Just what I needed

Story by gryphraff on SoFurry

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It couldn't be morning already could it?

Yeah. It was. A beautiful Saturday morning, if the sun streaming through the small windows was any indication. A bleary-eyed gryphon moved his arm to cover eyelids that were suddenly too thin to block out the intense glare. Slowly, other sensations crept upon him. A headache. Dry tongue. That awful morning horniness he got whenever he drank a lot the night before. What was up with that?

The pained gryphon curled into a little ball and tried to move towards the middle of the bed. He bumped against something warm and furry which made his heart jump for a second, before he remembered that Mike had crashed here the night before.

It wasn't long before the need to get rid of last night's beer started to talk to him. He ignored it, but it became more instant until he couldn't ignore it. Slowly, he uncurled and sat up, holding his aching head in scaly paws for a few moments while the dizziness subsided. Eyes open at last, he took a glance at the lion that had shared his bed last night.

Mike was splayed out on his back, one arm draped over the side of the bed, the other on his furry chest. His head was cocked to one side, mouth open, long pink tongue hanging out. The classis "I'm drunk and I can't get up" pose. Rick smiled to himself in spite of the pain in his head. It was then he noticed that Mike had stripped completely before falling into bed. Rick's gaze was drawn lower, where the lion's own maleness stood at full attention. This was the first time Rick had ever seen the lion completely nude, and the sight made his body quiver. The weak morning erection he had jumped to a full blown throbber, even as he felt something warm run down his tight, furry balls.

Dammit, thought the gryphon. He was leaking, and it wasn't because he needed to take a piss. He tore his gaze away and slid out of bed so he could stumble towards the bathroom. He discarded his boxers on the way, nearly tripping over them.

Rick tried to steady himself over the white bowl, but it was swaying too much. Or was he? It was hard to tell. Finally, he just sat down on it and leaned forward so his erect cock wouldn't spray urine all over the floor. He grunted, willing the liquid to flow from his body, but it refused. He pushed, making his head thump harder. Finally, the muscles unclenched and his bladder emptied itself of the foul-smelling yellow liquid and a small measure of relief replaced it. It didn't, however, make the hard-on go away.

Rick whined to himself as his paw circled the slick shaft. He worried about what the lion would think, waking up next to a sex-saturated gryphon. Or would he even notice? The animal stink they both had in the morning was powerful. Would the lion even be able to pick out the gryphon's musk?

Those thoughts were lost a moment later as the gryphon's frantic strokes brought him to orgasm. He quickly cupped his free paw under his cock, catching most of the seed that spilled from the tip.

The feeling of pleasure disappeared quickly, not that it had much force to begin with. But it had the desired effect. The gryphon's staff slowly pulled back into it's furry housing. Rick quickly washed his paw off, drank down some water and aspirin, and headed back to the bedroom. He wanted to curl up with the lion, but what would Mike think? Probably nothing, since they were both drunk at the time.

Mike was still laid out on the bed, and Rick avoided staring at him, knowing full well what would happen if he did. He slid back into bed, and moved next to the lion, pressing up against the warm fur. He nuzzled his beak under the lion' arm, taking in his heavy morning scent, and closed his eyes once more, where sleep took him.


Mike finally awoke to the same have-to-piss feeling that awoke the gryphon a few hours earlier. He blinked, closed his mouth and tried to work up enough saliva to remove the cotton from his tongue. No luck.

He felt awkward. Well, part of that was because Rick's head was pushed under his arm. The rest was probably due to the fact that he lay there with everything exposed. He groaned, partially in pain, partially in disgust. What would his friend think?

The grayish tan lion slid out of bed onto the floor. His head hurt something fierce. He was hungry, thirsty, and, um, yeah. Horny. Blurry eyes looked for clothing and found it. Bending down to pick up his shorts was a different matter, however, and he almost fell doing it.

The trip to the small bathroom was painfully long, but he made it. Unloading last night's beer was just as painful, but a cold glass of water took some of the pain away.

But what to do about the rod that stuck from between his legs? The lion was hesitant to do anything about that here, although the lingering smell suggested that the gryphon had thought otherwise. Sighing, he gave himself a quick rub before putting on his shorts, the rough cloth sending shivers up his back as it drug over his sensitive shaft.

He made it back to the bedroom where the gryphon was awake once more and staring off into space. Mike flopped onto the bed belly first, and buried his maned head in the pillow. "Remind me to never drink that much again," he mumbled.

"nnnnng" replied the gryphon.

Time passed.

"What are you doing tonight," asked Mike.

"Hopefully not having another headache," was the reply. "Why?"

"It's been almost three months since I've gotten any tail. How about we pick up females tonight and bring them back here?"

Ah, Rick thought to himself. Here it comes.

"What," rumbled the lion in jest. "Don'cha like girls?"



"I'm gay. I don't like girls."


Mike lay face down on the bed for a long time, trying to deal with that revelation. He was kind of surprised with himself for not feeling revulsion. Just a strange sense of curiosity. You don't suppose...

"Hey, Rick?"


"Um, what...that is"

"You're a drop-dead gorgeous lion."


"But I like to spend time with you because you're an all-around great guy. You like everything I like," continued the gryphon.

Mike swallowed hard. "And if I were to ask you to, you know..."

Rick wanted to jump up and shove his tail underneath the lion's nose and shout Fuck me, you fabulous cat! But, he didn't.

"If only I could be so lucky," Rick muttered.

"Got any aspirin?" Mike asked after a while.

"Bathroom cabinet," replied Rick.

The lion slid out of bed again.

Rick thought about what the lion had just asked. What if I asked you to have sex with me? Was he honestly considering it? The mere thought made his heart pound and his dick hard. But when the lion came back to bed, he flopped back down and was asleep in minutes. Rick watched the lion for a few minutes before deciding his head was clear enough to get a shower.

Hot water beat down on his head, running through his feathers and fur. Rick stood in the shower for long minutes until the water turned cool. A towel to get the water out of his fur, and he felt a lot better. He padded back to the bedroom for some fresh clothes, and found that Mike was awake again, staring at the ceiling. His great paws were on his chest, and his shorts still showed that he hadn't taken care of his needs. But Rick tried not to stare at the cat, even though he wanted to.

"Um, Rick?"

"Yeah?" replied the gryphon.

"Um, you know earlier, when you said that you, you know, wish you could be..."

Rick wasn't sure that he was hearing the words properly. His heart started to pound in his ears and his head swam. "I wish I could be so lucky as to have you?" he whispered.


"I hope I didn't upset you when I said that," said Rick. "But I meant it only as a compliment."

"I know," said the lion.

Silence. Neither moved.

"I," started the lion.

"I mean, if you wanted to,"

Rick turned to look at the lion that lay in his bed.

"Are you sure you want to do that?"

The lion stared at the ceiling a while longer before nodding his head. Rick slowly walked over to the bed, trying to keep his excitement in check, but his body was already betraying him. He sat down on the edge of the bed and touched the lion's chest, reveling in the feel of the warm fur underneath of his paw. "I didn't think you would be interested in being with another guy," whispered Rick.

"I...don't know that I could," said the lion. "Not with anyone other than you. I guess it's because, I don't know why..."

"I know, it's kind of confusing." With that, the gryphon got up from the edge of the bed and circled around, so he could lie down beside the lion. He curled up close, laying his head on the furry chest. He ruffled the grayish fur on the lion's belly, generating a purr from deep within.

Rick let his paw wander lower, until he reached the waistband of the lion's shorts. "May I?" he whispered. The lion swallowed and hesitated before muttering yes.

Rick still really couldn't believe this was happening. All the fantasies he'd had over the last three months were coming true.

Rick lifted his paw and gently traced the back of a claw tip along the wet line in the lion's grey shorts. Mike tensed, but relaxed a little when he was stroked a second time. Rick traced the dark curve a while longer before whispering a question about the lion taking off the now-damp shorts.

Rick pulled away and rolled over a bit to give Mike some room. Within moments, both had shed the only vestiges of clothing they wore. Rick rolled back over to lay his head on the lion's chest once more. This time, he stared at the lion's glory. "We look a lot alike," stated Rick as his paw ran over the now-free lion cock.

"Rick, I..." said Mike through heavy breathing. "I, that is, I don't last long..."

"I know." said Rick. "I tried to find out everything I could about the male lion."

Rick moved his head lower until he was able to take about half of the lion's red shaft into his beak. He had to be careful not to hurt his lover; the tip of his beak was sharp. But he was able to run his tongue over the tip, which made the lion draw in a deep gasp. Obviously, he had found a very sensitive spot.

Rick licked his lover a few more times, and suddenly felt the lion tense. Another lick and the lion exploded into his beak. He tried to keep as much of the cat's seed as possible, but some ran out of his open beak and onto the grayish fur below. No matter, he could always get that later.

As explosively as it started, the lion relaxed and went limp. Rick cleaned the rest of his lover's ejaculate off the now flagging pole, and licked as much of it out of the fur as he could. Finally, he had cleaned his lover's body the best he could, and he crawled back up to lay his head on the furry chest once more.

The lion stared at the ceiling, drawing his breath hard. Rick listened to his lover's pounding heart as it slowed.

"I guess I didn't realize how much I needed that," said Mike after a while. "Thank you."

Rick nuzzled deeper into the lion's musky fur. "Anytime," he muttered.

Rick's own erection was pounding, demanding that he take care of it. But he didn't want to move to quickly. The lion had taken a big step today. No need pushing it.



"I, that is if you don't mind..." Damn. Why the twisted tongue all of a sudden?

He felt the lion's paw on his back dig into his feathers and pull him a little tighter to the lion's side. "I need to take care of myself, um, if you want to watch, that is, I can go into the other room and," Rick snapped his beak shut. He was rambling.

"Let's get a shower," replied Mike. With that, he slid from under the gryphon and threw his legs onto the floor. "Mmm?"

Rick followed the lion into the small bathroom, feeling a little awkward that his maleness was fully exposed. It didn't help that the lion's furry ass swayed in front of him, with that lazy tail that whipped back and forth, back, forth,

Rick suddenly realized that the lion had stopped and was looking over his shoulder with a wry smile on the black lips. With a snort, the lion continued on into the bathroom. Rick quickly followed as the lion turned on the water and played with it for a minute to get the temperature right.

"After you," said Mike. Rick pulled the curtain aside and quickly stepped into the stream of warm water. A cool draft told him the lion had followed. Arms circled his belly and pulled back until he met the resistance of a wet lion. They stood together for a minute, the hot water dripping over them, matting down fur and feathers and bringing out the smell that only a wet animal can produce.



"Thank you for that."

"'r welcome."

"Had you told me two months ago that I would..."

"I know," said Rick. "I found myself that way too."

Rick leaned back into the lion, even as he felt one of the great paws loosen from around his middle and travel down his belly, until it stopped just where the fur from his hard-on bunched up. "I've never done this before..."

"Just like you were doing it to yourself."

The furry paw slowly wrapped itself around the tapered shaft and squeezed gently, making the gryphon gasp. The lion slowly moved up and down on the gryphon's pole, making Rick shiver. He closed his eyes. No need to fantasize here. He lay back into the lion's grasp, even as he felt a gentle bite on his neck. I belong to him now, thought the gryphon, I'm his, fore...

The first tickle of impending release stabbed at his gut. He tried to hold it back, it was too soon. The lion's paw was unrelenting, however, slowly stroking him, slowly, slowly.

"Faster," the gryphon gurgled, even as he approached the edge. The lion complied, but not much, ever so slightly did the speed increase, but it was enough. The gryphon sucked a deep breath and held it hard as his arms went rigid and his paws made fists. "Nngu" left the beak as all of the pent-up desires escaped his body in an explosive orgasm.

The lion continued to stroke the trembling gryphon. Strange emotions went through him, the pleasure of seeing someone react so intensely to simple touches, of seeing the pleasure that he could bring to another.

Finally, the gryphon relaxed, and the orgasmic jerking in his erection slowed even as it flagged and started to slip from the Lion's slick grasp. Rick kept his eyes closed even as he felt the paw leave his groin. What sounded like a lick ensued from behind him, followed by a "Yuck!"

In spite of himself, Rick giggled and grunted as his sides started to burn from the intense release he had just experienced.

"Did I taste like that?" asked the lion.

"Mmmm, yeah. Not very good, is it?"

The lion circled his paws around the gryphon once more. "Just seeing you in such intense pleasure makes it wonderful."

Rick felt a strange twinge go through his body, like an electric shock had jolted his chest. His...heart? The pain that had haunted him for so long was gone, burnt away in the radiance of a black maned lion.

"Is it possible to be in love with someone so quickly?" whispered the gryphon, turning to bury his beak in the wet, musky fur.

Rick felt the lion's hot breath on his ear tip.

"Yes, love. It is."