Nathan and the Stallion Ch. 3 The Bard

Story by LoneWolf669 on SoFurry

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#9 of Nathan and the Stallion

Well, here it is! Chapter 3! Hope you enjoy. Written by the talented :Ulysses_Faericon:

The angry glare of the street light, a crimson smear on the shimmering, rain-soaked pavement contrasted sharply to the inviting, warm glow of the suburban windows, taunting Nathan with each lonely step that he took. The strap of the duffel bag, weighted with every possession he could carry, bit sharply into his shoulder, reminding him that his home was from then on to be carried on his back. Not several yards behind the youth was his family, comfortable in their home. Nathan was sixteen, and it was the last time he had ever spoken to them. Lightning crackled through the sky and a peal of thunder rattled the boy's body. The thunder came again. And again. It was not the elemental cacophony of a storm, Nathan realized, but rather a rhythmic echo.

Without warning, the mockery of suburban paradise on either side of the street that he stood on tore away, as if splintered off and replaced with impenetrable blackness by an unseen force, leaving only the dampened concrete snaking surreally into the night. The rain continued to pelt down upon him, soaking him through. Despite that he no longer felt the wind tearing past his face, Nathan was chilled to the bone. His body reverberated from the legs on up and he heard a crack behind him.

Gazing over his shoulder, the youth saw a massive fissure split the street, leaving chunks of it to crumble into the black, empty void. The crevices spread, coursing through the pavement like a shattering eggshell. The sense of isolation that had washed over Nathan suddenly vanished and he was gripped with a terror unlike any that he had felt before. It was the dread of a child peering out into the dark unknown of nightfall magnified by an acute understanding of imminent doom.

With only one path to run Nathan sprinted down the twisting road while the fissure remained constantly at his heels. As he ran, scenes on either side of the road began to paint themselves in vivid detail. Every hardship he had ever faced revealed itself. Few appeared at first, but as he ran and his lungs burned for air, the unpleasant reminders assaulted him from every direction. All the while, the rhythmic rise and fall of the sound of thunder never subsided.

Suddenly, Nathan stumbled. He fell heavily on his arms before him, and barely registered he felt no pain as his skin scraped across the pavement. Bits of ground gave way beneath him. Trepidation welled up within the youth as he realized that he would never manage to stand again in time. He scrambled anyways, but failed. His fingernails scratched across the concrete as the chunk of earth supporting most of his body fell away into a bleak abyss.

Falling down into the endless blackness, Nathan felt as though his spiral into oblivion occurred in slow motion while terror steadily crept across every inch of his body. Finally, he released a scream.

And the thunder stopped.

Nathan jolted upright, drenched in a cold sweat. He did nothing but breathe heavily for a moment until he chanced a look around. The first rays of dawn washed the field he lay in with dim light while the last twinkling remnants of the starts faded overhead. Mavis' powerful form lay beside him. The muscular stallion, Nathan's master and lover, was still soundly asleep, though his snores grew restless in the time that his pet had stirred, steadily registering the loss of warmth against his exposed body. The human realized that Mavis had been the source of the sound of thunder in his nightmare and tried to put the fear of the vision out of his mind. As quickly as they came the details of the horrendous dream began to ebb, leaving only a feeling of great unease in its wake.

The equine's presence comforted him, even as the fur slept. The raven-haired youth marveled at his lover's physique, his confidence, and his honesty. Mavis had treated him better than anyone had in years, asking little in return. He wiped away tears that he hadn't known he'd been shedding and sniffled slightly, attempting to compose himself as the horse finally ceased snoring entirely and tentatively opened a groggy eye. Nathan did not want his master to see him so emotionally vulnerable so early in their relationship.

Even upon waking, however, the stallion had a keen sense of empathy.

"Whatever is the matter, pet?" He asked softly, slowly lifting an arm up to rest his hand on Nathan's pale shoulder consolingly.

"Nothing. Really; I'm fine. I just had a bad dream," the human responded, more curtly than he had intended. He looked away so that his red, puffy eyes would not betray him further.

Mavis forced his body up until he reclined on one elbow, but said nothing immediately. He didn't want to force his lover into anything he didn't want to deal with. He gently pulled Nathan down beside him onto the scarlet robe that they slept upon the night before, and warmed his body against his own while wrapping an arm about him soothingly.

"You know that I am here for you always, sweet beloved," he assured the boy, nuzzling into the youth's collarbone and breathing hotly across his lover's neck.

"I know," Nathan replied quietly, letting his arm snake behind the horses back and roam down toward the fur's tail. Running his fingers through the stallion's coat comforted him by reminding him that he was no longer dreaming and that Mavis was completely tangible. He craned his neck downward and let his lips rest against his master's muzzle.

They kissed tenderly at first, but they quickly grew impassioned. Nathan let the stallion's tongue slip past his pink lips to invade his mouth. Their warm, naked flesh ground against one another's and caused the human's cock to become engorged. He pressed wantonly to his lover's torso. Their hands explored each other's bodies. Their fingers roamed across tone muscle grasping tightly when merely panting in excitement as the heat of the moment claimed them was simply not enough.

Before long the black-haired youth was straddling his owner, splaying his thighs on either side of the horse's powerful chest. The pale skin of his sac contrasted sharply against the dark fur of his owner's body, and his throbbing phallus glistened as rivulets pre-cum leaked down its length. He felt heat against his lower back and knew that the horse was as erect as he. Nathan leaned forward and kissed the stallion along the jaw before whispering huskily into his ear.

"Take me. I want you in me," he begged. His tone was low and hoarse, full of emotion and desire. Mavis could easily detect the need in his voice and was more than willing to answer his plea.

Before his master could respond Nathan had rolled off his lover's body and onto the dirt. His palms pressed into the earth as he grabbed fistfuls of dew-moistened grass. The muscles of his thighs corded as he presented the cleft of his ass high, ready to be taken with any roughness that the stallion desired.

Mavis admired the puckered entrance of his pet and propped himself on one elbow to feel the firm globe of the boy's rump. He massaged it with strong fingers and inhaled deeply, already breathing heavily with craving for the human youth, barely an adult and full of lustful passion. He smelled the scent of his own marking on Nathan and became enraptured with bestial desire. His massive, mottled length unleashed a torrent of pre-cum into the dirt. The stallion milked his cock and coated his palm with his own emissions before slathering his dappled phallus with the slick fluid.

Rising to his knees Mavis allowed his own feral instincts to take his mate by force overcome him. He suddenly gripped his lover's hips and quickly angled his shaft to the boy's eager hole. He huffed and thrust forward, slamming himself into Nathan's tight ring. The human moaned out in a mix of pain and pleasure as his stallion owner took him to the medial ring with a grunt and withdrew to buck into him once more. The youth felt the hot length stretch him as his pounded deep within him, leaking slick pre-cum into his body and lubricating him with each plunge.

Nathan's own length dripped into the grass, trembling with want. He moved a hand to his shaft and quickly pumped the aching member, already desiring release as his master's organ pressed again and again past the sweet spot within him, enflaming his senses with pleasure. Mavis whinnied and huffed as he shoved his massive cock into the youth's entrance, leaning over his young lover's form as he felt heat engulf his phallus.

Some distance away, amongst the shadows of the trees, a dark figure watched the human and the stallion make love. His black-furred paw unlaced the leather lacings of his trousers where a sizable bulge yearned to be released. He dexterously fished out his shiny, red member, already mostly erect out of his swollen sheath, and languidly stroked it until his knot popped free as well. He gasped in pleasure as his plump cock met the cool morning air and leaked rivulets of pre-cum down his rigid shaft. The fur inhaled deeply smelling scent of his own musk and arousal.

As the mysterious figure silently watched the two and leaned against a tree he massaged his genitals, deriving a mischievous, voyeuristic pleasure in seeing the steed take the human as his so roughly. Pearls of white beaded onto the dark fur of his paw as he masturbated. Before long he squeezed his impressive knot and felt his knees buckle slightly as he climaxed, forcing himself to stay upright and not make a sound as jets of milky fluid erupted from his trembling cock, spaying the grass beneath him and coating his paw in ropey strands of seed.

The musky scent of his orgasm pervaded the air and he was glad he had chosen a spot downwind of the horse. Leisurely, he licked the ejaculate from his paw, enjoying the salty treat as he witnessed the human moaning out loudly and arching his back in time with each thrust of the horse's enormous member.

The buff stallion had a wild look in his eye as he took his lover, and rode him to the hilt before his body trembled, releasing a wave of horse semen into Nathan as he whinnied loudly in delight. The boy tightened his entrance around the hot shaft spreading him and came in unison, shooting a flood of his essence onto the earth below him. He panted in bliss as the two collapsed together, spent and exhausted.

The fur hidden amongst the trees smiled as felt his own used length steadily retreat back into the warmth of its sheath. Tying his trousers once more he turned and sauntered further out of sight, tail swishing happily behind him, as he decided he would stalk and watch the horse and his human lover a bit longer.

"Take me like that again, master," Nathan gasped after several minutes of silently basking in the afterglow of their shared, intense orgasm. His abused ass ached from being mounted by the larger fur, but he craved his owner's sexual attention.

"Now?" The stallion asked, chuckling now that the feral lust had left him.

"No," Nathan replied, smiling. "But soon."

"For you? Every single day, my sweet Nathan," Mavis assured him.

The horse eyed his pet lovingly, inhaling their post-coital scent. He nibbled at his lover's sensitive neck and whispered huskily in his ear.

"I think we could do with some cleaning up," Mavis said, forcing himself to sit upright. Rather than continuing to climb to his hooves, however, the muscled stallion lowered his muzzle down past the small of the human's back to the smooth globes of his ass. With powerful hands he spread Nathan's cheeks and pressed his face between them. The young human suddenly shuddered and melted into the grass as he felt the moist member that was the horse's tongue slither across his used hole, lapping at the fluid dripped out of it and down his pale thigh.

His cock began to plump once more as he felt his master's tongue slide again and again over his stretched entrance, collecting every last drop of horse seed. He gasped loudly as he felt it penetrate him and slide in deep. Milky semen dripped from his swelling cock. His voice wavered with bliss and enjoyment as he forced himself to speak between hoarse moans.

"I think we could do with some proper cleaning, master. Unless you want to spend the whole day in the grass," Nathan managed to stammer.

Mavis stopped and pulled his tongue away, though nuzzled against his pet's thigh.

"I must admit that the thought does sound enticing. But you are right, we do have a schedule to keep. I think there is a stream not far from here," the horse responded, letting his nose touch the warmth of his lover's sac one for a deep inhale of his scent last time before rising to stand.

Nathan was about to force himself upright to stand on shaky legs, but the mighty steed stooped down and scooped him up in his powerfully muscled arms with ease and grace.

"Allow me, pet," he commented in a playfully gentlemanly tone as he hefted the adolescent over his shoulder.

The human blushed and smiled, allowing himself to drape an arm over the horse's neck as the morning finally started to warm their naked bodies, glistening with sweat. Mavis paused briefly to stoop down and collect their attire and his weapons in an unkempt bundle before carrying his servant off into the woods. They travelled for several minutes in silence, enjoying one another's company and appearance while the morning sun filtered in through breaks in the leaves above. Nathan was becoming more accustomed to being nude, especially around his master. In the afterglow of their pleasure he was barely bothered to notice his nakedness, and before long the duo arrived at a gently flowing brook.

The gently flowing water was crystal clear and inviting. The forest about them was filled with the smells and sounds of nature. With his body pressed against his lover's everything's beauty seemed magnified. Nathan could think of few scenes more breathtaking. After rubbing his face into the stallion's neck one more time, he slid off of Mavis' shoulder and rushed toward the water before pausing at its edge, eager to wash up.

"Aren't you coming, master?" He asked.

"Looks cold," the stallion responded with a snicker while striding forward casually. "You'll have to stay near and keep me warm."

Nathan grinned impishly at the horse then pirouetted theatrically and let himself fall backward into the stream, creating and enormous splash. The water washed over him. After a couple of seconds he rose to the surface taking a deep gasping breath as he shivered and forced his teeth not to chatter.

"You were right; it's freezing!" Nathan laughed.

"I think I caught enough of that wave you made to gather than. Perhaps, then, I better just stay right here?" Mavis jested mirthfully.

In response the teenager skimmed his arm quickly across the surface of the water and sent a wave splashing up toward the stallion, who turned his head aside as the chilly water cascaded over his form.

"I'm wet now, I suppose," he conceded in a playfully defeated tone. He tossed their bundle of clothing and blades at the water's edge and wading into the icy stream.

The two splashed and played for several minutes, thoroughly enjoying themselves as they washed away the sweat, dirt and remnants of the morning's escapades. Every so often Mavis would suddenly become quiet and perk his head up and flick his ears about while sniffing the air, but he just shrugged and smiled in response to his pet's curious glances.

"Let's play a game," Nathan eventually offered.

"What did you have in mind, pet?" The stallion inquired.

"Have you ever played Marco Polo, master?" He asked.

"Marco what?" Mavis raised his brow with interest.

"No, I guess you wouldn't have," Nathan said, suddenly reminding himself that it was not his native world but some strange alternate one that he found himself inexplicably in. He forced himself to keep the waver of abrupt unease out of his voice. "It's simple. I'll teach you."

After explaining the rules they continued to wade about and played for nearly 10 minutes more before Nathan's skin was pink with the cold and they were both shivering. Deciding jointly that they had had enough and that they were about as clean as they were going to get without a proper bath the two crawled up onto the bank and began toweling themselves off with excess cloth that Mavis had gathered from his pack while retrieving their clothing.

"Get down," Mavis unexpectedly muttered, freezing in place.

Nathan cocked his head to the side, puzzled.

"I said get down, pet!" He ordered forcefully, voice still hushed.

Sensing the seriousness of his master's tone, the boy fell to his stomach in the muddy grass at the stream's bank, ruining much of the work they had just done bathing. No sooner had the human dropped had Mavis slipped a wickedly sharp dagger from a sheath near their clothing, and in a blink, flung it to where it sunk into an old oak several yards away with an audible thunk! A startled yelp followed quickly and a dark figure, only slightly larger than Nathan, shifted in the tree line. The stallion bolted, rapidly sprinting off in the direction that he threw the dagger. Within seconds Mavis held another fur by the throat slamming his back against a tree.

The fox in his grasp clawed wildly at Mavis' wrist, eyes bulging in terror. Nathan was frozen, staring at his master. This was the second time that he had seen the steed's prowess as a warrior. He had an instinct that overrode any thought and immediately jumped into action. The human could do nothing but marvel at the display. Mavis' shoulder bunched as he swung the other fur over his head and smashed him to the ground, stunning the fox and pinning him beneath his muscular bulk.

The captive fur breathed heavily but stopped resisting so frantically, finally giving into the idea of being caught. Nathan shook himself out of his stupor and climbed to his feet, wrapping the cloth that he was using as a towel about his now muddy waist before cautiously approaching. Mavis made him hold his ground a couple of yards out with a meaningful glower. The youth looked at the fur that was moments ago hiding within the tree line. He was a handsome fur, of which age Nathan wasn't immediately able to determine since he hadn't the experience, but seemed not much older than he. The fur had a sizable bulge in his crotch that spoke of a quickly deflating arousal.

"Who are you!?" Mavis demanded, his grip constricting the fox's slender neck. "Why were you watching us?"

The fur released a series of choking gasps that sounded ever-so-slightly exaggerated to Nathan before responding.

"Just," he huffed, while attempting to breathe, "a bard. Just passing by."

The human watched his master keep the smaller fur pinned in the grass, clutching his throat tightly. His grip was not tight enough to close off his airway, even to the minor extent that the fox seemed intent on letting on, but certainly enough to be uncomfortable and perhaps even slightly painful. The smaller anthropomorph had no weapons that Nathan could plainly see and he started to feel bad for the helpless vulpine, even as violated as he had begun to feel by being spied upon.

"You should let him up, master," he ventured with a sigh. "He can't hurt us with you watching him."

"The young human is quite astute. I agree with his assessment," the bard puffed out with an extremely forced and hopeful grin.

Mavis glanced at his pet out of the corner of his eye and carefully considered what he had said before slowly and wordlessly extracting himself from the pin and leaving the fox on the ground. The other fur propped himself up on an elbows and rubbed his throat melodramatically with a black-furred paw.

"Thank you much, fine stallion and young human sir," he said, still choking a bit. It looked as though he were going to continue when Mavis deftly pulled his blade from where it had dug into the tree trunk and leveled it at the reclining fur, eying him cautiously.

The fox had bright fur, which even in the shade of the trees glistened as though regularly and carefully groomed. His outfit was rather ostentatious; his jacket was a sky blue that contrasted sharply with his coat. It billowed out at the shoulders and hung long and loose at the sleeves. It was patched in various places with a myriad of fabrics. He wore it unbuttoned down to the navel over a white shirt that ruffled at his chest. In most instances Nathan would think that it looked like the shabby remnants of a once fine garment, but he got the distinct impression that its gaudy colors were intentionally mismatched to catch the eye. He wore no shoes or boots, but the glossy, dark fur on his paws made it look as though he were wearing socks and gloves. Atop his head, he had long raven-black head-fur that was tied back in a ponytail. A pack discarded near the copse of trees that he had been hiding in had a lute-case leaning against it. To Nathan, at least, he looked every bit a storybook wandering minstrel.

"I do believe that I asked you why you were spying on my pet and I, fox," Mavis demanded a second time once it looked as though the newest fur had finally caught his breath.

"Spying? No, sir, nothing of the sort. I was simply meandering yonder-" with a theatrical wave of his paw he motioned toward a dirt path that erratically wound through the woods behind him, "when I overheard the two of you splashing about. My natural curiosity got the better of me and I went to investigate. Luckily, your dagger missed its mark. And, well, here we are."

"If I'd been aiming for you then you wouldn't be speaking now," Mavis assured him grimly. It didn't sound threatening so much a statement of fact. "Your name?"

"Ah, where are my manners? Aidyn, at your service. And you, sir, must be Mavis, the Mighty Steed. Your reputation as a more than competent combatant certainly proceeds you. And as you are heading in the same direction as I; perhaps you might enjoy some music upon your travels to Whitemane? I'd certainly enjoy the safety of numbers and would of course offer recompense for the trip if you so desire," the fox said.

"How did you know where we are headed?" Mavis questioned somewhat warily.

"You were at the slave auction, wherein you made quite the scene- 'tis the price of fame, I suppose- which means you aren't headed to the city, and Whitemane is the only place of note in this direction. Which is, of course, where you hail from and where your Corral is located, if the ballads that I've collected are to be believed," the bard explained.

Mavis eyed the newcomer suspiciously, but finally lowered his blade. Nathan found the fox's demeanor rather charming and after recovering from the shock of the sudden violence turned toward his equine lover.

"Can't we let him come with us? I'd love to hear him sing, master," the human asked hopefully while the bard rose to stand and dusted himself off in an ostentatious manner.

The horse considered the request for a moment before sighing heavily, ascertaining no serious threat from the vulpine minstrel.

"He can come," he stated. "Let's get dressed though; I think we've expended enough time that could've been better spent on the road."

The fox winked at Nathan as a way of silent thanks, but the young man wasn't blind to the glimmer of attraction in his glittering ruby eyes. He blushed, partially because of the attention directed at him from the new fur and partially because Mavis had just reminded him how naked he was with just a thin sheet of fabric wrapped about his hips like a skirt. He considered wading back into the stream to rinse the bit of mud that his belly had collected away, but he was not about to wander back into the cold water after having left it so recently and merely wiped it away the best that he could.

The trio headed back to their camp quickly, though Mavis made Aidyn stay a good several paces ahead of them and kept a watchful eye on him, directing the fox as they traveled. Once there, Nathan began to don his clothing, only fumbling slightly with the strange garments that were still foreign and awkward in his fingers. He turned his back to Aidyn as he dressed, hiding his genitals from view, especially since the recent dip into the icy stream had made them, unlike Mavis' always impressive member, less than remarkable for the time being. The stallion on the other hand, left his robe aside and instead unsheathed his sword without warning, pointing the tip at the vulpine's chest.

"Toss your pack down and strip off your clothes," he commanded. His voice was not rough or callous, but held a firm tone of authority that it would be hard to resist.

"Surely the Mighty Steed isn't resorting to waylaying wandering wastrels now, is he?" Aidyn replied glancing about nervously, obviously intending to diffuse any animosity with a spot of humor.

"Of course not, but if you are going to be around my mate I'm going to have to make sure that you intend no harm. The easiest way to accomplish that is to make sure that you hide no weapons on your person. You have my word that you will have everything back once they have been inspected," Mavis explained, never lowering the wickedly sharp blade of his sword.

Aidyn made a throaty noise of dissatisfaction somewhere between a huff and a grunt but started to unbutton his jacket and his ruffled shirt and unlace his leggings. As he slid them down the glossy fur of his thighs he glanced over to Nathan, who had just finished dressing and turned toward the furs. Their eyes met for a moment and the fox had caught the human quickly eying his plump sheath which was outlined in a snowy swath of fur that adorned his chest, belly and groin. It was no match for the massive organ that hung down between the stallion's thighs, but quite generous even for a fur who was far closer in size to a human than the equine. Aidyn smirked roguishly and turned a bit, wiggling his rump and flicking his tail in the youth's direction but didn't say anything.

Mavis remained silent too, letting the quiet between them grow stagnant as the bard disrobed and tossed his belonging into a pile beside his paws. Finally, once Aidyn was nude, he cocked his eyebrow sarcastically and did a twirl to show as much (raising his tail to show the pink pucker of his hole as he went). Then the horse anthropomorph finally broke the silence.

"Nathan, look through his belongings and make sure that there is nothing dangerous in them. If there isn't toss them back to him and let him get dressed," the horse ordered, again, speaking with the level tone of practiced commanding officer.

"Yes, master," Nathan replied, hurrying forward. He knelt near the fox to scoop up the pile of clothing, pack, and lute case. Though he fought the urge, he failed and couldn't help but take another swift glance at the vulpine's fat sheath and hefty sac and wonder what his cock looked like. Aidyn cast his gaze down at him and grinned out of the corner of his mouth before playfully grazing his face with his bushy tail. The human flushed with embarrassment and after gathering the items backed away.

He didn't look toward Mavis, but wondered if the horse was going to be upset with him. Aidyn was obviously openly flirtatious toward him and Nathan could not deny the exotic beauty the fox fur's body held for him. The human though, was already besotted with his equine owner after only their short time together and even the mild glances and winks felt like cheating on his new partner. Still, after having seen Mavis with the mare merely a day before he had a childish sense of feeling entitled to being attracted to another as long as their interactions didn't get too far. Mavis' powerful voice interrupted his musings.

"If you touch my pet uninvited again the consequences will be quite dire. You will do well to remember than, fox," the stallion commented coldly. The promise was severe. Nathan could tell by a slight waver in his voice that was normally not there. Was he afraid for his safety, or was it a mere pang of jealousy that he would not often have to experience being so rich and handsome himself?

"Far be it from me to usurp the property of another fur," Aidyn replied in a smooth tone while holding up his paws, palm out, defensively.

Not wanting to upset his master Nathan quickly pawed through the belongings. The lute case held nothing more (that he could detect) than a lute and the pack nothing more than some food and drink and a few minor odds and ends. The clothing seemed to be his only set and smelled to Nathan not necessarily dirty or soiled, but though it had not been washed in a few days, perhaps due to the fox's travels, and held a strong scent that even to Nathan's weak, human nose smelled of his musk.

"Any weapons?" Mavis asked, voice softening a little as he turned to his pet.

Nathan shook his head and tossed the clothing pack at the fox's hind paws. He would have wandered over and handed them to him in a much nicer fashion, but with Mavis' jealous outburst he felt it was best to keep a bit of distance for a short while. The pack fell open as it hit the ground and a couple of items spilled out, but more noticeable was that a freshly sewn seam on the bottom tore open. Nathan had missed the sewn on pouch, not accustomed to searching for hidden pockets, but felt then that he should have noticed by how it seemed to stand out in contrast to the rest of the sack.

A few glittering gemstones, coins, and golden chain jewelry tumbled out into the grass. Aidyn winced and his sharp eyes darted about, obviously hoping that none of the precious stones have been lost in the unkempt grass. Mavis looks at the modest pile of riches then to the fox questioningly.

"What few valuables that I have I like to keep hidden. Rare is it the bandit that bothers to harass a ragged-looking bard. I'd have more, but unfortunately..." Aidyn trailed off with a shrug.

"Unfortunately what?" Nathan inquired curiously.

"Unfortunately I had to leave my last position rather abruptly and didn't have time to collect everything that I owned or was owed," the fur replied. The human could see the inside of his ears, flattened sheepishly, flushing red.

It was the stallion's turn to be curious. He eyed the fox suspiciously. "And why would it bet that you have to leave on such short notice?"

"I'm, as one might say, multitalented. I play. I sing. And I-" he gave a brief chortle rather than finish the sentence as to make his meaning obvious. "Not only is it my profession to provide the courtly furs with a passion for music the pleasure of hearing me perform it, but passionately provide performances in physical pleasure as well," the fox explained. "Sometimes my patrons can be the jealous types. My last employer, I shall not name names, was a rather unpleasant tigress. One night she caught me 'performing' for free a couple of her slaves. Not understanding that what I do in my free time is for myself to care about, she went into a bit of a furious frenzy and it was best if I left with utmost haste."

Nathan felt Mavis' eyes wash over him and the fox. Between Aidyn's open flirtations and his revelation that he had mated with humans for fun in the past all the proper conditions to foster suspicion and jealousy were there.

"Why don't we eat?" Mavis suggested, changing the subject. "We've a long road ahead of us."

"Excellent, idea my equine friend," the fox responded in a friendly tone. "I'm afraid I'm not much of a cook; I generally eat dried meats and cheeses that require no effort when I'm not being fed by a lord or lady, but I can provide you and your pet with some mirthful melodies while you do. Feel free to use some of the food in my pack as well, though I don't know how much help it will be."

The vulpine bent down to unlatch his lute case, rump turned toward Nathan as he did so. He raised his tail high and swished it back and forth, showing his pink hole to the human in what seemed very likely to the young human to be a very deliberate way. The horse's pet glanced at the bard's pile of clothing, still ignored on the ground at his paws, and found himself blushing as warmth flooded his loins and he felt his cock begin to swell. Mavis glanced at the fox, the clothes, and then to Nathan in succession as well, but didn't say a word to Aidyn about rectifying his nakedness. Perhaps he felt that it would be hypocritical to suggest that others clothe themselves when his mighty weapon remained unsheathed throughout the day for all to see. Before too long the stallion turned and knelt to light a fire and prepare breakfast for the trio.

Nathan felt embarrassed and awkward and followed to help, casting one last glance over at the fox who was now tuning his lute while sitting, still nude, in the grass. Aidyn threw him another playful wink as he plucked a few strings to test their tone.

While Nathan and Mavis busied themselves with breakfast the fox began playing. First he strummed out some simple melodies and then gradually built up momentum to quick, precise cords that Nathan found truly impressive. Even the mighty steed could not deny the fox's prowess with a lute. Eventually the vulpine bard began to sing as well in a soft lilting voice. Just like when he spoke, Aidyn seemed to have a preference for alliterative and ostentatious lyrics that were often overly descriptive, but wonderfully delivered.

He sang a couple of ballads for his new travelling companions, both of which were heavily exaggerated accounts of Mavis' military victories. The stallion didn't recall either of the campaigns he sang of to be particularly exciting or eventful, but it seemed that they had been woven into fine enough songs. He noticed his beloved pet alternatively glancing at the fox and reveling in his talent and watching Mavis with love and affection, delighted to hear more about his master's past, even if it was greatly embellished. Though he still did not fully trust the new fur that had spied on them at the stream his opinion of him softened as he made Nathan truly smile.

As Mavis began to serve them each a modest breakfast, Aidyn put his lute away and gave an exaggerated shiver.

"Time for dressing; oh most definitely," he said, almost ruefully as he sorted out his rumpled garments. Knowing that Nathan couldn't keep his eyes off of the foxes genitals he spent several long seconds adjusting his sac and sheath once donning his trousers just to tease the human.

"Allow me to provide the refreshments," Aidyn suggested as he lowered himself to the ground once more and rummaged through his pack. He withdrew a dark glass wine bottle that Nathan remembered seeing as he searched earlier and held it toward the stallion. Mavis took it and examined the painted-on label and wax seal, raising a brow.

"Just a poor minstrel, eh?" He inquired dubiously.

"Some of the lords and ladies that I serve become entranced with my skills and beauty and see fit to gift me with tokens of their appreciation, such as a bottle of Honey Acre's finest. A wonderful vintage; I've been saving it for a most special occasion, but I can scarcely fathom anyone more esteemed to share it with than the Mighty Steed himself," the fox explained.

Satisfied with the response, Mavis uncorked the bottle and sniffed the aromatic beverage, raising his brows, as if surprised that what was in it truly matched the label. The three of them passed the drink around as they had no glasses to sip from. Nathan found the bottle large and heavy, obviously sized to be more appropriate for a fur of Mavis' size than a human. The drink was potent, but even for the youth who had little taste for wine, it was exquisite. A couple of swallows affected Nathan far more strongly than it bothered his counterparts, but before they were even a quarter of the way into the bottle, Mavis stoppered the bottle once more with his powerful arms.

"It is a bit early in the day for drinking something quite this rich, perhaps we should save the remainder for when we stop for dinner so that we aren't stumbling through the countryside like a trio of drunkards freshly tossed from the tavern," Mavis commented, handing the oversized bottle back to the fox, who merely nodded in agreement.

They leisurely gathered their possessions and with the sun nearing its zenith, they were finally on the road for the day, putting their morning of distractions behind them. The purple shadows of mountains tinted the bottom edge of the horizon and the azure sky overhead was painted with faint wisps of clouds that looked like burst tufts of cotton. To Nathan, someone who was used to the dull brown and gray of the city and rarely travelled further into the natural world than suburbia could provide, every bit of the flora and fauna around him was vibrant and fresh; from the lush meadows they traveled through, speckled with flowers (some that he recognized and many other beautiful blossoms that he did not), to the fragrant foliage of the nearby woods. He didn't know if was that the strange world that he was in was more brilliant and striking than his native one or if he had simply never had the chance to view such a wonderful place back home. He kept quiet for long stretches, admiring the scenery about him.

"This has always been one of my favorite stretches of countryside. It is why I prefer this route rather than the more direct main road. It takes a few extra hours of travel over a bit rougher land, but the view is much nicer than muddy farms and broken cobblestone paths. Do you enjoy it, pet?" Mavis asked, noticing Nathan craning his neck every which way as they traveled. He draped a heavy arm over the boy's shoulders, and the warm cord of muscle that held him comforted him.

"Yeah," the human responded with a quiet awe, lest he break the peace of the land. "I always loved getting out in nature, but I was born in a city, so it was pretty uncommon that I had the chance to get out and go hiking or camping, especially once I was old enough to start working and needed to support myself."

The response drew a curious glance from the fox, who Nathan had almost forgotten was there, and a somewhat more muted one from his master. It was a brief moment before the adolescent had realized what he had said that was so amiss. In a society where humans are slaves, the idea of free-roaming recreation and pay for work done by humans must seem incredibly odd. Nathan faltered for a second, unsure of how to correct the situation.

Mavis knew there was something different about him, and seemed to let the comment be ignored for the time being. Aidyn it seemed was far more inquisitive, but the glint in his eye suggested that the mystery surrounding the youth was enticing and alluring. The fox was simply fascinated with Nathan be it for his body or demeanor.

Still at a loss to break the awkward silence that had grown out of a pregnant pause, Nathan stuttered for a second before Aidyn finally cut him off with a dismissive wave.

"Why don't I play a bit for us as we travel? I've a few more songs about the war against Dark Heart's forces-" he started before being cut off by the stallion.

"I think I've heard enough about my own greatness for the day," he said firmly, though there was the hint of a smile at the edge of his mouth suggesting good humor. Nathan looked a bit crestfallen, and it was clear to the horse that he wanted to hear the fox play, both to hear more of his master's past and simply because the fox was a pretty fine musician, even if he had made mention several times that he was often hired for his other talents. "Please, play, just nothing about my heroics," the Mavis conceded.

"An ode to the beautiful land that we reside in, then," the fox responded, stooping down to uncase his instrument and tune it. He plucked at strings until he was satisfied with their resonance and the gracefully launched into the song, hitting a variety of lilting notes with an ease that spoke of practice and passion.

Aidyn played on and off until the sun had sunk low in the sky and the dim light of twilight made the trio aware of their road-weary bodies. They paused their trek to set up camp and build a modest fire. Mavis stretched and popped his neck.

"I'm going to forage for our supper. I shall not be but a moment, pet," the stallion commented as he turned toward the nearby woods, finally feeling as if he could trust the bard for long enough to distance himself from Nathan momentarily.

The fox held up a paw to get Mavis' attention and pointed to his mouth as he smiled, showing a maw full of sharp teeth. "I'm a carnivore; if you'd be so kind," he said with a good natured humor.

Mavis drew the dagger that he had used to prove his throwing capability that morning. "I'll see what I can do. I'm going to forage and hunt for our supper," he said to Nathan. He sauntered off with a quietness that belied his size, scarlet robe billowing out behind him with each swift step. He paused only briefly to look over his shoulder pointedly at their vulpine companion. "Nathan, merely yell if you ever feel that you are in any danger and you shall both get a display of just how far I can throw this knife."

Without another word he disappeared into the dark shadows of the trees. Aidyn and Nathan sat in an awkward silence for what felt like an eternity to the young man but in reality was more than likely less than 10 minutes. The fox fiddled with the tuning on his instrument before finally speaking.

"I had heard rumors that the Mighty Steed had taken on a fortunate human lover," he commented, almost idly. Nathan noticed that the fox didn't use the common vernacular of 'tailless' when referring to him, which pleased him greatly. Most of his experiences thus far with furs others than Mavis had not been as pleasant. "He must already care for you a great deal to be so protective."

Aidyn plucked a string several times at slightly different tunings, twitching his ears and skewing his face in concentration before he was pleased and grinned broadly to himself. "He's even gone as far as to mark you in the traditional way. Very territorial; not many furs do that these days. From the moment I smelled you I knew you were his and it would be folly for any fur to seriously pursue you with the intent to bed you or run off with you, much to my vexation," he continued.

Nathan was happy that he was being spoken to so directly and not as if he were an animal or a slave. Though he remained mute for the time being, he felt as if the fox were having a conversation with him rather than merely being talked at.

"It is obvious that you are different from any slave around. You are clearly more educated and well-spoken than any human is supposed to be, but, for now at least, I'm going to pretend not to be interested in where you were taught. It is also clear why your lord is so enamored with your presence," he started, strumming a short series of chords as Nathan turned away and blushed.

Aidyn paused as if considering something important. "I watched you this morning," he divulged quietly, as if revealing an embarrassing secret, ears lowering with chagrin. Nathan wondered how close to them Mavis was while in the woods and whether he could hear the fox speak, recalling the stallion smelling and sensing the bard well before he did. He flushed more furiously at the knowledge that someone had covertly witnessed him making love, but felt less violated than he believed that he should have. "You were passionate. And you desired him," he commented. He played a gentle rhythm while speaking that seemed to gradually ramp up as it went, almost keeping time with Nathan's heart as his pulse continued to quicken with embarrassment.

"Most humans tend to lay there and let their masters have their ways with them. All part of their duty. A few that I've met are actually interested in receiving physical pleasure and release, a luxury scarcely offered. Fewer still it seems are even attracted to furs due to our wildly different appearances. Most just have to endure something they consider unsavory, or even painful in the case of human males who don't particularly enjoy the touch of master who enjoys taking them over his female stock," the fox continued, his voice held an almost undetectable hint of sorrow revealing that he held a deep compassion for the enslaved humans far beyond what was common.

Aidyn set his lute down as if suddenly deciding that playing it was currently inappropriate.

"And Lord Mavis, the Mighty Steed that he is, was so gentle with you. It looked as if he took you with a burning passion and mated you as roughly as any mare ready and willing, and yet he was gentle enough not to harm you despite the obvious difference in size. He must be a skilled and aware lover. I'm not sure if I envy you or him more, though I don't particularly hide my preference for human flesh in most company," the vulpine admitted, ears drooping in a display of shame which Nathan couldn't quite figure out was real or theatrical.

Both adjusted the growing bulges in their pants. Aidyn did so openly with a black furred paw, while Nathan more covertly accomplished it by shifting his legs. He was trying to understand the bard's angle. He was speaking plainly, as he would to another fur, but about the youth's sexual escapades which the human found taboo to speak of with such a new acquaintance. One thing that he had learned of the strange furs that surrounded him now was that they held far fewer concepts of modesty than people did. Mavis wandered openly with his cock swaying between his legs, furs openly stated their sexual desires, and the scent of urine clearly showed when someone was a protected mate. Perhaps it was merely their superior senses that made such concepts of contextual modesty irrational or obsolete, but it was still taking some getting used to for Nathan.

"I am a liar, though, for I really must know. What makes you so intelligent? Surely you were not taught at any formal school," the fox said, quickly changing the subject as if sensing how uncomfortable the topic was making his traveling companion.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I haven't even told Mavis everything yet," Nathan mumbled. How could he explain what he didn't fully understand? That he fell asleep one night and woke up whisked away to a foreign land, anachronistic to his senses and filled with monsters?

"So you didn't lose the ability to speak," the fox replied jovially. "At least pleasure me with the knowledge of where you came from. Who owned you previously?"

Nathan flinched involuntarily. He still hated the idea that he was a slave. While he didn't mind being Mavis' treasured pet and mate, the boy was still not used to the idea of being owned, which was an idea easily forgotten with how well the equine treated him.

"That horrid owl, Lord Gant," he huffed. He knew that it was not necessarily the answer that Aidyn was fishing for, but was not in and of itself and outright lie.

"That ferociously foul fowl!? And yet you stand in one piece. That certainly is an accomplishment that you can be proud of. I've never been fond of that slaver avian. I played at one of his many establishments during his auctions once. He felt entitled to the greater share of the tips that made their way into my pocket since I was playing on his property. He refused to let me rent out even the willing slaves for an evening of fun, and beat the majority of them badly for any number or illogical reasons anyway. I couldn't stand to see such treatment of another living thing," the vulpine said, "expect, perhaps, for Lord Gant himself."

Nathan was pleased that the fox also felt poorly of the owl who had kept him hostage and sold him as though he were an object.

"Clearly Gant didn't teach you proper speech. And you carry yourself with more awareness of your surroundings as though you are always taking things in. Most humans trudge with their gaze downcast until they fall of illness, injury, or age. From whence does that come?" Aidyn pressed. His demeanor was prying but was thankfully not overly forceful.

He truly wanted to relay his tale, but knew that Mavis should hear it before any others. Furthermore, who would believe such a wild story? He surely didn't want Aidyn to feel as if he were mocking him. The adolescent just shrugged dismissively after a minute or so of staring back at the musician in contemplation.

The curiosity of his history brought a resurgence of painful memories to the young man. Suddenly his nightmare from the previous evening hit him again in full force and he felt the fear and dread that had plagued his dreams. He tried to suppress the wellspring of emotion that burst within him, but it was a losing battle and he felt tears begin to burn the edges of his eyes.

Without preamble the bard once again reach for his lute and with a practiced paw began playing difficult chords. Within seconds Nathan recognized a song that he had played earlier in the day, "Mavis the Protector." The ode to his master lifted his spirits and comforted him. He gave a broad, genuine smile to the empathic fox. As theatrical as Aidyn could be, he also had an undeniable subtly about him. He was uncannily perceptive and something as simple as playing the proper song at the proper time could make his new acquaintance feel at ease for having Mavis around to protect him.

Nathan was pleased that his master had allowed the vulpine to join them.

Mavis returned shortly later as the song neared its completion. From his angle he could see the relaxed grin on his lover's face and inwardly felt relieved about leaving his pet with the strange fur. He sauntered up quietly as to not disturb the bard's rhythm. Nathan was so enraptured with the performance that he didn't notice his owner standing beside him until Aidyn had plucked his final note. Startled, he looked up to see that Mavis had a pack bulging with berries and greens foraged from the woods. On a thin branch over his shoulder were tied a couple of modest-sized hares.

He casually tossed the rabbits to the fox.

"They're your food; you clean and cook them," Mavis commented before gracefully dropping beside Nathan and pressing his warm body against him. His massive phallus rest in the grass between his thighs, slightly plump with the close proximity to Nathan and the faint scent of his marking wafting from him.

"Gladly," the fox said, though as he began to work on the meal his skills proved far from spectacular. Nathan and Mavis enjoyed watching him try to cook in good humor as they ate what the handsome stallion had found for them, a surprisingly satisfying meal from provisions foraged from the forest. Mavis' skills from his years as a warrior included more than fighting, it seemed.

Eventually Aidyn had worked the hares into something edible and vaguely resembling cooked food and the trio laughed heartily together. Shortly into their evening meal the vulpine reached into his pouch and retrieved the large bottle of wine that they had briefly sipped from earlier in the day and held it up, displaying it enticingly to his comrades with raised eyebrows. With a smirk, the horse nodded and before long they were passing it between them once again.

The brew proved potent, and after the bottle was half-empty Nathan was clearly feeling its effects. Smaller than the average fur he was blushing and slurring his speech. Consistently, Mavis, who had far less trouble holding his liquor, found his pet nuzzling against the soft coat of his muscular torso or hands roaming unabashedly toward his mottled length. In his drunken state he rambled nothingness that often didn't make sense and giggled as he called his master such awkward terms of endearment as his "big, strong, horsy" or his "pretty pony."

Aidyn, somewhere between the two in terms of sobriety watched the interaction with great mirth after opening the laces and buttons on his jacket and shirt to expose his fluffy chest to the warmth of the fire. He stretched, arching his back and openly teasing Nathan, who had little enough mind to avert his gaze in his present state. The youth massaged a growing bulge in his pants as he saw the fox's tail swish back and forth, rhythmically as a metronome, imagining holding it in his fist as he slammed his cock into the eager vulpine's hole. It was rare that the young man had any fantasies about dominating another, but he found the fox positively enchanting and, uninhibited, wanted to take the fur.

He wanted to take the fox not as his master took him, with care and love, but with an eye full of lust and a fire burning in his loins. He wanted to bury his shaft to the hilt in the bard's ass. He briefly wondered if such an overpowering emotion overtook the furs when they had their urge to mate and unleash their seed into a bitch, but didn't have the presence of mind to considering the possibility for long. Aidyn clearly understood the intent behind his lecherous leer.

"I don't mind, you know," he stated, amused, to Mavis as much as to Nathan. He had made it no great secret that he was attracted to humans just as the stallion was. "There is nothing wrong with a spot of harmless fun. You can even take me at the same time if you wish."

Nathan quickly glanced up into his lover's large eyes with a pleading gaze.

"Please, master. I want to feel what it is like to take a fur and not just be mated by one," he whined, a tent of fabric clearly visible between his legs.

The horse considered the offer. He had known how upset Nathan was over him mating with the mare the previous day and wondered if, when sober, Nathan would consider the present possibility as a way for him to make up for it. Mavis finally nodded in approval, much to an intoxicated Nathan's delight.

Without pause, Aidyn scooted up next to the young human and pressed his side against the youth's. He swished his tail behind him until it curved about Nathan's lower back and tickled his thigh with its tip. The vulpine nuzzled his face into the human's collar and inhaled deeply, smelling the scent of his soon-to-be partner's arousal and the residual aroma of Mavis' urine. Nathan sighed deeply while the fox relished in sniffing the human and delicately kissing the side of his neck. The bard turned briefly to face the stallion.

"He smells of you," he commented huskily, using one paw to massage the bugle in his pants. Quickly, he returned to his ministrations.

He licked and nibbled along Nathan's neck, planting kiss after kiss up to his jaw while snaking a deft paw behind the young man's head. He gently grasped a fistful of hair and turned his head, guiding it until their mouths met with a fiery passion. Nathan parted his lips and let the fox's tongue slide between them, dancing with his own. While they panted and kissed Aidyn advanced on his partner, climbing atop him and straddling his waist, until only the taut fabric of their pants separated their needy erections. The bard placed a black-furred paw on his new lover's chest and slowly forced him back into the grass while his other tugged at the base of the human's shirt.

Intoxicated by the smell of imminent sex and the sight of his beautiful lover as well as the heady drink that they had shared, Mavis' mottled length began to swell. Plump between his thighs he massaged his massive girth as he reclined, and before long it was fully erect, its tip glistening with beading pre-cum.

Aidyn only parted their kisses for a moment as he pulled the boy's tunic off over his head. They both took the opportunity to gasp for breath. Nathan pushed himself to a sitting position, grinding his member against the fox through his clothing and then forced the minstrel back until they were in the same position as before, tongues battling for dominance, only then with the human on top.

Nathan's hand explored the fox's body and found his flesh tone between his fluffy, vibrant fur. He practically tore the shirt from the Aidyn's form as they made out, groaning in ecstasy. A wet patch spread on Aidyn's pants from where his pre-come began to soak through, revealing his want for the human. Nathan fumbled with the foxes belt for only an instant before he had it undone and was sliding the fur's trousers down his hips and to his knees.

The vulpine's cock stood proudly erect, shining and red in the twilight. It was only slightly larger than Nathan's own member, and small rivers of pre-come ran down its length. It visibly throbbed, seeking release. It seemed that the fox had not lied in his allusions to having a sexual attraction to tailless men that rivaled the stallions. He looked lustfully at Nathan, imploring him to dominate his body.

The youth unlaced his own pants and stood for a moment to kick them off, standing gloriously naked as the flickering firelight from their dinner highlighted every curve of his body, coated with a fine sheen of sweat. He grabbed his cock and milked it, letting strands of pre-come drip to the grass and shuddering in delight as he did.

He stumbled back onto the fox with a fervor and ground their members against one another as they made out once more. Nathan wrapped his fingers about both of their organs and stroked them languidly, hand slick from their combined pre-come. He squeezed the knot at the base of his lover's sensitive shaft and made him gasp in pleasure. Before long Nathan forced himself to stagger backward a bit and motioned for the fox to roll over onto his paws and knees.

Aidyn did so readily, and deftly considering the bunched up fabric of his trousers still in a tangle around his calves. He raised his rump high, presenting it as he swished his tail back and forth invitingly. Nathan clambered forward on this knees until he was directly behind the submitting bard. With one hand he gripped the fox's tail and held it fast.

He then leaned forward and licked the puckered pink ring of flesh before him. Aidyn shuddered and moaned as the wet tongue glided across his entrance. Again and again Nathan lapped at his soon-to-be lover's hole, until the fox was pressing his forehead to the dirt to help suppress his wild moans of passion and pleasure. The human slithered his tongue into the saliva slick ring, making the bard gasp. He wriggled it as deep as he was able and began to fondle the vulpine's sac as he rimmed him. The human rolled the fur's testicles in his palm, occasionally giving them a dominate squeeze. He alternated between that and milking the fox's swollen girth to the edge before stopping.

Too quickly, Nathan halted. Aidyn could tell that the drunk human was not regularly dominate by his awkward haste but was incredibly fervent in his endeavors. It wasn't entirely rare that the bard had found willing dominate humans to grant him what he wanted sexually; to be fully given unto one of them for their pleasure, but few embraced their sexual desires with such passion, and feared the repercussions of exerting force upon a fur, even it if were desired. There was something deeper stirring within him though, something almost undetectable, but he could tell now why Mavis found the boy so perfect.

Nathan forced the fox's hips lower with his hand on his tail and with the pre-come coating his palm from milking the bard he slathered his wanton cock before positioning its mushroom-shaped crown at his lover's hole.

"Take me! Use me!" The fox pleaded loudly, practically crying out into the night air.

With no further stretching or preparation, Nathan obliged and plunged deep within the fur's entrance, nearly to the hilt. Both moaned loudly. Nathan gasped in bliss as warmth enveloped his cock at all angles and he had to actively force himself not to buck wildly for several seconds until he reached orgasm. He pulled nearly out and made long deliberate thrusts, reveling in the sound of the fur's groans and exclamations of enjoyment beneath him.

Nathan was only vaguely aware of the stallion who approached from behind, massive cock jutting out before him. But, when the mottled phallus came into his field of view, the human turned his head and parted his lips without question, taking several inches of its length into his mouth while never ceasing ramming his cock into the fox. At once Nathan fully dominated Aidyn while fully submitting to his master's sexual desires.

The youth felt his owner gush waves of salty pre-cum into his throat from his flared tip, obviously very near orgasm himself from the time he spent stroking his erection. He teased the horse's head with a flicker of his tongue and was rewarded with another jet of hot pre-cum. Once his penis was fully slick with his pet's saliva the stallion backed away and knelt behind the human, positing his cock at Nathan's hole. He ground the tip forward between the cleft of his slave's ass and against his puckered flesh.

Nathan removed his hands from the fox's tail and sac and positioned them at his hips, gripping the fur tightly and he raised himself and leaned over the foxes kneeling, submissive form. His thrusts became shorter and more erratic, almost bestial once he raised his ass high enough for his master to comfortably enter.

He moaned loudly into the night as his hole stretched around Mavis' sizable girth. He felt the member push up within him, sliding nearly to the stallion's medial ring before pausing, massaging the sweet spot within him with every slight motion. In unison they began to buck. They only thrust into their respective partners for several seconds before their passion had nearly reached its limit. Mavis was the first to whinny and reach orgasm. He grabbed his pet tightly be the shoulders and trembled as he unleashed a torrent of horse seed within him. It gushed out around his phallus and leaked into the grass. The power of the Mighty Steed's final thrust pushed Nathan over the edge.

He pressed into the fox all of the way to the hilt and released rope after rope of semen into his hole, panting and quaking. Spent, Nathan and Mavis breathed heavily for several seconds, enjoying their immediate afterglows. As the horse softened, he pulled his half-flaccid cock from his lover's hole and walked beside him once again, this time on shaky, post-coital legs. With one hand he held his used length up by Nathan's face and the human took it into his mouth and sucked the horse seed from it, cleaning every inch with his tongue while more ran down his thigh from his aching hole.

While he did this he likewise pulled from within Aidyn and turned his body about to more fully pleasure his master. The fox spun wriggled his muzzle into the cleft of the human's ass. Still having yet to climax and still eager to be used and dominated, he lapped at Mavis' essence leaking from Nathan's entrance, and worked his practiced tongue up inside the boy. He stroked himself while eating the semen from his lover's ass and with a final squeeze of his trembling knot he erupted. A fountain sprayed forth from his cock and landed in his already sweat-matted fur as well as spilling across the back of Nathan's legs and into the grass. Panting heavily the trio collapsed into a pile in the grass, smelling the scent of sex that hung in the air and feeling one another's bodies lazily.

Exhausted, Mavis and Aidyn drifted off quickly, while Nathan, bleary and drunk managed to keep his eyes open for a few moments longer, just long enough to promise himself to tell his master the truth about where he had come from, if only he could find a way that would make him understand.