Korban vs Volcan. Stylish Skills vs Brute Strength

Story by Korban on SoFurry

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#4 of Character fights

Once again, phoenixrage16 and I got together for another of our little match ups...and I think it's safe to say that this particular fight is our little "Goku vs Superman" fight so to speak. We did a previous battle before this one, where we only relied on our weapons and initial abilities, though we did get down to doing an all out battle with all our weapons, abilities, and skills.

Brace yourself people...this is one fight that will quite literally blow you away.

Korban: me

Volcan Skilerain: phoenixrage16

Volcan descends from above. "Ready for a rematch, doggy boy?"

Korban grins and rests his blade on his shoulder. "I think this time the odds are in my favour fire head..."

"We'll find out." Volcan retorted, his polearm changes into a Lancea. "This time we'll hold nothing back. All skills and all equipment. Mono e mono."

Korban's grin broadened as ice coats his sword. "FINALLY! Now we'll really know who's the most badass..."

"That we will!" Volcan bellowed, stancing himself, ready for battle.

Pull out all the stops!!


Volcan made the first move, launching himself forward, jabbing with the lancea, using its greater reach to his advantage. Korban tilted his body to the side, letting the lance zoom past him, then he thrusted his ice coated sword to Volcan's chest, arching forward as he did. Volcan easily dodged the sword thrust, and bashed it aside with the pole, before thrusting again. Korban went with the sword, side flipping away and drawing Deimos, firing a few ice shots as he backed up, then fired his Ice Overdrive from his sword, Launching a few ice slash waves at the phoenix. Volcan darted out of the trajectory of the bullets, and used a wall of fire to counter the ice waves. "Come on, you tried that last time! Try this!" The fire wall breaks and a barrage of fireballs come at Korban. He sheathes his sword and draws Phobos, rapid firing at all the fireballs while pulling off stylish moves, then he rushed forward, weaving from side to side, holstering his guns and tapping some keys on his computer, equipping his Atlas Gauntlets. he was right in his face, then quickly darted to the side and slammed his fist against Volcan's head, then followed through with a rapid kick combo before ending with a hard axe kick to his skull. Volcan is battered around for a moment, losing his polearm in the process, but he manages to withstand them, and eventually retaliated with a series of jabs before landing a hard punch into Korban's shoulder. He yelped from the counter assault and backed away; drawing his sword again and hurling it like a boomerang at his opponent. Volcan rips Fireheart from its sheath and chops down at the oncoming sword, knocking it into the ground. "Pyro Glare!" He fires beams from his eyes directly at Korban.

Korban was ready for that move this time and did a matrix style dodge, then he rolled to the side when he hit the ground and got back up on his feet rushing to his foe again and stopping just short of him, readying a hard uppercut to Volcan's gut. "Catch this!" He bellowed as he launched the attack, sending them both in the air.

"GAAAH!" He goes back flipping before landing stomach first on the ground, but hurriedly pushes himself back up on his feet. Korban wasn't done yet, still up in the air, he prepped to slam down with his fist again, this time landing in front of Volcan, the attack actually causing the earth under him to collapse into a small crater and unleash a small earthquake. Volcan sprang up into the air as Korban hit the ground, avoiding it. "Missed me! Take this!" He flares open his wings and showers Korban with small embers. Korban grunted and shielded himself with his gauntlets, then he then subtly waved his paw and Armageddon rose up from the ground and soared toward Volcan, aiming to smack him with its hilt.

Volcan dove, avoiding the sword as he descended and sheathing his sword. "FALLING METEOR!!!!" *His body ignites and he comes down fist leading.

"WHOA SHIT!!" He quickly grabbed his sword. "RELEASE!!" He quickly changed it to Divinity and fired off Divine Judgment just as Volcan was about to hit him. The two attacks collided and caused an explosion sending both of them back flipping. Korban back flipped a good distance away, slamming into a nearby rock wall that sent boulders falling around and almost on top of him.

Volcan takes aim with his PKP, firing a storm of 7.62 bullets. I've got ammo to spare with this gun, buddy!" Just then, all the boulders burst out from around Korban as he was surrounded by a white glow, then he sheathed his sword and drew his guns again, quickly firing a few charged Divine shots at Volcan in response to his spraying. Volcan leaps to the side, taking cover behind a boulder himself, before popping out an continuing his shots. Korban leapt on over behind another boulder and grunted, powering down Divinity and sheathing it back on his back, then he tapped some more keys on his computer, materializing a new weapon. He then exposed himself and took aim with a Steyr Scout Tactical Sniper and fired a shot right in between Volc's eyes.

The shot narrowly missed however, as Volcan had just ducked behind the boulder again the second Korban had fired the gun* WHOA! *Changing tactics, he set down his PKP, and lobbed twin firebombs right over the top of his cover, which although weren't exactly on the mark, still hit ground close enough to make Korban jump.

Korban tossed the gun aside and quickly donned Atlas again rolling to the side to avoid the explosions and slamming his fist to the ground, though instead of creating a quake, he actually lifted a moderately large chunk of the earth out of the ground. Not in Volcan's league of strength, but enough to make a normal person gawk at him* Here's a going away present! *He bellowed and hurled it at Volcan. He looks up and sees the boulder coming down, and punches it as it nears him. "You're outta your league in a contest of might, Korban!"

Just as the boulder shattered, Korban burst through the debris and ploughed right into Volcan, sending them both tumbling to the ground, though Korban quickly rolled off Volcan once he was flat on his back and fired an ice shot from Deimos right at his shoulder. Volcan barked in pain, but he quickly retaliated with a fireball from his unharmed hand. Korban took the shot to his chest and yelped out in pain, gripping his chest and growling. "FUCK!! That's gonna leave a mark..." He growled, rubbing his chest.

"Not as much as this!" Volcan bellowed as he sprang up and plunged at Korban. "Falling Meteor!" He dives with his fist outstretched.

"Aw cmon!! This again!?! *Korban drew Armageddon again and quickly released Divinity. "Divine Judgment!!" He bellowed and fired a wave of Holy energy at Volcan. He swerved out of the way, avoiding the attack, and his short distance to the ground made Korban's attempted counter attack a mistake, for he was very near this time "SHIT!!" Korban brought the blade in front of him to block the attack, gritting his teeth and praying he held out. But this was even worse as the sword was sent smashing right back into Korban. He let out a quick yelp as he felt the impact of his own blade slam his face, stepping back a few times and gripping his head. "FUUUUUCK!!"

"When faced with an attack of that magnitude, NEVER stay in one place!" Volcan warned as he threw two more fireballs. Korban had no time to react as the fireballs slammed into him, sending him tumbling back and landing flat on his face. Volcan didn't approach, simply waiting to see what Korban did next, knowing better than to risk falling for an obvious trick. Korban grunted and slowly got back to his feet, using his sword as a prop, panting heavily and gripping his head.

"Give up?" Volcan asked, still being wary of any tricks Korban may play.

He growled a bit, then flashed his eyes open...they were blood red. "JUST GETTING WARMED UP!!" Then a torrent of crimson power exploded around Korban, sending a shockwave out all around him, when it died down, Korban was clad in his Immortal Trigger, enveloped by a crimson flame, his sword changed to Apocalypse, and his black and red wings outstretched and they flapped once.

Volcan smirked as he saw Korban transform. "Now we're talkin'..." He muttered as he draws Fireheart, stancing himself. Korban smirked and his wings twitched once, then in an instant he was right in front of Volcan and slammed the hilt of his blade into his chest with insane force, then was gone again. "OOF!" He wasn't ready the first time, but the second one, he expected, and turned just in time to block the next attack. Korban was right there just as he turned and this time swung his blade at Volcan, both attacks meeting as sparks flew from their blades. Then Korban darted away again and started his usual attack pattern of making afterimages of himself, then each one striking in extremely rapid succession from all angles. "Fire HURRICANE!" Volcan spun himself, creating a massive vortex of red-hot fire all around him stretching out for several dozen yards.

Korban grimaced and quickly darted away, taking to the air and watching Volcan from a distance heh...shoulda remembered that one."

"Rising FLAME!" Volcan bellowed as he came shooting out of the firestorm like a rocket and slammed into Korban with all his weight backed by his slamming shoulder. He let out a grunt and was sent back a bit, though he quickly regained control and darted back at Volcan at mach speeds, repeating Volcan's attack, minus the flame. Shoulder bashing him hard in his sternum. "OOF!" He goes stumbling back, but quickly regains control in the air, correcting himself before he comes in again.

"What, you thought I was done!?" Korban bellowed as he came down again, sword coated in crimson energy, aiming to strike at Volcan, though right at the last second he darted away again, vanishing from plain sight.

Volcan growled as he saw Korban vanish once more, becoming slightly annoyed by his tactics. "Burst Flare!" Volcan wasn't falling for it, and instead flared out his wings and limbs, sending flames in all directions.

Korban appeared and weaved through most of the attacks, some managing to singe him a bit. "My turn...CHAOTIC PUNISHMENT!!" He swung his blade and all the crimson power he had stored in his sword was released in one massive burst, sending a huge sword wave right at Volcan. He held out Fireheart, and chopping with the blade and splitting the attack in two, sending it off to the sides, then unleashed a pyro glare at Korban, this time with wider beams. Korban brought his sword perpendicular to his body and managed to block the pyro glares, grunting as he could still feel the heat off them. With a loud roar he swung his sword away and deflected the beams, panting slightly.

Volcan ceased with the beams, and instead he flew up higher. "Ember Shower!" And after flaring open his wings, he dropped a thousand small embers towards Korban

Korban smirked and in an instant, his guns drew themselves from their holsters and began firing rapidly completely on their own. Then they moved in front of Korban and charged two hellish blasts from their barrels. "Hellfire Flash!!" Then the guns unloaded twin large crimson beams similar to the Pyro Glare right for Volcan. He folded his wings and dropped below the beams, firing his own Pyro Glare once more while Korban was open. He took the attacks this time and growled as the seared a bit of his fur and flesh. He roared out as he sped toward Volcan, darting left, right, up and down as he approached. Volcan rocketed towards Korban in response, meeting his charge head-on with a strike from Fireheart. Korban roared and raised Apocalypse, clashing it insanely hard with Fireheart as the two met in the middle. Volcan pressed his sword against Korban's own, sparks emitting from the two weapons as the two fighters tested their strength, but they both would soon start falling, as remaining still in midair was rather difficult. Korban growled and slowly felt them descending, though he kept pushing and pushing, straining to overpower the phoenix, yet even as he pushed more, his blade never gained an inch of ground, even as they touched ground. Despite the power of the Immortal Trigger, Volcan's natural Superhuman strength remained the slightly superior, and as his frustration grew, so did his strength, and he began to gain more and more ground. Korban could feel his blade slowly lose ground. In a last ditch effort, he tilted his sword slightly and let Volcan's own momentum force him down, narrowly missing the bounty hunter. Korban wasted no time and was quickly aiming to slice at Volcan with nigh instantaneous attacks. Volcan managed to bring his sword back around the block the first swing, and the deadlock began again, until Volcan head-butt Korban right on the nose. Korban howled and recoiled, then stepped forward and head butted Volcan back with twice the force.

"GRK!" He stumbles back, gripping and rubbing his head. "Your head's like a sledgehammer!" He commented to Korban

"And yers is like an anvil!" He retorted, backing up a bit, then pointing his sword "...how bout we REALLY pull out all the stops Flamie..."

"Oh yeah? What'd you have in mind?" Volcan asked as he restanced himself.

Korban smirked. "...Bring out yer true power..."

"I can't use my Chaos Form without a source of Dark Energy..." He replied, then grinned slightly. "... But I DO still have an ace to play."

Korban reached into his pocket and hurled something at Volcan...a syringe full of dark energy. "Use that..."

Volcan backhands it away "Like heck. I have another ability I'm gonna nail you with." He shut his eyes and began to focus. "Light Element... I call upon you. Grant me your gift in my time of need."

Korban's ears perked as he heard Volcan chant. "...Wait what?"

A golden light appeared above Volcan. "I have heard you, loyal warrior. And now I shall grant you the gift of my Divine power." The light vanished, and a glow erupted from Volcan, increasing in intensity until it was too bright to look at.

Korban shielded his eyes with his arm, even so much as glimpsing at the light would blind the hound should he attempt to watch Volcan's new transformation. "The fuckin hell?!?!"

When the glow faded, Volcan's form had changed. He was the same size, but his red feathers had become the colour of gold, and his yellow feathers had changed to a starch white colour. When he opened his eyes, they had to a bright gold colour. He spread his wings out, which were ablaze with white fire, and Fireheart's normally reddish blade had turned silvery. "...Sacred Phoenix..." Volcan muttered as the transformation ended.

Korban's eyes widened when he saw Volcans new form and he even took a few steps back. "...Well shit...you never said you had light AND darkness up yer tail feathers! And you say I'M full of surprises!"

"I don't have Darkness anymore. This power was given to me by Cid." He replied as he held up Fireheart. "I am now just as powerful as he is; the first, and only Phoenix Paladin!"

"...A Phoenix Paladin...." Korban chuckled and shook his head a bit. "Man this really HAS become a battle of heaven and hell ain't it?"

Volcan smiles widely. "Furthermore, it's ironic..." He looks at his sword. "'Aingeal Cridhe' is such a suitable name, because Aingeal has 2 meanings in Gaelic. It not only means Fire, but 'Angel' as well. So in this form, with my sword becoming a blade imbued with the Light's power... I call it 'Angel Heart'." Volcan explained.

Korban shugged. "Seems legit...now how bout we get round 3 underway..."

"You're on, Korban!" He flies up, his wings flaring wide open and sending golden sparks everywhere. Korban weaved through each one until the attack ceased, then fired another Chaotic Punishment at Volcan.

"Divine Firestorm!" Volcan announced as he unleashed a blast of fire that actually tied with Korban's Chaotic Punishment, and then he came soaring at Korban at the speed of a rocket, and whirled himself at the last second. "Blazing Crusader Strike!" His sword burns brightly as he swings.

Korban knew better this time and quickly dodged back just as Volcan swung, darting back a good distance away from him. "Fuck he's fast..." Volcan hit a nearby rock, but rebounded off of it and soared at Korban, body glowing as he attacked.

"OH SHIT!!" He quickly brought his sword in front of him instinctively, though he was quickly blown off his feet as he clashed with Volcan, grunting as he tried to get out of the situation he was in.

Volcan grinned and widened his eyes. "Pyro Glare!" He blasted Korban while at near point-blank range Korban took the attack, since he was unable to defend himself at such a close range. He roared as he fell under Volcan and tumbled along the ground. A snap could be heard as he tumbled and Korban roared out in even more agony as he lay there, shuddering in agony. Volcan was on top of him in an instant. "Yield" he said as he held his sword at Korban's neck.

"Fucking EH MAN!! Ya broke a wing!!!" He roared out, then he stiffened and grimaced as he started to shake a bit.

"I can heal it." Volcan said, still keeping his sword at Korban's neck...though he didn't respond, still shaking more violently, then he started to grip his head a bit and cry out. Volcan immedieatly recognized what was happening and his eyes widened. "Oh crap..." Volcan quickly cast something else. "Aura of Purity!" A glow emitted from him, and worked to suppress Korban`s dark energies.

Korban roared out and gripped his head as a black half helmet materialized, though the rest of the armout didn't show thanks to the glow Volcan emmitted. Korban used the last of his willpower to slowly reach his other paw to his sword and slowly drag it down the blade. "R....RELEASE!!!!" He roared and was encompassed by a blinding light.

"CRAP!!!" He exclaimed, quickly backing away from Korban.

The light got brighter and brighter, then as quickly as it appeared, it vanished, revealing Korban in his 3rd level of power, Harmonic Immortal Trigger. Two sets of wings, one angelic and one demonic, now present on his back and in each paw was Divinity and Apocalypse. His eyes were bleached white and he was surrounded in a white glow with red sparks emitting around him " ...Phew...that was too close...good save there Flamie."

"I was trying to keep you from going to THAT form as well..." Volcan replied.

Korban shrugged helplessly. "Well it was either this...or ya deal with a side that wouldn't hesitate to kill ya fer an instant...."

"Either way, are we done here?"

"That depends...you really wanna face this form?"

"Not really. But I already overpowered you anyway." Volcan retorted with a smirk.

"True...ya still got brute strength on yer side..." He then closed his eyes for a moment in deep thought, then in an instant he was back to Immortal Trigger Level 1. "...Using Chaos against Light wouldn't be fair, wouldn't you agree...?" He asked with a smirk.

"Chaos' level of power depends entirely on the wielder. But this Paladin-level form makes me capable of fighting a God." Volcan says, grinning smugly.

"...Oh...well in that case..." He released once more and was back to Harmonic Immortal Trigger. "Since you can fight gods in this form...and still fairly new to using Chaos....then it should be fair after all."

"You do realize I still dwarf you in level like this, right? *Volcan held up his sword again.

Korban raised both swords and shrugged. "Doesn't really matter to me one way or the other...all I know is this is the final round...so do me a favour...." He then darted to Volcan at even greater speeds than his first form. " ...HIT ME WITH ALL YA GOT!!"

"Alright, you asked for it!" He swung his sword at Korban full tilt, and their blades meet, emitting a loud clang through the air. Korban had met Volcan's blade with Divinity in a backhanded grip, smirking as he swung Apocalypse at him while they were still clashed. Volcan drew one of his clubs, which had morphed into a mace, and blocked the second sword with it, his eyes glowing brightly as the two tested the others' strength. Korban wasn't about to be overpowered a second time. This time around he roared and pushed forward with every ounce of strength he had, aiming to slam Volcan back into the ground, but the divine strength Volcan had imbued with only made him all the more impossible to overpower. He was stronger than ever, and still managed to push Korban back.

"Shit..!! *Korban growled as he felt himself get pushed back again, though he kept his ground, keeping the two at a stalemate.

Volcan smiles. "Time to finish this." He sprang back, throwing Korban off balance, and held his clubs over his head. "Blazing Hammer of Justice!!!" He came down like Thor's hammer on Captain America's shield with his next swing.

"ALL WEAPONS MATERIALIZE!!" Korban's wrist computer glowed and every weapon he had stored in it was present and spiraling around him. Atlas, Aka Oni and Ao Oni (twin kodachi), his Steyr Scout, and a shot gun with the words "Ka-BOOM" engraved on its barrel all were present, then Phobos and Deimos unholstered themselves as well and they all rose up and above Korban to either deflect or shoot powerful heavenly and hellish blasts at Volcan's club in order to at least throw it off course. However the heavenly blasts only bounced off of him as if they did nothing, and he blocked the hellish blasts with Angel Heart, finally bringing the mace down. Korban brought both blades up in a last ditch effort, then just as the club was about to collide with his blades, he coated each in their respective elements and swung as hard as he could. "CHAOS RETRIBUTION!!!" The weapons met and a MASSIVE clash of energy burst everywhere, sending both of them cart wheeling from the impact. Korban spun in a multitude of directions before finally landing on his front and skidding to a halt, groaning as he lifted his head up to look at the carnage that had ensued. A large crater had been left in the ground from the blast, going down at least 10 feet. "...Holy shit...." He grunted as he got to his feet, his wings flapping once as he stood up. He looked around a bit trying to keep an eye out in case Volcan tried a sneak attack.

Volcan came flying into view from straight ahead. "That didn't go as I expected it."

Korban nodded in agreement. "Seems we both were pretty damn equal in that last little exchange..."

Volcan also nodded. "How can we decide this, then?"

Korban panted a little. "...Well seeing as we're both pretty much at our limits...I guess one last strike would do it..."

Right at that instant, Volcan fired off another Pyro Glare. "Like that?"

"WHOA!" Korban's guns quickly returned to him and they fired a Chaos Flash just as the beams were just about to hit him, creating another small explosion that sent Korban back a bit more. "JEEZ!! Next time gimme a little warning first!!"

Volcan only grins widely in an almost troll face manner.

"...Yea fuck you too..." He said as he narrowed his eyes a bit, then he shrugged it off. "Anyway....got any other ideas aside form burning a hole in my head?"

"Not really. I only have one attack left but if I use it here I'll send this whole place up in ashes."

"Kudos to you...I only got enough fer one more attack..."

"So what'll it be then?"

"All out full power strikes?" Korban suggested as both his swords were pumped with their respective elements again.

"We just did that..." Volcan pointed out.

The swords power dissipated. "Well...we COULD just do rock paper scissors..."

"Now where's the fun in that?"

Korban shrugged. "Just a suggestion..." Then he sighed. "Ya know what? Fuck it. Let's just keep hitting one another until one of us tires out..."

"Better do that as our regular selves then; this form doesn't tire out." Volcan suggested as he downshifts to his normal self.

Korban also shifted back to normal, feeling the strain of the form finally leave him, his second blade disappearing and he was back to using Armageddon again. "Alright...ready?"

Volcan nodded. "Ready."

Korban charged in as soon as Volcan said ready, quickly slicing upward with his sword. Volcan parried low, knocking the blade aside, and came back with a slash. Korban ducked under the attack and leapt up with a spinning back kick to Volcans beak as a counteroffensive. He ducked under the swing, and jabbed his pommel for Korban's stomach. Korban grunted and doubled over as the pommel of Volcan's sword nailed him, though he quickly recovered by spinning his blade into a backhanded grip and thrusted it back into Volcan's gut as well. Volcan stepped to the side though, and dodged it, repeating the attack but going for Korban's forehead this time. He barely managed to parry that attack as well with his blade, then swung at Volcans head, then followed with a low kick should Volcan had ducked. Volcan leaned back from the sword but the kick met his stomach and knocked him onto his back. "Oof!"

Korban wasted no time in pinning down, slamming his arm into Volcans neck and pressing the hilt of his sword to his cheek so he wasn't looking at him. "Gotcha..."

"Haven't we been here before?" He smiles smugly at the bounty hunter.

"Yea, only this time no Pyro Glare ta knock me off. I learned from last time bud." Korban retorted.

"Except you forgot one other thing."

Korban paused and thought for a moment. "....Yer right...." Then he quickly let go of Volcan's neck and quick drew Deimos, firing some ice shots at Volcan's arms and legs respectively. He knew they wouldn't freeze him in place, but he also knew it would hurt like a motherfucker.

"OWOWOWOWOWOOW!!! Not fair!" Volcan bellowed as he grimaced from the pain of the melting ice on his feathers.

"Hey, don't blame me fer knowing yer weaknesses bud." Then he pressed the swords hilt harder against Volcan. "So? Had enough?"

Volcan sat up slightly. "I have one... last card! Birds' heads are quite flexible!" He tilts his head up, and twists, pulling it out from under Korban's sword, long enough for him to shoot a Pyro Glare at one hand, which he used to promptly punch Korban. "HA!"

Korban recoiled and was sent spiraling off of Volcan, though he slowly got to one knee and panted. "Ow..."

Volcan broke free of the other bonds, but was only left with his fists now. "Time for a bare-knuckle beat-down, little man."

Korban quickly drew his second gun and took aim at Volcan's head. "Sure, that is if you wanna lose yer brains in the process."

Volcan suddenly dove for a boulder, disappearing behind it, and emerging once more carrying an AA12. "Mine is bigger than yours." Volcan said with a cheeky grin, pulling the slide back and taking aim.

Korban stood at a standstill for a moment, then he looked slightly to his left and quickly darted for his pile of weapons, holstering his guns and doing a side cartwheel, grabbing his shotgun, then taking aim. "...Ya know...there's a reason why this one's called 'Ka-BOOM'..."

Volcan sprang up, and fired a burst of bullets as he arced through the air, all aimed accurately towards Korban. Korban leapt to the side just before they hit, though a few got his leg and he yelped out, stumbling a bit, though he took careful aim and shot a carefully aimed shot right where Volcan was about to land. The shot made its mark and Volcan tripped up, falling to the ground. "Ah, fuck!"

"Aaaand...." The ground where Volcan was shot at exploded, blasting him even further forward. "....Ka-BOOM!"

"OWWIIIIEE!!!" Volcan bellowed this as he went cart wheeling through the air.

Korban quickly leapt up to where Volcan was and did a spinning kick while he was in the air, then he landed on his back, guns pressed against his neck and head. "...Checkmate..."

"Alright... you win this one. I'm too tired for this any longer." Volcan panted, unable to move anymore.

Korban withdrew his guns, then rather than help him up, he rolled off and lay on his back beside Volcan, panting so hard. "Phew...that was a HELL of a fight......"

"Very much so..." Volcan said in agreement.

"Now I know I'm NEVER gettin on yer bad side again...." He chuckled and looked over at him.

Volcan looked back at him as well. "I'm the one who should say that to you."

"Heh...regardless...that was fuckin awesome...." He sat up and slowly managed to get to his feet, then held out a paw to him. "....Rematch?"

Volcan shook his head. "Some other time...but sure as hell not today!" He replied as he grasped Korban's paw.

Korban laughed and pulled him up, supporting Volcan under his shoulder and slowly walked him back to his apartment. "....Dinner's on you next time hehe"

Volcan smirked and laughed softly. "No problem..."



Korban scoffed and brushed his coat a bit, drawing his guns, twirling them stylishly before taking aim, grinning arrogantly. "I think that look suits you better: The look of a wasted little fuck!"

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