The Night Two Lovers Met

Story by PeachClover on SoFurry

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It had been a strange day: traveling to another universe where bunnies were the main species and humans were as legendary as elves, but he was rather enjoying himself.

"This is my room, it hasn't changed since I left", Guile said. Gene snapped out of it at the end of the hall as his new lapin friend stood in the doorway waiting for him to come inside. Gene stepped in and looked around. It was a lovely large room not unlike his own: clothes everywhere that didn't belong to the room's owner, a few obligatory chests of draws, and most oddly two beds. "I use to share this room with my siblings but it looks like they took it over. Sorry about the mess." Guile jumped on his thoughts.

Gene shook his head while laughing a little, "No, really, it looks just like home." Gene discarded his shirt and unceremoniously took the bed closest the window and gave a yawn of approval. Guile turned off the main light, and walked toward the other bed. Gene wanted to turn off the lamp between the two beds, but was too exhausted. He closed his eyes and heard Guile drop his shirt and slide into the other bed. The world was closing, and his body felt content again as he drifted he thought: "Ah, so peaceful, here I am in a world full of non-humans who care about each other... and me. Thank you, my creator, for this: Even if I wake tomorrow just to find out it was a dream, I'll have been happy just to have felt it once." Here he dips between awake and asleep having forgotten his first train of thought continuing with; "Guile, seems like he's been away from here long... College? But he doesn't look that old, although... Heh, maybe it's just because he's a bunny. I'll have to ask-"

"Gene?" Guile spoke softly. Gene becoming aware of his presence, he hadn't heard him sneak onto the bed where he lay.

"Yes?" "...I don't know how to say this, but... may I... pet you?" Guile voice was wavering as he tried not to insult his foreign guest.

Gene smiled to himself as he realized and was relieved that his being there wasn't so normal. He turned completely to face Guile and said with a faint smile, "You see me and think: I wanted it to happen but surely it can't be, but if it is, he must act like me, and would find it odd to be touched but if you don't you'll never know if I'm real so, yes, you may "pet" me." Gene placed Guile's hand on his own ribs to reassure that he was allowed. Gene laid his own hand on Guile's ribs: he really wanted to touch the soft bunny fur for the same reason he just explained. Guile petted his side while Gene petted Guile's thick black fur. Gene began to feel comforted. He felt safe. It reminded him of some nostalgic time from home he couldn't fully remember. He couldn't deny his feelings any longer; he began to bawl.

Guile was shocked, he moved his hands back enough to make sure he hadn't harmed his guest "What's the matter, babe, did I do something wrong?"

Gene's voice was broken but he did his best not to squeal, "No, it wasn't you, it's just, I realized I may never get home, that's not bad, but when I think about what's going to happen to me here!" the thought made him lose his voice.

Guile embraced Gene tightly, his voice slow and earnest, "Gene, I won't let anything happen to you. Since, I saw you I promised I'd protect you: You mean the world to me, babe." Guile was stroking Gene's back in a way that was the unspoken compliment to his promise. Gene sobbed for another minute, sometime during that minute he'd realized he was embracing Guile. Gene's eyes hurt so much. Guile must have seen this as he stood and turned off the lamp. Gene disparately hoped he wouldn't just leave him there. Guile returned to the bed and rolled Gene on top of himself embracing him in the same secure manner: with one arm from ribs to shoulder and one from just across from wear the ribs stopped. Gene's eyes were closed, but he was still awake feeling himself drift again.

"You've been so kind to me, bunny." Gene said as a manner of goodnight, but it was true, and he was thankful.

"I love you too, babe." Gene felt Guile's arms slide down to his middle. Guile saw Gene's worried/sad eyes looking up at him, he smiled sweetly to say I won't hurt you, and spoke as gently as he did before, "If it feels a little strange, just close your eyes." Gene swallowed even though his mouth was dry, and watched wide-eyed. Guile had unbuttoned his pants and was unzipping them. Parting the flaps of Gene's pants, Guile softly lifted and slid his fiery blue boxers and tickled him as he placed them at the base of the boy's erecting penis. His left paw had returned to Gene's pounding chest and his right was wrapping itself around the erection while he whispered, "I told you, I'll never let you get hurt."

Gene didn't know what he was feeling: he was afraid of what Guile would expect of him. He couldn't hold his head up anymore, He saw Guile smiling into his eyes as he closed his, and slid back on Guile's shoulder. He felt the gentle hand of his host bring pleasure to his entire being. Guile smiled at the cute out-of-this-world creature unsuspectingly receiving his love. He sped up gradually not wanting his friend to be rushed.

Gene gasped, by accident at first, then fully voiced and clear. For each one he was becoming slowly more grateful for Guile's continuing. Guile was called to nature's yearning, but was focused on his guest, feeling an almost hidden pleasure every time the boy twitched or convulsed. He was so beautiful and right about how he needed to touch him to prove he was real. He was worried he might loose him, the frightening thought instinctively made him lay his head on Gene's shoulder, just as he let out another gasp. Gene's breathing became very fast, Guile looked at the boy's blood filled erection waiting for the moment when he would know if his guest felt his love and dreamily wished he might want to love him in return. Gene's eyes closed even tighter, he felt it coming, and with the greatest wind of pleasure he was no longer afraid of the bunny's deed: in fact he wanted to thank him. With an exasperating scream/gasp, Gene came, trying to control his convulsions of pleasure but unable under Guile's soft touch. As soon as he stopped cuming, Guile slowed and ceased his pumping. He listened to his guest's heavy breathing and gasping.

Guile looked upon Gene's face who was opening and closing his mouth half way on each breath, his eyes had become too heavy to open. Guile kissed him on the neck just bellow the jaw, "...I love you, Babe."

Gene's panting soon ceased, and his breathing returned to normal. He thought to himself in a dream like state how he'd been wrong about Guile wanting to hurt him, and this brought back the feeling of safety. Now not only was he safe he was loved and happy as he knew he'd never be alone again. Guile stroked the body of his most precious friend and watched the boy though teary eyes. Guile couldn't help his tears: he was so happy that in one day a person with the body of fairytales, a beautiful mind, and an empathetic heart of gold was not only in his house, but was accepting his love, and by just doing so: returning it. Gene lay draped over Guile, arms out and head back. Guile closed his eyes almost instantly falling asleep embracing the one he swore to protect.

Authors notes- This was my coming out story and my first official furry story. I wrote it huddled in the corner of a dark room on a laptop in 2k4. I submitted it once before, but it was put on hold for "borg text". I've since then revised it and made it all pretty. I know it's a little cheesy, but this was supposed to be both of the boi's first sexual experience.