Hard to get

Story by Benson on SoFurry

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First of all let's get the disclaimer out of the way. This is an adults only story containing material NOT SUITABLE for persons under the age of 18. All characters are original creations of myself and any resemblance in description or name is purely co-incidental. Ok that's about it I think, thanks for reading, enjoy the story ^^

It was a drizzly April evening, the air cold and filled with falling raindrops as Benson made his way through the town precinct towards his favourite café. Ben was already drenched right through his fur by the time he had arrived, regretting parking in the multi story car park at least 10mins walk away. He quickened his pace as he looked up at the warm café interior wanting to get out of this drizzle and dry off a bit, he had already had a tough day at work and the thought of speaking to Kayla again really made him nervous. But on he strode and as he got to the door he extended an arm and pushed it away going from the quiet splashing of the rain and general faint city noises, into the bustling warm atmosphere of the café. The place was really packed today most likely because of the rain but generally this café was very popular. Ben stretched up a little looking over the tables to the back where he saw a furry hand in the air waving and beckoning to him slightly.

"Ah!" Ben said out loud as he recognised the dark canine the arm was attached to and started wending his way through the crowds to the table that his friends were sat at.

As he got there he smiled at everyone, Dom the dark canine who had waved to him, Jay his girlfriend a slender vixen both of whom he had known for years and of course, Kayla, the person who he had been dreading seeing since their argument yesterday, she was a young, slim canine with the purest white fur and the most exquisite green eyes, Benson had always secretly fancied her but never showed it to her, he also had the feeling that she wanted him too but there was something about her, she always plaid hard to get around him, he would mention something about liking her more than just a friend and she would back off completely and disappear. Normally this would be the signal for him to give up but something about her, some glint in her eyes and the way she seems to blush a lot more when he is talking to her just gave him the notion that she did actually want something from him. Ben gave everyone a quick wave and a smile which was returned by everyone including Kayla, which surprised him a little, as it is usually days before he hears from her again if they argue, and yet here she was smiling brightly at him.

"Heya Benny, take my seat you look pooped" she said with a light giggle and rose from her chair beckoning for him to sit.

"You don't have to get up hun I'll grab another chair" Ben responds looking around for any free seats available. To his dismay there weren't any free, but he still didn't like the idea of Kayla giving up her seat for him. He was still looking around when he felt a soft hand grab his wrist and pull him back toward the seat, taken somewhat by surprise he flopped down into the chair and looked up at the arm on his seeing it belonged to Kayla who was perched on the arm of the chair looking at him smiling sweetly. Without another word she jumped up from her position and sat in his lap, leaning up against his cold wet body with her warm dry fur heating him gently. Murring quietly she placed her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek lightly, he could feel her soft warm lips on his face and he smiled looking round at her, met with that little glint in her eyes that always led him into thinking she wanted him.

"Well I wasn't expecting this after the row we had yesterday Kay" Benson finally managed to say something whilst giving Dom and Jay a quick glance to see they were both staring in amazement, then after a few seconds they realised he was looking at them and carried on chatting amongst themselves. Meanwhile Kayla had really been snuggling into Ben's side, rubbing his chest with a free hand and looking at him ever more intently.

"Yea about that, I was way out of line Ben, I'm really sorry...and I want to make it up to you" She said eventually with a sly grin on her face.

"Well you don't have to I mean, I was angry yesterday for sure but I'm ok...well more than ok now" He said to her looking into her eyes lightly for a glimpse of her true intent.

"No really Ben, I want to make it up to you, can I get you a coffee or something?" She replied getting up and starting to head toward the café shop keeper rooting around in her handbag for some cash.

"Yea a tea would be good love" he called to her and she looked back and nodded to him with a smile. When Kayla was out of earshot Ben leaned in to Dom and Jay who had up to now just been chatting away with each other.

"Is it just me or is she somewhat more, friendly shall we say, today than ever before" he asks with a quizzical frown on his face, Jay who doesn't really know her that well, merely shrugs and looks over at Dom, who works with her every day.

"I know mate, she's been like this all day. Been talking about you all day as well, it was her that pushed me into calling everyone up and arranging this meet, especially on a day like today." Dom said quietly and glanced over at Kayla waiting in the queue to be served.

"Well Christ I didn't think I'd even see her again after what happened yesterday" he said chucking slightly and glancing over to see where Kayla was as well.

"What did happen yesterday mate, I heard you had an argument but that's about it." Dom was curious as was Jay who, as ever, sat there quietly listening to the boy's conversation.

"I don't wanna really go into the whole thing, but she made an off comment about my ex, which I took offence to, I said something about it, there were harsh words exchanged and I made the mistake of saying she was only getting upset cos she had feelings for me, so I got a slap and there was a lot of shouting, name calling etc really...messy, I'm so surprised she's even speaking to me today, let alone sitting in my lap!" Ben explained gesturing with his arms as he usually does, spotting Kayla coming back he slowly leaned back in the chair and smiled up at her as she handed him the piping hot tea which he had to put straight down to avoided burning himself. Kayla took a sip of her coffee and sat back down in Bens lap, this time in a slightly different position, she was sat on his left thigh with one leg dangling over his knee and the other folded up resting against his crotch, Ben could feel her leg pressing up against his penis and started to get slightly aroused only he tried to hide it. Now the position she had sat in could well have been completely innocent if it weren't for the fact that she kept looking at him, with a mischievous grin on her face, and she kept fidgeting and moving the leg that was up against his cock, brushing against it every time getting him more and more aroused as he feels her leg gently jerking his cock off in this oh so public place. Ben coughed slightly, trying to keep himself from moaning out loud giving the game away completely so he grabbed his tea and started to sip it, even though it was far too hot he kept taking sip after sip as he felt her stimulating his cock over and over again. He was getting pretty hard and were he to get up it would have been obvious to everyone he had an erection. Judging by the look on Kayla's face she knew what she was doing so Ben leaned up to her and whispered in her ear.

"What are you playing at Kayla?" she smiled at him brightly and whispered back, still gently caressing his cock with her leg.

"I'm making it up to you dear, and if you play your cards right I may just make it up some more" She said and dug her shin harder into his crotch giving him a little jolt of pleasure that made him gasp out loud then look around sheepishly.

"Well guys were going to head off" Dom spoke as he finished his coffee and got up to leave. Jay followed smiling and waving at them before her and Dom snuck out the door into the cold street and wandered off in the direction of home.

"So Ben, are you going to give me a lift home?" Kayla asked as if she didn't know what the answer was going to be, she let up off of his shaft with her leg and got up gracefully putting on her coat and beckoning to Ben who was trying to get his hard cock to soften up enough for him to get out of the door without attracting too much attention to himself.

"Uh, yea sure Kayla just give me a minute here ok" Ben went on sipping his tea, waiting for his manhood to recede as Kayla watched and couldn't help but giggle at his nervous looks around.

"What's so funny you?" Ben chuckled at her realising his cock was back in its sheath and he was safe to go.

"Oh nothing, nothing, come on Benny, lets get going before the rain starts again." They walked quickly through the streets and back to Ben's car in which he drove Kayla back to her apartment across town. When they arrived Kayla turned to him and gave him a soft kiss on his lips. Ben enjoyed every second of that embrace which ended all too soon; he looked into those deep green eyes and knew what she wanted.

"So you want to come in for some coffee Ben?" She had to use the old cliché, Ben chuckled at that line and responded

"You know I don't drink coffee Kayla" to which she smirked and giggled lightly before saying "Well how's about a quick fuck then?" They laughed at that, then went back to looking into each others eyes and gradually moved closer to each other, until their lips were almost touching, he could smell her scent and it drove him wild with desire, he'd wanted this for a long time and he had the feeling that she had too. After a second or so just holding a few millimetres apart Kayla pushed her head forward and pressed her lips tightly to his, kissing him deeply, allowing their tongues to massage each other swirling around in their mouths. The kiss lasted for what seemed like an eternity then Kayla backed off and broke the embrace looking at Ben with those beautiful green eyes. One thing Ben noticed about the kiss, it wasn't any normal lust filled exchange before a heated love making session that is only ever a one off, there was something else within the kiss that he felt, a tenderness that could only be one thing, love.

Eventually they left the car and walked arm in arm up the small flight of stairs to her second floor apartment, Ben had never been in there before she had only ever met him outside if and when they met. Kayla rooted around in her handbag and found the door keys, she selected the right key and tried to force it into the lock, Ben noticed that her hand was shacking as she tried to fit they key into the lock.

"Kayla you're shaking, what's the matter hun?" He asked with concern putting a hand on her arm and helping to guide the key into the lock.

"Its nothing Ben honestly, I'm just sorta excited that's all...to tell you the truth I've always wanted to do this with you." She turned the key and pushed the door open looking back at him and holding onto his hand tugging at him to enter behind her.

The apartment wasn't huge, there was only one bedroom which was all she needed he guessed. Kayla led him straight from the dim hallway through past the kitchen and into her bedroom without waiting to take her coat off or anything. Once in the room Ben took over picking her up in his arms and dumping her onto the bed jumping on too and straddling her in the process. Overcome with lust Ben begins ripping his clothes off with a little help from Kayla who was working on his belt buckle as he threw his coat and shirt to one side, leaving his toned grey furred chest exposed. Kayla managed to undo his belt buckle eventually and whipped his trousers off as quickly as she could, or as quickly as she was allowed as Ben was still sitting right on top of her. When his trousers were out of the way she could see his cock and balls in the dim light of her bedroom and she smiled brightly up at him, waiting momentarily teasing his stomach with on hand until she was ready to go for the cock. After a few moments of teasing she slipped her hand down and grasped his balls in one hand gently caressing them whilst she runs a finger up and down his soft cock teasing it lightly until it becomes hard. Ben lets out a slight gasp and a quiet groan of satisfaction as she caresses his balls and teases his cock soon enough his member started to become rock hard which is what she had been waiting for.

"You ready for this Benny?" She asks looking up at him grasping his now rock hard shaft in one hand gently stroking it up and down still rubbing his balls in the other hand.

"Oh god yes" he manages to force out as he starts to pant slightly and she pleases his cock no end with just her hands. Kayla giggles lightly and opens her mouth extending her tongue and licking the tip of his cock gently before moving in closer taking the entire head into her mouth and beginning to suck and lick at it to gasp and a loud moan from Benson. She swirled her tongue around his head whilst quickly working up and down on his shaft with her free hand, caressing his balls with the other. Ben begins to pant lightly moaning as he feels strong ripples of pleasure ebb through his body as she sucks and licks his member paying special attention to the head. Ben throws his head back and moans loudly, feeling the seamen gathering within his cock and the orgasm approaching. Between pants and moans he managed to squeeze to "Oh god Kayla, I'm gonna cum." To which Kayla smiled and speeded up her licking and sucking on his head still gripping and stroking his shaft with one hand until with a final moan of pleasure arching his back nearly toppling backwards onto her Ben ejected his seed into Kayla's awaiting mouth. She looked up and him smiling as she swallows it down and licks the remainder off her lips still gently caressing his cock in her hands as it becomes slightly limp.

Still panting lightly filled with the pleasure of what was the best oral he had ever received Ben eventually lent down so he was lying on top of Kayla and whispered into her ear "its you turn now" kissing her gently on the cheek and running his hands down her shoulders gently ruffling her fur sending shivers down her spine. Ben then kisses her neck gently, moving his hands down her sides to her shirt gripping it he moves his head down kissing each bit of exposed fur until it comes to her naval which he gives a long deep lick provoking a short scream and a fit of giggles from Kayla.

"Oh Ben no don't, I'm so ticklish please no" she calls out to which Ben just smiles and does it again a slower, longer lick of her naval still holding onto her shirt he uses his body to pin her to the bed as she giggles and squirms underneath him. Using his muzzle and lips to gently tickle her stomach he slowly moved upwards towards her chest bringing his arms up to remove her shirt which she allows him to pull over her head and he tosses it over in some indiscriminate direction, at that point he didn't care where it went, he was too busy admiring her perfect breasts, firm and round, he couldn't resist going back to kissing and licking at her upper body moving quickly now up towards her bosom which he gently starts to caress with one hand the giggles of laughter quickly turned to pants and light moans of pleasure. Ben's face nestled between her bests now looking up at her grinning she looks back giving him the sweetest look he had ever seen, a look that just had one word printed all over it, More. Turning his head Ben starts kissing and licking up her breast working his way up before resting on the nipple, licking it lightly on the tip, making Kayla gasp and arch her back, moaning at the stimulation he was giving her with only the lightest touch. Kissing and sucking on it now using his other hand to gently rub the other nipple to get them both hard he switches from the left to the right breast still sucking, licking and gently tickling at the nipples to light moans of pleasure from Kayla as she bites her lower lip and closes her eyes allowing herself to fall deeper within the feelings of ecstasy until she finally moves her arms onto Bens shoulders and pushes gently trying to move him down to her already soaking wet clit.

Ben receives the signals loud and clear and gives each nipple a last long lick to moans of delight from Kayla then slowly kissing her body every few inches he makes his way down towards her trousers giving the naval another little lick tickling her again to a little giggle which was somewhat muffled by her panting. Quickly Ben leans up and gazes into Kayla's eyes with a wry grin on his face and undoes her trousers slipping them off to reveal her little white thong almost invisible against her fur which is purest white, the only was to distinguish the thong from her fur was the dark patch where her wet clit has soaked the underwear through. Ben smiles brightly and uses on hand to gently rub the length of her pussy from top to bottom through the underwear, Kayla moans loudly in pleasure arching her back and purring loudly. Ben being the tease he always was decided to just play a little before giving her what he knows she wants, sliding his hand under her thong he tenderly starts massaging her clit with one hand not actually entering the pussy just playing with it provoking loud moans and pants from Kayla purring all the while. Still massaging her clitoris with one hand Ben moves up and lays next to Kayla kissing at her neck and cheek while she writhes in pleasure. Ben whispers in her ear "Kayla, do you like that? Hmm?" Responding to the whisper with the only thing she could force out which happened to be a high pitched shout filled with ecstasy "Oh god yes! Ben don't stop! Yes!!!" he smiles at that and massages a little faster "What if I do this?" and with that he moves down slightly pushing his fingers into her pussy moving them in and out quickly and gradually moving his fingers around trying to stimulate her more and more. As soon as his fingers entered her lips Kayla shouts out "OH GOD YES!" losing herself in the rapture, feeling her climax approaching she just gets louder and louder moaning and purring to every movement of his fingers within her. Ben feels her pussy clench around his fingers and she turns her head engulfing him in a passionate kiss muffling her screams of pleasure as she cums.

Eventually her pussy's inner muscles loosen up and she breaks the kiss, still panting and smiling sweetly at him. Without another word she pushes him over onto his back and quickly hops up straddling him reaching back she holds onto his cock, which is now rock hard again and smoothly stands up and guides his cock into her pussy, they both moan lightly as his cock enters her. Ben can't believe how tight she is, her pussy hugs his cock as tightly as it can as she starts to lift up and push back down on his shaft. Ben moans as he feels her tight folds gripping his cock and running up and down the shaft stimulating it like never before. Kayla pants and purrs loudly as she leans forward to balance herself and speeds up her hips. They both start to moan loudly holding each other close they kiss passionately their tongues swirling around gently massaging each others as Kayla's hips still grind away on Ben's crotch. Again as before there's something different about this kiss, that little tenderness that Ben could only equate with strong feelings for him. Kayla can feel her orgasm approaching and she leans back up bracing herself on his chest grasping his fur as she moans loudly and purrs. Her pussy tightens ever more around Ben's shaft forcing him to moan as loudly as she does his cock building with seamen Kayla's approaching orgasm pushing him towards his own. Simultaneously they both gasp Ben's hands snapping onto Kayla's hips and Kayla herself gripping tightly onto his chest fur. Kayla's orgasm hits her like a tonne of bricks and she closes her eyes and bites her lower lip still pumping away with her hips as she cums moaning in ecstasy at the top of her voice. Ben ejects his load into Kayla's pussy gasping with each spasm of his cock feeling pleasure like never before as her pussy milks his cock for every drop of seed.

As they were both exhausted and utterly spent they collapse each other, panting and snuggling each other closely whilst they regain a little strength. Ben looks at Kayla kissing her cheek slightly "Well that was somewhat better than coffee don't you think?" he joked. "Oh god yes, Ben that was superb" she ego stroked brushing close to him with her arms around his chest. "But Kayla, is this ever going to be anything more than a one night stand?" he questioned, it may not have been the right time but he needed to know. Kayla looked down burying her head in his shoulder eventually uttering a muffled response. "For now Ben, for now" his heart sank, Ben wanted nothing more than to be with her, and everything she did and said, especially after the night he just had, seemed to point to the fact that she wanted him too. Fighting back an emotional response Ben eventually said "I best get going then" he started to get up but was held back by Kayla's arm "No, stay tonight Ben, please" she said moving in closer and turning his head with the hand she was holding with and kissing his lips gently, lovingly. Ben smiles at her, but can't help but show some slight disappointment in his face which she notices but chooses not to respond to. They both lay back in the bed holding each other close Ben's arms slipping around Kayla's body he purrs gently as he drifts off to sleep.

Kayla however found it hard to get off to sleep; she was watching Ben doze and can't hold back a small tear forming in her eye. The truth is she was so deeply in love with him, she had loved him from the moment she met him, his kindness, his sense of humour and now the way he made love she wanted it all. But why couldn't she tell him, certain that he would be with her, if she only said how she felt. But every time he approaches the subject she panics, her heart fills with dread, past experiences and her upbringing stops her being able to trust anyone fully. Tears now flowing down her face she breaks down without making a sound not wanting to wake him. Still dreading the discussion in the morning she dries her eyes and snuggles back into Ben's body, who instinctively puts his arms around her holding her close, making her feel so warm inside. She consoles herself with the fact that for one night, he could be hers, for one night they could be together.

Ben awoke with a jolt, the room slowly sliding into focus he doesn't recognise where he is for a moment, then it all comes flooding back and he smiles, until the conversation afterwards pops back into his mind and his heart sinks once more. "Kay?" he calls out towards the open door, "I'm in the kitchen love, get your butt out of my bed" He jumps up and goes scooting around the floor looking for his clothes. Slipping back into his trousers, the only article of clothing he can find, he pads through into the kitchen where he finds Kayla sitting at the table, sipping coffee and reading the paper. "You're a heavy sleeper huh?" she says giving a quick wink and a smile looking up from her reading. "No half arsed jobs with me hun" he chuckled smiling back. "No I found that out last night" she grinned back now watching him as he bumbles about in her kitchen trying to find things to make himself a hot drink. He eventually gives up and fills a glass of water then wanders over sitting next to Kayla who is still reading the paper. She leans on him softly and begins to quietly purr. "Is that my shirt you're wearing?" he says noticing that must have been where the other articles of clothing. "Yea, it's my shirt now" she giggles poking her tongue out at him. "Kayla, about last night...what was said" Ben tried to start the discussion that they had both needed to start, but were both frightened to. Kayla stops him mid sentence, grabbing his shoulder and pointing at the clock, it was 8:50am "Oh Christ, work" he says jumping up and heading towards the door, Kayla following close behind. "Kay, thanks, last night was amazing, honestly" he says turning back to her quickly. She says nothing but smiles back at him still wrestling with her own heart, wanting to say how much she loved him, but just not being able to. Ben walked to the door then turned back to Kayla who embraced him, holding him close her body pressing up against his she looks deep into his eyes and kisses him as deeply and passionately as she can, trying to leave herself with a reminder of the time they had shared. As they break she can feel the emotion building inside her, she had to tell him how she felt, she just couldn't go on like this. By this time Ben had opened the door and was stepping out into the cool morning air "Ben wait" she said suddenly blurted out as her heart leaps into her mouth. Ben turns back to her standing on the doorstep looking back at her "What's up hun?" he says as she bites her lip using every ounce of bottle she has she finally starts saying "Ben I...I" she couldn't do it, her heart was racing but her confidence had gone, she wanted to say it to him with every inch of her soul but she just couldn't force the words out. Ben's heart was racing too he had hoped for this for a long time, was she finally going to admit to her feelings for him, he takes a step forward looking into her eyes urging her to say it with his own "Yes Kay?" he says finally as she stutters. "I...I...I'll see you later Ben" she broke down; her nerves shot she close the door quickly and leaned against it holding her head in her hands. Ben's heart sinks as he rests his head against the door, wondering if she is ever going to say what he and she both know they want to say to each other. But what can he do, if he approaches the subject she gets defensive. "It's up to you Kayla, what can I do?" he thinks leaning back up from the door and turning to leave. He starts to walk down the stairs but stops suddenly, feeling the cold air on his chest he realises, walking back up to the door he knocks on it loudly and calls out "Kayla?" by this time Kay had wandered off to the shower and couldn't hear his knocks and shouts. "Kayla?" He shouts again "You still have my shirt!"

Hope you enjoyed it, any and all criticism is greatly accepted, thanks for your time =)