Back into the game

Story by Ironwing on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Yadda yadda yadda. You may not view this material if you are offended by adult content, or not legally allowed to view said adult content.

This story is copyright me, Ironwing, AKA Ferramentapenna. You must seek my permission to use this for any reason other than reading it. Ferram is copyright of me. Jace is copyright of his player.

Rated R for adult content and language.


Ferram lets his eyes slide across the dark tavern, taking in the other patrons. His large, grey tail flicks idly, the faint purple streaks seeming to glint in the little amount of light in the tavern. At nearly six feet, he's large for a squirrel, and this, combined with his grey and violet fur, gives him a peculiar look.

His eyes slide over several potential targets, occasionally pausing at one for a moment, while he ponders, before moving on. Eventually, his eyes land on a tiny, nervous-looking tiger. He nearly gasps as he eyes the creature, who is nearly trembling with anxiety.

"Well, what have we here?" he mutters to himself, wondering if the tiger was, like himself, looking for a night of company. Gulping the last of his drink, Ferram stands, his mind set on getting to know this tiger.

Ferram reaches the tiger, with only a slight swagger in his steps, and sits down next to him. "Hi there," he says

The tiger looks up, seeming surprised. "Hello, sir," he says.

"Might I ask your name?" Ferram asks, cocking his head slightly at the feline.

"I'm Jace," came the reply.

"Call me Ferram," the large squirrel says, offering his paw. Jace nods, taking the placing his own paw in Ferram's considerably larger one.

Ferram brings the tiger's paw to his mouth, and licks it, leaving a small mark on the orange fur. Blinking, Jace looks down at the mark.

"Would you care to follow me?" Ferram asks, taking a couple of steps towards the stairs near the back of the room. Jace looks around, but nods, although he is unsure of what Ferram is doing. Upon climbing the stairs, Ferram pulls a small key from his pocket, and looks at the tiny number engraved on it. He finds the corresponding room, and leads Jace inside the simply-furnished room. He takes a seat on the bed, and indicates that Jace should do the same.

Ferram idly moves his hands to his boots, and begins unlacing them. "Tell me, Jace," he says, "do you have anything in particular that you might like to experiment with tonight?

"Ex-experiment with?" Jace asks, now trembling visibly. "I...I am sure that I don't know what you mean, sir."

Ferram raises an eyebrow at Jace. "Oh? Don't tell me that you haven't....You know."

"No, no, of course not, I mean yes I have, that is... umm..." Jace squirms slightly, blushing.

Ferram takes the tiger's trembling paw. "Relax, we're friends here. You can stop calling me sir. What are you trying to say?"

Jace shrugs. "I... I don't know. I guess I'm just shy sir... umm... I mean Ferram

Ferram removes his boots and casts them aside. "Relax," he repeats, briefly running a hand across the orange-furred face in front of him. Jace blushes slightly at the touch, casually fidgeting with his own clothes, though not removing them. Ferram bares his teeth playfully, and says, "Let me help you with that." He pushes the tiger down gently, but with authority. He removes the tiger's cape, and begins undoing the buttons on his vest. Jace lets a small 'eep' pass his lips, and wriggles about, trying to resist, but next to helpless under the strong squirrel. He bites his lip as Ferram begins stripping him. Ferram leans down, putting his weight on the small tiger. He moves his head down, and licks Jace's neck, leaving another small trail of saliva. He undoes the tiger's vest, and removes it, exposing the soft fur of the tiger's chest. Murring slightly, Ferram reaches down, and takes one of the tiger's nipples between his blunt claws. Jace continues to struggle at these actions, nervous and unsure about his decision to follow the squirrel.

Shuffling a bit, Ferram lowers his face to Jace's chest, taking the other nipple lightly between his teeth, gently tugging it, and running his tongue over the very tip. He removes his hands, and begins undoing his own vest. Jace stops moving, clearly concerned about the welfare of his body.

Ferram removes his garment, and grins at Jace. "I'm not going to hurt you," he says, showing his teeth, and lack of fangs. "I'm just here to have fun. You should try that, too." He begins undoing his belt, keeping his tented pants above the tiger's chest.

Jace nods slowly, though unsure what to believe. His eyes widen with surprise as the squirrel begins to strip, and he fails to avoid taking note of the sizeable bulge near his face. Ferram chuckles as he works on his pants.

"Well, I suppose it might hurt a little," he says, "But don't worry." He removes his pants, exposing his still-hardening shaft. The pink cock glistens slightly, wet with precum and throbbing as it escapes from its cloth prison.

Jace shudders as the thick squirrel cock comes into view, blushing at it, watching as the light glistens off the slick meat. A drop of pre falls onto one of his nipples. Ferram grins, and again reaches for the tiger's chest. He gently scrapes the fluid off of Jace's sakura cap, and holds his paw to his muzzle, inhaling the heady scent. He then offers his paw to the tiger, while his other paw reaches down to cup Jace's crotch. Jace's eyes widen as he feels the large grey paw grope his crotch, and shakes his head, blushing at the thought of being fed the other male's pre. Ferram moves one paw to Jace's belt, while he looks into his eyes. He holds his pre-stained paw next to his quivering, throbbing cock, and grins, as he inches it closer to Jace's face. "You choice," he says, his words softly masked behind a slight murr. Blushing, Jace closes his mouth and shakes his head, both to the pre and the hand at his belt, embarrassed to have his meager endowments displayed or to be fed the pre like a baby on strained food.

Ferram's face darkens slightly, as he is faced with a decision. After a moment, his expression clears, and he reaches towards Jace's face with his clean paw. "Well," he says, "If that's what it has to come to." He places his paw under Jace's chin, and digs his thumb into one side of the small jaw, and his fingers into the other, forcing the tiger's muzzle open. "Careful now," he says, noting the sharp fangs, before forcing the tip of his burning meat into the pink cave. He murrs loudly as Jace's rough tongue drags along the underside of his full cock. Pressing his weight down, he pins the struggling feline to the bed, and slides his cock farther into his mouth, until it reaches the zenith of the warm orifice.

Jace's eyes widen, and he struggles at first, then lays still, worried for himself, whimpering as the squirrel works, and he is forced to taste the pre straight from the tap as the thick meat is pushed between his open lips. He whines helplessly as he is made to taste the squirrel's piece, wriggling his hips in protest to this humiliation.

Ferram pulls his dick back along the rough tongue, enticing another murr to pass his lips. His weight and size are his only advantage over the well-armed feline, but he takes control regardless, sliding his engorged member back and forth inside Jace's mouth. He slows down, and again bumps the entrance of the tiger's throat with the oozing head of his hot shaft. He pauses, several inches of dick still exposed between Jace's muzzle and his furred sheath and full balls. Ferram grins, and leans down, forcing the head of his cock into Jace's throat. He slides a small amount of flesh in, then pauses to allow Jace to breathe, before continuing in his exploration of the reluctant feline's throat. Before long, his sheath hits the feline's muzzle, and he pauses, grinning at Jace.

Jace whimpers as the cock slides in and out, squirming even more as his throat is opened up, and his crash-course in deep-throating begins. As his lips kiss the furred sheath, he looks up, horrified at having the entire pink dick deep in his mouth. He blushes hotly as Ferram licks his lips.

Clearly enjoying the feeling of the feline's throat pressing on his dick, Ferram pauses, then, carefully, he pulls his cock out, moaning loudly as the smooth channel drags against his sensitive flesh. He pulls his piece free of Jace's mouth, and almost immediately replaces it his with his tongue, lustfully kissing the tiger, and tasting his own pre, taking great pleasure in his company. His paws return to the tigers pants, and remove his belt. Jace squirms, wide-eyed and blushing once more, at the kiss and the squirrel's lust.

Ferram removes Jace's belt, and tosses the forsaken garment aside, then wraps his arms around Jace, pressing their bare chests together, while savoring the kiss as long as he can. Once finished, he moves down to sit between the tiger's legs, and digs his fingers into the rim of his pants. "Gods, yesss," he murrs, slowly removing the tiger's pants, his cock resting inches from where Jace's would be.

Jace's eyes widen, horrified and he shakes his head. "No! Don't do that!!" He blushes hotly as he is finally stripped completely, leaving him fully naked before the more endowed male, his tiny prick less than two inches long and skinny as a pencil, bigger equipment having been seen on children.

Ferram murrs and leans down, gently licking the tool, toying with it as he would any cock. He chuckles at Jace's protests. "Oh, please," he says lustily. "I'm sure it can spurt as well as mine." With that, Ferram focuses his attention on the softly-furred sheath and balls, fully exploring the tiger's crotch with his tongue. "Roll over," he says, lifting his head from the delicious prize, and offering Jace a chance to comply on his own. Jace whimpers, squirming as he is toyed with, and hesitates at the command, but he rolls over, recalling his earlier attempt to deny the squirrel. He looks back over his shoulder as his bare little bottom is put sunny side up.

Grinning, Ferram places one paw on each round, orange orb. He pulls them apart, exposing the small, pink entrance between. He gently teases the pucker with his thumbs, while working his fingers in a simple massage of Jace's backside. His thumbs trace small circles around the warm entrance, just slightly brushing the edges, while he leans down and begins licking Jace's hanging shaft from behind, taking it into his mouth briefly, then letting it fall again. The tip of his tongue eagerly probes Jace's cock and balls, while his paws work on the feline's rear. Jace whimpers, squirming, but the pleasurable sensations make him lift his rear and spread his legs, as he is unable to deny how good it feels to get licked.

Ferram murrs again as Jace begins warming up to their activities. He holds a paw near Jace's face, and says, "Won't you care to help? Don't worry, my claws are quite blunt." He licks his lips suggestively, and then returns his muzzle to the tiger's balls, now tugging at the pieces with his teeth. Jace blushes but obediently starts sucking the finger.

As the tiger finishes his task, Ferram pulls his wet paw away, satisfied. He runs a blunt claw from the base of the tiger's tail to his pink hole. He pauses, and then presses the slick claw into the tight bud, followed by the rest of his finger. He gently explores inside the tiger, probing carefully, the saliva on his finger working as a crude but efficient lube. After a few tugs, he finds the hole yielding enough to slide in a second digit, stretching the entrance slightly. He slides his fingers in up to where they connect to his paw, and curves them, pressing down on the hidden pleasure center that lay hidden in the tiger's rear.

Jace gasps and squeals, almost girlishly, and looks back at Ferram, who reaches under the pillow, and retrieves a small toy, not much bigger than the now-stiff tiger's cock, but much smaller than his own engorged member. He inserts the toy into the tiger's tight ass, which wriggles as Jace continues to resist. He then moves back to the tiger's head, his member still throbbing and moist, but no longer soaked as it had been earlier. "It could use another coat," he says, bumping the tip against Jace's nose, "if you're willing."

Having already tasted it once, and afraid to refuse again, he opens his mouth, offering to lube the thick pink meat. Ferram grins at Jace's slight willingness, and slides his cock into the tiger's mouth once more, again loving the feeling of the rough feline tongue on it. With half of his shaft in Jace's mouth, he begins rubbing the other half, toying with himself, jiggling his balls in front of Jace's face and smearing the leftover saliva and pre around his burning shaft. Jace blushes again, humiliated as he licks the meat, watching the squirrel tease the rest of his equipment, his little tailhole still held stretched by the tiny toy bigger than his own babyish dick.

Ferram feels his member grow even hotter, and pulls it out of Jace's mouth, for fear of losing his precious fluid in such a wasted orifice. "I think you're ready," he says, and returns to the tiger's rear. He removes the toy, and presses the head of his slick dick against the warm entrance, pausing, and waiting for Jace's reaction.

Jace squirms, whimpering, still tasting the hot pre from the hard dick in his mouth. "Please, please. I'll do anything! I'm not a girl! I'm not supposed to pleasure cocks!"

Ferram grins warmly, but simply refuses to be denied of this succulent prize. He grasps the tiger's rear, and pushes his thick member into the yielding hole, stretching it considerably more than his fingers ever could. He slides the well-lubed shaft deep into the tiger's love tunnel, enjoying the tight, new body before him. When Jace's balls bump against his own, Ferram pauses, the struggles of his reluctant lover only giving him more pleasure, as the warm channel twists and pulls at his needy cock.

Jace whimpers, whining loudly, looking back, watching his little bottom get filled with the bigger, superior shaft, squealing like a girl as he feels the heavy, furry balls bump his little ones, humiliated. Ferram pulls his cock back, sliding the flesh out of the tight, warm hole, until only the head of his cock remains in the wonderful passage. He slowly begins thrusting as such, bumping his balls against Jace's with every lustful move. He reaches down, and gently squeezes and tugs on the tiger cock, wanting to see its load.

Jace moans, blushing hotly in shame, spreading his legs and lifting his rear, moaning, his little dick hard to the squirrels touch, though still just as tiny as a child. The small cock's meager fluids are soon secreted, and the phallus quickly goes soft. Ferram catches the excrement in one paw, not at all disappointed, and leans forward over Jace's back. Reaching forward, he clasps his paw over the tiger's muzzle, intentionally covering his nose, to force the tiger's lips to part. All the while, his thrusting picks up speed, and the warm tunnel yields easily to his large shaft.

Jace moans, whimpering loudly his dick goes completely limp between his legs, and his rear welcomes the big cock. He hesitates a moment before tasting and smelling his own cum on the squirrel's hand, reluctantly lapping it clean.

Ferram laughs, his voice thick with lust, as he begins climaxing. His cock flares, suddenly stretching Jace's ass even further, before he unloads his seed into the tiger's bowels. Waves of pleasure wash over his body, as waves of cum spray out of his cock, filling the tiger's hole and spilling out onto his balls, Jace's balls, and the bed. Slowing down, he feels the last few drops trickle out of his member, which gradually softens. He pauses, and then pulls his cock out of the pink hole, which is too stretched to stop the torrent of cum from leaking out of it. Ferram takes two handfuls of the expansive juices, and smears one all over his sheath, balls, and ass. The other handful of cum goes to his own tailhole, and he squats in front of Jace, his entire private area covered in his own juices. "Go on," he says, kissing the tiger. "Help me clean up."

Jace eyes widen, horrified, as the very thought of such a degrading command stuns him. Ferram chuckles softly. Although they've both climaxed, he is hardly finished with this wonderful tiger's body. His paw goes again to Jace's chin, and his mouth is forced open in the same manner as before. "Trust me, it's good," Ferram murrs, the tip of his cum-covered dick poised by Jace's mouth. "And relax, I'll help you." Ferram slides his dick into the pink cave once more, intentionally smearing a liberal amount of cum on the tiger's lips.

Jace whimpers, squirming helplessly, as he is again force-fed the big pink dick, this time tasting cum instead of precum, feeling so degraded at being guided to cleaning him and wondering when this will stop. Ferram chuckles again. "Open up," he mutters in an almost sing-song voice, as his cock once again bumps Jace's throat. He goes through the same ritual as before, sliding his cock little by little down the tiger's throat, this time with a different intent in mind. As the rest of his dick is lost in Jace's muzzle, he leans forward, smearing the tiger's muzzle with the cum that covers his pelvis and balls. Shaking slightly, Ferram wipes as much cum off onto the tiger's muzzle as he can, then pulls his now-clean dick free of his lover's mouth.

Jace hangs his head, ashamed of what has happened, and wondering how much worse it can get. Leaning forward, Ferram begins cleaning off the tiger's muzzle, keeping true to his promise to help. After removing the last few drops of the succulent fluid from his lover, Ferram kneels in front of him, and presents his tail to the tiger. "Almost done," he murrs, raising his tail, and exposing the large amount of cum still resting on his balls and hole.

Jace squirms, as he is cleaned off, his eyes widening at the thought of his task. Reluctantly, he kneels down, lapping the juice from the fuzzy balls before moving to clean the tight tailhole. Ferram murrs loudly as the tiger's tongue explores his more experienced areas. He leans back slightly, pressing his tailhole right against the tiger's muzzle, and groaning at the sensations caused by the rough tongue. "Gods, yes," he exclaims, as his tailhole is teased by the tiger. Regretful that it would remain tight tonight, Ferram tries to get as much pleasure for his tailhole from the cleaning as he can.

Jace laps deep into the squirrel's rear, shuddering at the humiliation, lapping his own cum out of the squirrel's rear while on all fours, with his little dick limp under his well-fucked ass, thinking it could only be worse if he were licking this male's cum from his wife's cunt instead.

Ferram moves as his cleaning is completed, and returns to his seat at the tiger's rear. He leans forward, and, after quickly licking the cum off of the bed sheets, focuses on Jace's balls. Once they are cleaned, Ferram moves on to his next target, and one of his favorites. He licks the cum from around the tiger's tailhole, then presses his lips to the entrance, and begins drawing the cum out, using his tongue and jaw, and his hands to spread the entrance. Ferram enjoys himself immensely, and continues to lick and suck on the warm tailhole, even after the cum is gone, for a few moments, before lying down beside Jace and kissing him deeply.

Jace whimpers, squirming then kissing back with a small whine of shame, wondering what else might happen to him. Ferram continues kissing his wonderful companion for a moment, before breaking off to look at him. Running a hand along the soft, orange-furred chest, he says, "Well, that was fun, wasn't it? You seemed to at least want to enjoy it." Ferram gazes at Jace, looking into his eyes, seemingly satisfied for the time being. Jace blushes hotly, looking away, embarrassed by the entire situation, but knowing better than to say so. Chuckling at the reluctant tiger, Ferram says, "Well, I think I'm going to head back, but if you want to talk to me, or meet up sometime, feel free." With a quick kiss and a wink, he reaches for his clothes. "Farewell."