Is there something you'll do for me?" "What?" "You no what i told you I did thinking about us right?" "Yeah, and?" "Will you stick your cock up my virgin hole. Please also knot me." "Ok! First though, You'll need to help me get my dick out of my sheath. Chad slid down and strated licking inside the half wolf's sheath. It was starting to come out. It was almost full erect when Mark stopped him there. "The knot wont come out if it's completely hard." Chad understood. He got to the end of the bed and spread his legs out. Mark went to the edge as well. First he shot some pre on Cad's tail hole to prevent pain. He then put it in. First it was painfull to Chad. With his left paw he started to paw off Chad. The pain stopped. First He was slow, but putting alot of it in up to the knot. Then e started to get faster. Pre was shooting out of Chad's cock onto Mark's chest. "Faster.. Harder!" Right before his cllimax Mark knotted Chad. They both screamed out in pleasure as both spurt loads of cum. Chad's wouldnt stop at first. "Your cum goes out like piss." Chad just laughed. They remained there until Mark was soft enough to take it out. They laid down both facing each other, rubbing each others chests. "I love you my strong bear," Mark told Chad. "I love you my handsome wolf." They slept thier silently all night.

I have made this a whole lot longer to please viewers. Thank you for helping me I admit I have not too much time to work on this. I have too many things during the day. I hope you like this extended version better. To send me an email, go to my new one it's [email protected] Leave me any kind of comments you like.

I am sorry im not too detailed on the people, im going to give them more right now.

Chad Mark Dan(Mark's Dad)

Age:16 Age:16 Age:35

Height:5'11 Height:6'2 Hieght:6'9

Wieght:170lbs. Weight:150lbs. Weight:235lbs.

Eyecolor:blue Eyecolor:green Eyecolor:hazel

Haircolor:black Haircolor:gray Haircolor:brown

Hairstyle:buzzcut/cowlick Hairstyle:spiked/short Hairstyle:messy/unmatted

Furcolor:brown/black Furcolor:gray/white Furcolor:darkbrown

Birthmark:none Birthmark:unknown Birthmark:bald spot on shoulder

Other:none Other:none Other:Drinks(not heavily)

Penissize:9incherect Pennissize:7incherect Pennissize10incherect

Sarah(Mark's Mom) Johhny(Mark's Dad)

Age:29 Age:29

Hieght:5'10 Hieght:6'5

Wieght:140lbs. Weight:180lbs.

Eyecolor:blue Eyecolor:brown

Haricolor:black Haircolor:gray

Hairstyle:long/smooth Hairstyle:matted

Furcolor:black/brown Furcolor:silver

Birthmark:none Brithmark:little hole on left buttcheek

Other:sufferes from dilexia and vertigo Other:suffers from adhd(attention defosit hyperactive



I hope you like this new detailed profiles i added to these charcters. Hoopefully my next chapter will be out soon there will be a shocker if that is a clue. Plz leave comments about this if u like or dislike what i have added. And once again to email me comments only on saturdays or fridays talk to me at either [email protected] or [email protected] Thank you for your previous help. Skylos Wolven185... you inspire me.

This is my quote if it matters to you, "I protect who im with. That means to help in every way. I dont need a reason i do it becuz i think its the right thinf to do!"