Love Ensemble, Part 8 (extended)

Story by CodgetMage on SoFurry

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I told you I'd do it. Here it is, the long awaited sex scene between Jordan and Blake. I'm not even gonna put a warning on this one. You all should know what it contains.

"You make me so happy, you know that?" Jordan said.

Blake blushed as the wolf lay over him again and they continued kissing. The fox let out a gentle moan, his hands squirming around to rub down Jordan's back. He was erect and he wanted the wolf to do everything to him. His mind was ready. He started to pant just lightly once he felt the wolf grind against his crotch. But he stopped just for a second. "W-Wait. Won't your mom get mad if we do this?"

"She won't hear us if we're quiet. Her bedroom is on the other side of the house," Jordan responded before starting to unbutton the fox's shirt. "It'll be alright."

"If you say so," Blake said as he set back and let the wolf undress him. The combination of fear and desire in his mind was confusing, so he let Jordan take the lead. Soon the fox had on only his underwear, his thin frame and red fur gently rubbed down by the wolf's strong paws.

The wolf leaned down and kissed Blake again. "You're so fucking hot, babe," he said breathlessly. "Just as good as I imagined."

Blake was much too overwhelmed to respond, reaching up to pull up Jordan's shirt over his head. He ran his small paws over the wolf's muscled chest for a while before the wolf grabbed his paws and leaned down to kiss him again. "Keep going."

Jordan pulled down the fox's last shred of clothing, revealing the six inches of thick fox meat. The wolf was taken back by his boyfriend's admirable size, but gently took a loving lap at it, causing the fox to shiver. The wolf put just the tip into his muzzle, sucking on it gently. Blake moaned softly, knowing that he had to be quiet.

"Babe, that feels so good..." Blake said.

Jordan took more into his mouth; four, five, and then finally all six inches deep in his maw, stroking his tongue slowly against the shaft.

Blake moaned again, shaking in pleasure as the wolf sucked on his member. He clenched his eyes shut as his body reflexively stretched outwards. "Oh Jordan..." He couldn't even describe he feelings that were going through his mind and body. The fox looked down at the wolf sucking on him, thinking of how handsome he looked while doing it. He watched as his own dick slowly appeared and disappeared as it went in and out of the wolf's mouth, moaning the whole time. It didn't even take long before he started to pre-cum from the wolf's surprisingly professional tongue work. "I-I thought you were a virgin."

Jordan took the fox out of his mouth, stroking the cock with his paw and using his free paw to gently massage the fox's balls. "I am. But I have sucked on my own cock before just to see what it was like."

"You can do that?" Blake asked with a hint of both surprise and jealousy.

"I've done it a few times, actually. I like the taste of cum," he responded, his face going red.

Blake smiled and sat up slowly, grabbing the wolf by the chin and pulling him in for a kiss. "Lay down. I wanna try something." The wolf complied, first taking off his own shirt and pants. He lay on his back with his member at full attention under his boxers. Blake lowered the cloth to find seven inches of a black wolf cock, giving one quick lick before shifting his body around. He put his groin right over the wolf's face before he took half of Jordan's meat into his mouth, successfully putting the two in a 69 position.

Jordan happily complied and took the fox's dick back in his mouth. He hadn't tried from this angle before. It wasn't long before he started moaning as he felt the fox's tongue. It felt better when someone else did it, he thought.

Blake continued, slowly putting more of the wolf in his mouth as he went along. Jordan's cock tasted so good; much better than he expected a cock would taste. He moaned softly in content. After a while, he decided to try putting the whole length in his mouth. Going down to five... six... sev-

"Ack!" He gagged, his face turning red as he pulled away. "I-I'm not as good at this as you..."

Jordan stopped for a second. "Well you gotta remember that you've never done this before. Plus I'm bigger than you are. Don't be ashamed."

Blake continued, only sucking on half the wolf's cock for the time being. He could only describe the taste as somewhat salty, and he really liked it. Something about feeling the member fill up his mouth was really enjoyable. He couldn't explain it even if he tried. He moaned with the pleasure surging through his body. Suddenly he felt the familiar tingle in his balls as they tightened up. He hadn't even noticed his knot had formed up. The fox yipped and moaned louder and longer, trying hard to suppress the inevitable. The wolf's tongue felt so good and it was obvious that he wasn't gonna stop. Blake panted and let out a long groan as he unleashed his orgasm deep down the wolf's throat in several large bursts. His body shook and tightened up the whole while, and after he could barely move. He lay limp over Jordan's body, trying to catch his breath.

Jordan took down all the fox's cum with no hesitation, literally lapping at the cock tip to get more after swallowing. It tasted sweet in a way, different than his own.

I wonder if that's a fox thing, he thought with a small chuckle.

"Mmm, that was nice, Blake." He shifted around to kiss the fox's cheek, but noticed the frown on his face. "What's wrong?"

"I-I didn't think that I'd finish so quickly... I wanted to try and make this last, but it just felt so good." The younger male sighed. "I'm sorry."

Jordan nuzzled the fox's cheek. "Don't be. I'm not upset or anything, I enjoyed it. This always happens the first time a guy has sex. And besides, we're not done. I still haven't cum yet." He nuzzled against Blake's nose, causing the fox to blush and giggle quietly.

"You're right. I'm just embarrassed, I guess." He yipped as he was suddenly on his back with the dominant wolf on top of him again, moaning into another kiss. Now that they were both naked, it felt a lot better. The wolf's hard cock poked as his tail hole, practically begging to enter.

"I just wanna fuck you so hard right now... So badly..."

Blake murred and opened his legs more, surprising himself and his boyfriend. "I want it... I want all of it. Oh Jordan, please." He lifted his legs up and wrapped them around the bigger male's body and pulled them closer together. He leaned up for another kiss, one paw rubbing the jock's chest.

"I've always wanted to try this." He freed himself from Blake's legs and held them up as he put his face close to

the fox's hole. "What're you- Aaaugh!" Jordan started digging his tongue into his boyfriend's tail hole, licking at it passionately with long and slow strokes. Every time he got a moan out of the fox and every time his tongue got deeper inside.

"W-why does that feel s-so good? Ohh fuck!" Blake said in pure bliss. He didn't understand why rimming felt so good. He only heard about it in porn stories. He never imagined that he'd actually get to do it. Every lick sent chills down his spine. He didn't want it to stop even though it had lasted several minutes by this point. But the wolf raised his head and leaned over to hiss him again."N-no, why'd you stop?"

Jordan snickered. "Cuz you're ready, babe. I got it all lathered up for you."He took his tip and put it against the fox's hole. "Are you okay?"

"I think so..."

"Just tell me if it hurts and I'll stop, okay?" And after getting a nod from the fox, he very slowly and gently pushed his cock against the fox's virgin hole. The skin spread open very slowly as his thick head was taken in, causing the small fox to let out a gasp and hiss, his body clenching. Jordan stopped. "Just relax. Breathe."

"I'm trying. I'm just so nervous..."

Jordan leaned down and kissed him on the nose. "Do you wanna keep going?"

"Yes," Blake replied. And just like that he felt the wolf go in deeper. Two inches... now four. "Ah! S-Stop stop!" And the wolf did. He held still as the fox under him took some deep breaths to help his body relax and get used to the feeling. "Is it all the way in?"

"A little more than half."

"Half?!" That's not really what Blake wanted to hear. The wolf felt so big and it was hurting, even though he was going slow. But he didn't want his boyfriend to be disappointed. He frowned a little bit, but then he felt the wolf lean down over him again and licked him on the cheek.

"Just look at me. Relax and keep your eyes in mine. You'll be okay." The wolf continued going in until finally all seven inches was inside the fox. "Look at me. Breathe. Are you alright?"

The fox moaned, "I think so," he said quietly. "Just give me a minute."

Jordan kissed the fox. "Of course. But damn, you feel so good. I never imagined it would feel this nice. Your hole is so warm and wet. It's hard to hold back."

"Keep going."

The wolf gave Blake one more look before he started rocking his hips forward and back in slow motion, bringing moans out of himself and the fox. He felt precum shoot out of him and it never felt so perfect. "Oh Blake... You're so tight. It feels so good." He picked up speed just slightly.

Blake moaned very quietly as the wolf cock slid in and out of him. Every time he was hilted he let out a groan of joy. He never felt so complete; so loved. His own cock even got hard again. "Faster, Jordan. It hurts, but it feels good."

"Are you sure?" Jordan asked, but his answer came clear when the fox wrapped his arms around the wolf's neck and pulled the two closer to each other, kissing him firmly on the lips. He felt the fox's legs become tighter around his back, causing him to go deeper into the fox's hole. They both let out a deep moan at the same time. Jordan fucked the fox faster, his balls making a faint slapping noise against Blake's cheeks.

Blake yipped and moaned quietly under the wolf, tilting his head back. Almost immediately, the wolf took advantage if the exposed neck and bit down. Blake only moaned louder at this. "Jordan! Oh Jordan, fuck me!" And the wolf did. He heard the arctic wolf growl dominantly above him, and this only turned him on more. He whined like a submissive little bitch. As Jordan pulled him up a little, his cock rubbed in rhythm to the wolf's rocking. Blake felt bursts of precum shoot every few seconds.

Am I really going to cum again? Holy shit!

"Oh Blake, I'm gonna cum!" the wolf groaned out, now bucking faster than he ever had. His knot was becoming huge and Blake could feel it trying to enter. He heard the fox only able to moan louder as a response. He looked down at Blake's face and into his beautiful eyes. He was in love. He understood now in that very moment, even though they had only been official for a few days, that Blake was the love of his life. He would do anything to keep them together. His boyfriend's moans suddenly became much more rapid as he suddenly felt his stomach damp. He looked down to see ropes of cum shooting out of the fox's cock and splattering between their two bodies. This alone sent Jordan over the edge as he pushed his knot deep into Blake and thrusted as fast as he could. It was only five more seconds later that the wolf let out a victorious howl as he came into his lover's ass with multiple ropes of his wolf seed, filling up every last nook and cranny. The wolf was completely out of energy now, collapsing on top of Blake.

Blake took this with no hesitation and gave multiple kisses to the wolf's face. He was so happy. Jordan had tied with him; claimed him. Nothing would ever separate them now. "Oh Jordan, that was amazing..."

"You were amazing," the wolf replied through pants. "I hope you know we're gonna be stuck like this for a while."

Blake nuzzled him. "I wouldn't want it any other way." He yawned and turned his body, being spooned by his wolf again as he closed his eyes. He felt the wolf gently lick the back of his neck and nuzzle his head before wrapping his arms around him. Blake giggled and reached down to pull the covers over the two of them.

"I love you, Jordan."

"I love you too, Blake."

Yay! I'll probably never be this descriptive for sex ever again, unless you guys want me to. Yay sex! Cute first-time too! Gotta love it. Thanks for reading.