Slot Machines, Relationships, and Other Gambling

"... Wow..." I hear Tyler say as we pull up. "... Wow..." I accidentally repeat only a few seconds later. The casino stands before us as a monument, forged over months worth of work from hundreds of furs. And I must say they did an absolutely...

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Making My Mark

As I stand alone on this rooftop, I find myself strangely unable to cry. Bitter cold hangs stagnant in the air around me. With a slight shudder, I draw the scarf he gave me closer to my body, the fabric as smooth and soft as the day he laid it in...

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Somebody's Hero (Chapter 3)

Tyrus looked below him as his feet landed squarely on the shoulders of the left ninja. The unexpecting victim hissed as he fell to the floor, too slow to remove the feline from his shoulders. Under his body, Tyrus felt the assassin's form crumple as it...

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Somebody's Hero (Chapter 2)

"Hey bud! How's your day been so far?" Skyler seemed awfully chipper for it to be such a depressing day. The ridiculously optimistic rainbow tail mocked Tyrus from the other side of the lunch table, sky blue fur contrasting with the darkness he wished...

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Somebody's Hero (Chapter 1)

"Dearest Tyrus, I hate to ask this from you, really, I do. But I woke up early this morning in some strange place with handcuffs around my wrists and ankles. Don't worry, I'm not hurt. I actually just beat the teeth right out of the guy who's supposed...

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The Virgins' (Almost) Perfect Evening

Man, he smells fantastic. It's not really so much of a musk. He just seems to have his own sort of deodorant on his smoky-grey fur, though I still can't put a name to the scent. Dry? Fresh? Not exactly. I just call it Jeremy, and I would certainly buy...

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It's Just One Little Ring… (Edited)

I stared at the genitals now dangling in front of me. Two hours ago, I never would have imagined that the hunky tiger staring at me from across the restaurant would end up being this exposed in my apartment. Or this sexy. Barbs stuck out from his...

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Chapter 1: Street Convo and Street Tacos

The pavement beneath him looked filthy as Brennan continued to plod along it, eyes glued to the concrete. In the big city, it was extremely easy to blend in among the other furs when you wanted to hide. Despite his height and general musculature, even...

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Chapter 2: Dinner... And a Movie?

"So, what's the plan now?" The sun had begun to crest on the horizon. For the entirety of the day, Brennan had felt the overwhelming need to be at home in bed. After such a depressing series of events, he needed the chance to get some emotional and...

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