Catfood Ep. 20 - Tryout day - Preparing

Story by Nameless on SoFurry

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#20 of Catfood


Catfood - Episode 20 - Tryout day - Preparing

© 2004, 2005 Nameless

I woke up feeling rested. I opened my eyes. I blinked, then I closed them and opened them once more. But it was still pitch black. A shiver ran down my spine and I wondered, "Have I gone blind?" There was no light at all, not the normal darkness of night, not even the darkness of a starless night outside the city. There simply was no light. I have an excellent night vision, I never had problems navigating at light levels at which any human would have been completely blind, but I could not make out anything.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I remembered that the window blinds had closed after my performance yesterday and that it had been really dark after the lights had gone out.

My bladder made its needs known. I tried to get up, but I was stopped by the cuffs. I tugged at them a few times, but it was useless, they didn't give at all. I dropped my head on the pillow and sighed. My mouth was dry. I wiggled closer to the headboard and found the bottle. I took a few sips, just enough to wet my mouth. I didn't know how long I would have to wait until I could use the toilet and I didn't want to make things any worse than they already were. At least I wasn't really desperate yet, just unpleasantly full. I hoped that I wouldn't have to wait very long. The fact that I felt well rested gave me hope that it wouldn't be too long.

I usually woke up around six and I remembered that Tammy had wanted me to be ready at nine. So seven seemed like a likely time to wake me up unless she wanted to force me to hurry through my preparations. I sighed, if my assumptions were correct, I would have to wait one more hour before I could get up. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

I couldn't. The handcuffs, my helplessness and the scent of my arousal excited me. Suddenly I remembered the dildo and I wondered if it still lay on the pillow. I moved my head forward carefully and my tongue found it. I don't know why, but I gave it a long lick. Just before my tongue cleared the head, it began to vibrate softly. I giggled, and then I gave it another lick. I played with it for a while, licking it just enough to keep it vibrating softly. I don't really know why I did this, but of course there was not much else I could do to pass the time. Somehow licking the toy comforted me, even if it was only my rubber lover who kept me company, I didn't feel quite so alone in the dark any more. After a while I dozed off.

" Squeak!" I was startled when the vibrator begun to vibrate at full power for a few seconds. The chain rattled as I jumped up, trying to get away. I was brought up short by the cuffs and I dropped back onto the bed. Pain shot through my arms. After a moment the panic began to fade and I relaxed as I figured out what had happened. A few moments later I could see again. The window blinds began to open, at first very slowly to give my eyes time to adjust to the light, but soon the room was filled with the bright light of a new day. "That's why they are called window blinds. When they are closed, everyone in the room is blind." I huffed; my bladder was sending urgent signals to my brain. "Please release me."

A moment later the cuffs clicked open. I jumped up and rushed into the bathroom.

A few minutes later I turned on the shower. The hot water felt wonderful. I lathered up and rinsed my fur. I was about to start washing my hair when I noticed that I had not removed all the dried cum from the fur on my belly and thighs. Using more soap, I scrubbed the affected area thoroughly. I couldn't help remembering the activities that had been responsible for this and soon I felt a certain warmth begin to radiate from deep in my belly.

Suddenly I remembered that Tammy had told me that some customers liked to watch me (and other slaves) while I showered. I couldn't help wondering where the cameras were. The thought that somebody might sit in front of a screen somewhere, watch me, and get a kick out of the show I made as I tried to clean my private parts embarrassed me and turned me on at the same time.

Looking around, I could not spot anything that looked like a camera. There was a camera in the corner of the room, but it would not see much of me through the glass walls of the shower stall. On the other paw I knew that hidden cameras could be as small as a pinhead and still produce a decent picture. The tiles did have an irregular pattern and some of the dots might well hide a tiny camera. When I reached up to grab the showerhead, I noticed a black plastic dot in the center. "If that isn't a camera, then I'm a field mouse. I wonder how they can see anything while the water is running." I turned the water back on and began to rinse. Feeling wickedly naughty, I spread my labia with my left paw and directed the pulsing water right up my cunt. I caught my breath and staggered, the hot water sent electric shivers up my spine. I stopped after a few moments, it felt so good, but did not want to risk coming without permission. I decided to ask Tammy later if I could try to pleasure myself like that at some point.

I washed my headfur and stepped out of the shower with some reluctance. I toweled off and dried my fur and headfur. I brushed my fur and my teeth. When I was done, I left the bathroom. Since there were no special instructions, I left the room and headed to the cafeteria.

There were about two dozen slaves and half as many other people in the cafeteria. I scanned the breakfast buffet. I quickly decided to get a large bowl of muesli with fruits and cream and a mug of coffee. I saw Pam and several slaves who had exercised with me the day before and joined them. Breakfast was pleasant enough, I didn't even mind very much when a male whom I didn't know at all cropped a feel of me and the others. Pam and I finished breakfast almost at the same time and walked back to our rooms together. She got out of the elevator a level below my room. It was half past eight when I got back to my room.

I washed my paws, brushed my teeth once more and groomed my fur back to perfection. When I was done, I checked the computer. The recordings of my activities from the previous days had been posted prominently on my site. I was somewhat interested, but then I decided not to watch them, at least not right then. A bunch of files on rules and regulations and general information about bondage had been added to the list of stuff I was supposed to read. Since there was nothing else to do and I had a quarter of an hour until the appointed time, I started to read the rules. The first part were 'translations' of the pertinent laws on indentured service, that is translations from high legalese into something a regular fur like me could at least hope to understand.


I didn't get very far however, Tammy came in ten minutes before nine, carrying a small bag. She greeted me, "Good morning, Lisa. Ready for your big date?"

"Good morning, Tammy. Yes. As ready as I'll ever be." I got up.

She studied my face for a moment and asked, "Anxious?"

I admitted, "A little." I really was, but I realized that was not all. "I'm also somewhat curious and eager to see what will happen."

"That is good to hear." Tammy gave me a big smile. "Let's get you ready, then."

I almost giggled and bowed. "Yes, Mistress"

"Take off your collar."

"Okay." I fetched the key from my purse and unlocked the collar. I placed it on the table carefully, almost reverently. "Ummm... weird, I feel kind of naked without it..."

"I know that feeling." She grinned. "Your customer doesn't want you to wear it. Not for now, at least, I'm pretty sure that he'll put his own collar on you later."


Tammy reached into her bag and handed me a perfume spray. "Use plenty."

"Yes, Tammy." The perfume looked cheap. I put a little on my left wrist. My nose started to wrinkle even before I brought my wrist close, the perfume was really cheap and nasty. " Bleurgh! This is horrible." I coughed and sneezed. "Do I really have to use this?"

Tammy gave me a strange look, the look a parent would give a child when it asked for the moon. Her voice had a note of finality. "Your customer wants you to wear it."

I sighed. "Yes, Mistress." I sprayed a bit more on my left wrist and forced myself to sniff it. I inhale deeply. A moment later I coughed, my eyes started to water and my stomach went into rebellion. I bolted for the bathroom. It was a tough fight, but I managed to keep my breakfast.

When I finally lifted my head from the toilet bowl Tammy asked, "Are you alright?"

I shook my head weakly and whispered, "I can't do this..."

"Lisa, I know that is a very cheap and rather nasty perfume, but it can't be that bad."

A few deep breaths later I could finally answer. "This is worse than anything. Tammy, remember that my sense of smell is at least twenty times as good as yours. For me a little of this stuff doesn't just smell bad... How would you feel if someone poured the whole bottle over your head?"

Tammy gulped, it may have been only my imagination, but I think her face turned green for a moment. "I... I see."

"Tammy, please! I'll do anything to make up for it, but I can't do this. Please. I... I'd rather be whipped with red hot barbed wire." After a bit I added, "I don't think my master would enjoy it very much if all I did was to try to puke my stomach out all day long."

"Ok. I'll call ... our customer and ask him." She gave me an evil grin. "I'll tell him what you said. Verbatim."

I swallowed hard "Do you think he'll really do that to me? Whip me like that, I mean."

"Maybe..." After a moment Tammy let me off the hook, "Nah, not really. As far as I know this isn't something he'll do. He is plenty kinky and he likes to spank an inviting ass as much as anybody, but he ain't no sadist. Besides, you have another appointment on Saturday and if he really did that, you'd have to spend the next week or two in a hospital. We can't have that. Besides, he promised to treat this as a normal 'Tryout day' and one doesn't do such extreme stuff to a novice."

I sighed in relief. "Oh. Ok."

"Wait. Don't wash it off yet." Tammy left the room and closed the door. I sat down on the closed toilet and wiped the tears from my eyes, careful to use only my right paw.

About five minutes later Tammy came back in. She grinned down at me for a long moment before she said "All right, you don't have to use that perfume. Wash your wrist."

I jumped up and hugged her "Thank you!" Tammy returned the hug for a moment before she pushed me away.

"Don't use soap." I washed my paws and dried the fur. "Better?"

I sniffed. The offensive stink of the perfume still clung to my fur, but it was much weaker than before. "Not good, but better. Bearable."

"Good." Tammy turned around and walked back into the main room. I followed her. "You'll have to make up for it, however."


"Just so you know, you'll go there by bus." She picked up something from the table and handed it to me. "Here. I hope you know what to do with it."

I accepted the object. After a moment I began to blush furiously. "Will... will I have to wear that the whole time?" It was a small vibrator with four alligator clips. The vibrator was quite small, but it had unusually large rubber nubs.

"No." Tammy answered, grinning at my discomfort, "Only while you get ready."

"Oh." The vibrator began to vibrate softly. I blushed even more as I thought this over. "I'll smell like a hooker after a busy night..." Tammy's grin was pure evil. "That's the point, I guess. Well, anything is better than that perfume." Suddenly I felt like a pavlovian dog, my sex was already starting to get damp in anticipation. I took a few deep breaths to steady my nerves and began to push the vibrating toy into my sex.

"Make sure the large nub is snug tightly against your clit," Tammy instructed, "and use the clips to hold it in place."

"Yes, Tammy." I inhaled sharply each time I let one of the clips clamp down on my already puffy labia. They were uncomfortably but not painfully tight and they spread my sex wide open. My bottom suddenly felt very draughty. As soon as the whole contraption was in place, the vibrations increased in strength.

"You may come whenever you want. But I want you to remain standing."

"Yesss..." It felt as if someone had plugged a live wire into my sex. My knees seemed to turn to rubber in moments. It was all I could do to hold onto the edge of the table to remain standing. In less than a minute (as far as I could tell) I was panting and closing in on an orgasm. But just before I could get there, the vibrations stopped. I groaned in frustration as I felt the anticipated release slip away from me. That Tammy had actually allowed me to cum made it a lot worse.

Tammy's grin said that she knew exactly what I was going through. "Did you really think that I would allow you to cum now? Of course not. You are not allowed to cum before your customer tells you so. Is that clear?"

I groaned and ground my teeth. "Yes, Mistress."

"Good. We want you all hot and bothered and ready for him, after all. Let's get on with it. Here."

I held out my paw and Tammy dropped several small items into it. Two tiny rubber bands and a four-pronged pair of tweezers. I could not make out a use for the items. "What's that? I mean, what am I supposed to do with this?"

"The rubber bands are for your nipples and the tweezers will help you put them on."


"Squeeze the tweezers closed and put one of the rubber bands around then at the very end, then release them again." I did. The tweezers were quite stiff. When I released them, they pulled the rubber band wide apart to slip it over a nipple. "Before you put it on, get your nipple nice and hard."

"Yes, Mistress." I put the tweezers on the table and began to massage my left breast and lick and suck at my nipple. The vibrator in my pussy started up again, but at a low level. My cheeks began to heat up under Tammy's watchful gaze. Very soon my breasts were hard and my nipples stood out proudly.

"Put the tweezers over the nipple. Hold the rubber band with your other paw, squeeze the tweezers and pull them out." I did. The rubber band was tight but not especially painful. I did not think that I would be able to forget about it anytime soon and I was sure that the constant stimulation would keep my nipples erect. The rubber band's color matched my skin closely and it was barely visible. Anyone who did not look very closely would think that my nipples were just permanently and very prominently erect. I turned my attention to my other breast to repeat the procedure. My muzzle burned in shame at the thought of having to go out in public like this. I didn't have to look down to know that my juices were leaking out and starting to drench the fur on my thighs.

Tammy smiled at me and asked "Comfy?"

"Not really." The whole situation felt utterly ludicrous. I couldn't deny that it would have been hilariously funny, if it wasn't happening to me. "Seems my mysterious customer wants to do whatever he can to humiliate me in public..."

"Could be. Could be."

"Yeah. Sucks to be me." Tammy laughed, I couldn't quite suppress a giggle. "I guess I won't be allowed to clean up before I go?"

Tammy didn't answer, but her look was answer enough. "You should be grateful to our previous mayor."


"He signed that city ordnance against public nudity."

"Oh." I blushed furiously at the thought.

Tammy reached into her bag and produced a pair of shiny black high heels. "Here."

I accepted them dubiously for a moment. Then I recognized them as the same pair I had worn during the photo session. I bent down and put them on. I walked up and down a few times to get the feel for the shoes again.

"Good. Next piece. Your purse." Tammy produced a tiny purse from her bag. It was utterly tacky, dark red with big chrome and gold studs. The strap was wide and in a dark pink shade that didn't just clash with the rest of the purse but waged war.


Tammy laughed "I see you like it." I accepted the purse very reluctantly and held it with my fingertips. If it had been up to me, I would have shoved it into the nearest trash container. Tammy fetched my data pad from my own purse and handed it to me. From her bag she got a few more things. "A key for your shoes. But only for an emergency. And your new ID card."

I studied the card. It was similar to my old card, only red rather than gray and it stated very clearly that I was an indentured servant. When I turned it over, I found that Tammy's picture was on the back, identifying her as my owner. I slipped it into the purse.

"Do you need anything else?"

"Mirror shades?" I asked hopefully.

Tammy laughed and shook her head.

Suddenly the vibrator in my pussy kicked into overdrive. I moaned and my knees turned rubbery. I staggered to the table to support myself. The vibrations took me closer and closer to a climax, in less than a minute I was ready to cum. Just before I could come, the vibrator cut out. I stared at the wall, panting and groaning in desire. Tears of frustration ran down my face. When I had myself under control again, I turned to Tammy "I hate you."

Tammy laughed "No, you don't. But you know what? It is a real pleasure to watch you."

"I could give you a much better show if you didn't stop me before I get to the best part."

She laughed again "I know. But today the show is for your customer, not for me. I know you will give him a very good show."

"Are you sure that he will let me come?"

"Yes. But only if you obey him, of course." We looked at each other for a long moment, then Tammy went on "You've had enough fun for now. Time to apply your perfume."


"Your cum. Use it like perfume and put some in all the places you would normally use perfume, like between your breasts, on your wrists, behind your ears and so on. Use plenty."

"Yes, Mistress." I sighed and dipped a finger into my dripping sex. I applied the juice to several choice spots. When Tammy didn't look satisfied, I repeated the procedure several times more.

Tammy finally leaned forward and sniffed. "Smells good. Now put your toy away."

She nodded when I put my paws on the now silent vibrator. I hissed when I removed the clips from my nether lips. They had cut off my circulation a little, the pins and needles were barely bearable. I moaned in frustrated desire when I pulled the rubber shaft out of my dripping wet sex. My juices ran down my thighs, I think a few drops went as far as my knees.

Tammy stopped me when I turned to head to the bathroom to clean the sticky rubber toy. "Lick it clean first." I blushed furiously, but I obeyed. I had to force my tongue into contact with the somewhat disgusting dildo, but it was not quite as hard to do as it had been the first time. Having to do it right in front of Tammy made the experience much more humiliating, though. "From now on you always clean the toys you use with your tongue first. Unless you get different instructions, of course. Understood?"

I bowed my head, blushing even more "Yes, Mistress." I went on licking my juices off the rubber shaft. I shudder ran through me when I remembered something. I asked "Even when the toy was in my... tailhole?"

Tammy considered me for a long moment before she answered "No. In that case you don't have to. But that is just the default rule, you may get different instructions sometimes."

"I understand. Thank you." This reassured me somewhat. But it did sound as if I would have to do even that at some point. I wondered if I would be able to do it without throwing up. When the dildo was reasonably clean, I washed it, first with water and then with disinfectant. Then I returned it to its resting place in the bottom drawer.

"Wash your face. Those teary eyes won't do." I did as instructed. When I returned from the bathroom, Tammy handed me a bottle of medicine. "Eye drops. Put one drop into each eye."

I accepted the drops. I was very reluctant to use them, but Tammy's face brooked no resistance. I put a drop into each eye and returned the bottle.

"We can't have you all teary-eyed when you get to your customer. The drops will prevent you from crying for the next hour or so."

"Oh." Suddenly my eyes felt really strange "This isn't bad for my eyes, is it?"

"Well, the drops aren't really good for your eyes, that is true, but they are not dangerous either. They are bad if you use them very often. Your eyes will be a little dryer than normal, but tear fluid production is only reduced, not totally stopped. The effect will wear off in an hour anyway. This may feel somewhat unpleasant, but it won't do any real harm."

"Ok, I guess."

"Next." Tammy reached into her bag and produced a lipstick "Use plenty."

"Ummm..." The lipstick was bright red, really garish. I complained, "I'll look like a hooker. A really cheap one." Tammy didn't say anything, she just gave me a smug smile; obviously this was the effect she intended it to have. I sighed and hung my shoulders. I walked over to the mirror and began to apply the lipstick to my lips. I don't have much that could really be called 'lips', few anthros do, but the garish color made what little I had stand out prominently. I almost began to cry, maybe I would have if I had not just put those drops into my eyes, I looked absolutely horrible.

"A little more. Let me help." Tammy took the lipstick from my unresisting paws and applied it liberally. I almost fainted when I looked at the mirror. She had put it on the fur all around my mouth. I looked ten times worse than before and it took a huge amount of willpower not to run in horror. Tammy just grinned at me "Lisa, you look great. Your customer will love you."

Suddenly anger filled me. I balled my fists and snarled at Tammy.

"My, my. Such a temper doesn't become you at all."

"Sorry." I pointed at the mirror "You want me to go out into public like this? Do you have any idea how I feel?"

"Yes, Lisa. Remember, I was there myself."

"You had to do that yourself? Go out looking like the cheapest hooker this side of the great divide?"

"Well, not exactly like this, but I had to do similar things. The first time I was blushing so badly one could hardly see the lipstick."

"Oh." The anger receded. If Tammy had done this, then so could I. "All right, let's get it over with."

"Here." Tammy offered me the lipstick.

"What now? Should I paint my ears?"

Tammy giggled "No. Your nipples and your other lips."

My cheeks turned almost the same color as my lips. For several seconds I could hardly breathe. I closed my eyes in shame. I forced myself to breathe deeply. After a minute or so I opened my eyes again. I accepted the lipstick from Tammy and began to apply it. I tried to tell myself that things couldn't get any more humiliating, they could only get more ludicrous, but it didn't really help much.

After what seemed like a very long time, Tammy finally seemed satisfied and commented "Sexy."

I breathed a sigh of relief. But my relief was short lived. Tammy commanded "Close your eyes and hold still." Then she began to paint my eyebrows. She didn't stop there, but she painted all around my eyes. I couldn't see what she was doing, but I had not much hope that it would look anything but atrocious.

When Tammy was finally done and allowed me to look at the mirror, I found that it did. Look atrocious, that is. My face looked more like a negative of a raccoon's than anything else. I looked almost utterly ridiculous. I almost had to admire Tammy's craftsmanship. I looked bad, but I didn't look quite bad enough. It looked as if I had absolutely no taste or talent as far as makeup was concerned and had tried to overcome my lack of skill by using excessive amounts of makeup but I did not so bad that it would look as if I had intentionally disfigured myself to look horrible.

Tammy gave me a big grin and twirled her finger. I turned around obediently. She clapped her hands in delight and exclaimed "Perfect! Let's go." I picked up the purse and Tammy's bag, she clipped a leash to my collar and we headed towards the lobby.


Tammy stopped just outside the entrance to the changing area for us slaves, turned around and held out her hand. "My bag."

I stopped and gave her the bag. "Yes, Mistress."

She opened it and commanded, "Put on the panties."

I accepted the tiny bundle. I began to blush furiously as I examined them. There were quite a few people in the lobby area and at least half of them were watching us. Or rather, me specifically. The panties could hardly be called that, they were little more than a few strings and a tiny piece of cloth that might just cover my sex. As long as I did not make any sudden movements or moved my knees more than a few inches apart, the strip of cloth was thin enough to be constantly in danger of slipping into my sex. The panties were also bright neon pink. I sighed, "Yes, Mistress." and put them on. They were very tight. They didn't hurt, but that was mainly because they were made of a very elastic material. It took a bit of careful adjustment to keep the piece of cloth from slipping into my wet sex. I blushed as I realized that it would most likely slip in once I had to get moving.

Tammy gave me a pleased smile and produced another, slightly more substantial piece of clothing.

It turned out to be a bright red dress. The cut was daring, to say the least. It looked to be designed to meet the minimum requirements for public decency and not a millimeter more. The cloth was stretchy and not quite transparent.

I sighed and wiggled into the tight dress and adjusted the dress. As much as was possible. I showed an embarrassing amount of cleavage and my prominently erect nipples were barely covered. At the other end the hemline was only a finger's width below my ass. If I had to bend down for some reason, I would show everything to whoever happened to stand behind me. The stretchy cloth was so sheer that the panties were clearly visible. The very thought of going into public like this made my muzzle burn.

Putting on the dress had been enough to dislodge the front of the panties and sucked the cloth into my cunt. My blush deepened as I adjusted my panties under Tammy's watchful gaze. I blushed even more when I realized that extracting the cloth from my wet cunt had only served to spread my juices around and get the dress wet in turn and created a blatantly obvious discolored spot.

Tammy twirled her finger and I turned around once, careful not to make any sudden movements. Tammy looked pleased "Perfect. Lisa, you look great."

I didn't know what to answer to that, I just said "Thank you, Mistress."

"Almost ready." Tammy handed me a business card. "Here's the address."

"Thank you." I accepted the card and picked up the purse. It didn't surprise me that its color clashed with the red of the dress. I glanced at the card and put it into my purse and then I adjusted my panties once more.

"Take the bus to Jefferson street and then change to number 56 northbound. Your stop is Flag street. The tickets are on your pad. When you are done take the bus back here. Any other questions?"

I considered for a moment and answered "No, Tammy. Bye."

"Ok. Bye."

I turned and headed towards the exit, moving with the slow gait my attire demanded.

Just before I reached the door, Tammy overtook me and enfolded me in a tight hug "Take care, Lisa. And best of luck."

After I got over my momentary surprise, I returned the hug "Thank you, Tammy." Suddenly I felt a lot better and I remembered that no matter what Tammy forced me to do, she didn't do it to hurt me, but that she did her best to help me. "Thank you, I won't let you down."

"I know you won't." Tammy gave me a reassuring smile "See you in a couple of hours."

"Bye." Tammy stepped back and sent me off with a playful swat at my rump.

End of Episode 20