Zodiac - Leo

Story by Zodiac-Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Zodiac Archives

Zodiac - Leo

_"At this moment we are putting all possible efforts into locating this Zodiac individual and bringing both him and his accomplices to justice. With the amount of data that we have already been able to acquire it is simply a matter of time until we have captured him."

"How do you answer to claims that the police have only begun serious investigations after the death of movie star Jessica Andreason?"

"We consider all murders to be important and have been investigating ever since the first of these cropped up. With his attack on the bank though it has been upgraded to a point of terrorism, allowing us to bring in additional help. It makes little difference if the individual is a famous movie star or an everyday person. We will spare no expensive in finding him. One more question."

"What steps are you taking to try and capture such an elusive individual?"

"I'm not at liberty to disclose our methods at this time. We have several likely leads and are following them diligently. Thank you all for your time."

"Just one more-"_

"Checkpoint three, clear. Nothing out here but civilians."

"All those civilians are suspect too, keep your eyes open."

"Aye sir."

There was a long silence in the cramped quarters of the minivan, the dull red light outlining everything in its dim glow. Seconds bled into minutes, which seemed to drag on into hours.

"Checkpoint two, clear. Streets are clear on this side, no contacts."

"Explain to me how this is going to work," one of the squad members watching the computer screens asked.

"You didn't listen to the briefing?" another replied.

"Sure I did. I just don't get how we're supposed to catch someone like this."

There was a quiet chuckle and one of the ranking officers leaned between the two. "You've never been to a sting operation before?"

That brought a blush of embarrassment to the cheeks of the first squady, "I've been on plenty, sir. But this isn't like trying to catch some dealer passing dope. She's just standing out there, not doing anything."

"That," said the senior officer "is the beauty of the sting. You see," he indicated one of the screens with a hand, "this guy goes after girls. So we are putting bait out there for him to take, and when he goes for it, the trap will be sprung."

"How is he going to pick her, out of everyone? I mean there are thousands of people on the streets, why is he going to go for her" the first squady asked, still confused.

"Well," the senior officer said, "that's where it got tricky. You see, we told him that we'd be doing it."

That statement brought a moment of startled silence to the entire van. Finally the second squady swore, "We TOLD him that we'd set up a sting?"

The senior officer laughed. "You need more experience. You have to understand how this guy thinks. See, we just placed a bit of bait in front of him. We tempt him with something, a challenge, and when he tries to go for the bait, we'll close the trap around him."

"But if he knows that it's a trap, isn't he going to be looking out for it?"

"Of course. That's why we layer the traps, one on top of the other. He won't see the second until it's too late."

There was a long moment of silence, before it was broken by a crackle through the radio, "Checkpoint one, clear. No contacts."

"It seems pretty stupid that with everyone he could grab, he'd go for her."

"It's a pride issue, really. After we place bait out like this he has to grab it, it's in his nature."

"Checkpoint three, clear," the microphone crackled. Something caught one of the squady's attention though and he leaned forward.

"Three, keep an eye on that bus, it's approaching the target." There was a long moment of silence before he tried again. "Three, respond?" The bus moved in front of their 'bait', stopped, then moved on.

"Something's wrong," the other squady said, leaning forward.

"Two, can you get a conformation on three?" the first one asked. When nothing but static replied he grew frustrated. "What's going on out there?"

The senior officer watched the screens for a moment more before leaning forward and taking the microphone. "All units close in. Repeat, close in. Code red, close the trap."

"What's going on, sir?" the first squady asked.

"I don't know, but we're about to find out."

Police officers in riot gear poured from every conceivable doorway, converging on the lone figure of the wolf in the trench coat. Like a wave they flowed in, filling the street in moments with lights and confusion.

"It's not her!" the voice came over the speakers. "The target is gone, a decoy is in her place."

"Are you positive?" the senior officer asked.

"Yes, it's not her. The clothes are similar, as is her face, but this one is gagged and bound beneath that trench coat."

"Do we know who she is?"

"No sir, she seems scared and is in a panic. There's something-"

An explosion rocked the street, sending the van sliding across the pavement and crashing into another vehicle. Fire rained downwards and car alarms for blocks began screaming their warnings into the night.

"What the hell just happened!" the senior officer shouted over the noise.

"The target was a bomb!" the second squady exclaimed, trying to get control of a nose bleed.

"It was a replacement," the first squady said, "They got her, somehow, I don't know how. But they left someone strapped with explosives in her place."

"Impossible," the senior officer said, then began to swear. "Get headquarters on the line; let them know what's going on. This is out of control." He exited the van and started to try to gather up some of the less wounded from the explosion.

"Like I said... this is so fucked up," the first squady said, getting on the phone.

_The detective crashed through the doorway, panting hard, and had to lean on the table for support. "It's happening!"

The rest of the room, startled from the middle of discussions, stared back at him. Finally one of the old chiefs asked, "Pray tell, with everything that is going on in our city, what is happening?"

"Look," he said, grabbing one of the computers. A few keystrokes later and the zodiac symbol faded into existence with the twelve other symbols circling around it. The spinning symbols stopped and the fifth symbol came to the foreground.

"What's going on?" one of the captains demanded. "Has he released something already?"

"No, it's a countdown. Look, it's getting ready to start in less then an hour."

"What does this mean?"

The detective growled in anger and frustration, "He's GOT her. And he's going to do something. We've got to move fast."

The timer continued to tick downwards._

The video began. The room was stark, bare, and poorly lit anywhere except where the naked female black wolf was hanging by her wrists. She in turn was in sharp detail, highlighted and accented by several lights, her form hanging beautifully from the ceiling. Beneath her was some contraption, hid partially by the dimness of the room.

The timing was perfect, the wolf groaned and began to twist on the ropes she was hanging from, waking up a bit at a time. She blinked, blinded by the lights focusing on her, and then groaned again.

"Welcome back to the land of the living," a familiar voice said from off camera.

"Where..." the groggy female wolf asked, blinking further.

"Oh, somewhere far enough away, have no fear. Beyond that I am not ready to yet say." The male wolf stepped from the shadows. "Linda Northern, welcome to Zodiac studios. I believe we were expecting you."

While her eyes widened and her breath caught he continued. "Linda Northern, married to Andrew Northern, originally Linda Matthews. Age thirty-four. Female," he looked up and down her naked form with a smirk, "obviously, and quite deliciously so. Three children, two boys and a delightful little girl. And, a fifteen year career as a police officer for our fine city. Quite impressive, if I do say so myself."

The monolog earned a grunt from Linda, but no more reaction then that. The set of her tail and ears though showed what she was truly feeling, despite her best efforts to hide it.

Zodiac waited for a moment or two to see if she was going to add anything. When she remained silent he smiled. "Well then, let's move on then. The fine police agency of this wonderful town decided to try to capture me by making a trap," he reached up and stroked his fingers under Linda's arched muzzle, "and baited it with you. Knowing your police record you probably even volunteered for the assignment."

Linda growled at the touch, but made no hostile movement. She watched with her golden eyes. He continued, "You know, of course, how things go next. You will be placed into a situation. If you can succeed at an almost impossible situation then I will set you free." He held up his hand and says, "I give my word." Then, continuing with a smile he said, "Otherwise the consequences will be... fatal."

She stiffened, but really did not seem that surprised. "They're going to catch you, you know. They're probably already on their way."

He sighed and walked away. "No, they are not already on their way. I do not know whether to be amused or disappointed in you all. You see, your tracking devices, yes both of them, were removed. The second one was not easy to remove. Right now if they are tracking the locators they should be following a pair of squirrels around the central park."

That brought a startled oath from her. Her eyes widened at the realization that not only was she not going to be found before she died, nor was anyone even going to be able to look for her. He smiled at that, patting her naked hip.

"Have no fear. This time things will be slightly different. You see, we are recording right now, as we speak. But, we are also broadcasting, live."

"Live? Right now? People can see?" her eyes widened.

"Tonight the game is different," he said, taking a few steps backwards. The lights in the room were brightening by small degrees, revealing more and more of the space. "You see, your illustrious police agency gave me a challenge. I accepted that challenge and succeeded by capturing you. And tonight, I am offering them a challenge in return."

From the shadows three pure white and naked female felines approached silently. They gathered around her and began lowering her down towards the previously darkened contraption. It looked something like a stair stepping machine with a extremely long post rising up from the middle. More of the machine was spread out along the ground, but to no visible purpose.

"My challenge is this. You will participate in our little game, and I will wait here. If you die," he turned to Linda, "then the game is done. I take my leave, and you are left here for them to find you. But," he smiled as he walked towards her, "if they can uncover enough clues to find you, and arrive here before you die, then they can have me. All you have to do is survive."

The camera panned around to show where the felines were lowering her onto the machine. They spread her legs, much to her embarrassment and anger, revealing her pussy to the camera. As the post slide into her pussy she groaned, her muscles squeezing down against it.

"Fuck..." she murmured, shivering from ears to toes at the invader. It slide upwards into her body until her feet touched the peddles of the stair stepper. From there the felines locked her feet into place on the peddles.

Much to Linda's surprise, once her feet were locked the felines then unbound her wrists. She put both hands on the handlebar in front of her, getting her balance. Each little movement caused the long shaft to shift and twist inside of her body, there in causing even more movements.

"This is a simple device," Zodiac said, leaning casually on the handrail. "I'm sure that you have seen stair steppers like this in gyms and such before. This one of course had an added benefit."

He reached down and tapped the shaft rising from the floor and penetrating her pussy. "This beauty is eight feet long and extends beneath the floor. It is on a hydraulic jack and will rise at a somewhat slow speed. It has enough force to punch through reinforced concrete. When you step on the pedals you will push the shaft DOWN. When you are idle, the shaft will go UP."

Recognition dawned in her eyes, "So I keep walking and so long as I do, I'm fine."

"Well, fine is a relative term. But, yes, so long as you keep walking you will prevent yourself from being spitted like a pig." He then added, smiling, "In case you were thinking it, you cannot force the spit any lower then where it is at right now."

Determination set in her jaw and she looked back at him in defiance. "Well then, it would look like you are ready. Shall I give you a minute or two to warm up?" he paused, and then chuckled. "No? Okay then, let us begin."

He snapped his fingers and a timer began nearby, counting upwards. With a growl she began to step onto the pedals. The first step caused her eyes to go wide with shock, the tip of shaft sliding that inch or so up into her body. The next step brought another growl, and so on.

Zodiac checked his watch, smiled, then sat back to enjoy the show.

_There was dead silence in the room for the space of twenty seconds. Then, in a voice trembling with barely contained fury, "Give me everything that you have, now. I want to know where she is at and I want to know it yesterday." With fists clenched and knuckles white he stared at the screen.

When no one started moving, he turned and shouted over his shoulder, "NOW!" The room burst into a flurry of activity, the volume picking up.

"We'll find her sir," the original detective said, standing next to the old chief.

"We'd better," he replied, staring at the screen._

Zodiac checked his watch and chuckled, watching the time. Twenty-one minutes in and the wolf was sweating heavily already. She was panting evenly, eyes focused forward, legs moving in an even, steady pace.

Fluid dripped down the pole in rivets and trickles, the shaft making wet noises as it slid up and down inside her body. From the marking on the pole she was keeping it fairly even at five to seven inches deep.

Suddenly she growled and clenched her fists on the hand bar in front of her. Her body shuddered as yet another climax rippled through her and dribbled from her body. There was a moment's pause in her pumping of the peddles as she tried to catch her breath again. When the pole bottomed out she yelped and started working the peddles again, pushing the pole back downwards again.

"Impressive," Zodiac said, chuckling, "some of our first test subjects failed already at this point, but you seem to be doing fairly well."

"Screw you," she panted, clenching her hands on the hand rest again.

Zodiac laughed, "All in good time, dear."

_"Okay people, it's time to show or fold, what have you got," the old chief said, leaning over with hands on the table.

"The warehouse is on the east side of town at least. We've narrowed it down, but only to about three hundred buildings. We're still narrowing it down as we get more details."_

"I don't need to tell you that three hundred is no where near acceptable, keep at it," the chief said.

"We're trying to trace the signal, but he's got it bouncing through so many proxies and enough firewalls that we won't get the destination until some time next year," one of the techs said, obviously discouraged. "I don't know who he has doing this work, but they're professional and they're good." He held up a hand, "I know, we're still working on it. Maybe we'll get lucky."

"We've tried power flickers, we've tried sound bursts, and we've tried half a dozen interruption patterns with no luck. It would appear that he's in a shielded building on a separate power source and a dedicated connection. No luck in that direction."

"Do we have any good news," the chief said, growling under his breath.

"We're narrowing it down, sir. It's just going to take a little more time."

"I don't need to tell you that we're running out of time. Keep me posted."

Fifty-seven minutes ticked past on the clock, the timer marching on without pause. Linda worked the petals like a zombie, simply raising one foot and pushing it down, then repeating with the other. Her body shook from exhaustion, having had so many climaxes ripple through her body that she was drained dry.

The pole was so slicked with juices that it glistened in the spotlights, the length bouncing slowly up and down with her stepping. Her breathing came in harsh pants, body limp except for her legs.

Her eyes were focused strait ahead, centering on an invisible point in the distance. Zodiac circled around her, smiling, "Impressive. Very impressive. If you keep this up you might even survive long enough for the authorities to arrest me."

She answered with nothing, her breathing coming in harder and harder gasps. Checking the depth of the pole showed that the tip was tapping painfully against her cervix every time she pressed downwards. It was battering her insides without mercy but for the moment she was holding it back.

Zodiac climbed up on the equipment and brushed his hand across Linda's cheek, "just hold on a little longer, you're almost there. I'd hate to disappoint our watchers."

It was a testament of how exhausted that she was that she didn't even respond.

Her head drooped, hands slipping along the handlebar, and legs slowed for a moment. There was just enough of a pause as her mind tried to drift off for a moment's peace. Second later she gasped, head tilting back and fingers tightening on the bar once more. Tears forming in her eyes she kicked at the peddles again, trying to drive the pole down.

The tip though, no matter what she could do, begin to painfully break its way through the knot of muscles making her cervix. Barely a fraction of an inch at a time it slide upwards into her body, forcing her open even deeper, until it was resting in her womb.

When it had forced itself past that knot the pain eased and she was able to hold the line back to that point. Each step though brought a whimper to her lips between the pants of her breathing.

Zodiac crouched down and slowly brushed his fingers over her shaved petals, touched the puffy red folds. "Well, you'll be able to take that handsome stallion at the office now," he joked. Using a rag he cleaned up just a little of the blood trickle, leaving the pole slick but spotless again.

"Not long now, they're starting to follow the trail of breadcrumbs that I've left." She grunted and nodded, forcing herself on.

"We might have him," the detective said, coming into the office. "there's a subsonic pulsing, we think it's from the generator that he's using. To run all those lights and equipment it's got to be a fairly good size. And there's only so many that have that pattern."

"So we know where he's at?" the old chief asked.

"Not yet. We're searching buildings until we can find him." He paused, then he continued. "We have another problem sir."

"What is it?"

The detective swallowed, "we can't risk losing him. Once we find the building we're going to have to move our teams into position before we can raid the place, we can't just rush in. He's escaped too many times to let him go like this."

The old chief stared at the younger man. Then, closing his eyes and growling hard he said, "do it, but get it done fast. Let's just hope that we're fast enough."

"We'll get there in time sir, we're almost there."

She was whimpering with each movement. She was so full, it felt like she was being punched in the gut with each step that she was making, and no matter how hard she worked it didn't seem to help. Her legs were like lead, they didn't want to move. Each time it took a mental effort to lift them, one after another. One after another. One after..."

"please..." she gasped, swaying between her steps, "you don't have to do this."

Zodiac lifted his ears and looked over to the sweating wolf. He smiled and said, "Sure I do. This is what I do, I entertain and show my viewers the darkest part of the soul."

She swallowed a few times, trying to catch her breath. Her throat was dry, she couldn't breathe, her body burned and her loins ached. And she knew that it wouldn't help but she gasped, "just... stop..."

"Just a little longer," Zodiac said, always smiling with that dark, happy smile. "I hear that they're on their way."

Linda whimpered, eyes squeezed closed. She wasn't going to make it, and she knew it.

_"Six buildings sir, we've cleared three, we're on the fourth. Our people are surrounding it now. I think we have him, how much time do we have left?"

The old chief dropped to a seat and held his head in his hands. He knew the look in her eyes. He knew it all too well from the war.

"We're out of time." There was a long moment before he looked up at the detective. "What are you waiting for, GO!" he looked back to the screen, "just hold on girl, just hold on. We're right outside."_

Her legs wouldn't move. She pushed, but they wouldn't move. She burst into tears, it was so unlike her but there was nothing else she could do. It hurt, oh how it hurt, and it felt like her insides were being stretched like a rubberband. Then, with a scream ripped from her dry throat, the rubberband snaped.

Zodiac moved over, putting a hand on her belly, smiling up at her. "Shhhh... it'll pass, just relax."

The shaft continued to inch upwards, giving the odd sensation of something moving through her body, pushing aside internal organs on its path. Inch by inch it slid through her pussy and up into her bowels. There was a few trickles of blood but most of it was held inside her body by the width of the shaft.

The pain eased, though it was always present. "It... it hurts..." she said, head bowed, feeling herself be spitted an inch at a time.

"Well, that's to be expected, you are being spit like a roast pig," Zodiac said, chuckling. "It'll be over quickly enough, just rest."

As the pole inched upwards he lightly pressed against Linda's chest, guiding her body so that the shaft missed vital organs like heart and lungs. "It's going to enter your throat, making it hard to breathe. Shortly after that blood will fill your lungs and you'll suffocate. And, then it'll all be over."

Linda nodded, unable to fight any longer. She had given up, the pole had damaged her insides so badly that there was little chance that she'd survive without medical help.

She coughed, something tickling her throat, something making her want to retch with pain. With a gentle paw Zodiac tilted her head back and her chin upwards. And to her shock the red streaked end of the pole pushed itself from between her teeth and upwards out of her mouth.

He stepped backwards to take a better look at the scene. It was perfect, her twitching body held spitted on the pole, head tilted back and eyes wide with surprise and fright. Patting her rump he smiled up at her, "And now, your friends arrive. Because I won't get a chance to thank you later, let me do so now. You've been one of my best players."

He took several steps away and knelt down on the ground, putting his hands behind his head, lacing his fingers. And, he didn't have long to wait. Seconds later the doors exploded inwards, shattered, bits of wood and metal scattering across the ground. Cops in full riot gear poured into the room, guns training on the kneeling wolf.

"Clear the room!" "Stay down, keep your hands on your head!" "Shut that thing down!" orders were shouted across the room as it filled up with angry furs.

"Someone get that bastard in cuffs and get him out of here," the old chief said as he walked in. Four geared up officers slapped cuffs on the wolf and hauled him to his feet. "I want him under guard every single minute, you got it? He is not getting away with this. And yes, I want him alive."

He walked up to Linda's body and grabbed her hand. When he saw that she was still alive he shouted, "get that ambulance team in here, I want her out of here NOW!" Turning back up to her he said, "Just hold on, we're going to get you out of here."

Linda's body began to twitch as her lungs filled up, leaving her unable to breathe. With tears in his eyes the chief shouted, "where's that ambulance?"

An officer ran up to him and whispered something in his ear. With shock he turned to look directly at the camera, still recording.

"Shut it off."

"We've tried sir," the officer said, "We don't know where the base unit is that is still broadcasting."

The old chief swore under his breath, drew his sidearm, and the last thing the camera saw before it shattered to fuzz was him pulling the trigger.

Bracketed on every side by officers the wolf was taken out to the mess of cars and police vans outside the building. A crowd had already begun to gather and was being held back by police lines.

"In you go," one of the officers said, pushing him up into a transport van. He checked inside and nodded to the two riot geared officers on the inside. Their faceplates and helmets hid their expressions but the way they held their guns said everything. Joking with them he said, "we want him alive... but you two can have your fun on the way to the facility." He hopped down and slammed the door shut, locking it.

Another officer walked up to the front of the truck and tried to open the passenger door, but found it locked. "What the hell...?"

Walking around to the other side he hammered on the door, "hey, open up, the other side's locked."

A fully geared out officer looked out the window at him before a rough voice said, "No passengers."

"Fine fine," he said, waving them on. "Just don't get caught in the crowd, okay?"

"Aye aye sir," the voice said and the truck pulled away.

"What do you mean that you can't get her down," the chief shouted.

"The pole sir, it's not iron or any anything we're ready for, it's some kind of alloy. Nothing we've got can cut it, and the pole is embedded in the reinforced concrete on top and bottom. We're going to have to get jackhammers in here to get her out."

The old chief turned back to Linda, still spitted like a pig. She convulsed one last time before going completely still.

"I want her off of there as soon as possible and for the love of the gods someone put something on her, okay?"

"SIR!" an officer said, running up.

"What is it now," the chief asked.

"You're not going to believe this sir," the panicked officer said out of breath.

Zodiac smiled at the officer sitting across from him, who stared back through the one way face mask. "What do you think, good performance? One of my better, though a bit clumsy. We'll have to work on that."

The officer said nothing, simply bracing against the wall as the truck shook and bounced.

A watch on Zodiac's wrist beeped three times before going silent. Looking down at it he smiled more. "Well, it's done then... is everything ready?"

The officer nodded, and then removed the helmet. Deep red eyes stood out of a pure white feline face.

"Good. Let's move on, they'll try to track us soon. We'll have to leave a present for them to find. You all did perfectly, as always. You should be proud."

The truck made a turn and disappeared into the night.

The image dissolved away, went to black and the beginning Zodiac symbol faded back onto the screen.

_The room was full of reporters and completely, eerily silent. The old chief looked more aged then ever, far older then the press conference a couple of days ago. He cleared his throat, tried to talk, and was unable. His fingers tightened on the pulpit as he fought his emotions back under control.

"Five officers lost their lives in the beginning of this operation, seventeen more critically injured, and another eleven with minor injuries. Twelve of those officers will never see duty again, two might not make it past the week._

"Two officers died when the transport was recovered, and five more were injured from an undetected explosive device. The three original officers responsible for the van are still missing.

"And one of our brightest and best who volunteered at great risk to her own life to help us capture this madman, publicly executed on live video, killed in the most tortuous of manners."

He swallowed and straitened his back, "I speak for the entire police force when I say that we have had enough. We have lost enough brothers and sisters this week." He looked down at a sheet of paper that he held in his hands, "we have made a request and it has been granted by the government. The individual with the alias Zodiac has now been categorized as a class one terrorist and an enemy of the state. All efforts possible will be placed in his capture and no resource will be spared.

"Our investigation has been turned over to the FBI and the CIA, who will continue the efforts to capture him. We once again put out the request that anyone who has information as to the whereabouts and plans of this individual contact us immediately."

The long pause afterwards allowed reporters to slip in a few questions, "Is it true that not all of the cameras were discovered when the building was raided and continued to broadcast long after Zodiac was removed?"

"How can you expect support from the public when the fan following of this Zodiac figure continues to grow?"

"How was he able to escape, even once he was in police custody?"

"From what we have seen he is escalating in his videos, what can we come to expect in the future?"

He looked out over the see of faces and lights before finally waving a hand, "No questions," and walked out the door.