Morning After

Story by Niiro on SoFurry

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#3 of Winter Vacation in the Mountains- Niiro and Mike

Niiro is Japanese for red and you say 'ii' as if it was two E's (Ni-i-ro)

Some times i capitalize 'I' but usually i dont and the trouble between 'lay' 'layed' 'lie' and 'lied'.


This story contains M/M, furry sex, teen relationship, and other great stuff. If you are under the age of 18, do not continue. Thanks for reading!!!


The sun was shining on my face as i woke up in bed with Mike's arm wrapped around my body and his leg right on top of mine and the blanket on top of us. I sit up carefully moving him away and rubbing my eyes. The cold air hit my fur as i slowly got out of bed. I walk to the bathroom and washed my face and walked back to the bed. I noticed that Mike wasn't wearing a shirt.

'He's going to get cold if he doesn't have the blanket.' I thought to myself while i walk towards the bed and placing the blanket over him and giving him a kiss on his forehead.

'I should get us some breakfast for us' I thought. I grabbed my wallet and put some pants on, i got my keys and walked out of the room.

"I'm walking around bare foot again" I said to myself while i was walking down the cold hallway. I walked outside stepping on the dark slush.

"Aww man" I said looking at my paws, shaking it trying to get the dirty water out. "Oh well" I continued walking to the coffee shop across the road and walked in.

"Welcome" The old white tiger said cheerfully "What can i get you?"

"Just two coffees and bagels" i orders as i lay the money out on the counter "It's pretty warm out there today"

"Yup" He answered "The mountain is warming up, it will start to get cold later and the whole mountain will be turned into ice. I figure you should go later in the night so you don't hurt yourself"

"Thanks!" As he handed me my food and my change. I walked out of the shop and noticed the icicles melting from the roof. I walked to the hotel and back to the room to find out that Mike was still sleeping. I put the food on the table next to the basket of snacks and looked to my paw and saw it was dirty from the slush i stepped in earlier, i decided to shower after i eat.

After i finished eating i went to the bathroom and close the door and tried to lock the door but i noticed that there was no lock.

"Of course" i said to myself. I got undressed and started to take a shower. the doors of the shower were see through, just glass and the only thing that was covered was my waist down by the towel and if anyone stepped closer to the glass you could see my whole body.

As i take my hot shower i could hear footsteps approaching the door. I hear the door open as i turn away to hide myself exposing my back side to Mike.

"Ohh" Mike said "Sorry"

"Its ok" I said. I've never took a shower in front of anyone before, i felt like putting on a show for him. "I heard that we should go snowboarding later tonight because of the ice on the mountain. Also i got some breakfast for you, i already ate mine."

"Ok. Thanks!" He answered "More time for us then."

I hear a stream of urine hit the toilet as i took a shower. I tried my best not to turn around as i only got a feel of his cock from last night. I hear him turning on the faucet as i turned around, he was washing his face. The running water made the shower water hot but still bareable.

"I'm going to flush the toilet" He said to me.

"Um ok" I answered wondering why he would said that. As he flushed the toilet i felt the water become very hot.

"YIP!" I yelled as i ran out the shower and right in front of Mike naked and dripping wet.

"I told you i was going to flush the toilet" He said while he was looking at my sheath. I blush from embarrassment as i walked back to the shower.

"Wait" He said stopping me from going back into the shower. I turned around showing my wet sheath again.

"Y-yes?" I said in a worried voice.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He said as i stood there with a confused look on my face. "My morning kiss" He added. I pauesd and got my towel and wrapped it around my waist as i walked over to Mike. I put my wet hand to his waist as he put is hands on mine as we shared an opened mouth kiss. His tongue once again entering my mouth as i wrestle it with mine. I can taste his morning breath as it kind of turned me on, we shared a kiss together as he pulled me apart from his lips by pulling my hair.

'i guess he like to pull my hair' i thought my myself. I blushed even harder as my cock started to get hard. While he started to wrap himself around me.

"I love you" He whispered in to my ear.

"Love you too" I replied as he held me in his arms warming my damp fur.

"You going to get cold Niiro" He said as he let go of me.

"You too" I said he as looked at his wet pants.

As he left the bathroom i finished up with my shower and dried off my fur.


Watch for numba 4!!!

As i write my stories i noticed that most for the story is caused by the bathroom in some way, as if it was a whole nother character.

Sorry for making it really short i didnt have the time again *grr* It looked longer when i was writing it hehe its like 3:30am here