The Gryphons Are Always Naughtier On The Other Side Of The Fence

Story by Winter Raptor on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Smuts

Short Smuts Collection: Sometimes, when the mood hits me, I like to write simple, kinky short stories. This folder is a collection for such projects, but they do not represent my finest work, as I spend no more than a day working on them. They are essentially just "doodles" in writing, for a bit of casual fun. If you're looking for more story, more character development, and better pacing, check out my other work!Cast - Male Human x Female Feral Gryphon

One by one the fence planks were given a fresh layer of white paint. Grant, laboring shirtless in the hot summer sun, was working up quite a sweat by the time he was on the last leg of repainting his property fence around the house. He let out a tired exhale as bent over to wet his brush, then started on the next plank.

As the brush went down the grain, something quite out of place caught his attention. "Ack!" he yapped, caught by surprise by the big yellow eyeball filling up a hole in the fence, looking straight at him. Taking a moment to recompose himself, he craned his head forward, looking back at the unblinking eye, but just as he was about to say something, it disappeared. He knew what it was, and shook his head dismissively as he returned to his project. However, one plank later, the whole fence shook as he heard a struggled scratching.

"Eerrr rck rck?" an inquisitive chirp came from above. Looking up, he saw the gryphoness from next door holding onto the top of the fence, looking down at him. It was the brown one this time, with a light beige underside, and long yellow beak.

He frowned, flailing a hand towards her to get down. "Shoo! You're getting paint all over your claws, not to mention ruining the fresh coat," he protested.

Instead of making herself scarce, she only seemed to be interested in the attention he was giving her, perking her big ears up and climbing higher up onto the fence to get a better vantage point. Her claws cleaned the fence of its fresh paint across multiple places as she struggled to hang on. "Rawck?" she sounded another curious squawk.

"Gah! You're scratching the fence! Get down from there you oversized cat-bird!" he flailed his arms about, then picked up a flimsy stick to poke her with.

With a playful expression strewn about her, she only tilted her head and nipped at the incoming branch, then pulled it towards her as if it were a game of tug-o-war, promptly winning. With her victory secured, she let go of the fence and disappeared for a time.

Grant furrowed his brow and listened, hearing the troublesome gryphoness pad away elsewhere. With that out of the way, he got back to work repairing the paint damage she caused. His troubles, however, were far from over as he suddenly heard a galloping coming from the other side. "That better not be what I think it is," he thought to himself, taking a step back just in time before the whole fence let off a stressful, crashing rattle and bent over a few degrees. Looking up towards the hot sun, the gryphoness was trying to to perch herself atop the fence, flapping her wings to balance. Aborting the idea within a couple seconds, she hopped down off the fence, though on the wrong side, landing infront of the human in a plume of dust.

"Ack!" he yapped, taking a hop back to give her space. "Geez, crazy bird, what's gotten into you?" he asked her, as she usually never paid him much attention before.

The gryphoness, with a head about eye level to his mid-torso, flicked her ears about and gave him an intrigued expression. She took a step towards him and flared her nostrils, trying to sniff him, picking up on his sweat.

Grant took a step back, not so much in fear but rather alarmed at why she was acting so unusually interested in him. "You're acting very strange today..." he paused, bending over to look at her ear clip. It read "Ril'vor'onn", which he attempted to read as if it were a foreign name.

Taking more interest in the human, she stepped closer and pressed her beak closely to his bare chest, and then tried to circle around him. Grant lifted his arms out of the way, grinning nervously. He turned towards the direction of his neighbor's house and shouted for its owner, an anthro crow. "Teech, you over there?! Ril's over here, come get her!" He waited for several seconds while squirming about the gryphoness's curious sniffs and beak pokes, then tried again, louder. "Teech!!" No response.

"Rck rck eeer rck," Ril chitter chirped as she studied the human, pushing him around with the flat of her beak for no apparent reason other than to see if she could disrupt his footing. Receiving no shortage of protesting grunts and exclamatives, she eventually settled on her haunches infront of him, looking up with a beakish smile.

"Yes, what is it?" he asked her, staring back at her for a moment, unknowing what to make of this. He turned to face his neighbor's house again, leaning back and forth as he tried to make out anything or anyone through the cracks between the fence planks. "Where's your owner?" he turned back.

Ril just maintained her silly bird grin, crest lifted high and with feathery ears flicking about, holding an expression as though she were waiting on him to do something. Having taken a moment to acclimate to her presence, Grant felt his heart soften towards her cute and friendly face. Knowing a thing or two about the neighbor gryphon already, he knew she was just a cuddly featherface and wouldn't hurt him. Returning a grin of his own, he reached out and pet her on the head a moment before saying, "Well, cute as you are, you're going to get me in trouble with that squawking crow if she sees you over here. Come on, let's go," coaxing her to follow him to the emergency gate.

Responding with a happy coo, she pressed her head into the welcome pets while she could, and then followed him closely. Watching the human fumble with the strange latch, her ears drooped as she saw the gate open wide, with him gesturing her to return home. "Mrck," she grunted in disagreement, hopping back and away from him with a playful look about her.

"Ril, come on, back ya' go," he tried again, opening the gate wide.

Instead, she turned around and trotted around his back yard with a bouncy gait, swishing her tail around, holding her wings halfway out, and chin up as though she were on show. Coming back around from her short lap, she made a straight line for the gate, but at the last moment shifted and rammed the flat of her head into the human's gut.

"Oof!" he grunted, nearly falling over and bringing his back up against the fence. "Hey! What was that for, ya' bumbling bag of feathers?" he complained, holding his stomach.

"Erk erk!" she squawked playfully, hopping in place and whipping her tail around as she watched him react. She then lowered her front paws and lifted her butt high, as though she were about to pounce him. Right as it looked like the human was about to move out of the way, she jumped in place and spun herself around, presenting her hind quarters to him and looking back over her shoulder to watch, tail lifted high.

Grant briefly thought he was in a great deal of trouble as the gryphon's roughhousing antics intensified, but he paused in stare towards her latest gesture. There in the sudden, quiet stillness stood a randy, feral gryphoness, presenting herself to the human. He didn't have to be a breeder to put two and two together. Her mammalian half had clearly gone into heat, vividly illustrated by her swollen, moist, and very receptive looking vulva that was inviting itself to him. Being in the state that she was, she seemed dismissive of the fact that he was no gryphon stud, and was willing to take what she could get.

Maybe it was the testosterone speaking, the pheromones beginning to fill his nostrils, or just a part of him he didn't quite realize, but he immediately felt a tightness in his pants as his eyes stared at the treasure under her tail. "Um, Teech?" he meekly called for Ril's owner once more, briefly looking through the open gate into his neighbor's empty backyard.

Ril patiently watched him consider her offer, and her gaze caught his as he looked back at her. Eyes lidded and crest up, her expression was as clear as day, wordlessly saying, "Go on, take me," to the male, even going as far as suggestively rocking her hips side to side.

Grant shifted in place and grunted some discomfort, having to readjust himself below the waist. He considered that he certainly shouldn't exploit a randy gryphon, but, "Damn, I really shouldn't be so turned on by this," he said to himself, feeling his face flush hotly and stomach tighten. Time slowed down as his eyes ran along her elegant body with new consideration, feeding a new found lust with every curve along her exotic profile. "You...are one sexy beast, sexier than I ever realized," he stepped up to her, running a hand down her furry flank, enjoying the soft fur running between his fingers.

Now he was debating it, wanting to obey this bestial lust that was growing within him. He moved his head all around in sweeping motions, analyzing the state of their privacy. Having sex with the neighbor's gryphoness wasn't something he'd want to discuss with anyone, obviously. Kicking a foot back behind him, he caught the gate and closed it halfway to block out the neighbor's backyard. Clearing the saliva from his throat with a big gulp, he faced the awaiting feral once more. While he wasn't decided yet, he figured it would be harmless to at least take a look at what she was offering to him, and so he squatted down behind her to bring himself eye level with her business end.

Ril's vagina reminded him of a canine's, forming a "Y split" towards her tail, with fur gradually becoming shorter and shorter as it shifted into supple, glistening pink flesh. His lusty eyes were treated to a milky drop of feminine nectar escaping from deep within her, as though she had been in an aroused state for quite some time already. With a much tested feral patience, Ril squawked at him again, and suddenly took a big step back with such little warning that they touched lips.

"Mmph!" he grunted in alarm, falling back onto his buttocks as his face was rammed by her wet snatch. Without thinking about it, his tongue emerged, tasting the sweet, wet deposit there on his lips. Heart racing, high on her wafting pheromones, and not questioning the bizarre urges he was feeling, he sat back up and let his base needs take over. Tongue just barely peaking out from his parted lips, he pressed its tip against her precious entrance. Aside from the taste, his face felt like it was sitting next to a radiator, humid, thick heat pouring from her bestial pussy.

Ril parted her beak and let out a rumbling coo as she felt the human begin to lick her needy sex, at last addressing her out of control lust. Beyond his tongue, her inner walls squeezed and contracted down on themselves, longing to be filled and beginning to fiercely drool, lubricating itself for what was to come.

Grant pulled back, beginning to breath loudly and finding himself harboring a wild, primal lust for the shapely creature. He had to accept her offer, or he felt like he would regret it forever. Both tasting and clearly seeing that she was as wet as she'd ever be, but also worried about spending a great deal of time out here with her, he decided to move onto the main event. Off came the belt, down went the zipper, and soon the rustling of denim as his pants were divested.

Ril perked up as she watched, feasting her big eyes on the prize she'd soon feel deep inside her. It wasn't shaped like a gryphon's, but standing at attention and throbbing for her, it was still a most welcome sight to her aroused state. She shimmered her hips again, eager for the human to mount her and cool her burning fire. "Rck rck!" she chirped impatiently.

With one last survey for privacy, he committed to the dirty deed, stepping up to her. One hand on her flanks, the other held onto his member and brought it home. Bending his knees a little, the head of his cock prodded at the feral gryphoness's hot, wet, receptive entrance. There was something exhilarating about it, as though he were liberating his mind. Out here under the sun, sweat running down his brow and back, about to unite with one of nature's finest creations. His lips curled with an acceptance as he rocked his hips forward, submersing his cock into her sopping wet, hot pussy.

Ril arched her back and lowered her front leg's elbows to the ground, letting off a moaning squawk as she was mounted. Her tail swished along his chest and her claws curled into the soil, feeling an intense surge of heavenly sensations being rendered. Pleasure point after pleasure point was activated one by one as he slowly hilted deeply inside her, each time causing an involuntary vaginal squeeze.

"Mmm," he moaned in bliss, closing his eyes and bringing both hands down her exotic frame, feeling her fur gradually turn into feathers midway down. He scooted forward once more, pressing the fur along her crotch firmly into his as he stubbornly wanted to unite with her further. An outpouring of excess natural lubrication pushed its way out, which he soon felt dribbling down his balls. Looking down and seeing her back and spread wings, there was something highly arousing about finding himself in sexual kinship with a creature that could easily kill him if she wanted to, but instead submitted herself to him. He felt his cock throbbing and jumping against her silken walls, eager to get started, just about squirting pre-cum all over her insides.

Leaning over the gryphoness, he lightly gripped her flanks and began humping her, slow and methodical. She subtly stepped about in place and curled the tail around his body, relishing in the sensations he was stoking deep inside her. Greedy for more, she began to sway her posture back and forth, firmly pressing her furry rump back into him with each motion. Driven into a lustful state of mind for days now by her estrus cycle, her orgasmic climb was easily ignited, surging more and more intense until the fur and feathers along her back stood on end. As the human began to cave into his own desires and quicken his pace, she soon found the peek of pleasure boiling inside her and beginning to explode across her frame.

"Mm!" he grunted in alarm as he felt the beast clamp down hard enough along his cock that it disrupted his ability to drive himself down her tunnel.

Ril threw her wings out wide and looked skyward, releasing a euphoric screech, unleashing a climactic torrent of her hot femcum along his cock. Finding himself swimming in her honey, he began to assertively thrust past her squeezing, drowning out the world around him and any prior concerns he might of had. Each time he hilted himself, milky squirts of bestial lust were squeezed out, splashing against his bare flesh and running down his legs. Unable to take the barrage of exotic, erotic sensations any longer, he drove himself so hard into the gryphoness that she had to adjust her stance. Grant went off like a bomb inside her, pouring powerful, surging ropes of hot cum deeply inside the gryphon.

"Erk erk!" the gryphon sounded victoriously to the clouds above, still feeling waves of orgasmic release within her while the human inseminated her. Hot tingling sensations filled her core as her womb began to suck in his fresh semen, the rest of it thoroughly lining the back walls of her pussy. Actively milking his cock with sophisticated squeezing, layer upon layer painted her inner walls creamy white, the substance heavy and thick.

Through a combination of pent up lust and arousing pheromones, he couldn't stop himself even after he had tapered off, resuming his motions and humping into her once again. Sticky cum spread all throughout her sexual canal as he moved about in her, until his motions began withdrawing it from her, forming a sopping, gooey mess around her nether lips and surrounding fur.

Happy as a chick, the gryphoness parted her drooling beak, panting with hot breath as she turned her head and lowered her wings to look back at the male. Locking eyes, she expressed her gratitude and recognition towards her human mate. Feeling him continue to take her still, her exhales were accompanied by subtle chirps and her powerful legs began to struggle to keep their composure. The feathers along her neck ruffled out on their own accord as she felt a second orgasm beginning to burn under her tail.

Grant mated with her for awhile longer, bordering on roughness and with no shortage of forceful grunts. He looked down at her gaze, her exotic eyes shimmering with a warm, gracious, yet lustful universal language that transcended beyond any species barrier. With a seductive gaze that could bring him to the edge alone, the climactic storm he suddenly felt raging around his cock brought him to his limit, erupting once more inside her. Thick, generous lines of semen blasted hotly into her sanctum, adding to the previous load. He continued to drive himself into her and felt her beginning to gush once again, yielding a volley of climactic squawking while bathing his cock in her hot juices. As they continued to cum and sing their song, rivulets of mixed sexual juices began overflowing from her convulsing pussy, to the point where it was running down both her legs in a thin stream at first, but growing wider and thicker as each additional globule navigated the creamy river.

After the peak of climax, he began a long tapering out, slowing his motions down into a peaceful stride. Small spurts of cum continued to line the floor of her tunnel over the next minute as he gradually concluded their romp. But the afterglow of sex immediately blew away, and he felt his stomach sink to the ground when he heard an attention grabbing cough to his side. His reddened, blood flushed face immediately turned into a cold sweating, pale white. Slowly, he turned his gaze and found one gawking anthro crow standing at the gate, her eyes locked onto the balls deep coupling of her precious breeding gryphoness.

"T-T-Teech...!" he stuttered and stammered, caught off guard with his pants around his ankles. Not knowing what to do, he quickly unmounted Ril and bunny hopped away away a few steps before pulling his pants back up and making a cowardly escape from her expected wrath.

"Rrraawwk! Rawk rawk!" the crow began to squawk loudly at him from behind. "Hold it right there!" she commanded. Grant winced in place, turtling his head down into his shoulders.

"I'm...I'm sorry, she just came over here and--," he began to plead his case, turning around.

"Do you know how much trouble you've caused?!" she flail flapped her black wings about.

"Teech, I can explain!" he tried again, though he honestly didn't know what he could say to appease her.

She let out an irate huff, rubbing her beak with a wing for a moment as she collected her thoughts. "These girls aren't being bred this year, and now you've just gone and sated one of them," she complained. There was a brief pause before she looked back up at him. "Ril'vor'onn _cannnot_receive special treatment amongst the hens," she added, then turned her head to look behind her. Suddenly, two more gryphons popped their head under her winged arms, checking out the scene.

"W...what?" he asked, confused.

"Damnit Grant, you featherless fool. If you're going to 'play stud', then you're going to have to go all the way," she explained, and before she could get another word in, the two gryphons wormed their way past her, followed by yet another one after that, all of them a different breed.

The pride of feminine gryphons began to converge all around the human, eyeballing him with greedy, lusty eyes, all of them riding out a synchronized estrus cycle. Shaking her head for a moment, watching, she continued, "Send 'em back to the coral when you're done," Teech waved a wing towards him, then closed the gate as she departed.

Grant looked down at the horny hens, gulping, but feeling his manhood being coaxed back to life by a pair of avian tongues on each side. "Painting the fence can wait..." he thought to himself.

_ End Notes: Super cheesy porn-filmy-quality ending there! Sorry, it had to be done ^_^ Also...the title of this story? Yeah, my creativity was burned out at that point..._