Dragon Valley

Story by triple on SoFurry

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Story's info

Genre: Dragoness, Tiger, Bondage, Master/Pet, licking

Number of pages: 9

Hours of writing and checking: 6 (believe it or not)


Dragon Valley

Halfway midday around 4:00 PM a young tiger came out of a dark, and deep green forest. The sun was shining on his orange fur whit black stripes. It seemed to gloss a bit in the bright midday sun. He was happy that he came out of the forest by now. If he came out around 11 AM or 12 PM it would be much to hot to walk further. Anyway he knew exactly what lied before him. A valley, the most feared valley ever known on this damn country. The valley of the dragons. However he had to cross it to reach the city at the other side and this was the only and safest way. At his right and left there was huge mountains with a valley between them, nice green and open. That was the trickiest of it. no way to hide for whatever sees you from the mountains. There was only one rest spot, a small oasis with a small river, with trees and bushes to hide. Some called it the valley of death but the official name was the Dragon Valley. There where many tales about this valley, some true some where made up to scare others. The one he remembered the most was the one his father told him. A young vixen about his age was also walking trough, just with out problems she ran trough the 50 km long valley. She ran because she knew the danger was always luring from the mountains at her sides. Constantly she looked at them to see what she feared the most. But nothing, when she was nearly there she had to rest her body. She had still 10 km to go before she would be safe and reaches the forest again. She lied down for a moment just to rest for about 10 minutes, that rest was the last one she ever took. He shook this thought of himself and looked at the huge mountains with white tops. He knew the danger very well, he actually sawed them once, when he was camping here with his father, when he learned about traveling and surviving in the wild. If he hurried he could make it before it would get dark. It got dark here sooner then anywhere else because the huge mountains would soon about 3 hours from now cover the last sunrays and then you where lost, no hope for you then if you walk here when its night. He checked his bag, his spear he was carrying with him and if his clothes where still sitting alright. He calculated if he would run at half of his speed he would be able to reach 40 km in 2 hours the last 10 km he would walk and if he got chased by them he had a reserve to sprint away from them. He putted his spear between the bag and his back and started to walk on all fours as he was faster on those. One deep and final breath escaped from his lungs and he started to run, watching the mountains continuously. He felt strong and energetic when he begun to run at 20 km/h. He lifted expertly his paws high enough not to trip and not to high to waste energy. He was good at running and he knew he had a great chance of surviving if everything would go alright. He could feel the cold wind flowing against his body and his face. He smiled at the thought what he would get if he reached the other side.

At the top of the mountain a female dragon was taking a nap outside, lying on a rock in the nice and warm sun. He had just ate and was a bit tired of the hunt so that's why she was sleeping. Her long red body shined in the sun, her scales reflecting in it dark red. How ever her scales felt like a skin and where flexible. She head a long muzzle with two teeth bared outside. Two horn of 8 inches each where pointing above her head and her wings where folded behind her. Her tail was 5 feet long as she was 7 feet long. Her tail was long and about 9 inches thick. Her excellent eyes caught a flash. She was half asleep and awaked by the flash. She looked curious around. After a while looking with her eyes like a hawk at the valley she saw something running, not to fast but fast enough to reach the other side safely before night. And she saw the flash again. It was the a small crystal which was attached at his spear.

"Tsj tsj, little foolish tiger." She thought.

"If he just had buried that spear away he would probably made it."

She stretched her self as her eyes where locked on the tiger. From here for a human it was barely to see with his eyes, but a dragon's eye is even better then a hawk's eye and so she could see like she stood 50 meters away from him. She jumped of her rock and spread her big, dark red wings as she flew trough the air.

Down in the valley still unaware of the approaching dragoness. He rant nicely and smooth on his four paws. How good he looked at both side he couldn't see anything. He wasn't aware of the approaching danger. However he never knew that the sunlight which was reflected in the crystal had lured a dragoness at him.

She flew at high speed downwards, making sure she is not seen by him by flying behind small peaks. She moves expertly trough the rocky mountains here way down. Suddenly she stops moving down and flies toward the forest he was heading towards, she makes sure she could hide behind rocks and small peaks of the mountain. She already could imagine what to do whit him. She wouldn't kill him.. at least not yet. She wasn't hungry and killing was not really her nature. She would keep him as a toy or something. Something to have fun with. And if she would get hungry again she would eat him. With this thought she got a faint smile on her face. Anyway before she would have him she would have to get him first. She stayed on one line whit him as she awaits her chance to strike.

Panting a bit he arrives halfway of the valley. It was around 5:00 PM he had ran a bit faster then he actually wanted it. He arrived at a small forest which was a rest point for travelers who traveled trough here. He holds down his speed and begins to walk trough the trees, it was more of a oasis then a forest, it was pretty small and a river flowed trough it. Before he walked inside he checked the both mountains for any danger but couldn't see any so he went inside.

She saw him entering the oasis, just like she wanted it. As the coast was clear now she flew down silently with out any noise. Her big red wings flapping in the air as it lifts her 300 lbs heavy body. She wasn't afraid of being seen by him because the oasis would prevent him from it. The wind was flowing past her body making a soft sound in her ears. She was totally focused on what she is doing and how she does it. She lands silently at the edge of the forest. Her big feet lands softly on the green grass with out a sounds as she walks inside the green oasis, aware that he could be everywhere and see her. She noticed him at a small river where he was drinking from.

"Perfectly" She thoughts.

"A better chance I wont get."

His bag was behind him against a tree while he was drinking from the cold and refreshing water. He didn't notice her presence. He just enjoyed the cold water flowing in his body as it cooled down his heated body from the running, cooling down his burning lungs. She walks over to the bag and grabs his spear which was leaning against the tree next to the bag. She looked a final time at him, his 6 feet tall body covered by a red tank that sits loose around his chest. He wore black jeans where his 4 feet long tail popped out of it, it was nice, smooth and orange with some black rings in it, some how she finds him attractive, lying there, innocent and harmless drinking from the river. He wasn't exactly harmless, only for her at this state of him. As she picked up his spear she slowly and carefully while she pointed the spear at him. He was finishing his drinking and lied down, looking at the trees at the other side of the river. She just stood one step away from him. With one more step she stood right behind. Quickly she pushed a paw in his back, forcing him to stay down to the ground while she pushed the spear against his neck.

He felt her paw on his back and wanted to turn around quickly but only hurts himself at her nails, scratching against his skin. Then the next moment he felt a spear pointing in his neck. He cursed himself to be off guard while he was drinking.

"One more movement or you die." She said

"Who are you?" He asked as he lays down still.

"I'm someone you better could have avoided today"

"C'mon kill me, I know your going to do it."

She laughed at him and pressed it harder against him. Also her nails of her paw where pressed against his skin. She wagged with her tail behind her as she could see fun in this.

"No, I just ate. I'm not hungry so I don't kill you."

He was confused, a dragoness that didn't kill him? He didn't knew what to think about it till he had decided. He shall only get one chance to get free before she would take him away.

"W-what are you going to do with me then?" He asked scared.

"Ohw just for some personal purposes" She grinned evilly at him.

He knew exactly what to do. She would regret it, taking him for what ever she wants of him. He stops moving completely and showed his paws at her.

"Ok ok. I surrender just don't hurt me please"

She grinned once again evilly at him.

"So you agree to be my slave then?"

He nodded slowly at her, still lying down on his stomach. This was going alright, just how he planned it.

"Yes miss, of course"

A small laugh came from her, he could barely hear it. She pulled the spear away and got off him. He turned around and knelt before her. She pointed the spear before him again, but before she could ask him anything he grabbed quickly the spear out of her paws as she was startled by his movement. With the spear in his hands he slowly walked back from her. She was pissed, he jus betrayed. Her eyes started to glow dark red and you could see smoke coming from her two big nose holes as she breath out. Expertly he moved the spear from one position to an other, making him able to strike back if she would come to close.

"You pissed me off slave." She released an another breath trough her nose. "That was something very stupid you just did"

He shrugged as he keeps standing on guard, moving his spear between his finger, rotating at high speed like a trained warrior. She gets slowly near him examining him very well. She smiles softly at him thinking that he could actually resist her. She gets closer to him, wanting him to attack her. As she gets close enough for him he sprung up in the air, holding the spear ready for a vertical attack, while he slashed down his spear to her she ducked, took a step aside, took a 180 degree turn allowing her tail to get in position to break his spear. Her tail high in the air smashing down on the spear is it touched the ground. Breaking his spear in two parts he didn't had a weapon left and was startled by her quick movement. She was not inexperienced in fighting. Something that he would hoped to avoid. She took a another step toward him as she lifts her paw to punch him. He ducked to avoid her punch but it was a trick, she lifts her feet right in his face, letting him fly a bit trough the air, landing on his back. She walked to him and knelt besides him as he was nearly out of conscious.

"A bad day for you to cross the valley." Was all he heard

A quick movement of her tail made him unconscious him, hitting him with her tip of her tail in his face.

When he awake he felt pain trough his chest and his head. The first thing he thought was, Am I in heaven? But soon reality hit him, he felt his paws chained to the wall in a cave. He sat down with his paws above him and his feet freely before him. The second thing he noticed was the red dragoness which was looking at him from the couch.

"Good night my slave."

She grinned at me. Reality had once again hit him again, he failed and had to pay the price of his risk he had token. His live would end soon probably, if he was lucky he had a few days, that is if you call it lucky to be a slave of a much stronger scaly then you for those days. He looked at her and smiled faintly.

"good night mistress, how are you?"

"Still pissed of that you tried to escape and a bit happy I have you now."

She grinned even more and leans her big, muscular arms on the couch looking over it to me. She knew she had him for as long as she wanted, but she doubted it if that was very long. She stood up and walked around the couch toward him. Then when she got from behind the couch a whip was shown by her, holding it her paw as she walks toward him. His eyes widen at the sight of the whip.

"Don't be afraid my slave.. I'm not going to hurt you if you behave."

He desperately tried to get out of the chains, but he only hurts itself with it as the dragoness looked at him.

"What are you doing slave?"

She said with a lovely voice. He stops suddenly whit trying to get free and smiled softly back.

"Nothing miss, why should I try anything."

He indeed hadn't much to try, if he would get to resisting she would kill him and use him as her next dinner, at least that was if she wasn't planning it already. She lowers herself as she faced him straight in his face, baring her teeth a little while she smiled.

"Shall we have a bit fun my slave?"


"You heard me."

"What are you going to do...?"

The only answer he got was a smiles from her. She stood up and released his paws from the iron straps. He rubs his wrists as they where painful during the time he sat there. She turned away from him as she nodded him to follow her. he considers the chance to run away but it would only make his death come sooner and more painful.

"Now my slave come on. We go to a more proper area to have fun."

She smiled at him knowing that it would fear him. He stood up and shivered a bit, being nervous, curious and afraid made is body weaker. He slowly walked behind her, making sure he stayed out the way of her red tail. She opened a door as they both entered a room. His eyes widen immediately at this sight. He stopped walking an just stood in the doorway. She grabbed him with her long tail around as she forcefully pulled him. It made him trip and felt down on the cold and hard floor. She locked the door and kept the key on a nightstand. She turned around to him as he laid there on the ground. She was thinking of what to do with him, with all those nice toys here. He crawled to the bed, seeking support for his weakened body, pulling him self on the bed he looked terrified around, seeing chains, whips and various other punishment and torturing toys. The bed where he was sitting on was made for slaves like him, he could see iron straps and chains in the corners of it. She had more slave like, and as he could see non where here. That could lead to two option. Or they where released or they where dead. He feared the worst.

"Hmm, what shall we use today huh?"

She walked around examining various chains and weapons. Until she had token her decision. she turned around to me, standing behind the bed looking with a evil smile at him.

"Lay down on the bad immediately and sprawl."

He obeyed with repulsion as he climbed on the bed. It was soft and pleasant to lie on but further with the ideas of what would and could happen all the pleasant in your body disappears. He lied down and sprawled on it. Letting her to chain him to the bed. He closed his eyes and hoped it would be over as soon as possible. Why did he had to be the one to be get caught today. He probably would never know what awaited him at the other side of the valley. She attached the straps on him and tightened them.

"AHH, not to tight miss, please..."

She loosened a bit but still tight, he couldn't move, only his tail and his head. As she finished chaining me to the bad she crawled over him looking at him. Fear came in him, not wanting to know her plans for where for him. Fearing her like the devil.

"We are going to have fun slave"

She said that playfully and sweet, it only gave him a more worse feeling about it. He restrained a bit as she came closer to him. She might have noticed it but did nothing about it. She was just interested in him. As she knelt before him on the bed she looked at his black jeans while shaking her head.

"tsj tsj, my slaves are not allowed to wear those , the only thing my slaves wear are a pair of chains and a collar."

She ripped of his jeans and threw them away. He growled at her when she did that, but he quickly silenced as she hit him whit her whip.

"Never ever argue with me or resist"

She hit again to make it very clearly to him. He could feel pain flowing trough his chest from the whips, his fur might have reduces the pain but it was still fierce for him.

"I-I'm sorry miss, P-please stop."

She nodded at him as she got off him, walking slowly around him while playing with her whip. She smiled constantly at him. She leant toward his face as she reached out a paw to him, stroking his fur on his cheek softly with her soft and strong paw. She softly went with her paw down to his neck, then his chest where she played with a bit larger bush of his fur. Right in the middle of his chest as his fur flow trough her paws.

"You have suck a lovely fur my slave, I'm going to enjoys O so much."

As answer he only could give a terrified look at her as he was feared the worst what she was planning.

"What are you going to do?"

He actually knew the answer but he asked it anyway. She shook her playfully while grinning at him. She softly stroked his chest, playing with his fur enjoying it to tease him, making him scared and fear for his life. It where desires she just occasionally had and took every chance to get a new slave or pet when she could. As she gazed down on his body she could feel her desires coming up, desire she needed to temp them. She crawled over him, spreading her legs as she sat on him, having her knees at each side of him as he could see her slit if he held up his head. She grabbed him by his pelt on his chest, lifting him up as far as the chains allowed it. She lowered herself towards him quickly as she kissed him, deeply forcing her tongue inside him as he resisted heavily, but nothing she could bother. She let him down again, breaking the kiss smiling at him. The kiss made her only desire more of him. She crawled closer to his head, forcing him to see her slit, which was becoming wet. A sweet scent filled his noses, arousing him a little. In fact she sad so close with her slit in front of his muzzle that he could lick. Which was exactly what she wanted, being licked by such a large and rough tongue of him.

"Lick me slave, and lick me good."

He hated it, licking a feline was ok for his thoughts but a dragoness? NO, he didn't want to do it. But if he didn't do it something much more worse could happen. While deciding what is better, dieing or licking he decided to lick her, he might have felt it a bit arousing but it was completely against his ideas. He slowly leant his head forward to lick her. She grabbed his head pulled it closer to her slit, feeling his wet nose pressed against her wet slit made her moan softly, wanting more of him to feel as her desires grow.

"C'mon lick me, LICK me."

She leaned backwards as she could feeling his warm tongue and rough licking over her wet slit, licking her juice. It became wetter with every lick of him, letting her moan louder as she loved this. He kept licking her as he had to, his muzzle pressed against her slit as he had to gulp down all of her juice she was releasing into his muzzle. She moaned more louder with every lick he gave her, she felt her body tensing up, her muscles stretching at the outmost pleasurable feelings. She pushed his head closer toward her, forcing him to lick into her, giving her more pleasant feelings. His nose was now pulled into her slit, forcing him to smell her sweet scent, teasing him with it as he had to lick deep in her. Juice flow over his muzzle, making his fur wet and smelly on his nose and cheek. Her feelings made her reach her climax, juice streamed out of her slit, over his muscled as the rest landed on his chest. She moaned deeply, from pleasure and excitement. It took a time before she had caught her breath again and was able to speak properly again. She let his head go as it felt on the bed again, tired and wet. He could almost cry from what he just experienced, it was awful for him, but he hoped he pleasured her enough to keep himself alive. He panted a bit from the short of breath but quickly recovered as he noticed she was releasing him from the chains. She smiled at him.

"If you keep behaving this good and treating me like you just did, I might keep you as slave, you don't have to fear for your life then as long as you're a good obedient slave. Now stay in this room till I come back from my hunt, and don't worry, I'll bring something for you as well."

With those word he was left alone in the room and was locked again by her. He laid down on the bed tiredly thinking about how is life is going to be as a slave, if it was worth living it, if he could get a chance to escape. One thing he knew for sure, nobody would miss him down there...


Author's Information

Age: 19

Nationality: Dutch (the Netherlands)

Number of stories: 4 (this is the fourth)

Years of studying English: 6

E-mail: [email protected]

I put this information with my story's because I would like you to know that first before you post anything stupid. It's important to have a picture of the author before you say anything about him or his story.