Me and my Mate

Story by Gorefang on SoFurry

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A paw brushing through my hair gently roused me from my slumber. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful pair of green ones staring back at me. My hair felt really funny for some reason and I reached up to see what was going on...apparently I managed to develop quite the bedhead overnight, despite thinking that the weight of it going down to my shoulders would keep it from being able to stand on its own, there was hair sticking up everywhere.

As if my mate could read my mind he reached over and kissed my forehead and whispered, "You still look cute as ever." into my ear. I pulled his muzzle back down to my own and kissed him, wishing we both had the day off today so that we could continue what I was planning to start, but he had to head off to work soon and I wasn't going to delay him.

His alarm clock went off giving him the 'Break it up, it's time to go to work!" message, at least that's how I took the annoying beeps. He kissed me one final time and pulled himself out of bed, my paw sliding down his canine figure until there was no longer any part of him I could reach. I lay there admiring his strong build, watching the 6'5" timber wolf walk away and wishing he were back in the bed with me, until he turned the corner into the bathroom and was out of sight.

As I sat there missing him, I did what I often did to make the time pass. I brought up all the old memories of us being together. We first discovered our love for one another at a fairly young age, I was 12 and he was one year and a few months older. It started with playing in the park with others, to just hanging out together, which later turned into wanting to make each other as happy as possible in whatever way our young minds could imagine.

I had finally turned 18, and I felt it was time to share our forbidden secret with our parents. Thankfully, my Mom just laughed and hugged me and Rick, she had always believed we were in love and had already prepared my father for when I came out to them. He was a little less accepting, sure, but he let me know that no matter what I chose he'd always be there for me. His parents, on the other hand, were furious. I spent nearly an hour outside on his front porch shedding tears as I heard my lover getting yelled at by the people he had spent over 19 years cherishing. He finally came outside with a backpack full of some clothes looking flustered and asked if I thought my mom would be ok with him staying with me for awhile.

"No problem, I'm sure she won't mind Rick." I replied to him softly and I reached up to give him a hug, hoping to calm him down. He dropped his bag and pull my head up to stare into my eyes, those green orbs penetrating my thoughts in ways I couldn't fathom, and pulled my muzzle to his.

My mom had apparently predicted the reaction Rick's parents would have, she gave him a deep hug and kissed his forehead when he came in, also trying to cheer him up. She looked at me with that soft, loving face I'd seen for so many years and asked me, "He needs to stay here tonight, right?"

I gave her a subtle nod, grabbed his bag and made for my bedroom, Rick still recieving a few 'words of wisdom' from my mother. So there I lay in my bed, my mind racing...I couldn't believe his parents acted that way. How could you yell at your own child like that just for being different? I shuddered when I thought of what they must think of me, probably thinking I was to blame for their child's decision. Then an idea popped in my head, one I was eager to share with Rick when he returned.

Almost 20 minutes later, Rick walked into my room...he looked like he was practically dragging himself everywhere and the look on his face almost made me want to cry. I looked up at him and patted the bed, suggesting him to lay down so we could talk. I really just wanted to hold him in my arms until he felt better, even though I knew it wouldn't make much difference.

"Gore, I just don't know how that happened...why would they react that way? Did they really have no clue about us? I mean, it's not like I was ever seen with a girl, I was hardly around anyone other than you." It seemed like the longer he talked the sadder he got, and I couldn't stand it any longer.

I grabbed his muzzle and forced him to look at me and sternly replied, "You did NOTHING wrong Rick, you fell in love with another wolf, just by chance I happened to be another male. If they're going to hate you for loving me then so be it, but you can't sulk around forever, it won't change anything."

I couldn't tell if the look he developed after that was either frustration or relief mixed in with sadness, but he soon answered my question when he removed my hand from his jaw and shot at mine, bringing me into another deep kiss. Apparently me acting manly for once was a turn-on for him, because he was running his hand down my back to massage my rump, a gesture I knew all too well.

However, my mother promptly ruined our little make-out by bursting into my room and giggling, "Hey boys, dinner will be ready soon, try and stay clean until then." I still couldn't understand why she was SO accepting of us, but it didn't bother me. I loved her all the more for it.

I pretty much gorged on my own plate of food, I didn't recall being hungry before I walked into the kitchen, but at the sight of food my stomach betrayed me. Much to my dismay, Rick was doing more poking at his food than eating, easily meaning he was still in a loop about his parent's reaction.

My mom caught this as well and reached over the table to grab his paw and shot him a few more words to comfort him, "Rick, it will all be ok, honey. Give them some time to accept what you've become. They may have acted wild and crazy today, but I'm sure it was just the initial shock. I'll call them and talk to them later and see how they're feeling, ok?"

He gave her a tearful grin and stuttered, "Thanks Mrs. Larzo." She smiled back at him and replied, "You know you don't have to be formal with me. We've known each other for almost 7 years now, and from the looks of things you may soon be a son-in-law." This last part getting a choke from my father as he was drinking tea at the time, I couldn't help but giggle a little.

Later that night, after Mom had burst into the room again to say "Goodnight, boys." It was finally just me and Rick. I was looking him over trying to get a clue as to what was going on in that handsome head of his, he looked so...distracted, as if thinking of ideas and shoothing them down all at once. I put my paw on his chest and started rubbing his fur around in an attempt to comfort him, and I think it worked. Whatever he was thinking about quickly left his mind and he was focused on me.

I pulled my ears back and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to break your concentration, but you looked so frustrated."

He turned on his side and pulled me into a hug and almost whimpered, "You never have to apologize to me y'know. I'm the one who's been beside himself today."

I put his head in my chest and hugged it tightly, whatever this feeling he had was, I wanted it to go away...I couldn't stand seeing Rick look the way he did. Suddenly, the idea I thought of earlier that day popped back into my head. "Hey Rick, I have an idea...if you're up for hearing ideas." I said to him with a grin spread wide across my canine visage.

"Sure, I'm up for anything out of you at the moment." was all I heard from the muffled voice coming from my arms.

"How about we move into our own place? We wouldn't have to worry about parents then, right?" I was already dreaming of living in a place alone with my long-time friend and companion.

Either out of general concern, or his current mood he shot up the question, "How would we manage to get a place of our own? I'm broke." I pull his face up to mine now and whispered, "We're not all as irresponsible with money as you are, Rick. I've been saving all mine up since I started working 4 years ago." Watching with glee as his depressing look slowly formed into one with a nervous grin.

Rick finally came back out of the bathroom and walked into the closet in the corner of the room to find some clothes to wear to his job. He was working an internship as a video game programmer while finishining up his degree. He always looked eager to go to work; video games were just his thing, I'd often have to either play with him or pull him away from the computer to get his attention.

It didn't matter to me, I was often absorbed in my own hobbies; I'm pretty skilled in martial arts, something I took up at the age of 10 and never left alone...It kept me in shape, kept me looking great, and it's not like having the ability to kick ass isn't intriguing to Rick. My other favored past-time is music, I love playing the piano, I'm all about the classical artists and I spend hours translating music from Rick's video games into piano instrumentals. Yet another aspect about me he loves so much.

He finally got on a set of clothes he liked and came to lay back down on the bed next to me. Without a second thought he reached over and kissed me again, his hand sliding down my back to my buttocks in that (wait I've told you this before. ^.^).

I knew what he wanted, and I'm not gonna say I didn't want it too, but work had to come first. I broke the kiss and whispered into his ear, "Rick, you have to go to work soon. Don't start something you'll spend the rest of the day dreaming about."

He just smiled back at me and pulled me into a warm embrace, "Work comes first, eh? I'd easily miss a day at work to lay next to you in this bed."

With an almost child-like tone I replied, "Oh, I wouldn't doubt it, but do you really want to risk getting in trouble with that crabby boss of yours again?"

The thought of the feline he took orders from gave him a nasty look, the hairs on his neck stood up and he looked like he was ready to bite at an imaginary foe. "I'd do anything to piss that mangy cat off. You know what? Screw it!" He got back out of bed and ripped all his neatly chosen clothes back off and jumped on top of me and leaned down to kiss me.

Before he locked our muzzles together I asked, "So it's like that, huh? Then I guess I'll need to make you as comfortable as possible today so you're ready for the verbal beatdown you're going to recieve at work tomorrow."

The look in his beatiful green eyes turned wild. "You know just how to take care of me, don't ya babe?" He then leaned in the rest of the way to kiss me; a long, wet kiss that involved alot of tongue wrestling, something I always enjoyed. He turned over on his back, pulling me up on top of him with ease, to place his paws on my rump - slowly gripping and releasing them, causing me to moan with pleasure as I began grinding against his sheath with my own.

Thirty seconds, a minute, two, five - all passed in what felt like a moment of us just kissing and grinding, and him rubbing my haunches. I finally broke the kiss and gave him a lick on the nose, getting a 'too-cute' smile from him, and started making my way south. All the way down I was rubbing his chest, his sides, all the time admiring the strong wolf that took me to be his mate all those years ago.

Finally, I made it to the desired location, my lover's half-erect member already bulging proudly from his sheath. I began licking the underside of his shaft, causing him to moan and tense up then relax. I reach down with one of my paws and began juggling his furry balls between my claws, as if I were playing with my favorite toy. One last lick and I pulled his cock straight up to my muzzle, already imagining the wonderful tastes to come, and plunged it into my mouth.

If Rick ever felt he had to give a description of my blowjobs, the words 'shy' and 'careful' wouldn't be in it. I loved the tangy taste of his cock, mixed with the pre he was already spurting on my tongue. Everytime I lifted my head even an inch I was already wanting to have it all in my muzzle again. Here and there I'd keep it all in and poke my tongue around his forming knot and into his sheath, causing him to jerk and moan much to my delight. Making this wolf happy was my one true goal in life...and apparently I was good at it.

As I felt his balls start to tighten up, informing me that my desired load of seed was on the way, he took my muzzle off his cock and pulled me up to his for another kiss. With a subtle frustration I retorted, "Now why'd you have to go and do that...I was so close to getting..." and I stammered off into a whimper as he brought my muzzle back down to his.

"Heh, I'm not letting you get what you want that easy pup. It's time for me to have some fun." He turned us over again, laying me down on my back, and he gave me the same lick on the nose I gave him earlier as he made is way down my body.

He was already pumping my cock with his hand, his muzzle caressing one of my nipples...I couldn't have asked for more, any amount of attention from Rick made me feel better, but the sex was just like getting high off the strongest drug. He sat up on the bed and pulled my butt into the air and rested it on his chest, never letting go my cock - man he was strong. He then dug into my tailhole with his tongue. It was like having a living creature slither in and out of it's own accord. The warm, wet feeling under my tail was sending me over the edge and I thought I was about to climax, but he stopped again.

I decided this toture he was causing me was about to end now, or I was literally going to beat his ass. He backed away and let my rump rest on the bed again, and started stroking his own member, making the deflating cock harden to it's full 11 inches again. I chewed on my words, since I knew what he was getting ready to do and grabbed pawfuls of sheets to brace myself for it. I can't even recall how many times we'd had sex, but no matter how high the number got, my ass never wanted to form to the size of Rick's member. This, we both felt, was a blessing.

Rick then came around to the side of the bed, kissing me as he picked me up and then sat me on my hands and kness facing away from him. He briefly resumed to invading my tailhole with his tongue then stood up to center himself under my tail...and pushed forward. The familiar feelings of total ecstasy clouded my mind again as both the pain of initial penetration and pleasure of feeling my innards pushed aside to make room for his tremendous girth rushed to my brain.

As I started to moan through gritted teeth, he reached around my waist and started pumping my cock again, the pleasure now totally overriding the discomfort. I was openly moaning now, I couldn't hold anything back...the feelings were too great. My other half was hard at work pounding his member into my tailhole at a quickly rising pace, grunting and moaning as he rapidly jerked at my own cock. He then let go of my member, placing both paws on my hips and he made a few more violent thrusts, I knew he was just about to cum and I knew that moment he filled me I would already be joining him in that climax.

He thrust one last time...hard, simultaneously yanking my hips back onto his cock, ramming his nearly full-grown knot into my rectum. This sent a shock up my spine that nearly made me lose my balance. He vigorously grinded at my rump, knot locked in place as the feeling of hot cum spewed at my insides, this made me both happy and sad since I was originally hoping to devour that precious load orally.

He was then back on my cock, pumping furiously, bringing my climax quicker than I could have imagined. I shot my own load all over the bed, pity, since I had just washed the damned sheets yesterday. He pulled his still fairly hard cock out of my ass with a grunt, which brought me quite a little shock as the knot was torn out of my tailhole. I could feel the overload of seed leaking out of my ass onto my balls.

Without a second thought I turned around to face him with a smile so wide I'm sure it frightened him. "Looks like I'll get what I wanted after all" I said as I eyed the cum-covered dogcock bobbing in front of me. Finally figuring out what I was talking about he walked towards me and let me have my way with him.

I first licked up all the drops that tried to escape my little rampage on his member, then plunged it into my mouth until it was coming dangerously close to causing a nasty gag reflex and licked all around his shaft while sucking on it. He started humping at my face, moaning and grunting again and said, "You may get more than you bargained for." This meaning, he must have had a little bit left hiding in those round, furry orbs; and I was more than willing to take it from him.

He picked up his pace again ramming his hot rod in and out of my muzzle, me using my free hands to massage and his balls and using a claw from the other to poke around inside his sheath. Once again feeling the fuzzy sack tighten, he put his hand on the back of my head and slammed it down on his cock, shooting the seed straight into my throat. I happily swallowed each and every drop, licking the rest off him as he pulled out of my muzzle.

He leaned down and kissed me, invading my mouth with his tongue, searching for any left-overs I may have missed. He stood back up, staring at me with those eyes again as if searching for something to say. Before he could come up with anything I said, "I love you, will do." as I hugged him and reached up to kiss his cheek.

He laughed a little and replied, "Yeh, those words came to mind, but they just didn't feel like they were enough to me." This time kissing my forehead, easy enough for him seeing as how he was a nearly a foot taller than me.

"Well, do you feel better about missing work now?" I said to him as I turned away to start walking toward the bathroom and what was looking to be a long-scrubbing session with my fur in the shower.

I heard him call to me, "You know I didn't care about missing work you little fiend!"

As I was closing the bathroom door I yelled, "Good then! Since I've made you comfortable you can go make us something to eat for breakfast!" I was laughing to myself as I close the door and tried to imagine his expression.

That's us, Gorefang and Rick, two happy wolves planning to spend the rest of our lives together. ^.^