Nova's Beginning

Story by Lykos Black on SoFurry

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#2 of Belden and Nova

Warmth coated one side of his body. Those who dared touch him would receive a quick sting of pain from the heat soaked fur facing the fire, though the pain would quickly diminish to a pleasant blanket of comfort. Nova shifted his forepaws lazily as he licked the inside of his mouth with long, slow motions, his haunches rolling onto the left side more than the right to get his chilled rump into the warm glow of the fire. His fur cast sharp shadows that deceived the natural color of his fur, giving it a dull orange glow on one side and a near black shadow on the other. The wool rug below him added little comfort in comparison to the hard wooden floor, but certainly gave him an alternative to the cold boards. He was happy here.

His only memories consisted of the wooden house and the forest within his immediate surroundings, stuck in a small functional town that rode just within the outskirts of the forest. His short, pointed ears pricked atop his head as the dull thud of footsteps were heard echoing through the floor boards. He held still for a moment, listening to the footsteps until he was certain they were getting closer. He jumped up with a loud yap and began to trot happily towards the closed door, coming within feet of it as it suddenly swung open.

"Nova! Hey boy!" the man shouted with outstretched arms, dropping onto his knees to welcome the mutt before him.

Nova's entire rear end swung from side to side as his tail wagged quickly, jumping up and resting his forepaws on the man's knees as his tongue attacked his owner's face with happy licks. The man's large hand brushed through the thick fur coating Nova's sides, neck, and head. The dark brown coat became streaked with the paths the large fingers wove through it. Nova slid from the man's knees as he stood up, a proper six foot tall, give or take an inch or two. He was padded attractively with broad muscles, each one as tight as the adjacent ridge. First, the long rifle slid off his shoulder and tipped against the wall, followed by the brown leather jacket and the red and black flannel hat and button up shirt. The man was left in dirty jeans that only complimented his tight rump and powerful legs.

"Come on pup, let's get something to eat. I bet you've been in here starving all day, haven't you?" he said to the canine casually as they moved into the kitchen.

A bowl of dog food and a few hearty chunks of venison later, Nova was back on the woolen rug, warming himself beside the fire. The room was much noisier now, filled with the sounds of laughing and the occasional rag-style piano tune. Dull blue light flickered off the man's bony face, chiseled jaw shadowed by the inconsistent light. The man's own deep, throaty laugh sounded through the room as the television played through sitcom after sitcom. Nova trained a heavy eye on the man, watching him with a strong sense of adoration and affection and a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. The sounds of the room swirled in his head, becoming more and more incoherent until finally he drifted off to sleep.

The sun was always far too bright in the morning. It hurt his open pupils and dried itchy clumps of crust in the corner of each eye. Nova unhappily scratched his face on his paws, trying to remove the unpleasant crust and moisten his eyes. A large yawn parted his muzzle, his long, flat, pink tongue curling into the cold morning air floating through the small house. Forepaws stretched forward as his hind end stuck into the air, each muscle pulling and relaxing from the brief but wonderful slumber. As the canine's senses came to, he realized the joy this particular morning brought. Today was trap day.

The comfort of the man's home was nothing compared to the carefree bliss of the wilderness. Nova bounded through bushes and over dieing leaves, crunching them underfoot. He bounded from tree to tree with his nose keen on the scent of wild animals, wet dew, and smoke. A light wind blew, rustling the shedding trees and showering brown and orange leaves through the air. Nova padded quickly now, his nose stuffed against the ground while his head shifted from side to side to take in as much of the surrounding scent as he could. The sharp edge of metal nearly pricked through the soft flesh of his black nose.

Empty. Nova grunted in dissatisfaction as the outline of the small metal trap displaced the leaves, expecting a fresh animal to be caught inside. "The months before the snow are terrible, I say."

His voice was gruff, low, and dominant. The wolf hybrid lifted his head, looking off into the fall air through the tearing bark of each tree trunk. Nova growled and turned towards his right, jumping right back into an excited trot. "With everyone running into hiding and foraging food for the snow, a wolf could only expect to find warm meat in abundance. But noooooo!" he groaned the 'o' into the air with a childish tone. "We're going to have a good sleep for the wiiiiiiinter." He mocked in a high voice. "Pah! To hell with all the hibernators!" He grunted as he came up to the second trap. He grinned wide and began to growl, suddenly leaping from behind a tree...only to hang his ears and snarl menacingly at the equally empty trap.

"Bile! Both of these are empty? But these are the most active areas!" Nova groaned, disappointed. "No way the next two are full.. my only hope is the trap in the bushes." He sighed, drooping his head low and turning in the proper direction.

"The bushes, huh?"

The voice was soft and gentle, yet held an air of confidence and wit. Nova didn't even have to look up to know who that was, but he did anyway, just to look upon her face. "Get out of here Solina, you know Keroth will swipe you good if he finds you with me again." He replied.

The remark didn't even phase the she-wolf as she strut closer to him proudly. "Is that so? And since when was a pup like you old enough to tell me what to do?" she answered, her voice cool and sly.

"And since when did old bitches like you flirt with young pups like me, just to get mounted by someone other than alpha?" Nova's voice held the same dominant tone it always had, undisturbed. Even though he told her off, he found his paws rooted to the spot, even as the female strut around his form and nipped at a pair of rather sensitive organs between his hind legs. Her sleek, tan fur entranced him, her fur only just thicker than Nova's own, yet she was bigger and far stronger than he was. Her ice blue eyes were known to hypnotize, her attitude raw and needy when her vulva was swollen and pink...the combination of her pheromones and her gaze was a deadly one, no doubt.

"Ever since alpha cared less about sex and cared more about his own releases." She grunted, the first to lose the calm vocal front.

"So inexperienced pups are more...I mean...better?" his voice wavered, her pheromones wafting into his nostrils. He knew the scent was arousing, he could feel his body reacting, preparing, uncontrolled as the instinct to mate pounded in his brain and overcame reasoning. So why hadn't cool air kissed the pink and red shaft hidden inside his plump sheathe by now?

"At least we bitches have something to accomplish with pups. Although, you can hardly be called pups, it's only a matter of days before you'd be considered a full adult." She chuckled, tipping her head under his hind legs to nuzzle his sheathe.

He wanted to move. He wanted to kick her snout hard. He wanted to sink his jaws into her juicy neck and show her just how weak she was. But as his muscles clenched, they seemed locked in place. He couldn't move, he couldn't will himself to move. It was as though he had forgotten, and the she-wolf continued to press her cold nose and eager lips against his sheathe. HIS sheathe. "Get away from me Solina." He growled to her. The attention was nice, no doubt, but he was repulsed by it. It was wrong, it was awkward, it was nerve wracking, it felt good. He shuddered as felt a wash of heat run over his sheathe and a rough, slick appendage suddenly curling along the tip of his peeking shaft. The roots holding his paws had grown deep.

A loud snap and a sharp bark of pain echoed through the forest. Nova's senses suddenly turning sharp and clear. He was aroused; his body screamed to mate, his testosterone drove him to grind the inch of shaft that showed against the bitch's maw to get that tongue back. The smell of blood hit his nose. He growled hard, turning on the she-wolf whose head had turned towards the noise as well. His hind leg lifted and smashed into the side of her muzzle, a resounding 'slap!' heard as his pads connected. Solina yelped and recoiled from the kick. "I said GET AWAY!" he shouted to her, turning and snapping at her viciously.

"I'm going to get my kill. If I see your muzzle again I'll make damn sure you never have even an alpha male inside your heat-driven cunt ever again." He snarled, then turned and ran in the direction of the fresh catch.