Verve: Mr. Johnson's First Date

Story by Drex on SoFurry

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(Author Note: After talking about Mr. Johnson's first date in chapter six of Verve, I wanted to write about it in more depth. Plus there were some intimate details Drex's teacher left out for obvious reasons. I hope you enjoy it.)

The brown bear looked at the paper completely lost. The math test might as well have been written in Greek as far as he was concerned. The numbers were meaningless to the young college bear. He ran his paw through his thick brown fur then rubbed his dark, umber colored eyes that sat behind the pair of spectacles that rested on his muzzle.

The small classroom in Portworth University felt like a prison to the bear as he shifted in his chair.

"Time's up Grant," a middle aged female otter said to the bear. Apparently he didn't hear her as he continued looking at the paper, all of his concentration focused on it. She let out a sigh and said, "Grant Johnson, you're out of time. Please put your pencil down."

The bear snapped back to reality and looked up at his teacher then to the clock. The time had flown by while he agonized over the test in front of him. He reluctantly handed the quiz over to his teacher, less than half completed.

The otter looked the quiz over and sighed before saying, "Grant, I think you might be in need of some tutoring. If you keep this up, you will have to repeat this class."

Grant thought it over in his head. He didn't want to spend even more time than he had to on math. The subject just didn't interest him and he didn't understand it anyway. Still, the prospect of taking the class over wasn't the best alternative.

"I guess I have to," the bear agreed reluctantly.

"Great! I know just the student, he's quite good and offered to help tutor if I needed him. I'll arrange a time for you two to meet up. I think he's open today," his teacher said.

"Thanks Ms. Fairbank," the bear said with a sigh. With that, he left the room to finish the rest of his classes.

A few hours passed and the bear sat in the campus library. The note he recived from his teacher told him that his tutor would meet him there at 4:00. The bear looked at his wrist watch which read 3:57 PM.

A minute or two passed and Grant looked over to see a tiger walking toward him. The bear was mesmerized by the beautiful male tiger that approached him. Grant looked the tiger over. He had beautiful white fur with black stripes. A patch of black fur rested at his chin. He had deep green eyes and the bear almost felt like he could be lost in them forever.

"Hey, I'm Matt. Are you Grant?" the tiger asked snapping Grant out of his frozen state.

"Wha...uhh...yeah, I am," the bear said stumbling to find the words.

The tiger had a broad toothy smile on his face. It melted the bear's heart.

"I heard you need some help with your math work. Why don't we get started?" Matt said as he sat next to the bear.

Grant opened his book on the table and the tiger leaned in close to see the book as well. They sat side by side. Grant's heart pounded in his chest. He almost thought the tiger might be able to hear it.

Matt looked over the work the bear had to finish. He showed Grant how to do a few of the problems and gave him a few tips and tricks to learn the material better. Grant was amazed that he was actually doing it. He was answering the questions with the assistance of the tiger.

Time was flying by as Matt helped the bear along with his work. They talked about school and other subjects while they finished Grant's homework.

An elderly male bat came by the table and told the pair that the library would be closing soon. Grant looked at his watch and saw that it was already 8:30.

"Oh wow, it's late, I guess we better get going," the bear said to Matt as he stood up.

Once outside Grant didn't want to leave. He wanted to spend more time with Matt, but he was too nervous to say anything. The bear said, "Well, I guess I'll see you next week." He turned to walk away from Matt reluctantly.

Before Grant could get very far, the tiger grabbed hold of his paw. The bear froze in his tracks. His heart pounding in his chest as the paw grabbed his own.

"Hey, you want to get a bite to eat? I'm starving," Matt said with a grin.

"I...uhhh...I," Grant said, the words collecting in his throat. He really wanted to just shout out yes, but he was too nervous.

Matt could tell what the bear wanted to say though, he smiled and said, "Come on, I know a great place not to far from here." With that, the tiger led Grant by the paw to a close by sandwich shop.

Matt held the door open for Grant and said, "I love this place, I come here all the time."

The small sandwich shop had six tables inside. There were a few ceiling fans that let off a soft, warm light and a juke box in the corner that played a popular song. The smell was the first thing the bear noticed. His stomach grumbled at the delightful scent of freshly baked bread.

"Have whatever you want, this one's on me," Matt said with a grin.

Grant thought this felt a lot like a date. He didn't say anything though and just ordered what he wanted. Matt did the same and paid for the meal. They sat down across from each other and waited for their order to be finished. They didn't have to wait long before the owner, a male beaver, came to their table with their food.

"Thanks," Matt said and the man walked back behind the counter of the restaurant.

"So, you like any sports?" the tiger asked striking up a conversation.

"Yeah, I like football. I only like to watch it though. I'm not very good at it myself. How bout you?" Grant replied.

"I love ice hockey. I use to play it a few years back. I was pretty good, but after my knee injury, the doctor told me I better stop. I didn't want to, but I took his advice and gave it up. I still love to watch it though," the tiger said with a smile, thinking about the past.

"Oh, do you wish you could still play?" the bear asked curiously.

"Well, when I first quit I really wanted to just pick it back up. After a few years, it got easier. I still have the urge whenever I watch it, but I know I shouldn't strain myself. I would be more miserable if I ended up in a wheel chair for the rest of my life," Matt said as he took a bite of his sandwich.

They continued to talk while they eat their food. After they had finished, they walked outside. The cool air of spring hit their faces. It wasn't cold enough for a jacket anymore, but it was still chilly.

"Well, it was fun hangin out with you Grant. I'll see ya on Monday, keep up with your homework," Matt said with a smile as he waved to the bear before turning to walk away.

For some reason, Grant thought he would never see the tiger again. The bear was nervous. His heart was racing and his palms were sweating. He suddenly made up his mind and caught up to the tiger.

"Hey Matt!" the bear called out as he caught up. The tiger turned around looking at the bear, slightly confused.

"You...uhh...wanna go out some time?" Grant asked awkwardly.

Matt seemed happy but confused at the same time. "What, like on a date?" the tiger asked with a grin.

Grant suddenly was at a loss for words, he hadn't thought this far ahead. "Yeah," the bear said simply.

The tiger's eyes lit up and he got a wide, toothy smile. "I'd love to. I'll call you tomorrow," he said before turning around and walking away.

Grant was in a euphoric stupor. He just asked out the cutest guy he had ever met, and he actually said yes. Grant had never had a date before. He was nervous yet excited at the same time.

The bear made his way to his home where he was greeted by his mom once he was inside. The middle aged bear stood in the hallway leading to the front door.

"Grant, you're late, everything alright?" his mom asked.

"Oh, everything's fine, I got a tutor for math today and we were doing homework," the bear replied.

"Oh, alright than, please call next time you are going to be out late," she said. She was always over protective of her son.

"Ok mom. I am heading to bed, I'll see you tomorrow," the bear said as he walked down the hallway leading to his room.

Once inside his room Grant laid on his bed thinking about everything that had happened that night. He was excited about the prospect of the tiger calling him the next day. He lay looking up at his roof just thinking about the tiger. He drifted off to sleep, Matt's face still fresh in his mind.

Grant awoke the next day anxiously awaiting the call from the tiger. He was working on homework when he got a knock on his door. When he opened it, he saw his mom on the other side.

"You have a phone call dear," she said with a warm smile on her face.

Grant hurried out of his room and toward the kitchen where the only phone in the house was. He picked it up and put the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" Grant said, holding his breath.

"Hey Grant, it's Matt. Hope I caught you at a good time," the tiger said.

"Oh, yeah, it's fine, I was just finishing up some homework," the bear replied.

"Oh, alright. Anyway, I was wondering if you would like to meet me at Green Hills Park in about an hour," Matt said.

"That sound's great, I'll be there," Grant said excitedly. After a quick goodbye the bear hung up the phone and rushed to his room. He called to his mom, "Hey mom, I am going out for a while, I may be pretty late."

"Ok, be safe," she called back.

Grant quickly got ready. He took a quick shower, put on a fresh change of clothes and headed out the door. He walked briskly toward the park. Grant didn't have a car at the time and besides, it was a beautiful day anyway.

Once he reached the park, he saw Matt leaning against a small car.

"Hey," Grant said the tiger with a warm smile.

"Hey there. Let's go for a ride, I want to show you something," Matt said with a grin.

"Where to?" the bear asked curiously.

"It's a secret," the tiger said with a cute, innocent smile on his face.

Grant was confused but the look the tiger was giving him was too much to resist. He got in the car and Matt started it up.

They drove for a while before they were just outside of town. Matt turned on his signal and pulled off onto a gravel road.

Grant looked around at the beautiful pines that surrounded the path the car followed. After a few minutes, they came to a clearing. There stood a large two story log cabin. There were large, magnificent windows facing toward the town and a balcony that faced the west side looking out into the vast forest.

The bear just looked at it dumbfounded. He was wondering what in the world was going on.

Almost as if reading the bear's mind, Matt said, "This is my uncle's place. He is away on business for a week. I'm just house sitting for him while he's away."

The tiger stopped the car and stepped outside. Grant followed him to the front door. Matt reached into his pocket and fetched a set of keys. He looked through them all until he found the one he was looking for. He slid the key into the lock and opened the door.

He stepped aside and let Grant enter first. The bear walked inside and was taken aback by the beautiful house he was standing in. There were amazing landscape paintings hanging on the walls of the large living room. A fireplace was surrounded by a few well made leather chairs.

Matt closed the door and said, "Come check this out." He grabbed the bear's paw and led him upstairs to the second floor where the large windows looked out toward the town.

Grant was blown away by the spectacular view in front of him. A small chunk of forest separated the town from the clearing of the large house. The small buildings could be seen just above the tall trees. The sun was just barely above the tree line on the horizon.

Grant suddenly realized that they were both completely alone. He could be free to express himself much more openly. This helped the bear relax a little. He slowly reached over and put an arm around Matt's shoulder.

The tiger didn't say anything but extended his own arm around the bear's waist. They both just looked out into the tranquil view. It seemed to last an eternity but end in a moment as Grant's stomach suddenly growled.

The bear blushed and said, "Heh, well, I am a big bear after all." Grant could feel his ears turning red with embarrassment.

Matt let out a bit of a laugh and said, "Come on." He once again led the bear by the paw into the kitchen. Once there, the tiger began to grab various ingredients from the fridge and the cabinets.

Grant couldn't remember the last time he cooked something from scratch, let alone a full meal. Luckily Matt was there. The tiger had already begun to prepare sautéed onions in a pan.

The bear marveled at the graceful tiger as he moved through the kitchen cooking. Matt noticed Grant was just watching and said, "You gunna help me out or what?" He had a smile on his face.

"Well, it's just, I don't do this all that often. I would probably screw it up," the bear said.

"Don't worry about it, just crack those eggs over there and put them in the bowl," the tiger instructed.

Grant did as he was told. At least he tried to do it anyway. He broke two eggs, spilling them onto the counter. After his third try he managed to get one into the bowl.

Matt just laughed as the bear struggled to get it right. Eventually Grant managed to get all three eggs into the bowl.

"Alright, now, let's cut the tomatoes," the tiger said and handed a knife to Grant.

"You sure about this?" the bear asked nervously.

"Don't worry, I'll show you how," Matt said and got behind the bear. He slid his paws along Grant's arms until he reached the bear's paws.

"Alright, now cut it just like this," the tiger said as he slowly showed the technique to properly dice the tomatoes.

Grant's heart melted at the touch of the tiger. He could feel Matt's breathing on the back of his neck as he moved the bear's paws.

Eventually everything was finished and they saw the fruits of their labor. Everything looked amazing and made the bear's mouth water just looking at it.

The pair grabbed the dishes and Matt led the bear to a beautiful dining room table. They sat everything down on the hard wood table and took chairs sitting directly across from one another.

It felt almost like the night before, but they were both much less nervous this time. The evening was filled with chatter from both sides. They talked about their fears, their loves, their hates, and even their weaknesses. They told each other things they had never told anyone before. There were both very comfortable with each other.

By the time they had finished eating, the sun had set and the stars shined down on the cabin. The beautiful bright lights were even more magnificent outside of town. They both just looked out the window next to the table enjoying the view.

Suddenly Matt said, "Hey, you wanna go swimming?" He had a mischievous grin on his face.

The bear was confused. Even though it was spring, it was still quite cool outside at night. Before Grant could answer, Matt grabbed his paw and ushered him through the house before ending up in front of a door.

The tiger opened the door and Grant saw yet another breathtaking scene. Inside was an indoor swimming pool. The roof was made entirely out of glass allowing the stars to shine through brightly.

They both walked inside and the bear got a better view of everything. The pool was rather large and had a diving board on one side and a built in hot tub flowing water slowly into the pool.

Grant didn't have much time to look around before an even better view grabbed his attention. Matt was slowly taking off his shirt. Once he finished, he reached down and took off his shoes and socks. He walked over to the edge of the water and dove into the pool.

The bear suddenly became very self-conscious of his weight. He had a decent belly and was embarrassed to take his shirt off in public.

Matt surfaced and looked at the bear confused. He could tell from the look on Grant's face what he was thinking. The tiger said, "Hey, I think you are the cutest bear I have ever met, belly and all."

Grant blushed but this time it wasn't from embarrassment. He grabbed his shirt and took it off. He then kicked off his shoes and socks before joining the tiger that waited for him.

They swam around for a while. They would grab each other and wrestle around in the water a little. They splashed at each other and just had a good time. They weren't sure how long they had been swimming. Time seemed almost trivial to the pair who were enjoying the moment.

Matt climbed out of the pool and said, "I'm gunna get in the hot tub." He walked over to the small pool of warm water and got in.

Grant decided to join him. The bear nervously sat right next to the tiger instead of across from him. The jets of the hot tub turned on shooting streams of water from all directions.

They sat and talked to each other as they slowly got closer to one another. They were nearly nose to nose when they gave into their passion and kissed one another. In that moment, the world around them seemed to have come to a stop. The bear couldn't think of anything else except the tiger he held as they passionately kissed.

Matt reached a paw to the bear's head as he pulled him into an even deeper kiss. Grant put a paw on Matt's chest and began to slowly move it down to the tiger's hip. Matt's free paw wandered the bear's back slowly going lower and lower. He finally reached the bear's butt and gave it a squeeze. Grant let out a bit of a moan at this and continued kissing the tiger.

The bear eventually slid his paw closer to Matt's shaft. He moved his paw to the member and slowly wrapped his fingers around. The tiger gasped but didn't break the kiss. Grant felt the shape of the shaft hidden under the pair of shorts the tiger was wearing.

The bear slowly unbuttoned Matt's shorts allowing his member some room. The tiger did the same, unzipping the pants Grant was wearing. Grant slowly pulled the tiger's shorts and boxers to his knees. He finally touched his love's shaft with his bare paw. Matt let out a moan and slid Grant's pants and boxers to his knees as well.

Grant slowly stroked the tiger's length with his paw. Matt sensually rubbed the bear's belly with his paw while he slowly gravitated toward the bear's length. He brushed his paw playfully across the tip of the bear's shaft. The sensation sent a shiver through the bear. He let out a muffled moan at the tiger's touch while they continued to passionately kiss.

Matt proceeded to wrap his paw around the bear's shaft and slowly stroked his length. They both let out moans of pure ecstasy. Matt began instinctively thrusting his hips in sync to the bear's stroking.

Suddenly Matt stopped stroking the bear and broke their kiss for the first time. He looked at the bear with a passionate lust in his eyes.

"I want to try something," the tiger said with a grin. "Sit on the edge of the spa," he instructed his lover.

Grant did as he was told moving all but his legs out of the water to sit on the ledge of the hot tub. His shaft glistened in the pale moonlight that pierced through the glass roof.

Matt got between the bear's legs and put his muzzle to the his balls. He slowly licked the bear's orbs which sent waves of sensual pleasure coursing through the bear. He let out heavy moans as the tiger continued his treatment.

Matt slowly moved up the shaft giving it light licks on his way up. Once he reached the tip, he opened his mouth and slid the shaft into it. Grant's eyes went wide at the amazing feeling of his love's tongue on his shaft.

The bear gently put a paw on the Matt's head. He didn't push down. He just let the tiger do as he pleased. He clenched his paws every time the tiger moved his head up and down his length. The bear was grunting and thrusting his hips upward into his lover's mouth.

"Mph, I'm gunna cum," the bear managed to say just before he thrust hard upward one last time before shooting his seed into his mate's mouth. Wave after wave of cum shot into Matt's mouth as he tried to swallow it all. He couldn't keep up and it eventually started to slide out of the tiger's mouth down his chin and along the bear's shaft.

Matt slowly lifted his head off the shaft which pulsed a few more times. "How was that?" the tiger asked with a grin. Some of the bear's seed was still on his chin.

Grant licked the remaining seed off of his love's chin before saying, "Why don't you get up here and find out."

The tiger didn't have to be told twice as the pair switched positions. The bear put his muzzle close to the shaft. He could smell the tiger in front of him. His strong scent was pure ecstasy to the bear. He took in a deep breath before giving the shaft a lick. He had never done this before and wasn't sure what to expect.

The shaft had a lightly salty and sweet taste. Grant found it to his liking and continued to lick it. He slowly worked his way to the tip and parted his mouth. He gently slid his mouth around the shaft careful not to scrape his teeth along his mate's sensitive member.

Matt let out a shutter and moaned loudly. He was slowly thrusting his hips into the mouth of the bear. The sounds were driving Grant crazy with lust as he continued to move his head up and down the shaft. He began to pick up speed getting a satisfying reaction from the tiger who gasped and moaned in pure bliss.

The tiger could feel his orgasm building up inside of himself. He tried to hold it back as long as he could. It was a losing battle as the feeling got stronger and stronger until the tiger couldn't take it anymore. He let out a loud moan of sensual pleasure as he thrust his hips up and down shooting waves of his seed deep into the bear's mouth.

Grant swallowed every drop that poured out as the tiger shot more and more cum into the bear's mouth.

With their lust filled passion now quenched, the pair was utterly exhausted. They both laid next to each other, feet still inside the warm water of the hot tub. They were both breathing heavily as the held each other close.

"That was amazing, you're amazing," the tiger said to Grant as he kissed the bear.

"It was, you were wonderful," Grant replied kissing the tiger back.

The pair held each other looking up at the sky through the glass of the roof. They watched the stars, physically drained from the passionate love making.

After some time passed, the bear sat up and looked at the tiger with a mischievous grin on his face and said, "Wanna go again?"