Predilection: CH 2*: Stays On The Boat?

Story by Lord_Ike on SoFurry

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#20 of Penchant, Predilection

Ike discovers something very displeasing.


Twi Perv (Twilight) VS. Closet Sentry (Flash Sentry) : Round Two

Night 1: Ike

I awoke to the sound of rapid knocking on my chamber door. Drowsily stumbling from my bed I unlatched it to find Flash Sentry. He squeezed past me, pulling the door shut and latching it. "Hide me!" He sharply whispered and dove behind my bed, pulling some luggage in front of himself.

I stood there in a tired daze, hearing another nock on the door. I slid back the latch and opened it to see Twilight. My tired mind registered enough that I didn't immediately give Sentry away.

"It's the middle of the night Twi."

"I know, but Flash Sentry was supposed to have night watch. Have you seen him, I need to talk with him."

I could almost feel his urge for me to lie about it. "No, I haven't. Can I go back to sleep now?"

Twilight gave one suspicious glance over me to view the room. "Yeah, sure." She sounded disappointed.

I closed the door as she nearly galloped away to continue her search. After a minute I turned my drowsy self back around, observing Flash extricating himself from hiding.

"Thank you so much, I am forever in your debt." Sentry spoke, receiving my full attention.

"Do you mind telling me what that was about?" I slowly rubbed my temple in an effort to remove the mild headache that had come upon me from being so abruptly awakened.

He opened his mouth like he was going to speak but noting came out. He paused to think for a few seconds before continuing. "Its a tricky thing... Did you know there's such a thing as a magically binding oath? Well all guards swear one, making it so they must protect royalty at all costs. It leaves us susceptible... Any other things we swear to an Alicorn must be upheld."

"Wait, did Twilight make you swear something?" I could tell by his roundabout way of speaking that this was more than it seemed.

Sentry opened his mouth as if to give affirmation but yet again nothing came out. He frowned. "Let's just say that if any guard swore to keep an event or conversation secret they would be physically unable to share it." His speach confirmed my suspicion; any attempts to directly tell me would be struck down.

"Is there a way to break it?"

"I am not privy to that knowledge, but thank you for your understanding. I need to be kept away from T-" he stopped as if struck mute, the one syllable uttered enough for me to know perfectly. "Kept away from an unnamed Alicorn unless in a public setting."

"Does whatever she made you promise effect the capability to perform your duty?"

"I am fit for duty in all ways, you have my deepest gratitude Ike." Sentry bowed and went to the door, opening it and peering both ways to see if the hall was clear.

"I'll just have to ask Twilight myself... Not tonight though."


The next morning:

"Kira, come with me." I spoke as I saw her. I led her to an empty portion of the ship, not hard with how little the number of ponies aboard was.

"What is it?"

"When you became an official guard did they make you swear an oath?"

"Yeah, it was part of some long pointless ceremony. Something about protecting the Alicorn royals."

"Hit me."

Kira obliged lightly giving my shoulder a hoof.

"Again, but with the intent to harm."


"Just do it."

"Like good old times, huh." Kira shook her head and wound up for a punch. She paused with a quizzical look on her face, lowering her hoof. "I can't..."

I looked around the room, seeing a rusty old nail protruding from a beam. "I'm going to cut myself on this." I bluffed, reaching out.

"Your funeral, I hear lockjaw is a b-" As I got closer my hoof was blasted away from the rusted tip by a burst of wind.

I looked over to Kira, she looked at me with a confusion in her eyes. " I didn't choose to do that. It happened on its own."

I growled out in anger. "This has gone too far. You can't just put a compulsion on somepony like this!"

I noticed Flash Sentry peeking around a nearby corner to see if Twilight was anywhere near. I grabbed his attention and whispered in his ear. "Pretend you're going to attack me. I know you can't but I need to test something."

Kira looked at us quizzically, a glaze covering her eyes as Flash Sentry pulled a dagger and halfheartedly swung it.

Kira's magic flared up again and he was sent flying against a nearby wall.

"Shit, are you ok?" I rushed to his side, helping him up.

He shook himself off and gave a small wince. "Nothing broken, but I think its my turn for an explanation..."

"Its the oath we swore." Kira apologetically passed him the dagger he had dropped. "You couldn't have harmed him, but the compulsion as Ike calls it forced me to stop your attack."

"Is there a mirror on the ship?"

"I believe there was one on the wall of Twilight's chamber." Sentry spoke.

I immediately headed that way, the two trailing behind me.

"Why do you need a mirror? I'm pretty sure the tests you have done so far are good enough to show how screwed up this is." Kira spoke sounding irked by the theft of her free will.

"For a spell." I replied pushing my way into Twilight's unlocked room, she nearly dropped the book she was holding.

"Ike? What is it?" Her expression became uneasy when she saw Sentry enter behind me.

"Not now Twilight!" I looked around and found the mirror, launching a spell I had adapted at its surface.

In Canterlot a similarly enchanted mirror sparked to life, giving me a view of the royal throne room. "Celestia!" I gave a shout that reverberated through the ship, traveling through the scrying conduit I had opened.

Discord flew over and looked quizzically at my Image on his end. "Celestia isn't in at the moment, please leave a message after the tone."

"Where is she Discord? I need to speak to her."

"I think she's upstairs talking with Luna. By the way, I do like your adaptation of this spell." Discord placed a clawed hand on the mirror. "It's just needs a little chaos..." Discord have a quick snap and his arm shot forward, grabbing onto me through the mirror and pulling.

His taloned grasp pulled me towards the reflective surface. Instead of a collision I found myself in a quiet and lightless void, my only sense that could register anything was touch as I felt the steady pull of Discord. Suddenly it was all over, my perception returned in an instant as I fell.

Discord stepped aside and allowed me to fall to the floor beside him. He waved to the three on the other end with a mischievous grin. "Message delivered." He snapped and the connection between the ship and castle faded out. I pushed myself up, looking back in mild disbelief.

"Out the doors, turn left, second staircase in the third corridor of the north wing." Discord pointed, his arm bending at impossible degrees to illustrate. "The sisters should be there." He grabbed his arm and pulled it off, offering it to me.

"Um... Thanks?" I replied, grabbing hold of it and taking my first few awkward steps back on solid ground. I dashed out the doors and took a left, following Discord's claws wherever they pointed.

I quickly arrived at the top of the staircase, and Discord's limb flopped away. A guard quizzically watched as it tumbled down the stairs behind me. I quickly composed myself before opening the door.

Luna and Celestia stopped their conversation to look over. "Ike? How?"

"That doesn't matter. There's something that you've done that's very wrong."

"Ike?" Luna sounded surprised at the way I was addressing Celestia.

"You're not free from blame either Luna, you let it continue without challenge!" I growled out, slowly loosing what little composure I had.

"What are you talking about Ike?"

"Guard!" I yelled and the guard from the doorway entered. "Give me your blade."

"As you wish prince." He passed his concealed knife.

I looked him in the eye. "I'm going to stab myself, do not interfere."

"You can't be serious?" He nearly gasped. I looked over to Celestia seeing by the expression on her face she now knew what I meant.

I turned the dagger and pushed it towards my chest, certain of what was coming. The guard did the unexpected, he was an earth pony so instead of trying to push the blade away with magic he went to intercept its path, leaping between me and the point.

"Enough!" Celestia called, halting the blade with magic. I let it fall to the ground, thankful that she had reacted quickly to the guard's sacrificial dive.

"This is wrong!" I yelled as the guard scrambled away, grabbing his blade and distancing himself to assess the situation.

"I did it for the survival of the kingdom."

"No, you did it because you're a coward!"

"I need to be able to trust my servants."

"By taking away their free will? By forcing them to sacrifice their lives?" I pointed to the guard who was still in the chamber to make my point.

"I made my choice."

"I have half a mind to stop you myself." I growled.

"Ike, please." Luna pleaded for me to calm down.

"I won't stand for this. Ruler or not you have no right to control ponies."

"I told you, Ike. I made my choice, and you will accept it." There was a warning in Celestia's voice.



"I said no."

Celestia's eyes lit with a fire I had never seen before as her horn glowed out. I squared off against her, my body cloaking itself in a translucent blue flame as I reached deeply for my magic.

The guard held his head, seemingly in pain at the conundrum, who to protect?

"Stop!" Luna threw herself between us. "Sister, you must realize the truth. What you have decided and kept as tradition is indeed wrong. My bat ponies are free from the compulsion already, nothing bad has befallen from it."

"The people of Equestria love and trust you Celestia," as I spoke my flames died down. "You must show them your trust as well... Now, tell me how to remove this oath from my companions.

"I have ruled Equestria for over one thousand years... You are but a child in my eyes, yet you expect me to change the land to your every whim?

I looked away from her dismissively. "Luna, you said your night guards were free from any compulsions?"

Luna walked over to my side and faced Celestia. "Yes, and today sister I do not agree with your judgment. If you do not tell him how to remove the oath I will."

"Fine." Celestia nearly growled out, looking back to me. "But you will refrain from further questioning my leadership!"

"Only if I don't find anything else on par with this..."


I stood in front of the six assembled guardsponies on the boat, Discord having sent me back in a similar fashion. Much to Celestia's anger I had departed with a promise, more of a threat. I told her that if she didn't remove the compulsion from every guard by the time I returned that I would do it myself. Even Discord, who had been listening in, seemed surprised at my blatancy.

"By the might of Alicorn I free you from your oaths." Magic flowed from my horn as I spoke the words in conjunction with a special spell, my magic washed over the assembly. "You deserve better than what Celestia has granted. Trust, free will."

Kira walked over and swung a hoof at me, I swiftly blocked her motion.

"Its good to have my punching bag back!" She took a few more swings that I continued to dodge or block.

The other guards at first seemed surprised but then amused by her antics. It was a new and happy time until everything stopped dead the moment Flash Sentry tested his ability to speak freely.

"Twilight tried to rape me."

"What?" My vision blacked out, one of Kira's unchecked blows knocking me flat.

Twilight turned and galloped away, a terrible embarrassment thrown upon her.


"Well that's the first time I've punched out royalty..." Kira spoke as I got up, holding my head.

"What happened?"

"Not my fault fumblehooves, you completely dropped your guard."

"I could have sworn somepony said something about Twilight trying to rape them?"

"Yeah... That's me..." Sentry came into view, awkwardly pulling a hoof through his mane. "It didn't go anywhere, but she tried to order me to sleep with her."

"She ordered y- why?"

"She is obsessed with an alternate version of me from her time through the portal, she thinks that because she fell in love with that version that we are destined to be..."

"Dammit Twilight, Is everything involving romance about fate with you?" I shook my head. "When we first met she took it as fate, except I let her have what she wanted..."

"You had sex with Twilight?" Sentry asked.

"Yeah, plenty of times."

"If she has a mate then why is she after me?"

"She strongly believes in sharing..." I thought back to one of my earlier conversations in Equestria. " And I severely underestimated what I was getting into at the time."

"Wait!" Kira interrupted. "I thought you were with that pink one?"

" And Twilight, and most of her friends... Sometimes I didn't even have much choice in the matter, sometimes I gave in pretty easily.."

"Well, I guess I didn't give you much choice either, but it's not like you even tried to resist..."

"Trust me, by then I had given up all hopes on a slow paced relationship."

"Well, I guess I can't complain. It's pretty common knowledge that mares outnumber colts five to one here. I bet even Sentry over here has a lineup of candidates." Kira gently nudged him.

"Actually, mares don't... Um, catch my attention."

Kira looked stunned for a moment then stuttered out a huge laugh. "Wait, wait, wait, you're telling me that Twilight... Princess Twilight is after a gay colt?"

"I can only assume the alternate version of me didn't let Twilight know... Or shared a differing opinion than I."

"She knows now though?"

"Yes, but I don't believe it will stop her."

"Hey Kira, I'm going to switch you and Sentry. Twilight just got publicly shamed in front of everypony, so try and keep the others off her back. And, make sure this issue stays as contained as possible..."

"Cleanup duty, Really?"



Night 2: Flash Sentry's quarters

Sentry looked up from the novel he was reading as his door creaked open. Funny, he was sure it had been latched. He got up and looked into the hall briefly before closing it again, pulling the latch to lock it.

A dark shadow danced across the corner of his vision and he wheeled around, instinctively grabbing for where his hidden dagger would be if only he was wearing armor.

Twilight emerged from the shadowy fog on the floor, eyes and horn streaming with purple and green energy. When her form had solidified she dropped the magic.

"Twilight? Did you just use dark magic?"

"Yeah, Celestia told me that I needed to understand every side of the equation. But I came here for a reason, something specific."

"Ah, I see. I give my sincerest apologies for shaming you in front of the guards, I wasn't thinking."

"That's a start, but not all that I had in mind." A magical glow accented the door, letting Flash Sentry know he was trapped once again.

"Twilight, you know we can't do-" Flash stopped, his gaze upon Twilight. A very particular part...

"I've been doing a little research with dark and chaotic magics... Do you like what you see?"

Twilight had leaned back against the wall and was absentmindedly stroking herself. Whatever magic she had performed had not only given her the member of a stallion, but a massive sack to match its amazingly thick girth.

"I... Um..." Sentry stuttered for words in his shocked state. Did Twilight really have it in her head that he would fall for her just because she had the parts? Sizable, scrumptious looking... No, he had to keep his mind clear.

"Come on over big boy, I know you want a taste."

Well she was quite persistent, that was one thing Sentry liked in his mate... "I... I can't do this." He stumbled backwards and his flank touched the door.

As suddenly as he had made contact he was thrown forward by the magic Twilight had placed on the door. As he pulled himself from the ground his mane rubbed against something. He opened his eyes to see that he had slid beneath Twilight, his head gently lifting her sagging balls.

"Mmm." Twilight gave a light moan as he accidentally stroked her shaft through his soft mane as he pulled away.

Sentry's gaze was filled by the massive tip as it slid down his face, a line of pre sticking to his cheek. Sentry crouched there beneath Twilight for nearly a minute, his gaze locked on the limb sized member as it pulsed lightly before him, practically daring a touch.

"So are you going to leave me hanging," Twilight spoke with a giggle as she wiggled her hips, making her member sway lightly.

Flash tentatively knelt below her and placed his other two hooves underneath as he inched closer, bringing the wide tip towards his maw. Sentry opened wide, his tongue rasping along the underside of the thick purple member as he attempted to take it inside. Due to its sheer size his jaw nearly couldn't take it, but somehow he managed. Twilight's eyes closed in pleasure as she felt the warm embrace around the tip of her freshly constructed girth, involuntarily giving a small push forward.

Sentry nearly gagged as the first third of Twilight's massive member rammed its way into his throat, adjusting his angle to better accommodate. Sentry gently bobbed his head, wishing in vain that he could handle even an inch more of this monstrous beauty. He gently stoked a hoof against the remaining two thirds of her shaft as his other free hoof glided across his own.

As Sentry bobbed his head a light sense of embarrassment came across him, not from what he was doing, but the fact that Twilight could so easily outclass him. The mere fact that a mare could have a member that put even the most virile of colts to shame.

As if she knew his very thoughts Twilight pulled herself from his maw, forcing him to his back with magic. As Sentry lay there a dark aura flowed around Twilight once more, focusing itself around the thick girth. Sentry's eyes widened as it not only grew thicker, but even longer.

When the magic was complete Twilight shuffled forward and draped her now gargantuan member across his body, the unsubtle weight pressing against him. Twilight stood at his hind legs and Sentry was surprised to find the head sized tip nearly in reach as it rested on his chest.

"Just maybe if I-" Sentry wrapped his legs around the massive girth, pulling it forward slightly and reaching his head forward to lap at the lightly gaping hole in the tip.

Twilight gave a surprised cry and her member squirted a glob of pre that spattered across his maw. As Sentry savored the watery goo his member pulsed, reminding him of his own need.

Twilight felt the light push on the underside of her member, grinning as she thought up a plot. Her massive girth pinned him on the ground, holding his erect member between his stomach and her girth. So just a little friction then... Twilight pulled her hips lightly back, savoring the feeling of his short smooth hair rubbing against her underside, his limbs stroking against the rest.

Sentry gasped out as her impossibly large member slid down his own, drowning him in a sea of seemingly endless pleasure as she slowly inched back. When her hips could move no further Twilight reversed her motions, feeling every single inch as it slid over him. As she slowly neared his maw again her massive sack slapped against his flank, causing him to give his own surprised cry of pleasure.

"You... Have some strange... Fetishes." Twilight managed a few words as she pulled back again.

"So... Do y- Aaahh." Flash was interrupted as her thrust went faster this time, distracting him with her member's stroke and the anticipation of the next blow he was about to strike to his- "Twilight..." He accidentally moaned out as her massive sack slapped against his flank roughly.

Twilight smirked and repeated the actions, savoring his cries. A few thrusts later Twilight felt him go rigid as a warm trickle of his wet sperm lubricated the bottom of her shaft as she smeared it through his coat.

Twilight hilted herself against him one last time as he cried out, his limbs grasping tightly against her. As his eyes opened he was greeted with Twilight's tip once again. He tightened his grasp and buried his tongue into her sensitive hole, not allowing her to pull back as he lashed his tongue around forcing her to cry out in unprecedented pleasure.

Her member spasmed in his grasp, a thick flood of hot viscous fluid pumped forth, blasting his tongue out of the way. Flash closed his eyes as the first blast filled his open maw and splashed over his face, loosening his grasp on Twilight.

The raw force behind each barrage of sperm slid Twilight back, her hooves scraping against the ground. Another blast coated his chest, the next stomach. Another slashed against his flank as Twilight lost her hoofing, sliding to the floor as the pulsations slowly died away.

The hot goo soaked slowly into his coat as Flash slowly swallowed the load he had captured, swishing Twilight's potent seed around. He looked longingly over to the exhausted looking Twilight as her member slowly shrank away, it's task completed. Twilight inched back over to him, laying her head down on his cum soaked chest and kissing his cheek.

"You should have given in sooner." She whispered.

"Mmm, I'll have to remember that..."

"I really enjoyed that, too bad it's not real."

"What do you mean?"


Sentry's head shot up as he awoke, unloading his seed into Twilight's hot center.

"Did you enjoy the dream? I learned how to enter and alter them from Luna."

"That was all fake? But it... It felt so real."

"I had to get you aroused somehow." Twilight giggled and pulled away from his quickly deflating member. "In the end I always get what I want."

"The dream almost makes up for this... almost." He looked down to the mess that was slowly leaking from Twilight, who had actually managed to rape him in his sleep.

"Maybe it can be more than a dream..." Twilight gazed at Sentry with a twinkle in her eye.

"Wait? Such spells exist?"

"I could figure it out, you dirty colt. But only if you promise to keep this our little secret."

"Hmm, I might just be able to do that..."

Author's Note:

There has to be somepony out there with a massive cock growth fetish. This chapter is just for them ;) Not my usual thing, but it was an interesting writing experience for me.

Thanks for reading!

And as always feel free to comment!

Next up will be a side chapter with little to do with story, plenty to do with clop.

Predilection: CH 3: Parley

"Hey, Twilight?" I knocked upon her door, bearing a tray of food. I waited for a good ten seconds for a response, continuing in the silence."You've been hiding out or sneaking around ever since... Things were said. I brought you some food." I...

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Predilection: CH 1: What Happens On The Boat

Nothing lasts forever. ~ Ike sighed as he looked from his Canterlot window. He was an Alicorn now, considered nobility. It hadn't been more than a week since his battle with darkness had nearly cost him everything, but already he was questioning...

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Hybrid: CH 13: The Final Requiem

My soul, corrupted by vengeance Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey. -(Loveless, FF7) Lilith flew into the city, all eyes on the black Pegasus in Canterlot armor as she flew straight to her destination. It was customary to drop...

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