Gates to Misery CH: 1

Story by dusk102 on SoFurry

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#1 of Gates to Misery

If you haven't played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity and plan to, don't read this story. It's not exactly like the game, but it has some spoilers.

There is no sex in this story. This is a tragic story. If you don't like sad stories or if you can't handle them, don't read this.

There will be more to this story soon.

I'm not really a Pokemon. I'm human. I don't know why I'm here or how I got here, but I am and I'm a shiny Eevee. I thought that was cool, but I found out that Pokemon don't like us shines. Is it because we're rare? Are shines supposed to be bad? I don't understand. Everyone I meet is horrible. They either pick on me or lie and use me.

I saw a Pokemon at post town called Virizion. Every one thought she was beautiful. I didn't, but I wanted to know why everyone thinks she is. I kept myself hidden from everyone. I don't get it. Everyone just swoons at the sight of her. Why?

A Lillipup and a Swadloon saw me hiding and said "Hello." I was surprised by their friendliness but thought it over and figured that they were too young and innocent to hate me right now. "Um... Hi?" I said nervously. They both asked "Why are you hiding? There isn't anything to be afraid of." "Yes there is... I think you're too young to realize it, but Pokemon hate shines." They both look at me with confusion. "Why? And why are you here?" "I... I don't know, but they do. And I'm here because I'm trying to figure out why everyone likes her so much."

"Oh, Virizion? Everyone likes her because she's beautiful. Don't you think so to?" I keep my eyes on her and try to see her beauty. "No. I don't know how she looks." The two children looked shocked at my response. "What do you mean? can't you see her?" Tears start swelling up in my eyes. "Oh... That kind of beauty..." I slowly walk away from the town. Why do Pokemon care about physical appearance so much? Is that all that really matters?

I try not to think about it as I find a place to stay for the night and went to sleep without dinner. It's hard to find food while your hiding from everyone. I was lucky to find a good apple to eat sometimes.

I had that dream again. All I herd was a cry for help. I don't believe that anyone needs my help. I've been lied and tricked too many times to believe it.

I woke up the next day and began my search for food. "An apple! I can live off of that for the day!" I ran to the apple like a Munchlax would run to a feast, but a Salamance squished it with his foot. "Um... Hello?" I said to him. He replied with a roar and fired a hyper beam in my direction. It missed. I was terrified and fled into the forest. Some Drilbur came out of the ground and spot me. I hope they'll help. "Please help me! A Salamance just attacked me and I don't know why!" They laughed and said "We know. we're with him and we're here to kill you." No. This can't be happening. I know Pokemon hated shines, but this? I ran for miles into a forest nearby. About ten minutes of running I stopped. My life is awful, no one likes me. I have no family, no friends. Maybe... Maybe this is for the best. I manage to say "I give up." Before falling to the ground from exhaustion. All I can do is wait to dye.

"POOR EEVEE." What was that? "YOU'VE BEEN THOUGH WHAT SEEMS LIKE HELL AND NOW YOU'RE GIVING UP? YOU HAVE POTENTIAL. I KNOW WHAT YOU REALLY ARE. YOU CAN BE USEFUL. I OFFER YOU FOOD, SHELTER AND STRENGTH, BUT IN RETURN FOR MY KINDNESS, I WANT YOUR UNDYING LOYALTY AND COOPERATION. DO YOU ACCEPT?" I don't know who or what this is, but I can tell he wasn't lying. He told me he would help in exchange for something else. No one has ever done that. He was direct and didn't hide anything.

"I can't be happy, but at least I can be useful." I thought to myself. I looked at where the voice was coming from and said "Help me." Darkness appeared underneath me and engulfed me. I ended up in some weird and dark place. "Where an I?" "WELCOME TO THE DISTORTION WORLD." That voice again... It's coming from behind me. I turned to look and saw a Pokemon. "I'M GIRATINA, YOUR MASTER."

I've heard of this Pokemon. Giratina lives in a world of distortion. This void is the world? "COME. YOU NEED NOURISHMENT AND REST. NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT WHERE YOU ARE. I AM THE MASTER OF THIS WORLD. I CAN DO ANYTHING I WISH HERE. YOU WILL LEARN TO BEND THIS WORLD TO YOUR WILL AS WELL, BUT NOT NOW." I followed my master to a dining table. There was more food on that table than I eat in a month! I ate all I could. It was nice to finally have a full stomach. "BEFORE WE DO ANYTHING ELSE, I THINK YOU COULD USE A BATH." He was right. Bathing is the last thing you think of when your on the run and trying to survive. A tub full of warm water appeared right in front of me. I went in and got cleaned as well as I could. Master helped with the spots on my body I couldn't reach.


The tub disappeared and a bed took it's place. This bed was so nice, I was convinced that it was meant for royalty. "Master... I'm your servant... No, your slave... And I'm a shiny. Why are you treating me like your own?" "I PLAN TO MAKE YOU MY BEST WORK, BUT A SEEDLING DOESN'T GROW INTO A MIGHTY TREE WITHOUT NURTURE AND CARE. NOW, SLEEP." "Yes, master."

Is this a dream? I know I'm human, but now, I'm a Snivy? I can hear someones voice "Hey! are you ok? Hello? Say something!" I get to my feet and try to figure out what just happened. "Owww... What happened?" "I just saw you fall from the sky. But you seem ok." Wait... I'm talking to an Oshawott? Well. That actually shouldn't surprise me. I DID just turn into a Snivy. The Oshawott looks at me, still worried and asks "What happened? Do you remember?"

"Well..." I try to think of what to say. Your not going to believe this, but I'm a human. I don't know why I'm here, how I got here or how I became a Pokemon, but I am." I just realized how ridiculous that whole thing sounded. "Really? Ok. I believe you." Did he actually say that? "Really?" "Well. You did just fall from the sky. I don't remember that happening to anyone. Wait... Oh no! I'm gonna be late!" Oshawott was about to run off, but stops and turns to look at me. "Do you want to come along?"

I don't know where I am or what to do, so I agreed to come along. We went to a wasteland. A Quagsire was in front of it. "Mmmmm there you are." "Sorry I'm late." Oshawott apologizes. "But I have the money!" "Mmmmm are you sure you want to buy this land? There's nothing here." "Yes! I'm sure." Oshawott hands Quagsire money. Quagsire's right. This is a wasteland. Why does Oshawott want it? "Fine." Quagsire says as he gives him the deed to the land. "This land is yours. Do whatever you want with it."

As Quagsire leaves, my new friend tells me about his dream of making a Pokemon paradise and become an adventurer and asks me to help him.

I know I should figure out why I'm here and all, but I'm sure I'll find out anyway! "Sure! I'll help you!" His eyes lit up. "Really? All right! This will be our paradise!"

We went to take a look around our land, but couldn't get far. There were so many broken trees and rocks in the way that we can't explore the land we just bought. It was getting dark and we decided to make beds out of straw and get some sleep. Sleep wasn't easy. The cold breeze made it hard for both of us. Thankfully, mourning came faster than I thought it would. We needed a house or something, but neither of us new where to start.

Quagsire came and found us and said he would show us around Post Town and would introduce us to a carpenter. This was the beginning of our grate adventures.

"WAKE UP." It's mourning already? I get out of bed and greet my master. "Good mourning, master." "I FOUND SOME MAGIC BOOKS IN SEVERAL DIFFERENT WORLDS. LETS SEE IF YOU CAN USE THEM." I open one of the books. I can't understand this language, but I quickly found out that I don't have to. My soul was sucked out of my body and into the book. My spirit learned everything the book had to offer and went back in my body. I suddenly knew things I didn't before. "WE'LL SEE IF IT WORKED. YOU'VE BEEN ASLEEP FOR DAYS AND NOW, I WANT YOU TO FIND SOME CARD-LIKE OBJECTS CALLED ENTERCARDS IN THE INFLORA FOREST. I LIKE TO COLLECT RARE THINGS AND I THINK THESE CARDS WOULD BE NICE ADDITION TO MY COLLECTION." "Yes, master."

With my new power, I teleported myself to the forest and met Swadloon again, but this time, she was with a Tepig. Wait... That Tepig is a human! He looks like a normal Tepig, but I can tell what he really is. Does he know what I am? "Um... Hello, Swadloon." Tepig looked at him and said "You know this Eevee?" Swadloon looked a little nervous. "Um. Not really. I've met him before, but I don't know him. Uh, Eevee, why are you here?" I took a quick look at Tepig. I don't think he knows. "I'm looking for something that's supposed to be here. What about you two?"

Swadloon calms down a little and tells me "I just met Tepig. He's a nice Pokemon, so don't worry. He won't be mean to you. I came here because you can find things here all the time and I want to find something for my mother's birthday."

The Inflora forest is dangerous, but he came her to get her mother something? How nice... And brave.

Tepig speaks up. "I think if we work together, we'll find something wonderful. What do you say?" We will most likely find something for everyone. This seems fair, but... can I trust them? "I... Um..." "Yes! good idea!" Swadloon cuts me off and then leads the way.

Tepig and I followed behind him. He whispers "You're human, aren't you?" He DID know! "I... Yes." "Do you know why we're here?" Oh. He wanted to know why HE was here. I don't think he even trusts me, but I don't trust him ether. "No... I don't" He gives me a look like he doesn't believe me, but doesn't pursue it.

We found something buried in the ground. A red stone and the Entercards! I was happy to fulfill my master's wishes, but as soon as we dug them up, we heard "What are you doing?" from behind us.

I was scared. We all turned around and... what I saw was amazing. It was a normal Espeon, but I felt... connected to her, somehow. I couldn't help but blush as I stand there, stunned by her. Tepig got in front of Swadloon and got ready to fight. Swadloon was the only one who responded. "We're sorry! Is this yours? We didn't know."

The Espeon calmed down and asked us "Is there anything here that you like?" Swadloon responded again. "Yes. I like this red stone." I tried to speak. "I... I'm interested in these card-like things." Tepig just said "I don't want anything!" Espeon looks at Swadloon. "You can keep the stone." Then turns to me. "Eevee, You can hold on to those cards for now, but I'll need them back once I'm at Post Town. I'll show you what they're for later. OK?" She was talking to me.

I couldn't talk anymore. I nodded to show her I understood. Wait. I was supposed to get these for master! "I have to go." She said before running off. "I..." I finally found my voice. "I have to go." I left Swadloon and Tepig without saying goodbye. I went deep into the forest to think. "What am I going to do?"

Gates to Misery CH: 2

Purugly and Toxicroak have been chasing me for days, but right now, I'm glad that they are. That means they don't know about Swadloon, Tepig, or that Shiny Eevee. I didn't want to give those cards to a shiny, but I was out of options. I'm regretting my...

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paranoid Darkness

"Goodbye!" I heard my human friend say. I knew him ever since he was as big as me. At the time, I was an Eevee in the woods. I just finished my mother's... "training" we'll say, and now, I'm forging for food. I finally found an apple and picked it up....

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Espeon X Umbreon

Hello, friend I ran as fast as and as deep as I could into the forest until my feet gave away. I fell hard on the ground exhausted and cold. I saw some blue rings before I passed out. When I woke up, I was warm next to a fire, some Oran berries and...

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