Turning The Other Cheek

Story by Zylen Andel on SoFurry

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Zylen Andel and the story are © to me, Zylen Andel

Omari is © to Apollojay89

Zylen closed the door and locked it, gasping suddenly as he felt a weight hit his back and force him against the door. He smiled as he felt strong hands rubbing and pinching his naked upper body. Looking over his shoulder, saw the smirking face of Omari, an expression of dominance on the anteaters face illuminated his intentions. Still the punk rocking anteater couldn't help but tell the flustered peacock what he was going to do to him.

"Mmmmm...I'm gonna have fun teasing you until you beg me to fuck you." Omari gripped a clump of the jet black hair, yanking back and grinning at the whimper he heard. "And I might consider doing it, but only if you beg for it like a dog."

Hearing what he was told to do in order to get what he wanted, made the avian shudder and blush. It always turned him on to be used like this - and Omari was good at making him feel like a really slut. But Zylen also liked the fight - to resist and dominating partner and have them force him into submission. Omari was good at that part too. So, when his free came up and gripped his throat, Zylen barely flinched.

"Oh I love it when you act tough. It just makes bending you over so much more fun." Omari grinned at the breathless bird, relaxing but not releasing his grip. "You're going to beg me for it, we both know that. You're heart may belong to Apollo, but your ass belongs to me tonight."

With that said, Omari pulled the blushing bird away from the door and pushed on the bed. Foreplay was never Omari's strong suit, but sometimes the mood struck him. He grabbed the shorts that covered Zylen's groin and yanked them down, grinning as he sees no underwear. Ge brabbed the heavy balls and squeezed them tightly, making Zylen whimper in pain. "So, you were expecting some action tonight huh? You're so lucky that you ran into me."

In truth, Zylen was already there, but he played along. "I...I...don't know. I don'y...feel lucky." Zylen could tease with his words as well as his body. And one of his biggest rushes came from verbally condescending his domineering partners - none more than Omari.

"Oh yeah? Well I'll have to fix that." Omari grabbed the avian's legs and rolled him over onto his belly, Once again he grabbed those soft feathery balls in a firm grip while his free hand rubbed over the toned butt cheeks. "I'm gonna have fun stretching your cute little ass again."

Suddenly Zylen got a wicked idea. "Oooooooh...now that's a great idea."

Omari giggled in manly way and spanked the blue feathered butt, "It is a great idea. But we'll get to that lat-."

For a moment, Omari just thought his tonuge missed the last syllable. But a few seconds laters he still wasn't able to make any sounds - in fact he couldn't even open his mouth. Then he saw small trails of blue smoke curling and coiling around his long muzzle. The blue smoke moved quickly to encircle his wrist and pulled the anteater's hands away. Zylen turned over and sat up, with a smug smirk on his face. Omari was surprised, but he was furious at the peacock for doing whatever he did to make him helpless like this. Even with the fierce gaze being shot at him, Zylen giggling and spread his legs open.

"I should make you bounce on my cock until you beg me to let you cum." Omari felt a mix of white hot anger and prickly anxieties as he continued to stand there unable to move. But what angered him more was the soft heat he felt in his cheeks from a blush that he didn't want the peacock to see. "But I'm not gonna do that. Instead, I'm gonna make you into a butt plug."

The anteater's blood ran cold, but the blush deepened on his face. He was the one in control, he was the one that did things to others, but hearing what he was about ot happen to him made it clear that he was as helpless as he thought Zylen had been. More blue smoke emanated from the feathered hands, as if the feathers were burning. The whisps of smoke followed no discerable pattern until Zylen looked up at Omari. The trails of smoke rose quickly like flying snakes made of nothing, but when they touched Omari's body he felt the warm magic entering him and changing him from the inside out.

There was nothing he could but watch the grinning peacock sit on the bed in triumph. He moaned loudly as he body began to shrink. His mind racing his thoughts of revenge; choking Zylen when he fucked him harder than ever before, making Zylen wear a dress in front of everyone, and abusing him in the dungeon room of Andel's Handel. How glorious it would be have this bitch bird in his place. His skin began to grow more dense and solid even as his fur melted away. Though his skin was more solid then normal, he could smell the scent of rubber and latex as he collapsed to the ground, no longer able to support himself.

Zylen leaned down to see Omari's head lean back and merge with his shoulders to create the head of butt plug. The anteater wanted to curse the peacock for putting him in this situation, but no sound left his non-existent mouth. He felt his arms flatten out into a thin disc around what he knew was his chest. The next thing that happened to him freaked him out a little. The part of his body between his chest and his waist stretched and thinned into a tiny tube. A moan wouldv'e shot from his throat as his cock swelled into a bulb with his balls getting smaller, turning into the device that could control the air flow into the plug. Zylen smiled as he eyed his new toy, watching the brown and green colors emerging and shading the toy.

The peacock picked up the plug and grinned excitedly, unable to hide how aroused he was at the thought of using Omari in this way. As for Omari, all he could was watch Zylen lay on his back and lift his leg, exposing the tight pucker that he would love to be filling - just not in this way. He would surely get the peacock back for this humiliation. He was pressed to the warm hole and all he could smell was the musk of man, then the psuh came and he sank into the dark warm tunnel. Zylen moaned as he felt the plug sinking into his body. It felt so good just from the pressure of the toy spreading him, but the fact that they used to be Omari was making him even hotter. He pushed more of it into his ass, moaning louder. All Omari heard were muffled cries but he could swear that between those moans he could hear the thunking of heart beat - a rhythm that kept getting faster as the seconds ticked by.

Soon, Omari found himself all the way inside the peacock, buried all the way up to the flat disc that stopped him from sinking any deeper. He would've moaned if he could have when Zylen grabbed the pump for the plug - which used to be his cock. It was strange that he could still feel every part of his twisted and misshapen body without any discomfort. In fact, when he felt the squeezes on that pump that sent air into his plug body that inflated him inside the tight ass there was only pleasure. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.

"Oh...fuck Omari...you feel nice...maybe I should keep you in there for a while."

No! This peacock would learn his place the second Omari was free from this transformation. Another few pumps made him swell even more, which made more mufflled moans sing out from the peacock. .He wasn't sure what was happening until the pump of the plug was pressed to the avian's cock as he stroked them together. Zylen was masturbating while he was forced into his ass! This peacock was begging for a beating! Omari actually found himself impressed with Zylen's boldness, he didn't think he had anything like this in him. He also found pleasure wrapped tightly in the warm ass and feeling his his pump rubbing against the warm pulsing cock. He didn't know how long he was in the dark tunnel, but a few moments later he heard the shout of ecstasy and then felt the bdy around him collapse to the bed. Was he to be freed now?

"Well that was fun. But I think I'll leave you in my ass for a while. I know you're planning your revenge and I want to make it really worth your while. Good night Omari."

Omari was furious, but the there was nothing he could do as he felt Zylen relax onto the bed. All he could think about were ways to get back at the peacock. He better enjoy this nap, because when he gets his own body back again Zylen won't be sleeping so soundly.

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