Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 80 - One way or another...

Story by MrGimp21 on SoFurry

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#81 of Gortoz 'A Ran

'Sooooo... Let met get this straight.' 'Okay...' 'You've got the whole house to yourself for three weeks...' 'Hm-mm...' 'And Blain is coming over every evening for the last five days to keep you company...' 'Yup...' '... And all you did was watching movies and play videogames together??' 'Yes... B-But we did have a lot of fun!' '... You're hopeless.' 'I know...'

A month passed by ever since and things stayed the same between Blain and me. I wanted to tell him what I really wanted with him but I thought about it too much to the point it drove me insane. All these crazy and worse case scenarios were going around in my head which prevented me from actually telling him... And well, you'd probably know me by now and it shouldn't surprise you that I kept procrastinating to tell him... Anyway, Simon and Catherine were on vacation for three weeks so I had the house to myself and I had it all figured out... Blain lives right next door so he came to visit me every evening to keep me company... And I figured that if I put my arm around his shoulder or sit on his lap sideways, he might try something because I was too scared to make the first move on him... The thing is, he didn't noticed because it's something I always did... But like Samantha said, all we did was watching movies and play videogames together and had the occasional laughing fit... Nevertheless, we had a great time, you know... And yet I had no idea how to bring it up... So how exactly was I gonna tell him I wanted to sleep with him without him getting the wrong idea about me? How can you make someone understand why you want to? How can something like this happen without giving each other the impression that they're taking advantage of the situation...? But most importantly, how can you make it work with someone...? Exactly... I've been asking that myself for a whole month and I still didn't know the answers to that... So one Friday night, when Samantha and I were talking to each other on Skype, I brought up the subject... It's so much easier to talk to her about it than with anyone else... 'But I really want to... If only for one night...' 'So what exactly is holding you back then?' 'I don't know how to tell him...' 'You know each other better than you know yourselves. You know how he feels about having a one-night stand with a girl...' 'Yeah, I do... I just don't know how he would feel about having one with me...' 'The only way to know is to talk about it...' 'Yeah...' 'I mean, the two of you talk about sex a lot, right?' 'Yeah, but that's because we have mutual interests... We pretty much only talk about having sex with other females...' 'Yeah, okay but... It's him you want...' 'Hm-mm...' 'You almost make it sound as if you're not entirely sure about this and if you really wanna go through with it...'

Samantha was right... I wanted it so bad yet I didn't do anything to make it happen... Of course I've had my doubts... I can be quite impulsive at times and not think things through but I did thought about this for a long time now... The two of us both didn't have sex in quite a long time so I figured that was something we had in common... We know each other for fourteen years and know one another better than we know ourselves... We were like peas and carrots... Salt and pepper... Friends for life... But damn it, there it goes again... "Friends"... Why can't there be anything in between? Being more than friends but not crossing the line of romantically getting involved with each other...? Blain is not like that and every time I was romantically involved with someone, things went down the shit drain real fast... But the thing is... We occasionally had sex with each other many years ago and things never changed for us because we never crossed the line... So why would it change all of a sudden now that we're young adults...? I see it like that but as I learned the hard way, not everyone see things the way that I do... I sighed quietly and closed my eyes for a moment... 'I've had a lot of time to think about it... And I really do want to...' 'Then what is holding you back, Ceylan...?' 'I'm not afraid of actually going for it... What scares me is what comes before and after...' 'You're afraid to tell him about how you feel and that things will change between the two of you?' 'Yes... That I'm going to risk a fourteen year old friendship with him over something as silly as this...' 'Things never changed for the two of you afterwards, did it...?' 'No... But I have no idea how it all once started... All I know is that I want things back the way they used to be... With him... But I want it to be so much more than "just" sex, you know...? Only if it's for just one night... Just one night for us to cross the line and be something more than just friends...' 'Keep in mind that there's no such thing as a romantic one-night stand...' 'Yeah... I'm aware of that...' 'Just tell him how you feel about it...' 'I can't...' 'Why not...?' 'Because I'm scared to talk to him about it...' 'Hm...'

I sighed quietly once more and closed my eyes for another moment... I mean, how can something so simple be so fucking complicated...? It's because I was making it complicated while it didn't even had to be... But I did that for a reason I wasn't aware of... I looked away for a moment and stared outside the window for a while... 'You're not afraid to bring up the subject...' 'Hm...?' 'You're afraid of rejection...' 'Heh...' 'Aren't you...?' 'Maybe...' 'Hm...' 'I mean... Sarah just disappeared one day... Terry said that he didn't want me back... Nikki told me that she doesn't want to see me anymore...' 'Yeah...' 'And then you moved away to college... Blain was sent to Sercia... And even though the two of you are still here, it's still difficult for me to cope with... I just want things back the way they once were...' 'But he's back now...' 'Yes... Which is why I don't want to do anything that'll make him disappear out of my life... And I-I miss you too, you know...?' 'Hehe, I know you do, sweetheart... But I'm still here for you even though I'm not sitting right next to you... '

She always was, you know... Samantha was always there whenever I needed her... To either give advice, to talk about something that was on my mind or simply just to provide a shoulder to cry on... She always knew what to say... Just like she did that day to make me feel better... I looked at her and smiled while nodding slowly ... 'Do you know why Blain hasn't made a move on you yet...?' 'Why...?' 'Because he respects you... And he doesn't want to take advantage of you or the situation if it ever comes to that...' 'Heh...' 'You mean a lot to him, you know... You're more to him than just a friend...' 'Perhaps...' 'And maybe the two of you really can be more than just friends, even if its only for one night...' 'You really think so...?' 'I can't make that decision for you, Ceylan... Talking about it is the key... It always has been and it always will be... You need to let him know what you want before you go any further... Because talking about it doesn't mean you have to do it right away, see...?' 'Yeah... You're right...' 'And it'll give you plenty of time to think about it once more and if you really want it to happen... Just make sure the two of you set up certain "rules" the both of you have to keep to in order to make it work... And of course, tell each other what you like and don't like.' 'Hehe...' 'Just remember to have a lot of fun with each other, that's the whole point of it...' 'Yeah...' 'But most importantly... Don't try to pretend to be someone you're not... Just be yourself around him and stay honest...'

And again, Samantha was right... It made me think that every time I slept with someone, I hardly ever was myself... I was someone the other wanted me to be rather than just being myself... It's strange because it also made me wonder if I ever really enjoyed it to its fullest... And like I once said before, its not just about the sex itself... It's also about the person you're doing it with that could make all the difference there is... It's all there is to it... Just to have fun and be yourself... I looked at Samantha and smiled when I finally knew what I had to do... 'Thank you, Sam...' 'Any time, babe...'

Somewhere, deep down inside, I had the feeling Samantha already knew what was going on, seeing as Blain talk to her as well. Like she was a mediator between us or something. But that smile she gave me gave away that she knew something I didn't... And perhaps Blain really felt the same way about it like I did...

It kept me busy throughout the night and I couldn't sleep... Every time I was thinking about it, it actually made me wonder if other people ever managed to make something like that work without ruining the friendship. I've read a lot of webpages about this particular topic but none ever gave me the answer I was hoping to get... I searched the internet for stories of people who attempted the same thing. Having sex with your best friend... I've came across dozens of articles and blogs and all of them said that the friendship would drastically change if you ever do... There is no such thing as a "romantic one-night stand" because it adds a whole new dimension to your friendship instead... And it's true, males usually go for the pleasurable, meaningless experience while females tend to be so much more emotional about it... But that also explains why it was so easy for Samantha and me to have sex with each other... It's because we were both on the same line and talked about it... It's way easier for me to have pleasurable, meaningless sex with a female than with a male... And maybe I simply didn't understand males the way other females did... All the articles and blogs that I've read had a small list of pro's and cons when you're having a one-night stand with your best friend... Sex with your best friend is like a minefield of maybes and most of the time, you don't even make it to the other end if sex became a part of your friendship... Nonetheless, it was huge gamble... And like most big time casino spenders, most of them lost... Blain wasn't kidding when he talked about his one-night stands and told me that not everyone is up for it... It takes a special kind of person in order to make it work... To be completely honest and know that you should never ever develop any feelings for the other person... But the thing that kept me busy the most was if I was ever able to do such a thing... To have pleasurable, meaningless sex without getting emotionally attached... The thing is, I already was emotionally attached to him on a whole different level and I was about to take it to the next... But each and every time, I got remembered that it happened before... And now, seven years later, we were still together as friends... It worked before... So why wouldn't it work again...? The blogs and articles didn't gave me an answer and I knew there was only one way to find out... All of a sudden, it struck me... I knew how I was going to do it... It was going to be a huge gamble if I really wanted to go through with this... But like I said before, sometimes you'll have to take the plunge in order to learn how to swim...

'Pfffff... Haha, wow... Uhm... Honest answer...?' 'Yeah!' '... What was the question again?' 'Haha, stop trying to weasel out of this one, Ceylan!' 'I'm not! Uhm... Hehehe... Can I hear the question again?' "How often do you masturbate?" 'Uhm... Maybe five or... Six times a week, I think...? Hahaha, I don't know! It might even be a lot more now that Simon and Catherine are on vacation...' 'Hehehehe...'

One Friday evening, Blain and I were playing that card game at my place, a week after I talked to Samantha. I suggested him to bring it along because that always was a lot of fun... Not exactly innocent, but a lot of fun nonetheless... It's been so long since we played and I figured we both could use a good laugh... And so far, we have... Blain smiled at me after I admitted I masturbate maybe five or six times a week and I already felt my cheeks turning red... 'It's great to have the house to yourself, right?' 'Definitely. It means I get to walk around naked and watch porn without wearing a headset.' 'Haha!'

We were stuffing ourselves with mini chocolate candy-bars and crisps and emptied a two litre bottle of Coca-Cola while we were playing. Once we ran out of crisps, we stopped playing for a moment as I got up to get another bag from the pantry closet... 'You want paprika or sour-cream and onion?' 'I don't mind, whatever you'd like.' 'Paprika it is then. You want another drink?' 'No, I'm good, thanks.' 'It's my turn to ask you a question, right?' 'Yup!'

So while I was in the kitchen, I pretty much emptied the entire bag of crisps in a bowl and poured myself another drink. And while I was doing that, Samantha's words were echoing in my head... Once I got back to the living-room and placed my drink and the bowl of crisps on the coffee-table, I sat across Blain on the other couch. I looked at Blain and grinned, hoping I would get a really embarrassing question for him... So I took a question card from my stack and started to laugh when I actually got one... 'Haha! Listen to this! "What is the most embarrassing moment you have ever experienced during sex?" 'Hahaha! Nooooo, Ceylan! Come on, pick another one!' 'Nope. Answer truthfully!' 'Pfff... Alright, alright...' 'Let's hear it!' 'Several years ago... Uhm... I was with this girl...' 'Yes? Go on...!' 'She had, uhm... A rather furry coochie, as if she never trimmed it before, you know?' 'Hm-mm...' 'Well, I don't like furry coochies but she was so hot and ready so I figured I had just had to go through with it and did my thing on her... And with that raspy tongue of mine, some of that fur actually came off...' 'Go on...' 'Anyway, uhm... I started to feel a little sick after a while so I stopped, even though she really enjoyed it... And throughout the foreplay, I kept feeling nauseous and the thought that I somehow swallowed some of her fur didn't really help...' 'Hm-mm...' 'But I wanted to nail her so bad so I kept going and well... While I was on top of her, that nauseous feeling became worse untiiiiiiil...' 'And then what...?' 'Until all of a sudden, I coughed up a nasty hairball in her face...'

Luckily, I wasn't taking a sip from my drink because I laughed so hard, it would've sprayed all over the place if I did. If that's not embarrassing, I don't know what is... 'Hahahahaha! Oh my god! That is SOOOOO nasty!!' 'No shit...' 'Haha! Don't tell me that hairball was all from her!' 'No, most of it was mine... Eating her pussy was the last straw...' 'That is really nasty...' 'And to make things worse, she started to scream, which woke up her parents.' 'Oh?' 'Yeah... They didn't know she sneaked me inside at night and her dad barged in her room and thought I was raping her or something. So he came after me with a baseball bat.' 'Really? A baseball bat??' 'Yeah... I got out of the house as quickly as I could and ran all the way home half-naked...' 'Oh wow... What happened afterwards?' 'The next day, she came to me and explained the whole thing to her parents, telling them it was a huge misunderstanding. Needless to say, I never set foot in that house ever again.' 'I can't blame you.' 'Back then, I was scared shitless but I suppose I can laugh about it now.' 'Is that the reason why you don't like furry pussies?' 'Yup... And it's because it's not really nice to look at...' 'Hehehe...' 'I've already said too much, haven't I?' 'Yes... Yes, you did... Hihihi...' Anyway, moving on! It's my turn!' 'Pass me a Kit-Kat?'

Blain tossed me a Kit-Kat from the bowl of chocolates that was right next to him on the side-table. I caught it, ripped the package and started to munch on it, pretty much like a squirrel eating a nut... I love chocolate... Anyway, I looked at Blain and smiled when he took a card from his deck, seeing as it was his turn to ask me a question. 'Oh, here's a nice one. "Describe your ideal sex partner".' 'My ideal sex-partner? Haha!' 'Yes.' 'So I suppose I have to describe my ideal male and female sex partner then...' 'Yes.' 'Hmm... You know, you have an unfair advantage for being straight in this game...' 'Describe them!' 'Okay, okay, haha! So uhm... What would you like to hear first?' 'Male.' 'Pffff... I'm not sure on my ideal male sex-partner... I've only ever been with two males in my entire life...' 'Surely you must have some sort of a perfect depiction for yourself.' 'Hmmm... Well, I do really like muscled guys... Tight buns, strong arms and legs... One who could carry me to my bedroom.' 'Yeah, okay... What about penis size?!' 'Hahaha! Uhm... I don't know! Uhm... Average, I suppose...? I don't like big dicks...' '... You don't?' 'Nooooo, I don't... I think foreplay is way more important than the actual deed itself anyway...' 'Hm-mm...' 'And he needs to stay quiet.' 'Quiet?? Haha, why's that?!' 'Hehe, yeah... Nothing's more awkward than a guy moaning and grunting and huffing on top of you louder than yourself... Especially when he moans like a girl...' 'You know a guy who moans like a girl?' '... He's sitting across me.' 'Hey, my moans are manly.' 'It didn't sound so manly when Evelyn was sucking your dick...' 'I was carried away in ecstasy. She was awesome.' 'Hehehe...' '... Do I really moan like a girl??' 'Haha! Nooooo, I'm just kidding!' 'Okay, good! You want anything else to add to your perfect male depiction?' 'Hmmm... No, that's it, really. Anyway, uhm... Okay so... My ideal female sex partner...' 'Yeeees...?' 'She would have a gorgeous hour-glass figure... Firm, round C-cups to bury my face in... A tight, round ass... A strong back... Slim legs... Gentle, tender hands... A girl who knows what she wants with me.' 'Hm-mm...' 'A girl who wouldn't hesitate to go down on me for a long time without me asking her, you know...?' 'Hm-mm...' 'I've always been the one to make others feel good but I hardly ever got put in the spotlight myself, if you know what I mean... And it would be nice if that could change for once...' 'Hehehe... Alright... Anything else?' 'Uhm... No, that's it... See, truth is... I'm not that picky on looks, really... Sure, she needs to look good to me but... To me, it's more important how someone treats me during sex rather than having the sexual satisfaction itself... Sex has always been more of an emotional experience for me rather than giving in to lust, you know? It's a way for me to express my feelings for someone I can't express in words, like a form of bonding or something... And I always thought I had to be in love with someone but truth is... I don't have to be in love with someone in order for me to sleep with them... All it takes is a strong, emotional bond... And I guess that's what drives me, that's what make the other person attractive to me, whether it's a male or a female...' 'It took years for you to find that out for yourself, didn't it?' 'Yeah... Along with all the trial and errors in between...'

It stayed silent for a while as I looked at Blain and I smiled weakly at him... This was fun but it got a little serious just then... But I suppose it's a good thing to go in detail about it in order for us to understand each other's view on sex... And yet I really wanted to know what his ideal sex partner looked like... 'What about yours...?' 'Hm?' 'What about your ideal female sex partner...?' 'You're relaying the question back to me? That's not allowed, dude... It says so right here on the box!' 'Let's forget that particular rule for a moment...' 'You really wanna know?' 'Yes! Wasn't that Miranda... Something?' 'Miranda Kerr?' 'Yes, her?' 'She was until I saw her colleague.' 'Colleague?' 'Hm-mm... Gizem El Marikh...' 'Didn't she present that model show or something?' 'Yes, you know her?' 'Hehehe... Oh yes... I came across some nude pictures of her...' 'Nude pictures??' 'Yeah, some of them were leaked on the internet...' 'Oh snap...!' 'Nothing too fancy though, you can only see her boobs and butt.' 'That's good enough for me!' 'Hehehe...' 'Your turn, Ceylan.' 'Oh, right, uhm... "Have you ever used a sex toy?" 'Haha, no! Unless you count Rachel.' 'With the way you described your sex life with her, it sounded more like you were her sex toy.' 'Haha, like hell I was...' 'Hehehe, duly noted... You're up again.' 'Okay... "Do you necessarily want to reach your climax during sex?" '... Yes. Every time but that doesn't happen. God forbid I actually get something I want during sex.' 'Short but acceptable.' 'Hehehe... Alright... "What turns you on the most?" 'Hehehe... It doesn't take much, I suppose. I got this thing for tails...' 'Tails...? You got a tail fetish, Blain??' 'Maaaaybe... And legs... I love legs.' 'You do, huh? Gimme an example!' 'Legs like Charlize Theron has.' 'Hmmm... Yeah, she has great legs...'

I could picture my ideal female sex partner with legs like Charlize Theron... It would be so awesome to construct your own female... I think Blain pictured the same thing on his ideal female sex partner by the looks of it... 'You done yet?' 'Oh! Uhm... Yeah, my turn! "Do you like dirty-talk during sex?" 'No, absolutely not!' 'No? Really?? I thought you were into that!' 'No, most definitely not... I think it's degrading, unnecessary and totally redundant...' 'Why's that?' 'What's the point in saying "lick my pussy" when someone is already doing that?' '... Good point.' 'Hehehe... Okay, Blain... "Have you ever had a fantasy about having a threesome?" 'Yes. Two gorgeous females taking good care of me is the fantasy of every guy.' 'Every guy has a fantasy about you having a threesome with two girls...?' 'Haha, no! Every guy has a fantasy about having a threesome with two babes...' 'Hehehehe...'

I took another card from my deck and when I read the question, it actually had me startled for a moment... And I was supposed to ask him this question... My cheeks turned red as a nervous smile appeared on my face... 'Uhm... Hehehe... This is really embarrassing...' 'Let's hear it, Ceylan!' 'Uhm... Hehehe... "Would you have a one-night stand with the person sitting on your right...?" 'Haha, uhm... Well, there's no one sitting on my right...' 'Hm...' 'Would you...?' 'Haha! Well, uhm... Y-You're not allowed to relay the question! So there!' 'You're the one who said to forget that particular rule!' '... Damn.' 'Haha! No way out of this one!' 'Really...?' 'Yeah... Let's hear it...' 'It's kind of embarrassing...' 'It's always embarrassing...' 'Yeah, that's true...' 'You don't have to tell if you don't want to, it's all in good fun and it should stay that way...' 'Okay... Sooooo... Would I have a one-night stand with the person sitting to my right...?' 'Hm-mm...' 'Uhm... I think I would... I'd have a one-night stand with someone who doesn't necessarily has to sit on my right...' '... Someone?' 'Yeah... But I just don't really know how to propose something like that... And...' '... And?'

I knew this question would come eventually... Either he was going to ask that question to me or in this case, I've asked him instead... We've been playing this game for two hours now and that particular question was the real reason why I played it with him that evening... Because I didn't know how else to put it... 'And I was just wondering how you always did it...' 'Did what?' 'How do you get someone to talk about a one-night stand...? How do you propose something like that...?' 'Ooooooh...' 'Heh...' 'You got your eyes on someone, huh?' 'Yeah... Something like that...' 'Anyone I know?' 'Hmmmm... Maybe...' 'Well, alright, uhm... When you have your eyes on someone, make her feel comfortable. Put the spotlight on her, make her talk about herself. The best conversationalists are usually the best listeners. Everyone loves to talk about themselves. Stay confident and mysterious to get her attention.' 'Okay so... Imagine there's a good click between the two of us... Then what?' 'Get physical. Talk to her, dance with her, get close! Make her understand that you're flirting with her.' 'Hm-mm...' 'Stay subtle on the subject and make her wonder if it's really what you're referring to. Keep things light and have fun with whatever you're doing but don't put any pressure on her. Make her feel attractive and good about herself, and get her worked up about spending the night with you. Talk about it, be honest... Seduce her... And you'll have the time of your life...' 'That's it...?' 'Yeah, pretty much...' 'Hehe...' 'What...?' 'You make it sound so easy...' 'Hmm...' 'And it's funny because, uhm...' 'What's funny...?' 'You assumed that I have my eye on a female...' 'Isn't that what you're after...?' 'No, not exactly...'

The look on Blain's face was priceless... For a moment there, I could've sworn I could see a bit of anxiety in his eyes and felt a little uneasy the moment I practically told him I wanted a one-night stand with a male... I just nervously smiled at him and he still was oblivious... I just played along the moment he started to ask me questions about it... 'Okay, uhm... Soooo you met this guy...?' 'Yeah, I did...' 'Alright and uhm... What did he do to make you have your eye on him...?' 'He's a great listener... Lots of fun to be around with... Stays down to earth... And always puts me in first place... Not to mention that he's quite sexy...' 'Hm...' 'So how would you imagine a girl proposing a one-night stand to a guy...?' 'Uh... I think pretty much the same way I just told you...' 'Oh...?' 'Yeah... Except a girl would probably act indifferent about it, as if she wouldn't care if he doesn't give in to her sexual advances... To give the guy the idea that she doesn't necessarily need him for it and that she can get her satisfaction from someone else instead.' 'I see...' 'So, uhm... Yeah...' 'You don't like it, do you...?' 'Hm?' 'You don't like it that I have my eyes on this guy...' 'It's not my decision to make...' 'Heh...' 'I mean, we were clear on that, right?' 'Yeah...' 'Soooo... If you really wanna go for it, then well... You should... I won't think any lesser of you if you did...' 'Okay...' 'After all, things won't change between us, right...?' 'Even when the guy I have my eyes on is you...?'

He wasn't looking at me the moment I told him that... But his eyes widened and were practically popping out of its sockets the moment I did... Blain looked up, stared ahead for a moment while blinking several times and then faced me... All I did was smiling nervously while staring down... '... Me?' 'Yeah...' 'Oh, wow, uhm...' 'Hehe...' 'I'm not really sure what to say.' 'Me neither...' 'Are you really insinuating what I'm thinking?' 'I-I mean... Well... We always had talks about it...' 'Yeah...' 'About one-night stands with females you hardly know...' 'Hm-mm...' 'But it got me thinking for a long time now and, uhm...' '... Oh?' 'It made me realize that I don't necessarily have to be with a girl...' 'Okaaaay ...' 'I-I mean... You're a very sweet guy and uhm... I really, really like you... I always have...' 'Hehe...' 'And I was wondering how you would feel like if you had a one-night stand with a girl you already know...'

"Oh my god, what have I done..." I've never seen the guy so nervous before even though he tried his best not to show it... He felt so uneasy and kept looking around... Right that very second, I regret that I ever brought it up... 'I'm not sure if that's such a good idea, Ceylan... I don't know if I can... I mean, with you...' 'Oh... Uhm... Well, okay... I understand and I-I'm sorry, it's a stupid idea... I shouldn't have brought it up... I-I-I mean, what the hell was I even thinking...?? All the other girls you've been with were way more attractive than I am and to even think for just a second that you would-' 'Oh, no, no, no! No, it's not like that! Honestly! I-I mean, you're attractive! You're hot and sexy and- God, that came out all wrong... What I mean is, I-I do really like you too and don't get me wrong but uhm...' 'Heh... Uhm...' 'This is so weird...' 'Yeah...'

"Oooooh my god... What the fuck is going on..." Things couldn't get more awkward just then... Sooo it was best for me to just shut up and well, feel embarrassed about everything I just brought up while there was this long, awkward silence between the two of us... 'Just, uhm... Just forget I ever brought this up, Blain...' 'You're really considering it...?' 'No, I already did... I just want it to happen... And I just thought that... That you and I could, you know... Be more than friends for just one night...' 'To what extent would that be...?' 'I'm not really sure... I just thought that we could give it a try and see how far we'd go... But I... I-I want to go "all the way"... With you...' '... "All the way...?" And you're comfortable with the idea...?' 'Yes...' 'Heh...' 'But you're not...'

Blain bit his lip and sighed quietly when he looked down... I wasn't looking at him the moment he did but... I wasn't facing him either when he started to talk... 'It's not that I'm not comfortable with the idea of spending a night together, Ceylan... I mean... You're incredibly beautiful and sexy but, uhm... It's because I always told myself that you and I were no longer an option... And to do it again would make me feel as if I'm taking advantage of you, taking advantage of the situation... And I just can't do that to you...'

Blain wasn't facing me after that... Maybe it wasn't so easy as I thought it was gonna be... It's so much more complicated... I looked at him and held his hand... 'That's not really how I see it...' 'What do you mean?' 'The way I see it, is that we're just two friends about to have a great time together...' 'I suppose...' 'Isn't that what you've always said about a one-night stand...? That the most important thing is to have fun with each other...?' 'True...' 'So why can't we...?' '... You do know what you're asking, right?' 'Yeah, I do... All the more reason to stay honest and talk about it...' 'I suppose... But why...?' 'In all honesty...?' 'Yeah?' 'Like I said... Sex has always been an emotional experience for me and well... It never really satisfied me... I can't tell you how great it was the night we went home with Evelyn and Samira... There were no strings attached whatsoever and it was the greatest thing that ever happened to me, even though it was only going to be for just one night... And it had me thinking ever since...' 'Hm-mm...' 'And maybe... Maybe that's just what I need... A pleasurable yet meaningless night...' 'So we're on the same line on this...?' 'I think it's important to know that we are, yes... To put all feelings aside...' 'You really think we can pull this off...?' 'We can always try and see where that gets us, right...?' 'Hehe... I suppose...' 'If either of us don't want to go any further, we simply don't...' 'Fair enough...' 'And besides, it happened before and look where we are now... We're still friends seven years later... Things hardly ever changed between us...' 'That's also true...' 'For fourteen years, we talked about sex... Soooo if there's anyone who knows what we like best, it's us...' 'Another good point...' 'Hehe...' 'You kind of overwhelmed me with this, you know.' 'I know...' 'Hm...' 'Soooooo... I'll ask you again... "Would you have a one-night stand with the person sitting on your right...?" 'There's still no one sitting there...'

"Hehe..." I bit my lip and giggled nervously the moment I sat down next to him... On his right... I held his hand and looked him in the eyes... 'There is now...' 'Dare I say it...?' 'Only if it's the truth...' 'Hehe... You really want this to happen...?' 'Yes... No strings attached...' 'Okay... Alright, let's go for it...' 'Just you and me having fun together, like we always do...' 'Except on a whole different level. And we'll be naked this time.' 'It's not like we have to undress ourselves right away...' 'Hehehe...' 'It'll be okay...' 'Yeah, you're right...' 'Hehehe...' 'You had this all figured out, haven't you?' 'I tried to tell you for over a month now and I can't tell you how relieved I am that you finally know.' 'Hehehe...' 'I just hope you won't think any lesser of me...' 'You never judged me for my one-night stands, did you?' 'No, I didn't... But in all honesty...' 'Hm...?' 'If I had actually gone through when we went home with Samira and Evelyn, I'd probably would've joined Evelyn eventually...' 'Really?' 'I would've smacked her right off of you...' 'Haha!'

It stayed silent for a long time between the two of us as I still held on his hand... I just couldn't believe it actually worked, how awesome was that...? Wow... I felt kind of funny afterwards but that was just me being a little nervous about the fact that it was actually gonna happen... I didn't actually thought things through on what was going to happen after I asked him because I honestly didn't think he was going for it... But I figured I just had let to let it happen and enjoy the moment... I looked at Blain while we were still holding hands... 'Blain...?' 'Hm?' 'You, uhm... You got any condoms...?' 'Yeah, at home...' '... Would you get them?' 'Oh! Yeah, of course! Uhm... Be back in three minutes!'

Blain got up from the couch and made his way to the front door. The moment he got outside, I saw how he raced towards his house next door... I guess he was just as excited as I was... All I did was sitting on the couch, nervously twiddling my fingers while squealing like a little school-girl... I had no idea where this was going... I had no idea if I was going to like it... But I knew that I was going to get it one way or another... I suppose Blain and I both felt the need to have a pleasurable, meaningless night... I just never thought we'd have one together... It might not last long or even might not be as great as I pictured it... But it was going to be a night to be remembered, one way or another...