Lost Souls - Chapter 1 (Redux)

Story by ScareCrow613 on SoFurry

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Another quick forward. This is a revised version of chapter one with a bit of added material. Nothing really fancy or drastically changed, just a bit more revision which was aided by the input of the amazing Huevadoches Naumova (Thanks Hueva!!!). In all honesty, retooling this was just something for me to do while I thought about chapter 2, which I have happily finalized and am pleased to say that it is already underway. And as usual please comment, especially in regards to whether or not this worked out better than the first.

Lost Souls - Chapter 1 (Redux)

It was dark, and shi was falling. It was cold, so very cold, the icy wind lashing cruelly at hir naked form, slicing like frigid blades. Shi tried to scream, to breathe, to think but shi couldn't. There was nothing shi could do to stop from sinking into the inky darkness as the black wind roared past. It was like the frosty grasp of death as the blackness, like terrible necrotic claws, reached to claim hir.

Sheila Mallari awoke with a scream and bolted upright in a bed, a cold and icy sweat on her brow, like the chill winds of hir nightmare. Shi laid confused for a moment as shi felt the bed beneath hir, smooth, firm, and clean, and very unlike hir own bed. Then it began to dawn on hir that the bed shi had been sleeping in was not hir own and fear welled up in hir gut. Nervously, the young horse spun around, observing hir surroundings. It was dark and quiet; the only light that pierced the gloom was two small beams emanating from the cracks of what Sheila believed to be a door. The air was warm and heavy, and filled with smells that were vague but strangely familiar to Sheila, as if shi had known them once but forgotten them. Shi stumbled out of the bed in a panic, hooves clopping noisily on the hardwood floor. Where the hell am I? Shi thought to hirself as she meandered blindly through the darkness, hands wide in front of hir in case shi should run into a wall.

A few scraped shins and a bout of colorful swearing later, shi reached the light, which as shi had guessed, was a door. Fumbling with the handle, Sheila finally managed to turn it open. As it swung inward, Sheila was momentarily blinded by the transition from darkness to light, but quickly regained hir vision and popped hir head outside. Looking left and then right shi found that this door opened into a hallway. It was well furnished, and appeared as if in somebody's home. There was a cream colored carpet on the floor, an almost identical shade to Sheila's own body fur, and the walls were painted a light bluish color and were speckled with paintings and lamps. The hall contained nothing of particular interest, save for doors. It seemed as if Sheila's room was at the end of the hall, and as shi looked to the left shi saw a door on either side every four feet or so, and at the very end of the hall was an opening into some other area. Sheila was now thoroughly perplexed, where was shi? Why had shi been brought here? Where was everybody?

Shi turned back around and found the light switch by the door. As shi turned it on, it revealed a decent sized room that seemed split in two. On the right side, Sheila's side, it was clean and neat, there was the bed in the corner, a night stand with a lamp next to that and a large box at the foot of the bed. On the other side, however, it was chaos. Exotic clothing strewn about, some food wrappers, posters of band shi'd never heard of. The bed looked ruffled and messed up, as though recently used, and the night stand had some pictures on it in addition to the lamp. On the wall beside hir bed there was a large mirror which shi caught hir reflection in. Shi took a good long look at hirself in it, hir black-brown hair was still tied back in hir usual ponytail, and the dark brown contrasted nicely with the light, cream color of hir body fur. Large soulful eyes of a pure crystalline blue sat perfectly proportioned on either side of hir elegant snout. Hir frame was rather average, shi was a little less than six feet tall, lean and toned, but not very muscular. Hir chest supported two massive breasts, each roughly the size of a cantaloupe, that were restrained behind a dark gray t-shirt. Further down, shi was wore a familiar, loose-fitting pair of jeans with rips at the knees, and a hole in the back to let her tail out. The jeans also sported one other curiosity however, a small bulge at the front. Sheila had always worn loose pants on purpose so that it would help conceal the fact that shi was a herm. A herm with a huge set of equipment at that, for behind the bulge in hir jeans sat a thick sheath under which hung a set of balls that were about the size of a pair of oranges. For all of hir sixteen years, it had always made hir self-conscious, that shi walked around looking like shi did, forcing a constant fear of ridicule and shame into hir brain. Shi hated what shi was, it kept hir from a normal life, from friends, from love. Realizing how much time shi had spent examining hirself; Sheila shook hirself from the mirror and decided to find out just where exactly shi was.

Shi exited the room and closed the door quietly behind hir as shi crept steadily toward the exit at the end of the hall. Sheila was grateful for the thick carpet which absorbed the sound of hir steps nicely as shi moved. Shi walked on without incident, covering the thirty feet or so of hallway with ease before finally reaching the end. The hallway opened up into a massive room, the ceiling seemed to stretch upwards forever, supported by large marble pillars that matched the floor. There was a massive front door, on either side of which sat two large windows, which were currently being pounded by heavy rain and choked with darkness. From the door there was a large carpet that led along the floor to a big set of stairs that split off to either side of the house, leading up to the second level. Placed just before the stairs though sat a large desk, cluttered with papers, behind which sat a middle-aged vixen who was writing something, a small lamp on the desk creating her own personal globe of light in which to work.

"Hello?" Sheila called out, hir voice echoing ominously in the cavernous hall. The vixen looked up from her work with a smile across her bespectacled face.

"Ah you're awake, come closer dear," the vixen said with a wave of her hand, her voice was warm and inviting, with a maternal quality to it. As Sheila began walking towards the desk, hir hooves clopped and generated obscene amounts of noise, making hir cringe with every step shi took. Warily shi approached the desk, examining the vixen with great care. She was your standard fox, dressed in a bluish shirt and black pants. Her auburn hair was cut at about shoulder length, and her storm gray eyes peered wisely from behind the thin frames of her glasses.

"And you must be Sheila," she said as Sheila stepped into the light, "My name is Jane, why don't you have a seat." Jane motioned towards another chair that was placed next to the desk. Sheila sat down and Jane turned from her work to face hir.

"First, let me say that it is my pleasure to welcome you here," Jane started, but Sheila felt compelled to interrupt.

"Pardon me but just where exactly is 'here'?" Sheila asked bluntly.

"You're now at Lost Souls dear, it is a home for wayward, or for those who have nobody to care for them," Jane said, finishing her previous thought.

"So then why am I here?" Sheila asked with genuine curiosity. A troubled look passed over Jane's face and she reached out and put her hand on Sheila's shoulder.

"I was afraid of this, you poor thing. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm afraid that...well...your parents are dead. There was a horrible car accident and they were both killed, you suffered severe head trauma which is why you don't remember any of this. You were admitted to a hospital for a week or so and then transferred here, where I oversaw the remainder of your recovery. I am so sorry that this had to happen." Sheila was shocked and sat blank-faced for a few minutes as shi tried to comprehend what shi had just heard. Shi tried desperately to remember what had happened but just kept drawing a blank. Shi stammered to find something, anything to say, to respond, to inform Jane that this had not crushed the life from hir then and there but shi couldn't. It just seemed so hopeless. Sheila was only barely aware of it, but Jane had walked over and helped hir up. Jane supported Sheila as she helped hir back to hir room. When they reached the door, Jane told hir to go and get some sleep and they would deal with it tomorrow, and all Sheila could offer in response was a weak nod. When Jane had left, Sheila closed the door and began to cry. Why? Shi thought as shi slumped into the corner, face buried in hir hands, Why me? Shi wept for what seemed like an eternity, the tears fuelled by the thought of hir parents. They were the only people who had understood hir and accepted hir for what shi was. But now they were gone, and there was nothing Sheila could do about it.

A good two hours later, the tears finally stopped falling. Sheila sat in a serene quiet, the silence only broken by the soft, rhythmic ticking of a wall clock. Shi cast hir gaze around the room; there wasn't anything else to do. Shi looked over at the other side of the room, at all the clothes and the posters and things, contemplating who it was that shi now shared a room with. Then, as if in answer to hir question, shi heard a noise outside the door. Sheila watched as the handle turned and the door swung inward. A white dragoness stood in the door frame, clad in a pair of tight camouflage shorts and a black tank top. She was about five and half feet tall and kind of thin. The first things that Sheila noticed about her though were her eyes. They sat like two perfect emeralds, greener than green could be. Those eyes locked onto Sheila's and it was as if for a moment that the dragoness was looking into hir very soul. The rest of her matched her eyes well, in that they were all mesmerizingly beautiful. Her face was thin and perfect, with a stud piercing in her left nostril. Her black hair was cropped short around her neck and looked slightly messed up, but whether that was intentional or not, Sheila could not tell. They sat there for moment, staring at each other before the dragoness let out a long, low whistle and gave Sheila the once over.

"So you must be my new roommate," the dragoness started, her voice was sultry and melodic and utterly hypnotizing, "They said you were pretty, but honey, you're gorgeous."

"Um...thanks," was the only reply Sheila could offer as shi watched the her enter the room. Sheila sat hypnotized by the dragoness, her every motion swayed her body elegantly and smoothly. She closed the door and walked over to the other bed before speaking again.

"So, you got a name? Or should I just call you sexy?" The dragoness said with a playful smirk. Sheila was taken aback by the outright flirtation; the palpable sexuality that emanated from her was enough to make Sheila's cock twitch and hir pussy moisten. Thoughts began to enter hir head unbidden, shi thought about bending the dragon over the bed and fucking her raw right then and there. Sheila shook hirself from hir thoughts, shocked by hir sudden urges, and stammered with a response.

"S-Sheila, my name is Sheila," shi finally managed to blurt.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Izmeralda, you can call me Izzy, and if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing in the corner?" the dragoness said with a slight tilt of her head. Sheila stood up clumsily and had a seat on the edge of hir bed. Izzy then went and laid down on her own bed, a contented sigh escaped her lips as she hit the soft fabric and mattress. She stared at the ceiling for a moment and then propped herself up on one elbow and turned in Sheila's direction.

"So what's your story? How does a girl like you end up in a place like this?" Izzy asked.

"My parents are dead," Sheila replied, hir voice quavering slightly. Shiela paused mid-thought as tears began to well up in hir eyes. Shi blinked them back quickly and sniffled a little before continuing, "Jane told me there was a car crash, I don't remember it, she said I suffered some head trauma."

"Oh...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Izzy said. There was a definite note of sympathy and concern in her voice as she trailed off.

"It's OK, I'll be alright, I just...need some time. But what about you, how did you wind up here?"

"Me?" Izzy paused slightly before she continued, giving Sheila the strange sense that she wasn't being completely truthful, but shi decided to ignore it for now. "I've been here all seventeen years of my life. I was born in Ravnus City, I guess my parents abandoned me when I was born, or something like that. Anyway, somebody found me and I was sent here, and I've been here ever since. Fascinating stuff, huh?" Sheila offered a tiny smile at Izzy's sarcasm before asking a question of hir own.

"Wait, Ravnus City? That's what you said right?"

"Yeah, we're about twenty miles outside city limits, why?" Izzy inquired, a puzzled look on her face.

"Oh, I used to live there; I guess my parents and I were driving back from somewhere when we got hit." Izzy nodded slightly and said nothing. They both sat on their respective beds, examining each other once again. They passed a short but slightly uncomfortable silence before it was broken by a loud, rumbling gurgle that erupted from Sheila's stomach. Shi couldn't remember when shi had last eaten and suddenly found a gnawing hunger thrashing in the pit of hir gut. Izzy's brows arched in surprise at the unexpected noise.

"Hungry?" She asked with an amused smile. Sheila responded with a timid little nod. "Well, we can go get something to eat if you want," Izzy offered with a shrug.

"Um, yeah, food sounds good," Sheila replied quietly, still shy in Izzy's presence.

"Cool, follow me," Izzy said with a wave of her hand as she turned and walked out the door. Sheila followed quickly behind Izzy as she walked at a brisk pace, her tail swaying behind her as she went. They moved from the hallway back into the cavernous entrance hall where Sheila's world had fallen apart mere hours before. It seemed even darker now to hir, the shadows and gloom hanging over it like a funeral pall that carried the weight of hir bottomless despair. Sheila looked to the desk where Jane had been working, pleading for some light to break the veil. Shi was disappointed to find it empty, the small lamp turned off and Jane having since gone to sleep. Shi repressed another tear as Izzy finally stopped in front of a large door on the left side of the main staircase.

"Here we are," Izzy said as she opened the door with a slight creak. Inside, it revealed another huge room, this one with long tables at its center and buffet style lines on either side of it. It was largely dark in there as well, however the shadow was reduced to a dim half light by some florescent lamps near the buffets. Sheila's stomach growled again and shi made off hastily towards the food with Izzy a mere step behind hir. The lines were obviously closed and there was little left, some salad material, a couple of dinner rolls, and some cold lunch meat. Being a horse after all, Sheila grabbed a large bowl of the salad and had a seat at the nearest table. Izzy sat across from hir, a couple rolls in hand. Sheila made short work of the salad, wolfing it down while Izzy watched hir with an amused smirk. Sheila set the fork down in the bowl with a soft clank as shi finished.

"Geez, you were really hungry huh?" Izzy asked, absently nibbling on one of the dinner rolls. Sheila responded silently with an affirming nod. Izzy rolled her eyes before speaking again. "Come on, I don't bite, you can talk to me you know."

"Sorry, it's just...with my parents and all. I'm not really that social anyway, I never have been." Sheila explained.

"Well that's a shame, people are generally good to be around," Izzy said placing an arm on the table to lean against.

"I've always found the opposite," Sheila replied darkly.

"What makes you say that?"

"People just don't seem to accept who I am, they never have."

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I think you're a nice girl. I can't see anything wron with you, you're just a bit lonely, we need to work on that," Izzy joked lightly and Sheila was going to respond before shi caught sight of something strange. Shi noticed a large web of dark scars on the inside of Izzy's right elbow.

"What happened to your arm?" Sheila inquired, pointing a finger at the scars. Izzy stiffened visibly as Sheila mentioned her arm.

"Nothing, I just got sick a lot as a kid, I needed a lot of shots is all," Izzy responded briskly, evidently eager to drop the subject all together. Now, Sheila knew that Izzy was definitely lying about her past, but if the subject made her that agitated and uncomfortable, Sheila figured that shi would just let it go, shi wouldn't want somebody grilling hir about the things that had happened to hir. Izzy exhaled shakily, trying to regain her composure in the uncomfortable silence that followed. It was still for a few minutes before Izzy stood up and made a move to leave the room.

"Hey, I'm going to go take a shower, you want to come with?" She asked the still seated Sheila.

"Sure, why not? I could use one." Sheila agreed after a bit. It would be a good opportunity for hir to relax and take hir mind off of things, shi always used to take hot showers at home to help calm hir down and it always worked, shi prayed that this time would be no exception. Izzy led hir out into the massive entrance room, shi hadn't noticed before but there were a mind boggling number of doors and hallways in this room and it made Sheila's head hurt to even think about how you're supposed to know where you're going, so shi just let Izzy lead the way. As hir eyes wandered across the walls and paintings, shi found hir gaze continually returning to Izzy's rump. Shi tried to look elsewhere but hir sight remained firmly rooted on her softly bouncing posterior and swishing tail. What the fuck is wrong with you? Stop it! Your parents just died, and all you can think about is sex? You barely even know her you pervert! Besides, what would she possibly want with a freak like you? Hir argumentative inner monologue passed the time rapidly as they walked on through corridors and hallways before reaching the showers. It was a large white room of porcelain and tile, a long row of shower stall across one side and some benches and towel bins on the other. Izzy crossed the room to one of the towel bins and grabbed two, setting one down on a nearby bench and throwing the other one to Sheila. Sheila clopped over to the bench and had a seat. Shi started to stare at the shower stalls, a dilemma rising up inside hir. Shi had thought that they would be private showers, where shi could be alone, but now shi had the choice of either seeming weird by not taking one or exposing hirself to Izzy to be gawked at and shamed. Meanwhile, Izzy had already started undressing, and was now down to a lacy black bra and thong. Taking note of Sheila's inaction, she turned and faced hir.

"What's the matter? Fear of public nudity?" Izzy asked with a smile. Sheila looked up from the floor and saw for the first time that Izzy was already only in her underwear. The same urges and desires shi had felt when shi first saw her re-entered hir mind and shi felt hir cock swell in the beginnings of a hard-on.

"No, no, it's just...well...it's nothing, don't worry about it," Sheila said, returning hir gaze to the floor lest shi become even more aroused.

"What? Come on, you can tell me," Izzy said unhooking her bra and exposing her tits to the cold air, her nipples hardening instantly.

"Listen, I'm just different alright? Let's leave it at that," Sheila replied, still staring at the ground.

"OK, if you don't want to tell me, that's fine, all I'm saying is that we're going to be living together so you're going to have to learn to trust me sooner or later, because the way I see it, if you're not comfortable in your own skin, then where the hell are you comfortable?" Izzy finished, and then she slipped out of her thong, standing completely naked before Sheila. Sheila looked up again to find her naked form, the nipples on her perfect c-cup boobs standing on end and the warm soft pinkness of her exposed pussy plain to see. Sheila thought about this for a second, this girl lives her life completely without regrets, without fear of what others think; shi thought to hirself, I wish I could be more like that. Sheila thought again, weighing the options in hir head, risk offending somebody who was rapidly becoming a friend, or risk being called a freak. Sheila was torn for a moment before standing and willing some of Izzy's courage onto hirself.

"Izzy..." shi said softly. Izzy who had already started off towards one of the stalls turned back around. "Just don't say I didn't warn you." With that, Sheila began to undress. The first part was easy; hir shirt and bra were removed with little hesitation, baring hir massive tits for all to see. Then came the hard part. Sheila placed her thumbs in the waist of hir jeans, ready to strip them off and reveal to Izzy hir out of place manhood, but something held hir in check, the same unfounded fear that had held hir all of hir life. Sheila closed hir eyes, took a deep breath, and dropped hir pants. Sheila cringed in fear of the freak out that would never come, the silence causing hir to open hir eyes to find a dumbfounded Izzy staring directly at hir crotch, mouth slightly agape.

"So then you're..."

"Yeah...I'm a herm. Just please promise me you won't tell anyone," Sheila pleaded, all Izzy could offer in response was a dumb little nod.

"Y-You don't think I'm a freak do you?" Shi asked, and Izzy took a few steps closer so that she was right next to hir.

"What I think doesn't matter," Izzy said placing a delicate hand on Sheila's shoulder, she had obviously regained her composure after processing the fact that Sheila had a dick, "It's what you think that does, but just for the record, no, I don't," Izzy finished softly with a smile on her face.

"Thanks," Sheila said, hir face mere inches from Izzy's.

"Don't mention it," Izzy whispered as she gently wrapped her arms around Sheila and bridged the gap to hir lips. For Sheila, the very first touch of the kiss was electrifying, sending shivers down hir spine and making hir weak in the knees. The experience was largely the same for Izzy, although she had done this several times before, this particular time just felt...right, as if they were meant to be doing this, even though they had only known one another for an hour or two. The two pressed into each other, their lips parting to give way to their tongues, dancing passionately, exploring each other's mouths. They continued for a while until Izzy broke the kiss and spun Sheila around and sat hir on the bench. Izzy then dropped to her knees and spread Sheila's legs wide, giving her full access to both of Sheila's parts.

"Now let's find out just how big you are," Izzy purred. Sheila went to respond before Izzy went to work on hir, and then all that came out was a lust struck gasp. Izzy began raking her tongue up from the bottom of Sheila's cunt to the tip of hir sheath in big long laps while she stroked Sheila's ever-expanding cock with her free hands. Sheila sat glued to the bench, hir every muscle paralyzed with rapture. Shi was ultimately a virgin and had never experienced anything like this before. It felt so wrong but at the same time so right, here shi was with hir parents dead, in a strange place, having sex for the first time with some girl shi barely knew, but at the same time Izzy was the only person shi'd ever known who didn't call hir a freak or leave hir or hurt hir when they found out shi was a herm, and even though shi barely knew her, Sheila felt a deep bond with Izzy that shi had never felt with anyone in hir entire life and if there was anyone in the world that shi would want for hir first time, it was Izzy. Shi was stirred from hir thoughts as shi heard Izzy say something.

"Holy shit, you're huge!" Izzy exclaimed as she had finally extracted Sheila's entire dick and was now kneeling with eighteen solid inches of black horse cock that was as thick around as a soda can towering over her.

"Izzy, there's some things you should know," Sheila interrupted as Izzy was about to pounce on hir cock, so she settled for stroking it as she listened. Sheila suppressed a moan before continuing, "I've never done anything like this before, so I don't know how good it will be for you."

Izzy merely smiled a warm knowing smile and said, "If I wasn't sure about doing this with you, I wouldn't have. I'll admit that I wanted you from the moment I saw, and when you showed me this," she said nodding towards Sheila's cock, 'I knew just what I wanted, and I got the feeling that you felt the same way." Sheila was shocked by Izzy's understanding of the situation. Was I that obvious? Shi thought to hirself, but decided to let the thought go, shi had more pressing matters.

"Thanks for re-assuring me for like the eight hundredth time tonight. I'm just really self-conscious, going through life as a girl with a penis will do that to you," Sheila confessed, Izzy nodded slowly, still stroking the flesh pole that was rooted in Sheila's lap. "Just one more thing, I...sort of...cum a lot."

"I look forward to it," Izzy winked. She then took one hand from Sheila's cock and began fingering hir pussy. Sheila snorted and whinnied as Izzy then began to suck on hir monster dick as well as stroking it and fingering hir. All three of Izzy's parts pumped in perfect unison, her hands and mouth running like a well-oiled machine, setting Sheila's nether regions alight with pleasure. She loved the feel, loved how Sheila's maleness felt, all thick and veiny and pulsing, in her hands, in her mouth, she didn't care, all she knew was that she wanted to hold onto it and never let go. Meanwhile, Sheila was nowhere near the planet called Earth, shi was far away in an orgasmic dream world, feeling hirself edge closer and closer to cumming as Izzy slurped greedily on hir rod and pumped in and out of hir dripping cooch. As the pleasure kept building, Sheila moaned and writhed as Izzy progressively swallowed more and more flesh. It was not long after that that Sheila began to feel the pressure in hir loins that signified a coming orgasm. Izzy sensed it too, felt hir muscles begin to tighten up, so she began working harder to bring her new found lover to bliss. Sheila was only able to hold on for a few more seconds as Izzy sucked down one final mouthful of horse before shi came.

"I'm cumming, oooh I'm cumming," Sheila gasped as hir femsex clamped down on Izzy's fingers and hir pole began to throb, spurting wave after wave of thick, sticky cum all over Izzy' face. She immediately put her mouth back to the flat head of Sheila's dick to swallow as much of hir cum as she could. She managed several large gulps but the sheer volume was too much and eventually several small streams managed to escape and ran down her face as she tried to deal with the huge load. Sheila's massive nuts tightened again and again, determined to give the dragoness her fill of their juice. Sheila watched, incredibly turned on, as Izzy drank hir cum from hir, lapping at hir sensitive head and sending small aftershocks of pleasure coursing through hir body. When Sheila finally stopped cumming, Izzy gulped down the last of it and parted hir lips from Sheila's manhood, thin tendrils of jizz trailing from her tongue to the head of Sheila's cock.

"So what did you think?" Izzy asked with a giggle. It took Sheila a moment to catch hir breath before shi could respond.

"That was incredible," Sheila managed between breaths. Izzy picked up some of the extra cum with her claw and applied it to her dripping cunny, she then stood up and bent herself over the bench that Sheila was sitting on, sticking her ass in the air. She began rubbing herself in preparation for the mighty ram that would be coming at any moment.

"Well, are you just going to sit there with that delicious spike of yours or are we going to fuck?" Sheila stood up at once after Izzy's lustful growl, and centered hirself behind the dragoness. Slowly shi pushed hirself into the wet tunnel of hir partner's sex, a tight, hugging sleeve of warm, slick love. Sheila sighed as shi pushed hir way in, inch by inch, wishing to make the most of this new experience. Izzy did likewise, closing her eyes and concentrated on the feeling as Sheila's thick, pulsing manhood shoved its way into her moist slit, every vein and bump forcing her wider as she was slowly impaled on Sheila's pole. Sheila placed shaking hands on Izzy's hips and pulled her the last few inches onto hir, unable to believe that the whole thing fit. When it was all finally submerged in Izzy, she let out a loud gasping moan, the intense feeling of fullness was unlike anything she had ever felt with anyone ever before and she loved it. Sheila began to pump hir hips, taking slow, short strokes at first, but then progressively moving up to longer and longer thrusts as Izzy cooed and moaned. With every thrust, Sheila got the hang of it more and in no time was taking deep, hard thrusts that took hir almost out of Izzy completely before slamming the flat head of hir cock into her cervix. Sheila grunted as shi rammed Izzy again and again and Izzy bucked herself back against it, willing it to go deeper into her. As their pleasures mounted, they ceased thinking, it was irrelevant, the only necessity was to feel, to react, to let all other sensation fall away and focus solely on the meeting of their bodies, the joined heat that set their nerves on fire and riddled their brains with rapturous bliss. Izzy's canal began to fill with her juices as the fucking became more intense and Sheila fought to control hir orgasm inside the agonizing pleasure of Izzy'd body. Sheila continued to pound her cunt mercilessly, the pillar of rock-hard flesh making an obscene squish every time it slammed into that dripping cunt, and her balls slapped against Izzy's shapely butt in time with her thrusts. They both felt their respective orgasms beginning to build as they continued to buck into each other, fucking their brains out and not caring if it killed them. The feeling kept getting stronger, the need for release more urgent. As the ramming continued, they found the strength somewhere to speak. The dragoness was first, feeling the imminent tug of her orgasm.

"Sheila, I'm about to cum," Izzy spoke through labored breaths.

"Me too," the herm responded, hir chest heaving from the effort.

"Let's do it together, and Sheila?"


"I love you."

And with one final push, they came. There was no experience on earth that could have prepared them for that moment, where everything stopped, and nothing mattered, just two young lovers pushing as hard as they could into each other, willing themselves to become one with their partner. A golden haze of rapture engulfed them, inescapable and complete, and their minds just shut down for a moment to take a step back and appreciate the situation. Izzy screamed and convulsed while Sheila grunted and whinnied as they collapsed to the floor, their bodies quaking while Sheila's cock pumped stream after hot thick stream of seed into Izzy's grasping pussy, filling her to the brim and then some. They laid on the tile, barely conscious as they rode out the last waves of ecstasy. When all was done, and quiet had been restored once more, they were able to whisper a few final words to each other.

"Hey, Izzy?"


"I love you too."

With that they fell asleep on the cold tile floor, their bodies intertwined in a pool of their own love, together and complete for the first time in their lives.

Lost Souls - Chapter 2

Fear and Self Loathing in Lost Souls Okay, so here it is, Lost Souls Chapter 2. I'm not entirely sure I like the way this one came out, it feels wrong in some indescribable way, I can't quite put my finger on it. Ultimately though, the story is for...

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Lost Souls - Chapter 1

Hey guys, just a quick forward here. First, sorry about the lines, I couldn't figure out how to make the friggin variable width line ending because nowhere in the tutorial does it tell you how, for the computer inept of us out there. This is my first...

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