Sinfull bliss Chapter 1

Story by Liebe Hass on SoFurry

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Ritska woke up one morning, looking around his dark room, the humm of his computer the only sound in the dark night. he looked over to the clock. it read 5:14. he had class in a few hours and was in no hurry to make it there. deciding he couldn't fall back asleep he stumbled out of bed and went to take a shower. the warm watter and steamy room woke him up. His body was lean, well defined through his soft greyish fur. His body holds many markings, one for each sin. his eyes were a pale blue and his hair was a bright blond with darker highlights.

For the past few days he had lost most interest in things he once enjoyed. he had become depressed as he learned more of who he was. The once God Fearing Lapine had become one of blasphemy. for the past few days there was a young male Feline attending his classes. he was a homosexual. Ritska did not know what made him think of this male. but he was atracted to him. He had finished his shower and took a step out, placing a towel around him before making way back to his room, getting dressed with a pair of faded jeans and a white tee. packing his bags he left for class. taking a 45 minute drive to campus.

After stepping out of his car he saw the young male near the entrance. his maw got instantly hot and he blushed. he could not understand why this was happening. he liked woman, he dated varsity cheerleaders! The male walked to class and sat down, waiting for time to pass untill clas was in session. out of the corner of his eye he continued to watch this other male, his tight shirt, tight pants, everything to be seen by ones imagination.

He stood up and walked to the bathroom. Ritska splashed cold water on his face and went into the stalll. the more he tried the more he thought of the other male. his pants growing tighter. The lapine closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. The bathroom door opened and he walked in. going to the urinal next to the stall, Ritska could see everything. the other unzipping his pants almost as if to tease him. when the pants were removed and the Feline became exposed.

Before he realized it Ritska too had pulled down his pants and breifs, his bunny cock was moist and exposed standing at almost 7.5 inches long and thick. he continued to watch the other male hold himself. letting out a stream of yellow gold. Ritska cllosed his eyes and his imagintaion wondered. gripping the base of his cock and slowly began to stroak it. he thought about the feline and seeing his cock. wanting to touch it, hold it.. feel its warm embrace. he stroaked harder. pre forming at the tip glistening. his cock was warm, moist throbing in his paw. he felt his tail whole quiver, as if wanting to be used. The lapine moved his empty paw o his tail hole and [ressed a digit against it. a sall amount of pre shot from his cock.

The urinal flushed, he flinched and moaned, shoving his entire digit into his rectum, if it weren't for the noise flushing he would have been found. his body couldn't handle the torture anymore, at that moment when his finger paw reached his prostate he gave way, shooting his seed into the air and covering his paw, his tail hole tightened and wave after wave of orgasm flushed his body. his breathing had gotten heavy and he layed there, finger paw still inside him. opening his eyes he could see the other male was still next to him, peeping through he saw hat the feline must have heard him, for he too was stroaking himself, moaning quietly.

He sat still and watched though the tiny whole, his cock had became hard again watching the male, he stood up and wiped himself clean, flushing the toilet. he walked out unconspicuosly and noticed the other. he blushed and coughed. the feline looked over to him, his face was redder then blood. quickly he put his length away and zipped up his pants. "i was.. uh.. er... " the feline spoke but fell though. Ritska smiled and nodded, he too was blushing as he washed his paws and headed out towards the bathroom, the feline grabbed his arm and pulled him close, his member still hard.

"Maybe you can help after class?" Ritska blushed deeply and looked into the other males eyes, he couldn't speak, couldn't move. he knew it was wrong but he wanted it... he spoke softly "meet.. meet me outside.." he pulled his arm loose and swiftly walked out of the bathroom, racing to class and taking his seat. his heart was pounding and he was sweating, and yet.. he was still hard..

The entire time during class he was thinking about what could, and what might happen. he would be harming himself,adding another marking to his body. another sin.. but was bliss and happiness a sin? was this meant to be a test? he could not answer this, and with this mark on him he was no longer able to ask for help the mark of the homosexual sin was open for all to see, he couldn't hide who he was though.. or could he change?

~Chapter 1 End~

Written by Sinfull Bunnerz 08' ~pride~