Slave Camp Chapter 2

Story by Milesway on SoFurry

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#2 of Slave Camp

Kaelin's vision slowly creeps its way back into the darkness of the van as he can feel it grinding to a halt. His back aching, his head throbbing, not knowing when he suddenly passed out as his mind recalls the situation, but quickly being reminded as he tries to sit himself up from his curled up side and his ass stings. Eyes clenched as he holds back his chirp. The door suddenly slams as the driver, known to Kaelin only as his rapist moves around to the van back doors with the footpaws crumpling at the sounds of gravel churning under the lion's pads. The immediate opening of the doors makes the otter curl back up, knees to his head to block out the bright shooting sun blinding him as his ankles are grabbed and yanking him out of the van. Landing on his ass with a loud squeal he is quickly hoisted up and latched around the throat with a thick old leather collar. He jerks and pulls on the leash, still blinded, unable to tell where the lion is as he tries to throw himself away and run in an unknown direction till he is jerked back off his feet to land again on his ass.

"If you don't follow me slave, I'll shove a cattle prod into your balls." The deep feline growl coming towards Kaelin's right, getting an idea of where the lion is. His toes feel the gravel, looking around as colours start to show themselves, his focus becoming more acute to his surroundings, the van not sitting on its own, parked next to it and following that are numerous of vehicles, parallel to one another, cars, trucks, even a few bikes. His vision quickly finding its focal point, the large lion in front of him, staring down towards his sore aching frame as he grits his teeth in a menacing snarl, though its returned abruptly by the lion backhanding him and tugging him forward so forcefully his knees almost buckle.

"Come along slave, the meeting is almost at hand." The lion mentions as he brings the otter in front of him and kicking him in the ass to get a move on, it does its job, Kaelin screaming as his burning bruised rump is hit harshly and he starts to step towards what he can see is a brightly clean white farm house.

Quickly Kaelin hears a squeal, loud and in a desperate begging whine quickly afterwards.

"Master! Please... No! I'll be good... Plleeease I'll be good, just give me a chance! Give me a chance!" small black cat tugging a little with his head, though his feet not getting any grip in the loose rocks as he's dragged along.

"You've already had your chance, slut, I've had you for 4 weeks and all you've done is disobey me, well this place will put you into line once and for all." The large white wolf orders in his dominant growl, showing casual garments, some gym shorts and sweatshirt. More voices are heard from Kaelin's keen hearing, some more unwilling furs calling their pleas, others getting out of the cars and vehicles looking quite accepting to their destination with what he can tell is their masters' getting out from the drivers seats.

All of them going towards the white house, the cars hindering the otters complete vision but he can see chairs and other less comfortable seating equipment scattered under a few shady trees at the side of the house, soft green grass flooring though for some comfort from the harsh dirt and stones. Kaelin continues to walk along; he's felt the force this lion can do through his lust, suggesting it's a good idea not to think what he does through his rage and anger. Assuming they are to go towards the grass he angles himself in the direction before he's pulled back and gets grabbed at the back of the neck.

"Ohh no, your not going there, you're a fresh one, you go up there." The lion purrs behind him aiming the otter's head towards the balcony. Walking to it, he pads up the wooden steps to make his way in the centre of the long and quite wide veranda to be tugged to a halt. Looking out and watching the furs coming to the seats, settling themselves down and looking to the otter and lion, who are the first to arrive on the viewing platform. Kaelin's eyes spot more furs coming up, looking to see a few ones like him stepping past and standing beside him. It looks like he got the lighter treatment, some showing black eyes, busted cheeks and bitten ears, while all of them seem to be limping just a little with their tails hung low, like his was since he got out, hiding their abused region back there.

As the piles of furs out in front of him gain in amount, the Masters' and their slaves all get comfy, at least what they can, some being tied up, still crying and making plea bargains with their master's others lying on their owners laps without question. Kaelin looks up to the lion as a heavy built equine comes around; showing a few sets of ball gags in his hands as the lion grabs one and shoves a finger into the side of Kaelin's mouth suddenly. Kaelin tries his heart out to bite it off, but the gag is lodged quickly into his jaws to stop it from clenching down on the finger. The others with him get much the same treatment, getting gagged in the mouth as the lion and fellow 'rapists' latch the leashes into nearby hooks and locking them there.

Within the set of furs standing on the veranda a mesh door stands, slowly it creaks open, heavy hard thuds padding on the floor as a massive framed Bengal tiger strides out. Body wearing a biker's hat, leather chaps containing straps, whips and paddles along a thick belt holding them up. His towering form of 7 and a half feet in height, muscles jutting from his arms, legs and chest, 8-pack sticking out of the stomach fur hard as steel ball bearings. The rest is bare naked, liking to show his endowment as that tiger's sheath of his looks half hard, barbed feline cocktip peeking out from its holster.

"Welcome!" the tiger throws his voice out, hearing a few claps, few cheers, "I am glad to see some old faces here," Some of the slaves the tiger glares towards blush and giggle, hiding themselves in their muscled owners arms. "And even more pleased to see some new faces." His head turning to the line up of furs on the Veranda, one of the new comers pissing his pants as a trickle of water slides down the front of the torn fabric. "If you have not been told, concerning more of the newcomers here, I am the manager of this establishment, Lord Konar as many of you will call me from now on, welcome to P. Slaves!" he roars out, grinning cheek to cheek. Adding a few words to the fresh meat on the veranda "The P stands for Pure my new toys."

Kaelin looks at the owners and slaves out in front of him on the grass, teary eyed as only a day or few ago, he was free, getting a life in hand, and now being trapped in this frightening school of slavery. Kaelin though returns to focus on the tiger's words, "Here we train and teach your slaves, and our new ones here how to be the perfect companion for you in your desires to control and dominant a sex object that lives, breathes and worships you." The tiger starts strutting down the veranda as he speaks. "I know some of your toys enjoy this treatment, as the others here have brought some of our previous students back for another term, we are well aware of this and have devised a following plan for them accordingly."

Turning his body to the other end of the house, Kaelin is able to see the corner of what looks like a large well-painted barn. "The returned students and newcomers will live from now until the end in the barn, the ones who enjoy this, will be living in my home, where me and my staff shall enjoy using your toys whenever we please."

The same wolf Kaelin remember spotting before with his black feline kneeling on the grass, gagged and being tauntingly stroked by the fluffy wolf tail over his cock ringed dick stands up.

"Is your Punishment the same as last Semester, Lord Konar?" The wolf murrs, looking to his slave that just shakes his head sulking.

"Yes, the punishment chamber is still in working order, though I have added a new section to it, as I have found some new ways to teach our fellow fuck objects the importance of pleasing us." Lord Konar adds and commands the wolf to sit back down with a simple wave of his large paw. "But I know all of you are keenly interested in what will become of our little possible prodigies here." Throwing his arm out to his side to show the standing, quivering and some crying furs with Kaelin at the end tightening his arms in the cuffs that have been consistently wearing into his sore wrists.

"These furs here are up for auction during and right till the end of the semester, if you find one you are interested, please place a price and their number so that by the end you may be able to take home one of our starting slave-toys here." Konar purrs out as he waits for more questions.

Another Dom raises his paw, more subservient to Lord Konar in respect as he waits for the tiger to allow him to stand and speak. "What can we do while our toys are in your possession, Lord Konar?"

"Considering on your costs, we have designated a few caravans down the back road, supplying all you need to live happily on my farm, and with full access to all toys and slaves as long as you follow by the rules; those are posted upon the barnyard door and front door of my home." Konar replies before again commanding the Dom to sit.

A few other questions are asked before they are quickly answered until there's an eerie silence except for a few moans as the master's toy and tease their possessions.

"If that is all that you have thought to ask me, then I will recommend that you say your farewells to your slaves for those who aren't staying on my property, as you wont be seeing them again until the mid-break." Konar calls as he walks back into his house, the lion that Kaelin has that deadly hatred for follows along with the tormentors of the fellow innocent furs next to him.

They stand there as they watch the masters' and their little properties mingle, some head back to their respective vehicles for most undoubtedly rough sex, while others just do it on the grass. Watching multiple owners and slaves screwing around, seeing the masters' cocks being inserted and thrust into mouths, ass or just marking their territory with their masculine fluids. This isn't where Kaelin ever wished to be, sure cock has interested him, it always has, but he isn't a slave, a piece of cock warmth for a most probably rough downgrading, humiliation loving owner. His mind is suddenly jolted back to this place as he hears the lion roar at him as he starts walking back to the van. At first Kaelin looks down and away, already ashamed of who just took his virginity and now is just leaving him here, but this place has to be more horrifying then a overly powerful lion and he tugs at the leash towards the lion, hoping the impossible that maybe the lion could let him go, or maybe find a way back in town to escape. Though not meant to be as Kaelin is grabbed at the neck by Konar suddenly, his strength much more into the power of submission then to just feel the otter's pulse in his throat, making Kaelin stand still.

Konar brings his body down, getting to a knee as he starts to strip Kaelin, fellow staff that begin to strut their way out from the mesh door do the same to the other furs, having Kaelin witness some who try to yet still defy the staff getting held down in most uncomfortable positions and their clothes torn off violently. With Kaelin taking the easy way out he hears a faint purr from the tiger, seeing his nose stuffed near Kaelin's thigh and sniffing.

"My my, didn't he have a nice time with you." Konar looks to Kaelin with an evil grin, "And you seemed to have enjoyed it by the look of this." An immense tiger paw reaching to Kaelin's leg, rubbing the dried strings of sperm on his inner thigh, Kaelin quickly kicks but the sharp tiger claws grapple his leg to hold it still with a sting. "Time we get them into their new home workers." The staff respond without a flinch as they lean down to grab at the new toys ankles to latch on a shackle that travels along with a chain to the next fur till Kaelin ends it at his ankle. With a nudge from the first fur that gets pulled to the barn the domino effect occurs as they all start following behind one another to the barn.

With them all reaching the barn, the tiger leaves with a hastily purr, "I have some willing slaves to deal with." He turns and starts walking towards the furs whom are sitting on the grass, Kaelin having two factors grabbing him, one of the barn door starting to open, hearing some furs in front of him muffle and some cry out from the look of the place. Though Kaelin continues looking towards the tiger that moves to the slaves that all crowd around him like school children looking for lunch money, grabbing onto him and holding him for dear life. Kaelin feels something grab him at the pit of his stomach, 'is that what I will become? Will all I want is this? No.. I cant, I wont.." Kaelin is suddenly pulled forwards as they begin to walk into the barn through the opened doors.

His gaze turns to his front and seeing the barn on the inside, the typical hay and smell of a barn in use is still there, but with some quite bizarre modifications. The furs step into the middle of the barn before the staff that surround them push them down onto their rumps, they all, including Kaelin scream out as the hard thud reacts to their bruised flexing butts. They are all settled closer this time, more in a huddled position with Kaelin having his knee rubbing against another deeply depressed looking fur, his ears perk to the sound of a cough from a staff member, muscled Husky starts to speak.

"For now the returned furs are going to be looked at and the owners are going to be spoken to as for why they brought back their 'faulty' toy, as for you lot, I guess you will need to be spoken to about your new home." The husky murrs as he walks towards the wall, dangled rings, ankle bars and other tools considered for holding a fur down are held up on the wall organised with another set following right next to it. "These will be put upon you as you sleep, no exceptions, and it depends on how we, your teachers feel you should get, if you get me, I will expect you treat me as your god and I might just loosen your cock ring so you don't wake up a pound less from it falling off." The other staff snicker but from how it sounds, it's a snicker of experience, then of a joke.

"You will go to the bathroom where you are, the more graphic material can only be done when you get a bathroom break, if you don't do it then, expect to hold it for a day, or two, we don't like to stand there and wait for you to relieve yourself, no pleasure for us in that." The husky continues with a lovely smile that could slice stone with such evil. "For now you will not have a designated teacher, although we will allocate one now in order to at least have some organization before the returnees." Looking to another staff member that is ripping strips of paper with names on them into a old cowboy hat and pads back over, the husky grabs a strip and pulls it out. "Slave 1, you will be with... hmm Jacob." Looking to his left a leather obsessed white fox pads up and grinning as he brings his coiled up whip underneath the first slave's chin forces his head to lift.

The fox just hmmf's, "Not exactly the bitch I would have liked, but soon the act of a whip landing on your ass will consume you." The fox murrs as the husky lets the fox undo the slave and flicking the very tip of the whip against the new toy's asscheek makes him leap and head towards one of the binding sleep spots.

"Next.. slave 2 will be with.. Easal, now, this is a new one Easal, please dont break him like the last one, Lord Konar was really shitty with you, not to mention you seemed to have been the first to have a paraplegic slave." The husky looks to the Leopard standing there with him cracking his knuckles.

Easal just nods but licks his lips, "Elasticity was a needed component in my teachings." The leopard casually undoes the slave's shackle and pulls him towards the other bed spot with all the gear next to the leathered fox and his new student, the whip being snug at his neck.

It goes through another 3 or so slaves as finally Kaelin is the last one settled in the centre of the room, the husky, still standing there with the old hat just throws it to the side and rolls his shoulders. "Looks like I got end pick-ins." The husky pads his way over to the otter and grabs his collar, forcing Kaelin towards the binding bed region and making him heel like most other slaves along side.

"Everyone satisfied?" the husky murrs down the line as they all seem to either grunt, nod or show their sadistic grins. "Right, go get acquainted with your new students till we get the returnees." They all take their respective toys, by this time the act of disobedience is gone, too sore, tired and confused in this situation to think of a plan to escape, just need to wait till nightfall, hopefully getting some time to contemplate rather then Kaelin trying to think things through in such a situation like this.

Kaelin's 'teacher' like the rest is hardly an eye sore, with his 6 foot 10 height, toned muscles that bulge through the canine's thick fur and expand with the slightest of tension. A very tight black shirt and jean cut-offs are all that sit on the dog as he pushes through a side door at the barn to a clearing just outside the corner of the barn, Kaelin can see another teacher and their student down near the other end, getting 'acquainted' by the slave's shoulders pushed into the ground, ass high and getting a dry 8 inch fully knotted fox cock into his ass, continuously ramming that tight slave pucker, Kaelin, even at this distance can see the squealing look to the gagged slave's face from that knot popping in and out without care. Kaelin's eyes glaze with a slight fearful expression, looking to the husky who also notices the action down the grassy side of the barn.

"Liking what you see down there huh?" The husky speaks as he can see Kaelin's sheath twitching, another involuntary hard-on "From now on, you are to call me Master, it will be a word you'll be repeating for the most part of your life, so get used to it now. I am going to remove your gag, if you say one word that I don't approve of, not only will it be put back in, but I will tell Jacob down there once he's done to give you a few lashings, he seems to love doing that." The husky stands there with such a dominant look down at the kneeling crawling otter.

Kaelin's arms are so sore in this position he can't feel his fingers as he constantly wriggles them to bring the bloodflow back into them. Looking down and says nothing, exposing the latches to the gag as he feels the Husky removing them off near his ears, once the gag comes out he coughs and groans as he licks at his sore dried up lips, licking them all wet and moist of saliva. Upon bringing his head up he spots the husky undoing his shorts and zipper, pulling it down, the leash in one paw to make sure Kaelin doesn't do a runner.

"From what I was briefly told by your lion friend in the house, you are a virgin, or.. were a virgin." The evil grin peeking on the husky's muzzle while he lets his shorts open to let his thick monster of a sheath slide its way out, swollen with the look of a very defined husky cock inside. The smell hits Kaelin first up, strong heavy aroused scented canine musk coming from the sheath in front of him as the tip begins to poke itself out, tapered, bright red and glowing with the steaming hot precum that drips from the very end that's smeared itself over the cockhead and inner region of the sheath. "I'm going to enjoy face fucking you, and if I feel one fraction of a tooth, don't expect to walk for half of the term from my foot so far up your ass." The husky growls as he wraps his thick fingers around the middle of his sheath and peels it back; the shaft littered with those veins and grunting as the husky allows his knot to pop out, growing thickly with the length of his cock gaining steadily.

Kaelin backs off, his head arched back with his jaw opening to speak something before snapping it shut, 'keep it closed' he thinks, 'don't open it for nothing'. His defiant jaws are brought up towards the growing canine cock, almost at its full 11-inch length with the knot not at its full hardness.

As the husky feels the set of teeth when his cocktip bumps Kaelin's mouth he growls and grits his teeth, "Don't think that will stop me, sad little fuck." He digs his canine claws into the back of Kaelin's head, holding him there with the force making his cockhead push firmly into the set of otter teeth, though certainly Kaelin knows the le-way he has here and keeps them locked shut. Who would have thought the husky would have experience in these matters, Kaelin getting the shock of his life when a large plantigraded husky foot is risen and stomps down with the ball of his foot landing hard into his dangling balls, crushing between the ground and sole pad as Kaelin screams out to his jaw opening up quite wide to be such an inviting gesture to the husky. With this opportunity so easily accessible the canine throws himself forwards, the cock, lathered in the runny hot precum slips into Kaelin's jaws, rubbing against the side of his cheek and ridge of his mouth to bump hard into the end of his maw and back of his neck. Holding it there the husky rocks it along the otter's tongue as he can taste the strong doggy pre, almost metallic in its taste as Kaelin can feel it swollen with the veins pounding against his tongue.

The shots of pre gaining in pressure as they launch in watery strands across his inner mouth before the husky gains his violently humping rhythm within an instant he can feel that cock sliding down his throat and leaving a bulge in his neck. Knot banging up against his nose as he can smell the thick musk and pre going into his nose from the husky breeding his mouth, he tries to pull away, so tempting to bite down on it, but from the sheer force, he can barely breathe. His jaws are suddenly clamped shut by the husky's free paw wrapping around Kaelin's muzzle firmly, not enough to urge Kaelin to touch it with his teeth, but making it a nice tight slick otter hole to screw.

"Uhhhgn.. yeah slave, you were born for this.. Uhh I can tell..." the husky growls and snarls through gritted teeth as he is pounding away with his hips into Kaelin's face and mouth, his tongue staying still though quickly the canine rakes his claws firmly through Kaelin's headfur.

"You suck it slave, you lick that dick, worship it, I know it tastes so good for a fucktoy like you." Throwing his hips with a faster pace till the blur of the husky's waist is all that's seen while Kaelin can feel his tongue very slowly moving along the underside of the cock, it does taste good, that slippery messy doggy pre leaking into his mouth in the bucket loads, tasting it and licking around. Conflicting his logical needs, he's getting raped in the throat, being told to become some object of sexual lust and yet he's licking the fuckpole in his mouth. His own cock grows quickly once he gains the flavours of doggy pre on his mouth and his lips become tighter from his own actions, leaking the husky in his state of animalistic bliss. Screwing Kaelin's throat with faster heavier force, the knot gaining its full stone hardness as his need begins to bubble within those heavy dangling husky balls, banging up into his crotch while he savours every inch of what he can feel such an amazing hot otter mouth. Kaelin's strong neck muscles rippling and rolling from their swallowing actions as they drink down the pre.

Finally the husky cant take it, its too good, needing release he brings both paws to either side of Kaelin's head, too lost in tasting this pole screwing his mouth Kaelin has no thought of biting now, not when this massive fat dog cock tastes so wonderful. With the husky reaching the breaking barrier, paws in position to keep Kaelin's head there he suddenly rams so hard against the otter's face the knot threatens to pop into Kaelin's jaws, though luckily he with-holds it from getting in and feeling the dog cock flare up and this explosion of hot juicy spunk lands in his mouth. It slides down his throat, this coppery hot dog sperm shooting along the roof of his mouth and back of his throat, it pools up instantly in his mouth as he does try to swallow as much as he but its just too much to keep up. He gags and coughs, lacking experience in drinking so much hot seed after his throat is fucked raw, feeling it splurt out and over the crotch of the husky's balls and pulled back. He tugs hard against the latched canine paws holding his head with the sperm going up and out of his nose, leaking down his nostrils from the sheer volume along with his beginner swallowing capabilities.

It dies down after the pinnacle and the husky just lengthens his aftermath from such a lovely throat fuck to keep his cock in the otter's muzzle for a moment longer then usual. When he does pull it out, strings, webbing of dog seed clings to his lips and the cock itself, dripping off when the distance between the two gets too far away and Kaelin just falls forwards, panting and breathing through his muzzle as he feels the cum in his nose leaking out and finally ending.

"That was certainly a nice mouth, slut, you are going to go far as a oral slave." The husky groans as his sticky cum riddled cock slips itself back into its holster, grabbing his shorts and pulling them up. Kaelin looks to the blades of grass under him, stained with the strings of sperm, emotions build in him, he couldn't have enjoyed that, he was raped, again, this time in his mouth, made to eat down a strangers hot spunk. His eyes tear up and he clenches his fists still behind his back and looks up to the husky, he did this to him, made him enjoy the foul mouth fuck. Showing his teeth at the husky the canine gets a little nervous, Kaelin is quite a muscled toned slave, a simple leash and cuffs wont stop him if the otter gets pissed off. The husky quickly tries to get authority and springs forward to grab Kaelin at the neck and bring him down, the paw gets its mark to the otters throat, but, so does something else, on Kaelin's side. Sharp small razored teeth finding the husky's sheath through the cut offs and even with the denim covering the massive sheath, those teeth have pierced through and are sitting right bang on the swollen sheath.

"S... Shit... don't you dare slave!" the husky quickly whines out as the paw tightens to Kaelin's neck, this only makes the teeth get firmer around the sheath, making the husky yelp. It's a piranha's grasp; he isn't going to let go for this bastard. The time seems to pass on for what they feel it to be hours, Kaelin gets ready to make a sharp harsh bite and make this husky a small cocked asshole. It seems Kaelin's luck this week has been lousy, he feels this is the best luck he's had through all of this dreadful experience, though that's all its gonna be. Jacob down the side of the barn already saw and heard what has happened, running around the opposite side of the barn he sneaks up behind Kaelin. Keeping his silent bare feet to their lightest of steps as he comes up behind Kaelin and with his trusting long heavy leather whip he flicks it out and springs it down against the otters back. The whip sends a chill through Kaelin's back and body as it makes him twitch and release the sheath with a girly squeal, it was more the shock that makes Kaelin release, the pain only coming in after he has the sheath out of his mouth. By that time he's shoved to the ground, Jacob looking down to him with a grin.

"Now you've done it." He murrs while he looks to see the husky gritting his teeth ready to pull Kaelin's head off with his jaws. The husky lays on him for a while, his anger raging on as he tries to calm down and contemplate what do to, this has happened before, abuse by a slave to a master, and they have all been dealt with painfully and brutally. The husky pants into Kaelin's face as the otter witnesses the horror he's just put himself in, he worked on his own emotions and its left him in a situation where he has even less chance to get out of the husky's grasp then the farm and slave camp. Once the staring passes Kaelin can hear more footsteps as a set of giant tiger feet land near him and the husky's head, Jacob following up behind him.

"There they are, still like this after that slave tried to make Yariff a girl." Jacob says behind Lord Konar, who is standing there with arms crossed and showing a fierce expression, always worse on a tiger that can snap limbs with two fingers. Kaelin finally gets the name of his so called 'master'.

"This will not do, Yariff, release the slave." Lord Konar replies as the husky grunts and hesitates but quickly gets off, sitting there near the wall and removing his shorts, looking to see the small bite marks on his sheath, making him whimper and Jacob just laughing.

"Oooooh, little toy got you good, you owe me, I would have liked to see you cry like a girl from a slave! Yariff" Jacob remarks with a snicker, the husky just gritting his teeth, lacking his focus on Lord Konar who already has Kaelin up on his feet being held at the chest.

"I'm glad you did that slave, because we have yet to try out the new punishment room, and theres a tool I want to try on you about how to always please your master with your mouth." The tiger purrs into Kaelin's face as he opens his mouth to comment, getting a 'Hu-' before the gag is lodged into his mouth and is dragged towards the house.

Upon the opposite side of the house rests a garage, it wasn't noticed being on the other side from the parking and meeting area. Kaelin is dragged along at the leash, he walks away from Jacob and Yariff who talk and ramble on in the background before he hears a smack and looks to notice Jacob sitting on his ass, Yariff's fist clenched. As he feels the grass turn to rocks and gravel again, getting on the driveway he can see down the road the caravans sitting a bit of a distance off, not knowing the reason, better not to know as he turns to his other side and watches the returnees starting to make their way into the barn. Like him and the other innocent furs they are chained, but not resisting at all, just their heads down and dragging their feet to the barn, knowing what lies ahead of them. By this time, with his mind going through what he can see, gaining knowledge of his area he is in he hears a slight creak as the door to the garage opens a slight from Lord Konar turning the handle. The room from what Kaelin can see outside is nothing, the darkness inside making him see just blackness, as if an abyss. Lord Konar removes his leash and within two steps into the blind room Kaelin feels something snatch to his muzzle, he tries to bring his arms around to pull it off, it tingles on his nose, seeping through his nostrils as his eyes roll and his knees buckle before he falls. Landing in Lord Konar's strong arms, the door closes and a faint evil chuckle is muffled in the garage from the inside.