A Summer Afternoon

Story by GrayFox on SoFurry

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Yadda yadda yadda, you know the usual. Over 18 or 21 depending on the place you live and all that spiffy stuff.

If in some way you dislike any kind of adult-oriented setting, you'd do best to turn back and make like you never saw this. Deal? Deal.

Leave critics as you wish, so long as they aren't random blabbering without sense. If it's constructive, go right ahead. If it's of the other kind, at least give reasons...

Any other positive comments I'll gladly take 'em.

For the heck of it, my mail, though accessible from my user profile, is grayfox2510 (@t) NOSPAMgmail (dot) com. Of course, just remove that NOSPAM tag...

A Summer Afternoon

Finally over, the last day of school! A mackerel tabby cat thought to himself as he walked through the open areas of his school, having finished his sophomore year. He, along with several other furs strolled, making their way either to their last classes of the day or finally home, to party with friends or what not.

He brushed his gray hair aside, the sun hitting his face as he did so. Being the beginning of summer, it was starting to feel a lot warmer than usually, and so everyone was starting to sport lighter wear; a pair of khaki shorts for himself, a white t-shirt with random tribal patterns inked in black around the lower rim, and a pair of tanned shoes.

Guess I should head home. Just as he started to walk away, he heard his name being called out.

"Joshua!" Turning around, he spotted a friend of himself. The female Persian with a full white coat of fur, though oddly enough a light-blonde hair color approached the tabby. "Good thing I found you before you left," she spoke, taking heavy gusts of air as she had been running around. She was wearing a pair of bone-colored shorts along with a black long top covered by a simple white blouse along with a pair of pink-white sneakers.

"Myria... You could have just called me on my phone," the tabby cat sighed.

"Yeah," she panted. "But it's not the same." She finally stood completely, starting to recover her air. "Anyway, remember that my family was going to buy a hot tub? Was wondering if you wanted to try it out with me, considering it just arrived today," she smiled.

"In the middle of the summer? Isn't that a bit..." Joshua frowned.

Myria quickly shook her head. "It's not going to be scalding hot, silly. Just warm, and it's underneath the cloth hung in our backyard, so it's gonna be shadowy," she kept her smile.

"Well, if you put it that way..." And if I get a chance to see you a bathing suit... "When and what time?"

"Are you free today at, say... Five P.M.?"

"I'm actually free all the week, my parents are out, so there's not much to do in my house," he chuckled. "Sure, I'll meet you there then."

"Great! Just go ahead and enter through the backyard, I'll be waiting there. See ya later~!" She waved her hand, and fingers, in goodbye as she started to sprint away; apparently she still had one class left as it was only past twelve.

Guess I better head back... He tried sorting his thoughts on the way home.


Thankfully, they didn't live that far away; about fifteen to twenty minutes if walking. About ten minutes before five Joshua left his home, wearing the same t-shirt as before but instead now a pair of trunks instead of the khaki shorts he had before. He walked through the streets of the city, mostly house streets, until he finally reached Myria's house.

Just as she had said so, the grating door leading to the backyard was indeed open. "Myria, I'm coming in," he spoke in an elevated tone.

"Okay," she answered back from the backyard, no doubt in the hot tub already.

Sure enough, as he bent the corner he saw the feline already submerged; her head peaking around the border and looking at Joshua, who waved at her, doing so in return. "Glad you could come," she smiled.

"Thanks for inviting," he answered. "How's the water?" He tried to make small talk, unsure exactly on what to do at this point as he started to undo his sneakers, removing his socks along the process.

"Not bad, it's warm... but cool as well, probably from the shadow."

"How long have you..." he paused, taking off his shirt, "been there?"

She cocked her head sideways for a moment, a half-frowning look on her face. "I would say about five minutes or so."

"Hope you don't mind me intruding then," the tabby cat spoke as he started to get into the tub from the side, with the Persian cat still giving her back to him. The tub was actually very nice, including the water, and of good size. More than enough for the two cats and still enough space for even two or four more furs to fit in.

"Not at all," she turned around, smiling and just a tad flustered.

"Uhh..." He noticed, she thought as he stuttered. Clearly, below the water line, he could quite easily see her breasts, which weren't exactly enormous, but a decent B, almost C-cup. "W-why..."

"Do you mind?"

"Well... W-well... no. I mean!" He stammered, obviously at a loss as a crimson color was starting to become apparent, even in the Mackerel fur of his body. "B-but, what about your parents?"

"Oh, don't worry," she spoke, blushing. "They are gone for the weekend, remember?."

"But..." He still couldn't come to terms with it, deciding instead to simply look away. Lest a reaction be known... or shown.

"I don't mind the looks..." She spoke, and then nearly whispered, blushing, "provided it's yours..."

"Myria?" He wondered out loud, looking at her, her face looking away a bit as her cheeks flushed.

She approached him, grabbing one of his hands and placing it above her left breast, mostly to feel the beating of her heart. "Joshua, I..."

He shook his head, a smile present upon his lips. Feeling a bit more confident now, he nodded his head as they closed their eyes, drawing her face in for their first kiss together. What lasted seconds in reality seemed like hours to them, enjoying the lips of their partner as they pressed against their own, savoring the sensation inside them.

They parted, their cheeks flustered with a crimson pink color, breathing almost nervously as their gazes looked around.

"Myria, I..."

"Joshua, I..." They spoke in unison.

The tabby cat got the upper hand, "Go ahead."

"Well, I... Though this is somewhat reversed," she giggled. "Would you... be..." She turned her head, almost as if hiding, while whispering, "my boyfriend?"

He chuckled. "You are right," he paused. "It's a bit reversed," he said while drawing her in into another hug. "But I would love it to be with you." As he said that, he could feel her tightening the hug; which consequently, made her press her breasts against his chest.


She quietly and gently shook her head. "I told you. So long as it's you... I don't mind," she smiled, even though he couldn't see her face. She was probably smiling like she had never before. Moving apart a bit, she blushed and looked almost as if she was inviting him.

"You sure?" She simply nodded to his question, grabbing his hands and guiding them over her chest, leaving them there. Not quite sure as to what to actually do, he gave a tentative squeeze. Although probably a bit too hard.

"Just..." she squirmed. "A bit softer, don't be so rough..."

"Sorry," he apologized, his hands now moving slower and gentler. "It's just they are so soft."

"Don't say that!" she blushed behind her covering hands. "It's embarrassing!"

"And you look too cute when trying to hide a blush." To that, not only did she squirm as she further blushed, but she let out a light moan as well.

"Here," she brought her hands down from her face, starting to feel a bit more composed after a moment. Grabbing his hands, she started to guide him. Guiding him almost as if her chest were uncharted lands for the Mackerel cat. She helped him press her breasts, knead them, squeeze them. Everything, while enhancing her own arousal and enjoyment, was also to share the experience with him, and so that he could improve in his ministrations. Which she could clearly see he was enjoying. "Just like that, keep going," she sighed, completely out of enjoyment as her eyes were closed shut for a moment, her breathing starting to sound harder.

She wanted to reciprocate, but the she was feeling very good with just so little; nothing like she had ever done to herself before. "Try..." She grabbed his right hand and started to move it down through her navel before resting atop the fabric of the bottom piece of her swimsuit, "here..." She helped him at first, sliding his hand, along with hers, across her nether entrance but still above the swimsuit. "Ah!" She squirmed, moaning as the touch sent shocks of joy through her spine, having never felt a touch from someone else there.

She kept him there, increasing the tempo and the speed at which his hand slid in front of her slit before she just couldn't take anymore of it like that. Gently pushing him aside, she raised her legs and quickly removed the bikini bottom, tossing it outside the tub without a care in the world. Joshua was, to say the least, bewildered at this. He didn't have much time to gather his thoughts however, as the Persian female was already inviting him to continue. "One finger," she beckoned.

He wasn't about to question her wishes, oh no. Approaching her body, she extended her right hand down, long ago having forgotten about her chest as his mind couldn't focus on two things at the same time, yet. "Gently," she eased him as he started to slip one finger inside her. "Ooh..." Her back arched a bit, enjoying feeling herself penetrated, even if it was just one finger.

"It's warm," he spoke, making the girl further blush, if it was even possible. He smiled to that. While in reality this was his first time with an actual female, he had at least a vague idea of what to try. He started sliding his finger in and out, gently at first, earning short moans and gasps of breath from the feline. After a few strokes, he switched into trying to make circles inside her, sliding his finger around her vaginal walls with a bit of pressure.

"Like that!" She moaned, pulling him into a kiss and a tight embrace. "Just like that!" She said between kisses. He took this as an invitation to start using two fingers, surprising her when the second one was added inside her but she wasn't going to protest. Not against those wonderful sensations going inside of her.

Moaning, quivering and letting out soft yelps of pleasure, her mind was starting to move her body on automatic, almost grinding herself against his hand; release so close but still feeling distant. "Faster..." She whispered, almost whimpering as her head laid on his shoulders. He granted her request, trying to speed up his efforts even though his hand was starting to get a tad tired, not being used to this kind of motion in such speed, and even less while underwater.

Her breathing accelerated, her chest rose and fell visibly as she neared her peak. Her soft moans muffled against his neck at the best of her ability, being outdoors and in plain day. Just as she was about to come, she grabbed his hand and pressed it hard against her insides.

In a shower of colors and sensations on her inside, she came. A long moan, muffled partially by the fur of the tabby cat, was let out of her throat while her left hand, currently behind her loved almost dug inside his fur with her nails. Her body quivered, her back almost forcing her to arch back from the feelings. She suddenly crashed on top of him, the main part of her climax finally fading as her breathing tried to catch up, her hand slowly taking the tabby's out of her, wet both with water and her own juices.

"That was..." She sighed, still riding the afterglow. "Great... Thank you."

He shook his head. "I should say that," he smiled. "Thanks for letting me do that with you."

She grinned, almost devilishly as she pushed him back a bit. "Let me return the favor. Then you can thank me," she spoke as she worked her way around his groin, feeling around his trunks which she soon started to remove. "Must been feeling a bit tight under those," she smirked.

"A bit, maybe, yes..." He helped her remove them before she tossed them away just like with her own bathing suit.

She didn't do anything right away though. Taking a few moments to 'examine' him, even with the water in the way, she still had somewhat of a good view. Tentatively, she grasped his member with her hand. "Warm..." She muttered, before blushing as she reacted to what she said. "Sorry, it's..."

"Don't worry," he shook his head. "I did the same thing I guess," he smirked.

"I'm not entirely sure of what to do here," she admitted. "I mean, I have the general gist of it, but..."

He chuckled, almost subconsciously. "There really isn't too much science for it, you just... well... here." With that, he grasped her hand and guided her along the basic movement, up and down. "That's about as simple as it gets."


"Unless you want to complicate things," and to her look he added, "not that I know how to. But yes, that's it."

"Hrmm..." She kept doing as he said, now without his hand guiding him. A few sighs of enjoyment escaped his lips as he did so, even if it wasn't fast, it felt nice. "My hand's gonna get tired at this rate... Would you... like to..." She blushed, shaking her head before getting closer to his ear and whispered.


"It's... a safe day for me, so, don't worry."

"If you are sure, I'm sure." He nodded.

Nodding in return, she let his member go and got closer to his body with hers. Positioning herself on top, she used her hands to set everything below-water correctly as she started to move down into his member. Slowly, being her first time, his member started to stretch her insides. "Ahh..." She let out a light moan, almost mixed with a bit of discomfort as she started being actually penetrated for the first time in her life. "Hold me," she spoke in a tone mixing a whimpering and an order. He almost knew why but was quickly assured of his supposition as she impaled herself on him, letting out a small shriek as her fingernails almost dug into his back while he embraced her; not drawing blood, but close to. The pain shot through her body quickly, and almost as quickly started to dissipate. Tentatively, she started to raise and lower her body, slowly at first of course, in order to get used to the feelings.

It didn't take long for the pain to turn into joyful bliss however. "This... is... I just... don't have... words for it," she spoke between short moans or sighs.

"I know... what you mean," he answered back. Even though the water was creating a large wall of friction, enough to notably slow them down, they were enjoying the first intercourse of their lives.

They remained in the same position for a while, exchanging kisses and lustful glances at each other, all between short moans or gasps of pure bliss. "The water... won't let me... go faster," Myria whimpered as she tried her best to speed up. Without warning, Joshua removed her from him and stood along with her, he turned her around and she got the idea, bending forward and supporting herself on the edge of the tub. Moving himself near her entrance, he positioned his manhood to the tip of her entrance and resumed the whole process. This time him being mostly in control and being able to go faster.

He enjoyed the position however, as every time he pushed inside of her, he could see her breasts jiggle from the edge of his sight, which he visually enjoyed for a moment before grabbing them with his hands and kneading them, though in a somewhat awkward manner, not being entirely accustomed to giving this kind of attention in two places.

"Ahh!" She squeaked in surprise and pleasure as he did so. "If you kee--ah! Keep that up... I'm gonna... gonna... Ahhh!!" Her legs quivered, almost falling down but Joshua saved himself by keeping her straight, slowing down the rate at which he went in and out of her, his hands leaving her breasts alone for a moment. She bit her lip, trying to avoid making further noise as she rode her second rollercoaster of the day; part of her juices leaking from her plugged entrance into the tub below.

"I'm ok..." She panted. Jagging almost as if she had run a mile non-stop. "You can keep going. Just take it slow for a moment," she asked.

Nodding, he resumed his movements into her insides. "Ahh..." She moaned, still a bit sensitive. He was going slow, very slow actually. Before gradually increasing his rhythm.

"The water... Keeps not being helpful..." He grunted between thrusts.

"Hold on," she spoke, slowly pushing him out of her as she, wobbly, made her way outside the tub, motioning for him to follow.

Against a wall under the cover of the cloth roof, she hugged him, raising her left leg and somewhat locking it around him. "Guess that time I spent in ballet had an use..." She blushed at her own comment. The position was awkward for him, or at least, with no real practice into the subject. Fortunately, they were of similar heights, so he had no trouble getting inside her, even as he started to move.

Her arms surrounded him, their lips locking as their tongues fought a battle of their own that neither were intent of winning. Or rather, that both had already won as they shared their kisses. Her breasts pressed against his chest, softly jiggling with the space they had in the tight space between their chests with each and every thrust.


"Myria..." Their names resounded between kisses.

"I'm... almost..." Joshua grunted.

"It's okay," she panted in response. "Come inside... whenever," she finished.

"Myria!" With her name escaping from his lips moments before being locked again, his body quivered for a moment as his eyes shut close, his seed leaving his body as it traveled into her insides, crashing into the insides of her womb, filling her with a warmth sensation, just enough to trigger a small orgasm for her as she accompanied him in that blissful trip.

Ending their kiss, his member left her opening as they looked at each other in the eyes, without a word. Just admiring each other.

His gaze lingered downwards for a moment, and then smiled. She was confused; she figured he was smiling because of what had just happened, and so she returned the smile.

"You're dripping..." He whispered.

"What?" She asked, confused. Unsure if she had actually heard that.

He chuckled. "You are dripping," he repeated, pointing down with a sly grin.

Her face turned down, and sure enough. Part of what he had given her was now leaving her pussy, and into the floor below. "You idiot!" She gently pushed him away, probably with the hardest blush of her life in her face, pouting at him at the same time. "We just had sex for the first time after declaring to each other and that's all you can say," her arms softly wailed at him before he grabbed them, putting them around him as they hugged.

"You know me," he said back. "But that doesn't mean I didn't think that was incredible beyond words," he kissed her forehead, their tails entwining together into a coil.

She looked up at him. "You mean it?"

"Of course I do," he lowered her head with his right hand, making it rest on his shoulder as they embraced.

She broke the embrace, taking him by one hand. "Here, come on," she spoke, opening the sliding door into the house, dragging him inside.

"But we are soaked!" He half-protested, not really trying to remain inside as she kept dragging him inside, their fur dripping droplets of water, mostly, into the carpet on the floor.

"I don't care, I'll clean later!" She shot back as they rushed up the stairs. Clearly enough, she was taking him to her room, he knew that.

Hastily, she threw open the door of her room, and led him inside. She didn't even bother to close it behind her; no point in doing so, they were alone.

Just as he remembered the room. It had been a few years since he last foot in there, but the walls still had that soft pink hue to them, and it was as tidy as ever. Not a single garment around the floor or somewhere outside her clothes' bin, everything in place, and her bed set-- though probably not for long.

"I still have to repay you the favor," she grinned, softly pushing him into the bed, where he landed, sitting along the edge.

"You don't have t--"

"But I want to, if you don't mind," she looked at him with her big, sapphire-colored eyes.

"If you insist..." He rolled his eyes. In reality, he didn't really mind, at all. But might as well play along, right?

He was more than eager, to tell the truth. Tentatively, her right hand grabbed his length, slowly stroking up and down, trying to take in every detail. From how his glands slid up and down, revealing the head of his member, to the precum accumulated. It was almost...

"You are observing a bit too much, don't you think?" He chuckled, nervously.

"Oh," she jumped back a bit. "I'm sorry. It's just that... I'd never seen one before, and it's so... I don't know..." She looked up at him, her hand speeding up a bit as she worked him.

"I know," he played along.

Smirking, she decided to bring her head down, lapping once at the tip, tasting him. "Salty," she worded out loud. "Is there really nothing else I can do besides using my hand?"

"Well, there are many things, I guess... You can use your tongue, your mouth, or your breasts, or... I really don't know. Remind you you are not the only first-timer here," he chuckled.

"Touche..." She giggled. From the wild demeanor having been seen before, it seemed this had taken a turn into sex ed.

She asked for nothing, as her hand made way to her tongue, licking at his underside. Slowly from the base to the top, her raspy tongue actually working wonders.

"That... felt really good," he said.

She lapped at him a few more times, but she was losing speed with her hand, not quite used to it. She decided to change another thing, and instead of licking, engulfed what she could-- which was mostly the tip at the time being, with her mouth. Awkwardly, she tried to bob her head-- With my mouth, he said. While at the same time, trying to lick his underside, leaving space for her hand to work with her foreskin, peeling it back so that her tongue could play with his naked head.

"Oh God," he whispered. "You said it was your first?"

"Mmhmm," she 'answered' in return. Eyes closed, she tried to focus as much as she could. Trying not to lose rhythm, even though her mouth started to get tired pretty quickly along the way.

"Myria, I..." He muttered, feeling the tension building up in him.

His body jerked for a moment, grabbing the feline by surprise as she apparently had been so focused in what she was doing that she didn't hear him, a warm stream of his cum crashing against the ceiling of her mouth, followed by another stream. She didn't mind it, to tell the truth. She savored what he had to give her before gulping it down as best as she could.

As she removed her head, she cleaned a small trickle that had escaped her lips with her tongue, as if it had been milk caught in the short fur around her mouth.

"Did you like it?" She smiled.

"Very, to tell the truth. But..." He grabbed her from the shoulders, before softly, but quickly, turning her around and lowering her onto the bed, so that she was in a position similar to how he was. He stood, and looked at her before softly pushing her down into the mattress.

With the roles reversed, he was ready.

"What are you--" She was going to question, nudging her head up a bit in order to see, but her question was quickly answered when she felt two of his fingers by her entrance, spreading her lips open. "That's embarrassing!" She protested, without doing anything.

"But there's nothing embarrassing about this cute place of yours," he smirked. "Unless you count the shade of pink that matches your room..."

"Aww!" She pouted, blushing, and softly kicking him. "Stop saying such things, you're making me blush!"

"And I'm missing it..."

"When did you become such a sweet-talker..." she trailed off. She wasn't angry. Quite the contrary, small tears of happiness were accumulated in the rim of her eyes as she smiled.

"At one point between knowing you, and being with you, apparently." His speech didn't stop him at all. He looked inside her as best as she could, sending small jolts of pleasure, or tickles into her body, which were quite obvious in the way her bushy tail lashed around.

"Stop tickling me..."

He looked up at her, "I'm not doing it on purpose!" He looked down, and found what he was looking. The little nub sticking from above her entrance, partially covered under a slight hood of skin. He brushed a finger over it, and her body jerked momentarily.

"Ah..." A very light moan escaping her lips. He had hit paydirt, apparently. Lowering his face, his lips snatched around that little point of her body, very slowly licking and suckling at it, while one of his fingers played around the outskirts of her inner labia, but not quite going inside her yet.

"Ahn... If you.. Keep like that... I won't... Joshua... I... I... I!!!!" Her tail shot down, her body arched, and her hips pressed against his face, his chin getting wet from the liquids pouring from her inside, slowly crashing into the carpet below.

"Is it supposed to be that quick?" He crawled up to her, wondering.

"Oh, shut up," she pouted at him, pushing him aside before crawling on top of him, her breasts almost pressing against his face. "I can't help cumming that fast if you play with that spot that much!" They stared at each other in the eyes, their tails brushing each other as she slowly descended over him, breasts against his chest as their lips locked once again, eyes closing for a quiet moment, their tongues meeting each other as their tastes swapped.

"Ready for round two?" She wondered. He nodded. "Do you mind if I'm... on top?" She blushed, looking a bit to the side.

"Not at all, kitten," he half-mocked her.

"Grah! Stop trying to break the mood with your jokes while at the same time trying to smitten me!" She playfully punched him.

"But I told you, that face of yours you make when I do that is just so cute."

She sighed. "I just can't fight that... Would you mind, moving a bit more... up in the bed? You are kind of on the edge, here."

He moved up, along with her. Resting her weight on her bent legs, she arched forward in order to look as she lowered herself, spreading her opening with her right hand as her left hand held his member in position.

With the tip at her entrance, she started to lower herself, finding much less resistance this time, being able to take his length without problems. Just a tad touch of discomfort as her insides got used to his girth again, but nothing that lasted over a second. Her hands pressed to the sides of Joshua, supporting herself.

She lost less time on this occasion, her body moving up and down a bit slow at the beginning, but quickly increasing the tempo; her breasts jiggling in increasing strength as she did so.

Having two hands free, he decided the best course of action would be, of course, to play with her soft orbs. Grasping them, she gasped a bit, not having been paying much attention. He started to knead them, and pressing them against her body or against each other, playing with her nipples, or just brushing around.

She switched positions a bit, standing straight as opposed to being bent while continuing on what she was doing. "Oh, Joshua..." She moaned.

"Myria," he said in return as he grabbed one of his hands, gently squeezing it. They continued in near-silence, sans for the soft moans, or quips, or other noises that broke the silence.

"How close... are you?" He asked.

"Very, you?"


She started to speed up. She was getting tired, and her movements started to become a tad erratic, but she was so close, stopping would almost be torture, even if for a second. Her body raised and crashed into his, once and again.

"Myria!" He yelled her name, his body jerking for a moment as she came to a stop, feeling her insides being filled by that warmth sensation again; which was everything she needed. The feeling of his cum crashing against the ceiling of her womb was more than perfect to send her over as well, taking another ride in that joyful sensation that washed over her body as her body arched for a moment, before slowly letting herself fall into him and his arms, still joined one with the other.

"I love you," he whispered into her ear.

"I love you too," she whispered back.

They panted, trying to catch their breath, but fatigue was setting in. "We should start cleaning the mess we left outside, but..." She yawned a bit, moving off him, literally separating their bodies as she laid next to him. "I'm too tired..."

"It can wait," he said back, his arms going around her body as they laid in bed, eyes shut, sharing their warmth. Even though it wasn't cold outside, they more than enjoyed the sensation. And without much complication, after a wondrous day, both drifted into sleep for the time being. Such a grand finale for another semester of classes.

I love you.