Fun On The Rodent Express Train

Story by Human Kid Jet on SoFurry

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This is another sex story that is based on the Geronimo Stilton Animated Series, this time, it's more like it's based off on what happened way after the episodes Intrigue On The Rodent Express and Tea Story but it's not a prequel or midquel, it's a sequel to my previous Geronimo Stilton story. Geronimo Stilton is on the Rodent Express train and he accidently falls on the floor after he had tripped over something. Everyone on the train and the train conductor sees him have a bit of a clumsy fall. When the conductor walks over to him, he's afraid he will be thrown off the train and be yelled, complained or put through a blame by the conductor and passengers since he remembers the last two times he was on the train, they all had complained about him and he once got thrown off the train, he pleads with everyone but to his surprise, they don't attack, they end up helping him and both the conductor and the passengers have realized that those two times Geronimo has been on the train and those two crazy situations that have happened was not his fault and was all a big misunderstanding, all the passengers and the conductor on the train apologize to him and make it up to him in every other way they know. Even a tall, large and busty female mouse catches his attention. This one female mouse lady has shown she has made a few brief cameos in the Geronimo Stilton cartoon episodes in Paws Off, Chedderface, Top Model Thea, The Gator Samaritan and Tea Story but her name was never revealed so I gave her a name.

This story may or may not have ageplay in it this time but just lots and lots of size difference and maybe hyper play so it's something new I may or may not try out. You could say it's a sequel to "The One Where Everybody Wins" please leave comments in this story and leave a comment or two in my other story I posted recently too because I want to know how good my stories are from other viewers words but be gentle with the comments, it's been a while since I've been writting so I'm a bit rusty. I'm still not sure if I'm out of this writters block or not.

It was a sunny day and Geronimo Stilton was taking a ride on a train, it was the Rodent Express train that he has taken a few times before, even when him and his family once took that train when they were helping with delivering an old and priceless statue to someone who was waiting for it so they could have it taken to a museum and when he was there when he got his suit case mixed up and tried to retrieve it. Geronimo Stilton was a young male mouse looking to be in his late thirties, he was six feet tall with short brown hair, green eyes, brown fur all over but white fur all over his front torso, chest, belly, feet paws, chin and mouth area, he was wearing a green suit with a green suit jacket, a white suit shirt, green suit pants and a red tie, he had a tail that was two feet long, almost two inches thick and wide.

"I just hope things are okay this time on the train." said Geronimo in his deep yet mature voice which was sometimes sheepish.

Geronimo felt nervous being the the train since his last two times he was on it didn't go so well, his family at first were running wild on the train but they had apologized to everyone on the train for being so crazy on the train and they all said that Geronimo Stilton was innocent and they were just trying to have fun, even when Geronimo told them all to sit still. The last time he was on there was when he tried to retrieve his suit case when it got mixed up with someone elses suit case and he kept on getting clumsy and his clumsiness made him look bad on the train and got him thrown off the train and his first class membership ticket got cancelled. He was walking around the train, trying to find a place to sit down, he recognized all of the passengers on the train and all of them were the same passengers from the last two times he was on the train.

"Excuse me? Do you know where I could sit down, there's not many places to sit." asked Geronimo as he was asking this one old lady.

The old lady mouse was that one, sweet old lady who was walking around in a walker the last time he was on the train, he remembered helping her on the train once. She turned to look at him and placed a hand paw on his shoulder.

"Your the young man who helped on the train before, your a sweet young man. I'm sorry, young man, you might not find one in this part of the train but you might find one on the other set of the train if you go straight forward that way, I saw a few empty seats there." said the old lady mouse kindly directing him to where he could find a place to sit.

"Thanks ma'am." said Geronimo with a nervous look on his face.

"Anytime, sweety." said the old lady.

Geronimo was just about to step forward down the direction the old lady mouse had pointed out to him but the train had a slight bump and it made him stumble a bit but he ended up tripping over one of the legs of the old lady's walker, he started to fall over.

"Sweety, watch out." said the old lady trying to warn him.

It was too late, Geronimo had fallen on his face, he struggled to get up on his feet but he bumped his head on the train's service cart that had some food and tea on the tray, than he tripped over one of the cart's wheels and stumbled backwards with the tray of food and tea rolling after him and when Geronimo had fallen on his back to the floor, he saw the food and tea about to land on him and make a mess all over him.

"HEEEELP." called Geronimo out loud.

It was too late as the food and tea landed all over him, he was covered in some parts of his body with food and hot tea. The hot tea was only on his belly and legs but it wasn't too hot to make it burn. Everyone on the train and the train's male conductor saw this whole event. The conductor walked over to Geronimo to pull the white sheet off him as he and the passengers and the old lady saw him covered in a mess.

"Sir, what just happened?" asked the male mouse conductor as he had a french accent.

"It wasn't my fault, I tripped by accident when the train made a bump and fell, I didn't mean to make a mess or cause any disturbances and I didn't mean to cause anyone any trouble." said Geronimo as he sat up, he was panicking because he was afraid he was going to be thrown off the train. "Please don't throw me off the train, please don't hit me, don't yell at me, it wasn't my fault, it was an accident."

Geronimo was panicking out of fear as he shielded himself with his arms and hand paws as if to defend himself, he closed his eyes tight and shook all over from panick. He waited for someone to make a hard blow at him or drag him off to throw him off the train, but nothing happened. He opened his left eye slowly and to his surprise, the conductor, the passengers and the old lady were all having sympathic yet guilty looks on their faces, he saw that the conductor of the train held out a hand paw to him to help him up.

"Sir, it's okay, we're not going to do any of the sort, please pull yourself together." said the conductor as he sounded and looked like he was wanting to comfort Geronimo.

Geronimo took the conductor's hand paw and he helped pull him up, he was back on his feet and the conductor was cleaning the mess off him with big and clean rags. Geronimo knew he had almost cried in front of everyone, he was breathing in and out heavily as if he was about to cry.

"Sir, there is something we all have to say to you and it's something that we all have realized, please don't cry." said the conductor kindly.

"Okay, I'm calm, I'm listening." said Geronimo as he was trying to pull himself together.

"Is your name Geronimo Stilton?" asked the old lady as she was right next to Geronimo but sitting down.

Geronimo nodded and started to calm down. They all cleared their throats before they spoke.

"Geronimo, I'm sorry I gave you a hard time, threatened you, I'm sorry I threw you off the train and had your first class membership train traveling card cancelled and I'm sorry I tore it up, I'm sorry that I placed blame on you when your family was running wild on the train and I'm sorry for not listening to you when you tried to tell me the truth about what was really going on and for what really happened the last time when you were just looking for your brief case when it got mixed up, I'm sorry I didn't become more understanding when you got clumsy and the tray cart crashed into you and when the mess got all over everyone and when you tripped over some suit cases and when you just got clumsy and kept accidently bumping into something." said the conductor as he pulled out a card from his pants pocket. "Here's your first class membership card back, I had your first class membership card renewed and reinstated, your now a member of the first class train traveling club again, I realized those two times you were last on this train and those two incidents was all a big misunderstanding and I'm sorry I wasn't more supportive, kind, nice and understanding about it and I'm sorry I wasn't more helpful in your time of distress, you were just having a bad day and trying to help. I'm sorry for everything."

"Geronimo, we're sorry for giving you a hard time, we're sorry we placed blame on you when your family was running wild on the train and for not listening to you when you tried to tell us the truth about what really happened and for what was really going on when you were just looking for your brief case when it got mixed up, we're sorry for not being more understanding when you got clumsy and the tray cart crashed into you and we're sorry for getting mad at you, yelling and complaining at you and we're sorry for blaming you when the food and tea landed on all of us and made a big mess on us when you tripped over some of our suit cases, we realized you just got clumsy and in your clumsy state, you accidently kept bumping into something, we're sorry for hitting you out of anger." said all of the passengers as they all looked like they were to blame for Geronimo's misfortunes and realized he deserved better. "We've all realized those two times you were last on this train and those two incidents was all a big misunderstanding and we're sorry we wasn't more supportive, kind, nice and understanding about it and we're sorry we wasn't more helpful in your time of distress, you were just having a bad day and trying to help. We're all sorry for everything."

"Sonny, I'm sorry for being an inconvience on you when you were in a hurry to catch the train when you were trying to retrieve your brief case and I'm sorry that I didn't try to help hold the train a bit longer so you could make it on the train." said the old lady mouse kindly.

"Can you forgive us, please Geronimo?" said the conductor, the passengers and the old lady in unison sweetly.

Geronimo started to feel better as he heard and saw the conductor, the passengers and the old lady apologizing to him for the misunderstandings and for everything else, he took the first class membership card the conductor handed to him and when he looked at it, he saw it was a new card and the conductor really did have it renewed and reinstated and that he was now back to being a member of the first class train traveling club again. He felt so happy as his heart felt better, happier and like a huge weight was lifted off him.

"I think I can forgive you all, thanks for apologizing to me." said Geronimo with a sigh of relief.

"And I hope you can forgive me too, sweety." came a female voice that was sounding like it was a husky, breathy voice that was a bit elderly with a british accent.

The female that said that came from the passengers and she walked over to Geronimo, she gave him a gentle yet firm hug as she wrapped her arms around his, rubbing his back. This lady was a large female mouse who appeared to be either fourty years of age or older from the looks of it, from her appearance and fur color, she could've been older but looked younger by the sight of her, she was at least six feet tall or maybe a bit shorter than Geronimo but it was hard to tell, she had white, curly and bushy hair that looked like it was curly enough to be a perm, it looked like she brushed it to look like it was split apart but was kept up, it still looked curly all over and it looked like it could be a lot of long hair since it had a lot of hair, it looked like it was a familair hair style from someone Geronimo knew, she had brown eyes, light tan fur all over but white fur all over her cheeks, mouth, chin, nose area and feet paws, she was wearing a long orange shirt that goes down to her ankles with short sleeves and a long red shirt under it that also goes down to her ankles with short sleeves, a red bead necklace around her neck and two blue bead bracelets on each of her wrists, the make up she had on was pink lipstick and purple eye shadow, her lips looked like full, luscious lips and did look rather big, her tail was at least two feet long, almost two inches thick and wide. Geronimo felt like the hug was very soft, comforting and warm. Everyone found this adorable by the looks of it.

"Awwww, isn't that cute?" they all said in unison as this looked like a cute sight for them all to see.

"Geronimo, you want to sit with me? I'll make you as comfortable as possible." said the large female mouse who was hugging Geronimo.

"Okay, I could use some company from someone whose being really nice to me." said Geronimo as he felt relieved that he will finally be sitting down.

She planted a kiss to Geronimo's cheek, making him blush. She than offered her hand paw to him to hold and he took hold of her hand paw as the two walked towards a comfortable place to sit down, it was a comfortable booth that was also like a circular couch. Geronimo didn't notice it at first but was glad they sat down on the soft, comfortable, padded and cozy seats to it. Everyone who was there and everyone who apologized to Geronimo all sat down and not only waved at him before sitting back down but also blew a kiss to Geronimo and placed their hands on their hearts as if to show them that they will change for the better for Geronimo's sake and always be much nicer to him. Now everyone sat back down and made sure that everything was okay, the conductor brought some tea and crackers with cheese over to Geronimo and the lovely large lady who was sitting next to him. They thanked him and the conductor walked off as he smiled and waved at them.

Geronimo turned his face and eyes towards the lady who was now sitting next to him, he looked at her and knew there was something about her that looked family, as if she had seen her before but she looked like someone he knew.

"Geronimo, I know I already said this like everyone else but I too am sorry for everything when I misunderstood your situation, I'm sorry for giving you a hard time, I'm sorry I placed blame on you when your family was running wild on the train and for not listening to you when you tried to tell everyone and me the truth about what really happened and for what was really going on when you were just looking for your brief case when it got mixed up, I'm sorry for not being more understanding when you got clumsy and the tray cart crashed into you and I'm sorry for getting mad at you, yelling and complaining at you and I'm sorry for blaming you when the food and tea landed on all of us and made a big mess on us when you tripped over some of our suit cases, I realized you just got clumsy and in your clumsy state, you accidently kept bumping into something and I'm sorry for hitting you out of anger." said the large lady kindly. "I've realized those two times you were last on this train and those two incidents was all a big misunderstanding and I'm sorry I wasn't more supportive, kind, nice and understanding about it and I'm sorry I wasn't more helpful in your time of distress, you were just having a bad day and trying to help. When the city found out that Sally Ratmousen, Simon Squealer and the Daily Rat had someone pretend to be you and made it look like you did some horrible things to people in the city when it was really just someone who wore a mask to look like you and everyone found out the person was an imposter and that Sally, Simon, the imposter and the Daily Rat had tried to ruin your image, I'd like to apologize to you for now believing you and for not listening to you, I'm sorry for thinking you did those things when it was really someone else. I'm sorry for everything. I hope you can forgive me too?"

"How can I not when your being so nice to me." said Geronimo blushing. "Besides, when everyone in New Mouse City found out that person who pretended to be me was an imposter hired by Sally, Simon and the Daily Rat to make me look bad and they found out I was the real Geronimo Stilton and the other was an imposter who wore a mask, I was glad that everyone in New Mouse City, my family, friends and coworkers found out that Sally, Simon, this imposter and the Daily Rat were really responsible for all that, they were exposed to the public, punished and I was proven innocent the whole time. Even the whole city, my friends, family and coworkers were relieved to know that, they all apologized to me and I knew I couldn't stay mad at them so I forgave them when they apologized to me."

She smiled and let out a happy mouse like squeak, wrapping one arm around Geronimo in a one armed hug, both of them grabbed their cups of tea, lightly clinked them together and sipped their tea. After having a few sips of tea, they had some cheese and crackers with their tea.

"You kind of remind me of someone I know, are you by any chance related to a lady by the name of Cynthia Bigfur? She says everyone calls her Taffy." said Geronimo as he was curious.

"Oh, you mean my cousin on my dad's side, she's my cousin." said the large lady as she was clearing things up. "I'm her cousin Bentina Bigfur."

Geronimo finally understood, it all made sense now. Bentina shown some resemblance to Taffy from the looks of it, she had her hair style, the body and more that looked like family resemblance to Taffy. Every part of her body looked larger than Geronimo's body and same size and shape as Taffy's body, her arms, legs, shoulders, her feet paws, her hand paws, her fingers, her toes, her butt, her waist, her hips, her thighs, her mouth, her lips, her neck and her head was all larger than his and same size and shape as Taffy. She even showed to have a big chest bulge around the chest area of her shirt and a big bulge around her butt area of her shirt too, meaning they could be big like Taffy's tits and butt. After they had finished their tea and food, she wrapped her other arm around Geronimo's body and was now closely hugging him to her body, gently yet firmly.

"I see the family resemblance in you and Taffy." said Geronimo as he noticed.

"Taffy's told me all about you, she's right about you looking so cute and adorable." said Bentina with a giggle.

"She was really nice to me, she kind of treated me like a cute kid but I didn't mind." said Geronimo as he remembered his time with Taffy. "How is Taffy?"

"She's doing wonderful, I heard you two see each other from time to time." said Bentina as she rubbed Geronimo's back.

He nodded to what she said about him seeing Taffy from time to time. Geronimo was feeling like Bentina was pampering and spoiling him from the looks of her behavior.

"Would you like something sweet, you handsome mousie?" asked Bentina sweetly.

"I don't mind it at all." said Geronimo as he was happy Bentina was being so nice to him.

She pulled out a few sugar cookies from a bag and she was going to feed it to Geronimo. Geronimo opened up his mouth and Bentina slowly put it in his mouth, he closed his mouth and chewed it up and swallowed it. She gave him another sugar cookie and another which tasted really good, the sweet, sugary and tasty cookies were like a cookie fresh out of the oven and it was soft enough to chew.

"Those were very good, thank you." said Geronimo happily.

"I got them from my mom, she's a good cook, many people in my family are good cooks." said Bentina as she knew that she was spoiling and pampering him like he was a little kid but she liked doing that.

Bentina was reaching for Geronimo's left mouse ear and started to gently rub it while scratching behind it and gently scratching his head while she used her other hand paw to gently yet sensually rub his chest around the heart area of his chest. This made Geronimo blush, even grin a dopey look on his face.

"That feels nice." said Geronimo lazily in a relaxed tone.

"You know sweety, I remember seeing you at the modelling show when your sister modelled a new line of Felipolino's clothes, I remember seeing Taffy being so friendly with you at that time, even I remember seeing you when you and your family exposed who really was behind the mask of the Gator Samaritan, you looked so cute when Taffy was loving on you, you looked so handsome when you exposed the criminal behind the Gator Samaritan's mask, even when you unmasked the imposter who pretended to be you and found out he was hired by Sally, Simon and the Daily Rat and the way you and your family and friends and coworkers exposed them to the public, exposed their evil plans and foiled their evil plans, even proved that you were the real Geronimo Stilton and you were proven innocent the whole time, you looked so handsome when you expose the criminals and their plans and when you put them away for good." said Bentina looking flirtatious. "I'll make sure I'm never cause you anymore trouble like last time."

"You really think I'm cute and handsome?" said Geronimo looking relaxed.

"Will this answer your question, you handsome devil." said Bentina as she face him face to face.

Bentina stopped her hand paws from what she was doing and placed her hand paws on Geronimo's shoulders, leaning in and planted her big, soft, full and luscious lips to his in a passionate kiss. Geronimo's world went off like fireworks when they set off the big fireworks at the finale and his heart was pumping and beating a bit fast from the kiss, both of them closed their eyes as she pressed her body forward against his and she was on top of him now, kissing him while she used one of her index fingers to sensually yet slowly stroke his chest around the heart area.

"Sweety boo boo." moaned Bentina sweetly during the kiss.

"Mrs. Bigfur." moaned Geronimo during the kiss.

Geronimo felt like he was growing a big hard-on in his pants as he felt like he was being seduced by such a large sized lady, she pulled her big lips off his in a loud and wet pop, giggling and smiling at him as they opened their eyes. Bentina looked down and felt Geronimo's bulge from his pants rubbing against her body and she looked back at him with a grin.

"Does Geronimo need some special attention?" asked Bentina giggling.

"What do you mean?" asked Geronimo as he was a bit confused at first.

"I see you got a big and stiff erection in your pants." whispered Bentina in his ear.

Once he heard her say that, he looked down and knew it was true, he had a big bulge in his pants and it was growing bigger by the minute, he looked back up at her, blushing and looking embarrassed while he tried to think of something else to make his bulge go down but nothing worked to make his erection in his pants soften.

"Oh Geronimo, it's alright, there's nothing to be embarrassed about, it's perfectly natural for the body to do that." whispered Bentina kindly in his ear again.

Both of them got up and sat up in their seats with Bentina still holding Geronimo in her arms, hugging him while she placed his head on her large chest. Geronimo could hear her heart beating with his ear listening to it beating, it was soothing him of his embarrassment but he was also remembering that she has a huge set of tits since his face was pressed against her huge chest.

"You don't think I'm a pervert for what my body is doing?" said Geronimo feeling relieved.

"Your not a pervert, sweety, from what my cousin Taffy told me about you, your everything she has said, sweet, cute, adorable, loving, sensitive, such an innocent little mousie that your cute enough to eat up." said Bentina sweetly as she rocked Geronimo in her arms back and forth.

Geronimo had to admit, all this pampering and spoiling was a bit babyish but for some odd reason, he was liking it as he knew that with the way his life has been, he knew that he deserves to be pampered and spoiled from time to time like this by a loving mouse lady. Bentina looked at him and he looked at her.

"Does Geronimo like me?" said Bentina with a flirtatious grin.

"Well, you are being really nice and sweet to me." said Geronimo nervously. "And you do have quite the lovely body from this angle."

Bentina let out another happy mouse like squeak once she heard Geronimo say that, she than placed her hand paws on his cheeks and pulled it up to her face as she repeatedly kissed him all over his forehead, cheeks, chin, nose and lips over and over again which was not only making Geronimo blush a lot but it was also making his heart race a bit faster, it felt like he was getting lucky on a romantic date that he would see in some romantic moments in them romantic comedies as it was making him have that dopey grin on his face again while his mouse ears were wiggling rapidly like they were birds wings flapping.

"Bentina, we're in a public place." said Geronimo giggling.

Once Bentina planted a big kiss to Geronimo's lips, that really made him feel like melting from the romantic love. Geronimo closed his eyes during the big kiss while Bentina was closing her eyes during the kiss too. Both of them could feel their own hearts and minds racing from the romantic power and effect of the big kiss to each other's lips. They heard a little giggle coming from nearby and it snapped them out of their kiss as they pulled their lips away, blushing once they saw the male conductor seeing what they were doing, he looked like he wasn't standing there for too long.

"I see the tea had plenty of sugar but someone wanted some sweet honey." said the conductor giggling with a grin. "Do you two crazy kids need to be alone for a few minutes?"

"That won't be necessary, I know a compartment car or two on the train where I can make my Stilty Wilty have a good time." said Bentina giggling with with an eagered look on her blushing face.

Bentina took a gentle hold of Geronimo's hand paw and they both got up from their seats, going down another part of the train to find an empty compartment car on the train. The conductor was giggling and smiling as the passengers there did the same, waving at them both.

"Have fun you crazy kids." said the conductor, the passengers and the old lady eagerly in unison.

The erection in Geronimo's pants was making a big tent in his pants by now, they were walking down a corridor hallway, they passed a few compartment cars till they were sure that there was this one they came across. Bentina knocked on the door to check if anyone was in it, no sound came from it and she opened up the door to the empty compartment car, they walked inside it and she locked the door once she closed the sliding door and they were lucky that the door had no window on it.

"Don't it look cozy in here?" said Bentina with an aroused sigh.

Geronimo agreed with her as the seats in the compartment car that faced each other looked like they were made and designed like the comfortable seats they were sitting in before. They gave the seats a little press with their hand paws and it was soft, comfortable and cozy as a big bed. Both of them closed the curtain to the window of the compartment that showed them the outside of the train that passed by as the train went on. Bentina turned to Geronimo and pulled him in her arms for a big hug and she was grinding her body against his front body.

"Taffy says your an incredible lover, let's see if she's right." said Bentina with a husky tone.

Bentina pressed her body forward on his and Geronimo fell backwards on the seat, landing on his back while Bentina was now on top of him, practically grinding her front body against his front body, as if she was so horny that she was desperate to have a man with her. Geronimo let out a soft moan but he also felt a bit nervous.

"Will you please be gentle with me, I don't want it to hurt." said Geronimo hopefully.

"Oh honey boo boo, sex doesn't hurt but I'll be gentle so you don't feel hurty wurty." said Bentina in a motherly tone as she gave Geronimo's cheek a gentle but happy pinch.

Geronimo felt like he was definetly being treated like a child from how affectionate and motherly Bentina was to him, he would've found it embarrassing since he was a full grown male mouse but he didn't seem to mind it at all since he felt so safe, comforted and secure from all this, even the way everyone had apologized to him for everything from the last two times he was on the Rodent Express train gave him comfort.

"Bentina stop, the cheek pinching is making me blush." said Geronimo giggling.

"Whose Bentina's sexy mousie?" said Bentina eagerly in a motherly tone.

"Me." said Geronimo happily.

She stopped pinching his cheek and both of them sat up in their seats. Bentina started to stand up right in front of Geronimo as she began to strip herself naked of her clothes, she knew that taking off her long shirts was the first that had to come off while Geronimo watched and felt his arousal starting to creep out of him and make him feel so horny that he could lose it if he was to become way too horny.

"So what brings you on the Rodent Express, cutesie poo?" asked Bentina giggling.

"My sister Thea was going to volunteer to get a scoop for the Rodent's Gazzette newspaper but she got sick this morning and I asked her if she would want me to take her place in getting the scoop, she told me only if I wanted to and I accepted. I got the scoop for our newspaper alright but that information has to remain classified till it's in our newspaper." explained Geronimo as he was loving what he saw her doing.

"That's nice of you to do that for your sister." said Bentina with a grin.

Bentina took off her two big and long shirts and she was now half naked in front of Geronimo, she had on a slip on red bra and red panties. This made Geronimo's cock and balls throb more in his pants while he saw her remove her bra and panties with ease and she was now fully nude in front of him. Geronimo staired at her body as he was now excited to be having this sexual fun on the train with Bentina. She had a thick, wide, round, curvy, voluptious, curvaceous, full, firm, large, plump, broad body, her body was not fat nor chubby, just big in all the right places and big boned with her arms, legs, hips, thighs, waist, hand paws, feet paws and whole torso and mid-section looking wide enough, her mouth was large and wide like Taffy's mouth but Bentina had cheeks that looked to be wide and a bit chubby which revealed her whole mouth was large and wide, her body when naked was compared to an elephant for a female mouse of her size just like Taffy's body. Bentina had super huge and busty tits as her breasts showed to be at a good size of being single 48K-cups, each boob was at least fifteen inches long, eighteen inches thick and wide, each boob stood up straight and never sagged, her butt was just as big as her tits, even same size and shape as her tits too. Her huge butt stood up straight and never sagged as well. Seeing her body naked and exposed like this to Geronimo was like his own private strip tease.

"Your scoop for your newspaper isn't the only thing your going to have." said Bentina blushing. "You like what you see?"

"Yes, yes I do." said Geronimo with an excited look of arousal.

Bentina got closer to Geronimo till she was right in front of him, her face was inches away from his own face as she started to undo his pants from the button and zipper which only got Geronimo more and more interested in the sexual fun he was about to have with Bentina.

"Bentina, your quite the eagered lady." said Geronimo giggling and grinning happily.

She finally undone the button and zipper to his pants and easily pulled his pants and underpants off his body like it was pulling off a sock from her own foot paw. Now Geronimo's huge cock and ball sac was exposed, free and in perfect view of Bentina's eyes and face, his cock was sixteen inches long, three inches thick and wide as it showed his ball sac was at least large as a large baseball or larger. Bentina was looking so excited, happy and much more aroused from the sight, size and shape of Geronimo's well hung male sex organs, looking up at him, she knew this was going to be fun.

"Your much bigger than I expected, my cousin Taffy was right about you being huge like a horse." said Bentina while she breathed in and out in aroused excitement.

She got on her knees and gave Geronimo's huge cock a big kiss to the tip and head of his big dick, making him moan from feeling them big, soft and full lips touching his huge shaft but Geronimo moaned louder as he felt her open her big mouth and out came her whole twenty inched long, a foot wide and six inched thick tongue, she gave Geronimo's whole huge cock a huge, cock and balls smothering lick as her huge tongue was all the way out of her large and wide mouth and big enough to smother his whole body in one big and slow lick. Seeing the sight, size and shape of her enormous tongue was making Geronimo's arousal rise higher and grow hotter.

"Bentina, ohhhhh, your tongue is so huge, big like Taffy's huge tongue." moaned Geronimo eagerly.

After the huge lick, Bentina slipped her huge tongue back inside her large and wide mouth after Geronimo's whole cock and balls was wet from her saliva, she leaned in and gave Geronimo's huge cock another big kiss to the whole tip and head of his big dick, making him moan louder now from feeling them big, soft and full lips touching his huge shaft once again but Geronimo moaned louder as he felt her slowly shove his huge cock into her large and wide mouth. It felt really hot, wet, warm having his huge cock in her mouth and felt like there was plenty of room in her mouth for his huge cock to fit in there as Geronimo's whole huge dick was balls deep inside Bentina's large and wide mouth. Bentina started to eagerly suck him off while Geronimo felt her huge tongue licking and smothering his whole big cock, feeling her huge tongue touching it with every lick of her big tongue made Geronimo quiver and shake from how sensitive the touch felt, it kind of tickled a bit while he felt the heat and tension growing inside his cock, balls and loins.

"Oh Bentina, that tickles." moaned Geronimo softly.

Geronimo remembered Taffy's blow jobs were like the perfect ones a male could ever have, it seems that Bentina's blow jobs had the same affect since Bentina has such huge lips, a huge tongue and a large mouth like Taffy does which was only making him feel like his arousal could grow hotter and higher the more this kept up. Geronimo's huge cock would throb a little and quiver everytime he felt her suckle his big dick, it made his body shake from surprise everytime her huge tongue would touch his huge shaft if it was a little or a lot, he would moan and giggle everytime as he was slowly getting used to the eagered blow job he was having.

"That feels good, ohhh careful, your big tongue is tickling it." moaned Geronimo as he tried to stop giggling.

The tingling sensation in Geronimo's cock, balls and loins tickled but he was slowly growing used to the sensations of his cock being suckled off by Bentina's large mouth, having them big and soft lips of hers pump his huge cock a bit and from having her long, thick and wide, soft, wet and hot tongue licking and smothering his huge cock everytime it touched his huge cock by a little or a lot from smothering it all over to tasting it a little. Geronimo was enjoying himself as he could feel everything that makes a blow job feel so good.

"Don't stop Bentina, it feels so wonderful." gasped Geronimo with a dopey smile from arousal.

Bentina knew he was loving this so she started to suck him off a bit harder while her huge togue was licking and smothering his whole big shaft a bit faster, making the heat and tension in his cock, balls and loins grow a bit hotter, higher and stronger which even started to tickle him inside a bit deeper. This was all feeling so much better for Geronimo that he would just sit there, lean his back to the comfortable, soft and padded seat he was sitting in with his back pressed against it and enjoy himself from the growing pleasure in his body.

"Ohhhh so warm yet so tingly, it feels like your tickling me down there." moaned Geronimo louder.

Geronimo could feel like his whole body was going to be having a great orgasm from the way Bentina was just sucking his huge dick and her huge tongue smothering and licking every inch of it was only making it feel better and hotter, coating his whole cock in her saliva. Geronimo could feel his tail starting to tense up and only grew much more tense than before as the pleasure levels grew hotter and stronger inside his body, he would moan and gasp from how it felt to his body.

"Ohhhhh Bentina, I can feel it coming closer, keep going, I like it." moaned Geronimo happily.

He was right as his body felt like it was growing closer to an orgasm which made her suck his huge cock off harder and her huge tongue was licking and smothering his whole big dick faster, it felt so good as he could feel the heat and tension tingling and growing hotter, higher and stronger, tickling his cock, balls and loins deeper and deeper. Now Geronimo's tail was so tense that it stood straight out, his body was tense all over and his mouse ears were wiggling happily from excitement which made him moan lustfully for more, his orgasm was now ready to blow.

"It's gonna....ohhhhh it's gonna.....uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." grunted Geronimo.

Geronimo was so tense that once he felt his orgasm ready to blow, he moaned lazily out of relaxation as he came hard into Bentina's large mouth, shooting rope after large ropes of cum inside her cock-hungry mouth, she was swallowing every drop and every rope that he shot into her large mouth. The feeling of his load finally blowing felt good and feeling her mouth lick, smother and suck his whole cock that way and the feeling of her mouth pulling on his huge dick from swallowing his large load of cum was feeling like heaven to him.

"Ohhhhhhhh yeeeaaaaahhhhhhhh." moaned Geronimo lazily with a sexually dopey look.

His orgasm lasted for a long time till it eventually came to an end, once she pulled her mouth off his still hard and fully erect dick, she knew that Geronimo wanted more and Bentina felt like she could go for a good round of sex with his big shaft inside of her body but this time, in a different hole.

"How was it when I gave it a big sucky sucky?" asked Bentina playfully teasing him.

"It tickled me in more ways than any female could tickle a male's sweet spot." said Geronimo feeling proud.

Suddenly, Bentina got up and stood up on her feet paws again but she was now starting strip Geronimo naked of the rest of his clothes which made him feel the sexual excitement in his body and mind come back and he was ready for another round of sexual stimulation.

"You want more, don't you?" said Bentina teasing him.

Geronimo nodded his head and felt like being stripped naked by Bentina was increasing his libido, once she had all of Geronimo's clothes stripped off his whole body, he was fully nude in front of Bentina. Both of them were now fully nude and Geronimo's slim yet well trimmed body was now fully exposed and naked in front of her. He blushed and his huge cock and balls throbbed for attention.

"I'm gonna rock your world and show you that large women make the best lovers for a cutiesie poo like you." said Bentina giggling in a motherly tone.

Bentina started to guide Geronimo's body by laying him down on his back to the seat, making him lay down on his back all the way and his huge cock was the only part of his body that stood up, she got on top of him and placed her hand paws on his shoulders, it looked like she was getting ready to mount him. Bentina leaned in and gave Geronimo's whole chest, nipples and face a few big and eagered, body smothering licks up and down as her huge tongue was all the way out of her large mouth when she did this and Geronimo giggled from the licking.

"That tickles, hahahahahahaha, I'm not a lollipop but you can lick me as one." giggled Geronimo as her huge tongue licking him tickled a little.

"Your so cute, you make me want to eat you up like your a sweet pumpkin pie." giggled Bentina flirtatiously.

They both finally started moaning as Bentina shoved Geronimo's huge cock inside of her pussy hole, it got in there balls deep and it felt really hot, tight, wet and slippery inside of her. Bentina started to eagerly but steadily ride and thrust Geronimo's huge cock while her pussy hole was starting to firmly squeeze it, her huge tits bounced, jiggled and swayed in front of his face which made him feel the excitement in his body and on his face seem a bit happily eager. Both of them felt the heat and tension growing inside their bodies which was a nice feeling for their loins. As Bentina held him by having her hand paws on his shoulders to steady herself without falling off him, she knew this was starting out to be fun for the both of them. Bentina stopped licking him after a bit and her huge tongue slipped back inside her mouth.

"You feel really warm and tight inside, always hold me, I feel so safe in your arms." moaned Geronimo softly.

"Your quite the tight fit yourself, your sweeter than them sugar cookies." moaned Bentina softly.

They both felt the heat and tension in their bodies growing as they kept making-love, she was making sure she was gentle with him since he didn't want to feel any pain during sex. Bentina would give Geronimo's face and chest a few big lick with her huge tongue a few times and slipped her huge tongue back inside her mouth which the licking just tickled him a bit or increased his pleasured arousal everytime she did that, even watching her huge breasts bounce around his horny face was increasing the excitement in his body and mind.

"You wanna smooch me, don't you, you handsome devil?" moaned Bentina starting to chuckle.

"Oh yes, a kiss would be nice." moaned Geronimo blushing.

Bentina leaned in and planted her soft, full, big and luscious lips to Geronimo's lips in another passionate kiss, both of them kissing each other while she slipped in her large tongue in his mouth and both of them explored each others mouth while kissing. Having a huge tongue seem to make kissing better for both of them apparently but the kiss was driving them crazily wild, kissing seemed to make their arousal, the passionate feelings and sexual sensations grow stronger inside their minds and bodies as they were turning out to be good kissers.

"Geronimo." moaned Bentina during the kiss.

"Bentina." moaned Geronimo during the kiss.

After kissing each other with tongue for a bit, they pulled their tongues back inside their mouths and pulled their lips off in a loud and wet pop, taking in a deep breath and letting it out. Their bodies were feeling the horniness grow stronger and that told them to kick it up a bit with their bodies movements. Bentina started to ride and thrust Geronimo's huge cock a bit faster and harder, her pussy hole squeezed his huge dick a bit tighter and harder, even when Geronimo watched her huge boobs bounce, jiggle and sway in front of his horny face a bit faster up and down was exciting him with eagered happiness. Both of them moaned as all of this felt better than the speed they were going from before as the heat and tension grew a bit hotter, higher and stronger inside their bodies, tingling stronger in their loins which felt incredible.

"Oh Bentina, this feels so nice." gasped Geronimo with a breath.

"Oh Geronimo, you feel really incredible yourself." gasped Bentina in a breathy tone.

It felt hotter yet stronger inside their bodies as their bodies increased the speed and movements from the sexual sensations tingling stronger. They moaned and gasped loudly from how much better it felt to increase everything to kick things up higher. Geronimo was feeling everything tingling inside his body but mostly in his sex organs of his body, same thing Bentina felt in her body. Bentina started to slowly rub yet lightly pinch his nipples to add onto the arousal that grew inside his mind and body, it felt good but was a bit sensitive.

"Ohhhhh careful, those are sensitive and quite, hahahaha, ticklish." moaned Geronimo chuckling.

"Ohhhhh babyface, your so cute, everything about you is so adorable like Taffy said, them big and round mouse ears, your cute face, them cheeks and the way you blush, giggle and smile, I could spoil you rotten." moaned Bentina giggling.

Bentina kept rubbing and pinching Geronimo's now fully erect nipples as she even gave his whole chest a few more body smothering licks up and down which not only tickled Geronimo's body but seeing the size of her huge tongue was just so sexually enticing to him. Everything just kept growing hotter and stronger the longer they kept going with their session of passionate sex. The more they kept at it, the better everything felt for their pleasured bodies and minds.

"Ohhhhhhh you really think I'm all kinds of cute?" moaned Geronimo sheepishly.

"Ohhhhhhhh yes, your my mousie bubba boo." moaned Bentina motherly.

Hearing her say this to Geronimo would've made him feel a bit embarrassed, he was a full grown male and it would've made him feel like he was being treated like a baby child but he was too horny and having too much fun to worry about that. Bentina started to ride and thrust his huge cock faster and harder now as the sexual sensations grew stronger, her pussy hole was squeezing his huge dick tighter and harder than before while her huge tits bounced, jiggled and swayed rapidly up and down in front of his happy face. The heat and tension grew hotter, higher and stronger than ever which was pleasantly tingling inside their bodies and loins deeper. Both of them could feel an orgasm growing closer and it was starting to make everything feel so much better, for Geronimo, his tail was starting to tense up like his body, making it harder for him to move while for Bentina, it was starting to make everything in her body tense up too but she just kept pounding his big dick away.

"Ohhhhhhhh Bentina, it's going to blow out of me soon, ohhhhhhh, I'm gonna pop." grunted Geronimo loudly.

"Ohhhhhhhh Geronimo baby, come on and blow your jizz in me, come to momma, come to momma." grunted Bentina eagerly.

Both of them were sweating all over and Bentina was now giving it everything she had, she was riding and thrusting his huge cock at full speed as fast and hard as she could, her pussy hole was now clamped down as tight and hard as it could on his big shaft, making her huge tits rapidly bounce, jiggle and sway in front of his hornily happy face. Both of them felt the heat and tension grow so hot, high and strong that the pleasantly tingling sensation in their bodies were tickling their whole bodies from the inside but mostly felt it in their sex organs and loins. Geronimo's whole body tensed up to where he couldn't move an inch of his body in any direction if he tried, his tail got tense and stood straight out while Bentina was just pounding his huge cock away, their orgasms were now ready to make them explode.

"Ohhhhhhh, gonna blow up, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." grunted Geronimo as a loud and wet gurgling sound came from his cock and balls.

"Here it comes, big boy." grunted Bentina as she was holding onto him as best as she could.

Geronimo was the first to cum violently hard inside Bentina's tight pussy hole, shooting huge ropes of cum inside her as he shot rope after large ropes of cum inside her body like it was flowing water from a waterfall at full force. After he started cumming hard, that's when Bentina came just as hard as Geronimo was. Both of them felt their whole bodies tingling and tickling all over inside at intense pleasured levels. Sweating all over and both couldn't stop cumming if they tried since it felt like it was too much fun.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Bentina, it tickles." moaned Geronimo loudly in relief.

"Ohhhhhhhhh your quite the lover Taffy said you'd be." moaned Bentina huskily.

Both of them continued to cum harder and longer as they couldn't stop cumming, it only made Bentina keep pounding Geronimo's big dick faster and harder like she was pent up, making her tight pussy hole clamp down on it tighter and harder like it could get stuck in there, her huge tits were rapidly bouncing around his horny face so fast that it was at full speed. The heat and tension just grew hotter, higher and stronger which made them sweat more and everything just tickled and tingled stronger and deeper. Both of them were moaning loud enough to make orgasmic screams and squeaks.

"Ohhhhhhhhh spank my fat fanny, spank my big, fat fanny." moaned Bentina with a squeak.

"Ohhhhh momma." moaned Geronimo with a loud squeak.

He obeyed her and gave her fat butt a firm slap which made it jiggle, than another slap to make it jiggle more. As both of them kept cumming harder and longer, it started to make them feel another one come on and both of them came violently harder again in a second orgasm that was much harder and stronger than their first, blowing out more and more ropes of cum after the other. Bentina was pounding his huge cock so fast and hard that she was going at rapidly full speeds, making her pussy hole clamp down on it so tight and hard that it felt like it was now stuck in there which couldn't come out of her pussy hole everytime she would pull it out a little and push it back in. Her huge tits rapidly bounced, jiggled and swayed in front of Geronimo's horny face that he followed their movements and watched them, even watching her horny face with a smile on his face. The heat and tension was now so hot, high and strong that it was over the top a little, moaning and gasping louder and louder from the increased power of the pleasantly tingling tickled sensations that was at intense levels in their bodies, minds, sex organs and loins.

"Ohhhhhhh big momma loves you, oh yes she does." moaned Bentina giggling and panting.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh love me momma, love your baby boy." moaned Geronimo as he was panting and feeling so horny he'd say anything.

They came hard for such a long time that it took them quite a long time for their orgasms to eventually end. Bentina plopped on top of Geronimo and held him in her arms closely to her body, resting and panting from the intense sex they had which took a bit out of them but it felt incredible.

"That was, wonderful." panted Geronimo.

"Taffy's right about you being a bigger and better lover." panted Bentina.

They both rested for a bit to catch their breath and both got up. Bentina pulled out some clean rags from her suit case and helped clean both herself off but also Geronimo so that no one would see the mess of sweat and cum on their bodies, they even cleaned the mess of cum from the seats and anywhere else it was. Bentina put her clothes back on while Geronimo changed into another pair of clean clothes from his suit case as he put the clothes he was wearing in his suit case and changed into the clean pair of clothes. Bentina hugged Geronimo and rubbed his back and the back of his head.

"Oh Geronimo, your such a sweet heart." said Bentina sweetly.

"Your a really nice and kind lady, I've enjoyed the time we had together." said Geronimo kindly.

"You know Geronimo, maybe we could make this a frequent thing, me and my cousin Taffy woud love to makie sweet love with you when ever we can." said Bentina making a suggestion.

To Geronimo, that souneded like a wonderful idea and his mouse ears wiggled happily at the idea and he was having such a happy look on his face.

"I'd love that very much." said Geronimo as he hugged her back.

Both of them felt so happy to hear that. The train started to move slower and they knew that was time for them to get off the train. They packed up everythng they had and put it in their own suit cases. Both of them walked out of the compartment car they were in and walked towards an exit of the train. They had arrived at the train station that would lead them both to the city area of New Mouse City. The conductor, the passengers on the train and the old lady have waved good bye to Geronimo and Bentina and Geronimo and Bentina waved good bye to them as well. Bentina and Geronimo walked towards a part of the train station and saw Geronimo's family waiting for them. Thea, Trap, Benjamin and Pandora waved at Geronimo and both Bentina and Geronimo walked over to them till they were right in front of them.

"How was the trip Geronimo? I hope there wasn't any trouble." said Thea hopefully.

"It was actually no trouble at all, Bentina here made sure of it." said Geronimo blushing. "I got the scoop we have been needing and I hope your feeling better Thea."

"That's wonderful, I'm feeling better now, thanks." said Thea happily. "Thanks for doing this for me, brother."

"I'm glad to have helped out." said Geronimo proudly.

Suddenly, Geronimo saw Trap wearing what looked like a chicken suit and wondered why he was wearing it but also gave a little giggle.

"Trap, why are you waearing a chicken costume?" asked Geronimo curiously.

"I was going to a comedy convention for funniest costume but the convention was cancelled, people got sick with food poisoning and I didn't have the time to change out of it." said Trap.

"That and the zipper to his costume is stuck." giggled Benjamin.

Geronimo giggled as he knew that Trap was stuck in a chicken costume but knew how to help him out of the suit.

"Let's go take care of that scoop and put it in our newspaper." said Thea.

Thea, Trap, Benjamin, Pandora and Bentina gave Geronimo a group hug and headed for home. Geronimo explained to Thea about how his trip went and how everyone on the train had apologized to him about how they mistreated him them two previous times he was on the Rodent Express train and how the conductor had reinstated and renewed his first class traveling membership card that he now has back but he made sure he didn't tell her about the sex he had on the train with Bentina. Thea was glad to hear his trip was okay and both Thea, Trap, Benjamin and Pandora apologized to Geronimo for those two times they gave him a hard time on the train and for making him look bad when they had ran wild on the train, after they apologized to him, Geronimo forgave them and they put their new scoop in their newspaper at the Rodent's Gazzette. After all that, Geronimo was taken over to Bentina's home where Taffy lives and both Taffy and Bentina had a wild sex orgy with Geronimo as Geronimo knew that both him, Taffy and Bentina will be keeping in touch with each other if they ever need comfort and love or if they want to have some wild sex.

The End

The One Where Everybody Wins

It was a sunny day in New Mouse City and at the Rodents Gazzette, Geronimo Stilton was in his office, he lay near his desk as he was crying and grieving a lot of tears ever since the trip to Transratania him and his family had taken to help out their...

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A Chat With The Teacher

It was a sunny day in New Mouse City and a week had passed since Geronimo Stilton and his family had foiled Professor Franz Ravenrat's evil plans to still all the information through out the whole city and now the crazy professor Franz Ravenrat is put...

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Do You Love Me?

It was a sunny day in New Mouse City and Geronimo Stilton, his family, Thea, Trap, Benjamin and Benjamin's best friend Pandora have saved a lovely lady's theatre from going bankrupt and foiled another one of the evil plans of Sally Ratmousen and Simon...

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