Coming Out

Story by Niiro on SoFurry

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#1 of Winter Vacation in the Mountains- Niiro and Mike

Niiro is Japanese for red and you say 'ii' as if it was two E's (Ni-i-ro)


This story contains M/M, furry sex, and teen relationship. If you are under the age of 18, do not continue. I do not own the rights to the Vans. Thanks for reading!!!


This is my first story so be gentle


As i wake up in the front seat of my mother's car i noticed that we're almost to the skii resort. We left Mike's home early in the morning so i planned to sleep in the car. As i looked in the back seat i see Mike sleeping with his headphones on, one in one ear and the other just hanging there. He was leaning against the glass making the cold glass foggy and hard to see through.

Mike was just a regular fox, with orange fur and white chest and muzzle. He's quite short for a 16 year old, he's has that skinny but muscular athlete body, maybe from all the running he does at school.

As for me I'm a red husky, 16 years old, tall and skinny, snowboarding is the only sport i ever do and that only last for 2 days. I have red fur on my back and top of my head with a red strip going down the center of my face to my nose, my tail is also red with a white tip and my chest, arms and legs are also white.

Mike and I have been best friends since the start of high school. He was in almost all of my classes and we would talk for hours during school and he would stay at my house until his dad picks him up.

We would date girls at school but i only had one girlfriend, it was last year and we dated for 2 months and she was a bitch so i had to break it up. Mike recently broke up with his girlfriend last week cause she was moving to a different school or should i say country.

Recently i discoved that i was gay...well not fully gay, well bisexual. I would date a girl if i could but i would rather be with i guy, like that. After Mike broke-up with his girlfriend i tried to come on to him but he wasnt getting it. I know he's straight and i know I'm bi but he doesn't know yet and you can say that i...i...i love him.


"Ok we're here!" My mom yeld.

As I open the door and Mike waking up from his sleep i stepped out with just a shirt on, shorts and bare foot cause im a husky, I can stand the cold while Mike is all dressed up in 2 jackets, jeans, gloves, and Vans. I told told him not to wear Vans cause they slide when they touch snow.

"I get the bags while you get the boards." I yelled to Mike.

"Aww man." said Mike.

"Just do it." I said.

As Mike got out of the car he slipped fell right on his back.

"Told you Vans slide in the snow." I said while grinning to Mike.

"Shut up and help me." He said as he took off his one glove and reached for my paw. His paw was warm while i helped him to his feet.

"Where do you want me to put the stuff?" Mike yelled.

"In the lobby."

"Wait with the stuff while i get money from my mom!" I yelled while he went inside the hotel.

"Be good and be carefull. I will pick you two up in 2 days, just call me when you're ready." my mom said with a smile while handing me a wallet with money inside.

"Bye!" i said to my mom.

"Bye." she said while driving away.

While i walked to the lobby i gave Mike the wallet.

"Go get us a room this is all the money we have, just don't use it all." I said to Mike.

"Ok ok." he said while walking away.

I sat next to the stuff while i watched Mike walk to the counter. I watch his a he talked to the lady and he got the keys then walking back to me.

"Ok i got it. Let's go." He said while we got our stuff and head to the hotel room.

I opened the door to our room i looked in the bathroom and saw that the mirror was the first thing you see went you go to the bathroom. Mike noticed that there was only one bed.

"Hey, there's only one bed." Mike stated.

I left the bathroom only to find out that Mike was right. I wouldn't mind sleeping in the same bed as Mike but i dont know about him.

"I don't mind" I said with a grin in my face. "What about you?"

"Well...i guess so." Mike said with a long pause.

'Yes' i thought to myself.

"Aww man. There isn't any heater." Mike said.

"Thats Ok. We'll just put a blanket while we're sleeping" I said while Mike was raising his one eyebrow.

"Okaaaay." Mark said suspiciously while staring at me. "Ok lets get ready to go snowbording! Are you going to go in that, Niiro?"

"No i have to put on my snowboarding pants and snowboarding boots" i said to Mike "You?"

" Oh." said Mike. " I have to change everything its really hot under here and i'm starting to sweat. Since you dont have to really change im going to change in the bathroom."

"Um...o..ok." I stuttered.

I turn around and sit on the bed while i take off my shoes and hear the bathroom door slam behind me. While i finished changing i looked around the room and saw a basket with price tags on the items.

"Hmm. Chips, candy, oh whats this?" I said asking myself. I read the label "Yiffy Lube"

"Is this?" I said while reading the label. "It is!" I looked at the price tag and said it was free. So i placed it next to the table where my stuff was.

'I need to go to the bathroom' i thought to myself. So i opened the bathroom door carelessly and i saw Mark standing there fully nude. Mike and I froze while the scent of fox sweat hit my face and i inhaled the scent. While my eyes looked down i saw Mike's sheath with two white balls, I was lost in his crotch and scent. Mike was just staring at me in shock.

"Um Niiro...What are you doing?" Questiong mark "Niiro?" He asked again. "Hey!!"

"Huh?" I said lookng back at his eyes " need to use the bathroom"

"Um...sure" While he got one of his underwear and left the bathroom while i stood there looking at the floor blushing. I heard the door close behind me once again.

While i unzipped my pants i noticed my cock was rock hard, it was hard to piss but i got it and finished up.

Outside i heard Mark say "Hey what's this?"

As i washed my hands i tried to hide my hard cock under my shirt when i noticed that Mike's sweaty underwear was on the floor. I picked it up, it was still warm and it was kinda moist from Mike's layers of clothing. I knew that he wore boxers, from gym class i would watch him change in the locker rooms. I held it up to my face and took a deep sniff, it smelled like Mike's musk as i held it to my face. The scent made me roll my eyes back and moaned when i exhaled the scent made me harded than ever before.

"Hey!" Mike screamed while knocking on the door. "Are you done yet? I heard you wash you hands!"

I ignored Mike as i kept on smelling his boxers and he abruptly opened the door in his underwear.

"What are you doing?" He asked while i hid his underwear behind my back.

"N-n-n-nothing!" I shouted "J-just drying my hands with this towel"

Mike looked at my pants and he noticed that my cock was hard.

"Um...What are you really doing?" Mark asked while squinting his eyes at me. "Are you..." he paused "masturbating?" he asked with a suspicious look on his face.

"Uhhhh" with a blank stare to my face.

As i stood there i forgot that the mirror was right behind me, Mike looked over to the mirror and he saw me hold his boxers.

"What are you doing with my boxers?" He asked while i my eyes opened in shock.

"I-I-I-I-I" I couldn't think of an excuse.

"Well!!" He yeld coming closer to me. "What we're you doing!!!"

"I-I-I was smelling them" I said sloftly looking down at the ground again. He had a blank stare to his face when i said that.

"You were what?" He said in shock "Smelling them. Smelling my boxers but why?"

I knew that i couldn't say anything execpt

"Cause i love you" He had a confused look at his face and he turned around without a sound, left the bathroom and he sat on the bed. I followed him standing while standing a few feet in fron of him.

"So you're gay?" He asked me.

"No" I answered. "I'm bi"

"And you love me?" He said with a low voice "Why didn't i see this coming?" he asked himself.

"Yes, i love you" i said.

About a minute had passed in akward silence and he stood up.

"I need some time to think, get ready we're going soon" he said in a dominant voice while walking past me and into the bathroom.


Watch for part 2!