Let Slip the Hounds of War: Part V

Story by xsvbrick on SoFurry

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#5 of Let Slip the Hounds of War

The fight with sweet left Brick hurt but not beaten, but what is wrong with Rachael and who's the next opponent. Find out in this installment of Let Slip the Hounds of War

Warning the following story does contain sex, language, and battles, if you are under the age or don't like that stuff make the call. If you choose to continue I hope you enjoy the next chapter in the life of Brick.

Let Slip the Hounds of War: Part V

As I open the door, a blast of cold air hit me, which, is odd for her room. Then I see why


I dive across the room quickly grabbing her and throwing her to the bed.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? Do you have any idea-" I yell tightening my hold on her as she tries to squirm out of it.

"LET ME GO!" she yells "I WANT TO DIE!"

"I'm not letting go you crazy bitch!" That's when I lost it, tears began to flow past my eyes no matter how hard I tried not to "Please Rachael don't leave me, you're the only good thing that's ever happened to me." She stopped moving and just began to cry. "What were you thinking?" I ask in a horse whisper.

"I... saw Keith's text, I-I, I can't keep doing this to you." She says in between sobs.

"Doing what?"

"Putting your Goddamn life on the line!" she snaps "I can't lose you to the blood lust, and I wouldn't forgive myself if I lost you to Keith! I...I just thought if I was..."

"WAS GONE? What would I do without you?"


"...I couldn't. No, I couldn't, you mean to damn much to me." I didn't mean for it to hit Rachael as hard as it did. But there it was I practically just told her she is my sole reason for living. "Before that night at the bar I just lived because it was what I was supposed to do. I lived each day not in fear of death but in fear of life, I thought my life was absolutely meaningless. I woke up, ate, fought, bled, and drank, that was my life. If I died in the ring, no one would give a damn I was just there for entertainment. Then I saw you, alone in the corner of the bar looking over at me every so often and something just clicked. 'He' thought I was just horny, but I knew there was something more to you, more than just a big chest, and scorching red hair I felt...life, I could feel life resonating from you. I didn't think I had a chance with someone like you, so I just kept an eye out for anyone who didn't deserve you. To be perfectly honest before that night I was slipping away into a dark place, life lost its luster and death seemed so inviting. I even had dreams where I would rip my own heart out of my chest just to end it all. But then you changed all that, now I wake up with purpose, I wake up with love, I wake up with life." I feared I put too much pressure on her telling her that, but the look in her eyes told me otherwise. There was pain yes, but there was also acceptance, love, and warmth. It is hard to describe it but her emerald eyes just wrapped me in a warm embrace it felt as though I downed an expensive bottle of rum.

"But I can't live with the pain I put you through, I mean for fuck's sake look at yourself. Today alone you dislocated your shoulder; you were used as a punching bag, not to mention the sadistic amount of cuts and bruises you've taken." A few tears still lingered in her eyes "I just don't think I could watch you die, and I won't watch the lust take over you." I pulled her tighter into my chest so her head was right over my heart.

"It is all worth it," Before she could interject, I continued on "I wasn't lying when I said you were the only good thing in my life. I'm not here because I feel I need to protect the damsel in distress, I'm not here because I feel indebted to you for saving my life and giving me a place to stay. I am here because I love you, you crazy succubus." I heard a laugh escape her lips which was all I wanted to hear. "You could, what's the saying 'feed me to the sharks, and throw me to the wolves' and I'd still claw my way back to you. I promise I won't die on you so long as I have something to say about it." I could feel her breathing begin to steady

"What happens when 'he' takes over?"

"'He' won't I talked to 'him' about it."

"You talk about the blood lust like 'he's' actually a 'he.'"

"That's because 'he' is, it's like having someone who's always there whether you want them to be or not, plus 'he's' helped me more times than I care to count."

"Well then 'he' must have a name all friends do."

...do you have a name?

No, I've always lived inside your head, and we never needed names for each other

So make one up

I'm not your creative side dumbass

Fine I got you

"His name is Big Bad Wolf, or Big B for short."

"You're a terrible liar." The humor was starting to come back into her voice, it was more relieving then that ten minute piss you take in the morning "That was your nickname in the ring."

"Yea, 'he' earned it, not me. 'He' did most of the fighting I only had a few matches where Big B didn't show up." I was careful to use his name to convince her 'he' had one. "So 'he' just took to it."

"So, I'll never lose you to 'him'?" there was venom in her voice when said him. But I couldn't answer her question with words, she needed to know just how much she meant to me. I began to slowly lift her shirt up over her head. She lifted her head to meet mine but I shied away for now I needed to show her just how much she meant to me. Her shirt now to our side I slowly began to trace the holes I put in her shoulder with my teeth when we made love.

"To a beast, marking someone like this is a sign of deep unwavering love. It's eternal, a mating scar like this will never fade just like my love for you will never fade. Even if you cannot see me I will always look over you." She giggled a bit

"You're the only one I've ever known to make stalking sound sweet."

"It's not stalking! Ugh, I pour my freaking heart out for you and you call me a stalker I tell yea, you're one cruel woman."

"Well I am your redheaded succubus." Her matter-of-fact tone made the two of us burst into laughter. The dark mood that had so recently enveloped her had lifted and now we sat in each other's embrace. "Thank-you Brick, I was planning to jump, I thought that I was weighing you down preventing you from leaving but I see now, I'm all you got so you're stuck with me." That last part she said with a smirk. We lay there like that for a while; my grip on her eventually began to loosen from my previous vice like grip to save her life. "I know you've been through hell the past few days, but could you do me a favor and bring Natasha up here I need to talk to her alone for a few minutes just wait for me downstairs." Before I could argue against leaving her, she planted a kiss on my lips sending me off.

After closing the window I went downstairs sent Natasha up and walked out to the balcony with everything that happened today I needed some air. The air was crisp and cold I almost went back inside to get a jacket.

Hey, good fighting out there

Thanks felt good to let lose again

Don't you think the last part was a bit overkill?

You really don't get it do you?

Get what?

The main reason I can't take complete control of you

You said it was because you needed a voice of reason

Not entirely, you see if I took control you would still be a voice in your mind but you would be trapped it would be like it is for me, except you couldn't escape.

Then why haven't you

Ok, let's think about this, the Blood Lust is an adrenal, and hormonal imbalance. What happens when your adrenalin gets too high?

You take over

Correct, after I take over do you feel the need to kill, or fight?

Not usually

Why do you think that is?

Because I just did

Partially, you see your body craves release in the form of an adrenalin high when I get lose I am that high. If you were to cut off that massive release, your body would start to revolt. You would become more hostile, my voice would get louder in your head, and your sanity would slip away. In short, the reason I can't take over is because you keep your body happy.

So I still have control because I let you lose and allow that release?

Exactly, now I wasn't lying when I said I wouldn't take over if I could but your body may leave me with no choice.

Wait if I am ok because I let the Blood Lust -you- lose what about Rachael's lust?

Fuck if I know, since her lust was created in a test tube and she is a human I have no idea what properties that comes with.

But wait, when we first met her, her lust came out in her conversations what would that mean for us?

It means I would be getting close to taking over but think about it, after we began living with her she was having more control.

So we shouldn't make her hide it?

Probably, the more she lets it lose the better off she will be, if she's like us.

I had no idea how long she was going to talk with Natasha but she in case I fell asleep before she was don't I wrote a note and taped it to the fridge

"Rachael we need to talk, it's important wake me up if I'm asleep. Please, don't lose it.


After taping the note to the fridge, I heard bare feet on wood floors behind me. Turning around I saw a familiar redhead in nothing but a red hooded cloak.

"Wolf there you are! Come-on grandma is upstairs."

"Wait what? Look Rachael I need to talk-"

"Who's Rachael? It's me... Red." Her eyes are amber though

I guess it can wait

"Come-on Wolf, let's go eat grandma then you can finally take me." I'm ashamed to admit it took me that long to realize what she was doing.

That dirty-

She's roll playing right now isn't she?


I'm guessing Red Riding Hood?

More like Riding Wood

Ugh, and who's Grandma?

Probably Natasha

I've got to sit through you having a three way don't I?

Fuck yea!

Can I just take over your body and jump?


She grabs my hand leading me to the stairs I gladly let her watching her ass bounce revealing a familiar "B" on her left ass cheek.

"Come-on Wolf if we don't eat her you can't claim me!" I stop her quickly moving the cloak to one side to show the still fresh mating scar slowly tracing my tongue over it making her shiver.

"But I have already laid claim to you my dear." Whispering to her ear, "Twice" with that I smack the "B" on her butt. Not wanting to break character, she quickly spun around and waved a finger at me doing all she could to hold back a smile.

"As I recall it you bit me and dragged me off after throwing something at my mother, then you cut my tooshie." She did her best to stifle her own laughter, I figured playing along would yield the best results for me so I shot her a look of mock guilt.

"I'm real sorry about that Red and I'm all broken up about it, should I kiss it and make it all feel better?"

"After we eat Grandma big guy." The door to her room opens to reveal a nude Natasha arms tied to the bed, but not her legs and a layer of duct tape over her muzzle. I couldn't tell if she wanted to be like that or uh "Red" wanted it that way... She must have seen my concern, she leaned up to my ear and whispered "Grandma tried to get away she's a little nervous, it's been so long since she's been naked in front of someone like you." Red as I will call her now, sauntered to the bed, and the tied down husky. Leaning down Red ran her tongue from Natasha's naval to her cleavage, then with almost surgeon like precision ran her tongue in between Natasha's love pillows without touching either one yet. After dragging her tongue up under Natasha's muzzle Red put her hand to the edge of the tape

"Now grandma if I take off the tape will you scream?" the husky shook her head no "And will you let wolf claim me?" She nodded yes "Good, and will you be a good girl and let wolf eat you out or will we have to force it?" I still couldn't tell if Natasha was on board with this or not, until the husky nodded and smiled through the tape giving a fait whimper, her blush was visible through her thick fur however. "Great then let's get started." Red quickly ripped the tape off planting a deep kiss on her *ahem "Grandmother's" lips. "My grandma what delicious lips you have." Red's hand began to wonder down to Natasha's breasts "Mhmm, what hard nipples you have grandma." Her hand continued roaming downward until it disappeared between Natasha's thighs "Mhhmm and what a wet pussy you have! Why you're almost as wet as me." With that Red vaulted on top of Natasha and started grinding her pussy to Natasha's. In between the moans, and grunts Red motions for me to stand next to their faces, as soon as I get there she rips my pants clean off plopping my stiffening sheath in their faces. "See that Grandma, that's all for us. You know Wolf it's been a while since Grandma has seen a real cock, maybe you could put it in her face so she can get a better look." Between their legs a rather large dark pool was forming, a pool of fem fluids always brings me out of my sheath. Once my spear was out I placed it on Natasha's face letting her inhale the aroma. "Go ahead Grandma do whatever you want to it, soon it'll be inside you." Natasha gave my head a shy little kiss, then another and a third, soon she was gingerly running her tongue along my shaft with Red's tongue not far behind. The heat was too much for Natasha as she soon tried to take my entire length into her maw at once. She went too fast however and once I hit the back of her throat she began to gag.

"Easy Granny." I chided her "You're not supposed to take the lead, now take it slowly into your maw and be rewarded." Natasha obeyed, slowly bringing her head to my member her hot breath on my cock was a bigger tease than she was. The husky slowly began sliding me into her, and while my tip was entering Natasha's maw Red was dragging her tongue along my base. Watching these two gorgeous women fight for my dick I felt I should show them just how much it meant to this mean old wolf. I reached out then took hold of two separate breasts, kneading them in my hands letting each moan echo through the room. Every time Natasha moaned her hot breath tickled my cock in all the right places so she was going to get extra attention. While I continued kneading Red's tit I began to pinch and tease Natasha's nipples.

So Rachael doesn't deserve a tity twister because she's not sucking you off

Not now!

You know you never were really good at dealing with two targets, that's more of my specialty.


What we could make it a four way.

Shut the hell up and fuck off


"Easy wolf!" I snapped back to the distraction at hand I must have been pinching Natasha's nipple too hard.

"Quiet Granny or you won't get a release from either of us." Natasha's scared look seemed genuine

"B-But Red, surly you wouldn't leave your poor grandmother tied and unfulfilled!"

"I don't know Grandma, wolf is amazing I'd do whatever he tells me to."

"That's right girls as long as I'm happy we're all happy. Speaking of, my cock's getting a bit cold out in the open air, someone want to fix that."

"Oh grandma how about if we both got him off then he'll let you finish!"

"Wha-what, both of us?"

"Yea it's easy follow my lead." With that Red stopped her grinding and began running her tongue along my length and at the end of it she took me into her mouth, Natasha followed suit. Next thing I knew my member was being assaulted by two separate textures of tongues, one smooth, the other slightly rough but not as bad as a cat's. The two ran their tongues along my length almost in synch, at the end each would take me into their mouth before running their tongues back down. Soon one tongue was missing from the mix, but I felt it brush against my balls. I looked down to see Natasha continuing her assault on my shaft while Red worked my sack. It wasn't long before I felt that all too familiar tingling in my ball

"Girls you keep going like this and I'm going to cum soon." The two stopped if only for a moment looked at each other with an almost unsaid language and quickened their assault on my genitalia. And all too quickly I felt I was about to blow

"Girls I-I, shiiiiittt!" Natasha almost got me out of her mouth before I let lose, the first string of cum shot right into her maw as her and Red brought their faces together to catch as much of my seed as I could shoot. The streams that followed bathed their faces covering them in a sticky white film. After I spent my last shot the girls looked at each other then began licking the other clean. Soon cleaning turning in each battle for control of the other's mouth. While they were busy making out I slipped away them sticking my face behind them, and in front of me sat two soaking slits.

Each beautiful in its own way, Red's swollen and mostly bare sat on top begging for attention, meanwhile Natasha's was covered by two separate colors of fur almost perfectly even with the top half black, and the bottom silver. I don't know if they saw me slip off behind them or not but they would know I was behind them. Leaning down my nostrils were assaulted by two distinct famine scents. The first smelled sweet with a hint of something I can only describe as home, I knew for a fact that was Rachael, or in this case Red. The second was a bit heavier, it was almost like wet dog soaked in sugar, intoxicating really. Starting at the bottom of Natasha's slit I ran my tongue up to Red's relishing the sounds of each one gasping in surprise. But their gasps were soon replaced by moans as I continued licking both slits, but I had to have some fun with Natasha. I stopped licking Natasha's slit altogether and focused just on Red's hot vent, slowly dragging a finger through her juice I slowly inserted my first digit into Red watching Natasha's ass squirm in desire, in between laps at Reds pussy I asked Natasha

"Sorry Granny something you want?"

"Yes! Please play with my pussy some more!"

"Ah, ah, ah, Granny, you have to beg for it."

"I won't beg!" I went back to Red making her moan circling my tongue around her swollen clit.

"Well Red is enjoying herself, you could do, just beg for it." I could see Natasha fighting with herself, whether she was really going to beg for it, slowly though a deep blush painted her face even through the fur.

"I want it..."

"What was that?" I asked as snidely as I could putting my face right in front of Natasha's slit letting my breath tickle at her sensitive folds.


"Ok granny, see was that so hard?" I began by dragging my tongue across Natasha's nether lips while I continued pumping my finger into Red. Slowly I began to delve deeper into both prodding Red with my first digit while I pushed Natasha's folds apart with my tongue. Before long, I had a second finger in Red and a third on her clit, Natasha meanwhile was being penetrated by my tongue, while my fingers worked her sensitive nub. I haven't heard any kissing for a while only the melodic symphony of moans, something told me I was doing my job right. Both were bucking to my fingers just from their ragged breath I tell they were both close. With a sharp intake of air both came at the same time, trapping my fingers and drowning me in a pool of their combined tangy nectar, which I happily lapped at while the two collapsed.

Rachael lifted her ass so I could see her face lips instead of her nether lips. Her lips met my hungrily her tongue knifing past my teeth. She broke the kiss and whispered

"That. Was.Fantastic Wolf, now fuck us! Take Grandma first try not to hurt her it has been a long time for her, it'll feel almost like she'd never been penetrated probably." I nod as Red moves off Natasha cutting the rope tying her to the bed; the husky had a confused look on her face as I crawled on top of her, Red meanwhile moved to Natasha's head. This was when I learned how cruel Red could be, she slowly leaned down kissing Natasha deeply as the two battled for control of the others mouth I was getting harder and slipping completely out of my sheath. After the two broke away Red got an evil grin on her face turning Natasha's head to my stiff member positioned just in front of her slit.

"Mm, look at that Grandma, and just think all you have to do is beg, and Wolf will pleasure you with it, just beg like the bitch you are." I slid my tip through her slick slit while dragging my tongue across her nipples just to torment her. "You know you want him to fuck you senseless. All you need to do is beg." I begin to slow down my rubbing making her whine

"Yes! Oh God yes! Please fuck me you bastard wolf claim me as your own!" I give Red a little smirk looking at her shoulder, I could see her eyes change to green and blush even for a split second

So the real her knows just how much that scar means

Yea, yea you can make a horny girl blush fantastic

Why am I friends with you?

Who the fuck said we're friends haha

Snapping back I see Red has come back and is making out with Natasha. There's nothing hotter than two spectacular women kissing like horny bitches. Their kiss breaks and I begin my push through Natasha's folds. She's way tighter than Rachael, but her sex is more accepting of my shaped member. I lean down to her shoulder, she reaches around me

"Are you ready?" She give an accepting lick, pushing past her hymen while she digs her claws deep into my back. "Take your time, we go at your pace, 'Grandma.'"

"You can start pushing, just be gentle." Slowly I begin sliding until just the tip is in before slowly going back in each time picking up the pace. Soon I was pumping into her at a good rhythmic pattern as I pick up the pace her moans are getting fainter? I look down to see my favorite redheaded succubus's twat on the husky's snout, a pair of hands pull my face up for a deep kiss forming a giant fuck triangle. While I thrust into Natasha's velvety vent, Red is getting eaten out, while she cleans my teeth with her tongue. Red broke the kiss digging her nails into the same freaking spot as Natasha had seriously, what is with women and finding the best ways to dig their nails into you! and sinks her teeth into my shoulder this time I'm sure she left her own scar. As I felt the blood drip from my back and shoulder I heard Red's orgasmic scream in my shoulder, I could feel Natasha's sex convulsed around my member letting out her own scream through Red's cunt, in a combination of blood and two women Cuming at the same time I pulled out and shot my seed, painting Natasha's black fur white, and covering Red's stomach in a gooey white film.

Once our orgasms subsided I collapsed falling just left of Natasha Red falling to the right leaning over me so the two could clean themselves off, if I wasn't spent that would've been enough to get me straight out of my sheath instead I just fell onto my back dripping of both sweat and blood. After the girls were done with their tongue bath, the each slid under my arms. Red lay there I stared into her eyes as they changed, Red giving way to Rachael. Natasha leaned across to lick my muzzle missing and getting my shoulder.

"Blood!?" She shot up, and looked at us, then looks at Rachael with a shocked look "You sly slut you already claimed him?!" Rachael nuzzled deeper into my side

"Aye he's mine." She gave me a loving look "And I'm his." After exchanging a joking (at least I hope it was jokingly) look of discuss both girls curled up on my flanks and slipped off into sleep

You know I never thought I'd say this but I like these three

Yea they're really...wait three?

Yea, the husky, your girl, and Red

So is that her name from now on

Well at least "her" name

Oh so now she gets a distinction

Well if I do everyone should, you know Red ain't bad I may just use my favor on her.

We'll see...

You said I could use my favor on anything

I said ALMOST anything

Whatever, just be sure to tell her about letting Red loose unless you want to lose her to madness.

Yea I know, I don't need the reminder.

When I woke up both Rachael and Natasha were gone, but in their places were splotches of blood forming a trail of blood that continued out the door and down the hall. I followed it down the hall, and down the stairs, as I turned the corner I saw Rachael stuffing something into the closet. The blood trail led right to her...

"Hey Rachael you ok?" She quickly turned around to reveal not Rachael but the amber eyed Red. "What is in the closet?"

"Oh Brick, I uh didn't see you there, you scared me...I was just uh...." Before she could finish the closet broke open and out fell...Rachael's body... with the throat cut.


"Well shit you weren't supposed to see that," She says picking up the knife "Now I have to kill you." She lunged at me with the knife, which I quickly deflected trying not to hurt her I needed to figure out what the fuck was going on.

"Where's Natasha?"

"Who?" She uses her feet and breaks my knee making me fall to the ground as Red thrusts the knife at my chest with a manic laugh "Gotta protect your heart BABE!" she plunged the knife straight into my heart. I couldn't believe it, stabbed by the madness that killed my girlfriend.

As I hit the floor I found I fell onto a bed looking at the ceiling I could tell it was the bed room, but I still woke with a start. Looking left and right, both girls were accounted for, both fast asleep, neither dead, no blood trail, no crazy murder, hiding bodies. I relaxed so I didn't wake the girls take a simple breath and thanking whatever force there was that it was just a dream


What are you talking about you crazy bastard?


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there Romeo what do you mean "that dream?"

The fuck do you mean what do I mean? That dream that I just had fucker

Shit, I didn't put anything in your head

Wait, seriously?

Yea, what happened in the dream give me all the details

Fuck I don't know, I woke up no Rachael or Natasha, there was a blood trail I followed it and Red was stuffing Rachael's dead body in the closet then she stabbed me in the heart I couldn't feel you at all either.

Is that it? Was that the whole dream? I need every detail here any other people, anything-strange stand out?

Other than Red killing me no, that was it, why, you ok?

Shit not good. Look I'm going silent for a few hours, don't lose a drop of blood until I get back ok?

Wait what, what are you doing?




Big B?


That can't be good

After that whole ordeal, I knew I wasn't going to sleep again, and after the dream I just had I don't know if I wanted to dream again. There was no sun, not a single beam of light in the dark room yet I could see the peaceful faces of two beautiful women. Rachael's face was happy, I fucking swear there was a smile on her face, and Natasha's was calm covered with crusty fur...and I know exactly why.




Though I didn't want to leave the girls' side I was starving! Thinking back, I didn't even eat at the bar. The clock across the room read 5am,

What is with me getting up at 5am here?


I never thought I'd miss him, whatever I'm starving should probably make everyone breakfast, since I'm such a nice guy



Slipping out of their grasp and sliding down the steps I felt drained. What could I make to recover...PROTIEN! I was not disappointed with the food I had on hand to make a recovery breakfast.

Ok so eggs, easy enough, bread, toast obviously, hmm yogurt, strawberries, bananas, what could I do with that...Smoothie! What am I missing...BACON! For most bacon is pretty common because humans have money, beasts don't I know I say this a lot but it sucks the only way I could get bacon before was to kill a pig and make it myself...seriously, I killed a pig in the ring and people made bacon out of him and I took some home.

The more I think about it the more I realize how fucked up I really was. I remember reading a poem once the gist was the soul and body are two separate beings, and when the body does something horrific the soul sleeps, hibernates until the body finds the light again. Rachael made me realize how long I had been asleep, though I don't believe in a soul or after life mostly because a priest spit on me after a fight instead of helping me- yea priests went to my fights how divine- I do think there is something to the mind and body being two separate beings. But now that I'm here making breakfast for the woman I love, and some random horny husky heh, life had a whole new spin yes I was still killing but I was killing to protect not for money, not just because but because I cared...probably not something most couples can say about each other truthfully. But Bacon required my attention, the window facing broad street was beautiful the city was still sleeping. Darkness in every window and only street lights illuminating the dormant streets below, then something bit me...on the sheath...fuuuuuuuck AGAIN!? Will I ever learn?

Rule #1 of the Kitchen: DON'T COOK BACON NAKED! I let the pork continue cooking putting the smoothies back in the fridge and covering the eggs and toast, I noticed that same note I left for Rachael...Don't lose it...

Why, why does the Blood Lust exist, what is the point of it? Is it just a cruel joke of genetics, or a God who enjoys watching mortals suffer, and kill each other? I know I will never understand the Lust or why I was cursed with it, or is it a blessing. Yes I survived in the ring because of it, but the reason I was in the fights was because of the Blood Lust. The voice never stops, the lust never dies, and the pain never leaves, and now I know if it wasn't for the fact my Lust knows I have reason I could've been lost to this madness years ago. This madness that kills with no remorse, and almost drove me to...to suicide... why, WHY does it exist, and why does it torment Rachael. I can say this now that she is here with me but I can handle it, I know she could but she shouldn't have to, she too perfect for this. I really must've fucked up in a past life to earn this: Blood Lust, find a perfect girl, not only do I have to kill for her, but she too has the lust, shit I must've been Hitler. Then again I guess I never would have met her if not for the Lust even if "he" did try to get me to kill her, leave her, and just hand her over to her father. I have to say the last couple of weeks have been interesting though, I hope this interest dies down at some point though.

Snapping me out of my thinking trance was the sound of feet and paws on hard wood

And not mine for a- never mind why bother

Both are wearing one of my shirts, the one Natasha is wearing comes down to about her knees, and Rachael's just comes down past her pussy. Natasha leans against the island staring at me

"Wow I cum a few times and he cooks naked? You've got quite the catch here Rachael."

"Well he's my Adonis, but I smell bacon, did you...?" I couldn't even look at her "No? Again!?" She breaks out into a demoralizing laughter "If you weren't such a good cook I'd say to stay the hell out of the kitchen!" While she laughed the note caught my eye again

"Hey Rachael can we talk...in private?"

"Just say it babe Natasha knows everything about me, it is about the Blood Lust right?"

"Yea, how'd-"

"I can see the note from here." She replied gesturing to the note on the fridge

"Ok...but it's about Red."


"Yea your other side."

"Oh go ahead Natasha's fucked her enough." Natasha's cheeks turned bright crimson

Seriously, still?

"Ok, well before you came down as Red riding hood-"

"So that's how I got the name?"

"Yes anyway, I talked with Big B last night before you came down 'he' told me it's not the lust that takes over, not completely. It's the pent up need that makes you lose control. So someone like me who lets my Blood Lust out regularly and not try to shut it out won't lose control. Unlike someone who completely tries to close out their Lust."

"What are you saying Brick?"

"What I'm saying is don't keep Red locked up all the time keep her in your head talk with her you may find you like her. And when it won't hurt you, or endanger you let her out."

"I think he just wants to screw you some more Rach." Natasha cut in, but Rachael didn't even hear her the realization that the thing she feared the most and tried to prevent could take over at any moment because she tried to prevent it.

"So...if I keep her caged...I can lose myself?"


"But what happens at work I can barely control it here -you sexy beast- when I don't have co-workers all around."



"You let her out Rachael."

"No I didn't..."

"Yea you did Rachael." Natasha confirmed

"I didn't mean to... oh God."

"No, no, no that's good. But we'll figure it out, if we need to we'll hide in the closet and I'll eat you out." I tell her

"That may work-I would love it if you eat me out-."


"What?" Well there goes my shot at things being normal for a while. I wrap her in a hug, and like all third wheels Natasha cuts in

"Well you two had better figure it out quick we have work in a few hours." Then she looks at us "What were you two laughing about earlier Rachael?" we looked at each other I let go of Rachael's laughing body and throw my face into my hand, Rachael finally composed herself enough to tell the story, I sure as hell wasn't

"The first time he did this he brunt his sheath cooking the bacon!"

"NO!" Natasha yelled incredulously

"Then she sucked me off."

"What?! Girl were you that thirsty?"

"No, I just...like the taste is all..." Now it was Rachael's turn to blush, Natasha is on the floor laughing, and I just have a shit-eating grin glad that she finds me delicious at least.

Breakfast continued on with mostly the girls talking about random stories from work or something I couldn't tell you what was going on my mind was miles away. I couldn't stop thinking about what scared Big B so much, I just couldn't get him back, which usually was the opposite problem but now that he wasn't there I began thinking he really wasn't that bad. Sure he could knife in when I didn't want him to, take over my body, or just be an annoyance, but he was also the only thing that had always been there with me. I guess that's what a normal friendship is, you get a long for the most part, you get pissed at each other, you fight, then it's all good. He really was my only friend, yes I had friends from the ring, but I was friends with them knowing that any day I could have to kill them, or watch them die and there was nothing I could do about it. I never made any actual friends with anyone, they were more just guys I could grab a drink and talk to for a night.

When breakfast ended we got ready for work, the girls picked out clothes while I just put on that constricting button down shirt, and my knife dispenser. I had a feeling Keith's assassin would try something, I know just because the message is out doesn't mean it, but it's just a feeling. I've learned not to ignore those gut feelings.


We got out of car and walked towards the elevator I let Rachael go ahead and pulled Natasha to the side

"Natasha, don't tell Rachael but I think the assassin will come today at work. If I leave to take care of them I need you to stay close to Rachael so she doesn't wander off ok? I'll let you know if I leave."

"Sure but what possible use could I be?"

"Simple keep her calm, and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid, can I count on you for that." She nods "Alright thanks Natasha" I give her a hug as we walk toward the elevator.

So flirting with the husky now you gigolo

Hey! Look who's finally back

Yea left with a good reason

What reason?

Ok I figured out why you had that dream

No shit, do tell

When you and Rachael were "marking each other"


A few drops of her blood mixed with ours


And when two different types of Blood Lust mix they fight for control

So that dream was her lust?

Yea I guess Red really wanted control

But you have control right?

Do you want to mount her?


I mean more than usual jackass


Then it's still me, I diffused her blood out so it's just you and me

How'd you do that?

I'm in control of your body too remember?

Right, so we're good now?

Yup just you me, and our next target

Speaking of I think he's going to strike today

Gut feeling?


You and me both, we strapped?

All 32 knives

No gun?

Too difficult to conceal and keep quiet

So you think

Well next time don't disappear on me

Aw did the Big Bad Wolf miss the voice in his head

Yes, and you're Big B remember

Yea, yea I know lie to your girl

I didn't lie

I didn't have a name before last night

So it's not lying

Yes it is

Can't believe I missed you


Shut it, I guess life is more fun with you, being sane is boring

That's what I keep telling you!

Don't let it go to your head

Don't have one, but I can take yours

...I hate you

No you don't

I came back to reality with Natasha and Rachael staring at me intently.

"Yes?" I asked

"Oh my Gosh Rachael you're right they do change!"

"Told you."

"The hell's going on?"

"I was just telling Natasha that when you talk with 'him' you're left eye turns red, but your right eye stays blue, then turns back to blue when you two are done."

"No it doesn't!"

Yes it does

Quiet you

"He did it again!"

"Ok can we stop staring at me like I'm some fucking circus act, holy shit."


Rachael and I went from patient to patient and let me just say humans are fucking nasty! One guy got his dick stuck in a keyhole! A FUCKING KEY HOLE! Just as we were about to see the sixth patient Rachael grabbed and threw me against the wall of her office mashing her lips to mine. I was so off guard "he" took over and almost cut her, but 'he' stopped thankfully, but didn't give me control back!

"Good, you're letting Red out, you deserve a reward..." he said with a sly voice in between kisses


Not yet I want to see what she'll do

Don't you dare fucking touch her you piece of shit!

Ohh, protective aren't we? What's the worst I could do?

Kill her!

I promised not to do that.

She finally broke the kiss and opened her eyes "Sorry I had to get that out of my...YOU'RE NOT BRICK!"

"Aw you noticed shame, I thought you'd go a bit further before-"

"Give him back his body!"

"Ugh fine" I got feeling back just in time to get smacked in the face

"What was that for!?"

"For being an ass."

"What did I do?"

"You had 'him' kiss me!"

"No you took me by surprise and Big B took over sorry, you ok? You're bit on edge." She let out a deep sigh

"No I'm not ok, this next patient I have to have complete control, and everything with Keith and all, and then there's the blood lust I jus-" I plant a kiss on her lips to calm her down. The taste of her lips are...exciting

"Is that...blood on your lips?"

"It's a blood flavored lip balm; I got it for you in case I needed a release..."

"Where'd you get it?"

"I've had it for a while...in case I ever ran into you at a bar or something and thought I had a chance."

"So you were going to give me a taste of blood in the hopes that I'd eat you out?"

"Yea..." I couldn't help but chuckle

"If you wanted me to eat you out all you had to do is ask."

"Could you...?" she asked almost pathetically. She let out a scream of surprise as I picked her up and plopped her on the desk rolling up her skirt diving my head right between her legs. Her scent was heavy, and the only thing separating me from a dripping honey pot was a thin piece of cloth swiftly I took it in my teeth, ripping her underwear apart. I could feel her squirming every time I exhaled on her soaking vent.

"D-don't tease me wolf!" That must have been Red, not wanting to disappoint I immediately began my onslaught on her folds her tangy fluids filling my maw. I darted my tongue deeper into her sex, loving how she tried to stifle her moans. She put her hands on my head driving me to her sensitive spot making her moans come more frequently and louder. When her breath started getting shorter I tried a new trick on her, driving my tongue as deep as I could into her velvety furnace I began pumping and twist my tongue inside of her, with every twist and every pump she squirmed above me no longer quieting her moans. I knew she was getting close with every shortened breath, I needed to finish her before Kelso came to investigate the sounds, taking my tongue out of her I fought her hands to move my maw to her clit now fully out and in dire need, taking the lightest nibble at her clit was more than she could handle. She came soaking my muzzle in her female juices as I eagerly lapped at every drop I could. When she came down from her orgasmic high she collapsed on top of me still lapping at her juices. Ensuring she was spotless, I took my head out of her skirt and sat next to her on the desk letting her fall on to my lap. When she finally recovered enough to sit up, she giggled looking at my matted muzzle

"Ok so I won't wear underwear from now on." She ran her hand past the tent in my pants "Aw I feel bad now, sorry big guy I can't deal with that now."

"How's that fair?"

"Because I'm your reason for living, you live to please me." She said with an if-so-facto voice.

"I live to be pleased too ya know."

"You had me and Natasha last night call us even."

"Aw how the hell is that fair? You came more than I did."

"You got to have a three way, I wasn't there."

"You can't use Red as an excuse you were there."

"Fine then we're even for me kissing Big B, and I won't kick you in the balls."

"How're either of those my fault?"

"He's your side."

"Fine, who is this next patient anyway?"

"Oh shit come-on we're late."

"We're doctors aren't we supposed to be late?" I asked with a smile, in return she gave me a playful smile and threw her destroyed panties in my face.

"Funny, now come-on let's go." The way to the patient's room Rachael held my hand, she always knew just how to make me forget my worries, that assassin could wait until after we were done anyway.

When I walked in the room and closed the door a familiar voice called my name behind me.

"Good to see you again Brick, and you're wearing clothes this time how nice." I whipped around to see Rachael's mother on the examination table and Rachael to the side with her head in her hand.

"Hello Mrs. Davison nice to properly meet you."

"Likewise, so... is my daughter pregnant?"

"MOM!" Rachael shouted like an embarrassed teen

"N-no, I kept my word to you."

"Ok then, so what's that smell?" Rachael and I froze looking at each other

There's no way in hell she knows...right, no how does she always know?

Well last time you were naked and Rachael was mid orgasm

And this time?

Your muzzle fur is matted and neither of you cleaned yourselves so the smell is probably potent


"Mom, what do you mean, what smell?" Rachael asked hoping she didn't catch on to what she thought she did

"It smells like sex, and Brick's face is all matted, or sorry what do you beasts call it, is it a muzzle or a face?"

"They're interchangeable, and I don't smell it..." I lied hoping she would drop it

"Bull you don't smell it, by the looks of it your nose was swimming in my daughter."

Seriously, how is she this cool with it?

Well I guess compared to you Rachael's other boy toys were assholes

Not her boy toy, boy friend

Nah you're a whipped boy toy

If I could punch you right now, I would

"Mom why are you here again?"

"Why to see you two and my wrist is bothering me."

"Have you been doing the exercises?"


"Well you have to mom that's arthritis setting in! I swear it's like you don't even listen me." Disregarding Rachael her mother looked at me

"So Brick how's it been dating my daughter, hope she didn't cause too much trouble with her father." I sat there stunned at how forward she is, though I really shouldn't be by now. I didn't know how to respond to here though I didn't know just how much she knew, thankfully Rachael responded for me.

"Like I said never listen, and yes Mom Keith tried to kidnap me and kill Brick, but Brick saved me and shit hit the fan." Rachael's mom suddenly jumped off the table

"Well I see my daughter is in capable hands er paws, please keep her save Brick, and I guess happy you've seemed to be doing a good job of that. Well I'll do those exercises, good luck you two." She walked out leaving both of us with jaws on the floor.

"Look Rachael, offense but is your mom's a freaking psycho."

"No argument here, I could never get a thing past her, I swear she has a sixth sense for me. It's creepy." Before getting back to Rachael's office, I ducked into the bathroom to clean my muzzle I'm still trying to fly under the radar here.


We had been in her office close to two hours filling out paper work and so on, at some point Natasha stopped by so she could do her paper work with us, however little work was done. We spent most of the time embarrassing each other. Being my girlfriend and all I figured Rachael would side with me most of the time, WRONG! I never really dealt with more than one woman at a time, talking or otherwise, so I never knew that women would work together.

"Hey Natasha did you ever notice that the scar on the back of Brick's neck looks like a beast mounting someone."

"Yea it does! Brick how'd that happen."

"Ugh, I was in the ring against a fucking poodle, I underestimated the bastard he tripped me up took a bottle and carved that into my neck..."


"Fuck if I know the French are crazy!"

"Wait, wait, wait." Natasha cut in "You almost lost to a French poodle?"

"Laugh if you want that fucker was certifiable!" And laugh they did, by then I had enough, I needed to get a few shots in myself. "You know Natasha I had never seen anyone suck a dick as hungrily as you did last night." I said with a smirk, Natasha instantly shut up and hid her face behind a stack of papers. Rachael only stopped laughing for second, then laughed even harder, now it's her turn. "Why are you laughing Rachael? I seem to recall you couldn't keep your hands off of me the other night, we went from the bathroom, to the shower, to the couch and you used me as a pillow." Natasha came out from behind the papers to stare at the redhead

"So you spent all day shagging him, and then had both of us the next night? Holy shit what are you a succubus?" Natasha had no idea just how true that was, Rachael and I looked at each other for a second before her cheeks looked like fire trucks and I was rolling on the damned floor laughing so hard, Natasha just looked like a deer in the headlights.

Was she making a joke, or was that just lucky?

Who cares it's funny as hell

I feel bad for her though

Whoa wait! You, The Big Bad Wolf feel bad for someone?

FUCK. YOU. You're making me weak, come-on can we just kill someone?

"Girls you won't believe this!" I exclaimed they both looked at me like I was mad


_ Imma do it_


_ Imma do it_


"What is it Brick, if 'he' is trying to stop you it must be important." Rachael asked

"Big B feels bad for Natasha!" Rachael was slack jawed Natasha was still confused

"Shit, careful Natty if Brick tackles you with red eyes you're in for the ride of your life."

I fucking hate you

_ Revenge feels so good!_

The three of us continued talking like that to pass the time filling out paper after paper when Rachael's door opened stepping through it was a certain British asshole, Harry..

You still got that feeling about him?

Yea, something isn't right with this guy, he was defiantly eyeing us up yesterday.

Well get ready, let's give him the benefit of the doubt.

Look humor me and have a blade ready I don't want to be killed by this British prick

You don't know he's going to kill us...but I'll trust your feeling on this one

I quickly drew a blade careful to hide it from anyone's view. The moment Harry walked through the door he threw his hands in the air as if he was surrendering. I gave Rachael a questioning look, she responded with a look of disgust.

"I'm not 'ere to start something or talk to ya fine ladies, I just need a word with the big guy." He started. Rachael's look was now more uneasy than disgusted.

Take the offer, no use hiding if he's going to try something stupid like fight us let him

You sure?

He's a British ass with no game I think we can take him, besides he probably just wants to talk to you about Natasha


I accept his offer, before I leave however I tell Natasha to keep an eye on Rachael for me. I hope she caught my drift.

"Follow me." He said motioning down the hall "Want to talk in private if that's ok?"

"Yea, sure." I start following slightly behind him, retracting my knife, he won't start anything

I really don't like this

We're just talking ok, you said it yourself, he's just an ass with no game

Yea but he was testing us yesterday

Isn't that just what humans do though? Feel you out to try to intimate you?

Whatever, our shoulder good?

Yea no pain why?

Just...be ready

We walk through the busy halls, this hospital is massive, rooms, desks, carts everywhere. We finally stopped outside of one of those big surgical rooms that have the balcony for students and big wigs to watch from, Harry held the door open the room wasn't well lit. Suddenly something bit the back of my neck. Reaching back I pulled out a small needle, I looked at Harry then he disappeared into smoke! The room starting spinning, colors bombarding me, huge mushrooms grew out of the floor soon I was surrounded in a mushroom forest.

Grah, Big B what the fuck are you doing to me?


Big B? Big B? The fuck's going on?!

I-I don't kno-

Are you gasping for breath? What's wrong?

"Confused?" A hookah smoking caterpillar asks in a British accent. "You see I just injected you with copper sulfate you must be seeing some crazy rubbish Wolf."

"What ar-are you talking about?" Just as the words left my mouth, a bird flew by and cut me across the chest.

"Don't play dumb, I can't believe you're the one who killed Sweet, I figured a bottle of Jack would've been his downfall." Then the caterpillar disappeared into smoke, through the smoke came a coyote he claws dove straight into my left shoulder leaving it in there, using his other hand he drags a single claw across my face. Fuck, it hurts, his arm is in my shoulder but I only feel a smaller cut, but shit it hurts bad.

"TELL ME WHAT'S HAPPENING!" the coyote walked back into the mushroom forest to my right came a turtle at quick speed? The turtle smashed into me it felt like I just kissed a car.

"Simple really." An owl began to my left "I Harry Anderson will kill you, skin you, and present your skin as a gift with Rachael wrapped in it to Mr. Davidson and get one HELL! Of a pay day."

Fucking told...you he w-was...up-to-something

Ok you're right, now how do we fight him if I can't find him

Just...swing at anything that moves!


Then...hit anything close

I back up against one of the mushrooms and keep my back to hit hitting something that felt like a twig or something being pushed down. I drew a knife and threw it blindly at a moving mushroom: nothing! I quickly drew and threw two more knives not hearing anything that sounded like flesh. It was getting harder to breathe The next thing I knew I was stabbed by a hare carrying a knife

Co-come-on Goddamn it, f-focus!

I drew another knife and kept it up to protect me eyes shifting looking for anything that could be movement, my breath was getting shallower with every intake. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement and swiped at it with my knife: I CONNECTED! It felt like flesh, and the scream of pain from the leopard diving at me told me I hit him, but his claw dove just under my left shoulder piercing my skin sending another never message of pain to my brain. The leopard took me to the ground, my upper body is riddled with pain, and every breath was a battle. I reached over taking the leopard's claw out of my arm, it felt just like on my knives pushing him off me. I didn't have the strength to get up, my vision was getting darker, and dark I could see the leopard turn to caterpillar again then turn to me laughing as blood pooled around him from his chest.

"We'll both die here Wolf, and when you draw your last breath the bitch is as good as Keith's. I will die knowing I did my job, you'll get to die knowing you failed!" Those were the last words the caterpillar spoke before he fell limp. My vision was fading quickly, the lights were dimming.

G-good...fight B-Brick


As Big B's voice faded a red curtain enveloped me, I...couldn't breathe he anymore it was too painful.

Is this the end? Am I finished writing this story? To be honest I've got no clue, guess you'll just have to find out when I post my next story, may be this, may be something new who knows. Thank-you all for being patient with me, I thought I was going to get more writing done over winter break and I forgot just how hard it was to write at home with family and all. The parts will be a bit slower to come out than they were last semester because I really need to focus on studying. However that doesn't mean I won't be writing this is my release, it's calming and I can write out whatever I want and not get graded...in the traditional sense.

Thanks again, commenting, rating, faveing, and everything help a lot and really make my day. Feel free to comment anything as usual, what you liked what you didn't how you think I could improve the story, whatever your thoughts are I love to hear them all.
