After Party 7 - The Date

Story by Otter Miqmah on SoFurry

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#8 of After Party

After Party 7 - The Date

Legal stuff - If you are underage, please, don't read this stuff, it's sick and twisted, and it will warp your fragile little soul. If you are of age, please read, read until there is no tomorrow, your soul cannot possibly be twisted enough to stop reading this stuff! All chapters and stories are mine, so don't steal them. Thank you for reading. :3

John and Allen ran into the bathroom, their clothes flying off as they did. They found

themselves panting heavily together in front of the shower as John bent down to turn on the

water, but before he could even get his paw around the faucet knob, Allen grabbed his

shoulders, spun him around and stuck his hard cock into his muzzle.

"SUCK ME!" He said as he started humping John's face.

All Allen could hear was a faint mumbled "Ok" from the wolf who was sucking the cheetah's

hard member. John messaged the dripping cock with his tongue, as the all too familiar taste

of salty pre invaded his senses.

"Oh god, that's right, suck it harder... I'm sooo horny." Allen said. Something about him

watching the wolf that penetrated him last night bend down naked in front of him made him

want him right there and then. John continued to suck Allen's cock until it exploded in his

mouth. He licked it clean and pulled off.

Allen was panting from the release of the heat that had built up inside of him. John turned

around, turned on the water, stood up, and gave Allen a kiss just as he had regained his


"Love you," John said after the kiss.

"Love you too," Allen said as they both stepped into the shower, letting the water run down

their bodies.

"And now for the real show..." John said as he grabbed Allen close and gave him an

enormous kiss. His tongue met Allen's, and Allen's paw found his way to Johns lower back,

then his round, firm ass. He gave it a squeeze and John broke the kiss.

"How's your bum?" John asked Allen.

"Still hurts... but it's a good hurt."

John kissed Allen. "Good."

Allen hugged John and they stood there letting the warm water flow over their fur, slowly

washing away the remnants of last night. John reached for the bottle of fur shampoo and

squirted a glob into his paw. Then Allen got his own glob, and they both lathered up and

rinsed off.

Once they were all nice and clean again, John pulled Allen in for yet another hug.

"Is my kitty all nice and clean again?" John asked in a cute baby voice.

"Yes, and is my puppy all..." Allen looked down and saw John's enormous dick already

hardening and poking out of his sheath. "Horny again?" He said, grabbing for the hardening


John gave an affirmative bark, and Allen got down on his knees and stuck the enormous rod

into his mouth. He sucked on the pulsating rod and tried to cram as much of his length into

his muzzle as he could before he pulled off and stood back up.

"Aww, why did you stop?" John whimpered.

"Well... you see... the way I look at it is... I won't be this stretched out in a while, and..."

"Oh, I see... are you sure?"

Allen nodded and turned around. He bent forward and braced against the wall.

"Now, just tell me if it is too much. I don't want to hurt you and I don't want to make you

pass out or anything again, ok?"

Allen nodded again, and felt the tip of John's penis brush up against the extremely sensitive

area he once knew to be his tail hole. He winced at the pain that shot through his body.

John pulled back and began to say how this was a bad idea when Allen thrust backward as

hard as he could and the thick shaft entered his abused hole. He screamed loudly, but it

quickly turned into a moan of satisfaction. Allen started moving back and forth against the

enormous member inside of him, the shots of pain slowly numbing into a gentle feeling of


John, figuring that it was ok, began thrusting himself, the inches going deep inside and

pulling out, then going back in. His knot formed much quicker than it did before, but he knew

that Allen couldn't take it, so he made special attention to avoid tying with him.

"Oh God, deeper, shove that big knot in me!" Allen screamed.

"No, I'm not going to hurt you."

"Just do it, I want you in me again!" said Allen, trying to thrust deeper so that John's knot

would enter him, but having no luck.

"No, you're going..." but before he could finish his sentence, Allen shoved against the wall

and sent them both falling back on their asses, the force of the fall enough to make Allen

slide onto John's knot. The feeling of being slit open again made Allen shoot yet another

sticky stream of cum into the air, and the pressure of John's cock made him release his load

deep into Allen. They both moaned loudly as they came, and then sat there panting.

"See, I told you I would be fine," Allen said, swirling his hips in a circle on John's thick

member until he winced in pain as the pleasure became discomfort again.

"See, I told you it was a bad idea. Now I'm going to make this quick. One. Two. THREE!"

He pulled Allen off of his knot with a loud pop, and set him down on the floor of the shower.

John leaned over for a kiss but stopped and started to giggle.

Allen had a streak of cum across his face. When he shot his load, it hit him square in the

muzzle, but he hadn't noticed. John licked the cum off with his large canine tongue.

"I guess my clean kitty didn't stay clean for very long." John said.

"Well, what did you expect?"

"You should listen more to your wounded ass, and less to your stiff dick... that's all."

"Well that's no fun, is it?"

"Yeah, but you could have hurt yourself. Look." They both looked down; there was a thin

streak of red flowing from under Allen to the drain. "You did hurt yourself, are you ok?"

"I'm fine, it only hurts a little. Besides, it was worth it." Allen said trying to get another kiss

from John, who resisted.

"No, just promise you will take it easy for a while ok? I don't want to have to take you to the


"Oh fine... now give me a kiss!"

John gave Allen a kiss and they sat on the floor of the shower feeling each other's wet bodies

against their own.

"So what did you want to do today?" John eventually asked.

"Let's do something new." Allen said.

"I think we just did something new..."

"You know what I mean. I want to go somewhere I've never been."

"How about going to the movies?"

"Nah, I wanna actually go somewhere." Allen said looking into John's eyes. "I want to do

something new and exciting."

"Have you ever been to the boardwalk?"

"No, where is that?"

"Oh, about maybe thirty minutes from here."

"That sounds good, let's do that." He said giving John a kiss and standing up.

John wrapped his arms around Allen's legs so that his crotch was up against his face.

"Or... we could stay home... and do stuff until my parent's come home."

"You never turn off do you... I would love to, but I want to actually do something today." Allen

looked down at John, who was looking up at him with sad face. Allen sighed, gave a few

quick humps to Johns face and pulled away. "That is all you get for now... at least until after

our date." He said running out of the room.

"Aww... but I'm HORNY!" John said standing up and chasing after Allen, only to hit his nose

on the slamming door of his bedroom.

"Nope, not until after our date!" Allen yelled from inside John's room. He rummaged around

and found enough clothes to make a complete outfit while John pawed at the door asking

him to let him in. "I told you, not 'til AFTER!"

Allen opened the door to find John sitting on his knees with a fully engorged cock pointing

towards him. John whined as he scooted closer to Allen and began humping his leg.

Allen shook him off and said "Oh you... cut it out." He walked into the living room with a very

hard and horny wolf following him. "GO PUT SOME PANTS ON!" he yelled at John.

John stopped, his ears dropped and began to whine, but Allen just looked at him and pointed

towards the bedroom. He reluctantly crawled to the bedroom whimpering and emerged a few

minutes later wearing a wrinkly shirt and nothing else, his enormous cock still fully hard and


Allen sighed. "NO!"

John whimpered and slowly walked towards Allen with the saddest face he could make.

"No. I told you, not until after we have our date, now put that thing away and get FULLY

dressed, ok?" Allen said, turning John around and gently shoving him back into the

room. "And hurry up, I want to leave soon."

John reluctantly walked back into the room and got dressed, and they were quickly on their

way out the door and into John's car.

"So, how are we going to do this without my ass hurting?" asked Allen with a puzzled look

on his face.

"Oh right... hmmm... hold on." John said running back into his house, and emerging a little

later with two large pillows. "These might help a bit."

Allen took the pillows and gave them a squeeze.

"All right. Shall we go?" Allen said placing the pillows on the car seat and gently sliding in

and sitting with a quick wince of pain.

"Are you going to last?" John asked him.

"Yeah, I hope."

"Tell me if it gets too bad, I'll pull over and we can take a standing break."

"I will. So what is the boardwalk like?" Allen asked as they pulled out of the drive way.

"It's nice. It is a beautiful day, and it's not very cloudy which means that we will be able to

see the sun set."

"That will be nice... and romantic." Allen said placing a paw on John's thigh.

"Yeah it will be."

"Do you go there a lot?"

"Yeah, me and Steff used to..." John stopped.

Allen's ears drooped.

"Oh sweetie, I'm over her, you are the only one for me."

Allen didn't say anything.

"Look, do you want to go somewhere else, someplace new for the both of us?"

"No... I want to go to the boardwalk," Allen said quietly, looking down at his lap. His paw

had moved from John's thigh. Neither of them said anything for a while.

"Oh, there is this wonderful candy stand I think you will like right next to the..."John started

to say.

"Did you want to take me to the boardwalk so you could relive memories of Steff?"Allen


"What? Oh... No, no, why would I do that. I told you I am over her." He looked over at Allen

whose eyes had started to well up. "Oh sweetie." He pulled the car off to the side of the

road. "Look, I love you. You and only you, and nothing is going to change that. Any

feelings that I had for Steff are absolutely nothing compared with how I feel with you. When

I'm with you, my world is complete. I feel whole. You make me happy. I would do anything

for you, and I know that you would do the same for me. The only reason I even think about

Steff anymore is because you keep bringing her up." John reached out and turned Allen's

face toward his. "I love you." Then he gave him a gentle kiss. "Don't you love me?"

Allen nodded and rubbed his eyes.

"Then why do you keep on thinking I still have any feelings for Steff?"

"I don't know... I guess it is because I don't want to lose you."

"Oh you..." John said hugging him. "You aren't going to lose me. We are going to be

together forever, no matter what."


John gave Allen another kiss and pulled back onto the road. Neither of them said anything

for a while.

"Anyways, I was saying that there is this wonderful candy stand next to the Ferris wheel that

I think you will like. It will be the best taffy you have ever tasted!" John said, trying to end

the silence in the car.

Allen stayed quiet.

"Oh come on," John started again, "A few minutes ago, you were excited to go, and now I

can't even get you to speak. I love you, and we are almost there, cheer up butter buns!"

"Butter buns?" Allen asked questioningly.

"Yeah, butter buns. Or would you like sugar nuts better? Or maybe squeaky cheeks?"

John said jokingly.

Allen laughed. "No, I'll stick with butter buns."

"All right, butter buns it is."

They passed a sign saying that the boardwalk was five minutes away.

"So butter buns, we're almost there. Anything you want to do first?"

"Well, meat log, I don't know, what is there to do?"

John burst out laughing. "Meat log?" He laughed again.

"Well, I had to come up with a name for you, and it seemed fitting. Why?"

"Oh nothing, just meat log doesn't seem as cute as butter buns... but whatever, I'll be the

meat log between your butter buns if you want." He looked over and gave Allen a big silly


Allen slugged his arm playfully. "Watch the road meat log, you're about to miss the turnoff."

John signaled and they both watched the enormous Ferris wheel get closer and closer until

they were in the parking lot.

"Well, here we are." John said turning off the car and getting out. "Wanna go to the Ferris

wheel first so we can scope out what you want to do?"

"Sounds good." They both walked over to the ticket booth.

"We'll take ten tickets please." John said to the gruff looking mongoose behind the booth.

"Dat'll be five dollars." He said ripping off a string of purple tickets from a large spool.

John handed him a five dollar bill and the mongoose slid the tickets back.

"Ok let's go get in line." He told Allen and they walked to the large looming wheel. "It's

starting to get dark, maybe they will turn the lights on soon."

And as if planned, the whole wheel lit up in sparkling patterns in the sky. Everyone watching

stared at the mesmerizing display. Allen's paw found John's and they embraced. Allen felt

so good knowing that they could be a couple anywhere now. He gave John a kiss and

whispered "I love you" in his ear.

The line started to move, and one by one, the Ferris wheel turned, and the groups in the

gondolas were quickly replaced by new ones. Soon it was John and Allen's turn, and they

hopped into the rickety contraption and were locked in. Then they went flying backwards as

the next section was loaded.

"Ohh, I haven't been on one of these since I was tiny!" Allen said as they thrust backwards

up high in the sky. They could see the entire boardwalk which had been completely lit by

now. It looked like a cluster of colorful fireflies in the cool night breeze.

They went back down, then up again, and they watched the sun slowly set as they flew back

down and up once again.

"See anything you want to do?" John said looking around then looking back at

Allen. "Because I sure do!" And he crammed his paw down Allen's pants as quickly as he

could before Allen could object.

Allen jumped and grabbed John's wrist and tried to pull his paw out, but it was no use, he

was already getting hard, and John had a firm grip.

"Whoa, not in public, someone might see us," Allen pleaded.

"So?" John pleaded with his paw still crammed in his pants.

"So? So I don't really want to go to jail, so get your, ummph," he pulled John's paw out

finally, "Paw out of my crotch!"

"Ahh, please? There's something about the night air, and the glow of the lights, and the

rocking of the carriage that make me all..." he went for Allen's crotch again.

"NO!" Allen swatted his paw away. "Look." He pointed to a peeling sticker on the safety

bar. "Do not rock the gondola."

"Aww... fine." John pouted.

"Later, after our date, I promise."

"But I want it now..."

"You are so horny..." He gave John a kiss. "But you are going to have to wait. Now, just

calm down and enjoy the ride."

And so, much to John's chagrin, they did. After a few more turns of the wheel, the time once

again came to be switched out for a new group.

"Well, that was fun!" Allen said, holding John's paw.

"It could have been a lot more fun." John pouted again.

"Oh hush. Ohh, let's do that!" Allen pointed to a ring toss game on the side of the pier.

The both walked up and another gruff looking mongoose asked for a ticket for three rings.

John ripped off a ticket from the strand and handed it over and took the rings.

"Oh, this is just like in all those cheesy movies. Win me a stuffed animal!" Allen said

hopping up and down.

"Ok, sweetie, I will. Then we can go eat funnel cakes, and have sex on the beach."

"I told you, not until after!" Allen said noticing that the mongoose was giving them both a

funny look.

"What? Never seen two furs in love before?" John said to him. The mongoose shook his

head and looked away. John threw the first ring and it landed dead on the target.

"Yay!" Allen cheered on.

He threw the second and it bounced off of the first target, and miraculously landed on the


"Oh, that was close!" Allen continued to cheer.

John started to throw the third ring until Allen yelled "Wait!"

Allen ran up to John hugged him from behind, and his paw gave a quick squeeze to his lower


"A little rub for good luck..." Allen whispered in his ear before returning to the peanut gallery.

John tossed the third ring and it landed square on the third target.

"YAY!" Allen yelled running up and jump-hugging John, who returned the gesture.

"Hey, love birds. You want your prize?" said the mongoose, now holding a cheap stuffed

platypus doll with a top hat.

"Ooo! How cute!" He grabbed the creature and gave John a kiss. "Thank you sweetie!"

"You're welcome. Now, funnel cakes?"


John and Allen walked over to the funnel cake stand where the air was thick with the smell of

fried dough and sugar.

"One funnel cake please." Allen said to a young looking tomcat behind the counter.

"That will be one fifty." The cat replied.

John pulled out his wallet and handed over the money.

"You know," Allen said to John, "You don't have to pay for everything, I have some money


"Yeah I know, but it's fine. Plus I have a feeling that you will pay me back for it a little later."

John said and bit softly on the cheetah's neck.

"Yeah, you're right." Allen said gentility pushing the wolf off of him. "Later."

"Here's your cake." The cat said handing over a paper plate with a large greasy blob covered

in powered sugar, and quickly drawing his attention to the next person in line.

"Wow, I forgot how gross these look..." Allen said staring at the mess of fried dough.

"Well, I always have something else you can eat... and I know you like the taste..." John


"Oh, go take a cold shower horn dog!"

"Only if you take it with me," John said wrapping his arm around Allen and thrusting forward.

Allen could feel a very distinct hard lump in the small of his back.

"LATER! Now cut it out, unless you want a face full of funnel cake!"

"Will you lick it off?"

"My god you are horny... Look, I'm not doing anything until after our date, got it?" Allen said,

breaking from John's arms, and turning to look at him. "Just hold on, and I promise I will

make it worth the wait." And he leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the nose. "So put

that thing away before you hurt someone with it. I'm going over there to eat this; you can

come if you want."

"Oh I want to cum..."

Allen just stared at John, shook his head and walked off. He plopped down on a bench with

his stuffed platypus and funnel cake, and ripped off a piece and started eating.

He was quickly joined by a pouting and still very horny John, who also plopped down on the

bench and ripped of a piece of the cake and ate.

"See isn't this nice. Us two, sitting here, the cool breeze moving through our fur. It's


"Yeah... whatever," John said unenthusiastically.

"Look, I told you from the start. Not until after. I can't help if you are impatient. Besides,

my ass still hurts from the last time, I can barely sit as it is. Can't you wait for me to heal a

little more?"

"But I want you so bad..." John said scooting closer to Allen.

"I know, I know... it's impossible not to know with that meat missile you have poking out of

your pants! Now put it away and finish off this funnel cake."

"Fine..." He said grabbing the last bit of the funnel cake and eating it.

"So what do you want to do now?" Allen said looking at the wolf.

"Oh, you've got some cake on your face. Here let me get it off." John said before locking

lips with Allen with enough force to almost knock him over.

"Mmm hhm hmmh..."

"What?" John said, breaking the kiss.

"You horn dog... did you get what you wanted?"

"No." And he pushed Allen over on the bench, straddling him, and giving him another huge


His hips started to grind against Allen's pelvis and he could slowly start to feel the hard lump

forming in Allen's pants. With one of his paws, John undid the button on his pants, and his

fully engorged cock slammed onto Allen chest with a loud thud.

Allen broke the kiss and whisper-yelled. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? We're in a

public place, there are children around!"

"I don't care, I'm horny," and he tried to go back to what he was doing, but Allen stopped him.

"NO!" He shoved John back down in his seat and covered the enormous erection with the

stuffed platypus. "Now put that thing back in your pants before someone sees it and we get


"You're no fun..."

"DO IT!" And so John tried to cram his erection back into his pants, and eventually

succeeded. "I'm not going to win this battle am I?" he asked John, who was already trying to

do it again.


Allen looked around; there weren't a lot of furs in the area they were in. "Ok, you find a

private spot, and we will do it. But only so we can continue on with our date, got it?"

"YAY!" How about over there?" He pointed to the other side of the bench.

Allen looked at him, crossed his arms and tapped his foot.

"Alright, alright... how about on the beach?"

"I would rather not have sand in places I can't get it out."

"Picky, picky, picky... Oh, how about in the bathroom?"

"That doesn't seem very private... won't we get caught rather easily?"

"Nah, I've done it before, as long as you keep quiet, no one knows."

"You've done this before?"

"Yeah... it's me."

"Oh yeah... I forgot. Ok... let's do this, I guess..." They both got up and walked to the


"You know, this is a lot easier when you are gay. Having to bring a girl into the guy's

bathroom was the biggest challenge," John said as they walked in.

"And getting her out?"

"You just run like hell."

"Oh, great."

"Oh, shut up, you know you'll like it. Good, no one is in here, hopefully it will stay that way.

Well, my darling, would you like to pick a stall?"

"They are all kind of... nasty... do we have to do this?"

"Well, would you rather have sand in your ass?"

"I'm thinking it might be better."

"Oh come on, it'll be fun. Here, let's go for this one, it looks clean enough." John held open

the stall door for Allen who walked in and inspected the place.

"Well this is romantic for our first date," he said as John began unbuttoning both of their

pants. He was still fully aroused, and it didn't take long for Allen to get there too.

"See, you're enjoying it, I can tell."

"Yeah whatever, now sit down." And Allen pushed John onto the toilet and got between his


He took his large endowment in his paws and started to pump up and down his length. Then

he brought the tip into his mouth and started to suck. He tried to cram the full length down

his throat, which he was getting used to by now, and tried to get as much saliva as he could

on it. Then he pulled off, stood up and positioned himself on top of the large menacing cock.

"I love you," John said just as Allen pushed down onto the enormous rod. Allen gave a loud


"You are going to have to be really quiet, or we will get caught," John whispered. Allen

nodded before slowly raising up on the cock, and plunging back down. He was trying his

hardest not to moan, and he was just barely managing to do so.

John reached around and started to paw off Allen. Now he really couldn't hold in his moans.

He had to bite down on his lip to keep from screaming in pleasure from the thick cock in his

ass, and the wolf's soft paw caressing his dick. He continued to go up and down on the

large rod, knowing that the only way he could keep from moaning and revealing what they

were doing was to get him off as quickly as he could.

He clenched down as hard as he could, but that only made him want to moan louder. He

started to move quicker, his ass continuously meeting John's oversized knot. He made a

special effort not to tie with him so they could make a quick getaway. He could start to hear

John breath heavily. He moved up and down on the stiff cock as quickly as his could, but

the sensation proved to be too much for him, and he could feel the pressure building inside of

him. He shot his load clean onto the stall wall and had to bite down on his lip to keep from

making a sound. Fortunately, John also liked the sensation, and he released his hot seed

deep inside of Allen.

Allen nearly passed out, but he managed to keep in his moans as he rode through his

orgasm. John gave out a large sigh as the last pump of seed was released into the

cheetah. Then his body went limp, and Allen fell back onto him. John brought his arms

around Allen's waist and gave his shoulder a kiss.

They both sat there silently trying to regain their breath. Eventually Allen stood up and

pulled off of the softening member. He turned around and sat back down on John's thighs.

"You get what you wanted?" Allen whispered.

"Oh yes... thank you."

"You better be happy, I bit my lip to stop from moaning." He touched his face and showed

John a bloody paw.

"Oh sweetie... here, let me kiss it." John leaned forward and gave Allen another

kiss. "Better?"

"Much, thank you." They both looked down; John was starting to get hard again. "NO! You

got what you wanted, now let's get out of here."

"Fine..." And they both got up and got dressed.

John opened the stall and froze.

"What? What is it?" Allen asked peering over the wolf's shoulders, and froze too.

Leaning on a sink across from the stall was a large police officer staring at them.

"What are you boys up to on this fine evening?" the intimidating bulldog asked.

"Nothing officer, we were just..." John began to speak but couldn't come up with anything.

"...Just checking up on my lip! I accidently fell on the railing and broke my lip, and we were

in here taking a look at it," Allen said quickly.

"You were in the stall... looking at your lip? Why wouldn't you do that in the mirror? Or

better yet, go to the first aid stand?"

"We, uhh..." Allen tries to think quickly. "We didn't want to scare anyone with the blood...

and we didn't think it was big enough to bother the nurses at the first aid for."

"Uhh huh... I see. So you boys were just taking a look at his lip? Nothing more?"

"Yes officer. Nothing more."

"Then how do you explain the jizz on the stall door?" the police officer said, pointing to the

large white glob slowly dripping down on the floor.

Both of their eyes got wide.

"Oh... umm..."

"Do you know what the charge is for having sex in public?"

"Yes... but please, can't you just let us go with a warning? We will never do it again, we

promise," John pleaded.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You are going to have to come with me." He said pulling out a pair

of hand cuffs.

"Oh officer, please?"

The officer shook his head and walked forward and put the cuffs on John and Allen's arms.

"Oh, my god, my parents are going to kill me..." John said.

"Your parents? I will be lucky to be much more than a fine powder after mine are done with


"Officer, please can't you let us go? We promise, we will never, ever, ever do something so

stupid ever again."

The officer pulled them both close to his muzzle.

"I know what you boys were doing in the bathroom. I know, because I was there for the

entire time. Next time, maybe you will learn to look under the stall doors before you try

something like this."

And John and Allen felt he metal drop from their wrists.

"You are letting us go?" Allen asked, puzzled.

"Yes. I was young and in love once too. This is how I met my lover Mike. We've been

together ever since. Now, I'm letting you go with nothing but a warning, but I need you to

promise me that you won't do this again. It is illegal, and most police officers won't let you

go like I am, not matter how cute of a couple you are. You got it?"

"We do. Thank you again."

"Now, go home, and do that in the privacy of your own house. And have a nice evening."

"We will thank you!" Allen said before the two of them starting to walk away.

"Hold it right there." The bull dog barked before they could get out the door. They both froze

again. "You didn't think I would really let you get off scot free did you?"

"Umm, well... we..."

"Wipe up this cum... then you can go."

"Oh, thank god," John whispered to himself. He ran over to the stall, wadded up some toilet

paper, and wiped off the mess and flushed it away.

"Good, now get out of here. And don't let me, or anyone else catch you in the act again."

And they both ran off.

"Oh, my god. Don't you ever make me do that again!" Allen yelled at John.

"I know, I was scared too."

"You know what could have happened? They could have sent me back home. Do you know

what would happen if I went home? Do you know what would happen if they found out I got

caught having sex with you in public?" Allen was infuriated at John.

"I know... I'm sorry, I haven't been caught before"


and puffing.

"Look I'm sorry. There isn't a whole lot I can do about it now anyways... we got away, let's

be thankful for that."

"That was too close..." Said Allen sitting down on the ground. "If I he had turned us in, I

wouldn't ever be able to see you again."

"Oh hun. I'd find a way... love will always endure. No one can separate us. I told you; we

are going to be together forever, no matter what."

Allen started to cry on John's shoulder, and John wrapped his arms around him and rocked


"Forever. Just remember that."

"I will... just, don't make me do stupid stuff like that again, ok?"

"I won't. Do you want to go back home, or do you want to stay here?"

"I think we had enough excitement for one night..."

They both stood up and walked to the parking lot. When they found John's car, John looked

at the claw marks on his hood and remembered the look in Allen's dad's eyes as he leapt for

him. If Tania hadn't saved him, he would probably be dead.

They got in the car and drove off into the night to go back home. Neither of them said

anything, but Allen held John's free paw the entire trip.

They drove up to John's house and parked. They walked up to the house and stood in front

of the door.

"So... we never mention this to anyone... ok?"


They walked thought the door and were greeted in the typical fashion by John's parents.

"Oh, hello there boys. Did you have fun today?" asked Lucy.

"Yeah... a lot of excitement..." answered John.

"Oh really? What did you do? Nothing illegal I hope," she joked.

They both gave faint laughs.

"Ok. You two can go. I'm sure you want lots of rest after your big exciting day. Dinner is in

the oven and will be out shortly. I'll call you two when it's done."

"Ok Mom, thanks." And they both walked into John's room.

"So, butter buns..." said John moving closer to Allen.

"So, meat log..." said Allen moving closer to John.

They both started laughing.