Meeting the Death Furs The Seduction of Ralph (Chapter 3)

Story by Lestat on SoFurry

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Chapter 3

Keywords: Multiple, Donkey, Wolf, Draft Horse, Short, M/M/M, Anal

This is the third part of the story. Here we meet a new character. This third part takes place the afternoon before the concert and during the concert.

I will spare you with the lengthy disclaimer. This story contains sex between consenting male furs, if this offends or disgusts you don't read it. If you are under the age of 21 or 18 in some countries, don't get caught. Enjoy:

After finishing lunch, Aaron suggests that we begin to practise for tonight's performance. With this said we all pile into the practise room. Aaron grabs the rhythm guitar, and plugs it into the amp. And slowly nods to Shaz who counts down, 3,2,1 and starts to pound away at the drums, giving the queue for Tony to strum his guitar and Chris to pluck at the bass.

Practise takes place for over 3 hours, during, which I cannot help but be impressed by the stunning vocals of Aaron, who has a deep primal growl to match that of any death metal singers that I have had the pleasure of hearing. I am also quite memorised by how well the band just plays, without any self centred member standing out. The band's sound is just like a mixture of thrash and death metal, similar to Slayer but still different to make the band stand out.

Needles to say that throughout the entire practise session, Aarons eyes are on mine and I cannot help but stare at the beauty of his eyes and also the beauty of his voice.

"Ok guys, that's a wrap, let us take a break" says Aaron.

"Ok" is the overbearing response by the reset of the band.

"Come on guys let's eat some grub and get ready for tonight's show" says Aaron.

With that said we all pile into the kitchen, where I decide to impress my new found lovers/friends by cooking up my special dish of "meat surprise". This dish is simply made by browning some pork in a pot with onion and garlic. Once this is cooked the meat is layered in the bottom of a baking dish, covered by onions and topped with bacon and cheese. The whole dish is then placed into the oven and baked for about 1 hour. While the food was being baked, I was busy making the rice to go with it. Needles to say by this stage everybody's tongues were salivating at the delicious smell coming from the oven.

"Is the food ready yet ?" asks everyone at once.

"Almost, about 5 more minutes" is my response.

After 5 minutes I carefully take out the dish from the oven and put it on the table. Next I drain the rice and put into a bowl and place this onto the table as well.

"OK boys, dig in"

Within 5 seconds of me saying this, there is a whirlwind of activity as everybody starts piling the food onto their plates and starts eating the food like they haven't eaten in days. This just brings a smile to my face as I am very happy that my new found friends enjoy my food. After everyone has had their fill, I gather all of the dishes and pile them into the dishwasher. Once this has been done we all go into the practise room and I start to disassemble the drum kit, while the rest of the band members help me pack up the rest of the equipment into the various wheeled boxes, and the guitars into their respective cases.

With that being done, we all follow Aaron outside of the warehouse into the back of the industrial park where there is parked a black Holden Suburban, which is adorned with the "Death Furs" sign writing on the side, with the band's logo, a wolf's skull. We make record time loading the Suburban with all the equipment needed for tonight's performance.

After the Ute is loaded we head back inside and get ready for the night's activities. Aaron gets changed into leather pants, a "death Furs" t-shirt and a black leather trench coat, needless to say this makes him very sexy and I blush, as I slowly get a hard-on. Aaron lends me some leather pants and a "Death Furs", I think to myself that it's good that we both are the same size. Once we are both ready me meet up in the hall way with the rest of the band and head out to the Suburban and pile in, with Aaron and me in the front and Shaz, Tony and Chris in the back.

We pull out of the industrial complex and drive down the main road towards the venue. Aaron just smiles at me as he sees me fidgeting in my seat.

"Are you alright Lestat?" he says

"Yes, just a bit nervous. I am not too used to being in a large crowd. How many people are expected to be there tonight?"

"Oh only a few hundred" responds Tony.

" A fewww hundred.."


"Don't worry, there's nothing to worry about" Says Tony

"Yeah Lestat, we'll look after you. Plus there will be a few security guards and our crowds aren't that rowdy" Says Shaz.

"Okay" I say as I begin to relax.

After about twenty minutes of driving we arrive at the Albion Park Hotel, the venue of tonight's performance. As we slowly pull up to the back of the venue I can see that there is a line stretching out the door to get in. I start feeling a bit apprehensive but I manage to put my fears to rest as I look into Aaron's calming blue eyes.

We slowly pull up to the back of the venue and stop near the rear entrance, to meet up with the head of Security, a tall hunk of a giraffe, who is easily 8 feet fall with his neck. We get out of the car as he approaches us; he shakes Aarons hand in a sign of greeting.

"Wow, and who is this sexy specimen next to you?" He asks

"Oh, that's Lestat our new roadie and my new lover." Aaron responds

"Nice to meet you Lestat. I am Ralph and I am head of security here"

I blush as I get a firm handshake from him. I can slowly fell my member get hard from the firm paw shake that he gives me. I slowly look up into to his green eyes and blush even more. I can't help but to wonder why he is having this affect on me. I hope that he doesn't notice my blush. As if on cue he says:

"Wow that blush is so cute on you."

"Thanks" I mumble and return his paw shake, as I face the ground to save myself from further embarrassment.

"That's OK. Well bye for now sexy"

And with that he went back to the back of the club. I couldn't help myself as I quickly look up to see his tail swishing from side to side as he walks rather provocatively to the door. I being to have some dirty thoughts of seeing him naked and what kind of positions that I could get into with him. My train of thought is interrupted by a delightful bite of my ears


"I just wanted to get your attention that's all my big bad horsey" Says Aaron.

"You kind of spaced out there mate, so I just wanted to get you to help us get the stuff out, since we are on in about 30 minutes"

"Oh sorry. I was just thinking about something"

"Would I be right in thinking that a certain fur that has just left quite an impression on you?"

"How did you know?"

"Well I can tell by the way that you were looking at his arse and the deep red blush that you are currently displaying"

"Oh is it that obvious?" I ask

"Yes. But don't worry; Ralph has that kind of effect on people."

"Hell I even have thoughts of having my way with him." Says Aaron with a light chuckle.

I left a sigh of relief that I wasn't the only one that had those feelings for Ralph. With my mind at ease I beginning to unload the car and start wheeling the equipment into the club. This process takes me the best part of 15 minutes as, I start to assemble the band's equipment on stage. I begin with the drums and then set up the amps and plug in the guitars and the bass. Needles to say I get pretty sweaty and take my shirt of, as soon as I do this I can hear a few wolf whistles coming from behind me. With that I turn around to see the band members staring with their tongues to the ground.

"Like what you see boys?"

"Very much, just look at what you have done!" Is the loud response from all of the band members.

I am very perplexed by what they mean by that statement. But my unasked question is soon answer as I look to their crotches and notice to my approval that all of them are quite hard. I just chuckle to myself and teasingly begin to undo the fly and slide down the zipper to my pants while facing away from them. I slowly turn my head and wink at them seductively as I slow move my pants down to my ankles along with my boxer shorts. I slow turn around and grab a bottle of water that I have been drinking before and slowly pour the water down my finely chiselled chest. As the water begins to run down my body over to towards my erect member, I wink at my now horny audience and begin to rub my shaft up and down with my paw. While doing this, I take my free paw and slowly pinch my nipples which slowly become hard from the show that I am putting on for the gather crowd.

The affect that this was having on the rest of the band members is nothing, if not hot. As I begin my show, all I can hear is the sound of zippers being undone and the sound of pants hitting the floor, followed soon after by the lewd sounds of members being stroked in rhythm to my own thrusts. I look from member to member and slowly begin to salivate at all of nature's wonders, my mind slowly begins to drift to the practise session that we had only a few hours before. I could not fathom the effect that this would have on me as my member gets even harder and my hormones scream out from pleasure.

Little did I know that I was being watched by more than just the band members, for in a dark corner stood Ralph the security guard who was also getting very aroused from the male musk that was in the air. He also slid down his pants and jock strap to revile his very hard 12 inch member which was already glistening with his pre. He was focused on me as he slowly stroked his member up and down, keeping in tune with my thrusts. It did not take him too long before he started to moan and groan from being so turned on by watching me. He thought that he was being rather quite but little known to him, he was moaning so loudly that all of us began to watch him as he pulled himself off. But Ralph couldn't see any one as his eyes were closed tightly as he was busily thrusting into his paw, while his other paw as playing with his base-ball sized balls. Within about 5 more seconds he screamed his climax as about 10 to 15 strings of his cum shot out into about 15 feet into the air. He continued to milk himself for all that he was worth loudly and lewdly screaming out the last of his cum. His post orgasmic high was short lived however as he as was woken from his bliss by loud groans and wolf whistles as the members of the Death furs came with him.

The sight of all of the furs in front of me getting of by my show and the smell of male musk in the air was too much for my mind and I exploded in wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure. I shot a good 10 shots of cum a good 10 feet into the air. I continued to pleasure myself until I almost passed out from the pleasure.

He slowly opened his eyes to see that everyone in the Death Furs had their pants down around their ankles and all of their respective members in their paws, which were now all covered with cum. Ralph, just blushed and said

"Sorry guys, I just got carried away with myself."

"That's OK Ralph" Tony said

"Yeah we all thought that you were straight!" was Shaz's response.

"Well after today, I believe that I am at least bi." Was what Ralph managed to blurt out.

After this statement Ralph pulled up his pants and jock strap, just in the nick of time as a Kangaroo came in and said, ok guys you are on in a couple of minutes and please tuck yourselves in, he said with a chuckle. After those words were uttered there was a flurry of activity as paws were licked clean and the sound of underwear and pants being pulled up, and zippers being zipped up filled the air. When this was completed Aaron walked up to me and gave me a big kiss and whispered into my ear "Thanks for the show sexy. I think that you have made a new fan."

"Yeah, I think that Ralph could use some special treatment." I said with a smirk

"You don't mind if I have a little bit of fun with him, do you?" I ask

"Not at all, just don't be too tired for your big bad wolf for tonight! OK." Said Aaron

"I won't, I have the energy of a fox." I say

With that said I kiss Aaron on the cheek and make my way of the stage as I hear "You guys are on in 1 minute. Take your positions." I slowly make my way down the stage and try to look in amongst the throng of gathering furs to see if I can spot Ralph. I am about to give up when I spot him talking to a large dingo. I can make out his lips say

"Take care of things here, I've got to go to the bath room."

"This is my chance I say to myself as I struggle to make my way through the screaming furs as I can hear Aaron screaming "Are you ready?" , his voice being drowned out by a rather loud growl produced by all of the fans at once. But I do not take my surroundings into account too much as I follow my target to the bathrooms. Once I see him head into the bathroom, I begin to barge my way through the screaming swirling mass and reach my goal, the men's toilet. Upon reaching the men's toilets I can see that he is heading into a stall in order to relive himself, I quickly and quietly sneak up behind him and wait for him to finish his business.

As Ralph finishes up and is about to zip up his pants he feels a paw slowly going into his pants and feel his penis being stroked. He lets out an audible gasp and turns around to see who the paw actually belongs to. He is greeted by my eyes twinkling and a big broad smile on my face.

"I can see that you are enjoying the treatment, hum?"

"What are you doing, this is so wrong" he says.

"I 'm just having some fun, and I want to show you my appreciation for the explosive finale you gave to my little performance."

"But I'm not gay, I have a girlfriend mate." He sighs

"I know that, but you did say that you were turned on by what you saw? This is my way of repaying you for enjoying my show."

"But I just can't. I've never been with another guy before."

"Hush, just take it easy and let the big bad horsy take care of you."

With that I continue to stroke his now hardened member with my left paw, while with my right paw I grab his nose and bring his lips to slowly meet up with mine. I can sense his hesitation, as I give him a very passionate kiss and slowly begin to part his lovely lips with my tongue and with a slight reluctance I can feel his long tongue enter my mouth as I can feel him slowly embrace my tongue with his. We continue to kiss for what feels like an eternity, which in truth is only about 2 minutes. I slowly break the kiss as I hear a slight murr from him

"Why did you stop?"

"Because I want to do something that will make you feel even better." I say

I slowly stop stroking his rock hard boner and slowly get down on my knees and take his entire member down my throat in one quick thrust, fighting my gag reflex. I get a very loud groan from Ralph as well a surprised yip as he is taken completely off guard. This action brings a smile to my face as I am happy that I am doing something right. I slowly pull out about half of his member as I work my tongue expertly over his sensitive tip with my experienced tongue.

"Ah fuck that feels soo good. Faster, harder." Screams Ralph

"Ok your wish is my command" I say as I begin to suck and nibble on the end of his sensitive tip. With my free paw I quickly start to roll his balls around as I can feel them pull tightly to his body as he is about climax.

As if on queue "I'm gonna cum" I hear Ralph scream as I count about 10 squirts of his cum hits the back of my throat. I greedily gulp down as much of his sweet tasting cum as I can, never gagging once. I can just hear his moans as he slowly drifts into a post orgasmic trance.

"That was fucking amazing" He huffed and puffed.

"I am glad that you enjoyed it. But the best is yet to come" I said to him with a wink.

I slowly get up of the floor and grab his paw into mine and pulled him into a warm embrace. I gave him a kiss and shared some of this love fluid with him; he seemed to enjoy the taste. I broke the kiss and whispered into his ear "I want you in me now."

"Are you sure? Won't Aaron mind?"

"No, I asked him before and he said that everything's OK."

"Ok. What do I need to do? After all I haven't been with a man before."

"Just follow your feelings." I said

After this brief conversation I broke our embrace and slowly began to strip myself of all my clothes. First came my shirt, followed by my pants. "Take the shorts off, sexy." I said to Ralph, who just slid his hands down to my hips and slowly began peeling off my boxer shorts. Once the shorts go past my member, it sprang to attention, no longer trapped by its fabric prison. I lifted both my feet of the ground so that I could kick them off. I could help but to murr as I could see that Ralph's member stood at attention at see me naked and erect.

"Now turn me around and stick that love meat up my arse now" I commanded him.

"Yessir" he saluted before he turned me to face the vanity mirror and proceeded to mount my hole. He hilted himself into in one thrust. His entrance guided by the fact that his dick was slick from his earlier orgasm. He started to pump in and out of me like his life depended on it. I could only moan as his balls hit my ones and the spear of his penis ground into my prostate slowly but surely bringing me to my orgasm.

" Oh yeah. Fuck Fuck oh..mmhh" was all that came from the giraffe as he was pounding me to within an inch of my life.

"Ahh..Fuck" he screamed before he shot volley upon volley of cum deep into my arse. This was just the sign that I was waiting for as he kept on shooting into me, which was enough to bring me over the edge. I let out a very loud neigh as my cock flared and I shot load after load of cum all over the mirror. I could only pant as my organ shot out shot after shot of my cum like a fire hose.

Our actions were interrupted by the door opening to the toilet and slamming back shut. The noise sound like a gun had done off. Needless to say that this startled the both of us as Ralph tried to pull his pants and jock strap up to cover his nakedness. I at this stage was scrambling to find my clothes, which I finally managed to find and I quickly put them on in one quick action. As we both blushed and turned to face the person who had come in us, I was greeted by a very pink coloured arctic fox, who had the most beautiful ice blue eyes. I quickly turned away as he smiled. I noticed that he was also blushing due to the colour of his fur.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything important?" He said with a sexy voice.

"Um" was all Ralph could say, as he blushed.

"No we were just finishing I said" Still not keeping eye contact with him.

"Ok then" He said as he went towards the urinal to do his business.

With that I grabbed Ralphs paw and dragged him out of the bathroom into the throng of the furs that were still moshing away to the sounds of the Death Furs.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" I screamed into Ralph's ear as we both made our way to the side entrance of the stage.

"Yes very much. Apart from getting caught by that fox." He blushed as he answered my question.

"I know" With that we parted ways as Ralph went to talk with the dingo. I quickly swatted Ralphs' arse before I went up to the stage, Ralph yelped in pleasure and turned around. I just winked at him as I went to the stage and sat down to reset after the intense workout Ralph had given me.

There was only one thing that had been going through my mind ever since that fox walked in on us. I had a very strange felling that I have met him some were before. He reminded me of someone that I had known long ago, but I couldn't place it where. It was bothering me to no end as I could work it through where I knew him from.

Mean while unknown to me, the fox in the bathroom was also thinking about the chestnut draft horse that he had seen with the giraffe. He also looked familiar as if he had seen him some were before. But he couldn't figure out where he had seen him before. He was trying his hardest to think as well but nothing came to mind.

And then as if by magic it hit the both of us like a train....


Guys Thanks for reading this far. I have left a bit of a cliff hanger, as I have already chapter 4 planned. I hope that you guys enjoy reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Look for chapter 4 coming out in the next few weeks. Please also comment on where I can improve and if there are any spelling mistakes.

