Zylen's Present

Story by Zylen Andel on SoFurry

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Apollo and the story are © to A pollojay89 (over on FA)

Zylen Andel is © to me, Zylen Andel

Apollo had been banging his head against the wall for weeks... Well, not literally banging his head, more in a figurative sense. But the blue jay had been working hard to try and figure out something that he could get his boyfriend Zylen for his birthday. But he was drawing a complete blank. Apollo had been to store after store, looking at everything from clothes and books, to sex toys and lingerie. But none of those things had really jumped out at him.They were all nice, but they didn't seem like the perfect gift to give to Zylen.

Apollo was sitting in a small cafe, grabbing a snack after another failed shopping trip, when it finally hit him. Maybe it was better to do something for Zylen, rather than get him anything. So Apollo pulled out his laptop, took a sip from his tea, amd started brainstorming something he could do for te man he loved. He took a look around the room, seeing the other people in the cafe on their laptops. Fingers flying so fast that they were probably... That was it! Apollo grinned as he finally got an idea of something to do for Zylen. He was going to write him a story. And not just any story. It was going to be the story of the first time that the two of them had met. Apollo leaned back in his chair, beginning to recall the emotions and events of their first meeting....

"It had been a busy night at the club. The blue jay had been working there for about a week now, serving drinks to people as they danced. Ruby had been nice enough to get him this job, and he was grateful. He needed every penny in order to afford the small apartment he was living in. He enjoyed the freedom though, so if that meant he had to work two jobs to keep it, he would do it. Apollo was just finishing his shift, when he heard the crowd of people cheering as someone enteree the room. Curious, the blue jay made his way over and lightly pushed his way through the crowd, until he saw who they were cheering for.

Apollo had to catch his breath as he saw the beautiful man in front of him. He had met Zylen once before, at Verona's shop, but he hadn't looked like this. The peacock seemed to be in his element here among the crowd, waving and blowing kisses, flirting with everyone as he passed by them. Apollo knew what went on behind the scenes of Andel's Handel, and Apollo could tell why they did so well. If all the members were as attractive as Ruby and Zylen, they probably made tons of money. The music changed to a dancing beat, and the blue jay watched as the crowd started to condense around Zylen, probably asking him if he wanted to dance. The peacock smiled and shook his head, taking s few hands and kissing them as the crowd split to let him through. Apollo watched as Zylen moved gracefully through the group, and started to walk across the room. The blue jay couldn't take his eyes off the peacock.

It seemed like Zylen must have felt someone watching him, because he turned his head, looking around the room. That's when the two of them met eyes. Apollo felt his heart beating a little faster when he saw Zylen smile, and make his way towards the blue jay. When Zylen reached him, the peacock didn't say anything, he just held out his hand to Apollo. Apollo blushed, though he reached out and took Zylen's hand. The peacock pulled him close, wrapping his arms around the blue jay, as the two started to dance. They stayed close, moving to the beat of the music, their bodies grinding against each others, and others as well as Zylen lead them onto the dance floor. Apollo could feel some jealous glares, most likely from the people that Zylen had passed by, but Apollo didn't care. He was having too much fun.

The two of them danced for a while, until Zylen had grabbed his hand again, and pulled him away from the crowd. It seemed like a blur, suddenly they were out of the loud room, and walking up some stairs. Apollo followed, though he had no idea where they were going. Zylen finally stopped in front of a door, opening it, and pulling Apollo inside. The peacock finally let go of his hand, giving Apollo the chance to look around. From what he could see, it was just a bedroom, a very well-furnished bedroom, but still just a..... Apollo heard the lock click, and he turned back, to see that Zylen had just locked the door. He stayed back a distance, his back against the wall, as he smiled at the blue jay. "I just wouldn't want for us to be interrupted." There was no malice or anything dark in his voice, so Apollo relaxed a bit. "You can leave right now if you'd like... I won't stop you. But I'd prefer it if you didn't leave. I think that we could have a lot of fun together."

The blue jay blushed deeply at how forward Zylen was being. He seemed like a man who always got what he wanted, and right now, he wanted Apollo. Apollo walked over to Zylen, reaching his hands up, and starting to unbutton Zylen's shirt, rubbing his chest through the soft fabric as he did it. Zylem reached a finger dowm, lifting up Apollo's beak and kissing him. The blue jay blushed deeply as he was caught off guard, though he closed his eyes, enjoying the kiss. His body shivered as he felt Zylen's tongue enter his beak, licking the roof of his mouth. Apollo felt his body getting warm from his arousal, though it seemed like it might have been from aomething else as well. When they finally broke the kiss, Apollo looked down, blushing deeply when he saw that both he and Zylen were naked. "How... When did...." Apollo stammered.

Zylen smiled, rubbing Apollo's hips as he guided him to the bed. "Q&A time can come later Apollo. Right now, you just need to relax." Zylen sat Apollo down on the bed, kneeling in front of him. The peacock was happy to see that Apollo didn't need any help, the blue jay's cock was already hard. "Don't worry... I can help you relax," The peacock licked up the length of Apollo's shaft, then wrapped his beak around it, beginning to lick and suck on Apollo. The blue jay had been surprised, but all of that was out of his mind now as Zylen sucked on him. The peacock was obviously skilled, as Apollo felt nothing but pleasure, leaning back and moaning. His hips thrusted up, pushing more of his cock into Zylens beak. The peacock grinned when he felt this, pushing further down onto Apollo's cock, until the peacocks beak was pressing against Apollo's crotch. Apollo wasn't sure how much more he could handle, his cock throbbing inside Zylen's throat. But as soon as the peacock felt that, he pulled away.

"Did you enjoy that?" Zylen asked, grinning. Apollo could only nod, his hands still clenching the bedsheets. Zylen put a finger on Apollo's chest, slowly pushing him down onto his back. The peacock climbed on top of him, kissing him again. "Now... If you're alright with it, im going to take charge for a while. I'd like to top you, but I want to make sure that you want that too." Apollo smiled. Nobody had been this considerate with him before, asking if he was okay with things, or what he wanted. "Zylen... you don't have to worry. I want this... I want you to top me, okay? Though..." Apollo leaned up, kissing the peacock's neck. "I really do appreciate you asking first. But I'm ready whenever you are."

Zylen moaned at the kiss, pushing Apollo down to the bed, the peacock's hands exploring the other males body. Feeling the lithe muscles underneath the feathers, Zylen leaned down and kissed Apollo's chest. "I may get a bit rough with you Apollo, but if it gets to be too much, just tell me, and I'll be more gentle." The peacock leaned back and grinned. "Now get on your hands and knees." Apollo grinned, moving quickly into position, his ass facing Zylen. The peacock blushed, rubbing the blue jay's round butt, pulling his hand back and spanking him. Apollo gasped and smiled as he felt Zylen spanking him. Zylen smacked his ass a few times, and then Apollo felt the peacock's cock rubbing against his butt. He moaned softly as it pressed against him, and he felt Zylen's cock press against his pucker.

Zylen pushed his cock into Apollo, thrusting his length into the blue jay. Apollo gripped the sheets again, as he felt Zylen thrusting into him, pushing his cock deeper. The jay rolled his hips, wanting to feel more of that cock Inside of him. Zylen grinned as he watched this, spanking Apollo again, this time both of them moaning. Zylen wanted to test how much Apollo could handle, and his thrusts started getting rougher, harder. Zylen grabbed Apollo's hair, pulling it back, as he leaned forward, kissing Apollo's neck. The peacock tugged on Apollo's feathers with his beak, making the blue jay gasp. That's when he felt Zylen let go of his hair, and grab onto his wings. The jay gulped a bit, shouting out as he felt Zylen pull back on them, using them to pound even harder into Apollo.

Apollo had rough sessions before, but this had to be one of the roughest.... Though he was enjoying every second of it. He clenched hard on the cock Inside of him, grinning when he heard Zylen moaning, glad he was able to give his partner pleasure as well. He may have been rough, but Apollo felt safe with Zylen... He knew that the peacock wasn't going to do anything to really hurt him. He wasn't sure why, he had just met Zylen after all, but he trusted him. There was some kind of connection between them, and while Apollo wasn't sure exactly what It was yet, he liked it. Apollo gasped out loudly, his cum shooting out onto the bed as his orgasm hit him. He panted as he turned his head, giving Zyen a grin. "Now its your turn Zy-Zy... Fill me with your cum."

The peacock grinned fiercely at the blue jay's words, at the invitation. He gripped Apollo's hips and thrusted into him, pushing his cock as deep into Apollo as he could. The blue jay felt Zylen's cock throbbing, and then he heard the peacock shout out loudly. Apollo felt the cum flooding into his ass, the blue jay moaning loudly at the pleasurable feeling. Te two avians rolled onto their sides, Zylen still inside Apollo. The peacock wrapped his arms around Apollo, hugging him close as the two of them laid there, enjoying the after glow, "That was.... amazing." Apollo finally spoke. "You're an incredible guy..." Zylen turned Apollo's head, kissing him again. "I think you're just as incredible Apollo." The peacock blushed a bit as he kissed Apollo's shoulder, "Would you... maybe like to spend the night here tonight?"

The blue jay blushed as well, smiling warmly. "That sounds like a wonderful idea..." He leaned in close, whispering to the peacock. "As long as I get to top this time..." Zylen grinned. "Apollo, I'd love that." The two of them spent that whole night together, sleeping through most of the next day. Neither of them knew, but that was the beginning of something amazing...."

Apollo looked up from his writing, grinning as he saw Zylen walking into the cafe. He closed the laptop, standing up from the table. "Well hello love, glad you could make it." Apollo smiled, pulling Zylen into a kiss. The blue jay was aroused from the writing, so he looked around, making sure no one was paying attention as he pulled the peacock into the back of the restaurant, into the bathroom. He closed the door, pushing the peacock back against it, kissing him deeply. Zylen grinned as he felt the jay's passions, and kissed back. "So... I guess we're not waiting till we get back home?" The blue jay shook his head. "Nope.., I love you Zylen," The peacock blushed and smiled. "I love you too Apollo."

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