Poker Night

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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#1 of Poker Night

Poker Night gets a little out of hand

Poker Night

Poker night with the guys was always an experience, and usually one that was tainted by alcohol and egos. The night had only just begun and it already seemed as though a few of Seth's friends couldn't maintain themselves. He heard the roaring laugh of a donkey coming from the other room and simply shook his head. The fridge had been stocked tight with so many different kinds of beer it was almost difficult for him to make a selection, finally he settled and pulled another Smirnoff. Heading back to the living room, he took his seat between a horse he had only met recently and a badger he had known for most of his life.

"Come on girly fox, a Smirnoff?" The donkey rolled his eyes, tonight he was playing host, which only seemed to boost his ego that much higher. Seth just rolled his eyes and proceeded to have some slight difficulty twisting the cap off.

"Here, let me get that for you." The horse, Mikey, offered and pulled the drink from his hands before he could protest. The cap came off effortlessly in his hands, making Seth blush. He hadn't needed the help, it was nice that Mikey had offered, but he could have used a little less confirmation of his weakness.

"Thanks, okay come on, shuffle up and deal." Seth tried to push the attention back onto the card game. Before the break he had been on a hot streak, cleaning out most of his friends pockets. The next hand was dealt and he lifted only the edge of his two cards. Aces, pocket rockets. All he needed to do was act cool and he would have this hand in the bag. He limped in, casually matching the big blind.

"I'm going to get my money back." The donkey, Will, announced before pushing the rest of his chips into the center. The horse called and action came back around to Seth. He had more than enough chips to match Will and called the bet with ease. Since Mikey still had chips remaining, everyone kept their hands face down. The flop showed a pair of Jacks and a ten on the board. He had two pair, not the best hand but still his pocket pair was higher than the one on the board. The two of them checked and saw the turn, bringing up a 9. Mikey pushed a small stack of his chips into the side pool, he could have caught a straight or it could have been a bluff. The horse was somewhat difficult to get a read on. With still more than enough to cover the bet, Seth knew that he needed to see what card was coming on the river.

Will flipped over the last card, an ace. Suddenly his hand went from two pair to a full boat. He tried not to flinch, even the smallest movement could indicate to the horse that he had caught one of the few hands that beats a straight. He waited for Mikey to make his move, the horse pushing the rest of his chips forward after some hesitation. He was trying to buy the pot but his move wouldn't work, Seth eagerly pushed the rest of his chips forward and was about to reveal his winning hand when the horse cleared his throat.

"Tell you what, why don't we make this interesting? Whoever has the worst hand has to play the rest of the evening in the nude." He grinned. Seth's heart leapt into his throat. The suggestion of strip poker had been brought up in the past. Will had protested, but tonight the donkey was already too drunk to care.

"Deal." The two of them said at the same time. Seth flipped over his cards and revealed the full boat, nearly salivating over the thought of seeing either of these two naked for the first time.

"Wow. Lucky catch on the river!" Ben the badger exclaimed, he was only a spectator in this but now that someone was going to be stripping he suddenly had great interest in the outcome.

"Yeah, lucky catch. But not lucky enough." The Donkey flipped to reveal a pocket pair of jacks. Seth's mouth dropped, he had gone all in pre-flop and caught four of a kind. No wonder he had been so quick to take the deal. Seth wouldn't be winning the main pot, but he would still get to see the horse naked and take the side pot. All eyes turned their attention on Mikey.

"Sorry buddy." He flipped over a king and queen. Seth had called it, the horse caught his straight on the turn, what he hadn't been expecting was that his straight had all been the same suit. To make matters worse, the ace had also been the same suit. He had a royal flush, the highest hand in poker. Something smelled fishy. A four of a kind and a royal in the same hand, that just doesn't happen. On top of that, Seth noticed that he was the only one who seemed to be surprised at the outcome.

"Did you guys rig the deck while I was getting my beer?" He realized that he hadn't seen them shuffle, he had simply assumed that the game would be a fair one. He scanned the faces for any signs that his friends had been in on a hoax. Mikey scooped up all the chips from the center but while everyone was grinning nobody admitted to the scam.

"Come on girly fox, a deal's a deal. Off with the clothes!" Will berated.

"We won't deal the cards until you honor your bet." Mikey had taken the cards and begun shuffling. Most of Seth's money was sitting in front of the guy, if they stopped playing now he would be out far too much. Seth stood up and slowly undressed, humiliated at the peep show he was performing for them. He hesitated, but ultimately stripped out of his underwear.

"Ha! Just what I thought from a girly fox like you, a cock so small you can't even see it." The donkey laughed, downing another beer. Hopefully with how much he had been drinking, Will wouldn't even remember the night. He looked down at his shrunken member embarrassment making certain that it wasn't any bigger than it needed to be. On top of that, his sheath was the same color as the surrounding fur, making it blend in, giving the illusion that it was even smaller.

"Not fair, you guys cheated." Seth sat down angrily. Will bought some more chips from Mikey. Seth would need to get them back for this. He spent most of the rest of the night biding his time and slowly getting his chips back. Some of his friends had even lost pieces of clothing on some side bets. Seth made sure the alcohol kept flowing, he would need his friends inebriated for his plan to work out. Then he had an opening, his hand wasn't the greatest but his friends were getting easier to read.

"All in!" Will said once more, he had been losing the entire night and this hand was going to be no different.

"I'll call, and raise." Seth grinned.

"Jokes on you girly fox, everyone else is out of the hand, there's nothing else to raise." Will had already been stripped down to just his underwear. Seeing as he was already naked, Seth couldn't put an article of clothing on the line.

"I'll raise you one set of family jewels." He said casually. The donkey eyed him suspiciously. Seth suddenly began to worry that he might not be drunk enough to call. The confused look suddenly washed away from his face.

"I call." He slurred and flipped over one of the worst hands possible. "Wait... these weren't my cards. I had a flush, where did my cards go?" Ben whistled innocently. Seth watched as two cards disappeared from the badgers hand onto the bottom of the deck. A flush would have beaten his trips.

"A deal's a deal." Seth grinned. The donkey reached into his underwear casually and pulled, with a popping sound his member detached. He slammed it down on the table and winced, the alcohol causing him to forget that it was still his body part. Everyone stared at the flared cock on the table, it was the first time anybody had seen his most private body part.

"Just a little horse, eh?" Mikey joked. Seth reached out and picked it up. It was certainly longer than he had expected given the donkey's reluctance to play strip poker in the past. And now it was his. Seth gave it a squeeze, a bead of pre forming.

"Hey stop that girly fox. Give it back." The donkey protested, moaning slightly. To Seth, the object was little more than a dildo.

"Nope, you'll have to win it back. Until then I own it." Seth rubbed the pre all over the flared tip, the cock expanding slightly to his touch. The donkey huffed and fell back in his seat. Seth couldn't wait to return home tonight, but there was still more revenge to be sought first. After all, it wasn't just the donkey that had cheated him out of his clothes. For now, he would have to continue to play without showing his cards.

"Shuffle up and deal." He placed the cock across his lap and awaited the next hand.


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