My Nightmare

WARNING: This story is practically the polar opposite of all my other ones, anywhere you felt happy and inspired in the others, you'll only feel sad and depressed in this one. So if you read it, don't yell at me for it, it was only a dream I had after...

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High School Memories

I ripped the piece of paper off my locker tossed it away. The image upon it was still flashing in my mind's eye, creating a disturbing, uneasy feeling in my gut. I walked down the freshly swept hallway of the school I had spent 3 years in so far...

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Yesterday was Rough

My day started as it usually does, me being up at 5am to run a few miles around the neighborhood. I loved the way the chilly air felt as the sun was rising. The change from sun-warmed fur to a cold, wind-swept coat was oddly intriguing. By the...

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Our Trip to Paris

I was up screwing around with Rick's hunter on World of Warcraft. Noticing once again the irony that he named the hunter Ricky and took a silver wolf as his pet, and named it Gorefang. I was never sure whether this was an honor or an insult, and for...

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When we were Young

Back when I was around 8 years old, was when I first met Rick. I can't remember exactly how it happened, but somewhere along the way we exchanged words with one another in school and after that, started hanging out. He was strong, even at 9 years...

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Me and my Mate

A paw brushing through my hair gently roused me from my slumber. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful pair of green ones staring back at me. My hair felt really funny for some reason and I reached up to see what was going on...apparently I managed to...

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Keeping warm in the Winter

It was looking to be yet another cold, cloudy day. Haru couldn't recall the last time he felt the warmth of the sun, all he could do was bundle up as tightly as he could in his travel cloak, ignoring the fact that feeling cold as a wolf was more than...

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The Love of my Life...

\*BEEP\* \*BEEP \*BEEP\* Luth woke up looking like he had just seen a ghost...only to find that once again his alarm clock was disturbing what must have been the best night's sleep he'd had in a while. Quickly pushing aside the thought that...

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The Blessing of Siblings (Incomplete!)

I looked up to where I thought was the source of the voice that had been buzzing around in my ears. "Gore....Gore! Are you okay!?" All I could see was this enormous, cloudy haze that seemed to move and swirl in on itself. My insides felt like they...