After School Meetings

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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High school can be a pretty awkward time growing up. Furs trying to find their ways, not thinking plans through, being the stupid youths they are; Coach Stevens has to deal with it all. And all for the hope that at the end of the day it works out.

Hey all! Remembered I had a story laying about (or just randomly fell upon it...either way!) with just a few words missing, so I added them and decided to throw it here! Hope ya' like it!

Coach Steven stared at the rottweiler in front of him, shirtless and still pretty sweaty. The musk hit his nose, which was just a confirmation of what he had thought; what he'd been led to over the past year and a half. Still, he ignored it, if only because he knew one that smelled better. Brandon was no doubt big, but perhaps not as big as he was. Still, the dog was certainly hefty for a junior, and he knew that if the dog would only work out a bit he'd have an amazing body--by most student's standards. As it was he thought he dog was already quite nice looking.

"You--wanted to see me Steve?" Brandon asked, fidgeting and wondering what was going to happen to him. He couldn't believe his stupidity, his mother was going to kill him. That was, of course, assuming the wolf didn't kill him.

"Coach Brice," the hunky wolf corrected sternly. Now was not the time for casual names--he had to be a teacher again, the rottie couldn't call him by his name like he'd told him he could. He eyed the rottweiler for a moment more before leaning forward and placing his elbows on his desk, "Now...Brandon, you want to tell me what exactly you were doing?"

Brandon fidgeted even more and looked away. His face was red.

It had been just a bit after gym. School was out and everyone else was out. Brandon had stayed after to speak for a bit, the rottwiler sipping at some odd energy drink. It hadn't been too odd, after all, he often spoke with him after class; though he'd never say it, the rottie was his favorite student by far. But then, without much subtly, the Rottweiler went and spilled half the drink on him. Steven didn't feel angry, if only because he couldn't help but wonder just how big the dog's balls were to do something that stupid--he didn't think he'd done anything to piss the dog off.

Of course, when Brandon had moved forward, apologizing foolishly and acting like it was all one big mistake he began to piece it together; confirming ideas and hints from the time he'd known the fur. The rottwiler copped a feel of his groin before Steven pulled back, his face aghast. After that he'd told Brandon to wait in his office while he calmed himself down to think carefully about how to handle the situation.

"Sorry Coach..." Brandon said, red faced and knowing that the teacher had not only seen through his action but was rejecting it too. But he knew he shouldn't be surprised. Of course Coach Steven, the basketball coach and probably most manly fur in the school, wasn't gay. What had he been thinking? Just because the internet was filled with those kind of stories didn't mean that every coach out there who took a shower in the school was waiting for a student to pounce on him. He looked away and scowled, but much to his surprise he felt a paw on his shoulder.

"Hey...Brandon...I..." he began and sighed. After a moment he stood up and moved over to the dog's side. He had never quite expected this; sure, he'd thought maybe the dog was gay from some of the conversations and just how he acted, but he never expected to find out so, straight-forward. He smiled at the rottwieler and squeezed his shoulder, "I know what you're going through--oh trust me I do. Being...well, gay c--"

"I--I'm...I'm n--" Brandon began but stopped and sighed. He looked away for a minute and then finally back to his coach, " are gay?"

"Mmhmm," Steven admitted shamelessly, guessing he wouldn't have to worry about the Rottweiler spreading the word as it would require an explanation. "Your gay-dar isn't too bad,"

"Y--You won't tell anyone...will you? That I like guys?"

"Course not Pup. Like I said, I know it can be tough being a gay fur in school. But you shouldn't be ashamed of it--hell, I'm not. You know, when I was your age I was terrified of it; like if I came out everyone would think that meant I was flaming. It can seem like any trait of mine that isn't seen as "masculine" is attributed to my sexuality, but then my masculine traits are ignored. I was afraid everyone would think I'm just some guy who wears pink, rainbows, talks fashion, and has a femine build. Then in college I realized that, well, first off, like you, I was a big dude. I mean, perhaps a bit on the hefty side, but still a big dude. Also, I had a deep voice--so that's another off the list. And lastly, who cares if I wear pink? Even if I don't like the color. But I realized I don't have to be ashamed of it,"

Brandon felt his heart flutter and his stomach being tied in knots. The wolf knew it, the wolf knew exactly what he was going through it seemed. Looking up he tried not to look like he was about to cry or just how much he now looked up to the wolf, "Really?"

"Of course. That doesn't mean I just run around screaming it out. The staff knows I'm gay, but it's just not that big of a deal.....well, at least not at our age...we may not tell some of the pups because well, you know highschoolers,"


"And...well...Brandon, you do want to be careful---it was a flattering gesture, but you don't want to just throw yourself out there so easily...."

"But I'm clean....I haven't even had se---" the rottie began to protest before shutting up, his face red with embarrassment.

Steven chuckled a little and patted the student again on his shoulder, "Hey, that isn't a bad thing...your first time should be special...well, that just might be an old man's thought, and I know you'll find someone to be with--someone much better than me," he joked a little. "And, what I meant wasn't about you being clean, but about any potential partners you may have,"

" really won't tell anyone?" the rottie asked, much more concerned about his reputation than the life lesson.

"I'm not trying to push you out Pup. But I...well...I wish I had had someone to talk with when I was your age--so what I'm saying is if you ever want to talk with me; I'm here for ya' and everything you tell me is strictly between us, OK? I know, I do want to be a cool adult...."

"--I....T-Thank you," Brandon replied, feeling a odd sensation of hope, exhilaration and so many more feelings running all throughout him.

"No problem," Steven said, smirking down at the dog and giving a small grunt as arms quickly wrapped around him. It took him a few moments, wondering if the dog was really pressing his luck and hitting on him again, though he realized it was just an embrace. A moment later he returned it simply, guessing something he'd said had really gotten through to the pup. "Don't worry, it'll be all right," he said with a pat on the back.

As soon as he was recomposed Brandon quickly pulled away from the bigger male with red cheeks, "T--Thanks Coach...I'll try not to bother you much again though,"

"Really, it's no problem...don't hesitate to talk with me; I wish more students would," Steven said with a rough laugh. There were a few goodbyes before he found the locker room happily empty save for himself. He fell into his chair with a sigh and shook his head.

"My God...students really are horny little pups now aren't they?" Steven asked himself with a smile. Even if he'd never do it, he couldn't deny that being seen as attractive by a student was quite the compliment. Still, despite the ethical delimas, he much preferred older guys--they were more attractive anyway.

"I hope I didn't hear what I think I just did," a rough voice said from the side.

Steven jumped a bit and looked over quickly, "Damn it! Don't you scare me like that,"

"Oh?" a large ursine inquired, amber eyes shining in contrast to his chocolate fur. He had on a brown business suit of sorts too--but it didn't clash, it worked very well with the bear's physique and appeal. He looked very professional. Under the florescent lights his glasses even gave off a rather sinister looking glare; as if making him look all the higher on a hierarchy.

"I swear Principle Hanks...I wasn't hitting on a student,"

"I'd hope know getting fired would be the least of your issues," the bear replied, throwing in an intimidating growl and snarl for good effect as he did. He let it go on for a few moments before the growl turned into a rumbling laugh, and after it subsided he adjusted his glasses and smiled at the wolf, "So, seriously...what was that about?"

"Just a pup confiding in me," Steven replied, "Kind of personal Nate," he said, feeling weird to not be able to tell the bear something. Even if he knew he could trust him; he'd given his word and he didn't want to go back on that, "You had someone to confide in highschool didn't you?"

" math teacher--inspired me to go into education," Nate replied with a smirk, the issue being solved just like that. He wouldn't dig into a student's life, not so long as it wasn't part of his job; besides he could guess what it had been about. That made him chuckle a bit more as he began to pull his tie off to the side, "But I'm not here to talk about him,"

"Whatever do you mean Principle Hanks?"

"You can leave the acting to Mrs. Smith," Nate replied, giving the kangaroo her due credit as the drama teacher. He rolled his head about, working out a crick in his neck as he did so from the long hours sitting behind his desk--a swarm of paper work having kept him from even getting out for more than a few moments, and even those were spent dealing with trouble making students. Whoever the hell thought it was smart to try and sneak into the teacher's room and plant a stink-bomb? It didn't matter, he wouldn't have to deal with that student for at least a week or two.

"Need it bad?" Steven asked, licking his lips as the bear undid his shirt and already feeling his mouth water for something hot and juicy.

"Oh yeah, real bad Coach," Nate said with a grin. He stretched a little, showing off his chest and bit of paunch. It was so obvious he had the wolf's eyes on him and he grinned down at the canine, "Had a lot of work...hunched over my desk all day, got a bad crick in my back--think you'd wanna give me a massage?"

"Poor bear...I'll help you out," Steven replied, grinning too, but wondering why the bear got to play the 'over worked principal card' but he didn't get to act the innocent teacher caught in a scandal bit. It didn't matter--he knew he'd get what he wanted one way or another. "But the massage can wait,"

"Who says?"

"I got my own issue that needs some rubbing over," Steven replied, his tail beginning to wag a little back and forth as he watched Nate neatly folding his jacket over the side of a chair. He always found that hotter than just throwing the clothes away--there was something about taking the time to properly put them away that he felt made the bear look even more enticing--even if he couldn't place it. Maybe it was just the excitement or increasing amount of musk he got as he watched more and more of the fur he'd soon have his paws on being revealed.

"More like a prodding I bet," Nate said, winking at his boyfriend of nearly two years--about since the time he'd hired the wolf on as coach. And then there was that time he'd come to check up on him in the locker room. It had started innocent enough, the wolf stripping down and saying he needed a shower and then through a series of events--well, he hadn't expected to wake up the next morning smelling like wolf cum and adding 'boyfriend' onto Steven's title; even if it was a very welcomed addition. Since then things had only gotten better--hell, he didn't just have a drawer at the wolf's place, they shared a closet now.

"I'll massage you later tonight. You know me too well..."

"That should scare you," Nate replied, throwing his socks off to the side.

"It doesn't....just makes me happy..." Steven replied and continued before the bear could reply that he was being 'sweet' or something like that, "Because if you ever leave me I can just tell everyone your dirty little secrets,"

"Like what?"

"Maybe that big-bad Principal Hanks likes to be cuffed every so often, and tied to boot," Steven said with a snicker, but it didn't get any reaction out of the bear--it couldn't be said Nate wasn't comfortable with what he liked, "Or maybe that you sing along to Glee's Greatest Hits whenever you do work at the house,"

"You wouldn't," Nate said, grinning and putting his paws on his hips to look sturdy and unmoving. That one had done something though--oh the students would have a field day with that one he was sure.

"Not as long as I get that sight whenever I need...or want," Steven said with a grin of his own, eating in the sight of the bear--even if still nearly fully clothed. He stood up and moved over to the bear before taking a knee--direct and to the point. His paws began to work quickly, unclasping the belt and throwing it to the side.

"Oh?" Nate hummed as the wolf undid his zipper and wasted no time in reaching for what he wanted. He grunted a bit as Steven fumbled about, and pulled back, probably having hoped he'd gone with boxers today--easier to get to sucking on. His own paws were undoing his shirt, which he proceeded to fold also.

"Just trying to help a guy out...and get something good for myself too," Steven said, the bear's pants pooling around his ankles and leaving him in his underwear. Steven knew he was beefy, but Nate was built like a train of thick bear; in everyway. Even if he wouldn't admit it--for the fact they'd both be fired--he'd spent his fair share of periods on his knees in the principal's office doing under-the-desk favors (though for him they were more like treats at times) for the bear and running his paws all over him when the bear wasn't dealing with a student and when he didn't have a class.

"How about we take a shower?" Nate suggested, pulling on the elastic of his briefs before letting go and making a snapping sound. "Looks like you need to get that stuff out of your fur anyway..."

"OK...I'll go lock the door," Steven replied with a grin, standing up to show off his own excitement through his jeans but ignoring it as he bypassed his boyfriend. He let out a yelp as a paw roughly smacked his butt, making his growl as he turned to face his accoster, "Watch it y--Ow!"

Nate swatted the wolf on his nose and gave him a stern look--putting on his most dominate appearance as he could. He noted the wolf's eyes weren't on his own, but were rather near his waist and he swatted him again, "Look at me," he said and when the wolf did continued, "Don't go telling me to watch'll be begging me to do much rougher things soon enough......"

It was silent for a few moments and Steven kept his ears flat on his head and his tail ducked between his legs while Nate growled at him, his teeth bared. A moment more passed before both couldn't help it and laughed, the wolf's tail beginning to wag once more, "Like I know me too well,"

"I'll go get the water warm," Nate said, leaning over and giving the wolf a quick kiss before moving off, hearing a bark as he did. He cast a glance over his shoulder and shook his head at the wolf that was panting and eyeing him like a piece of meat--an obvious act, but not an unwelcome one at all.

It took a few moments for the water to warm up, and once it was fine he stepped into the flow, having left his underwear in the hall for the wolf to see and hopefully hurry up. A content sigh escaped his lips as the heat hit him and ran over his body, and with a stretch he felt a bone somewhere in his back pop. He ran a paw down over his sheath, playing a bit with himself and wondering just how long the wolf would take to lock up; it certainly shouldn't have taken more than a minute. After nearly three minutes he let out a grunt of surprise as arms wrapped around him and the wolf's body--along with a very hard canine cock--pressed against him, even if through some sort of cloth.

"Woof woof Papa Bear," Steven growled, licking the bear as he did and snuffling at the lack of flavor aside from the somewhat tanginess of the school water.

"What were you doing?"

"Lubing up," the coach replied, running his paws all over the bear's torso and going continuously lower. He wasn't shy with his muzzle either, kissing and lapping at his boyfriend as he moved lower himself.

Nate let out a happy growl--knowing things would go a bit smoother now; not having to worry about that tedious step of intimacy. He didn't move though, letting the wolf do what he wanted for the moment. Soon enough he felt a warm breath over his rump, along with kneading paws.

"Turn around for me,"

Nate did as the wolf said, feeling his cock pulse at the sight of the coach on his knees in front of him, and in a jock to boot; though member stood out quite easily. It didn't make matters much better when Steven flattened his ears against his head and let out a needy whine--he could never get tired of seeing the buff wolf act so subby. Under all the muscle was a dog looking for his alpha and Nate was happy to fill that role--and the wolf himself, "Damn you're acting hot today,"

Steven gave the bear his best puppy-eye look and wagged his tail tepidly behind him, leaning in and nuzzling the bear's cock and balls. His eyes didn't stay on his boyfriend's face long though, soon being glued to the thick rod inches from his muzzle. It bobbed enticingly right in front of him, more than tasty looking enough to gulp right down. He thought about doing just that as the bear held the treat in his paws, but he knew to wait. When Nate smacked the cock against his muzzle he lapped out at it, not minding displaying himself so subserviently. It was an easy game, and hell if his had-been-playful whines weren't becoming more and more authentic.

It was difficult to hold back his bark of approval when Nate asked him if he wanted it, but it was of little concern. A moment later he didn't care though, muffling any sounds with the bear's cock now properly between his lips--bobbing his head eagerly over the shaft. Everytime his nose pressed into the bear's pubic fur he caught more of the musky scent, something not even the shower could really destroy so close to the source. That, combined with the taste, was more than enough to fuel his desire for the bear.

"Oh yeah, that's a good wolfie," Nate moaned, noticing the wolf's tail beginning to really wag behind him, but his attention was soon back to the task at paw. It was nice to just let Steven do what he wanted--especially knowing it something like this, that was part of the fun. When one of the wolf's paws cupped his balls he growled again; letting his lover have his way with him for now--the rewarding pleasure was more than enough incentive to relax.

And Steven found his own reward each time he bobbed his head along the bear's shaft--the sweet pre coating his tongue as his boyfriend twitched in his muzzle. A paw landing on his head made him think his time was up, but it was the very opposite, his lover simply guiding him, sometimes scratching behind his ear or such. He moaned happily at his mate, enjoying the sensation and giving the bear a bit more control, letting the tiny cues lead him, letting them grow to stronger commands until the paw gripped at his head fur.

Sometimes it was rougher, but never to where either of them had choked--never gripping more roughly than a firm guiding paw. That was never how it was for Nate though; Steven let the bear control him, bobbing as quickly as the bear intended. He curled his tongue around the bear's shaft as he was pushed down, then lapped over the head when he was coming off--keeping the tight seal with his lips. Of course, sometimes he got a rather curt thrust or a grunt of pleasure as he rolled the bear's orbs around in his paw, but he took those in stride, seeing them for what they were, compliments to his skills.

"Ohh keep that up and I'm going to cum early," Nate told the wolf, beginning his own light thrusts finally. He'd held off long enough, the wolf deserved a treat, and hell, so did he for letting the wolf have his fun for so long.

"Mmmm," Coach Brice moaned, wondering if that was the game-plan now. It was a bit of a conflict of interest though; he had a craving that still hadn't been filled. Still, it would be up to the bear, all he needed to do was please the big fur--which he did happily, coming off nearly to the tip before diving back down.

"Just like that," Nate moaned, and moaned even louder when the wolf repeated the act a few more times. It made his hips falter, and his cock twitch dangerously. Steven kenw it too, because the wolf starting really going at him, while he returned the favor. He bucked into the wolf a few times, feeling the surge rise up in him before he pulled the canine tightly against him; growling softly as he tried to keep back his finale.

"Ahh, that's a good doggie," Nate said, keeping his paws planted against the coach's head as he ground himself into his boyfriend--who endured it wonderfully; even throwing in a moan which made his cock pulse dangerously again. It was safe soon enough though, and his boyfriend was smart enough to keep the tongue-action to a minimum as he pulled back, ending it with a happy slurping motion, "Damn that was close...can't be getting off quite yet though,"

"I wouldn't have minded,"

"Sweet of you, but you're getting off with me," Nate told his lover with a grin, leaning down and ushering him to stand as well. When he did, he dove in for a kiss, tasting his lover's lips the frist time since before they'd started off for school in the morning. The taste wasn't quite that different either, though that was perhaps due to Steven giving him a nice morning blow-job and having just been pulled off his throbbing member. After a few moments he broke the kiss and pushed on the wolf, "Now, turn around, paws on the wall,"

Steven smirked and assumed the position, spreading his legs a little for the bear. He looked over his shoulder, but let out a small yelp when a paw slapped his bare rear. He shot the bear a scowl, "Nate, tha--"

"Oh, it's Nate now? I thought I was Papa Bear," Nate growled, not really minding either one, just looking for an excuse to give the wolf's exposed rump a good smack. He stepped forward and began to rub his member through the wolf's cheeks. "You're so hot, pressing back like that, you know that?"

"I want it, want it real bad," Steven replied with a sigh, hoping with each movement he might make the cock catch on his ring and slip in--but not having that pleasure yet. Paws pulled down his jock, and he quickly kicked it away, his cock throbbing in the air now. It didn't matter after a few moments more, when he felt the bear prepare behind him, the cock being pressed more intently against his ring of muscle. He groaned lightly as it began to slip in, plenty of practice allowing him to accommodate the bear.

"How's that?" Nate asked, but knew the answer when Steven pressed the rest of the way down onto him, his balls flush against the wolf's ass, grinding himself into his lover. He only got a whine of pleasure to start with, but that was just as good a reply as anything to him. He rolled his hips and pulled back before pushing back in with a moan, though Steven's out did his own. The wolf might've been overplaying it a little but he didn't care, he knew the wolf really did enjoy it. "You must really need it, don't ya? Want it nice?"

"Real good," Steven said, keeping his paws on the wall like the bear had told him too. A rough thrust made him stumble forward, but he quickly readjusted himself; spreading his legs for the bear and to steady himself. He looked over his shoulder and grinned at Nate, "I think you can be a bit rougher,"

Nate growled at the wolf and acted like he was about to bite over the wolf's neck, getting Steven to tense. He snapped his jaws next to the wolf's ears though and let out a small snicker, "I think you're just trying to play a big-bad wolf....isn't really working with my cock in your ass,"

"What are you talking about?" Steven asked, rolling his hips against the bear's with a grin, "It takes a really big-bad wolf to please a bear like yourself," he said, getting a growl of approval from the bear and feeling a bit redeemed for his own compliment of being a wolf. His cock throbbed, though the water washed any pre he might've leaked.

"Flatery will get your everywhere..."

"How about against the wall? Or you think we're going to talk about tax returns before you start fucking me for real?" Steven asked with a cocky grin--though he let out a grunt quickly after as the bear thrust roughly into him. He let out a gasp of surprise as Nate just as quickly pulled out, turned him around, and hoist him up. He felt paws grip roughly onto his waist before he was lifted up and shoved against the wall.

Both furs fumbled a little with their balance, Nate allowing the wolf to wrap his meaty legs around his waist while he tried to make sure the wolf would get what he wanted. It was a bit more difficult than he'd imagined. It wasn't like he was a teenager anymore--he couldn't just pick up his boyfriend and fuck him into bliss in one smooth movement.

"Please...Please...Please," Steven whined, trying his best to lift himself up as they aligned themselves; this time with more difficulty than two nights ago at the house. Of course he'd expected that--after all, the bear was always a bit clumsy after sitting at a desk all day and his hip had been bothering him a little.

But that wasn't a bad thing--it wasn't a bad thing at all. With their extra thirty years on the students they knew things, things the pups and cubs couldn't dream of when it came to sex. Maybe neither would have been able to drill away at someone with an entire fluid motion of their hips, but they didn't need to.

"Yes...Yes," Steven stammered as he felt himself beginning to slide down on his boyfriend's shaft, a look of bliss on his muzzle while he stared at the bear. Now that he was in his seat he only needed one paw against the shower wall to support him. He let his other paw move out and rub over Nate's chest, "God, you are so hot like that,"

Nate rolled his hips about and smirked at the way the wolf's grin increased, "Not so bad yourself a soft spot for when your feet aren't on the ground,"

Steven moaned a bit louder when he was treated to a quick serving of bear tongue, which he fought to keep after a few seconds as Nate began to pull back. He got a low, growling laugh from his lover while he continued suckling on the thick ribbon of meat; trying his best to ensure it didn't get away without a fight, though it finally did get away. He swallowed the mixed fluids and squeezed his private muscles about the bear, "And I love being taken by you," he admitted shamelessly, beginning to form a plan in his mind. When the bear got out of the shower tonight--because he always took one at the house too--he would be waiting on the bed on all fours with his tail hiked into the air: he knew how wild that would drive his principal.

"Enough talking for now,"

"More fucking," Steven finished with a grin, feeling the bear take a step forward, pressing him more firmly against the wall. He moved his free arm around the bear, pulling himself up a bit more--so Nate didn't have to do all the work. The bear's claws dug into his bare flesh and he hissed as they scraped through him, adding a compliment to the pleasure.

It took him a minute to really warm up and become comfortable with the position though. Nate fumbled with his paws a few times, finding the best way to support the wolf, shuffled his feet some, but soon enough he was perfect. Steven let out a whimper, growing constantly louder and more involuntary--no longer moaning just to show the bear. He couldn't ride the bear at all from the position, but that was part of the excitement, he was all for Nate's taking. That itself was enough to make his straining cock threaten to blow just from the indirect stimulation. His moans echoed in the shower room, accompanied by the bear's furry orbs smacking against his rump and the bear's own moans. "P--please...ohhh, pound me," he whined, arching his back and scratching at the wall with his supporting paw.

Nate growled at the wolf, and snapped his jaws--landing on the coach's shoulder and holding him down. His cock pistioned out of the wolf. He increased his pace, letting his lust take over--the constant sensation of the wolf's tunnel clenching around his member driving him towards the edge. The words didn't help Steven--or well, perhaps they did, but they only made him go faster, more roughly on the wolf. He knew he wouldn't last terribly long. He pulled back, getting a yelp of surprise from the wolf as he did--Steven gripping at him now and holding onto him entirely.

Steven let out sharp grunt as he gripped onto the bear, feeling his rise and fall as the bear fucked him. He kissed the bear's neck, beginning to suckle heavily at it, to distract himself from the new feeling of his cock being sandwiched between his belly and the bear's. That stimulation was far too much for him, and Nate's increased pace wasn't helping at all.

"You feel so good," Nate growled at the wolf, only getting a loud whine of a reply. He didn't stop, and pulled the coach more tightly against him, "And you're a good pup,"

Steven bit the bear's neck roughly for a few moments, still trying to distract himself. Or at least he thought that was the point. But even then he knew he was pushing himself off on Nate's shoulders; rising just a bit so he could fall onto the cock in his ass, seeking that final bit of refuge.

"You can have your treat. Cum for Papa Bear," Nate growled, having started bucking his hips up into the wolf by this point. The words must've done it, or maybe it was just finally at that point. He gave a grunt of surprise as something wet splashed against his chin, though the first shot was the only one powerful enough to reach his muzzle. The rest only came as knowledge of the added slickness of their chests together; the wolf's knot throbbing along with the rest of his cock.

The wolf's tunnel clenched around him, acting as the last drop for the bear. He tried to keep it out, tried to stay quiet but it built up in his chest too fast. The heavy whine echoing in the room from his wolf beckoned him to his own finish. With a final gasp and thrust he let out a roar, filling the wolf with his seed.

Steven continued to whine happily, even after Nate's roar finally died off. He didn't even care about it--care that it wasn't the safety of their own bed. If a fellow teacher heard, then so be it. The biting had become dull, instead of rough nips to the bear's neck he found himself settling for exhausted kisses to indiscriminate parts of the bear while his seed soaked between them.

Nate nuzzled against the wolf, mumbling a few words into the coach's ear as he did--getting a happy and fulfilled whine as well. That sound only lasted for a few moments more though, dying off as Steven began to recompose himself to a proud wolf. There was a sudden silence to the room, even withstanding the lack of the wolf's happy whines. He glanced up and noticed the shower was no longer running, and a peck on his cheek brought his gaze to a grinning wolf. He smirked at his boyfriend and gave him a quick kiss before they awkwardly danced off of one another.

Steven smiled at the bear and rubbed over his stomach and chest, spreading his seed through the bear's fur, with Nate growling happily at the act. When he finished he leaned forward and gave the bear another kiss. A stray paw found his softening member and gave it a few strokes. "Oooh...that was good Bear-butt,"

Nate smirked at the wolf, "I guess my shampoo was your cum?"

"Best smelling product and you know it," Steven replied, patting the bear's hefty stomach, "And not bad tasting either...I've f--"

"Don't flatter yourself, I've got a stomach cause I like to eat...and more than just eating your cock or ass," Nate told the wolf with a chuckle, "And well, speaking of eating....I was thinking we could go to that nice Italian place tonight, how's that sound?"

"Sounds like it's very close to an official date," Steven replied with a small smile--knowing they often put on a 'business' look when going on their dates. They did need to be careful he was sure, but at the same time he really wouldn't have minded walking into a restaurant holding his live-in boyfriend's paw, even if there were some students inside.

"Maybe it is,"

"What if I have papers to grade tonight?"

Nate snuffled at that and nudged his forehead against the wolf's, "OK, you can either come on a date with me or suffer from indefinite morning blow job suspensions,"

"You're a slave driver Principal Hanks...anyone ever tell you that? And real class-act character...or maybe class-ass character,"

"I get you to remind me of it everyday," Nate replied with a grin, "And for that little quip, tomorrow during fifth period I'll see you in my office,"

"If you keep punishing me like this I'll never be reformed," Coach Brice told the bear, glad they'd snuck in a pillow to put under the bear's desk--it made time spent under it that much better. He smiled as the bear began to move off, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist.

"Then you should really think," Nate said, turning around and smirking at the wolf.

"Think about what?"

"What kinda rewards good behavior would get you of course," Nate replied, and with that moved off, leaving the wolf to ponder just what that might mean--possibly even a nice good chance to shove him on his own desk; or maybe that if the wolf was especially bad too. Back in the showers he heard Steven's needy whine...