While she's gone...

Story by Zacheriya on SoFurry

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#1 of John and Blake

Thanks for the 100 submission views. :3 btw bare with me. I'm new at this.

Best friends, John and Blake, find they are gay when John's girlfriend is away for a month.

*ring* *ring* *ring* *click*

I turned off the alarm. "John?" I said through the wall. I waited knowing he was up, just pretending to sleep. "What classes do you have today?" Still waited. "I know you don't want me to go in there." "I'm off for the day." "Me too. Let's go get breakfast after you bust your nut ya?" I knew he was blushing, he blushed whenever I made sex jokes like that. I got out of bed, threw on a tank top and some sweats and opened the door to my room. I stepped out and went across to the restroom. I went up to the sink and ran the water to wash my face. As I looked into the mirror I noticed that my face looked different. It was a little slimmer and my muzzle blue fur was a little lighter than regular. "Hey. Didn't Trisha leave for L.A. last night?" "Ya. Why?" I splashed the water on my face. "Just asking. When does she get back?" "March. She's visiting some family." Some times I really couldn't help being gay. I opened the door to his room. He slept naked like me, he was doing some pull-ups on the set I bought for him. He didn't notice me walking in, the perfect moment for me to bother him. I walked up super close, as he set himself down, me being taller than him, I put my arms around his waist and set my head on his shoulder. He laughed and removed my arms. I showed affection like that a lot to him, he was used to it. "Where do you wanna go for breakfast?" "Can't you make me your famous cinnamon French toast?" "I don't know. I kinda wanna be lazy today." He droopped his ears and have me the sexiest look, which he thought was sad. "Pretty please." He rubbed his muzzle close to mine. He wasn't gay and it hurt every time he'd show affection but didn't mean it. "Ohh alright. Only cause your that sexy." He laughed as I turned around and walked out of his room.

He ate three whole plates of the cinnamon toast I made. He licked his muzzle and looked at me. "Do you think we could bake a pie today?" "What's with you and your sweets today?" He shrugged. "So can we? Pleeeaaasse." He got on his knees and shook his fists together. I looked at him, "go get some real clothes on and then we'll talk." He hopped up and hugged me, as he was half naked. Our sheaths accidentally bumped and he let out a small moan. "What was that?" I asked him. He blushed a deep red. "Ummm I don't know. I'm sooo sorry though." He ran to his room, and slammed his door. I could feel myself unsheathing. 'Don't think that way. He's your best friend.' I thought to myself. I grabbed a pie tin and the supplies for making the pie. I mainly took culinary classes. He loved my cooking. I set the pie in the oven and set the timer for an hour. I walked into my room and took off the sweats and shirt leaving me in my boxer-briefs. Since our apartment was a little on the small side, whenever we baked the place would get hot. I left my room and knocked on John's door. "Hey you ok?" No answer. "Are you mad at me?" "No. I'm just a little embarrassed...that's all." I opened the door, he was sitting in the corner. I walked over to him and sat close. To where we were touching and super close. "Hey, you know me. Who cares?" I rubbed my muzzle next to his. "The pies in the oven. It's apple cinnamon." He looked at me, about to cry. "My favorite." He leaned his muzzle dangerously close to mine. "Thanks..." He whispered. I stood up before anything weird happened. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."

As an hour passed i took the pie out of the oven and let it cool. The whole room smelled like cinnamon. I took in a big whiff knowing any second John would smell it and come out. As expected John bolted out his room, down the hall and halted right before the door. "That smells amazing!!!" He walked over to me and the pie. I was leaning against the counter on my phone. Scooted next to me and our hips touched. "Who are you textin'?" "Playing games." He moved his muzzle a little lower and began nibbling on my neck. "Ummm John?" He lifted up. "Blaze...I've been thinking. Trish doesn't treat me like you do. Your my best friend and I want you to be more than that in my life.....I....." He paused staring into my eyes, looking for any signs of rejection. "....I think...I think I love you....." I stared at him. I had no words. I basically stood there, dumbfounded and amazed at the same time. "Please say something." I felt tears well up in my eyes. "You don't know how long I've been dreaming to hear you say that. I pulled him into a kiss. He was shocked at first but began to kiss me back. He moved himself to where our bodies were over each other's and he started frotting me and grinding against my crotch. I almost instantly unsheathed and he unsheathed himself a little sooner. He reached into my underwear and began to stroke my erection. I put my hands around the other side and began feeling his ass. I finally broke from his kiss looked down to see what was going on. He was so muscular and his v-line was perfect. I took off his underwear from the back as he took mine off from the front. We both were free and our members were lying on each other. He grabbed both of ours and stroked ours simultaneously. He started slow and grew faster and faster. I pulled him into another kiss as he stroked us. He would moan through our kiss and it sent that much more arousal through my body. He started to pant so I broke from our kiss again. He was close, I was close too. I then realized that I was panting too. He panted louder and louder. "Blaze....I'm gonna...." *hoooooowwwwwwwlllllllllll* he howled as he came all over both of us. I came too, adding that much more cum to our chests and abs. "That was amazing." He put his paw to my muzzle. "Do you want to taste?" I happily licked his paw clean. "Wow. Of course yours is super sweet." I licked down his body cleaning every drop. Once I finished he did the same to me. "I think the pie is ready."