The Virgins' (Almost) Perfect Evening

Story by Skyler Segato on SoFurry

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#2 of One-Shots

A cute little story about a couple trying to lose their virginity. Our goal for this one was to make it more romantic than purely sexual, so hopefully I accomplished that? I don't know. Enjoy!

Man, he smells fantastic. It's not really so much of a musk. He just seems to have his own sort of deodorant on his smoky-grey fur, though I still can't put a name to the scent. Dry? Fresh? Not exactly. I just call it Jeremy, and I would certainly buy a cologne bottle full of it. Out of all the guys I've met, that's certainly a first. And from what we talked about, hopefully that's not the only thing he'll be the first of.

My head turns to look up from its position on his chest. His eyes are completely blank of emotion as he stares at the ceiling above us. Despite the fact that our fingers are intertwined and he had wrapped his bushy wolf tail around my leg just a few minutes ago, he seems uninterested in me for the time being. But that won't do.


"Yes, Lylac?"

My stomach gives a little flutter, just like it does every time he uses that pet name for me. Another first marked down for Jeremy.

Jeremy. Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy.

"Are you ready?"

"I... I think so."

The shakiness in his voice is unusual for my strong Jeremy. "You don't sound too sure, this is only if you truly want it."

"No, I do, I want... I want you. But what if I'm not good enough?"

I lift my head from his now trembling chest and turn to look him in the eyes. "What do you mean, not good enough?"

"I mean, I want this, but it's still scary... What if I mess up? What if you don't enjoy it? Will you still-"

I stop his nervous voice with a kiss on the lips. My muzzle presses firmly against his trembling one as I run my hand through his head furs. His ears give little flicks as my agile, panther fingertips brush against their fuzz. The crotch of my pants becomes a bit confining as my excitement grows, and the same sensation from Jeremy pushes hard against my thigh.

I pull my muzzle back and move my paws down to his bulge. My breaths grow deeper, warming what little space is still left between us. Excited paws slowly begin undoing the button and zipper holding back his hardened nervousness while I look into his eyes. They beg me not to continue, but I see another emotion locked much deeper behind his pupils: pure lust.

"Lyle, are... are you sure you're ready?"

The tips of my fingers grasp the denim and slowly pull down on his jeans until they fall below his knees. I quickly make the same motion on my own skinny khakis so that my pants lay on top of his, the buttons clicking together.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life. Are you?"

"... Yes, I am. As ready as I'll ever be."

And with that, I grasp onto the collar of my polo and pull it over my head, completely exposing my boxer-briefs and lower torso. We work together until we're both clad only in our undergarments. It's an amazing feeling to have his bare fur tickling mine, for the first time in my life, everything just feels, well, right. Nothing else matters as long as I belong to Jeremy and he belongs to me, both inside and out. We lock eyes, both realizing that there can't be any turning back now.

A whimper escapes from my lips as I slip the underwear away from my hips, flinging them off my foot and exposing all five inches of my manhood. Quickly afterward, I do the same to his, my gaze never leaving his softening eyes. Every bit of nervousness that had previously been obvious in them has faded away by now, leaving only a burning desire in its wake. Our breathing synchronizes so that every inch of our torsos stays in constant contact with our lover's.

Then, my Jeremy catches me by surprise. In one swift motion, he stands up and scoops me into his arms, leaving the clothes behind on the couch. I hardly even have a chance to giggle before he's trotted us into the bedroom and flung me down on the mattress.

He towers over me at the end of the bed, a smug grin on his face. His arms ripple as he tightens his paws into fists in anticipation. Tufts of grey fur poke out from between his bulging abdominals. And, for the first time, I'm able to get a good look at his swinging member. Calling it big would be far underrating it. At least eight inches of pure flesh hangs down from between his powerful thighs, probably nine or so once it's been fully hardened. My breathing stops for a moment. A cock like that only comes around maybe once or twice in a lifetime. But here he is, my beautiful Jeremy, standing in front of me with a perfect body and a heart so pure.

How did a normal guy like me end up with an incredible man like him?

"Lylac, I hope you know how beautiful you are." His voice flows like butter through the room, perfectly smooth and breathy for the moment. I can't bring myself to do anything but smile in response. A wolf like him could screw circles around me, yet here he is, in my bedroom, dribbling pre into my carpet and waiting for me to be ready. I'm not so sure I am anymore.

"You're the only one who thinks so, Jeremy, but I guess that makes you a keeper, huh?"

He leans over to press his arms against the bed along my torso and rest his hardened cock against mine. Our breathing synchronizes so my barbs can begin rubbing up and down his length. My tongue lolls between my lips, excited yet nervous to get another taste of the muzzle a few inches from my face.

"You'd have a hard time getting rid of me anyway. You know, I stick with you for a reason." His body slides a foot or so down my own, dragging a quickly-forming knot along my throbbing meat. "And it's not just for the sex." Wait, what was that supposed to mean? Surely he meant it in the way that we're both virgins... "People tell me that size doesn't matter, that it's only an understanding of what you're doing that makes it good." He lowers his head so it rests along the side of mine. Each breath from his heaving chest draws out a hot gust of air against my shoulder, and my skin tingles with tentative excitement. "But there's one thing they had always forget to mention..." I feel his hips lower until they're flush with mine. A warm patch of skin brushes up against my rim, bringing the muscle to clench for an instant, then stretch to twice its normal size. "Something I had to figure out all by myself." Slowly, he slides his cock inside, using his steadily streaming precum as lubricant. A few seconds brings me all the way to his knot, virginity flowing out through my clenching anus, walls tightening around his length.

"You have to love them first."

My mouth falls open as I try to evaluate his words, and he takes the opportunity to rest his open muzzle against mine. For a moment, we simply lie there, bodies pressed lovingly, lips sealed together, eyes closed, and no movement but the subtle contractions of my insides. Peaceful silence envelops the room. Never has such an awkward situation felt so normal.

Over the course of the next few seconds, I push everything out of my mind except for the bare desire for him. Any emotions left over fuel the drive to finish what we've started. I wake my tongue from its dead stillness and run it along his teeth. His responding chuckle wiggles his whole torso, rubbing our skin even closer together and urging his hips and mouth into motion. Our tongues flick gracefully against each other while he starts to grind inside me. Patiently, he pulls out inch by inch (by inch by inch), not wanting to exert the muscle. Once he hits the tip, he squeezes back in, and begins his series of shorter, quicker thrusts, each one banging against my prostate.

A euphoric feeling courses through my nerves and fills my mind with fuzz. Any thought processes flee in the presence of such intense instinct; the only thing that remains is the craving for more and more Jeremy. My paws come up across his back and grip tightly onto his mangled fur. I feel his tail swoop around and slide underneath mine, acting as a furry pillow for giving him better entry. In return, I lift the tip of my thin, black tail up and curl it around so it can rub against his taint, which promptly clenches and sends a moan into our sealed muzzles. One of my arms releases his back and instead begins stroking his head furs. From the outside, we must look like a pretzel, but from my point of view, we're as close as possible. And that's just how it should be.

The familiar tingle of the fireworks travels up my spine, but it can't be over, not yet at least. I ignore the feeling and instead try focusing on my tonguework. Unfortunately, it's hard to ignore when I can feel his cock throbbing harder than usual, signaling how close he is to his finish as well. He screams into my mouth with a rush of passion in his voice, knowing it couldn't be much longer. One sharp pain in the hole later and he has forced his knot into my body as well. Combined with the usual contractions of an orgasm, it completely fills up my insides, and I return the scream inside of him from the new feeling. My paw feels his back clench as he squeezes my torso with raw force. A pool begins to form at the base of his knot, but I can hardly feel it as my own being starts to contract. The skin on his body and head is covered with tiny beads of sweat while the rest of his body clenches in response. As he collapses on top of me, a single burst of liquid shoots up an inch or two through my insides and into my abdomen, sending a tingle throughout my entire body. My walls completely surround his cock and my stomach flips against strained muscles.

"Gg... gah!"

After trying to hold it back for several seconds, a single drop of cum drips down from my feline penis, followed by a much more powerful spurt into his grey fur. His wilting cock continually rubs against my prostate, bringing on a series of spasms in my groin. My body stays clenched as I continue ejaculating all over our stomachs; strand followed by salty strand covers our bodies. Several seconds later, the pace slows to a dribble, and my muscles are finally able to relax.

Only then do we part lips and open our eyes. I find my vision automatically gazing into his, and another tingle travels through my spine. This time, it's not from the cock that still lie inside of me, but rather from pure emotion. I didn't just lose my virginity, we lost our virginity. Everything that was new and scary about the experience for me was just as new and scary for him. There was even a part of him that was afraid he wouldn't be good enough; what a silly thing for him to think... What a silly thing for me to think...


"Yes, Lylac?"

"That was great."

He gives me a weak smile and brings his head down to my chest. I'm sure topping is hard work, especially as good as he was, so he deserves a little bit of rest. I gently kiss him on the top of his head and run my fingers along his back.

"It was absolutely wonderful. So, umm, maybe you'd wanna go again?"

"You mean... like..."

"In a couple minutes?"

My Jeremy. Always the same man who knows me just a little too well.