Team Violet 9: Power

Story by Vailarian on SoFurry

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#9 of Team Violet

Following the disbandment of Team Rocket, a researcher moves to Kalos and starts a new crime syndicate that uses carnal power rather than strength to meet its goals.

Note: Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy. Feedback please!

Team Violet Emblem by Empyreus, with gratitude.

I do not own Pokémon or its characters.

I couldn't sleep. Five star room service, world renowned cuisine, and luxuriously comfortable beds, but I still couldn't sleep. I was plagued with endless nightmares playing the destruction of all I knew on repeat. I kept seeing Ferris as he fell through that window to the ground below. Sometimes I was the one pulling the trigger, causing his death. When I wasn't dreaming about Ferris I was dreaming about Junis, helpless and scared somewhere in the city, enduring torture and beatings from the Team Scarlet monsters that had taken her. Even worse was the idea that Evelyn Valore, mastermind behind our siege, was treating Junis to her own brand of evil.

"You look terrible," Coel's voice noted as he entered the room. I looked at him blankly, no desire to address the truth. He looked ragged himself, his left hand wrapped in gauze and a medical patch covering his cheek. Coel, along with Sybil and I, had been staying in the presidential suite at Hotel Richissime since the disaster two days ago. Our headquarters, along with Lumiose Museum, had gone up in flames. If it hadn't been for Coel and his Noctowl, I wouldn't have made it out alive. Our grunts that didn't quit or were hospitalized were also staying in the building, a minor security force that comforted me somewhat.

"I ordered breakfast," Coel went on, crossing the room and drawing the shades, letting sunlight stream into the expensive hotel room. "Have you been able to sleep?"

I shook my head no as he sat next to me on my bed, the sheets rumpled but still made. "Neither have I," he sighed, rubbing his blue eyes. In that second they looked like Ferris' eyes, and I had to hold back the sob that rose in my throat.

"Sybil is a wreck," he said, withdrawing a box of cigarettes and turning it in his hand. "She's severely traumatized. I think we shouldn't be surprised if she chooses to quit Team Violet."

"Is there a Team Violet anymore?" I whispered, staring out the window over Lumiose.

"Don't be stupid," Coel suddenly glared at me. "Your scientists, my grunts, Sybil's attendants, and Ferris' accountants all exist because of us. They're wounded, they're scared. But they're still with us, and they need leaders." He rose and stood before me, forcing me to gaze into his face. His skin was somehow paler since the incident making his hair appear darker, but his eyes carried life and fire behind them. I knew he was right, and I let a tear roll down my cheek.

"If you really want to disband us, that's your choice." He turned to look out the window, his long cloak swishing behind him. "I can't run this by myself. But we need to rescue Junis first."

My eyes widened and I rose to my feet, blood pounding in my ears. "We know where they are?" I questioned.

Coel turned back to me, a cigarette hanging from his lips. He smirked at me and struck a match, lighting the end. "There's the Tenna I know," he said. "They've been using the catacombs beneath the city."

I strode to the closet and whipped out my jacket, white with geometric purple accents, and threw it over my gray turtle neck. "The catacombs?" I asked, pulling on my boots one by one.

"That's right," Coel answered, breathing out a plume of smoke. "It can be reached by the abandoned Lysandre Labs, probably where they seized Xerosic's research."

"When can we leave?" I asked, shifting in front of the vanity and pushing my glasses onto my face.

"Whenever you're ready."

"Good." I stared into the mirror, hardly recognizing the figure that stared back. For the past two days all I had seen looking back at me was sorrow, pity, and helplessness. I hated her and everything that she had done. But the woman before me was different, her tired eyes now filled with determination and her violet hair wild and angry. I reached into my pocket and removed Junis' Lugia scale pendant and hung it around my neck. The longer I stared at its reflection the more furious I became, feeling white hot rage for the bastards that took my friend.

"I'm coming for you, Junis," I whispered.


My eyes fluttered open, aware of the low light around me. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, trying to remember what had just happened. I was with Tenna, and there was something important happening, maybe something dangerous. I ran my fingers through my short bristles of hair, massaging my temples and trying hard to remember. Had it been a dream?

I looked around, trying to make sense of things. It was certainly night, given the dark shapes and absence of light around me, but it was definitely not my apartment. As my eyes adjusted I finally made out familiarities, such as a writing desk and an open closet, and a picture frame containing a purple-haired woman among other scientists. All of these things belonged to Tenna, and I sighed in relief. This was Tenna's place and I was in her bed, naked and surrounded by soft sheets. I suppose it had been a dream after all.

I threw off the sheets and tried to get out of bed, only to find my body weak and my head foggy. It was night, after all, I must have been exhausted. A shape moved out of the corner of my eye among the darkness, approaching the bed and effectively startling me.

It jumped on the bed over me, landing on four slender paws. Its body was coated in silvery sleek fur, and a long canine face looked down at me with intelligent purple eyes.

"Ninetales!" I scolded, laughing and pushing against his furry chest. "You jerk, you scared me half to death."

He said nothing and leaned his head down to nuzzle against my neck. He was warm and soft, but only momentarily as I felt something slick and wet touch my skin, causing me to shiver.

"N-Ninetales," I squirmed beneath him, helpless against his long canine tongue. "You woke me up to play...?" He licked from my collarbone to my ear, causing my skin to tickle sensitively. My thoughts were still hazy, I hadn't recovered from recently waking up.

I gasped as I felt something poke between my thighs, nearly as slick as Ninetales' tongue. I pushed him back and looked down, only to witness his crimson tapered member protruding from its sheath. It was nearly fully erect, possibly six inches in length, and covered in thin veins. He was already dripping, cramming himself towards my now wet sex and seeking to delve further. Something in the back of my mind was buzzing like a fly, as if to alert me of something, but I pushed it away and instead shifted my hips to allow Ninetales a better angle of entry. In this moment, I wanted to feel him fill me up.

"Go ahead, boy," I cooed, rubbing a hand down the soft fur on the back of his head. "I want you inside me so badly." He licked my cheek in response and pushed himself forward, the tip of his cock slipping inside my body. I groaned and gasped, clutching against the Pokémon's scruff and squeezing my eyes tightly. He went deeper, filling my pussy in ways that seemed both painful and incredible at the same time. The more of him inside me there was the better I felt, stretching out my gushing sex and causing me to whine and moan.

"There's so much of you," I sighed, scratching behind his pointed ears. He pulled out of me nearly all the way before thrusting back in, drawing a cry of pleasure from my lips. He repeated the motion and I moaned again, this time thrusting back to meet his advance. He was getting deeper with each plunge, and if he wasn't completely erect before he definitely was now.

"I can't believe I never tried this before," I cried out, rocking my body back to meet his desperately. We had only ever serviced each other orally before now. He felt so powerful, I was in rapture to be his mate. The buzzing in my head returned, and for a split second it was a voice rather than white noise. My eyes flashed open and I looked at Ninetales, busy staring me down and thrusting over and over into me. I racked my mind, drawing the voice out. It was becoming clear, it was an offer made to me, it was the voice of a friend, a voice that I loved--

"When you're ready," Tenna's voice sounded clearly in my mind, "do you want me to help?"

I had accepted, so where was Tenna?

"What else are friends for?" she had asked. Ninetales was atop me, claiming me as his own on Tenna's bed in Tenna's apartment, but where was she?

"W-wait," I gasped, pressing my palms against Ninetales' chest. "Where's Tenna?"

Everything around me began to spin and melt. The room lost all sense of dimension, the furniture faded into the background, and even Ninetales lost his coherent shape. Things began to come into focus and the haze in my mind began to clear. I wasn't in Tenna's bedroom at all, but instead a cavernous stone room surrounded me, lit only by a flickering lamp in the corner. I was on a bed, yes, but instead of soft sheets and firm bedding I lay on a lumpy mattress. I soon realized I was also strapped down by the waist. I cried out and pushed against at the Pokémon on top of me, only to realize that my beloved Ninetales had disappeared. In his place was a slender and darkly-colored fox with a massive red mane that flowed down his back. His cruel eyes looked down on me and with a clawed hand he gripped my wrists, continuing his carnal assault. With my newfound clarity I realized that the whole scenario had been part of the Zoroark's illusion, now broken. Broken like the promise I had made with Tenna.

"No!" I yelled and tried to squirm out of his grasp, tears welling in my eyes. "No, no, no, please take it out!" I begged. I was becoming frantic and panicked under the sudden realization that I had been tricked out of my virginity. I had wanted it to be with Ninetales, and I wanted and needed Tenna to be with me. I suddenly recalled the attack on Team Violet, the strangers who had fired upon us. I remembered that I had put my body between the attackers and Tenna, I remembered intense pain caused by the fire attack. What had happened after?! Where the hell was I?!

"Good morning," a sickly sweet voice echoed around the room over the grunting of Zoroark. "I was beginning to get worried that you wouldn't wake up." I looked around the room from brick to brick, trying to find the source of the woman's voice. "But you're a tough girl, aren't you, Junis Lafayette?"

My eyes fell upon a woman at the far end of the room, her arms crossed over her chest. At first I assumed she was topless, but judging from the black and red straps on her shoulders, it seemed she was wearing some sort of midriff instead. Her sandy blonde hair fell all the way to the back of her knees, and above her dark eyes rested a pair of crimson goggles on her head.

"Who are you?!" I gasped after a particularly deep thrust from Zoroark. "Please make him stop!"

She approached the bed, grinning and shaking her head. "As for my name, it's Eve. That's all you need to know. But for him," she rested a hand on the dark-type's back, "he's just getting started. Slow down, big guy." The Pokémon heeded her command, slowing his motions and slipping his penis in and out of me at half-pace.

"Why won't you stop?" I cried, balling my fists and struggling in vain against my Pokémon captor.

"God, how ungrateful can you be?" Eve sighed, pacing around the bed to the opposite side. "You were moaning like a bitch in heat not two minutes ago." She leaned down close to my face and I flinched, turning away from the strange woman. "Just consider it poetic justice," she whispered in my ear.

Suddenly her hand was on my face, squeezing my cheeks and turning my head roughly in her direction. "If Tenna thinks she can put a Pokémon's dick into WHOEVER she wants," she yelled at me, her fingernails digging into my skin, "then so the fuck can I!"

She threw my head back onto the bed and resumed pacing the room. My heart was pounding in my chest, and a cold sweat had broken over my whole body. Furthermore, the Zoroark pounding into me was becoming uncomfortable and rough. I felt like crying but I was too terrified.

"H-how do you know who Tenna is?" I stammered. "How do you know who I am? Are... are you with those people who attacked us?"

"Of course I am, you stupid slut," Eve hissed, glaring at me. "I fucking gave the order to wipe you all out. Unfortunately, we only got a score of one for four." She brought her hands to her temples and groaned. "But at least the building is destroyed, that was obvious enough."

My breath caught in my throat. Team Violet headquarters... it was destroyed? What was worse, what did she mean by one for four? Was somebody... dead?

"That clueless look in your eyes!" the woman laughed. "You've been sleeping for two days, you're so in the dark!" She chuckled and walked back to me, glancing down to my groin. "Or rather, the dark is in you." She smiled but seemed dissatisfied with her own joke, and frowned again. "I wouldn't worry about who's already pushing up daisies," she sighed. "You're all gonna die anyway."

An alarm suddenly went off in the distance, shrill and long. Eve's eyes flashed towards the heavy iron door and she thrust her hand into the bag hanging at her waist, withdrawing a communicator. "Are they here?" she spoke into it.

"Yeah, Coel and Tenna," a voice came through. "They're heading your way, Eve."

A serpentine smile crossed the woman's face. "Perfect," she murmured. "Don't kill the woman, I want a word with her." My heart raced as I heard Tenna's name. She was coming to rescue me!

Eve seemed to sense my hope. "It's not like I didn't plan this," she grinned at me and pulled two Pokéballs out of her bag, releasing a Scyther and Skarmory into the dark room. She also withdrew two of the devices I had seen before, the ones used to attack Tenna and I. From this distance I could see a disk, a TM, spinning above the curved handle.

"You're the bait, after all," she explained, causing my stomach to clench with fear. She leaned towards Zoroark, who I had nearly forgotten. "You can speed up, baby," Eve cooed. "Don't be afraid to knot her, either." At her command Zoroark resumed his bestial pace, shoving his cock deep inside me at breathtaking speed. I was suddenly aware of the base of his member, growing in size at all edges. I cried out, struggling all I could and desperately aware I couldn't escape.

"Tenna..." I whispered, tears blurring my vision.


"On your left, Coel!" I yelled, running alongside my Arcanine. Not five minutes after finding the passage to the catacombs through Lysandre Labs, Team Flare's old research facility, and we had been discovered. Once again we faced Pokécrux blasters but this time we were prepared, and between Coel and I we had managed to delve deeper beneath the city mostly unscathed.

"Extrasensory!" he yelled, pointing out the Team Scarlet grunt that had appeared down a narrow passage ahead of us. His Noctowl swooped forward, unleashing a torrent of psychic energy upon the man and dropping him to the ground. We turned down the same hallway and jumped over his body, continuing onwards.

"We must be getting close," Coel huffed, his Jolteon keeping pace as Arcanine was. "We're seeing more grunts by the minute in this damn labyrinth." He was right, both about the amount of enemies and the nature of the catacombs. I severely disliked these medieval passages, they were cramped and lit only by grates to the outside world and the occasional blinking light bulb.

"Great," I gasped, taking the sharp corner and dashing ahead. "If Evelyn has done anything to hurt Junis, don't you try to hold me back. Flamethrower!" Arcanine jumped ahead of me and unleashed a column of fire upon another Scarlet grunt that had come our way, leave her to slump against the brick wall as we rushed past.

"I won't stop you, but don't let your guard down either," Coel warned. "That girl is dangerous and unpredictable; you know that better than most." We ran into a wide, circular room illuminated by camping lanterns. There were six or seven grunts waiting for us, their goggles around their necks and Pokécrux blasters pointed our way. Simultaneously we shouted commands to our Pokémon and rushed into the fray, zigzagging around their artificial attacks. Arcanine dropped two enemies at once, and I turned in time to see Coel punching a man hard in the throat in the wake of his two Pokémon's destruction.

"I'm aware she's dangerous," I gasped, leaning against a pillar to catch my breath. My Arcanine wandered up to me and butted my waist with her head, nuzzling against me. I placed my palm on her forehead and stroke her fur gently. "This is a trap for us anyway, isn't it?"

"More than likely," Coel answered, checking over his Pokémon for signs of damage. "They wouldn't have taken Junis alive if Evelyn didn't plan on us coming after her." He scratched behind Jolteon's ears and looked at me with a serious glare. "We're the targets, Tenna. It's us they want dead."

I nodded, gulping down air and feeling my strength returned. "I figured as much," I replied, closing my hand into a fist. "Can you promise me something?"

"I can try."

"If things get hectic," I said quietly, "Junis takes priority. Get her out before you think about me, got it?"

Coel was silent for many seconds, looking at me as if sizing me up. "I promise," he spoke.

"Good," I sighed, feeling a slight weight lift off my chest. "Are you ready to go on?"

"We are," the man nodded, standing and walking towards the entrance farthest from us. His Jolteon and Noctowl followed closely behind them, ready to protect him at all costs. Arcanine bounded towards them and turned back to me, offering a bark of encouragement. I smiled, following the crowd.

It wasn't long after we left the circular room until the narrow passage suddenly branched, leaving Coel and I to glance down the hallways uncertainly. A grate to the outside rested in the top corner of the wall in front of us, and as I looked through it I saw the edge of a familiar glimmering structure.

"Prism Tower," I pointed out to Coel.

He looked up and nodded. "We're near the center of the city," he decided. "We've been down here for a while, but we really haven't covered that much ground. These catacombs are one hell of a maze."

"At least it's not the sewer," I told him, relieved. "Which direction--"

My words were interrupted by a faint yell, it's echo bouncing along the passage and reaching our ears. My face paled and I immediately looked down the left corridor.

"Was that...?" Coel whispered.

The cry came again, more clear in our silence. "Junis," I gasped, turning to dash down the passageway. I could hear the footsteps of human and Pokémon fall behind me, but all I truly focused on was getting to the voice at the end of this god damned tunnel. A metal door soon came into view and the woman's voice screamed out again, filling my gut with fear and anger.

"Goodra!" I yelled, unclipping the Ultra Ball from my belt, "use Outrage!" The dragon Pokémon materialized in front of me, its body glowing with rage and energy. He impacted the door, breaking it off its hinges and sending it clanging and clattering into the stone room. I rushed passed Goodra and burst into the room, only to see a Zoroark buried balls-deep in Junis' restrained body.

"Tenna!" Junis cried, tears falling down her face as she looked at me. The Zoroark turned back as well, growling at me as I stood frozen. I felt numb, as if what I was witnessing wasn't real.

Coel pushed passed me, pointing at the dark-type. "Pin Missile!" he command to his Jolteon who had sprinted around me. She raised her tail, allowing spears of to fly towards Zoroark and strike it one after another. It howled in agony and dropped to the ground, its canine penis popping out of Junis. She cried out at the force, her pussy now gaping and letting milky-white cum flow out of her and onto the mattress.

"Tenna!" she repeated, sobbing. My feet moved and I rushed towards the girl, kneeling next to the bed and hugging her tightly. She cried into my breast and held on tightly, and I cradled her and buried my face in her short hair.

"I'm here, Junis," I whispered, tears rushing down my cheeks. Coel had rushed over, withdrawing a serrated blade and slicing through the leather strap around Junis' waist. "We're going to get out of here, ok?" I told her, rubbing her head gently.

Coel shed his overcoat and held it out to the young woman, leaving him in a simple grunt's outfit minus the purple necktie. "We need to leave now," he urged as Junis took the garment, staring gratefully up at him. "I fear Evelyn won't be far behind."

"S-she's coming back," Junis gasped, accepting the handkerchief I handed to her to clean herself before slipping the dark trenchcoat over her body. "She was waiting for you two," she sniffed.

"Then we'll leave right now," I assured her, helping her out of the bed and supporting her as we made towards the exit. Coel strode ahead of us, his Pokémon sensing out any danger that might come our way. Just as we were about to reach the large round room, Noctowl and Jolteon looked to Coel and made cries of worry.

"She's waiting ahead," he said in a low voice, turning towards us with a furrowed brow. "We'll need to confront her."

"Ok," I answered, squeezing Junis' shoulder. "Remember our promise, Coel." He nodded and stepped into the room, leading his Pokémon, Junis, and myself forward. My heart was pounding so hard I was afraid it might burst. I was scared, I was worried for Junis, Coel, and our Pokémon. But more than anything I was furious. I made a vow to myself right then that I would kill Evelyn or die trying, and as I laid eyes on that evil smirking face I solidified that promise.