Addiction Therapy: Third Session

Story by Darklingfox on SoFurry

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#3 of Addiction Therapy

The line keeps on moving as Dr. Gyle tries to deal with his troubling desires, only made worse by sleeplessness and growing paranoia. As he meets with his patient for a third hypnosis session, the lion discovers how easily some promises can be broken.

The room was large, dark, and foreboding. The carpet, soft to the touch, ran a deep crimson except for the narrow aisle that stretched up between the pews, reaching towards the altar at the far end. The doctor found himself to be naked except for his white lab-coat, staring down at the aisle which was decorated in dark blue, almost black in the flickering candle-light. It seemed to move for a second but then held still under the lion's uncertain gaze, staring back into him. Black as blood. The words formed themselves out of the ethereal mists that gripped his mind. The walls of the room were lined with narrow, arched windows of stained glass that alternated with sconces holding the somber sources of light. The stained glass appeared to be glittering pools of darkness. There was no light shining through them on this night.

The doctor's gaze traveled from candle to candle towards the front of the room. They were all talking about him; whispering to each other in their silent language of dancing flame. This realization began to anger the doctor, a feeling of unease and self-consciousness settling in.

Pay attention.

Gyle's attention was pulled to the altar. There was now a cloaked figure kneeling in front of it, back turned to him. Legs began to move, one step after another. The haze in the lion's mind made him feel like he was floating down the aisle instead of walking. The further down the aisle his legs took him, the louder the whispers of the candles became. They were judgmental, accusatory, questioning. Gyle tried to ignore them as he approached the kneeling figure, but as soon as he set foot on the dais, the room became utterly silent.

The cloaked figure rose to their feet and turned to face the doctor, lowering the hood that had previously obscured their face, and the lion swallowed hard. It was Nathan, his beautiful patient, standing there, shrouded in white. The pup's expression was one of calm compassion and trust, crystalline eyes fixed on the doctor who felt terribly exposed. The pews behind him, although empty, felt as if they were filled with a hundred otherworldly eyes.

You have come to save me.

The words that echoed in the doctor's mind were those of the pup who stood before him. Gyle opened his mouth to answer but a finger on his lips silenced him.

Do not speak.

The dalmation mutt surveyed the room before looking back into the doctor's eyes. They are watching you.

The lion swallowed, feeling even less comfort at his suspicions being justified.

Speak to me with this...

Nathan placed a soft paw over the doctor's heart.

Gyle closed his eyes, his heart pounding in his chest as his cheeks flushed. His whole body seemed to fill with warmth at the touch of this pure figure standing before him.

Have you come to save me?

The question echoed inside Gyle's mind like a bird fluttering around the ceiling of a cathedral. An upwelling of emotion responded with a profound and heartfelt: Yes!

At that moment, a terrifying, gut-wrenching sound pierced the air as a strong wind extinguished all of the candles in the room except for those on the altar behind Nathan. Gyle trembled and spun around to see the source of his undoing but the room had become calm and deathly silent once again. Quickly turning back to Nathan the lion saw that the pup was unaffected, although his expression had changed to one tinged with sadness.

The dalmation closed his eyes and shook his head slowly, turning and bending over to lift something from the surface of the altar behind him. Facing the bewildered doctor, the boy extended his paw which cradled a large syringe filled with a faintly glowing green substance.

What is this? The doctor glanced down at the offering, unsure of what Nathan expected.

It is what you came for... The pup's eyebrows furrowed with uncertainty.

I've come to save you from this place...

The color of the fluid inside the syringe began to change, becoming cloudy with a dark, shimmering purple, tinged with magenta.

Nathan shook his head.This is what you came for. To save me from this.

The lion gingerly placed his paw over Nathan's and closed his fingers around the cool, cylindrical object.

Is this your addiction?

Noah stared down at the needle in his paw.

Nathan remained silent, lost in thought.

What should I do with it?

Give it to him... Inject him with it...

Gyle blinked in alarm. This voice was not coming from Nathan, but from the darkness that had permeated the room.

"Who are you?"

This time Nathan did not move to silence the doctor. It was as if the pup was frozen in time.

Give it to him... Stick it in... Push the plunger... Inject him with it...

"No. Who are you? What is in this needle? Show yourself!"

Give it to him... inject him with it... it will cure him... try and save him...

The room began to creak and yawn as the doctor felt the breeze from earlier slither through the room, carrying the darkness with it. Something was happening and time was running out. Heart pounding, the doctor found himself raising the needle in his paw, his thumb resting over the plunger, and muscles tensing as he readied himself to sink the needle into something. Anything. The darkness snaked itself around the lion, swirling in clouds of shadow and cold.

Do it now! Do it now! Do it NOW!

Dark claws climbed up the doctor's back and with one quick motion the doctor stabbed at the darkness that surrounded him, putting all of his strength into the one action and in an instant the darkness vanished, leaving Noah with nothing but a clenched fist and a sharp, shooting pain. Everything was warm, spreading out from the site of the pain in his left thigh, clouding his mind with dizziness and confusion. Blinking, Noah stared at the needle that was buried in his own leg. Every drop of it had been emptied into himself and the horrifying dread was rapidly spreading through his system. It took every bit of strength to look up at Nathan who was now staring at him in disbelief.

The doctor opened his mouth, paused, and then collapsed in a heap at Nathan's feet.

With a jerk, Gyle opened his eyes and gasped, sweat pouring from his brow as he surveyed the outlines of his bedroom. A second passed before reality set in and the doctor relaxed back down into his pillows, taking a deep breath to try and calm his racing heartbeat. It was just a dream. Just a dream.

Just as quickly as he had awakened, the lion's consciousness slipped back into the rhythmic snoring of one who is unable to fight the heavy burden of sleep. More images and scenes flashed before his eyes, but none of them would be remembered in the morning.

_ _

_ _

Noah splashed a couple pawfuls of cold water over his face before looking up at the bathroom mirror. The lion staring back at him was weary, disheveled, and dripping. Ghosts of dark circles had begun to form under his eyes, barely noticeable, but enough that Mary had given him a concerned glance when he had come in that morning, opting for a larger mug to hold her amazing brew than his usual red one. He didn't even know they made mugs larger than his red one, but he was grateful for the gesture. The calico had acted like she was going to ask him about his appearance but her hesitation was seized upon by having to answer the phone, giving Noah the chance to escape with an appreciative nod and raising of his mug as he made his way to his cool, restful sanctuary at the end of the hall.

Grabbing a few paper towels from the dispenser on the wall, the lion dried his face. Sleep had been an unruly bedfellow for the past several days. Tossing and turning, waking up several times a night, and strange (if not troubling) dreams had robbed him of his beauty rest and it was beginning to show. However, these things didn't seem to be as much of a bother as they were on this particular day. While only the perceptive Mary had noticed his state so far, today was Tuesday--his talk session with Nate--and the last thing he wanted was to look anything other than at his best for when Nathan walked through the office doors. These thoughts had plagued him earlier when he was at home and he thankfully had the foresight to slip a comb into his pocket before heading out. A few swipes through his mane, paired with the invigorating splashes of cold water, turned the zombie into a sharp, dashing hypnotherapist--ready to take on a day that was already nearing its end. A quick glance at his watch prompted the doctor to grab his lab-coat and exit into the hallway where he briskly made his way to the Shady Oak Treatment Center. He had lost track of the time and Nate was likely to be already.

"There he is!" sang Mary as Noah entered the lounge from the outside hallway. He hated being late for anything, but fatigue had made it easier for him to get lost in thought. Two crystal-blue eyes looked up from a magazine and the dalmation mutt gave Gyle a timid smile.

Noah felt his heart skip a beat as he paused by the closing door and offered the young lad his paw.

"I'm sorry I'm late..."

The softness that found its way into his grasp filled the doctor with warmth. However, instead of shaking hands as Noah had originally intended, the pup used his paw as an offering to help him up out of his seat. The action was quite graceful, almost feminine, and Noah blushed as he glanced sidelong at the reception counter to see if Mary had noticed. Thankfully, the calico was hard at work at the copier and had her back turned. Returning his gaze to the beautiful eyes of his patient, Noah forgot to release the paw that he held, holding hands for a brief second longer than needed. His mind, so clear only moments before after the cold water, had filled with fog once more. Every fiber of his being wanted him to rub his thumb over the top of that soft paw, or what's more, to bring that warm body close to his own in a warm embrace. He knew that just letting go at this point, however, would cause awkwardness, so instead the doctor used the paw to help guide Nate around the coffee table and released it as they set off towards his office. It was reminiscent of a gentleman helping a woman out of a carriage and Noah inwardly feared that Nate would find it very disconcerting--that he'd somehow made the awkwardness much worse in an attempt to avoid it--but instead, the young dalmation seemed right at home, not seeming to notice at all. In fact, the doctor wondered at how graceful the whole thing played out, almost like a dance.

"How was your day?"

The words left the doctor's lips like a programmed script. His mind and heart were elsewhere, but the need to fill the silence with kind professionalism was still very much a part of him. For a brief moment, the doctor's heart seized up with fear as his tired mind thought he might still be holding the pup's paw as they walked down the hallway, but rubbing his fingers together revealed the feeling of warmth to be nothing more than memory of the physical sensation.

"It was okay I guess..."

A moment of silence passed as they drew closer to the door to Janet's office. The white noise machine was in use but the rustling of the doorknob promised the end of whatever session she was wrapping up.

"Nothing exciting really."

The door opened right as the two were about to pass and a black-haired, scowling feline almost bowled Nathan down as she tried to exit the room in a huff. Instinctively, the doctor turned to face the door and backpedaled, catching Nate in his arms as the boy fell backwards against the lion's body. The two were still on their feet, thanks to the startled hellion stopping short. Had she been in any more of a hurry, she would have planted her face right into Nate's. The near-kiss had both boy and girl staring bewildered at each other for a moment before the gothic feline regained her aggressive stance and yelled at the wide-eyed pup.

"Watch where you are going! Freak!"

A startled Janet appeared behind her and gave Noah an apologetic look which the doctor returned. He hadn't even noticed that his paws were on his patient's shoulders, the boy's body pressed close to his at last. It was the firmness growing in his pants, threatening to push back against the warm backside that was pressed against him, that brought the lion back to his senses.

Dr. Gyle quickly remedied the situation by helping Nate upright, the boy's cheeks flushing a deep crimson at the hateful glance and harsh words.

"I'm so sorry..." began Janet, kicking herself for unwittingly unleashing her fireball of a patient directly into the face of this poor, shy boy. The apology was not appreciated by the young feline, however, who glanced from Janet to Noah with a look of utter disgust before marching down the hallway in the direction of the reception desk. The three watched as, off in the distance, a chipper Mary began to say farewell and was cut short with a very loud: "SHUT IT!"

Noah and Janet exchanged glances before looking down at the dalmation who was staring at the ground with a dark, glowering expression.

"I'm so sorry," started Janet once more, "she can be pretty rude sometimes. Please don't let her get to you."

Nathan didn't look up or say a word; He simply continued down the hallway towards Gyle's office. Noah placed a paw on Janet's shoulder reassuringly before heading after his patient.

A growing anger crept in and began to seethe inside the lion. What a bitch... What a little cunt!There was no excuse for that sort of behavior. Nate had arrived in a relatively good mood and now that was shattered. His job was going to be all the harder because of that little bitch. And someone as sweet and as gentle as Nate didn't ever deserve to be treated that way. If Janet hadn't been there...

The lion darkly contemplated the feeling of his large paw striking the little shit halfway across the room as he turned on the white-noise generator outside his door and entered. It took several deep breaths to calm himself to the point of being kind and professional again. Nathan was already upset. Seeing anger would only make things worse. Sitting across from his patient, who was now avoiding eye-contact, Noah tried to come up with a good way to break the silence.

"What a little bitch, right?"

Nathan blinked and turned his gaze to meet Noah's. The lion was smiling apologetically and leaning forward a bit. Nate had never heard a therapist talk in such a way and it caught him off guard.

"I know... I probably shouldn't say it. It's not professional, but there is no excuse for how she behaved. She's like that to everyone, though. What can you do?"

Nate nodded and loosened up the slightest amount.

"She's probably just embarrassed. People like that tend to care deeply about what others think about them and they often hide it under a prickly exterior to protect themselves."

As he said the words, Noah began to realize the truth in them and his residual anger began to transform itself into shame for having forgot himself so easily. It was a gut reaction, he knew. It was so hard to see someone so beautiful, graceful, and alive be shut down by a ball of negativity like that. But in the end, he knew better. He should know better.

"I get it," said Nate with a sigh. The boy's posture became more open as the tension left on his breath. "It's just that I tend to get that kind of thing a lot. Especially from girls."

Noah straightened up in his seat and nodded attentively. The session had officially begun.

"Girls from school? Or girls in general?"

"Both, really. It's just... well... I don't know why they have to be so mean."

"Remembering back to my days in High School, I remember that a lot of people that age do tend to be unkind to each other. Part of it is likely do to hormonal changes, but it really does go back to what I said earlier. Insecurity can make some people act mean to others as a way to protect themselves."

Nathan frowned.

"That doesn't make any sense. Being mean to others just makes things worse."

Gyle nodded.

"That's true. It isn't a good coping mechanism. You're mature enough to see that, but unfortunately, a large number of your peers aren't necessarily so."

"Being 'mature' doesn't seem to help me any, though. It only makes things worse. It seems like no matter what I do, I'm always being ridiculed, mocked, made fun of, or cheated on and betrayed. Even random strangers seem to get off on smacking me down."

Noah's heart ached. He could see some of himself in this lad. The world could be a really cruel place for the innocent and true-hearted. His own childhood had taught him that well enough.

"It's rough... I remember going through many of the same things. I know it isn't easy. But it is important to keep in mind that the cruelty of others isn't because of something in you--it's not because there is anything wrong with you or defective about you. It's often the opposite really. Insecure people tend to target those who remind them of what they lack. I know it is difficult being awake to this kind of thing when most of your peers are not, but in the end, that is part of what makes you who you are. It's one of your many good qualities. And it is something that no one can take from you."

The next few moments passed in silence as Nate mulled things over, lost in thought.

"How are things progressing with school and your home life?"

"Nothing's changed really."

Noah waited. He didn't often like to wait in perpetual silence for his patients to talk or elaborate like many therapists had a habit of doing, often for the entirety of their sessions. However, every now and then he found it to be useful to let his patient search out their words. Sometimes it helped to bring the more pertinent issues to light.

"Mom is still being oppressive. My ex-best friend is still parading his little..." Nate bit his tongue but Noah sensed the word 'whore' floating out in the ether. "Well, you know. I hate that I have to go to school and see it every day. I can't concentrate on any of my classes..."

The waterfall was beginning to flow and Noah stood beneath it, listening for anything that might be helpful... listening... listening mostly to that beautiful voice. Every meaningful word. Every syllable. His hand remembered the warm feeling from earlier. His body... out in the hallway. He just wanted to wrap himself around the dalmation; to whisper words of comfort and to hear that beautiful voice... feel that warm breath against his muzzle... to breath it in... leaning closer...

Dr. Gyle swallowed hard and tried to focus, shifting his lab-coat to cover his lap more fully.

"...of course my mom thinks all of this is due to 'the great and terrible pot.' I mean, it's ridiculous but she just doesn't see it. She doesn't see me."

The gravity of that last statement stabbed deep into Noah. How could anyone not see Nate? His own mother even? How could anyone look away...

"The other night, she burned the lasagna and was griping about it at the dinner table." Nate was grinning in remembrance. "When she said she didn't know how it happened, that she did everything the same as last time, I told her 'It must have been the pot.'"

Nathan burst out giggling and Noah chuckled heartily.

"I thought she was going to lose her shit!"

That laugh was magical. Like a thousand silver bells bringing everything around them to life.

"I bet! That probably didn't go over too well."

"No, it didn't. She went off the handle talking about all the things she is doing for me to get me better and how I am some ungrateful wretch for not groveling at her feet and kissing them, thanking her Majesty for her not-so-gentle oppression."

Noah shifted in his seat. Now that was some imagery! Somewhere in the recesses of his mind he had taken the place of Nathan's mom in that scenario, and his pulse quickened ever so slightly at the idea.

Nathan's expression began to sober, however, as he looked off and to the side. Noah recognized the tell as expertly as any professional poker player might. He knew that look. Nate was thinking about his father. It was clear that there was something between Nate and his father that was the source of many issues, possibly even his addiction, but it was also such a sensitive subject that he didn't want to press too hard and risk Nate shutting down. Inwardly the doctor crossed his fingers and hoped that Nate would bring it up himself.

"Of course my dad just sat there and ignored the whole thing."

The fates must have been smiling on this session.

"... like he always does." Nathan added with an air of contempt.

"Tell me a little more about your father."

Nate shifted in his seat, looking uncomfortable before making eye contact again.

"What is it that you want to know?"

"You've mentioned that he tends to ignore things, and that you don't feel like you can share things with him. I'd like to get a better idea of your relationship with him if you feel up to it."

"What relationship?" Nate mumbled under his breath, folding his arms tightly around his chest.

"Well, it doesn't have to be anything in particular. I just noticed that you've brought him up several times and I thought it was a topic that might be worth exploring."

The clock ticked away the next minute in silence before Nate spoke. During the silence, Noah managed to steal a glance and saw that time was running short. He hoped that he could get as much information as possible before having to wrap things up. Chances like these were never guaranteed.

"Well, he really isn't much of a dad at all." Nate said flatly. His face was expressionless and his eyes gazed into some forgotten time and place. "He is just some stranger who comes home every day to ignore his family except when he is needed to dish out punishment. Or to make fun of his children or shame them for being alive."

Noah waited for a bit to see if Nate was going to add anything more before probing. The word 'children' caught his attention. To his knowledge, Nate was an only child. It must have been misspoken. This was a sensitive topic after all.

"Would you elaborate a bit on that?"

"On what?"

"The shaming."

"Oh... well... remember when I told you how he responded when I had a fight with my best friend?"

"He said something about you acting as if he was your boyfriend?"

"Yeah... well, anytime I try to bring something to him, it always goes like that. He either gets a far-away look in his eyes and ignores me, or he finds some reason to try and belittle or shame me."

Nate was starting to get visibly worked up but Noah needed more.

"Even when I don't go to him he will find some reason to put me down. Like one time at a football game I was watching from the sidelines, and later on at home he told me that people were talking about how I had my hands on my hips, and how that made me look like a fag in front of all the other adults. He said I should try to hold myself differently, and acted like he was concerned with my feelings. But it was all bullshit. He didn't care about my feelings. It was obvious from his eyes that he was ashamed of me and that all he cared about is what the other adults thought about him. That is all he fucking cares about. What other adults think. Like when I had my first kiss. You'd think he'd be proud of his little fag actually getting a girl, right? And what father doesn't pat their son on the head for a first kiss? Well, when I told him about it he just got that look on his face and chided me on how the other adults that were visiting took note that I was off alone with her in my room, and with the lights dim. I mean, it was an innocent kiss! But no, he couldn't be happy for me. He couldn't share a milestone with his son. He just had to ruin the moment by making me feel bad. All he cares about are appearances. All he cares about is himself..."

The silence that followed seemed thick and heavy, stretching on for much longer than Noah would have liked. Nate was trying to calm himself down and Noah didn't want to interrupt that too soon. On the same token, he also didn't want to spend the last of his time with Nate stewing over unpleasant things. It was clear that Nate felt his father was ashamed of him and didn't love him. But every time he mentioned specific things, things relating to him being effeminate, the words he used got more sharp and biting. Something about that really got to the pup and in the last few minutes Noah wanted to see if he could clarify it a bit more. The interaction with Nate when he first arrived at the office also came to mind. It was true that Nate had a somewhat feminine air about him. He seemed like a gentle and sensitive soul. What happened earlier seemed so natural to him. If this was how Nate was, then his father would have plenty of ammunition. If appearances were all that mattered to him, then a straight son with occasional feminine graces would be treated like... well, unkindly.

On second thought, the subject was just too dense to get into with only five minutes left in the session. He'd have to figure out a way to end it gracefully and pick it back up next time.

"This sounds like something that we should probably look into more."

Nate nodded, understanding the phrasing to imply that the session was drawing to an end.

"Yeah... maybe you could hypnotize me to forget my father ever existed."

Noah chuckled nervously.

"It doesn't quite work that way..." Couldn't it? "But we will see about helping you out in other ways when I see you next."

The lion winced at his odd choice of words, but Nate didn't seem to notice.

"Alright," was all he said as he stood up and offered a paw to Noah who took it and shook it gingerly. Although he didn't do it on purpose, there was no manly squeezing this time. Instead it was warm, soft, and friendly. Something about it was more... honest.

Watching the pup walk down the hall, Noah leaned up against his door-frame. He even walked with a slight sway sometimes. What a cute boy.

The lion heaved a heavy sigh as Nate disappeared from sight, letting his mind trail off to other things. Perhaps tonight he would get some peaceful sleep.

_ _

~ ~ * ~ ~

The tired lion leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes before wearily fixing his gaze on the clock across the room. The slow, jerking movement of the second hand sounded off like the slow march of soldiers heading towards some unknown battle. Sleep had not been kind. Strange, warped, and incomprehensible dreams had left the large cat with nothing but tired eyes and a growing sense of apprehension. He had tried to write off the feeling as a figment of his imagination, perhaps due to general anxiety over the current economy and his difficult patients. Lack of sleep, however, had made it difficult for him to deceive himself. He knew what was coming. That slow march was towards a single battle that would take place in the evening around 5pm, only about four hours away. It was a battle that had been preceded by many skirmishes since his last talk session with Nate. Two days before, it had been easier than he had hoped. He still had feelings he had to keep under control: The yearning to feel that warm body close to his; to hold that soft paw; to lean in and kiss the boy with all the passion that he had been holding at bay for what seemed like an eternity. He even gave in and allowed himself the pleasure of watching that cute ass walk its way out of the offices. But the small victories of willpower seemed like nothing more than the fog of war today. Talk sessions were different. Protected. They took place earlier in the afternoon when most of the office was still around and with more patients to come. It was true that they only took place a half-hour earlier, but the thing that they lacked, the most important variable in the whole equation, was hypnosis.

Noah's mind tip-toed around the warm, pulsing firmness that he had held in a bundle of tissue a mere seven days earlier, his paw slowly gliding over the surface; as well as the subtle, intoxicating scent of the pup's seed as he had cleaned his member. A shiver ran through him as he closed his eyes and tried to push the thoughts from his memory, but they refused to leave. They had buried their claws deep into the lion's mind and he knew there was nothing he could do about it for the time being. Nothing short of self-hypnosis would help him, and he only had four hours, many of which were filled with work.

Opening his eyes, Noah gazed at the clock and let out a soft moan. He felt a soft paw sliding over the bulge in his pants, stroking along its outline and squeezing it through the cloth. His cheeks flushed as the paw slowly stroked and tugged at his sensitive warmth. It was Nate's paw, he told himself in the dizzy haze as he pawed at himself, wanting to free his large member from its confines. Yes... the sweet, sweet boy was finally touching his therapist the same way he stroked himself off in front of him last time. Such a cruel, cruel thing to do... What a naughty boy...

Biting his lower lip, Noah slowly pulled down his zipper and slid a paw inside. These were bad thoughts... no... they were good thoughts. Good because he could get it out of his system. He needed this. He needed to get off before he had another session with the pup. It would protect him. Help him keep his promise to himself about the events of last time being a one-time thing. No... they could never happen again. They had to remain sealed away... only in his mind.

"Mmmmm..." Noah rumbled deeply as he felt his soft paw caress his warm skin, slowly wrapping it around his lionhood. His voice had become low and raspy, a mixture of sleepiness and dizzying lust.

"That's it. Just like that. Such a good boy..."


"Dr. Gyle!"

"Jeezus!" The doctor violently jerked his paw out of his pants, falling back in his seat and nearly toppling over; kicking a cup of pens half-way across the room from the top of his desk in his flailing. It took two full seconds of deafening heart-pounding and steadying himself before the lion realized that the voice had come from his intercom and not from over his shoulder.

"Dr. Gyle?"

Noah collected himself with some deep breathing as he zipped himself up. Jesus Christ, Mary... What horrible timing. With the combination of coffee, sleep deprivation, and surprises, he could have sworn the receptionist was trying to give him a heart attack.

The lion hunched over his desk and pressed the little black button.

"Yes Mary?"

"Janet's heading down to the cafeteria for lunch and wanted to know if you would like to join her."

Noah looked up at the clock. It was his lunch break. He hadn't even noticed. Not that he was hungry by any stretch of the imagination. Still, it might help to get out and get his mind off of his patient, even if just for a little bit.


"I'll be right out."

"Oki doke! I'll let her know!"

The doctor's sigh turned into a large leonine yawn as he leaned back in his chair and straightened out his pants. The startling had taken care of his previous situation. Just as well.

The walk to the cafeteria was uneventful. Mary had been otherwise distracted, taking a personal call on her cell phone, and Janet had gone on before him to secure their usual table which, as it turned out, wasn't very necessary. The cafeteria was practically empty except for two or three others quietly nursing some microwaveable soup on the far side of the room. As for Janet, she had her usual salad that she brought every day from home. It appeared to be a mix of leafy greens, nuts, and berries; topped with a sprinkle of feta cheese and some kind of vinaigrette. A glass of chilled water was all she had to accompany it and Noah mused that her healthy diet was likely one of the reasons this beagle beauty was able to maintain such a vibrant and youthful appearance.

Janet smiled as her lunch partner pulled out the chair opposite her and had a seat.

"Good evening Janet," offered Noah with a smile.

Janet raised an eyebrow and gestured at him with her fork.

"It's afternoon, silly, but I was beginning to think it _would_be evening by the time you got here."

She ended the statement with a wink before taking a bite of her salad.

"Well, you know... when work is this fun you lose track of time."

Janet grinned and took a sip of water.

"Oh please... your clients are adorable. You'd really have something to complain about if you had to deal with my little devils."

Noah raised an eyebrow and grinned.

"You mean, like the one that nearly took out Nate and me on the way to my office last Tuesday?"

"I'm so sorry about that!"

Noah chuckled and took a sip of his coffee.

"She has been such a pain lately, you have no idea."


Janet stopped for a moment, noticing Noah's mug, and then giving the lion a questioning glance.

"Is that all you're having for lunch?"

Another long sip delayed any answer.

"You know, you've been looking a bit rough around the edges lately. You should really eat something! I know Mary's gourmet coffee is great and all, but lions can't live on coffee alone."

Noah looked up from his mug with a hint of surprise.

"You know about it too?"

Janet giggled and sat down her fork.

"It's our little secret. No one else can know."

Noah's grin was genuine as he watched Janet lean forward and survey the room furtively. Getting out of the office for a bit was a good idea.

"Mary and her coffee is ours and ours alone," she added with a creepy whisper.

"I won't tell if you won't," offered Noah with a chuckle, taking another sip.

Janet sat up in her chair and smiled impishly.

"She doesn't like you, you know."

The remark caught Noah by surprise and he almost spat his sip of coffee back into his mug.

"Excuse me? Wait, what?... Mary?"

The incredulity behind his voice caused Janet to double over with laughter.

"No!... Silly... Not Mary! I'm sure she loves you. I'm talking about 'My Little Hellion,' you know, the one that almost bowled your poor boy over!"

Janet's laugh was punctuated with a snort which caused Noah to crack up as well. Janet was so cute. Eating lunch and talking with her had always brightened his day. He didn't know why he had skipped out on it so much lately, or how he could ever forget how restorative being around her was. One thing was for certain, however. Hearing Nate referred to as 'your boy' had sent a warm shiver down his spine. He really liked it. Wanted it. _Needed_it. Hearing the words fall from her lips felt like it almost made it so. And as if she knew... and was okay with it.

"Well, I can't say that it surprises me. She doesn't seem to like anyone."

Janet sat up straight and began to prod at her salad with her fork.

"True... Boundaries are a problem for her and so she tries to cross everyone else's. But she made it a point to hammer out how much she doesn't like you specifically this last session."

"Oh? Hmm... I wonder why."

Janet looked up, her eyes sparkling in that mischievous way they always did when she was in a playful mood.

"I think it is because she knows I do." The statement was punctuated with a wink as she took another bite of salad, searching Noah's eyes with her own.

Noah blushed a bit and tried to hide it behind his mug. He was feeling overly-caffeinated by now, and needed something else to hide behind.

"Trying to push your buttons, eh?" That would have to do.

Janet nodded avidly as she finished her bite.

"Everyone's. All the time. But how about you? How are things going with your new client? He's a handsome young thing."

Noah swallowed and shifted in his seat, his pulse quickening. He didn't like where this topic was headed at all and for once he was grateful that he had already been supplied with a reason to blush.

"I felt so bad for him when all that stuff happened last Tuesday. Is he alright?"

Noah nodded.

"He's fine. It shook him up a little. He's been dealing with a lot. But I think he was feeling better a few minutes into our session."

Janet smiled.

"That's the good doctor for you. Working his magic with the clientele."

Noah didn't think he could blush any harder. The words were too close for comfort and the large cafeteria's walls began to close in around him, making it hard to breath. Was this anxiety? Could Janet see? No... No, that was paranoia talking. She didn't know. No one knew. No one ever would. He just had to find some way to squirm out of the situation. He needed to leave without making it seem suspicious.

Janet tilted her head as amusement was replaced with concern.

"Are you okay?"

"Hmm? Oh... uh... yeah. I... It's just that I think I need to get something to eat and maybe lay down for a bit. This lack of food and all this coffee is finally catching up with me, I think." Perfect!

Janet leaned forward and placed a paw over his, genuine worry in her eyes.

"See? I told you it was going to catch up with you sooner or later. You should take better care of yourself. I worry..."

Noah forced a weary smile.

"I know... I should listen..."

"Yes you should! Now go get yourself something full of protein and go lie down for a bit..."

Oh gawds.

"Are you sure you'll be okay? Need any help back to the office?"

The lion waved off his friend and smiled as best he could.

"I'll be fine! Really... you go ahead and finish your salad. I'll be okay."

And with that Noah fled the cafeteria.

Back in the confines of his office, Noah lay stretched out on the sofa. It was the closest he had ever come to having a panic attack. He knew the signs well, as many of his patients had to deal with such things, but never before had he felt that sense of all-consuming dread looming over the horizon, waiting to crumple his world in around him like a tin can. He was lucky to have gotten away from Janet before the dizziness and sweating set in. Luckily, Janet knew him well enough to know when she should drop by and check on him and when he preferred to be alone, and at this time that is all he wanted: to be alone. Is this what he had to look forward to? Anxiety? Paranoia? No... That was why it is so important to make sure that nothing like what happened last time ever happens again. The risk was too great. Far greater than any of the rewards could ever be. Far greater... Far greater than feeling that soft paw slide over his chest? Trailing down to slowly unbutton and unzip his pants? Slipping slowly inside to grip the warm member, pulsing with heat and need?

Noah swallowed. It was only halfway through his lunch hour. He had been interrupted earlier, and for a little while he had thought it might have been a good thing. Getting off to thinking about Nate could possibly only make things worse. It ran the risk of only feeding his obsession. But... But maybe it was what he needed. Maybe it was the responsible thing to do? To make sure that nothing happened when Nate was actually in his office?

A paw slowly stroked over Noah's straining bulge once again. 'Your boy.' His boy, she had said. Mmmm... it felt nice. The thought. The sound of those words sliding over him like warm fur as he slowly stroked himself through his slacks. There was no way he could even hope to continue his day like this. He was in no condition to help anyone if he was so preoccupied... Oh gawds... The thought of those paws gently working his lionhood, that sweet face lost in a trance.

Unthinkingly, the lion got up from the couch and made his way over to his desk chair. Sinking inside he allowed himself to unbutton his slacks and tug down the zipper. A chuff of hot air escaped him as he felt his paw... no... Nathan's paw, slowly sliding over the form of his hard cock, only the thin cloth of boxers separating the two. His other paw slid into his pocket and deftly removed a small, silver key. Lowering and angling his body in his chair, the small key found it's home in the keyhole of his top desk drawer. A small turn and a sliding sound revealed the hidden contents. Inside the open drawer were several wads of used tissue. This is okay, Noah thought to himself. Small mementos from that one time. He couldn't help himself. He couldn't bear to let them get thrown away. At the time, he had told himself that keeping any sort of evidence was foolish. It was utterly dangerous. But somehow... somehow they had ended up out of the trash and inside his locked drawer. How did they get there? Who would do such a thing?

In a daze, Noah grabbed a paw-full of the used tissues and brought them up to his face, burying his muzzle deep inside the softness and inhaling deeply. The results were instant as the intoxicating scent of Nate's spent seed flooded every last inch of the lion's being. His heart rhythm became light and flighty as his head spun with desire and lust. His large, dripping lionhood had been removed from his boxers by some unseen hand. It was being stroked, milked slowly and deliberately, with each motion sending shivers through his muscular frame. Nathan... Every breath was deep, filling him with that blessed scent--so much yet never enough. Every inhalation bringing him higher and higher, his pawing becoming more and more deliberate, almost frantic. His leonine hips undulated as he imagined the dalmation mutt grinding his backside against him, pressing back against his hot cock like he had almost done out in the hall. Such a naughty boy... such a tease to toy with his doctor like that. Stroke after stroke and thrust after thrust, the doctor's paw became slick with precum. The cum-matted tissues tugged at his heart with savage delight. The scent was so strong, but never strong enough. The musk was so intoxicating, but the lion yearned to feel it squirting over his hands, to taste it's potent flavor as he heard that sweet boy moan. Oh gawds... Nathan... my sweet, sweet boy... Another deep breath and the doctor felt his balls tighten. He was so close. That naughty, tease of a patient was too much for him, milking him, whimpering for his seed. Nathan longed to feel those jets of hot lion cum against his chest, his paws, over that sweet muzzle of his...

With a few last, savage strokes the lion slammed his free paw, tissues and all, down onto his desk as his body arced out of his chair and he let out a roar and gasp of pleasure. Ropes of hot lion cum landed over the edges of paper stacks and files and trickled down the side of his desk. He didn't care. His mind was riding a wave of utter bliss as he gave Nathan what he wanted, making such a big mess--the room now flooded with his own scent as well.

There was a crackling sound. Panting breaths didn't quite mask it. What was it? Where was it coming...?

From. Oh gawd. The lion's eyes grew wide as he realized his paw had slammed right down on the intercom button, broadcasting his roar of pleasure out to the front desk. Like a child removing their hand from a hot stove, Noah jerked his paw back. He hadn't felt the button through the tissues in the throes of his self-pleasuring, and now his climax was settling down into a feeling of mortification. Dear god no. Maybe... maybe no one heard it? He didn't notice Mary at the desk when he had returned from the cafeteria. Maybe she was out?

Tick... tick... Tick...

Silence. That was a good sign. Maybe no one had been there to hear it after all...

Noah's sigh of relief was interrupted by a beep.

"Doctor Gyle..."

Noah's blood ran cold.

"... ... is... everything okay?"

Noah looked up and closed his eyes, wanting to die.

What a horrible day this was shaping up to be. His mind was blank; numb with the afterglow of one of the best climaxes he had had in a very long time. His humiliation simply co-mingled with it, and a few seconds later he still had nothing clever to say to hide his utter embarrassment. Without thinking, his finger found the transmit button and pressed it down.

"Yes. Everything's fine."

He let up off the button. Not even the clock could cut through that heavy silence. A few seconds seemed like hours before he heard the crackle of the intercom again.

"... oh... okay!"

There was almost a hint of a giggle behind Mary's voice and Noah hung his head, moving to cover his face with his paws and stopping just before giving himself a face-full of his own seed. The lion sighed heavily as he stared down at his paws. There was nothing to do now but to clean up and face the remaining three and a half hours like a blind-folded fool being led out before the firing squad. No... it wasn't that bad. He just had to regain his composure. Be strong. Professional. People had suffered worse embarrassments. And if this is what it took to prevent another occurrence with Nate, then it was more than worth it. Just three and a half more hours.

Without thinking, the doctor swept the balls of tissue back into his desk drawer and locked it shut.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Dr. Gyle welcomed Nate into his office with a smile. While it was customary to go retrieve your clients from the lounge area and walk them to your office, Noah had decided to ask Mary to send him in over the intercom. He knew he would have to face Mary sooner or later, but today wasn't going to be that day.

"Welcome back! How was your day?"

Noah guided Nathan over to take a seat while the doctor activated the white-noise generator and shut the door. There was a brief pause before the lion turned the lock as well. The action was automatic--subconscious--and before he knew it he was sitting in front of his favorite patient, clipboard in lap, listening attentively to Nate talk about some annoyance he had experienced with his pre-calculus teacher that day. Noah had always guessed that Nathan was a bright boy, but the fact that he was already into calculus was proof positive of the amount of talent this pup had. Apparently he had an argument with the teacher over a problem she graded incorrectly and he eventually won, boosting his grade back up to an A. Listening to the dalmation talk about his life made the rest of Noah's world seem to melt away. Looking into those crystal eyes and watching the dynamic changes in expression made everything else in life seem insignificant by comparison. The boy had somehow turned the tables: This time is was Dr. Gyle who was in a trance.

"Don't you think?"

Noah blinked, snapping back to reality.


"Teachers and doctors seem to think they know everything when really they are just people..."

Noah grinned.

"Well, I mean, except for you of course."

The lion chuckled and raised a paw in surrender.

"Guilty as charged. Sometimes it is easy for people in all professions to forget that we are all basically the same, deep down. And no one is infallible."

Nate nodded and shifted a bit in his seat. He seemed to be filled with energy this evening, some sort of amalgam of nervousness and eagerness.

"You seem a little nervous."

"Me? Oh, no... it's just that... I dunno."

Noah tilted his head questioningly.

"I guess I've been looking forward to this all day... it has made it a little hard to concentrate."

Noah's heart soared. No praise he had ever received even compared to such a statement from this vibrant pup.

"I'm glad to hear that," offered the lion with a smile that belied the intensity of happiness beneath. "Have the sessions been helping?"

Nate nodded lightly, trying to think of ways in which things may have been getting better.

"It feels good to be able to talk about these things with someone, you know?"

Noah nodded.

"I mean... Other than Jesse I don't really have anyone else I can talk to. That, and, I dunno..."

The lion's ears perked. Nathan could've had him eating out of the palm of his hand.

"I guess I like being hypnotized. I feel so... rested and calm afterward. And..." Nathan blushed.

"Hmm?" Noah felt like a puppy, begging for scraps; like a child on Christmas.

"Jesse thinks it is pretty cool. I mean, being tranced out and stuff."

Noah chuckled and sat back in his seat.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that you enjoy these sessions."

"I do," said the pup as he shifted a bit and smiled, looking down at his left foot.

All previous humiliation and anxiety evaporated in face of the warmth that swelled within the doctor. How he could ever have felt any anxiety about meeting with this pup was beyond him. He was the only thing that mattered, and any sort of praise from him seemed like validation from a god.

From a god?

Noah blinked. He had to get a hold of himself. Where the hell was this coming from? Though... he didn't want to get rid of those warm, happy feelings. He could keep those at least... but now was the time for being firmly grounded and professional. This was a patient. Stay focused.

"Well then, would you like to get started?"

Nate nodded, shifting and trying to get himself in as relaxed a posture as he could.

So eager...

Dr. Gyle reviewed a few of the notes he had on the clipboard in front of him.

"Okay... so we will begin by bringing you under, and from there we will pick up where we left off."

Nathan nodded.

There was something odd at the fringes of his mind that Noah couldn't quite put a finger on. His heart was beginning to feel heavy, as if something bad were somehow about to happen. But none of that made any sense. A simple induction and some searching was all that was going to be taking place. So why the dark feelings?

"We will start with..."

Noah trailed off. Counting? Wait... Stairs? Wait... what is this?

An ominous chuckling gnawed at the edges of Noah's mind and he closed his eyes, trying to squeeze it out of his head. Nate, in anticipation, had already closed his eyes and was waiting for whatever words came next. His eagerness to get started made him oblivious to the anxiety that was showing on the doctor in front of him.

", okay... just close your eyes and relax..."

Relax. The internal voice was taunting him.

"Just take some deep breaths."

Breathe deep.

Shut up! SHUT UP! Calm down doctor, just take your own advice. Just breathe. Just breathe. Nothing bad will happen this session. You promised. You're a professional.

"Now Nathan?"

The doctor's voice was shaky and threatened to alert the pup; Nate's eyes beginning to open with hints of worry in them.

"Now You're Under."

The command was solid. Firm. Direct. It reached out in the form of invisible wavelengths and entered the dalmation's mind--flipping a switch; shutting things down--and all the tension drained out of Nate in an instant, his body becoming limp like a rag doll.

Something deep inside Noah wailed with grief but his body responded immediately as the shiver of power arced up his spine. Seeing the boy become limp like that on a single command made the lion salivate--making him hard, and filled with predatory lust. Such a good boy... So obedient. And the lion reached down to stroke his growing bulge.


The voice was deep and dark, hardly his own.

"Verify your position."

A few moments of silence passed before a sleepy voice replied.

"I'm in my safe place."

A wicked smile etched itself across the doctor's face.


Noah watched helpless, cradling his shattering willpower in his hands. Is this all it takes? Is this all it takes to bring me to my knees?

"Now, I want you to remember back... remember back to that time before... the second time you were exposed to drugs..."

No... No! Please!

"Do you remember it?"

"Yes..." sighed the serene pup in front of him.

"Do you remember what you were doing? What it felt like?"

Nate began to shift languidly on the love-seat. A bulge was beginning to make itself evident on him as well as he spread his legs a bit and rested a paw on his crotch.


Noah's will cried out for mercy. He had promised not to use the anchor he had put in place previously. He knew it would have this effect. But... but it wasn't his fault! Nate was going to see his anxiety and it would have broken trust. Raised questions and worry... Nate would have seen had he not put him out! But this... this wasn't what he wanted. It was just a one-time thing... one time... just one more time that's all. Just once. No more. No... no more! Not one more time! Just... ... Oh gawds...

The lion had begun to stroke himself through his pants as Nate began to do the same across from him. It was happening all over again, and as pleasure began to cloud the doctor's mind, that dark presence that had seemed to force his hand began to fade, leaving only Noah and his boy, together, stroking and rubbing at themselves in the silence of his office. It felt so good... to just sit there across from this beautiful boy... watching him trail his paw over his bulge, teasing himself. His face... it looked so peaceful, yet there was something else there. Was it need? Yes... Poor thing... He needed to be set free... just as the doctor needed to be set free.


Nathan moaned quietly.


"... Yes?"

"Make yourself comfortable," breathed the lion, closing his eyes and reaching for the button on his own trousers. But as he did, something stopped him. Remembrance. He remembered what it felt like sitting in his office chair, imagining the boy's soft paws on his maleness. It was one thing to watch... but what if... what if he just felt the tiniest caress? Would it be so bad? No... he had to keep it separate. But... maybe... maybe he would just sit next to Nate while he pawed. Just get a closer look. That's all.

As the dalmatian slowly unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, Noah slid over to sit next to him on the love-seat. The change in weight caused the boy to slide in the doctor's direction, his head leaning against the doctor's shoulder as he reached in and pulled out his glistening, red puppy cock. Noah closed his eyes and took a deep, quavering breath. That sweet musk made itself known again, but this time, there wasn't just imagination to supplement it. It's source was right there, right within paws reach.

"Oh Nathan..." breathed the doctor as a shiver ran through him. The puppy had begun to pleasure himself as the lion opened his eyes and watched. Only a couple feet away, and mere inches from the lion's paw. More than anything he wanted to touch the boy, this time without tissues separating his paw from that slick, warm flesh. But he couldn't. He shouldn't. Just watch. Just this once more...


The puppy had heard his name. He was awaiting a command. Dr. Gyle swallowed. His mind cloudy and his heart full of conflict.

"Make me comfortable..."

It was little more than a whisper but the boy heard and obediently complied. His soft paw slid from his own member and made contact with the bulge in the doctor's pants and the doctor inhaled sharply as he felt the fingers close around it. He couldn't believe this. Nate... his patient... was gripping his cock. Such a sweet caress. The lion had to focus just to keep himself from coming in his pants. Deep breaths were all he could manage as the paw slid up his seam to undo his button and slowly drag down his zipper. It wasn't too late, he told himself. Touch through cloth... that wasn't so bad. He could still stop this before bare flesh ended up in this boy's paw. But words failed to form in him as he felt the fly of his pants peels away and that soft, supple paw slide down over his boxers, finding the doorway, and then slipping inside.

Gyle gasped and his cock jumped as the soft paw closed around his flesh. It was too late. The paw slowly pulled the thick lionhood from its confines and into the open. Time seemed to cease to exist. It was too late to stop now. And without another word or thought, the doctor slid his paw over the boy's lap and wrapped his paw around that blessed, pulsing cock of his. Every inch of his being, he knew, would have cried out in agony if the boy had released him; if that sweet paw was removed. And he feared his willpower might have been enough to be okay with it, forever barring such pleasures from his existence. He just couldn't allow that. He had to take the boy's cock into his own paw to prevent it, and with the mewling and sighs of the puppy as he slowly began to stroke the boy's dripping maleness, the lion surrendered to the puppy's touch.

The soft paw that gripped him and slid up and down his shaft was more divine than Noah could have ever hoped for. Every stroke was pure bliss; each slow movement was a step closer to pure ecstasy. Every time the boy's paw glided down his cock, slick with pre, the lion had to fight hard not to come. He wanted to draw this moment out for as long as he possibly could. His need was mind-numbing but he didn't care. He had to make it last. He could feel the dalmation's hips undulating as the puppy thrust up into his paw. The sixteen-year-old's scent was strong and filled with the lust of youth. The lion wondered to himself if the boy had ever done this with anyone before. Surely he had... there was something to that memory that had triggered this whole circumstance, and as he began to stroke the boy more quickly, he felt need and lack of control in the twitching of the boy's hips and cock. This sleepy figure needed it, it needed release every bit as bad as Noah, and he desperately wanted to give it to him. Somewhere in the haze the doctor thought of taking that beautiful cock into his mouth and sucking him off. He had come this far... but no... this was already far enough. Just pawing... nothing more. It wasn't sex... right? It was just masturbation... That's all it was. That's all it could be.

Nathan's thrusting had become more erratic... his knot growing as he moaned hotly against the doctor's shoulder. Noah looked down at the boy's sweet, serene face. His eyes were now squeezed tightly shut as he panted and whimpered. There was more need in the boy's thrusts than there had been the last time, and the doctor smiled warmly down at his boy. His. It's much different when someone else is doing it for you, isn't it, thought the doctor as he smiled affectionately. As if he had heard the doctor's thoughts, Nate angled his muzzle upwards. He would have been looking at Gyle had his eyes been open, and now their muzzles were only a few centimeters apart. The warm puffs of their panting mingled and the doctor inhaled the boy's breath, unable to resist the magnetism as the movement drew their lips together into a warm, passionate kiss. The world fell to pieces as the doctor's tongue found the boy's, sliding along each other and sending a wave of heat through the two as the doctor moaned loudly into the boy's muzzle. That silkiness--the taste of the boy's tongue--were too much, sending the lion over the edge and the large cat began to come so hard that it almost hurt. The jets of hot lion cum shot out over the divide between the love-seat and the couch, leaving dark trails in the carpet as well glistening streaks on the cushion's edge. The boy's stroking had become quick and frantic as the pup reached his own climax and his squeezing was milking Noah for all he was worth. Two seconds later the lion felt Nate yelp into the kiss, his hips bucking against the doctor's paw as he started to shoot his hot seed into the air and over the doctor's paw with each desperate thrust.

The two suckled on each other's tongues as they rode out the waves of each other's orgasms, paws and cloth covered with the evidence of their passion; And even though Noah hated the idea of those soft lips leaving his own, his need for oxygen forced him to withdraw, panting as his heart tried to beat its way out of his chest. Falling back into the love-seat, he could feel the boy's paw still moving along his length, very slowly now--well lubricated with a copious amount of the lion's seed. Each breath didn't seem like enough. Even the lion's hearing became deafened with a faint ringing sound. That feeling... that stroking; It was so heavenly. So much so that Noah feared he would become hard again, and with that sleepy head now resting and panting against his shoulder, he knew he couldn't allow things to continue. He doubted he even had the stamina for what might happen should their session go on for much longer. He had to stop this. Clean up... get things taken care of before the boy awakened...

Nate's dripping paw slid over the lion's tip and along its underside, giving the doctor's slick cock a sensuous squeeze and causing Gyle to shiver. The lion released his messy grip on the pup's red length in order to grab his wrist. The stroking was bringing the doctor back to life and, at least now that it was over, he had the willpower to prevent things from progressing any further. The paw slid free with ease. Nate's breathing had turned from pants to something more akin to a soft snores; an opportunity Noah was happy to take advantage of.

Sliding from the love-seat, Noah gently positioned Nate into a lying position, allowing his head to rest on the arm-rest and lifting his feet onto the second half of the seat. Immediately he saw the problem and cursed himself internally. During the passion of... their therapy session... the doctor wasn't paying attention to where the results of such activities were landing, and the sleeping patient's pants were now covered with dark, wet patches of drying cum. From experience, Noah knew that this wasn't something one could just wipe out. It was much easier to clean a paw or two as well as the dripping cock of a sleeping dalmation but this...

The doctor surveyed the room for anything that might help. He knew that he only had so long before the sleep deepened and then gave way to a nap that could easily be roused at the most inopportune time. And even if Nate was completely oblivious--even if his mind was, perhaps, made to overlook such a thing--his mom was sure to notice and ask questions when her son came home from a therapy session, covered in cum. Subconsciously, the lion's body began to associate his rapid heart-beat with the growing concern and soon the cold sweat of anxiety began to cling to the lion's worried brow. There was nothing he could do. He was screwed. Maybe... maybe he could implant some memory of Nate masturbating in the men's room after his session? Noah mentally kicked himself. No. That was too far. Criminal. By now he couldn't lie to himself: he had violated his position of trust. That was something he was going to have to deal with. But it quite another thing to take the leap from mutual masturbation to mental tampering, or even sex. No... this wasn't sex. He and Nate hadn't had sex. It was.. Just touching. It was wrong... but it wasn't as wrong. It wasn't as wrong... It was fine. Just touching. A problem he would deal with on his own at a later date. But for now time was not on his side. Evidence was drying and he had to do something before it did. He had to act fast, and scouring the room was turning up nothing.

Noah almost tripped himself in an effort to keep a glass of water from turning over as he bumped into the edge of his desk, gripping the salvaged vessel with dismay. Great. Now this was covered in cum as well--just another thing he had to clean before... The lion blinked, staring at the glass in his paw. Water... lukewarm water... Noah's eyes widened as he celebrated internally. Yes! Water! If he couldn't get rid of the evidence, he could at least mask it with something else, something innocuous, something... much more easily explained! And what's more, he wouldn't have to use his abilities to cover his tracks. This was good. Really good. He would sort everything out later, but as for now...

The lion made his way over to the sleeping pup and knelt down beside the love-seat.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Nate stretched out his arms and yawned widely before propping himself up. It felt like he had slept for ages--the deep, restorative, rejuvenating sleep of the dead. It was one of the reasons he liked these sessions so much. He never felt as rested as he did after leaving his hypnotherapy sessions. This time, however, something felt odd as his mind's lens refocused on the reality of the waking world. Something was off... cold. Looking down at his pants, Nathan's eyes began to widen. They were wet. His whole crotch area and the inseam of his pants, soaked right through to his fur. Shock and embarrassment gnawed at the pit of his stomach as the dalmation looked around himself, mouth agape.

"... Oh... Oh gawd... I'm so sorry.. I.."

Noah leaned forward with a warm, reassuring smile and placed a paw on the pup's knee.

"Don't worry about it. It's just water," offered the lion with a grin and a nod towards an empty glass on the end-table.

Nate stared at the empty container for a moment before heaving a deep sigh of relief and flopping back into the cushions with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh, thank god, I thought..."

The doctor chuckled and leaned back, cradling his clipboard in his arms.

"No, no... there is nothing to worry about. You just got a little thirsty during our session and the glass slipped from your hand as I was handing it to you. It's my fault really. I should have made certain you had a firm grip on it."

Noah swallowed at his questionable choice of words. The pup certainly did have a firm grip...

Nate looked up at the ceiling for a moment before focusing on the doctor with a weak grin.

"I guess I was really out of it, huh?"

"You could say that. But I think we are making progress."

Internally Noah winced. He hated lying. Especially about something as important as therapy. But he needed to make sure Nate left with a positive attitude. It would help his explanation be more convincing when he got home.

Nate nodded and succumbed to another wide yawn.

"You know... I have felt a lot better since I've been coming to see you. Something must be working."

The words were offered with a smile and Noah felt the bitter-sweet bite of the praise as well as the guilty shame it betrayed. As much as he cared for this pup, the lion was aching for the session to draw to a close. He needed to be alone--to process the evening's events. The right words to end it were not making themselves known, but a glance at the clock was all it took, triggering a sudden recollection inside his patient who started to stand and fumble with something in his pocket. After a second Nate produced a cell phone, something that Noah had completely been oblivious too while administering his deceptive baptism of the pup's lower garments. Luckily, the phone seemed to have been spared. Noah would have felt horrible if it had been otherwise.

"I forgot to tell you," started the dalmation as he scrolled through something on his touch-screen, "I won't be able to see you for the next couple of weeks as I'll be out of town."

Noah's heart sank.

"Out of town?"

"Yeah..." The pup nodded as he turned off his phone and returned it to his damp pocket. "The first week is a family vacation. My parents wanted to go somewhere for my birthday, but really, it seems more like a vacation for them than it is for me."

Somehow this didn't surprise Noah, given what he had learned about them so far from the talk sessions.

"And the week after is a ski trip I am taking with the school band."

"Oh, that sounds like fun."

Nathan nodded. "It might be."

The words didn't sound convincing, but Noah didn't feel like going into it. Instead, he offered a (cleaned) paw and a warm smile as he rose from the couch, setting the clipboard off to one side.

"Well, I hope you have fun. And stay safe! I know how treacherous those slopes can be sometimes."

Nathan's grin was genuine, and for a moment the doctor forgot all such things as guilt and internal dissonance.

"Don't worry, I'm a pro."

Noah laughed and shook the boy's hand.

Leaning against the door-frame and watching the pup round the corner in the distance, Dr. Gyle realized for the first time that he wasn't going to be able to see his patient again for half a month. The idea didn't appeal to him, but deep down, he was somewhat relieved. He had a lot to sort out and this was a perfect opportunity to do so, free of temptation or tests of will. And above all, the doctor felt tired and spent. Perhaps tonight he would be able to claim that elusive treasure that he seemed to be able to bestow on others so easily. Tomorrow was a new day, and the doctor was going to have a new patient to look after for the next couple of weeks in Nate's absence. And the sooner he started, the better.

The lion gazed down into his distorted reflection in the doorknob for a few moments before finally turning off the lights.